Seriously! Her mercury in Virgo in her 1st house shines….. and her moon at the anertic degree in Libra…… she’s definitely evolved and is the best at what she does! ❤
I have this aspect and it's honestly tiring. My emotions appear misty, cloudy to me and I find it difficult to discern them. I have a tendency to daydream a lot, and it helps me understand my emotional states. Otherwise, I'd be looking at nothing, just an abstract blob of emotion. Art and writing make some sense out of it, also. I'm always waiting for some sign, synchronicity, or divine occurrence to "save me" from my own thoughts and feelings, really. A sense of peace, safety - of being at home, like you said. I can be very naïve at times, which is a paradox since my rising is Scorpio and I expect people to be assholes filled with secrets and bad intentions. The Moon trines my Rising also, so there's a lot there.
Absolutely beautiful. You have hit the nail on the head. I will listen to this over and over again. I think this is one of the hardest aspects in astrology. To not know your own reality but to know everyone else’s.
well they think they know everyone elses... but its is an illusion in what they want to see in them, so they can run away of their own faults- there is a name to it: covert narcissism.
I don’t even have this aspect, but I come back to this video every once in a while. Profoundly explained, Jewel. There’s actually a celebrity that I’ve been following who I realized, intuitively, had this aspect. Looked at her natal chart and I was right. It’s heartbreaking how she can channel her emotions into every character so accurately, but then in her own life she’s full of avoidance. Being in touch with your higher self is so powerful and really makes life makes sense and gives you and shows you your purpose. It breaks my heart when people aren’t in touch with that. I always want better for people when I realize that.
As a Moon Square Neptune (and Moon on the Ascendant) so much of this resonates. I'm a musician, which gives me a channel for all the emotions and fantasy generated by this aspect. Growing up, I idolised my mother - she was 'saint-like' to me - protecting me from an abusive father and the outside world. Later in life I realised she wasn't really a saint but a victim (we both were, locked in a co-dependent relationship), using me as collateral in her constant warring with my father. I also realised that she was never really listening to me - to grow I needed to break away from my mother, reassess our relationship and start to call her on her manipulative behaviour. Therapy helped with this, and today we have a much better relationship and are much closer as a result.
Triggering. I'm defensive, in denial...and yet hearing this is extremely cathartic. It may be Saturn in my ascendant and having this persona of being "in control" all the while having this desire to dissolve into something greater: perfect love, spirit, ecstasy... escape. Wow! Profoundly accurate.
I have saturn sextile ascendent as well as this moon opposition neptune, simply put, it is an awakening of ego persona of control dissolving into my Higher Self 💜🙏💜
This was life changing for me. As a person that is just learning now about my gemini in 5th house moon with opposition to Neptune. I can't even describe the impact this had and how much I needed to hear this at this very moment. A time when I'm in deep isolation...pregnant and having my first child at the age of 40. I've never understood and actually voiced that I have no idea what gut instinct means....I have lived much or my adult life in the throws of addiction. Since being raped at the age of 14....I have used and drank on and off to escape. Every word you said, how you strung your thoughts and words together....I completely understood and identify with. This is likely the biggest challenge of my life. I can't believe I never knew what caused any of this prior to this. I had an inkling though, something....maybe my "gut" was taking me home...bringing me to this brilliant woman here. It's true I've never known how "I" have truly felt, really about anything. I give you deep gratitude for sharing your wisdom on this aspect. I've been searching for myself the whole time. Never being able to find myself because I was simply just a reflection and pieces of others, changing with my environment and influences, each and every day of my life...never knowing my own identity but always having a "deep understanding of others";) i can't say thank you any other way or with any more fervor than I am now. XO
I’m gonna have to watch this again but for now this is the first aspect I’ve dug deeper into where I’m blown away lol I’m becoming more self aware at this stage in my life & with my Moon trine Pluto, its a little easier for me to process the darker sides of my own emotions. Art, writing and music is helping alot!!
Exceptionally accurate explanation! They say, “follow your gut,” but when the being is perceptually disconnected from the “gut feeling” and from instinct life become complicate. What if the gut has not served the being well? What if others have misused innocent impressionability? To trust the self and others becomes a wild journey into unknown waters. I deeply understand anyone working through the matrix! You are not alone. Moon opposite Neptune may entail a journey into mysticism and the mystery of the great spirit. Perhaps the mother was also in such a journey.
Wow, this touched a nerve. When ever I stumble back to astrology, I'm always blown away by how insightful it is and how it correlates with my mental health diagnoses. Personality disorders, etc. But I also find it frustrating that vague notions like higher self, psychic boundaries or even intuition are used prescriptively to very tangible difficulties and clearly I'm too out of touch emotionally to even fathom such notions, especially from my standpoint of being back in formal education, it's such a different way of thinking
My goodness... How many times are u gonna read my mind Jewel?! I was literally just thinking about the Moon and Neptune aspecting each other on the natal chart, especifically, and then lone behold, a few minutes later, I get a notification. We're so in sync!
Only a few mins into this video, I have this aspect and can completely relate. This has affected my relationships with men in a very negative way, I’m so realistic about so much but when it comes to love, it has taken years to wake up.
