I need a lil bigger knife. I cut up threw the sternum. And for me i just go to cabellas every couple years and buy their brand fixed blade knife and go.
I use the tyto for the sternum too. Hit the cartilage just right and it goes right through them. But I also usually don’t bother with the sternum, and just go in blind. Then get the recip saw out when I get back to camp and hang it up.
4 different knives same time? that sounds somewhat weird, for someone who doesnt want to carry too much stuff. Personally, I do with a Mora knife + Leatherman Wave .
You overestimate the weight and size of the replaceable blade knives. The EDC is at the ready for eating/whatever, tyto and Leatherman live in the kill kit buried in my pack, havalon in the bino harness.
It's good to separate one's "eating knife" for slicing sausage and such for lunch, from one's "kill kit knife." And I find a multi-tool gets pretty nasty and greasy if you eat with it.
Cool deal man. I like the mora knives. They are cheap and good
I carry a 16 foot trailer behind me and have 3 thousand knives myself, but heck you can’t have enough knives.
I need a lil bigger knife. I cut up threw the sternum. And for me i just go to cabellas every couple years and buy their brand fixed blade knife and go.
I use the tyto for the sternum too. Hit the cartilage just right and it goes right through them. But I also usually don’t bother with the sternum, and just go in blind. Then get the recip saw out when I get back to camp and hang it up.
4 different knives same time? that sounds somewhat weird, for someone who doesnt want to carry too much stuff. Personally, I do with a Mora knife + Leatherman Wave .
You overestimate the weight and size of the replaceable blade knives. The EDC is at the ready for eating/whatever, tyto and Leatherman live in the kill kit buried in my pack, havalon in the bino harness.
It's good to separate one's "eating knife" for slicing sausage and such for lunch, from one's "kill kit knife." And I find a multi-tool gets pretty nasty and greasy if you eat with it.