This talk has just shown me how much its SO VERY İMPORTANT that as Muslims we need to learn our deen really well and stop making it a second or third priority on our to do list..Jazakallah kheir :)
my dear brothers and sisters, personally i have been brought up in a salafi environment but studying and living in a sufi environment for almost 3 years.What im saying is finding those correct sufi is really hard and its usually very difficult to differenciate as a muslim ( who isnt an Alim or with great knowledge of the deen) and ability to tell what is wrong and what isnt. i think its better to stick with that which is clear and i believe if we concentrate with this then its safer to do so.BUT the sheikh has helped me in many topics to make clear distinctions, May ALLAH bless him and his effort of encouraging unity amongst the muslim Ummah.Great and beneficial talk :)
I feel like so many people are commenting without watching (part 1 AND 2) This sheikh studied for years, i doubt he's just going topullout random informationamd twist it. If you watch part 1 he statesthat this is HIS stance, wether u accept it or not. If you dont agree good for you. Personally i think he justified everything he said with good evidence and explained everythong wrll Alhamdullilah, May Allah swt increase him in goodness.
Ameen, some Muslims will never want to reconcile with anyone no matter how much is brought to the table in terms of knowledge of the deen. May Allah guide them ameen.. love this shaykh! Amazing character & so much hikma MashAllah
What a brilliant brilliant explaination ya sheikh. Always finding the common ground without compromising the deen. May Allah swt preserve you and increase you in knowledge. Ameen
Although I'm inclined to the Tasawwuf group but I think the shaykh has done his best to reconcile the groups with various inclinations. Excellent lecture explaining the extreme ends on both Sufi and Salafi groups and methods to unite them all. May Allah unite us all in this beautiful way of life called Islam with its various branches. May Allah reward the shaykh and elevate him more in his deen's effort. Ameen
Issue is pakistani punjabis who cant even pronounce the prophets name correctly and they go around calling imams mushrik, munafik, kaafir. Bunch of doyles. Never seen my deobandi ustaads doing this. My ustaads never claimed they are deobandi.
VERY Beneficial lecture! Mashallah and funnyyyyy as well, Very well explained Alhamdulillah regarding salafis, sufis bid'ah etc and true no doubt he speaks the haqq. May Allah bless him and continously benefit us with his knowledge and grant him and us jannatul firdaus Ameen. Thankyou Admins of Hikmah for sharing this may Allah bless u and grant u all good in both worlds Ameen.
Mashallah a lot of the comments are about Unity despite certain differences. We may not believe in everything the Shaykh has said but what's more important is we unit as one
A fairly balanced view. Just to clarify certain things from the sufi side: We have to be very careful about superficiality. This guy Hasan Ali, in closing remarks (1:08:34), said that if a brother is doing wrong, you must go tell him and quote your hadith. That is quite heavy handed, and assumes that you have full understanding about what that fellow is doing. You might have absolutely no idea what he is doing and why. Case in point, Hasan Ali's experience going to the dargah and what he saw with his own eyes. What he saw is not necessarily what is actually going on. I go to Mazaars/Dargahs/Mausoleums/Graves of awliya and I went to Khwaja Saab Mazaar in Ajmer, India. When you try to go there, you have to go through a maze of gullies with shops. It is in those gullies where you'll find all these salesmen and chancers who try to sell you flowers, cloth chardars, sweets and strings and what not. They make it seem as if you have to buy these things in order to be able to go in and visit the dargah. They even charge you to keep your shoes with them. In reality however, you don't need any of that. You can go in with nothing and pay no one, and once you get close enough in the dargah precinct, you can leave your shoes for free as other place. Then you go in there and it's freaking crowded. There'll have these mujawars, putting flowers and cloths, randomly accepting money and what not. Then there's some people bowing down to the grave. Some have their hands raised in dua pointing at the grave. It all looks like shirrk. The reality however, can be far different. Perhaps there are a few nutters committing shirrk and making tawaaf of the grave. But then there are Hindu's who also come in great numbers and have great belief in the dargahs. So they'll be bowing in sajda and going around the graves. Then there are others who are muslims, and yet they are in sajda or with raised hands. These fellows are in sajda not out of worship, but rather out of respect. It is in deep indian culture to bow to anyone whom they respect or love. They bow to their living parents and teachers as well, and so bow to the awliya they respect in the same way. So it might look like they are worshipping the grave in sajda, but it's simply respect and culture. They use example of the story of Adam AS and how Allah commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam, not out of worship but in respect. And people raise their hands, not to ask the grave of anything, but in waseela. There is no evidence at all of people asking of Allah SWT ONLY through the waseela of others. Most people ask Allah directly, at least 5 times a day, and then at random, ask others to make dua for them, or go to dargahs and ask Allah through the waseela of others. This idea of people only making dua to Allah through the waseela of others, is a silly misconception of those who are sufi phobic. In my decades of being a sufi, the only advice close to this idea, is that I've been encouraged to read durood before and after I make dua to Allah. Remember one has to be very careful before declaring something as shirrk, because if you are wrong, Allah's penalty for false accusation can be very severe. So if something looks weird to you, instead of telling someone it's wrong, ask them about it. Be curious, talk and ask, instead of judging from afar and then just piling on the accusations and hadith quotes and judgement. You might be way off the mark and it might do nothing more than irritate the person and antagonize yourself.
To be honest, your argument doesnt really hold up. Wether it is Sajda as in form of prayer or simply bowing out of respect or sajda out of respect. Both are prohibited in our religion. So even if they make Sajda to the grave, out of respect, you should still correct them like the Sheikh said. Both are Haraam. And there is clear evidence from the Sunnah when a sahabi came and did Sajdah to the Prophet out of respect. Read this hadith it is very important. These deviant practices unfortunately are very common in India and they are completely wrong, even if someone has good intention. Ibn Maajah (1853) and al-Bayhaqi (14711) narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa said: When Mu‘aadh ibn Jabal came from Syria, he prostrated to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), who said, “What is this, O Mu‘aadh?” He said, I went to Syria and saw them prostrating to their archbishops and patriarchs, and I wanted to do that for you. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, “Do not do that."
"Salafis" and "Sufi" are just labels people use to distinguish themselves. A proper muslim is the one who Follow the Quran,Sunnah and the salaf. If we exclude the extreme ends of both groups we find each following a part of the Sunnah and the Salaf ways while it should be all in one.
It looks like it's been a very long time since you guys have posted anything. I hope you all are doing well. If you guys are fine, please start uploading again. We greatly benefit.
Jazakumulahu khair .there is a man in Nigeria Muhammad Ali jabata .he has change the word of rosululah (saw)rosululah said kulu bidhat dolahla wa kula dolalat 14:19 fi nar but this uztaz has changed it on his own and is followers in Nigeria he changed to kulu bidhat kufr . which one is the correct stand.
Maashah Allah- One of the best English Speech available. We need more scholars like him to give the both sides of the argument and let Muslims to make their own judgement.
We cannot use the actions of the Sahabah to justify the innovations of the people today. The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم was present amoungst them, he approve, disapproved and corrected whatever actions in Ibaadah they have added on their own ... And He صلي الله عليه وسلم did just that in many instances. The revelation was still coming down on the him صلي الله عليه وسلم the shari'ah was not completed... But since Allaah عزوجل has completed His religion and the Prophet is no longer amoung us who will approve, disapprove, or correct the newly invented actions of worship that the people have invented...? This is very dangerous and opens up so many doors to innovations. Doors that would be impossible to close. Therefore, we have no option but to hold onto what the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم said, what he did, and what he approved of in his life time . He صلي الله عليه وسلم said stick to my Sunnah and that of my khulafah and beware of newly invented matters. Ibn Masood رضي اللَّه تعالى إن said, Follow and do not innovate for you have been given sufficient. { Sharh I'tiqaad Ahlul Sunnah } Ibn Omar رضي اللَّه تعالى إن said, Every newly invented matter is a misguidance, even if the people see it as good . { Al I'tisaam with a Saheeh isnad }
Who is some salafi shuyukh who have a balanced understanding of sunnah and is worth listening to?. I have some shuyukh not salafis I listen to but would like to add some salafi shuyukh to me lists.
I was in Lahore, thought I was in a mosque, made wudhu, went to front and was about to pray when some guy came to me and put flowers around my neck and said, this aint a mosque mate its a tomb of a wali you CANT pray here. I never saw anyone doing tawaf round a grave, this is such a small number of people its crazy- and this is what the wahabis do, take this tiny element and say the SUFIS all do come to us. And in a way Shaykh hasan is pandering to them with this discourse.
seeing this sheik for the first time and it's beautiful ... we need more of this sheiks in all the Islamic divisions .... he ks great ... may Allah make him great
Alhamdulillah Sheikh Hasan! You are such a nice Muslim who deserved to be respected at least you know really better about Islamic diversity than others from Salafi who took only about BIDAH, differences between Muslims and discouraging them as a whole. I believe we have to respect diversity no matter they are Sunni, Shia, Salafi, Sufi, Tableegh, whatever and then we will be respected as a nation of faith.
I had a change to listen the Shaykh Hasan Ali live in İstanbul. I like his speaches and his mutual attitude. The things he said about bid'ah and stuff was true. There are some extrime sufi's escpecially in Turkey and there are some extrime salafis. But Shaykh didn't talk about reality. Yes if two person act different because of the difference in the hadith thats understanble there can be a mutual way certanly. But people are giving Allah's right to the people and I don't wanna seen as salafi but they do things that islam called kufr and shirk. I don't wanna divide this ummah or anything but how can I say this people are muslims too? Shaykh made fun of Akidah word, but salafi's has a point there because if a person doesn't know how islam works and what islam asks from a person that person either a new muslim or not a muslim at all. People who don't live in islamic state can say someone is khafir or mushrik to someone who they know they do shirk or kufr. Thats not forbidden in the religion of islam. This is not about dividing this is about knowing the boundries. Almost evey word shaykh said I agree but in this subject I can't be agree with him(Who cares that I don't agree I know..) because as he know in reality you have to seperate the muslims and non-muslims if you don't do that there will be people who call themselves as muslims but they will not in reality. And this will harm the religion of islam in the future (like this times of the century) there will be even more fights and dividing issues. Call me salafi or vahhabi but thats the reality.