I don't have this aspect, only the inconjunct which I assume it's somewhat different, but I still got serious chills after watching this video. Jewel, it feels like you are tapping into some other dimension, a deeper and clearer sense of being when you are talking, I've been sensing this from most of your videos, especially the later ones. It's really inspiring and not only through the words but through the energy you transmit.
I appreciate that. Archetypes are universal. We all have them in us, none of the aspects are unfamiliar if I admit that they are all within me. (And the inconjunction is oh, so similar to the opposition)
I am listening very carefully, I have been stopping and listening again to understand it thoroughtly because it's very deep what you are saying and it's resonating like crazy for me. I have a very emotional moon in cancer in house 11th opposition to neptune in the 5th house, where I have my sun. Also my 12th house is in cancer. My moon is also squared to mars and my north node. Everything you say it's true for me, I am capable of being absolutely lost in my daydream like a drug, and my low is reality. But the daydream is also nightmarish because I have an inner multiple dialogue that never stops, like having multiple personalities (MC in gemini). This position also crashes with my strong earth positions which are my sun in Capricorn and Virgo rising, so sometimes I feel I am someone in the outside and someone different in the inside, but when I can not sustain my Earth facade, i succumb and feel I won't ever have a grip on myself again.
I have this placement and everything you've mentioned is true for me. I've always been into spirituality but i also got sun in 12th house. Felt misunderstood all my life. I guess self-awareness is the key. Thank you!
A few months back i reached out to you for this video to be done and i just want to say thank you. You are by far my favorite astrologer on youtube. Its as if you are a translator for the planets. This was by far yhe most powerful yet painful thing i have ever heard in my life next to the death of a loved one.. Thank you soooo much for this..The interpretation of this aspect was the missing link( moon in gemini 2nd house 29° opposing neptune in capricorn 8th 1°)...Ive read so many interpretations of this aspect, however this interpretation moved my soul as i felt a small part of me die deep within me...or maybe it became alive??? Lol...I am thankful of your gift.
Thank you so much Jewel for this very thoughtful video, it was very accurate for me and eye opening. Your insight is needed and appreciated. I have this aspect with my moon being in Cancer, born on a full moon as well and my moon is in the first house. Emotionally abandoning parent is spot on, as well as the creative inclination you mentioned. I'm a painter, and that seems to be one of the best uses for this aspect. I find myself going through various dating experiences because I idealize people, it is indeed isolating. As I learn more self awareness, I feel less of a "void", but accepting the present for me is a constant challenge.
I feel like this is something that I've been slowly learning to balance out as I get older. I used to think everything in the world "was working optimally," and if things didn't, they were more exceptions to the rule rather than the standard state of things..... until the pandemic. That truly woke me up to see that the world actually contains far more shitty things than what my mind was ready for, in a way. My dynamic with people as a whole changed a lot too; I used to get easily fed up when people didn't reciprocate or care about me or even other people as much as I thought they should've. My mantra now is, "people can really suck, and everyone has something shitty about them." I have to remind myself that all the time or else I'll get perpetually crushed by what is generally considered "human."
My ex has this aspect . Along with several other neg aspects. The love of my life started shooting up Meth. I never thought he would do that . We been threw hell and back but I never could talk since into him. I have an extraordinary quite unique past with him. He lost his mind to keep this short! Nothing in my life is ever normal! He was hallucinating and blaming me for pulling men out the walls and having sex with them . Ot broke my soul, I think apart of me died that day . This happened about a year ago ... I found astrology and I have his info ,, so many negative aspects , breaks my heart . I'm still trying to deal with it because I have 2 kids and 1 is his.. he is 6 years old.. it's been really hard on me . I'm finding understanding and healing myself threw astrology.. thank you for all that you do , so appreciate you ❤🌞💖 also his family was known drug dealers , his mom was shot by a cop when she was 21 and paralyzed waist down in a wheelchair .. my story goes on and on .. sad sad shit .. both his parents died , his mom last year , his dad in 2016. There was a precise time i remember asking him as he was looking at himself in the mirror and he was making bad choices over and over again and I asked him Justin what do you see when you look in the mirror ? What do you tell yourself? Then I got firm and detailed and broke it down to him that what he thinks he is he is not. I told him he must be crazy or delusional to think that hes got it all figured out and it's like he never thought of the consequences for his actions and he never had his familys best interest in mind , he thought he did bit I knew something was off . But I ignored it and just told myself we would be this happy loving amazing family one day ! I always told myself that.. haha guess my neptune transiting my 7th house had my ass fooled ! But I didnt discover astrology till last year when my world got turned upside down.. but I knew at that time I told him he was not what he thought he was , he was putting everyone in danger he was dillusional that was a few years ago ... .. now I can make since of my crazy life and my broken heart ... so thank you
The Twisting of views and RESENTMENT when people are something or someone different than they are selling to themselves and others is so incredibly accurate and such bullshit for those who are subjected to it.
