That's the mindset of a winner. That's the mindset of a true gamer. That's the mindset of a person who seizes his own destiny. 9 times out of 10 I want this Chad on my team. He dominates. Don't let this video fool you. For every misstep there is a leap forward. Go on Bronze Thresh. I'll see you in Masters soon enough
to be fair, unlike a spell shield, Death Sentence doesn't get destroyed by Mundo GWHP so potentially you can still hook into flay. Obviously it's a giant waste if it's not a mundo on like below 2k hp, but still
I been watching this over the last 2 days and I've taken all your tips and have been dominating because of it. I'm a jungle main wanting to try something else for fun. Just played my first Mundo game 2/0/2 against a shen and absolutely dominated and out cs'd and lvled him. Made em surrender before I even got 2nd item. So informational. Manipulating waves is truly op
I'm new to LoL(played only FPS before) and this champion along with Gwen from this series looks most fun to play... i learn alot from these videos, thank you!Pls keep making them i don't know which one i should main yet :)
Mundo can be very fun when you finally start getting ahead, but in bad matchups or when your skill level or understanding of the enemy champion is below your opposing laner, you will have a lot of absolutely miserable games, at least for the first 10-20 minutes. Ban Yorick or Gwen, take arcane comet for really bad ranged matchups like illaoi or heimerdinger or Vayne/etc.and just try not to die and really, really focus on getting your last hits over all else. Build Warmogs first, then boots of swiftness if you're even or ahead, or merc treads/plated boots if behind, and build heartsteel or a tank item second if needed and then do the other for your third item. If you're really far ahead by the time you've built your second item, go Mogs - Heartsteel - Titanic, otherwise wait for 4th, 5th, or 6th item to build the Titanic. Full tank Mundo still does monster damage after the heartsteel, don't commit to fights right away but kite and chunk down with Q, and then when they're getting low and your ult is up, you can rush in and bash their skull in. If you're getting absolutely destroyed by an auto attack/crit heavy champ like Vayne/Trynd/etc. definitely build an early wardens mail, if you're getting destroyed by someone with lots of life steal or Regen like aatrox/Warwick/etc. build an early bramble vest
@@Big_Red_Dorkusually approach velocity is enough, just farm until mid game after u get warmogs and then q to reach them faster and take trades (even bad ones since u have warmogs) and just whittle their hp down for a kill
Hey Alois! I love your videos. Thank you for your efforts. I have a question for you: why and when do you choose overlords instead of titanic, and vice versa?
I watched 3 games of this, tried mundo first time after getting auto filled top (adc main) and made a malphite rage quit. Fundamentals are King, thank you, and love the content
Yuppi more mundo! Piggy, you should become mundo OTP or at least make mundo only channel. :V Idk why but you playing mundo is my favourite content from you.
Hey @AloisNL i'm unsure if you are going to read this comment or not.At some point in the video someone asked what other champions would benefit from this warmog 1st strategy, and I was thinking maybe Tham Kench would because as strange as it seems they are actually kinda similar in a way. They are ok at farming from far away in the early stages of laning phase. They scale really hard and infinitely with HP, they love extended trades straight up in the opponnents face, as long as they are not heavily cced it seems like they are not easily punished even when overextended. So I'm asking what's your opinion on that ? Could TK use this exact same strategy and be as dominant as you proved to be in this video ?
i'm just discover mundo from your video and god damned this champion is sooooo fun too play. I was looking for a main as top and between mundo and mord i'm falling for mundo
Warmogs first still, if you're slow getting it you should have enough grasp procs and the one from minion dying to proc it, if you farm gudd and get it early you just need a ruby crystal.
I havent watched the whole video yet, but what are thoughts on how Mundos gonna feel with nerfed Warmogs? Its not huge, but its still another Ruby Crystal worth of HP which could amount to another recall depending on your tempo/wave state. Seems like its gonna be harder to snowball a lead into plates and turrets with the potential 60-90 second daily in a good scenario.