You have the cemaat in cashambe in istanbul that are good traditional muslims. Mahmud efendi who I have met over the years is a wali of Allah. You should go and try and meet him in his current residence in Beykoz.
SUBHAAN ALLAH! Such wisdom and clarity of concepts, the want of unity with the most controversial topics, subhan Allah, may Allah provide us with more of such scholars. Ameen!
I was confused by salafi way of practicing after coming to uk Alhamdullah i got sohobot ustad from Deobond ( it all our fault how we perceive not fault of teaching of Deobond) Thanks sayikh ❤️ for clear understanding Love from Bangladesh
Acha, answer why would it take the ummah 14 centuries to find out the correct method of the salaf? Why would it be so that for 14 centuries Muslims would be following incorrect methodologies? Why is it so that now people are ready to give judgment on deen by following themselves yet they leave the works of the students of the sahabah (amongst them the mujatihideen)? Why is it so that scholars have explained bid'ah yet unlearned youth are ready to give their fatwa based on literalism not ilm?
May Allah tala bless imam Ali ameen such a breath of fresh of air at times where there is alot fitna this is like the core of what a proper Muslim should be like it is a must watch for every Muslim in opinion
Save ur time and effort brothers understand a simple & effective rule (if u don't understand then go to someone who can explain it in detail): "Everything is halal in this world except what has been specifically forbidden. And everything is haraam in the religion except what has been specifically allowed."
Seek the evidence in every issue. Seek the Sunnah in every issue. Seek the Manhaj, the methodology and faham, understanding of our Salaf as-salih in every issue. Seek the principles of Ahlus Sunnah in every issue. On the issues of fiqh, ijtihad (where there is no specific evidence or conflicting evidence or scholars have differed on an issue) read both sides or all sides and take what you feel comfortable with. Stay away from sins, innovations in the Deen and blind following of personalities, Imam, Shaykh, Talib etc. Stick to the Ulamah and Tullab who direct you to this way. This will bring about true unity in the Ummah.
Muslims without Sallafis is like a body without head. when i observed Sallafis, read their books, see their way of worship, the way they behave, they remind me what i have seen in Quran and Sunnah of prophet and the teaching of prophet of old.but, also ,when i observed,Sufism and Shiites their way of tradition gathering,performing Ibada and cycling graves of saint people,they remind me the way i had seen in Buddha, Sikhs and devoted Christians.
Mas Yus brother,Jannah is in the hand of Almighty Allah,he enter it to whom he pleased..Salafis is simply means to those who follow the teaching of prophet Mohamed, act his way,survives his Sunah when people neglect, stand firm his Sunnah while most people trapped by Bidaah and shirk. look what Shia doing in by insulting the followers of our beloved prophet like Abubakar,Omar,Osman,and Aisha al kubraa etc may Allah be his blessing be upon them.look what Zufis of our day doing:making dua from dead saints in their graves,......subhanallah. if you think that Islam is just like to say I am Muslim without following its basic concepts, you are looser,and Allah rejects this claim from the people of old and told us to perform our duties completely.. O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.
Mas Yus tell me who you are,and what is your position in four Muslims Kalifs Abubakar,Omar, Osman and Ali, may Allah pleased with them and prophet"s beloved wife, Aisha?
Mas Yus thank you for your message,Allah has chosen us if we are Muslims, to be his khalifs in this world by saying:You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.....Noble Quran:3:110 and then, in order to survive from this divisions, poverty,corruptions,political instability etc we should follow the way our beloved and his Sahaba were:Quran and authentic saying of our prophet scw,we should act their way,their conduct etc but if we maintain the way we are today of worshiping to graves of good people,following their saying rather then saying of Allah and his messenger scw,we are not different from the people who were before us:Jews and Christians because they had left the teaching of their prophets and in return, they follow what their Rabis and monks invented. Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Jarir At-Tabari recorded a Hadith via several chains of narration, from `Adi bin Hatim r.a., who was a Christian during the time of Jahiliyya … The Messenger of Allah recited this Ayah; (They took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah). `Adi commented, “I said, `They did not worship them.”’ The Prophet said, Yes they did. They (rabbis and monks) prohibited the allowed for them (Christians and Jews) and allowed the prohibited, and they obeyed them. This is how they worshipped them. pls, observe what our fellow Muslims Shiites and some Sufism are doing today! Allah is not unjust, if do what the Christians and Jews did, we are similar to them. salaam,
Mas Yus my Asian Muslim bro, we call you to Allah only, no more then that.Allah says in the Quran:12:108: Say,(Oh Mohammed) "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah ; and I am not of those who associate others with Him." as far as Sunni and Shiite concern;First it begun a political differences between followers of Ali and Muawiya may Allah mercy on them, later it interred into conflicts of Aqeeda. according to principles of Islam, Sahaba of beloved prophet scw, are the best people of this Ummah, we like them and make no distinction between them:Abubakar.Omar,Osman,Ali and rest of sahaba of beloved mohamed scw. their denial,insult,and curse on,them even one of them leads to you into Kufr or disbelieve. Allah says in Quran:Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers(Sahaba of prophet) when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad], under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest. Shiites, who are small no of this Umah, curse and insult some of the sahaba of our beloved mohamed scw, and his beloved wife,Aisha, who is our mother as Quran said. they followed so called Imams and saints other then Allah and his chosen prophet. finely, i remind you to one beautiful verse from the Noble Quran: Say,Oh Mohamed) "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone."(like Imam,prophet,angel,saint,etc) [Quran, chapter 18, verse 110] Assalam aleikum,
Mas Yus Subhana Allah,cool down brother, just we exchanging views.althought Shias are against the most fundamental of Islam, I do not support their killing or any other human being.killing innocent people is Haram in our religion.Hezbollah of Lubanan are killing and abducting Sunnis in Syria and ISIS doing the same is bad thing that majority of Sunni scholars condemned today. what i had talked to you was: how should you a muslim while you denied, insulted the followers of our beloved Zahaba and his wives,RA, and made a so many Imams who you made their obedience above the obedience of Allah and his messenger, Mohammed Bin Abdullah may Allah's peace and blessing be upon him .if you do so, I am afraid, that your chance to the heaven will be Zero. May Allah lead you the way of his prophet, Amen.
You see this is where u have a misunderstanding. There is a difference between an innovation in the dunya and an innovation in the deen. Muslims are against innovations in the religion. But new things in the dunya like cars and TH-cam are not part of the religion.
some people cant even be bothered to memorise the dua when entering the graveyards yet they go to a darga off certain people and ask of the dead which is shirk.
I have seen several videos on Salafi/Sufi differences here on TH-cam, and this video seems to be the most balanced video i have seen so far. Brothers/Sisters please be more gentle in your comments even if you disagree. And don't bother to correct someone else unless you sincerely care for them, or have a courteous way to inform them. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that you are doing good by "defeating" or "taking down" some one else's view or belief.
standing and sending salawat is simply permissible, learned people dont say the ruh travels to the person, the standing and salawat is presented to the nabi(blessings of allah and peace be upon him)
Allah hu akbar May Allah reward you for helping thoes of us who flitted between the two and not agree with both you have demonstrated well how to practice the fiqh and sunnah and love Allah. Allah bless you and guide us to the sirtal mistakeem the balanced way of Islam.
Mr. Hasan Ali, with due respect, you cannot just say that some people should be allowed to practice a bidaah since it would be the only mean of sustaining their faiths. "And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know (the truth)" [Quran, 2:42]. This is definitely not the way the Prophet (peace be upon him) preached Islam, even at the very early stage when he had to face severe adversities. Islam does not compromise with ideologies opposed to the divine order simply because of protecting Imaan (?!?) of some so-called Muslims today. "And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying." [Quran, 6:116]
Analyse what is saying. He's not justifying their actions he's saying you need to provide them the means to get onto the correct path before you destroy what little deen they have left. It's about the greater good of the ummah. Just stating something is bidah only is effectively just dropping the mic.
Alhumdulillah. Very balanced view. In my opinion, Deen was perfected when Rasulullah saw was alive. So all the interactions with sahaba and the actions they 'introduced' into deen and were approved by Rasulullah saw were part of the process of perfecting our deen. The question is, if we introduce something 'new' to deen now should this be classified as bida, because Rasulullah saw is not here to approve of it.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات عَنْ أُمِّ المُؤمِنِينَ أُمِّ عَبْدِ اللهِ عَائِشَةَ - رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهَا - قَالَتْ: قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ : (مَنْ أَحْدَثَ فِيْ أَمْرِنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ مِنْهُ فَهُوَ رَدٌّ) رواه البُخارِيُّ وَ مُسلِمٌ، وفي رواية لـمُسلِمٍ (مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلاً لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُنَا فَهُوَ رَدٌّ). On the authority of Ummul Mukminin Ummi Abdillah Aishah radiyallahu anha, The Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, Those who create a new things in the way we worship Allah without any base or foundation from the religion, their deeds will be rejected. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). In the narration of Muslim, it is stated that, Those who perform deeds which do not have any foundation or basis in our religion, the deed will then be rejected. I'm afraid our brother as lost his sense of barings, Allah guide him to the truth he has misinterpreted the ahadeeth due his lack of understanding which reflects that he can not explain what the defintion of Bid'ah means, Marfu - Sayings, actions and approvals that can be traced back to the Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam) through Saheeh Hadith with authentic sanad (Chain). So the Prophet ﷺ approval showed that he agreed with Billal Radhi Allahu anhu statement in regards to making wudu and performing a nafl prayer straight after, isn't billal Radhi Allahu anhu not worshipping his Lord solely by confining in him, Allah was pleased with his actions, in turn which amazed Allah's Messenger ﷺ The reality is that we as humans are blind until we clarify for ourselves through deleel from the Quran and Sunnah with the correct and balanced understanding, not as these mureeds do but as students of knowledge, following particular madhab restricts ones and often those who do become resentful, associating yourself to a madhab isn't wrong providing you have the deleel for what you're following. Our brothers from the Deoband are clever and very mystical, I urge you to look at their "great scholars" and you'll see inside their own books the sickening statements they have made in regards to Kashf, sihir etc etc, look at the root word of Deoband and where it was deprived from.