I believe it has also something to do with the mother's relationship to her mother or maternal ancestors. My son has this aspect so he kind of "inherited" my moon in 12th house. There is a long history of neglect, oppression and/or violence within the women of my family which I can trace back five generations. When my mother wasn't ready to change her habits, I stopped talking to her when I found out I was going to be a mother myself. I do my best to be the mother my son deserves to have, but it also means to control myself constantly and yes, it sometimes means to hide my feelings.
My 3rd house Scorpio Neptune and 9th house Taurus Moon opposition is part of a fixed Grand Cross with an Aquarian Sun/Saturn conjunction opposing 12th house Leo Mars. My father was an abusive alcoholic and mother was hardworking and very religious. We were pretty poor, but I was thankfully surrounded by lots of cousins. Excercising any form of tough love or saying no is difficult as I always think, that could be me asking for help someday. I also want peace at all costs due to the turbulent home life of living with a violent alcoholic. Mars being in 12th may have an effect on my courage. I see God in everyone and things, and still have faith, but am 56 now and have learned a lot more than I want about people too.
'Chasing perfect relationship with emotionally abandoning ( mentally ill perhaps) parent' very good. I have this but am also pisces. I have few booundaries. I absorb other's energies, identities readily. Pantheist. Hard to perieve own personality while focusing outward. Interesting. All these aspects mix and make various prblems so it is hard to say where and why certain reactions are hppening. But knowing each aspect helps to figure out big picture.
I have Moon Cancer 1st & Neptune Capricorn 7th. Moon opposition Neptune. It's definitely been a hard struggle with this placement. Thank you so much, I needed this message ✨❤️
Wow. I have Neptune opposite Moon in my birth chart. My mom was there but not emotionally available. I married a man that is SO MUCH LIKE MY MOM it’s quite hilarious! But now I see why! I also have Taurus 8th House and my husband is Taurus sun & moon (cancer ascendant so he’s very maternal too), so my emotional and spiritual security (8th house) is tied to him (taurus).
Thank you Jewel. This made a lot of sense to me. Sag sun, Leo 26* asc. Scorpio (4th h) with Neptune/Venus (my Mom is Scorpio), opposing my Moon/Jupiter in Taurus (10th h). My Mom worked and wasn't nurturing as I grew up. I was/am very creative, but always looking for a 'rescue'. I feel a sigh of relief knowing this and having a stellium in Virgo, (1st and 2nd houses); Pluto/Uranus conj. and Mars), I am bound determined to 'fix me'. :-D
That was uncomfortable. I was shown I have a Mystic Rectangle but should resolve my Moon Neptune opposition so I thought I’d look into it. Also in Human Design I have a Channel that can lead to melancholy because of the need to reach out from the mundane only to find a new mundane. There is an awareness in me that whatever I want will turn to dust once I have it and leave me wanting something new. There seems to be a need to be both, to reach for the stars and yet Love the Earth and at this moment those seem like impossible bedfellows, the one fighting the other for my attention and neither being satisfied. To lose the ego just enough to channel for the collective, The Tribe and bring them what they don’t yet know they need, but I do, or will. Taurus Moon, Leo Sun conjunct Uranus both in the 12. 4/6 Emotional Projector. 61yrs
Hi Jewel! Just wanted to say thank you for being (literally), and for sharing your knowledge. If I may ask, would this apply to the Moon square Neptune as well, or it is a bit different than the opposition (more difficult or more easy)? I assume it could create even more friction because of the nature of the square. I highly value your opinion, and you are hands down the best astrologer I've encountered on my journey, and it would mean a lot if you could shed some light on the square, either by doing a video or responding to my comment briefly. Thank you! ❤️
Squares are more consistent friction between archtypes (needs) and oppositions are more polarized...we do one side then the other. The square is more like a consistent block or impediment to clarity. I’ll do the square video soon. I want to do more content but this supporting myself business gets in the way.
I have this aspect ( moon in gemini 28 degrees, Neptune in Capricorn) I need to see others more realistic, it’s a very difficult position, but I am learning.
@@girlelk in my case I had to fix my emotional first (I am the daughter of a narcissistic mother), then I understood the rules of the world (Neptune in Capricorn) to be able to deal with this position. my life improve better doing this
I love your videos, always, but this is, maybe due to the nature of neptune, still very nebulous and difficult to understand. I watch it over and over to understand how to work with this, but still have no idea how to use it practically... If someone could explain me the essence of this video, I would be, honestly, so grateful.
Tune into your own instincts and stay centered in them. It is not easy or natural for someone with this aspect but it can be learned once you break through the illusions, create boundaries, and be willing to face the ugly side of life.
You also have to understand that this aspect is being taken on its own unaffected by all the other aspects in your chart. Which cannot happen, so some of the issues in this angle may affect you a lot and other issues not in the least. I got quite a bit of insight from this presentation but some of the issues i could not recognise at all. I think this very difficult angle is designed to separate us and isolate us from society in order to force us to seek the divine in this lifetime. I dont see that as escapism, i think that spending a lifetime seeking solace in intimicy is escapism. Eventually we will find ourselves alone anyway, so it is much wiser to spend our lives seeking the divine and serving humanity amd if you are given the opportunity to be guided by a highly evolved person, GRABBITT because to achieve moksa or liberation from human bondage, to escape the wheel of life death & re-birth we need the best possible spiritual master.
