Technicaly everybody is good but cordination of rotation is bad. The front player must intercept more faster before the shuttle goes below the net. The front player must always try to hit the shuttle down/below for create a lift up from opponent thus giving your back partner chance to smash or drop the shuttle. 1 heavy smash is not a end for all. Be ready to engage more smash rapidly until your opponent is torn out mentally. Ps: Koko @ yonglee much better in term of cordination eventhough his fat.
Agree with you. The player must be more practise for rotation flow since It's not permanent partner , so need to know about character for each player. 👍👍👍
Mantap bang, permainannya ruaar biasa👍👍
Enak diliatnya cara main
Sudah bagus foot style Serve nya,,,👍👍👍. Good Job
Keren.....mantul jonnnnnn...
Waktu semes badannya jgan miring
Lebih seneng liat yang lokal gini si daripada yang kejuaraan.Lebih gampang diliat buat ditiru
Thanks comment nya....👍👍👍
Sekali kali bikin konten cara drop shot/smash/neting
enak nih kalau bisa belajar bareng bang mpin 😊
Wedeh ada bro davin pradwisa nih,, mancap
Bang cara latih backhand biar bisa clear jauh ke belakang gmn ya tipsnya dongg
semua nya.udah baguz...cuma kelihatannya maennya gak serius gitu...apa krna gak pocarian x ya...hehhe
Hahaha....iye iye....sprtinya harus ada tuh 😊
Technicaly everybody is good but cordination of rotation is bad. The front player must intercept more faster before the shuttle goes below the net. The front player must always try to hit the shuttle down/below for create a lift up from opponent thus giving your back partner chance to smash or drop the shuttle. 1 heavy smash is not a end for all. Be ready to engage more smash rapidly until your opponent is torn out mentally.
Ps: Koko @ yonglee much better in term of cordination eventhough his fat.
Agree with you. The player must be more practise for rotation flow since It's not permanent partner , so need to know about character for each player. 👍👍👍
Agreed ... too much missed netting intercepted momentum
Yg baju kuning smesh'y mantabs
Kuning semua bang bajunya 😂😂
@@mohamadeka2961 😁😄😄
hayoo sparing kakak
. smbil jaga silaturahmi.. salam satu hobby
Rindu gila nak jumpsmash.lepas kena acl terus stop.😢😢😢
Lekas sembuh bro biar bisa main lagi!!!
Thanks ya doanya....semangat. 👍👍
Thanks. Sukan itu menyatukan. Salam dari malaysia
Demen bgt ngeliat dia jump smash
Kian hari makin mantap nih channel nya bang. Semangat terus bang buat content nya👌
Btw, bang mpin kalo boleh tau biasa pake raket apa?
Thanks supportnya....pakai astec eclipse 2200...👍
Om maen sni k Cikarang.. hehe
Ajarin sy backhand om phin
Bang mpin..biasanya kok yg dipake merk apaan?
Bang mpin tnggl dmn?
Biasaanya pakai heart dan jp gold
Lapangan sebelah kemaren wkwk
Sepatu yonex apa merek yg pke bang?
Q pakai victor tpi yg harga 550rbuan....bkn yg ori 😊 doain ya biar bisa beli yg orinya....👍
@@mpinbultang amin
Trmksh sudah beri ilmu badminton
Aamiin ya robb....siap sama2. Bagi2 ilmu gak akan berkurang tpi malah tambah dan bnyak teman 👍👍👍
Mendingan nonton yg lapang sebelah, apalagi yg mainnya si kakek yg byk ubannya kyk nonton timnas indonesia 😁😁
Masi ada kelemahan klo aku perhatikan... Hayuuu sparing yukkk
Yup....terus perbaiki dan tetap latihan. 👍👍👍kawan2 msh dluar posisi sulit kumpulinnya nie
Menang g bang?
Rubber game....klah di set ketiga...👍👍👍 harus bnyk latihan dan semangat lagi💪💪💪
Pake kok spin yah