@aburg10s My brother if you listen to the talk agen the shaykh 'clearly' emphasised on what acts are bidhah but not saying Allahs name. He said for example if ladies an men mix and do zikr I.e repeat Allahs name with the lights off that becomes bidhah becuase rasoolullah did not mix with ladies with lights off at the time of zikhr. Plus you think about it with ladies around you do u really fink your mind can really connect to Allah? The reason why we do zikr is have a strong connection with Allah Secondly he said when tou doing zikr an go over the top and dancing around while you saying Allahs name thats bidhah becuase rasoolullah did not do such acts while he did zikr. Plus dont you think dancing around while you do zikr is desrespecting your lord? Thats why I always think its best to listn care fully to the full lectures were evr we are and who ever we listen to before we pin point and break couple of words out of a sentence.
This is also how Muftī Taqi Usmani translated the verse, by saying that “He positioned Himself on the Throne” (paraphrased). Muftī Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, Sheikhul Hadith at Darul Uloom Deoband, has translated - and continues to translate - Istiwā' as “sitting tightly‟ in his lectures, echoing what Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri inserted in his translation of some of the Istiwā' verses." (Taken from the .za document)
»»»SUBHANALLAH««« This talk made so much sense.. you take what is right from the Sufis & the Salafis & leave what is extreme & bidah from both sides.. the end product is perfect deen
If you go just by logic, logic ask for evidence of Allah, that's where all atheist problem comes in. You know why the young population are going away from Islam and towards Athesim is because no logical explanation can be provided about Allah without having love of something which is above All (Sufi Pathway). So if you want to keep just to text, by All means go ahead, And I believe, you already know what's happening with the young generation around the world.
Sufis and their claim of knowledge of unseen (ilm e ghaib)---------It seems that Allah has been more charitable to the sufi Bayazeed Bastami than Sayyadina Muhammad (PBUH). Abu Talib Makki (died 996 CE) in his famous book Quwat ul Quloob describes the Miraaj of Bayazeed Bastami. أدخلني في الفلك الأسفل فدورني في الملكوت السفلى فاراني الأرضين وما تحتها إلى الثرى، ثم أدخلني في الفلك العلوى فطوف بي في السمٰوٰت و أراني ما فيها من الجنان إلى العرش ثم أوقفني بين يديه فقال لي: سلني أي شيء رأيت حتى أهبه لك. He (Allah) entered me into the lower heavens then He took me to the lower kingdoms thus he showed to me all the earths and that which is beneath the earth. Then He entered me into the higher heavens then He showed to me that which is in the sky and showed to me that which is in it from Paradise till the Throne then He (Allah) made me stand in front of Him and said to me: “Ask for whatever in that which you saw so that I can grant it to you.” (Quwat ul Quloob, pg.70, v.2)
Shaikh You did wonderful job.Unity of umma is importanat. Hazeat Usman prayed 4 rakaa because of his parent in law were in Macca so he consiered it as home. I heard this. never heard because of unity. This also make sense.
One has to give him credit how he is calling out Saudis, it is true. I don't agree with him on everything but he is seeking the balance way and comes from a place of compassionate. May we be rightly guided from a non-Muslim studying Quran. P.S. Has he ever done a talk on Rajm penalty for adultery and capital punishment for apostasy? Thanks for any help.
Asalaam u alikum brother, one question i would like to ask is that , you have said that Our Beloved Prophet (May peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon Him) , is alive in the grave , by saying this you have opened a door for the grave worshippers giving them an oppurtunity to grave worship, if we all knew Our Beloved Prophet (May peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon Him) is alive in the grave , i think we would all be in madina now asking for His (May peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon) blessings. Would you agree on this?
if you listened his source was either hadith or the Quran which refers to Nabi (SAW) being alive so you come and say that hadith or that verse from Quran is wrong to say that
Just cuz some one is hanging by a thread on milad does not mean one dont correct him, and prevention of bidah is better than loosing a sunnah. Allaah knows best.
May Allah bless shaykh Hasan Ali for his work. The people who are critisising are proving no comon scence plus you guys are not alims. So befre you you critisise an alim try and see who has more knowledge. Can we answer and show proof to Allah that we have more knowledge than shaykh? When we are not alims. Cumon brothers an sisters lets not me ignorant. Respect the shaykh for his hard work trying to unite the comunity with the work of deen becuase we all have one goal. So instead of being branches of contraverses(fitna) lets b motivated and study Islam properly becuase every day we are students of deen maybe then will fynd the right mistakes whoch may not b mistakes but a diferent opinion an how iys been said. Remember Allah gives knowledge to those who act upon the knowledge they learn Allah gives those such knowledge they didnt even know about. So lets respect what shaykh has to say becuase every thing he is saying is not against islam. May Allah guide us to the right path and strengthen this ummah.Ameen
*_Muslims should ignore all the labels and follow the Noble Quran, the authentic sunnah of Rasul'Allah and the methodology of the righteous Salaf AsSaleh. (Refrain from the label Salafi)_*
You need a little learning. The Holy Ka’ba is qibla for Salah and the sky is qibla for supplication. When asked by Abbasid King Al Mansur Imam Malik instruct him to face the noble grave of Saiyidina Rasululla STAWA. From Dhaka.
Prophet peace be upon him fast on monday sahaba R.A asked Prophet peace be upno him why he fast on monday. Prophet peace be upon him replied because its the day on which i born. Prophet peace be upon him celebrated his birthday and still many people fast monday in madina al munwara. Will you call it like christian as well???? In "kitb ul waseela" ibn tamiya narrated hadith in which Prophet peace be upon him taught wasila and ibn tamiya classified hadith as sahih.
The problem is lack of knowledge about Bid'ah, so let us examine what is Bid'ah ??? If a new thing has been started, and it neither goes against the Qur’an or Sunnah, then it can be declared a ‘good’ innovation. However, if a new act is initiated against the Qur'an and Sunnah, that will be called bad bid'ah, or a reprehensible innovation. Qadi Shawkani writes "In Islam there are two kinds of Bid'ah: Bid'ah Say'iah and Bid'ah Hasana. If a new thing opposes the Qur’an and Sunnah then it is Say'iah, but if it is not against the Shari'ah then it is Hasanah. (Nayl-ul-Autaar, Qadi Shawkani chapter Salaah Al Taravee). Imam Nawawi writes that there are certain types of Bid’ah. Two of them are Bid’ah Sayyiah and Bid’ah Hasanah. Bid’ah sayyiah is a Bid’ah that opposes the Qur’an and sunnah and Bidah Hasanah is a Bid’ah that is not against the Qur’an or Sunnah. For example: To invent the usool (principle) of Hadeeth, usool of Fiqh, usool of Tafsir etc. [Tahzeeb al Asma wal lughaat word Bid’ah by Imam Nawawi] Hafidhh ibn Rajjab defines bida to mean new things that have no basis in the Qur'an or Sunnah. If a new practice has evidence from the Qur'an or Sunnah it will not be Bid'ah Shari'ah, but it will be Bid'ah Logaviyya (linguistic). (Jaami' Al Uloom Al Hukkam page 252 by Hafidhh ibn Rajjab). Hafidhh Asqalani writes if a new thing is against Islam, it will be bad. If it is not against Islam, it will be hasanah (Good). (Fathul Bari chap on Taravi by Hafidhh Asqalani). Hafidhh ibn Taymiyyah writes that bid'ah is always bad, but some scholars say that there are two kinds of bid'ah, that one is good and one is bad. If a new thing has origin in the Qur'an and Sunnah it will be called Bid'ah Logaviyya (verbally) but not Bid'ah in Shari'ah. Only the word bid'ah will be used on the new things. Like, the Qur'an was collected in one book after the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace], and the congregational Taravi prayer was started in Sayyidna Umar's time but these two things have an origin in the Sunnah. Therefore, it will be called bid'ah verbally. (Iqtidah al Sirat al Mustaqeem chap on Bid'ah by Hafidhh ibn Taymiyya). If required, examples will be provided...
So somebody is a sufy because one want to achieve grater level in faith 'ihsan". What are the implications of this statement [claim]? 1]That one can't achieve the level of ihsan just by being a believing and practicing muslim or that all of the believing and practicing muslims are sufies. What further implies that in order to achieve the level of ihsan one must be a sufy. Or is their claim that even thou practicing muslims can achieve ihsan in the way it is explained in Qur'an and sunnah they are the only ones who understand it or they have a better way. That is the problem. 2] Allah s.v.a had named believers as muslims long time ago and Allah's Messenger Muhammed s.a.v.s had confirmed this in his sunnah. In Qur'an and sunnah are explanations , requirements and promises for believers having different levels in faith. In those explanations, requirements and promises is nowhere mentioned a requirement of being a sufy. And claim that being a sufy just because one wants to achieve the level of ihsan, one of it's implications is exactly that you must be a sufy to achieve ihsan. While according the Qur'an and sunnah one must completely surrender himself to Allah s.v.a [to be a muslim]. 3] First we must strive to achieve satisfaction of Allah s.v.a so that Allah s.v.a would be merciful to us and reserve for us a place in Jennah. 4[ Only Allah s.v.a. knows who among human beings is for Jennah and who is for Jehennam. No human being can know his own destination one can only have hope for the best. 5] Ones claim that they are trying to achieve higher level of faith implies; that they know they have a faith and therefor Jennah is reserved for them and now they are trying to achieve higher levels in Jennah. For higher levels of faith equals higher levels in Jennah. Even if one has faith today, one can't know if one will have it tomorrow or will one die in faith. Only Allah s.v.a knows. Can't you people see how only one incorrect statement contradicts many postulates of our dinn islam, even thou on the surface it looks like an innocent statement ; "they only want little bit more". It's like the one who isn't sure if he is going to get a handful but he already wants an armful or more. First strive to get a handful and if you by Allah's mercy achieve this perhaps you will get even an armful or more. Only Allah s.v.a knows what rewards or punishments He has prepared for each of us. Justifying name sufy by compering it to the terms akiddah and tawheed on the basis that none of these terms are mentioned by name in the Qur'an and sunnah is wrong reasoning. With this reasoning one can invent any kind of concept mixing up islam with anything else giving it a name and claiming for it to be islamic and saying so what if it is not mentioned by name in Qur'an and sunnah for akiddah and tawheed are not mentioned ether. Claims and concepts of akiddah and tawheed do not in any way directly or indirectly contradict Qur'an and sunnah in fact their concept and claims are from Qur'an and sunnah while concept and claims of sufies contradict some postulates from Qur'an and sunnah. As I have it explained in the text above. Islamic can be only that what is established by Qur'an and sunnah and doesnt in any way contradict any islamic postulates. Anything that contradicts any of the islamic postulates can't be called islamic.
