The thresh lantern was so Heiz could get pulled in if he landed the hook. Actually a very good play aside from the missing the hook part. Big brain bad fingers
The title tells me you are going to have a horror show of a game, but you still sound so cheerful/hopeful/full of life in the intro. Can't wait to watch that all drain away.
Love the channel guys! My husband and I always watch together when we eat dinner. He’s been trying to learn Qiyana, maybe you could play her in a video sometime? Would love to see it!
After this, can yall do a random queue climb? (Or even crazier, a random queue where you pick your champs beforehand. Ex. Picking Teemo and then playing him whenever you’re placed 😂)
I've had this Vi before enemy top had 23 kills that game. The funny thing was they were into a Darius so I'm like oh that should be fine they are the aspect of noxus into a darius right?
She forgot the whole strat. Person doesn't know anything aside from what he builds. If they understood macro even a little, they wouldn't be in that position lol
Brand is easily the most overtuned champ in the whole game, this guy does literally nothing and still deals like 1k damage with one ability, its insane
The thresh lantern was so Heiz could get pulled in if he landed the hook. Actually a very good play aside from the missing the hook part. Big brain bad fingers
The title tells me you are going to have a horror show of a game, but you still sound so cheerful/hopeful/full of life in the intro. Can't wait to watch that all drain away.
it's like the opening scene of a horror movie
When you said raptors love me you missed the chamce to say what can i say chicks love me 😂
damn i was so close
@iokiandheiz3535 close enough my brother close enough
Oo a griefer/inter almost every video this feels much more realistic now.
Love the channel guys! My husband and I always watch together when we eat dinner. He’s been trying to learn Qiyana, maybe you could play her in a video sometime? Would love to see it!
I'm not super familiar with Qiyana but might just bust her out for you and the husband!
That VI was trying to do a Bauss build lol
Vi having a mental breackdown is lore accurate i guess ?
theres someone like this Vi in almost all my games in bronze
Episode 5 asking for the fish sticks combo, heiz fiddle and ioki on tahm to scoop fiddle and run the ult through the enemy team
we miss heizman 's face on the video he is so chill ,ioki 's maniac face makes me stress , love you both anyway
Vi the Aspect of Noxus: Sacrifice for nothing.
are you guys climbing to diamond or higher? loving the climb btw
After this, can yall do a random queue climb? (Or even crazier, a random queue where you pick your champs beforehand. Ex. Picking Teemo and then playing him whenever you’re placed 😂)
It's kinda crazy the 3/17 Vi did nearly the same damage as your vayne, also your support almost did aswell
I've had this Vi before enemy top had 23 kills that game. The funny thing was they were into a Darius so I'm like oh that should be fine they are the aspect of noxus into a darius right?
I had a Gwen jg that only cleared camps and not even obj. Surprisingly, that was my first ranked win and I was on my secondary role (Leona sup)
Do Snare Sisters!
Vi think she's bausffs but forgot she gotta get waves to create opportunities for it to work.
She forgot the whole strat. Person doesn't know anything aside from what he builds. If they understood macro even a little, they wouldn't be in that position lol
Brand is easily the most overtuned champ in the whole game, this guy does literally nothing and still deals like 1k damage with one ability, its insane
Ori - Diana please. Double AP ult wombo combo with a point and click delivery system.
i0ki gotta start double tapping empowered E to get to lane faster
This is pretty much how 45% of my bronze games go.
show us the cat
Ioki can we PLEASE get a Poppy mid game 🙏 I am asking every day fr
on all 3 channels fr
Pretty sick strat she's got 😆
Bruh Syndra got a shutdown.
And the Vi started cull RIP! At least do D Shield for the GP poke
my friend who i duo with
hope that vi is perma banned from ranked she needs to be
Please play Rengar mid
shits on vi for losing to gp then gets 1v1'd by said gp... lol