I have a t-square between moon (cancer, 12th house) opposite neptune (capricorn, 5th house), both squaring mars (libra, 2nd house). This video really talked to me! I would like to better understand this aspect in my t-square.
Not really an expert in astrology, but by solving the tension between Neptune and the Moon you should also be able to fix the Squares to mars. Mars is an action planet, so your action in regards to how you handle finances(2nd house) might be out of balance(libra) or you can experience a lot of struggle in feeling like you dont get the money you deserve. Self awareness will solve that for you too. I hope this helps :)
i have this aspect and this was eye opening for me, thank you! Jupiter is conjunct neptune in my does that affect it? would love to see a moon opposite jupiter video, or a jupiter conjunct neptune video :)
I have Neptune opposing my moon, trine my sun, ascendent and sextile pluto, full on spirual awakening and bringing everyone with me in unconditionally One Love 💜
I had to listen to it three times to really begin to gather some understanding of it. I think its simply saying that everything you need is in you. To stop the search for something exquisite with another or through searching for a new greater experience. Kind of applied to me but not really. Not my strongest aspect - I clearly have other more pressing issues 😕
I'm still living in Fantasy World. I see what I want to see. Cos Reality totally sucks for me. I have no Feeling. Moon and Venus both Opposing(3 Deg Orb) Neptune. Venus and Moon Conjunct(0 Deg 15' Orb) in Gemini 2nd House. Neptune in Sag 8th. Thank you. :)
I have this in progression chart and at the same time Mars will conj Neptune in my SR. Neptune is the sustaining force. I wish to move near the sea. Lets see.
I have tried finding answers everywhere and am curious if anyone could do some explaining for me. I have this aspect in the middle of a kite(pluto moon venus trine) with neptune at the kite end in capricorn(12th house) and the moon opposing it in cancer (6th). I've even paid astrologers for natal readings but they always ignore this giant configuration in the middle of my chart. Also going through pluto/saturn conjunct my ascendant and just want to know the way forward.
My neptune conjuct my mercury (2 deg) and my moon(5 deg) in capricorn.On the other side moon conjuct venus(7 deg) and my my sun(9 deg). A hell of a s really difficult to find my own way. I hope it won't be always a life of full dissapointment but it appears like that's what's gonna happen...
I have my moon, pluto and Neptune in a Yod, also have a yod with Mercury, pluto and Neptune. Not much help out there on understanding the benefit/conseqwnces of this. Thank you!♥ Wow! Just found out my yods are activating on the next eclipse on Aug. 11, and I heard about it at 11:11
This Woman is a genius
Seriously! Her mercury in Virgo in her 1st house shines….. and her moon at the anertic degree in Libra…… she’s definitely evolved and is the best at what she does! ❤
This was a therapy session. I’m on the verge of tears.
I actually gasped several times while watching this. you are truly gifted at what you do. thank you.
Agreed 100%
Me too.
I have this aspect and it's honestly tiring. My emotions appear misty, cloudy to me and I find it difficult to discern them. I have a tendency to daydream a lot, and it helps me understand my emotional states. Otherwise, I'd be looking at nothing, just an abstract blob of emotion. Art and writing make some sense out of it, also. I'm always waiting for some sign, synchronicity, or divine occurrence to "save me" from my own thoughts and feelings, really. A sense of peace, safety - of being at home, like you said. I can be very naïve at times, which is a paradox since my rising is Scorpio and I expect people to be assholes filled with secrets and bad intentions. The Moon trines my Rising also, so there's a lot there.
Omg yes
I can relate to this 100%! 🙏🏻✨
You explained exactly how I feel in my head everyday .
My dreams used to be like watching tv with no cable at 6:66 pm.
Absolutely beautiful. You have hit the nail on the head. I will listen to this over and over again. I think this is one of the hardest aspects in astrology. To not know your own reality but to know everyone else’s.
well they think they know everyone elses... but its is an illusion in what they want to see in them, so they can run away of their own faults- there is a name to it: covert narcissism.
"we must devote ourself to ourself." all of love this was so beautiful & spot on everything
I don’t even have this aspect, but I come back to this video every once in a while. Profoundly explained, Jewel. There’s actually a celebrity that I’ve been following who I realized, intuitively, had this aspect. Looked at her natal chart and I was right. It’s heartbreaking how she can channel her emotions into every character so accurately, but then in her own life she’s full of avoidance. Being in touch with your higher self is so powerful and really makes life makes sense and gives you and shows you your purpose. It breaks my heart when people aren’t in touch with that. I always want better for people when I realize that.
As a Moon Square Neptune (and Moon on the Ascendant) so much of this resonates. I'm a musician, which gives me a channel for all the emotions and fantasy generated by this aspect. Growing up, I idolised my mother - she was 'saint-like' to me - protecting me from an abusive father and the outside world. Later in life I realised she wasn't really a saint but a victim (we both were, locked in a co-dependent relationship), using me as collateral in her constant warring with my father. I also realised that she was never really listening to me - to grow I needed to break away from my mother, reassess our relationship and start to call her on her manipulative behaviour. Therapy helped with this, and today we have a much better relationship and are much closer as a result.