Salaam :) No I am not talking anything bad about Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah, infact if you look at the true meaning, all Salafis(Ahle Hadith), all 4 madhaahib( Hanafi including Deobandi and Barelvi) come under it. I am a strong Hanafi by the way, but brother if you say that an innovation, a new way of worshiping Allah and a new way of sending durood on our beloved is good, and doing things not there in Quran and Sunnah, then it is an insult to our beloved(PBUH) for he did not teach us to do that.
I was with him util he was talking about prophet soul being with him in his body inside the grave, Sulamina (as) was dead for hundreds of years before the jinn realized that he was dead, so if the soul returns to the body, what is the difference between dead and alive? Hadith says Allah has forbidden earth to eat any of his prophets, if that was true, what would be point of returning Rasool Allah's soul every time to reply the salutations. And then he started talking about tawassul and I completely lost him. Ashraf ali thanvi example? Really? Why is Mawlid only Bidah? Isn't coping from other religions? The marching, the celebration of birthday, the procession? That would still remain halal? I have heard enough!
Asslamoalikum the issue of Allah istawa is not clear among some Muslims. they think that Allah swt is every where and they quote from Quran.Also they think that Allah has no sifat like hands and wajh(face) according to his highness. this is some thing very serious issues, they must resolve it. Allah said in Quran "I am closer to them than saherag(vein)" this was sent down by Allah in a respose of sahabh that can we make dua to Allah?. it does not mean that Allah lives in the body of people. on other hand many places Allah swt said "after created seven heaven and earth, rahman rose above the throne " it does mean Allah istawa above throne .he is apart from his creation. this can be supported by Hadith also. when a slave girl was asked by rasool Allah pbuh "where is Allah ?" she answered toward heaven. so this opinion is correct.
yes deobandi sufis say asking for help from the nabi(blessings of allah and peace be upon him)/ awliya is haraam, but the majority of the Ummah say it is allowed, obviously with correct beliefs
Brother AQ brother that verse does not mention living or dead, so if taken literally ask only Allah, no police no medicine etc. but that verse in reality means help only ultimately comes from Allah, his help manifests in this world through means for us, like Allah wills us to be cured when we take medicine, medicine in itself doesn’t help, and istigatha is not a barelvi belief only, here are two fatwas by Habib Umar who is not from the subcontinent,
Muslim scholars do talk about studying in science, medicines etc. Look at the "daruliftaaUK" channel and you wlll find a lecture on "pharmaceutical ethics in Islam"
So you are against mawlid, even though you admit so many scholars do it, but you make the excuse that its because they all have no iman...? ok I got to 33 mins.
milad shareef is something else. What you were reading there, was salaam, it is a type of naat and we read this naat, the standing up bit, is a type of respect, you just stand up to read this type of naat. Yes, you can read the naat by sitting down. This is just another way of expressing your love for the PROPHET (salalaah huta aahla alaiyhi wa aahlihi wa salam). Finally, MILAD SHAREEF is something else, it is the celebration of the PROPHET'S (salalaah huta aahla alaiyhi wa aahlihi wa salam) the celebration of the fact that the PROPHET (salalaah huta aahla alaiyhi wa aahlihi wa salam) came as light to the universe; and you have a khatam, you give food to the poor, etc. People, decorate their homes with lights and the green flags.
It's BIDAH.....Mawled Al Nabee is BIDAH... wake up and smell the Coffee. This was not practiced by Rasool Allah Salalahu Alaihi wa salam. Nor did his close companions (the 4 companions) Abubker, Omar, Uthman and Ali.
They should not consider that part , i.e the one about Marching on streets , Decorating homes , Lighting candles etc as PART of Deen. No extra sawab for that . Then it is not Bidah. If he thinks so , that this is part of Deen then it becomes Bidah. That is clear.
I found this useful, although I would like to note: many of the examples the respected Sheikh gave, are flawed with respect to "Salafi" beliefs. The word in itself, and the understanding of all 'salafis' I know is based upon the pious predecessors (according to the famous hadith), i.e. after the Quran and Sunnah, the understanding of first three generations. This includes the sahaba of course, so for example, when the sahabi added something after the ruku or when Bilal (r.a) did his two rakah after wudu etc, this would be accepted by 'salafis' as this based upon the understanding of the first three generations.
With those examples he is saying that if you add certain ibadaahs in ibadah then it isn’t bidah and then gives and example of the Sahaba. If you can accept the sahaba doing it when it wasn’t sunnah then you can accept a normal person doing it because prophet didn’t prohibit it.
Why do I hear so many police cars? So sad and scary.. :/ but lovely lecture. I love Mawlids but I don't believe that it's fard... You do it or you don't, up to you tbh :)
The Shaykh should use the word fard because only at that point can we discuss different types of fard acts. in his current example on dhikr he is falling short, for example, in his general example on dhikr he is correct on making something fard in the seen like the fard salat are fard, but a Khalifah for example may go into a town and notice there is an extreme level of Ghaflah, heedlessness and ignorance in the Deen he can make it Fard for them to have dhikr circles in order to remove this Ghaflah. A shaykh of Fiqh or Tassawwuf may also give the same type of ruling with that intention. It is in these types of situations the Shaykh is falling short in his explanation but correct in general. He should also differentiate between singing and dancing with musical instruments and singing and dancing without musical instruments because in fiqh they are separate rulings, the music is haram while there is no ruling saying singing is haram or dancing is haram. He uses the example of the Dervishes but Dervishes with music and without are two different things the issue is music which he mentions in his speech. The matter in Fiqh is specific, exact and precise and not as general as his words are, most likely due to the audience he is addressing. A lot of the things he mentions are according to Niyah, intention, and each matter is specific to the individual as Rasul Allah (saws) said, did you cut open his chest to find out what is inside his heart.
u know why pakistan is such a mess these days ? why saudi arabia is the most corrupted country in teh case of human rights and other stuff ? why iran is such a mess ? coz we Muslims talk about the stuff that we really dont need to talk about ! i am sick of all these bed3a discussions i am sick of muslims who talk about music instrument but they are not serious about serious stuff like spirituality and morality and philosophy of Islam
I am not a deobandi, i respect them a lot and my views are very close to being a deobandi. Its not you or your family I am targetting here. My own family I am talking, my own uncle(who is a big peer apparently) who claims my grandfather wont go to jannah because he did not pray the dua for maghfirat for him. I went to a barelvi mosque where they said, Allah bhi dena waala hai, tu waliyon se bhi maang... What is this bhi ka qissa? La haul wala quwwat illa billah. I am not insulting you brother.
It's amazing to see a Sheikh with such a good sense of humor who has such great Hikma at the same time, Masha'Allah.
This talk has just shown me how much its SO VERY İMPORTANT that as Muslims we need to learn our deen really well and stop making it a second or third priority on our to do list..Jazakallah kheir :)
This definition of bida'h makes far far more sense than some other brothers define it, may Allah bless this brother with Firdous
ahmadzai6 ameeeeeen
ahmadzai6 Ameen,
my dear brothers and sisters, personally i have been brought up in a salafi environment but studying and living in a sufi environment for almost 3 years.What im saying is finding those correct sufi is really hard and its usually very difficult to differenciate as a muslim ( who isnt an Alim or with great knowledge of the deen) and ability to tell what is wrong and what isnt. i think its better to stick with that which is clear and i believe if we concentrate with this then its safer to do so.BUT the sheikh has helped me in many topics to make clear distinctions, May ALLAH bless him and his effort of encouraging unity amongst the muslim Ummah.Great and beneficial talk :)
thats why before joining a tareeka and pledge allegiance learn aqeeda and fiqh in order to not get dupe and differentiate between wrong and right
one of good sufi master is sheick al yaqubi who is direct descendant of the prophet saw
Liar ,no Nasheed was in the prophet’s Masjid. Where is your evidence for that statement ?
I feel like so many people are commenting without watching (part 1 AND 2)
This sheikh studied for years, i doubt he's just going topullout random informationamd twist it. If you watch part 1 he statesthat this is HIS stance, wether u accept it or not.
If you dont agree good for you. Personally i think he justified everything he said with good evidence and explained everythong wrll Alhamdullilah, May Allah swt increase him in goodness.
Ameen, some Muslims will never want to reconcile with anyone no matter how much is brought to the table in terms of knowledge of the deen. May Allah guide them ameen.. love this shaykh! Amazing character & so much hikma MashAllah
What a brilliant brilliant explaination ya sheikh. Always finding the common ground without compromising the deen. May Allah swt preserve you and increase you in knowledge. Ameen
MashaAllah! Finally someone who doesn't belittle sufism and salafism at the same time and explains bid'ah and tassawuff at the same time!
Although I'm inclined to the Tasawwuf group but I think the shaykh has done his best to reconcile the groups with various inclinations. Excellent lecture explaining the extreme ends on both Sufi and Salafi groups and methods to unite them all. May Allah unite us all in this beautiful way of life called Islam with its various branches. May Allah reward the shaykh and elevate him more in his deen's effort. Ameen
Issue is pakistani punjabis who cant even pronounce the prophets name correctly and they go around calling imams mushrik, munafik, kaafir. Bunch of doyles. Never seen my deobandi ustaads doing this. My ustaads never claimed they are deobandi.
@@saif1980saif deobandi is a region
@@tazboy1934 yes i have been to deoband the town in india and also to the darul u loom. Its a lovely tranquil place!!!