Here from the future to confirm that rushing warmogs on mundo is still and will always be better than heartsteal rush. Once you have warmogs you have infinite sustain in lane meaning you ONLY have to back to buy next item never to recover health anymore meaning you can trade super aggressively and force non-ideal recalls or even kills on enemy laner letting you get more plates and more gold to snowball the game. Also heartsteal stacks based on max health from items so warmogs~> heartsteal gets 1.5x as many stacks per proc compared to rushing heartsteal. Even in a melee matchup where u could start stacking heartsteal asap, having the sustain in lane is 10x more valuable than early hearsteal stacks, since gaining 24 hp every 30 seconds at best doesnt do that much for you if you have to recall to get health still after every heartsteal proc because you have no sustain yet because you rushed heartsteal over warmogs.
I kinda grasped the concept of last hitting with mundo but i always fail to get kills and go in. I also have a very hard time against high mobility champs. I get pushed in and killed most of the time
Try taking arcane comet/scorch/the ability haste one/forgot third thing, I think nimbus cloak? And resolve secondary with demolish and second wind for really bad ranged matchups like illaoi or heimerdinger or Vayne/etc. and just try not to die and really, really focus on getting your last hits over all else. Build Warmogs first, then boots of swiftness if you're even or ahead, or merc treads/plated boots if behind, and build heartsteel or a tank item second if needed and then do the other for your third item. If you're really far ahead by the time you've built your second item, go Mogs - Heartsteel - Titanic, otherwise wait for 4th, 5th, or 6th item to build the Titanic. Full tank Mundo still does monster damage after the heartsteel, don't commit to fights right away but kite and chunk down with Q, and then when they're getting low and your ult is up, you can rush in and bash their skull in. If you're getting absolutely destroyed by an auto attack/crit heavy champ like Vayne/Trynd/etc. definitely build an early wardens mail, if you're getting destroyed by someone with lots of life steal or Regen like aatrox/Warwick/etc. build an early bramble vest Don't forget to time and aim your E on last hit push to damage the whole wave if they're pushing you in hard, you need to match their pressure as best you can, it can be worth popping a potion and holding the wave before turret if your minions are close so it doesn't crash the tower as badly. Use loldodgegame online to practice your skill shots and dodging, it helps a lot for Mundo! Ultimately as Mundo your job isn't to get kills, your job is split push waves and take towers, and absorb most of the enemies damage and CC during team fights (so always pick up your Passive!!), and if you get the chance you want to run down their Squishies in a fight and threaten them with death if they stick around in the fight(but don't chase too far)
That nilah build was the one enriyu was touting as the best nilah build at that time. Not sure if it's actually good or not :p but it's probably what that silver nilah was running it
as a mundo main who has played into trundle, ur ult is SCARY. it completely shreds mundo so just make sure you get ahead in cs and then try to kill him post 6 but pre warmogs, as your ult counters mundos ult
First game trying this and faced a Yone top and Trundle jg. Trundle was a problem late as I could never tank him when he saved ult for me every fight and built full damage
Also for Warmogs it should not have the heal to full passive and not have the 5% movement speed, instead make it an active to heal you or a teammate for X amount and increase the receiver's hp regen and movement speed for 4 seconds or something.
I played my first mundo game and I went 0-3 against an Illaoi and I just scaled and scaled and they couldn’t kill me anymore. I finished the game on a back door while they did baron. My jungle and support died stopping their backs. Warmogs first item is so cheating. I Q auto E their ADC and one shot them. Warmogs heart steel and swift boots is OP. (I’ve only played for a month and won the game almost by myself bc of what I learned here and mundo OP)
While watching the 1st game I was like "no way this is silver, silver yi would take the wave instead of recalling" and boom, 5 s later I began to believe 😂
well, sadly they nerf Wamongs. So is Wamongs rush still the right build? And what about Sunfire rush against bruisers like sett and renekton and then Heartsteal
@@kingnick3088its just one extra ruby crystal which you would be building anyways. Warmogs first is still great and its not a 'devastating' nerf. Thats a big exaggeration
@@highnoon2844 Might not even need ruby for top lane. Overgrowth and Grasp can probably cover it depending on how well you proc Grasp and how early you manage to get Warmogs.