Triggering. I'm defensive, in denial...and yet hearing this is extremely cathartic. It may be Saturn in my ascendant and having this persona of being "in control" all the while having this desire to dissolve into something greater: perfect love, spirit, ecstasy... escape. Wow! Profoundly accurate.
I have saturn sextile ascendent as well as this moon opposition neptune, simply put, it is an awakening of ego persona of control dissolving into my Higher Self 💜🙏💜
Almost cried this is so true
This was life changing for me. As a person that is just learning now about my gemini in 5th house moon with opposition to Neptune. I can't even describe the impact this had and how much I needed to hear this at this very moment. A time when I'm in deep isolation...pregnant and having my first child at the age of 40. I've never understood and actually voiced that I have no idea what gut instinct means....I have lived much or my adult life in the throws of addiction. Since being raped at the age of 14....I have used and drank on and off to escape. Every word you said, how you strung your thoughts and words together....I completely understood and identify with. This is likely the biggest challenge of my life. I can't believe I never knew what caused any of this prior to this. I had an inkling though, something....maybe my "gut" was taking me home...bringing me to this brilliant woman here. It's true I've never known how "I" have truly felt, really about anything. I give you deep gratitude for sharing your wisdom on this aspect. I've been searching for myself the whole time. Never being able to find myself because I was simply just a reflection and pieces of others, changing with my environment and influences, each and every day of my life...never knowing my own identity but always having a "deep understanding of others";) i can't say thank you any other way or with any more fervor than I am now. XO
Your welcome. Comments like this make me want to keep working. 💓I’m glad it resonated.
I’m gonna have to watch this again but for now this is the first aspect I’ve dug deeper into where I’m blown away lol I’m becoming more self aware at this stage in my life & with my Moon trine Pluto, its a little easier for me to process the darker sides of my own emotions. Art, writing and music is helping alot!!
First time watching your videos. Thanks for this!
Exceptionally accurate explanation! They say, “follow your gut,” but when the being is perceptually disconnected from the “gut feeling” and from instinct life become complicate. What if the gut has not served the being well? What if others have misused innocent impressionability? To trust the self and others becomes a wild journey into unknown waters. I deeply understand anyone working through the matrix! You are not alone.
Moon opposite Neptune may entail a journey into mysticism and the mystery of the great spirit. Perhaps the mother was also in such a journey.
My son was just born with this opposition and I feel I had a hard time in these aspects of life. Interesting comment
Wow, this touched a nerve.
When ever I stumble back to astrology, I'm always blown away by how insightful it is and how it correlates with my mental health diagnoses. Personality disorders, etc. But I also find it frustrating that vague notions like higher self, psychic boundaries or even intuition are used prescriptively to very tangible difficulties and clearly I'm too out of touch emotionally to even fathom such notions, especially from my standpoint of being back in formal education, it's such a different way of thinking
I wish they we more tangible as well.
My goodness... How many times are u gonna read my mind Jewel?! I was literally just thinking about the Moon and Neptune aspecting each other on the natal chart, especifically, and then lone behold, a few minutes later, I get a notification. We're so in sync!
🥹🥺🥺🥺 this hits like a bucket of ice. I refused to see the reality even if my body tells what it is.
Thank you for popping up in TH-cam 🌻
I was clicking my heels trying to get home after watching this. Amazing. Thank you.
Only a few mins into this video, I have this aspect and can completely relate. This has affected my relationships with men in a very negative way, I’m so realistic about so much but when it comes to love, it has taken years to wake up.
I don't have this aspect, only the inconjunct which I assume it's somewhat different, but I still got serious chills after watching this video.
Jewel, it feels like you are tapping into some other dimension, a deeper and clearer sense of being when you are talking, I've been sensing this from most of your videos, especially the later ones. It's really inspiring and not only through the words but through the energy you transmit.
I appreciate that. Archetypes are universal. We all have them in us, none of the aspects are unfamiliar if I admit that they are all within me.
(And the inconjunction is oh, so similar to the opposition)
That was so profound and beautiful. You've given me a clear vision of what things don't quite add up in my life. Thank you
I am listening very carefully, I have been stopping and listening again to understand it thoroughtly because it's very deep what you are saying and it's resonating like crazy for me. I have a very emotional moon in cancer in house 11th opposition to neptune in the 5th house, where I have my sun. Also my 12th house is in cancer. My moon is also squared to mars and my north node. Everything you say it's true for me, I am capable of being absolutely lost in my daydream like a drug, and my low is reality. But the daydream is also nightmarish because I have an inner multiple dialogue that never stops, like having multiple personalities (MC in gemini). This position also crashes with my strong earth positions which are my sun in Capricorn and Virgo rising, so sometimes I feel I am someone in the outside and someone different in the inside, but when I can not sustain my Earth facade, i succumb and feel I won't ever have a grip on myself again.
Oh! This made me cry. Thank you so much. I have this aspect big time. Much love.