An arab is not better than a Non Arab, nor an Non-Arab is better than a arab
VERY Beneficial lecture! Mashallah and funnyyyyy as well, Very well explained Alhamdulillah regarding salafis, sufis bid'ah etc and true no doubt he speaks the haqq. May Allah bless him and continously benefit us with his knowledge and grant him and us jannatul firdaus Ameen.
Thankyou Admins of Hikmah for sharing this may Allah bless u and grant u all good in both worlds Ameen.
Bourne Y Ameen
Dawah Man needs to watch these videos
Dawah man is so harsh hes so hot tempered
@@e.k874 because he is serious, hes also calm when needed, he gets harsh when ppl are doing major sins to show this isnt to be taken lightly
@@nightowl522 nah all that man does is go off
I could literally listen to him all day long. So, so informative.
STOP FIGHTING!!!! WE ARE ONE UMMAH, THE Ummah of Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam! Jazakallahukhair :)
Subhanallah, what a beautiful, clear and strong speech. May Allah bless this brother in this dunya and the hereafter. Ameen
Mashallah a lot of the comments are about Unity despite certain differences. We may not believe in everything the Shaykh has said but what's more important is we unit as one
unite on haqq
A fairly balanced view. Just to clarify certain things from the sufi side:
We have to be very careful about superficiality. This guy Hasan Ali, in closing remarks (1:08:34), said that if a brother is doing wrong, you must go tell him and quote your hadith. That is quite heavy handed, and assumes that you have full understanding about what that fellow is doing. You might have absolutely no idea what he is doing and why.
Case in point, Hasan Ali's experience going to the dargah and what he saw with his own eyes. What he saw is not necessarily what is actually going on.
I go to Mazaars/Dargahs/Mausoleums/Graves of awliya and I went to Khwaja Saab Mazaar in Ajmer, India. When you try to go there, you have to go through a maze of gullies with shops. It is in those gullies where you'll find all these salesmen and chancers who try to sell you flowers, cloth chardars, sweets and strings and what not. They make it seem as if you have to buy these things in order to be able to go in and visit the dargah. They even charge you to keep your shoes with them.
In reality however, you don't need any of that. You can go in with nothing and pay no one, and once you get close enough in the dargah precinct, you can leave your shoes for free as other place.
Then you go in there and it's freaking crowded. There'll have these mujawars, putting flowers and cloths, randomly accepting money and what not. Then there's some people bowing down to the grave. Some have their hands raised in dua pointing at the grave. It all looks like shirrk.
The reality however, can be far different. Perhaps there are a few nutters committing shirrk and making tawaaf of the grave. But then there are Hindu's who also come in great numbers and have great belief in the dargahs. So they'll be bowing in sajda and going around the graves. Then there are others who are muslims, and yet they are in sajda or with raised hands. These fellows are in sajda not out of worship, but rather out of respect. It is in deep indian culture to bow to anyone whom they respect or love. They bow to their living parents and teachers as well, and so bow to the awliya they respect in the same way. So it might look like they are worshipping the grave in sajda, but it's simply respect and culture. They use example of the story of Adam AS and how Allah commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam, not out of worship but in respect.
And people raise their hands, not to ask the grave of anything, but in waseela. There is no evidence at all of people asking of Allah SWT ONLY through the waseela of others. Most people ask Allah directly, at least 5 times a day, and then at random, ask others to make dua for them, or go to dargahs and ask Allah through the waseela of others. This idea of people only making dua to Allah through the waseela of others, is a silly misconception of those who are sufi phobic. In my decades of being a sufi, the only advice close to this idea, is that I've been encouraged to read durood before and after I make dua to Allah.
Remember one has to be very careful before declaring something as shirrk, because if you are wrong, Allah's penalty for false accusation can be very severe. So if something looks weird to you, instead of telling someone it's wrong, ask them about it. Be curious, talk and ask, instead of judging from afar and then just piling on the accusations and hadith quotes and judgement. You might be way off the mark and it might do nothing more than irritate the person and antagonize yourself.
still our ummah is full tawhid and we do sajda only to Allah...i understand sajda out of respect but this shud be avoided
To be honest, your argument doesnt really hold up. Wether it is Sajda as in form of prayer or simply bowing out of respect or sajda out of respect. Both are prohibited in our religion. So even if they make Sajda to the grave, out of respect, you should still correct them like the Sheikh said. Both are Haraam. And there is clear evidence from the Sunnah when a sahabi came and did Sajdah to the Prophet out of respect. Read this hadith it is very important. These deviant practices unfortunately are very common in India and they are completely wrong, even if someone has good intention.
Ibn Maajah (1853) and al-Bayhaqi (14711) narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa said: When Mu‘aadh ibn Jabal came from Syria, he prostrated to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), who said, “What is this, O Mu‘aadh?” He said, I went to Syria and saw them prostrating to their archbishops and patriarchs, and I wanted to do that for you. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, “Do not do that."
Sajda of respect to humans/graves etc. is haram. As evidenced by sajda to husband hadith
Your lecture Ustadj is simple but can unite Muslims if many people think like what you are saying.
"Salafis" and "Sufi" are just labels people use to distinguish themselves. A proper muslim is the one who Follow the Quran,Sunnah and the salaf. If we exclude the extreme ends of both groups we find each following a part of the Sunnah and the Salaf ways while it should be all in one.
+Mohamed Mifxal No. A proper muslim is the one that follows the Quran. That's it. Not the Sunnah.
both are integral part. Cannot pick and choose. Both are mandatory. Please get is straight.
@@gram1593 if you dont follow the sunnah, then your iman is incomplete, the Quran says Obey Allah and his Messenger Salalahu Alayhi Wasalam
It looks like it's been a very long time since you guys have posted anything. I hope you all are doing well. If you guys are fine, please start uploading again. We greatly benefit.
Jazakumulahu khair .there is a man in Nigeria Muhammad Ali jabata .he has change the word of rosululah (saw)rosululah said kulu bidhat dolahla wa kula dolalat 14:19 fi nar but this uztaz has changed it on his own and is followers in Nigeria he changed to kulu bidhat kufr . which one is the correct stand.
Maashah Allah- One of the best English Speech available.
We need more scholars like him to give the both sides of the argument and let Muslims to make their own judgement.
We cannot use the actions of the Sahabah to justify the innovations of the people today. The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم was present amoungst them, he approve, disapproved and corrected whatever actions in Ibaadah they have added on their own ... And He صلي الله عليه وسلم did just that in many instances. The revelation was still coming down on the him صلي الله عليه وسلم the shari'ah was not completed... But since Allaah عزوجل has completed His religion and the Prophet is no longer amoung us who will approve, disapprove, or correct the newly invented actions of worship that the people have invented...? This is very dangerous and opens up so many doors to innovations. Doors that would be impossible to close. Therefore, we have no option but to hold onto what the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم said, what he did, and what he approved of in his life time . He صلي الله عليه وسلم said stick to my Sunnah and that of my khulafah and beware of newly invented matters.
Ibn Masood رضي اللَّه تعالى إن said, Follow and do not innovate for you have been given sufficient.
{ Sharh I'tiqaad Ahlul Sunnah }
Ibn Omar رضي اللَّه تعالى إن said, Every newly invented matter is a misguidance, even if the people see it as good .
{ Al I'tisaam with a Saheeh isnad }
the scholars and ahlul bait
Who is some salafi shuyukh who have a balanced understanding of sunnah and is worth listening to?. I have some shuyukh not salafis I listen to but would like to add some salafi shuyukh to me lists.
Assimal hakeem
I was in Lahore, thought I was in a mosque, made wudhu, went to front and was about to pray when some guy came to me and put flowers around my neck and said, this aint a mosque mate its a tomb of a wali you CANT pray here. I never saw anyone doing tawaf round a grave, this is such a small number of people its crazy- and this is what the wahabis do, take this tiny element and say the SUFIS all do come to us. And in a way Shaykh hasan is pandering to them with this discourse.
I love this Sheik..has to be one of the most balanced shiekh out there and truly has wisdom. Inshallah i will attend one of his lectures one day.
seeing this sheik for the first time and it's beautiful ... we need more of this sheiks in all the Islamic divisions .... he ks great ... may Allah make him great
Alhamdulillah Sheikh Hasan! You are such a nice Muslim who deserved to be respected at least you know really better about Islamic diversity than others from Salafi who took only about BIDAH, differences between Muslims and discouraging them as a whole. I believe we have to respect diversity no matter they are Sunni, Shia, Salafi, Sufi, Tableegh, whatever and then we will be respected as a nation of faith.
I had a change to listen the Shaykh Hasan Ali live in İstanbul. I like his speaches and his mutual attitude. The things he said about bid'ah and stuff was true. There are some extrime sufi's escpecially in Turkey and there are some extrime salafis. But Shaykh didn't talk about reality. Yes if two person act different because of the difference in the hadith thats understanble there can be a mutual way certanly. But people are giving Allah's right to the people and I don't wanna seen as salafi but they do things that islam called kufr and shirk. I don't wanna divide this ummah or anything but how can I say this people are muslims too? Shaykh made fun of Akidah word, but salafi's has a point there because if a person doesn't know how islam works and what islam asks from a person that person either a new muslim or not a muslim at all. People who don't live in islamic state can say someone is khafir or mushrik to someone who they know they do shirk or kufr. Thats not forbidden in the religion of islam. This is not about dividing this is about knowing the boundries. Almost evey word shaykh said I agree but in this subject I can't be agree with him(Who cares that I don't agree I know..) because as he know in reality you have to seperate the muslims and non-muslims if you don't do that there will be people who call themselves as muslims but they will not in reality. And this will harm the religion of islam in the future (like this times of the century) there will be even more fights and dividing issues. Call me salafi or vahhabi but thats the reality.
You have the cemaat in cashambe in istanbul that are good traditional muslims.
Mahmud efendi who I have met over the years is a wali of Allah.
You should go and try and meet him in his current residence in Beykoz.
SUBHAAN ALLAH! Such wisdom and clarity of concepts, the want of unity with the most controversial topics, subhan Allah, may Allah provide us with more of such scholars. Ameen!