I love you Alois but I'm pretty sure if Mundo takes Q lv1 not much champs can zone Mundo away from the wave, his dmg is pretty insane considering his slow.
@@alejandromolinacriado6039 Don't get me wrong if he can E first and get prior I think that's the best, but since he said no one is zoning when he's against Camile, I don't think Camille can zone Mundo that well from exp lv1. Even with her passive, Mundo gets his Q faster than her E so if Camille uses her E first then Mundo gets to look for prio toward lv2.
Camille can zone him because of his passive but i get what youre saying the problem with this is that you must maintain the pressure until you can crash the wave with a champ that receives damage by his abilities and doesnt have so much damage output early so that can uturn against you with a potential freeze
I just had a teammate plug their stream. My support joined their stream and disconnected immediately. I was 3 levels up on my lane and my team ff'd. League is filled with people who are naturally losers
You can also build like Mundo on Vladimir except for titanic. I'm not sure if League has Psychic Projector, but u can replace titanic with Phychic projector and build full health instead of that. Or you can go for sunfire instead of Psychic, bc your W heals you on the damage you do if under enemies, and if your 3/4 of the range of your E from the enemy sunfire procs. I tried wormongs>heart steel>sunfire>undying Despair>Spirit Visage. At 9k stack on Heart Steel you get 1.5k AP.
@@thatoneguywhosaysbyethenwa1720 I mean analogous build. Not exact same. You would replace bloodmail with rift maker. The real reason is tahm kench’s lack of wave clear in kit. Tahm can use warming’s and heatsteal very well too in that build order.
@@akirakato1293 the big thing is mana, mundo can perma push a lane until he decides to back for an item or he dies. mundo scales a lot harder by just going even in lane, and he has great poke. Mundo can oneshot adcs with heartsteel auto, e, titanic and nothing will ever match that.
@@thatoneguywhosaysbyethenwa1720 iirc tahm kench has no mana issue if he just uses q e and r mostly, w you should be careful with it’s usage anyways. Same as champs like nasus yorick where you have no mana issue if you don’t spam that 1 ability with high cost.
I hate junglers. Dude's got half his camps up but runs top for nothing other than to hit minions. This role has way too much potential to single handedly ruin the game for the entire team.
The Bronze Thresh trying to flash Hook while Mundo had passive 😬
That's the mindset of a winner. That's the mindset of a true gamer. That's the mindset of a person who seizes his own destiny.
9 times out of 10 I want this Chad on my team. He dominates. Don't let this video fool you. For every misstep there is a leap forward. Go on Bronze Thresh. I'll see you in Masters soon enough
to be fair, unlike a spell shield, Death Sentence doesn't get destroyed by Mundo GWHP so potentially you can still hook into flay. Obviously it's a giant waste if it's not a mundo on like below 2k hp, but still
@@Instanence lmao
For future viewers: warmogs has been nerfed you now need 200 more bonus health to trigger warmogs. Usually a ruby crystal will get you there.