I have this placement and everything you've mentioned is true for me. I've always been into spirituality but i also got sun in 12th house. Felt misunderstood all my life. I guess self-awareness is the key. Thank you!
You're brilliant!! This is the hardest aspect I have and i hate it! It's overwhelming...
I have this aspect and feel she's right on!!!
I've been estranged from my family for years
A few months back i reached out to you for this video to be done and i just want to say thank you. You are by far my favorite astrologer on youtube. Its as if you are a translator for the planets. This was by far yhe most powerful yet painful thing i have ever heard in my life next to the death of a loved one.. Thank you soooo much for this..The interpretation of this aspect was the missing link( moon in gemini 2nd house 29° opposing neptune in capricorn 8th 1°)...Ive read so many interpretations of this aspect, however this interpretation moved my soul as i felt a small part of me die deep within me...or maybe it became alive??? Lol...I am thankful of your gift.
+jakira s I am glad it resonated. My 💓 to you.
I’m having a hard time and this was so beautiful. I have this aspect with moon in tight conjunction with Venus. Thank you for your words
Thats crazy how accurate this is! I have a kite with Neptune in Aquarius opposing my leo moon. Thank you for this.
This came out on my birthday, i have this and moon opposite uranus.
Thank you so much Jewel for this very thoughtful video, it was very accurate for me and eye opening. Your insight is needed and appreciated. I have this aspect with my moon being in Cancer, born on a full moon as well and my moon is in the first house. Emotionally abandoning parent is spot on, as well as the creative inclination you mentioned. I'm a painter, and that seems to be one of the best uses for this aspect. I find myself going through various dating experiences because I idealize people, it is indeed isolating. As I learn more self awareness, I feel less of a "void", but accepting the present for me is a constant challenge.
I have seen most of her videos and she is one of the few Astrologers I see the most truth in. She is trully genious.
Wow, so spot on. Thank you for sharing this is super helpful in learning how to deal with this aspect.
I feel like this is something that I've been slowly learning to balance out as I get older. I used to think everything in the world "was working optimally," and if things didn't, they were more exceptions to the rule rather than the standard state of things..... until the pandemic. That truly woke me up to see that the world actually contains far more shitty things than what my mind was ready for, in a way. My dynamic with people as a whole changed a lot too; I used to get easily fed up when people didn't reciprocate or care about me or even other people as much as I thought they should've. My mantra now is, "people can really suck, and everyone has something shitty about them." I have to remind myself that all the time or else I'll get perpetually crushed by what is generally considered "human."
My ex has this aspect . Along with several other neg aspects. The love of my life started shooting up Meth. I never thought he would do that . We been threw hell and back but I never could talk since into him. I have an extraordinary quite unique past with him. He lost his mind to keep this short! Nothing in my life is ever normal! He was hallucinating and blaming me for pulling men out the walls and having sex with them . Ot broke my soul, I think apart of me died that day . This happened about a year ago ... I found astrology and I have his info ,, so many negative aspects , breaks my heart . I'm still trying to deal with it because I have 2 kids and 1 is his.. he is 6 years old.. it's been really hard on me . I'm finding understanding and healing myself threw astrology.. thank you for all that you do , so appreciate you ❤🌞💖 also his family was known drug dealers , his mom was shot by a cop when she was 21 and paralyzed waist down in a wheelchair .. my story goes on and on .. sad sad shit .. both his parents died , his mom last year , his dad in 2016. There was a precise time i remember asking him as he was looking at himself in the mirror and he was making bad choices over and over again and I asked him Justin what do you see when you look in the mirror ? What do you tell yourself? Then I got firm and detailed and broke it down to him that what he thinks he is he is not. I told him he must be crazy or delusional to think that hes got it all figured out and it's like he never thought of the consequences for his actions and he never had his familys best interest in mind , he thought he did bit I knew something was off . But I ignored it and just told myself we would be this happy loving amazing family one day ! I always told myself that.. haha guess my neptune transiting my 7th house had my ass fooled ! But I didnt discover astrology till last year when my world got turned upside down.. but I knew at that time I told him he was not what he thought he was , he was putting everyone in danger he was dillusional that was a few years ago ... .. now I can make since of my crazy life and my broken heart ... so thank you
Great, very informative video! Could you do Moom square Neptune in natal chart? It would be much appreciated :)
The Twisting of views and RESENTMENT when people are something or someone different than they are selling to themselves and others is so incredibly accurate and such bullshit for those who are subjected to it.
I believe it has also something to do with the mother's relationship to her mother or maternal ancestors. My son has this aspect so he kind of "inherited" my moon in 12th house. There is a long history of neglect, oppression and/or violence within the women of my family which I can trace back five generations. When my mother wasn't ready to change her habits, I stopped talking to her when I found out I was going to be a mother myself. I do my best to be the mother my son deserves to have, but it also means to control myself constantly and yes, it sometimes means to hide my feelings.
