Les Weber apportent apportent du bruit, peu de puissance, si rien est fait coté culasse, consommation en hausse de manière importante par les pompes de reprise sollicitées à chaque coup d'accélérateur , les réglages fréquents demandent la main d'un spécialiste pour un fonctionnement optimum mais ils deviennent ,rare et cher. La type E avec son poids mesuré et les 3 SU donnent suffisament de puissance, de souplesse donc plus de plaisir de conduite avec une consommation mesurée, de 12 a 14 l maxi , en 14 années les SU m'ont demandé que 3 reglages et qq jeux de bougies, l'entretien dans ce cas ne coûte pas plus cher qu'une TR6, ainsi équipée la série 2 FHC injustement boudée, n'en reste pas moins une autentique type E et ormis quelques différences de quincailleries apportait un confort et une fiabilité amélioré.
Sadly soon all combustion cars and trucks including classics will be banned from public streets in entire EU and Scandinavia :-( In Germany the Green Peoples Party gave order to shorten fuel supply from 2025 on by reducing all conventional fuel stations to only one state operated central gas station per city or county. Car washs will be forbidden too because they are climate killers, now they want to slow down all the gas station pumps from 20 litre per minute to 2 litre per minute...From 2027 on in the EU certain car spare parts will be banned too....as exhaust systems, turbo chargers and even some engine and gearbox oils...California and New York will do the same from 2027 on.... So no investments should be done in oil burning cars any longer....They even created a new kind of crime here, called emissions and smoke crime.!!! (BABVVEN & TEBBVEN & BEFVO laws)!
"Local man saddened he is not allowed to ride his beautiful prize oxen down motorway" Joking aside while these cars are beautiful, putting our toys aside so our children and their children can also live worthy lives is the least we can do. The exhaust of 8 billion people does somewhat unsurprisingly affect the chemistry of our atmosphere and result in positive radiative forcing. So in a sense we have to be frugal and cut costs thermally speaking. Yet somehow I still imagine there'll be feats of vehicular engineering and design to appreciate in the future.
This car is a mess. There is nothing "nice" about dirty and torn interior pieces. The car is filthy. If you've been so brainwashed as to think "original" means THIS, good luck.
Beautiful - hands down, my favorite car ever!
Same here.
I used to enjoy being dropped off to school in one of these 😁😁
Very nice. Do Three webers make it even faster?
Not necessarily, then, as now, putting three Webers on was cheaper than fitting three SUs.
I've had Webers and SUs. Hands down enormous power with Webers. Owned this jag with SUs only. Monthly cost were good, about $300 to keep on road.
Les Weber apportent apportent du bruit, peu de puissance, si rien est fait coté culasse, consommation en hausse de manière importante par les pompes de reprise sollicitées à chaque coup d'accélérateur , les réglages fréquents demandent la main d'un spécialiste pour un fonctionnement optimum mais ils deviennent ,rare et cher. La type E avec son poids mesuré et les 3 SU donnent suffisament de puissance, de souplesse donc plus de plaisir de conduite avec une consommation mesurée, de 12 a 14 l maxi , en 14 années les SU m'ont demandé que 3 reglages et qq jeux de bougies, l'entretien dans ce cas ne coûte pas plus cher qu'une TR6, ainsi équipée la série 2 FHC injustement boudée, n'en reste pas moins une autentique type E et ormis quelques différences de quincailleries apportait un confort et une fiabilité amélioré.
Nice…surprising to see no rubber pads on the brake and clutch pedals. In my area, that’s a roadworthy failure right there…
I agree and it's been fixed.
Gorgeous car, but jeebus, clean the darn thing.
"Let's start at the rear end"
Sadly soon all combustion cars and trucks including classics will be banned from public streets in entire EU and Scandinavia :-(
In Germany the Green Peoples Party gave order to shorten fuel supply from 2025
on by reducing all conventional fuel stations to only one state operated central gas station per city or county. Car washs will be forbidden too because they are climate killers, now they want to slow down all the gas station pumps from 20 litre per minute to 2 litre per minute...From 2027 on in the EU certain car spare parts will be banned too....as exhaust systems, turbo chargers and even some engine and gearbox oils...California and New York will do the same from 2027 on.... So no investments should be done in oil burning cars any longer....They even created a new kind of crime here, called emissions and smoke crime.!!! (BABVVEN & TEBBVEN & BEFVO laws)!
Looks like I'm leaving NY then. And, oh yeah, #FJB
"Local man saddened he is not allowed to ride his beautiful prize oxen down motorway"
Joking aside while these cars are beautiful, putting our toys aside so our children and their children can also live worthy lives is the least we can do.
The exhaust of 8 billion people does somewhat unsurprisingly affect the chemistry of our atmosphere and result in positive radiative forcing. So in a sense we have to be frugal and cut costs thermally speaking.
Yet somehow I still imagine there'll be feats of vehicular engineering and design to appreciate in the future.
What are you kidding it needs repair.
This car is a mess. There is nothing "nice" about dirty and torn interior pieces. The car is filthy. If you've been so brainwashed as to think "original" means THIS, good luck.