Its now 500 extra (1.5k in total)
@@horatiohemingway-mcghee4689 thats literally what he said, it was 1300, so he said 200 more, that equals to 1500
I been watching this over the last 2 days and I've taken all your tips and have been dominating because of it. I'm a jungle main wanting to try something else for fun. Just played my first Mundo game 2/0/2 against a shen and absolutely dominated and out cs'd and lvled him. Made em surrender before I even got 2nd item. So informational. Manipulating waves is truly op
I'm new to LoL(played only FPS before) and this champion along with Gwen from this series looks most fun to play... i learn alot from these videos, thank you!Pls keep making them i don't know which one i should main yet :)
Mundo can be very fun when you finally start getting ahead, but in bad matchups or when your skill level or understanding of the enemy champion is below your opposing laner, you will have a lot of absolutely miserable games, at least for the first 10-20 minutes. Ban Yorick or Gwen, take arcane comet for really bad ranged matchups like illaoi or heimerdinger or Vayne/etc.and just try not to die and really, really focus on getting your last hits over all else. Build Warmogs first, then boots of swiftness if you're even or ahead, or merc treads/plated boots if behind, and build heartsteel or a tank item second if needed and then do the other for your third item. If you're really far ahead by the time you've built your second item, go Mogs - Heartsteel - Titanic, otherwise wait for 4th, 5th, or 6th item to build the Titanic. Full tank Mundo still does monster damage after the heartsteel, don't commit to fights right away but kite and chunk down with Q, and then when they're getting low and your ult is up, you can rush in and bash their skull in.
If you're getting absolutely destroyed by an auto attack/crit heavy champ like Vayne/Trynd/etc. definitely build an early wardens mail, if you're getting destroyed by someone with lots of life steal or Regen like aatrox/Warwick/etc. build an early bramble vest
eh comet is not run by good Mundo mains even into bad mu like vayne@@Big_Red_Dork
@@Big_Red_Dorkusually approach velocity is enough, just farm until mid game after u get warmogs and then q to reach them faster and take trades (even bad ones since u have warmogs) and just whittle their hp down for a kill
I can’t wait to see the sett uploads on this channel.
Thumbnails and editing and all. The first games I caught on stream the other day were hilarious
"Mundo Why???" said the Yi as he passed the 1HP mundo into 2 full health enemies and dies. XD
You are a absolute unit
Jesus fucking christ that platinum game got deep and philosophical... shit, i mean it was great but dayum lol
As always amazing video pls keep it up with Mundo Content
Hey Alois! I love your videos. Thank you for your efforts. I have a question for you: why and when do you choose overlords instead of titanic, and vice versa?
Titanic is just more damage + auto reset. Mundo doesn't have ad scalings so on hit damage and AD are the same
@AloisNL 9:00 I was too crap at games as a child to finish sonic unleashed but I still recognise that music lol.
I watched 3 games of this, tried mundo first time after getting auto filled top (adc main) and made a malphite rage quit. Fundamentals are King, thank you, and love the content
Yuppi more mundo! Piggy, you should become mundo OTP or at least make mundo only channel. :V Idk why but you playing mundo is my favourite content from you.
Agree i only eatch mundo videos
Same here
legit same lol
love your accent man, Dankeschön
Hey @AloisNL i'm unsure if you are going to read this comment or not.At some point in the video someone asked what other champions would benefit from this warmog 1st strategy, and I was thinking maybe Tham Kench would because as strange as it seems they are actually kinda similar in a way. They are ok at farming from far away in the early stages of laning phase. They scale really hard and infinitely with HP, they love extended trades straight up in the opponnents face, as long as they are not heavily cced it seems like they are not easily punished even when overextended. So I'm asking what's your opinion on that ? Could TK use this exact same strategy and be as dominant as you proved to be in this video ?
What are your thoughts on making the regeneration from Warmog's scale with level to make it weaker in the early game but still have SOME effect?
i'm just discover mundo from your video and god damned this champion is sooooo fun too play.
I was looking for a main as top and between mundo and mord i'm falling for mundo
ohh yeah time to improve my mundo gameplay (thanks to you I am a Garen main now XD)
Pretty cringe ngl
With upcoming warmog’s nerf, would you still go warmogs first or switch to heartsteel
Warmogs first still, if you're slow getting it you should have enough grasp procs and the one from minion dying to proc it, if you farm gudd and get it early you just need a ruby crystal.
I havent watched the whole video yet, but what are thoughts on how Mundos gonna feel with nerfed Warmogs? Its not huge, but its still another Ruby Crystal worth of HP which could amount to another recall depending on your tempo/wave state. Seems like its gonna be harder to snowball a lead into plates and turrets with the potential 60-90 second daily in a good scenario.
