2022 - Mauricio Quilpatay - How are we shaped as citizens? Constellating constitutions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2025
  • We have seen research on how the knower in educational contexts is built or contested, but what about the ideal person, the ideal citizen? Does this work in a similar way if we observe a larger scale? How are our ideals, values, and the boundaries of the legitimate in which we live determined? How can we use this to inform our research back to these educational contexts?
    Drawing on my newly awarded doctoral thesis, I will show how we can identify a hidden curriculum in a country’s Constitution using constellations and Specialization. Specifically, I take the example of Chile’s anti-democratic 1980 Constitution, written under Pinochet’s dictatorship by a group of right-aligned, conservative lawyers. I will show how Constellations can be used to make sense of underlying ideas and values that make up this ‘curriculum’, and then how Specialization can help us identify the basis of these concepts. Ultimately, the Roundtable will be about having a critical outlook on how these hidden curricula in something like a constitution can bound our legitimate ways of being as individuals and as a community.

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