My 3rd house Scorpio Neptune and 9th house Taurus Moon opposition is part of a fixed Grand Cross with an Aquarian Sun/Saturn conjunction opposing 12th house Leo Mars. My father was an abusive alcoholic and mother was hardworking and very religious. We were pretty poor, but I was thankfully surrounded by lots of cousins. Excercising any form of tough love or saying no is difficult as I always think, that could be me asking for help someday. I also want peace at all costs due to the turbulent home life of living with a violent alcoholic. Mars being in 12th may have an effect on my courage. I see God in everyone and things, and still have faith, but am 56 now and have learned a lot more than I want about people too.
Thank u so much jewel appreciate ur valuable knowledge I knew lots of things about me that no one could understand including myself thank u
'Chasing perfect relationship with emotionally abandoning ( mentally ill perhaps) parent' very good. I have this but am also pisces. I have few booundaries. I absorb other's energies, identities readily. Pantheist. Hard to perieve own personality while focusing outward. Interesting. All these aspects mix and make various prblems so it is hard to say where and why certain reactions are hppening. But knowing each aspect helps to figure out big picture.
energyflow - great interpretation - I can COMPLETELY relate to what you say!
I have Moon Cancer 1st & Neptune Capricorn 7th. Moon opposition Neptune.
It's definitely been a hard struggle with this placement. Thank you so much, I needed this message ✨❤️
Thanks Jewel, I have Sun, Moon and Mercury (in Cancer) opposite Neptune- both a great blessing and a curse.
thank you eternally.
Wow. This was incredibly helpful. Thank you so much
Your hair is so pretty ❤️
Wow. I have Neptune opposite Moon in my birth chart. My mom was there but not emotionally available. I married a man that is SO MUCH LIKE MY MOM it’s quite hilarious! But now I see why! I also have Taurus 8th House and my husband is Taurus sun & moon (cancer ascendant so he’s very maternal too), so my emotional and spiritual security (8th house) is tied to him (taurus).
Hi! I love your videos! I would love to see you talking about Natal Jupiter - Saturn opposition.
can you do moon square neptune too Jewel love watching your videos xx
Thank you Jewel. This made a lot of sense to me. Sag sun, Leo 26* asc. Scorpio (4th h) with Neptune/Venus (my Mom is Scorpio), opposing my Moon/Jupiter in Taurus (10th h). My Mom worked and wasn't nurturing as I grew up. I was/am very creative, but always looking for a 'rescue'. I feel a sigh of relief knowing this and having a stellium in Virgo, (1st and 2nd houses); Pluto/Uranus conj. and Mars), I am bound determined to 'fix me'. :-D
True that about the impressionable thing 🤯🤦♀️
Even the video is incomprehensible.
This video hits home.
My moon is in cancer in 4th house opposition neptune and saturn in capricorn 11th house.
wow. amazing. thank u
Leo Moon in 4th and Neptuno in aquarius in 9th, as an artist i like this aspect
What a great informative video. I have this opposition in my 9th harmonic chart and am pretty keen to know what that means...
This made me cry :(. My moon-Neptune opposition is in my 1st and 7th house
That was uncomfortable.
I was shown I have a Mystic Rectangle but should resolve my Moon Neptune opposition so I thought I’d look into it.
Also in Human Design I have a Channel that can lead to melancholy because of the need to reach out from the mundane only to find a new mundane.
There is an awareness in me that whatever I want will turn to dust once I have it and leave me wanting something new. There seems to be a need to be both, to reach for the stars and yet Love the Earth and at this moment those seem like impossible bedfellows, the one fighting the other for my attention and neither being satisfied. To lose the ego just enough to channel for the collective, The Tribe and bring them what they don’t yet know they need, but I do, or will.
Taurus Moon, Leo Sun conjunct Uranus both in the 12.
4/6 Emotional Projector. 61yrs
What does this Moon aspect say about the mother/relationship with the mother?
please do the conjunction
Hi Jewel!
Just wanted to say thank you for being (literally), and for sharing your knowledge.
If I may ask, would this apply to the Moon square Neptune as well, or it is a bit different than the opposition (more difficult or more easy)?
I assume it could create even more friction because of the nature of the square.
I highly value your opinion, and you are hands down the best astrologer I've encountered on my journey, and it would mean a lot if you could shed some light on the square, either by doing a video or responding to my comment briefly.
Thank you! ❤️
Squares are more consistent friction between archtypes (needs) and oppositions are more polarized...we do one side then the other. The square is more like a consistent block or impediment to clarity. I’ll do the square video soon. I want to do more content but this supporting myself business gets in the way.
You are on point . Thank you
Can you do moon conj neptune please:)
My mom has this. My bf has this. I have this in synastry with my mom. I have natal Moon opposite Venus and I definitely relate to this.
Urge to merge with higher consciousness..beautiful. It has been my experience too.
I Am I Exist I Know.
Can you please do natal moon conjunct Neptune?
Obrigada 🥺
can you please do moon conjunct neptune?
I have this aspect ( moon in gemini 28 degrees, Neptune in Capricorn) I need to see others more realistic, it’s a very difficult position, but I am learning.
this is the same as mine - any insights?
