Usually the color of Tramadol is the one on the video. But color of any medication can differ depending on the brand. Please read the name written on the cover instead.
Slm Dr tiyake neberegn talak wendime back pain neberebet ena leza sil mewused jemiro neber ahun beshitawu titotal gin demo ye tramadolu addiction gin severe derja layi dersuwal ena ahun yetekeshachew symptoms alut ena yemegetatemiya akebabi pain alewu ene liteyikish yefelekut ye rehabitation cost, Sint ende hone ena durationu lemin yakil gize endemiwesid new ena demo diazepam le addictionu tikim alew ?
Hi, There are different rehabilitation center options. Options from government hospitals include St.Paul's , Zewditu, Eka Kotebe, Yekatit & Amanuel hospital. There're also private centers. The duration of stay at the centers depends on the patient's progress(it's not predetermined). You can send me private message on tiktok for more details.
Hi Dr. how prevalnt this tramadol is. Is it being abused in schools? what is the public health sector doing to control? i dont hear any public awarness in media or anywhere else. i think its a great way to start talking now before its too late. thank you for your awarness. I have kids and i wanted to start this conversation but i was not sure how big is the problem.
The prevalence is not well studied in our country. Though from my clinical experience, i can say that the figure is significant. The conversation with our children not necessarily needs to be directly about Tramadol. Telling them stories about life challenges they could face & asking them what they would do if they were the one facing the challenge is one good way of knowing their problem solving ability as well as teaching them better ways.
Hi Zekariyas, I understand the struggle you are going through. We usually treat patients with Tramadol use problem by admitting them to hospital for few days. The treatment includes detoxification and Psychotherapy. I suggest you to have an in person evaluation by a Psychiatrist & have a discussion on your treatment options.
Betam arif mekr new amesagenalhu berchelg Dr
Welcome's nice
Dr Selusha Thankyou
በመንገደ አየሂድን ማወሪት የምን ምልክት ነወ
ለብቻ ማውራት ለማለት ነው?
እንኳን በሰላም ተመለሽ። መልካም መልዕክት ነው!
Welcome back Dr
Welcome back Dr !!!!
ሰላም ጤና ይስጥልኝ እንዴት ነሽ ዶክተር ሰላም ቲክቶክ ላይ መልዕክት አሥቀምጬልሻለሁ ተመልከችው 🙏
ዶክተር እናመሰግናለን ከለሩ ቢጫና ብሉ ታዞልኝ እየወሰድኩ ነው እሱ ይሆን ስለከለር ልዩነታቸው ብትነግሪን
Usually the color of Tramadol is the one on the video. But color of any medication can differ depending on the brand. Please read the name written on the cover instead.
Slm Dr tiyake neberegn talak wendime back pain neberebet ena leza sil mewused jemiro neber ahun beshitawu titotal gin demo ye tramadolu addiction gin severe derja layi dersuwal ena ahun yetekeshachew symptoms alut ena yemegetatemiya akebabi pain alewu ene liteyikish yefelekut ye rehabitation cost, Sint ende hone ena durationu lemin yakil gize endemiwesid new ena demo diazepam le addictionu tikim alew ?
There are different rehabilitation center options. Options from government hospitals include St.Paul's , Zewditu, Eka Kotebe, Yekatit & Amanuel hospital.
There're also private centers.
The duration of stay at the centers depends on the patient's progress(it's not predetermined). You can send me private message on tiktok for more details.
Hi Dr. how prevalnt this tramadol is. Is it being abused in schools? what is the public health sector doing to control? i dont hear any public awarness in media or anywhere else. i think its a great way to start talking now before its too late. thank you for your awarness. I have kids and i wanted to start this conversation but i was not sure how big is the problem.
The prevalence is not well studied in our country. Though from my clinical experience, i can say that the figure is significant.
The prevalence is not well studied in our country. Though from my clinical experience, i can say that the figure is significant.
The conversation with our children not necessarily needs to be directly about Tramadol. Telling them stories about life challenges they could face & asking them what they would do if they were the one facing the challenge is one good way of knowing their problem solving ability as well as teaching them better ways.
How many pay for pyschitaric nursing in ethiopia dr
Hi, I'm not sure about that.
እባክሽን ዶክተር አባቴ ስኩዋር ታማሚነው ነቭ አለብህ ተብሎ እግሩን በጣም ያመዋል ነርቩ እናም የነርቭ መዲሀኒት እየተጠቀመ ነው ህመሙ በጣም ሲባባስበት እንቅልፍ ከለከለው ሀኪም አማክሮ ትራማዶ ታዘዘለት ሲጠቀመው ህመሙ ይቀንሳል እንቅልፍም ይወስደዋል ትራማዶውን ሲተው አመመው እናም ምን ይሻላል እባክሽ ተባበሪኝ ሱሰኛ ያደርገዋል ወይ እድሜው 65 ነው😢
ትራማዶው ን ሲያቆመው እንቅልፍ ም ይከለክለዋል ህመሙም ይባባሳል ነርቩ ም በጣም ያሰቃየዋል መፍትሄ ካለሽ ዶክተር ያለው ህመሙ ሲጠናብህ ውሰድ ነው ያለው
Tramadol can be used when its benefit out weighs. I recommend you to have an open conversation with your father's treating physician.
Ebakshi erjgni ebakshi 5 amet tramadol tetekami negni kebad yehone chinket wustcnegni erjigni ebakshi
Hi Zekariyas, I understand the struggle you are going through. We usually treat patients with Tramadol use problem by admitting them to hospital for few days. The treatment includes detoxification and Psychotherapy. I suggest you to have an in person evaluation by a Psychiatrist & have a discussion on your treatment options.