Still works, but delays your spike and makes early game a bit weaker
Here from the future to confirm that rushing warmogs on mundo is still and will always be better than heartsteal rush. Once you have warmogs you have infinite sustain in lane meaning you ONLY have to back to buy next item never to recover health anymore meaning you can trade super aggressively and force non-ideal recalls or even kills on enemy laner letting you get more plates and more gold to snowball the game. Also heartsteal stacks based on max health from items so warmogs~> heartsteal gets 1.5x as many stacks per proc compared to rushing heartsteal. Even in a melee matchup where u could start stacking heartsteal asap, having the sustain in lane is 10x more valuable than early hearsteal stacks, since gaining 24 hp every 30 seconds at best doesnt do that much for you if you have to recall to get health still after every heartsteal proc because you have no sustain yet because you rushed heartsteal over warmogs.
Since Warmog is getting changed, should we still build it first before Heartsteel?
You only need an extra ruby crystal. It's still fine and very effective. Alois said he believes warmogs first will still be better
the hardest part of the fundamentals is the mentals, master yi proves it
I kinda grasped the concept of last hitting with mundo but i always fail to get kills and go in. I also have a very hard time against high mobility champs. I get pushed in and killed most of the time
Try taking arcane comet/scorch/the ability haste one/forgot third thing, I think nimbus cloak? And resolve secondary with demolish and second wind for really bad ranged matchups like illaoi or heimerdinger or Vayne/etc. and just try not to die and really, really focus on getting your last hits over all else. Build Warmogs first, then boots of swiftness if you're even or ahead, or merc treads/plated boots if behind, and build heartsteel or a tank item second if needed and then do the other for your third item. If you're really far ahead by the time you've built your second item, go Mogs - Heartsteel - Titanic, otherwise wait for 4th, 5th, or 6th item to build the Titanic.
Full tank Mundo still does monster damage after the heartsteel, don't commit to fights right away but kite and chunk down with Q, and then when they're getting low and your ult is up, you can rush in and bash their skull in.
If you're getting absolutely destroyed by an auto attack/crit heavy champ like Vayne/Trynd/etc. definitely build an early wardens mail, if you're getting destroyed by someone with lots of life steal or Regen like aatrox/Warwick/etc. build an early bramble vest
Don't forget to time and aim your E on last hit push to damage the whole wave if they're pushing you in hard, you need to match their pressure as best you can, it can be worth popping a potion and holding the wave before turret if your minions are close so it doesn't crash the tower as badly.
Use loldodgegame online to practice your skill shots and dodging, it helps a lot for Mundo!
Ultimately as Mundo your job isn't to get kills, your job is split push waves and take towers, and absorb most of the enemies damage and CC during team fights (so always pick up your Passive!!), and if you get the chance you want to run down their Squishies in a fight and threaten them with death if they stick around in the fight(but don't chase too far)
dont take comet or scorch
Alonis are you going to release the Jayce Unranked to Masters soon that you did?
Felt bad for that Hwei standing right there out of all places to type glhf xD
you are an inspiration 4 me
How many games have you played in total from silver to master (I think u mentioned 3 looses)
Thank you best guide
That nilah build was the one enriyu was touting as the best nilah build at that time. Not sure if it's actually good or not :p but it's probably what that silver nilah was running it
had a mundo doing the same thing to me i was playing trundle he just started going for my turret as if i wasn't there
how do i counter this ?
as a mundo main who has played into trundle, ur ult is SCARY. it completely shreds mundo so just make sure you get ahead in cs and then try to kill him post 6 but pre warmogs, as your ult counters mundos ult
AA>E>TH is a disgusting combo on actually any champion that has an AA reset skill like that
First game trying this and faced a Yone top and Trundle jg. Trundle was a problem late as I could never tank him when he saved ult for me every fight and built full damage
His ult steals MR and Armour, that's why. His q also steals ad, so you can never duel him. He's a tank killer, so really mundo isn't as strong vs him.
