It depends on who attends. It's usually the SPL for the trip, who may not be the troop SLP if he does not attend. It can also be a scout who needs the requirement for communications merit badge if he lets someone know in advance. To my knowledge I've never planned one for the troop, but have for district events.
Nice video. Well done! I'm going to use it when teaching my Communications Merit badge! Thanks Dave!
Question; do you as the SM plan the camp fires or does your PLC?
It depends on who attends. It's usually the SPL for the trip, who may not be the troop SLP if he does not attend. It can also be a scout who needs the requirement for communications merit badge if he lets someone know in advance. To my knowledge I've never planned one for the troop, but have for district events.
Scoutmaster Dave thank you for your clarification as I was under the understanding that the youth should planning the event.