I was confused by salafi way of practicing after coming to uk
Alhamdullah i got sohobot ustad from Deobond ( it all our fault how we perceive not fault of teaching of Deobond)
Thanks sayikh ❤️ for clear understanding
Love from Bangladesh
Acha, answer why would it take the ummah 14 centuries to find out the correct method of the salaf? Why would it be so that for 14 centuries Muslims would be following incorrect methodologies? Why is it so that now people are ready to give judgment on deen by following themselves yet they leave the works of the students of the sahabah (amongst them the mujatihideen)? Why is it so that scholars have explained bid'ah yet unlearned youth are ready to give their fatwa based on literalism not ilm?
May Allah tala bless imam Ali ameen such a breath of fresh of air at times where there is alot fitna this is like the core of what a proper Muslim should be like it is a must watch for every Muslim in opinion
Save ur time and effort brothers understand a simple & effective rule (if u don't understand then go to someone who can explain it in detail):
"Everything is halal in this world except what has been specifically forbidden. And everything is haraam in the religion except what has been specifically allowed."
alhamdulillah very good khutbah . cleared my lots of doubts jazakallah
*cleared lots of my doubts* is what i think you were trying to say.
Seek the evidence
in every issue.
Seek the Sunnah in
every issue.
Seek the Manhaj, the methodology and faham, understanding of our Salaf as-salih in every issue.
Seek the principles of Ahlus Sunnah in every issue.
On the issues of fiqh, ijtihad (where there is no specific evidence or conflicting evidence or scholars have differed on an issue) read both sides or all sides and take what you feel comfortable with.
Stay away from sins, innovations in the Deen and blind following of personalities, Imam, Shaykh, Talib etc.
Stick to the Ulamah and Tullab who direct you to this way.
This will bring about true unity in the Ummah.
anyone know where he talks about du’a after namaaz
Muslims without Sallafis is like a body without head. when i observed Sallafis, read their books, see their way of worship, the way they behave, they remind me what i have seen in Quran and Sunnah of prophet and the teaching of prophet of old.but, also ,when i observed,Sufism and Shiites their way of tradition gathering,performing Ibada and cycling graves of saint people,they remind me the way i had seen in Buddha, Sikhs and devoted Christians.
Mas Yus brother,Jannah is in the hand of Almighty Allah,he enter it to whom he pleased..Salafis is simply means to those who follow the teaching of prophet Mohamed, act his way,survives his Sunah when people neglect, stand firm his Sunnah while most people trapped by Bidaah and shirk. look what Shia doing in by insulting the followers of our beloved prophet like Abubakar,Omar,Osman,and Aisha al kubraa etc may Allah be his blessing be upon them.look what Zufis of our day doing:making dua from dead saints in their graves,......subhanallah.
if you think that Islam is just like to say I am Muslim without following its basic concepts, you are looser,and Allah rejects this claim from the people of old and told us to perform our duties completely..
O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.
Mas Yus tell me who you are,and what is your position in four Muslims Kalifs Abubakar,Omar, Osman and Ali, may Allah pleased with them and prophet"s beloved wife, Aisha?
Mas Yus thank you for your message,Allah has chosen us if we are Muslims, to be his khalifs in this world by saying:You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.....Noble Quran:3:110
and then, in order to survive from this divisions, poverty,corruptions,political instability etc we should follow the way our beloved and his Sahaba were:Quran and authentic saying of our prophet scw,we should act their way,their conduct etc but if we maintain the way we are today of worshiping to graves of good people,following their saying rather then saying of Allah and his messenger scw,we are not different from the people who were before us:Jews and Christians because they had left the teaching of their prophets and in return, they follow what their Rabis and monks invented.
Imam Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Jarir At-Tabari recorded a Hadith via several chains of narration, from `Adi bin Hatim r.a., who was a Christian during the time of Jahiliyya … The Messenger of Allah recited this Ayah;
(They took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah). `Adi commented, “I said, `They did not worship them.”’ The Prophet said,
Yes they did. They (rabbis and monks) prohibited the allowed for them (Christians and Jews) and allowed the prohibited, and they obeyed them. This is how they worshipped them.
pls, observe what our fellow Muslims Shiites and some Sufism are doing today! Allah is not unjust, if do what the Christians and Jews did, we are similar to them.
Mas Yus my Asian Muslim bro, we call you to Allah only, no more then that.Allah says in the Quran:12:108:
Say,(Oh Mohammed) "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah ; and I am not of those who associate others with Him."
as far as Sunni and Shiite concern;First it begun a political differences between followers of Ali and Muawiya may Allah mercy on them, later it interred into conflicts of Aqeeda.
according to principles of Islam, Sahaba of beloved prophet scw, are the best people of this Ummah, we like them and make no distinction between them:Abubakar.Omar,Osman,Ali and rest of sahaba of beloved mohamed scw. their denial,insult,and curse on,them even one of them leads to you into Kufr or disbelieve. Allah says in Quran:Certainly was Allah pleased with the believers(Sahaba of prophet) when they pledged allegiance to you, [O Muhammad], under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with an imminent conquest.
Shiites, who are small no of this Umah, curse and insult some of the sahaba of our beloved mohamed scw, and his beloved wife,Aisha, who is our mother as Quran said.
they followed so called Imams and saints other then Allah and his chosen prophet.
finely, i remind you to one beautiful verse from the Noble Quran: Say,Oh Mohamed) "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone."(like Imam,prophet,angel,saint,etc)
[Quran, chapter 18, verse 110]
Assalam aleikum,
Mas Yus Subhana Allah,cool down brother, just we exchanging views.althought Shias are against the most fundamental of Islam, I do not support their killing or any other human being.killing innocent people is Haram in our religion.Hezbollah of Lubanan are killing and abducting Sunnis in Syria and ISIS doing the same is bad thing that majority of Sunni scholars condemned today.
what i had talked to you was: how should you a muslim while you denied, insulted the followers of our beloved Zahaba and his wives,RA, and made a so many Imams who you made their obedience above the obedience of Allah and his messenger, Mohammed Bin Abdullah may Allah's peace and blessing be upon him .if you do so, I am afraid, that your chance to the heaven will be Zero.
May Allah lead you the way of his prophet, Amen.
You see this is where u have a misunderstanding. There is a difference between an innovation in the dunya and an innovation in the deen. Muslims are against innovations in the religion. But new things in the dunya like cars and TH-cam are not part of the religion.
Jazakallahu khairan ya Sheikh
Definitely sheikh has a good stance..even now can relate few years on, May Allah swt bless him Ameen
some people cant even be bothered to memorise the dua when entering the graveyards yet they go to a darga off certain people and ask of the dead which is shirk.
Did you not watch this video? May Allah guide us.
@@yassersoopee4355 yes i did.
Kullu bidhatin dalalah wa kullu dalalah fin Naar, part of khutba al Hajaah.
You clearly never listen to what the sheikh was trying to explain .
@@yassersoopee4355 and firm upon Tawheed Aameen
@@yassersoopee4355 i did.
Anyone got a link to the video of sheikh hudaifys khutbah against the shias
I have seen several videos on Salafi/Sufi differences here on TH-cam, and this video seems to be the most balanced video i have seen so far.
Brothers/Sisters please be more gentle in your comments even if you disagree. And don't bother to correct someone else unless you sincerely care for them, or have a courteous way to inform them. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that you are doing good by "defeating" or "taking down" some one else's view or belief.
standing and sending salawat is simply permissible, learned people dont say the ruh travels to the person, the standing and salawat is presented to the nabi(blessings of allah and peace be upon him)
Allah hu akbar
May Allah reward you for helping thoes of us who flitted between the two and not agree with both you have demonstrated well how to practice the fiqh and sunnah and love Allah.
Allah bless you and guide us to the sirtal mistakeem the balanced way of Islam.
Mr. Hasan Ali, with due respect, you cannot just say that some people should be allowed to practice a bidaah since it would be the only mean of sustaining their faiths. "And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know (the truth)" [Quran, 2:42]. This is definitely not the way the Prophet (peace be upon him) preached Islam, even at the very early stage when he had to face severe adversities. Islam does not compromise with ideologies opposed to the divine order simply because of protecting Imaan (?!?) of some so-called Muslims today. "And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying." [Quran, 6:116]
Analyse what is saying. He's not justifying their actions he's saying you need to provide them the means to get onto the correct path before you destroy what little deen they have left. It's about the greater good of the ummah. Just stating something is bidah only is effectively just dropping the mic.
Alhumdulillah. Very balanced view. In my opinion, Deen was perfected when Rasulullah saw was alive. So all the interactions with sahaba and the actions they 'introduced' into deen and were approved by Rasulullah saw were part of the process of perfecting our deen. The question is, if we introduce something 'new' to deen now should this be classified as bida, because Rasulullah saw is not here to approve of it.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات
عَنْ أُمِّ المُؤمِنِينَ أُمِّ عَبْدِ اللهِ عَائِشَةَ - رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهَا - قَالَتْ: قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ : (مَنْ أَحْدَثَ فِيْ أَمْرِنَا هَذَا مَا لَيْسَ مِنْهُ فَهُوَ رَدٌّ) رواه البُخارِيُّ وَ مُسلِمٌ، وفي رواية لـمُسلِمٍ (مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلاً لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُنَا فَهُوَ رَدٌّ).
On the authority of Ummul Mukminin Ummi Abdillah Aishah radiyallahu anha, The Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, Those who create a new things in the way we worship Allah without any base or foundation from the religion, their deeds will be rejected. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). In the narration of Muslim, it is stated that, Those who perform deeds which do not have any foundation or basis in our religion, the deed will then be rejected.
I'm afraid our brother as lost his sense of barings, Allah guide him to the truth he has misinterpreted the ahadeeth due his lack of understanding which reflects that he can not explain what the defintion of Bid'ah means,
Marfu - Sayings, actions and approvals that can be traced back to the Messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam) through Saheeh Hadith with authentic sanad (Chain).
So the Prophet ﷺ approval showed that he agreed with Billal Radhi Allahu anhu statement in regards to making wudu and performing a nafl prayer straight after, isn't billal Radhi Allahu anhu not worshipping his Lord solely by confining in him, Allah was pleased with his actions, in turn which amazed Allah's Messenger ﷺ
The reality is that we as humans are blind until we clarify for ourselves through deleel from the Quran and Sunnah with the correct and balanced understanding, not as these mureeds do but as students of knowledge, following particular madhab restricts ones and often those who do become resentful, associating yourself to a madhab isn't wrong providing you have the deleel for what you're following.