@@girlelk in my case I had to fix my emotional first (I am the daughter of a narcissistic mother), then I understood the rules of the world (Neptune in Capricorn) to be able to deal with this position. my life improve better doing this
Thank you 🙏
Thanks for the video.
That was beautiful
I love your videos, always, but this is, maybe due to the nature of neptune, still very nebulous and difficult to understand. I watch it over and over to understand how to work with this, but still have no idea how to use it practically... If someone could explain me the essence of this video, I would be, honestly, so grateful.
Tune into your own instincts and stay centered in them. It is not easy or natural for someone with this aspect but it can be learned once you break through the illusions, create boundaries, and be willing to face the ugly side of life.
You also have to understand that this aspect is being taken on its own unaffected by all the other aspects in your chart. Which cannot happen, so some of the issues in this angle may affect you a lot and other issues not in the least. I got quite a bit of insight from this presentation but some of the issues i could not recognise at all. I think this very difficult angle is designed to separate us and isolate us from society in order to force us to seek the divine in this lifetime. I dont see that as escapism, i think that spending a lifetime seeking solace in intimicy is escapism. Eventually we will find ourselves alone anyway, so it is much wiser to spend our lives seeking the divine and serving humanity amd if you are given the opportunity to be guided by a highly evolved person, GRABBITT because to achieve moksa or liberation from human bondage, to escape the wheel of life death & re-birth we need the best possible spiritual master.
Is this similar to the conjunction?
thank you
I have a t-square between moon (cancer, 12th house) opposite neptune (capricorn, 5th house), both squaring mars (libra, 2nd house). This video really talked to me! I would like to better understand this aspect in my t-square.
Not really an expert in astrology, but by solving the tension between Neptune and the Moon you should also be able to fix the Squares to mars. Mars is an action planet, so your action in regards to how you handle finances(2nd house) might be out of balance(libra) or you can experience a lot of struggle in feeling like you dont get the money you deserve. Self awareness will solve that for you too. I hope this helps :)
Pleeeease make a Moon opposing Jupiter explanation! Nobody can do it like you Jewel:) I hope you read comments.
Will interpretation of moon square neptune video come out?
i have this aspect and this was eye opening for me, thank you! Jupiter is conjunct neptune in my does that affect it? would love to see a moon opposite jupiter video, or a jupiter conjunct neptune video :)
If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness.
i know someone with this with moon in cancer in the eighth and sun (in libra) square neptune. harsh.the person is a total vessel
I have Neptune opposing my moon, trine my sun, ascendent and sextile pluto, full on spirual awakening and bringing everyone with me in unconditionally One Love 💜
I found this video really difficult to it the we are codependent?
I had to listen to it three times to really begin to gather some understanding of it. I think its simply saying that everything you need is in you. To stop the search for something exquisite with another or through searching for a new greater experience. Kind of applied to me but not really. Not my strongest aspect - I clearly have other more pressing issues 😕
How is this different from moon conjunct neptune? Some resonated but not much. I so wish you’d make a video on it, Jewel!
How about Moon Square Neptune? Can you do a video on that? And Sun opposition Pluto please! ☺️
Love you
im so shook my jaw on the floor rn omg you read me
Does that square work the same way?
I'm still living in Fantasy World.
I see what I want to see.
Cos Reality totally sucks for me.
I have no Feeling.
Moon and Venus both Opposing(3 Deg Orb) Neptune.
Venus and Moon Conjunct(0 Deg 15' Orb) in Gemini 2nd House.
Neptune in Sag 8th.
Thank you. :)
I have this in progression chart and at the same time Mars will conj Neptune in my SR. Neptune is the sustaining force. I wish to move near the sea. Lets see.
I have tried finding answers everywhere and am curious if anyone could do some explaining for me. I have this aspect in the middle of a kite(pluto moon venus trine) with neptune at the kite end in capricorn(12th house) and the moon opposing it in cancer (6th). I've even paid astrologers for natal readings but they always ignore this giant configuration in the middle of my chart. Also going through pluto/saturn conjunct my ascendant and just want to know the way forward.
Hello, I just noticed I have this transit coming up in April until 2022, I was wondering have I experienced this transit in my chart in the past?
you're amazing
My neptune conjuct my mercury (2 deg) and my moon(5 deg) in capricorn.On the other side moon conjuct venus(7 deg) and my my sun(9 deg). A hell of a s really difficult to find my own way. I hope it won't be always a life of full dissapointment but it appears like that's what's gonna happen...
Thank you!! Beautiful explanation! Does moon square Neptune bear the same meaning and consequences? Thank you!
I have the square too and would like to know that too.
Thanks alot
I have Moon square Neptune, would this video be relevant?
I have my moon, pluto and Neptune in a Yod, also have a yod with Mercury, pluto and Neptune. Not much help out there on understanding the benefit/conseqwnces of this.
Thank you!♥
Wow! Just found out my yods are activating on the next eclipse on Aug. 11, and I heard about it at 11:11
my 12th house cancer moon opposite 6th house capricorn neptune...does having moon in 12th house make this aspect even worse :/
Is Moon square Neptune similar to the opposition?
Hi Jewel, would you say that this aspect creates someone with an anxious attachment style?