Well that was a trip down memory lane, I recognised so many places. Good times indeed and Harry was a big part of these times. He is still sounding great, loved the song list, if i shut my eyes I could be transported back to club land, the cabaret acts, the banter, the smoke filled lounge bars, the bingo and of course the committee:-) Talented musicians & singers made these clubs very wealthy and super busy in their heyday. Singers like Harry who turned up every weekend, including afternoon shows to draw the punters in who then spent their hard earned money on enjoying themselves. The end of an era for sure.
Well that was a trip down memory lane, I recognised so many places. Good times indeed and Harry was a big part of these times. He is still sounding great, loved the song list, if i shut my eyes I could be transported back to club land, the cabaret acts, the banter, the smoke filled lounge bars, the bingo and of course the committee:-)
Talented musicians & singers made these clubs very wealthy and super busy in their heyday. Singers like Harry who turned up every weekend, including afternoon shows to draw the punters in who then spent their hard earned money on enjoying themselves. The end of an era for sure.