Our brothers from the Deoband are clever and very mystical, I urge you to look at their "great scholars" and you'll see inside their own books the sickening statements they have made in regards to Kashf, sihir etc etc, look at the root word of Deoband and where it was deprived from.
My brother if you listen to the talk agen the shaykh 'clearly' emphasised on what acts are bidhah but not saying Allahs name. He said for example if ladies an men mix and do zikr I.e repeat Allahs name with the lights off that becomes bidhah becuase rasoolullah did not mix with ladies with lights off at the time of zikhr.
Plus you think about it with ladies around you do u really fink your mind can really connect to Allah? The reason why we do zikr is have a strong connection with Allah
Secondly he said when tou doing zikr an go over the top and dancing around while you saying Allahs name thats bidhah becuase rasoolullah did not do such acts while he did zikr.
Plus dont you think dancing around while you do zikr is desrespecting your lord?
Thats why I always think its best to listn care fully to the full lectures were evr we are and who ever we listen to before we pin point and break couple of words out of a sentence.
Please anyone or team, share it's Part 1 link.
I would like this sheikh to come and do a talk in bolton inshallah
At 11:20 is he referring to Tawasul?
He speaks about tawassul after that?
This is also how Muftī Taqi Usmani translated the verse, by saying that “He positioned Himself on the Throne” (paraphrased). Muftī Saeed Ahmad Palanpuri, Sheikhul Hadith at Darul Uloom Deoband, has translated - and continues to translate - Istiwā' as “sitting tightly‟ in his lectures, echoing what Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri inserted in his translation of some of the Istiwā' verses."
(Taken from the .za document)
Loved everything from 40:00
This talk made so much sense.. you take what is right from the Sufis & the Salafis & leave what is extreme & bidah from both sides.. the end product is perfect deen
If you go just by logic, logic ask for evidence of Allah, that's where all atheist problem comes in. You know why the young population are going away from Islam and towards Athesim is because no logical explanation can be provided about Allah without having love of something which is above All (Sufi Pathway). So if you want to keep just to text, by All means go ahead, And I believe, you already know what's happening with the young generation around the world.
Sufis and their claim of knowledge of unseen (ilm e ghaib)---------It seems that Allah has been more charitable to the sufi Bayazeed Bastami than Sayyadina Muhammad (PBUH). Abu Talib Makki (died 996 CE) in his famous book Quwat ul Quloob describes the Miraaj of Bayazeed Bastami.
أدخلني في الفلك الأسفل فدورني في الملكوت السفلى فاراني الأرضين وما تحتها إلى الثرى، ثم أدخلني في الفلك العلوى فطوف بي في السمٰوٰت و أراني ما فيها من الجنان إلى العرش ثم أوقفني بين يديه فقال لي: سلني أي شيء رأيت حتى أهبه لك.
He (Allah) entered me into the lower heavens then He took me to the lower kingdoms thus he showed to me all the earths and that which is beneath the earth. Then He entered me into the higher heavens then He showed to me that which is in the sky and showed to me that which is in it from Paradise till the Throne then He (Allah) made me stand in front of Him and said to me: “Ask for whatever in that which you saw so that I can grant it to you.”
(Quwat ul Quloob, pg.70, v.2)
@hudders128, he said, if you dont believe Mawlid is from religion then OK. Many Sufis don't accept mawlid from religion but more of a use of the day.
Is this mosque in a fire station? How many accents can you perfectly pull off??
Shaikh You did wonderful job.Unity of umma is importanat. Hazeat Usman prayed 4 rakaa because of his parent in law were in Macca so he consiered it as home. I heard this. never heard because of unity. This also make sense.
beautiful lecture
Ibn Taymiyyah himself was a Sufi. See his Sharh on Shaykh jilani's Futuh al Ghaib
an earliest book on Tasawwuf.
he was a syrian
One has to give him credit how he is calling out Saudis, it is true. I don't agree with him on everything but he is seeking the balance way and comes from a place of compassionate. May we be rightly guided from a non-Muslim studying Quran.
P.S. Has he ever done a talk on Rajm penalty for adultery and capital punishment for apostasy? Thanks for any help.
thanks for the wisdom. May we be rightly guided. ..
P.S. I took my shahada this past February,
Thanks, I took my shahada last February, I am muslim now. May Allah bless and strengthen you
Asalaam u alikum brother, one question i would like to ask is that , you have said that Our Beloved Prophet (May peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon Him) , is alive in the grave , by saying this you have opened a door for the grave worshippers giving them an oppurtunity to grave worship, if we all knew Our Beloved Prophet (May peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon Him) is alive in the grave , i think we would all be in madina now asking for His (May peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon) blessings. Would you agree on this?
if you listened his source was either hadith or the Quran which refers to Nabi (SAW) being alive so you come and say that hadith or that verse from Quran is wrong to say that
Just cuz some one is hanging by a thread on milad does not mean one dont correct him, and prevention of bidah is better than loosing a sunnah. Allaah knows best.
May Allah bless shaykh Hasan Ali for his work. The people who are critisising are proving no comon scence plus you guys are not alims. So befre you you critisise an alim try and see who has more knowledge. Can we answer and show proof to Allah that we have more knowledge than shaykh? When we are not alims. Cumon brothers an sisters lets not me ignorant.
Respect the shaykh for his hard work trying to unite the comunity with the work of deen becuase we all have one goal.
So instead of being branches of contraverses(fitna) lets b motivated and study Islam properly becuase every day we are students of deen maybe then will fynd the right mistakes whoch may not b mistakes but a diferent opinion an how iys been said. Remember Allah gives knowledge to those who act upon the knowledge they learn Allah gives those such knowledge they didnt even know about.
So lets respect what shaykh has to say becuase every thing he is saying is not against islam.
May Allah guide us to the right path and strengthen this ummah.Ameen
sense* brother its sense not scence
What a way to describe the topic. Mashallah
*_Muslims should ignore all the labels and follow the Noble Quran, the authentic sunnah of Rasul'Allah and the methodology of the righteous Salaf AsSaleh. (Refrain from the label Salafi)_*
Will u wahabi people stop fighting with Muslims
You need a little learning. The Holy Ka’ba is qibla for Salah and the sky is qibla for supplication. When asked by Abbasid King Al Mansur Imam Malik instruct him to face the noble grave of Saiyidina Rasululla STAWA. From Dhaka.
may ALLAH continue to help for you beautiful explanation may Allah guide this ummah
This is a great talk.
Prophet peace be upon him fast on monday sahaba R.A asked Prophet peace be upno him why he fast on monday. Prophet peace be upon him replied because its the day on which i born.
Prophet peace be upon him celebrated his birthday and still many people fast monday in madina al munwara. Will you call it like christian as well???? In "kitb ul waseela" ibn tamiya narrated hadith in which Prophet peace be upon him taught wasila and ibn tamiya classified hadith as sahih.
For those who say that saying "Allah Allah Allah" is Bid'ah, didn't Bilal (ra) keep saying Allah's name "Ahad Ahad Ahad" when he was being tortured?
Oh of course, I completely agree that's bid'ah. But just saying Allah's names by themselves. salam alaikum
***** this guy aint a barelwi
lol salam alaikum no I'm not barelwi, Qur'an and Sunnah that's all
no problem, Ramadan Kareem insha Allah
The problem is lack of knowledge about Bid'ah, so let us examine what is Bid'ah ???
If a new thing has been started, and it neither goes against the Qur’an or Sunnah, then it can be declared a ‘good’ innovation. However, if a new act is initiated against the Qur'an and Sunnah, that will be called bad bid'ah, or a reprehensible innovation.
Qadi Shawkani writes "In Islam there are two kinds of Bid'ah: Bid'ah Say'iah and Bid'ah Hasana. If a new thing opposes the Qur’an and Sunnah then it is Say'iah, but if it is not against the Shari'ah then it is Hasanah. (Nayl-ul-Autaar, Qadi Shawkani chapter Salaah Al Taravee).
Imam Nawawi writes that there are certain types of Bid’ah. Two of them are Bid’ah Sayyiah and Bid’ah Hasanah. Bid’ah sayyiah is a Bid’ah that opposes the Qur’an and sunnah and Bidah Hasanah is a Bid’ah that is not against the Qur’an or Sunnah. For example: To invent the usool (principle) of Hadeeth, usool of Fiqh, usool of Tafsir etc. [Tahzeeb al Asma wal lughaat word Bid’ah by Imam Nawawi]
Hafidhh ibn Rajjab defines bida to mean new things that have no basis in the Qur'an or Sunnah. If a new practice has evidence from the Qur'an or Sunnah it will not be Bid'ah Shari'ah, but it will be Bid'ah Logaviyya (linguistic). (Jaami' Al Uloom Al Hukkam page 252 by Hafidhh ibn Rajjab).
Hafidhh Asqalani writes if a new thing is against Islam, it will be bad. If it is not against Islam, it will be hasanah (Good). (Fathul Bari chap on Taravi by Hafidhh Asqalani).
Hafidhh ibn Taymiyyah writes that bid'ah is always bad, but some scholars say that there are two kinds of bid'ah, that one is good and one is bad. If a new thing has origin in the Qur'an and Sunnah it will be called Bid'ah Logaviyya (verbally) but not Bid'ah in Shari'ah. Only the word bid'ah will be used on the new things. Like, the Qur'an was collected in one book after the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace], and the congregational Taravi prayer was started in Sayyidna Umar's time but these two things have an origin in the Sunnah. Therefore, it will be called bid'ah verbally. (Iqtidah al Sirat al Mustaqeem chap on Bid'ah by Hafidhh ibn Taymiyya).
If required, examples will be provided...
So somebody is a sufy because one want to achieve grater level in faith 'ihsan".
What are the implications of this statement [claim]?