Alois is such a massive w bruh
Could you give tips on how to fight a graves top as mundo?
how to survive lane phase:
Have baby blue eyes like aloises one so they won't beat shit out of you
Could you consider doing Sion for next video, or a peel like tank?
Also for Warmogs it should not have the heal to full passive and not have the 5% movement speed, instead make it an active to heal you or a teammate for X amount and increase the receiver's hp regen and movement speed for 4 seconds or something.
Should do poppy or briar next : )
nice video i wanna see you do it again
I played my first mundo game and I went 0-3 against an Illaoi and I just scaled and scaled and they couldn’t kill me anymore. I finished the game on a back door while they did baron. My jungle and support died stopping their backs. Warmogs first item is so cheating. I Q auto E their ADC and one shot them. Warmogs heart steel and swift boots is OP. (I’ve only played for a month and won the game almost by myself bc of what I learned here and mundo OP)
9:45 What do you mean Ekko has a full item? Isn't it like 1100 gold?
It’s still an item compared to him only having dshield.
@@nicholascorey9659 No it's an item component
Er hat deutsch gesprochen.
Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.🇩🇪
Hey Mundo mains - is it viable to get cookies as secondary rune in tough match up just to stay extra healthy?
Personally i wouldn't ever take cookies because the less move speed would hurt me too much from giving up free boots or approach velocity...
I liked just for the Sonic Unleashed soundtrack.
You’re a weapon mate! Kled next plsss !
they nerfed warmog to only work at 1500 bonus hp now, any changes to the build? f.e. getting hearthsteel first?
No. By the time you get your next ruby crystal, the passive is already in effect
do you have a guide for mundo vs illaoi?
While watching the 1st game I was like "no way this is silver, silver yi would take the wave instead of recalling" and boom, 5 s later I began to believe 😂
Hi Alois, can you do a shen unranked to master, because Im afraid to commit since I'm a noob, I go jungle and support shen.
well, sadly they nerf Wamongs. So is Wamongs rush still the right build? And what about Sunfire rush against bruisers like sett and renekton and then Heartsteal
plz someone answer the warmog's nerf was absolutely devastating for warmog's rush mudno
@@kingnick3088its just one extra ruby crystal which you would be building anyways. Warmogs first is still great and its not a 'devastating' nerf. Thats a big exaggeration
@@highnoon2844 Might not even need ruby for top lane. Overgrowth and Grasp can probably cover it depending on how well you proc Grasp and how early you manage to get Warmogs.
Can we call the Mundo one shotting turrets the "Alois Special?"
Guys before u play mundo ur self read what the ult does, it's not only movement speed!!!!
heartsteel into warmogs has a higher win rate then mogs rush, they are also nerfing next patch warmogs rush so value from heartsteel will out scale it
still works now?
Played a few games, didnt make it past 2 items because enemy team got to fed and ended the game
I always tell myself, "No trades you will fall behind early". Level 3 comes and I'm half hp lmao...
Ok but legit just farm. Q and run if they engage on you. They try to zone? QQQQQQQQ
I love you Alois but I'm pretty sure if Mundo takes Q lv1 not much champs can zone Mundo away from the wave, his dmg is pretty insane considering his slow.
He does Q is without a doubt the best choice does more damage has more range has the slow effect and gives you the health back if you dont miss it
@@alejandromolinacriado6039 Don't get me wrong if he can E first and get prior I think that's the best, but since he said no one is zoning when he's against Camile, I don't think Camille can zone Mundo that well from exp lv1. Even with her passive, Mundo gets his Q faster than her E so if Camille uses her E first then Mundo gets to look for prio toward lv2.