1]That one can't achieve the level of ihsan just by being a believing and practicing muslim or that all of the believing and practicing muslims are sufies. What further implies that in order to achieve the level of ihsan one must be a sufy. Or is their claim that even thou practicing muslims can achieve ihsan in the way it is explained in Qur'an and sunnah they are the only ones who understand it or they have a better way. That is the problem.
2] Allah s.v.a had named believers as muslims long time ago and Allah's Messenger Muhammed s.a.v.s had confirmed this in his sunnah. In Qur'an and sunnah are explanations , requirements and promises for believers having different levels in faith. In those explanations, requirements and promises is nowhere mentioned a requirement of being a sufy.
And claim that being a sufy just because one wants to achieve the level of ihsan, one of it's implications is exactly that you must be a sufy to achieve ihsan. While according the Qur'an and sunnah one must completely surrender himself to Allah s.v.a [to be a muslim].
3] First we must strive to achieve satisfaction of Allah s.v.a so that Allah s.v.a would be merciful to us and reserve for us a place in Jennah.
4[ Only Allah s.v.a. knows who among human beings is for Jennah and who is for Jehennam.
No human being can know his own destination one can only have hope for the best.
5] Ones claim that they are trying to achieve higher level of faith implies; that they know they have a faith and therefor Jennah is reserved for them and now they are trying to achieve higher levels in Jennah. For higher levels of faith equals higher levels in Jennah.
Even if one has faith today, one can't know if one will have it tomorrow or will one die in faith. Only Allah s.v.a knows.
Can't you people see how only one incorrect statement contradicts many postulates of our dinn islam, even thou on the surface it looks like an innocent statement ; "they only want little bit more".
It's like the one who isn't sure if he is going to get a handful but he already wants an armful or more.
First strive to get a handful and if you by Allah's mercy achieve this perhaps you will get even an armful or more. Only Allah s.v.a knows what rewards or punishments He has prepared for each of us.
Justifying name sufy by compering it to the terms akiddah and tawheed on the basis that none of these terms are mentioned by name in the Qur'an and sunnah is wrong reasoning.
With this reasoning one can invent any kind of concept mixing up islam with anything else giving it a name and claiming for it to be islamic and saying so what if it is not mentioned by name in Qur'an and sunnah for akiddah and tawheed are not mentioned ether.
Claims and concepts of akiddah and tawheed do not in any way directly or indirectly contradict Qur'an and sunnah in fact their concept and claims are from Qur'an and sunnah while concept and claims of sufies contradict some postulates from Qur'an and sunnah. As I have it explained in the text above.
Islamic can be only that what is established by Qur'an and sunnah and doesnt in any way contradict any islamic postulates.
Anything that contradicts any of the islamic postulates can't be called islamic.
Sorry, haven't got time to take your comment seriously, if you don't have time to watch both videos, hope you understand.
so many police cars going by, gosh!
That is london for you
Salaam :) No I am not talking anything bad about Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah, infact if you look at the true meaning, all Salafis(Ahle Hadith), all 4 madhaahib( Hanafi including Deobandi and Barelvi) come under it. I am a strong Hanafi by the way, but brother if you say that an innovation, a new way of worshiping Allah and a new way of sending durood on our beloved is good, and doing things not there in Quran and Sunnah, then it is an insult to our beloved(PBUH) for he did not teach us to do that.
Barak Allahu Fik shaykh
The ending 👌🏽
1:13:27 Bookmark
I was with him util he was talking about prophet soul being with him in his body inside the grave, Sulamina (as) was dead for hundreds of years before the jinn realized that he was dead, so if the soul returns to the body, what is the difference between dead and alive? Hadith says Allah has forbidden earth to eat any of his prophets, if that was true, what would be point of returning Rasool Allah's soul every time to reply the salutations.
And then he started talking about tawassul and I completely lost him. Ashraf ali thanvi example? Really? Why is Mawlid only Bidah? Isn't coping from other religions? The marching, the celebration of birthday, the procession? That would still remain halal? I have heard enough!
+Imran Shaik Hadith is not the word of God. You are a Hadith worshipper thus a polytheist.
Gram1 if that is your best comment then I feel for you.
its not that the prophet(SAW) didn't put restrictions to it.. its new in the deen. and that defines bid'ah, simple as that. no confusion
the issue of Allah istawa is not clear among some Muslims. they think that Allah swt is every where and they quote from Quran.Also they think that Allah has no sifat like hands and wajh(face) according to his highness.
this is some thing very serious issues, they must resolve it.
Allah said in Quran "I am closer to them than saherag(vein)" this was sent down by Allah in a respose of sahabh that can we make dua to Allah?. it does not mean that Allah lives in the body of people. on other hand many places Allah swt said "after created seven heaven and earth, rahman rose above the throne " it does mean Allah istawa above throne .he is apart from his creation.
this can be supported by Hadith also. when a slave girl was asked by rasool Allah pbuh "where is Allah ?" she answered toward heaven. so this opinion is correct.
all these scholars in the comment section xD....
Jajakallah Khairan Shaikh. Now a days its very hard to find a real sufi. I think its safe to get rid of them.
yes deobandi sufis say asking for help from the nabi(blessings of allah and peace be upon him)/ awliya is haraam, but the majority of the Ummah say it is allowed, obviously with correct beliefs
Brother AQ brother that verse does not mention living or dead, so if taken literally ask only Allah, no police no medicine etc. but that verse in reality means help only ultimately comes from Allah, his help manifests in this world through means for us, like Allah wills us to be cured when we take medicine, medicine in itself doesn’t help, and istigatha is not a barelvi belief only, here are two fatwas by Habib Umar who is not from the subcontinent,
So you've never been to the doctor right ?
بارك الله فيك
Ok so tell me have you never asked a human 4 help? I.e your doctor, dentist, mum dad bro sis?
Muslim scholars do talk about studying in science, medicines etc. Look at the "daruliftaaUK" channel and you wlll find a lecture on "pharmaceutical ethics in Islam"
Thank you so very much
So you are against mawlid, even though you admit so many scholars do it, but you make the excuse that its because they all have no iman...? ok I got to 33 mins.
As Salam alaikum. brothers translated into Russian
That would have been good if it was Russian I wish I knew Russian!
milad shareef is something else. What you were reading there, was salaam, it is a type of naat and we read this naat, the standing up bit, is a type of respect, you just stand up to read this type of naat. Yes, you can read the naat by sitting down. This is just another way of expressing your love for the PROPHET (salalaah huta aahla alaiyhi wa aahlihi wa salam). Finally, MILAD SHAREEF is something else, it is the celebration of the PROPHET'S (salalaah huta aahla alaiyhi wa aahlihi wa salam) the celebration of the fact that the PROPHET (salalaah huta aahla alaiyhi wa aahlihi wa salam) came as light to the universe; and you have a khatam, you give food to the poor, etc. People, decorate their homes with lights and the green flags.
It's BIDAH.....Mawled Al Nabee is BIDAH... wake up and smell the Coffee.
This was not practiced by Rasool Allah Salalahu Alaihi wa salam. Nor did his close companions (the 4 companions) Abubker, Omar, Uthman and Ali.
They should not consider that part , i.e the one about Marching on streets , Decorating homes , Lighting candles etc as PART of Deen. No extra sawab for that . Then it is not Bidah. If he thinks so , that this is part of Deen then it becomes Bidah. That is clear.
I found this useful, although I would like to note: many of the examples the respected Sheikh gave, are flawed with respect to "Salafi" beliefs. The word in itself, and the understanding of all 'salafis' I know is based upon the pious predecessors (according to the famous hadith), i.e. after the Quran and Sunnah, the understanding of first three generations. This includes the sahaba of course, so for example, when the sahabi added something after the ruku or when Bilal (r.a) did his two rakah after wudu etc, this would be accepted by 'salafis' as this based upon the understanding of the first three generations.
With those examples he is saying that if you add certain ibadaahs in ibadah then it isn’t bidah and then gives and example of the Sahaba. If you can accept the sahaba doing it when it wasn’t sunnah then you can accept a normal person doing it because prophet didn’t prohibit it.
Why do I hear so many police cars? So sad and scary.. :/ but lovely lecture. I love Mawlids but I don't believe that it's fard... You do it or you don't, up to you tbh :)
No clue tbh LOL just found it pretty
Shut up lol
Deobandis are the best ulama's.
Salafi's & barelvis always criticising other ulama's
The Shaykh should use the word fard because only at that point can we discuss different types of fard acts. in his current example on dhikr he is falling short, for example, in his general example on dhikr he is correct on making something fard in the seen like the fard salat are fard, but a Khalifah for example may go into a town and notice there is an extreme level of Ghaflah, heedlessness and ignorance in the Deen he can make it Fard for them to have dhikr circles in order to remove this Ghaflah. A shaykh of Fiqh or Tassawwuf may also give the same type of ruling with that intention.
It is in these types of situations the Shaykh is falling short in his explanation but correct in general. He should also differentiate between singing and dancing with musical instruments and singing and dancing without musical instruments because in fiqh they are separate rulings, the music is haram while there is no ruling saying singing is haram or dancing is haram. He uses the example of the Dervishes but Dervishes with music and without are two different things the issue is music which he mentions in his speech. The matter in Fiqh is specific, exact and precise and not as general as his words are, most likely due to the audience he is addressing.
A lot of the things he mentions are according to Niyah, intention, and each matter is specific to the individual as Rasul Allah (saws) said, did you cut open his chest to find out what is inside his heart.
u know why pakistan is such a mess these days ? why saudi arabia is the most corrupted country in teh case of human rights and other stuff ? why iran is such a mess ?
coz we Muslims talk about the stuff that we really dont need to talk about !
i am sick of all these bed3a discussions
i am sick of muslims who talk about music instrument but they are not serious about serious stuff like spirituality and morality and philosophy of Islam
Mashallah great talk
I am not a deobandi, i respect them a lot and my views are very close to being a deobandi. Its not you or your family I am targetting here. My own family I am talking, my own uncle(who is a big peer apparently) who claims my grandfather wont go to jannah because he did not pray the dua for maghfirat for him. I went to a barelvi mosque where they said, Allah bhi dena waala hai, tu waliyon se bhi maang... What is this bhi ka qissa? La haul wala quwwat illa billah. I am not insulting you brother.