Camille can zone him because of his passive but i get what youre saying the problem with this is that you must maintain the pressure until you can crash the wave with a champ that receives damage by his abilities and doesnt have so much damage output early so that can uturn against you with a potential freeze
@@meisei5735I suppose in some matchup like nasus and that kind of champs is valid though
Are these games after the warmogs nerf or do we need to buy an extra ruby crystal now
the extra ruby crystal is needed now unless you absolutely farmed your ass off with grasp, normally you lack between 150 and 50 HP if you rush warmog
Why do I feel like I've seen that gp game in video before
Because you have
mundos passive counters morde ult so hard its silly
Why did you switch from ghost to flash?
Ok so you say you don't like ranged top laners but what about an unranked to masters on something like a singed
he's shit at singed, he plays singed at like a gold level mechanically
He is the worst singed player I've ever seen. Also singed macro and fundamentals are very different to any other champ
sett next?
Leona has good uses for war of rush
hey, can you do kennen next? thank, ur soooo good
Is this from new patch where warmog is nerfed?
Could mundo also be a good jgl or is he only top?
i play him jgl and i win alot and natty nat play him in high elo and he carry and win easy so yeah play him igl his so op
Active item in slot 2 enjoyers rise up
thats HIM
Please play unranked to masters on Teemo!😢
Adc arc when?
Second this
u play 1080p? or bigger res?
Day 3 of asking alois to do an unranked to master cho gath educational climb
How its called this song??
Thank to you I perma ban mundo now
i watched the entire thing
Can you make Yorick next pls ?
That alr has been done
Luv u ❤️
Love you alois ❤ (no diddy)
On gold elo in EUNE by 8min my bot was 0 10 already.
Gold players are not same here
When comes nerf ? Thursday
I just had a teammate plug their stream. My support joined their stream and disconnected immediately. I was 3 levels up on my lane and my team ff'd. League is filled with people who are naturally losers
Pig master is back
You can also build like Mundo on Vladimir except for titanic. I'm not sure if League has Psychic Projector, but u can replace titanic with Phychic projector and build full health instead of that. Or you can go for sunfire instead of Psychic, bc your W heals you on the damage you do if under enemies, and if your 3/4 of the range of your E from the enemy sunfire procs.
I tried wormongs>heart steel>sunfire>undying Despair>Spirit Visage.
At 9k stack on Heart Steel you get 1.5k AP.
Also, your E and W scale with AP and Health so they are your main damage dealers.
2:05:29 nice save
Wouldn’t tahm kench be able to do this too
tahm kench doesn't have ad scaling with health (he does with bloodmail, but mundo also gets bloodmail), and mundo ult makes him outheal most dps
@@thatoneguywhosaysbyethenwa1720 I mean analogous build. Not exact same. You would replace bloodmail with rift maker. The real reason is tahm kench’s lack of wave clear in kit. Tahm can use warming’s and heatsteal very well too in that build order.
@@akirakato1293 the big thing is mana, mundo can perma push a lane until he decides to back for an item or he dies. mundo scales a lot harder by just going even in lane, and he has great poke. Mundo can oneshot adcs with heartsteel auto, e, titanic and nothing will ever match that.
@@thatoneguywhosaysbyethenwa1720 iirc tahm kench has no mana issue if he just uses q e and r mostly, w you should be careful with it’s usage anyways. Same as champs like nasus yorick where you have no mana issue if you don’t spam that 1 ability with high cost.
Viewers: if you don’t start with a fresh account you’re basically cheating your climb
Also viewers: why do you ruin my games by smurfing?
I hate junglers. Dude's got half his camps up but runs top for nothing other than to hit minions. This role has way too much potential to single handedly ruin the game for the entire team.
I hate laners. They have way too much potential to feed the enemy laner and ruin the game
ratio'd + learn to carry
The lissandra 🐷🐷
Can you not ruin low elo players games by smurfing. Thank you.
Womp womp
Womp womp
Womp womp
Womp womp
i love when you slip into german. i'd be hyped for a full german game. DAS IST NICHT GUT!
erm please start in iron im 0 lp and idk what im doing wong
Make a new acc
As a bronze player I am sad
Day 16 of asking our piggy to play Qiyana (unranked to masters?) 🐷❤️
you'd hate me, i ban mundo every game