No kidding, I could feel the scene within me to a point where I wasn't even sure I exist. Suddenly feeling that I am that kid and that shooter, that I am a life that has million of years of age living through a body that is 29 years old, rather than being a body of 29 living "his" life. Somewhat to a point where everything I know and everything I pledge for seemed like a man-made construct - It was beautiful.
when i was 18 i got those lyrics tattooed after a suicide attempt to remind me that ya know, it’s a temporary feeling and all the things you miss out on if you kill yourself.
Me at the start of the song: he sounds like he's trying to scream sing but he's not doing too good at it Me at the end of the song: he sounded like he was about to cry... and that's perfectly fitting.
Nowadays I very much prefer this style of "honest" scream rather than those br0otal screams ala A Day To Remember, not saying they're a terrible band or anything.
We go from yelling at a McDonald’s drive thru box to a fugitive taking himself hostage with absolutely no changes made, that’s a slow burn, utterly crushing.
"I felt the burden of murder, it shook the earth to the core." This where I start to lose it.. One of the most powerful pieces of contemporary music ever IMO
SAME!! When that line came, I imagined how the young singer was eavesdropping on that day, and was shook (to the core) when the sh00ter started saying the flowing famous lines
SENSESxXxFAIL This song is based off a true story. The kid and his friend shot randomly into a crowd then drove off. I understand that he may not have MEANT to kill anyone, but how idiotic do you have to be to expect NOT to kill anyone?
*“Can i still get into heaven if i kill myself? Can i still get into heaven if i kill myself? Can i ever be forgiven cause i killed that kid? It was an accident i swear it wasn’t meant for him!”* this writing is very clever. its a smart way of making the song more emotional by making us sympathize with the shooter, who is supposed to be a more villainous character. so many people have felt that strange awful emotion where you want to die because of how sorry you are, and all the sudden after hearing that line in the song, we imagine this shooter, not as a horrible man with no feelings, but as a kid who was sucked up into a twisted system and wants to escape. the writer of this song is very smart.
Great point Rowan, I think very accurate. I think the primary sympathies will always be with the innocent victims but with keeping in mind, while the shooter was negligently evil, he's not holistically evil.
It's clever writing, but if you've ever stepped foot into a court room and heard a grey area story of someone wrapped up into drugs to survive, you also can quite easily surface the words for a poem like this. It happens many, many times each day.
I'm so glad I found this song. When I was 5 a kid and I were caught in the middle of a drive by between rival gangs and the kid got shit, he died in my arms. 14 years later I suffer from nightmares this kids face as he lay dying constantly haunts my thoughts. And this song may be my next.step in healing. Thank you.
Not really into this type of music, but this song is really fucking amazing - the emotion, the story, the music, its all so raw, and does a great job of telling the story.
This is quite literally the only La Dispute song that I listen to. I'm not usually a fan of that style of vocals, but the emotional impact that this song delivers is amazing.
Glove Ripper Edward Benz 27 times is also another fantastic story. If you like King Park odds are you'll enjoy the story telling in many of their other songs. Maybe give it shot my dude!
If you like this song, give the rest of the album it's on, "Wildlife", a listen. It's an amazing album with great storytelling through Jordan's vocals and through the intstrumentals setting the scene and mood.
during the end of the song, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and i feel a chill up my spin. it nearly brings me on the verge of tears. most emotional song I've ever witnessed
Peace to the Johnson family and Peace to the Keenan family. Thank you La Dispute for accurately describing the emotion of this and making this piece of art
Im getting chills. The lyrics hit so hard and its hard for me to fully process the lyrics. La Dispute doesn't make music. They make absolute fucking art.
TRUE STORY in 2008 GRAND RAPIDS Martin Luther KING PARK - After the drive-by murder of a 16-year-old boy he did not know, Kyle Keenan - alone and on the lam - made a phone call to relatives talking about heaven and suicide. "He was asking the family would he still go to heaven if he committed suicide. We told him, 'Don't kill yourself, boy,'" said his uncle, Larry Keenan. Tuesday afternoon Larry Keenan recalled those words moments after he was shattered to hear from police that his 21-year-old nephew shot himself in a hotel room as armed police in riot gear closed in.
"I heard them trying to reason, get him to open the door His uncle begging and pleading, half-collapsed to the floor He preached of hope and forgiveness, said 'there is always a chance to rectify what you've taken, make your peace in the world.' I thought to slip through the door, I could have entered the room I felt the burden of murder, it shook the Earth to the core, Felt like the world was collapsing, then we heard him speak;"
The first time I saw La Dispute live, I had never heard their beforehand. I remember vividly hearing everyone in unison saying “AND I TRAVEL BACKWARDS... THROUGH TIME AND SPACE AND” that shit gave me chills
"can i still get to heaven if i killed myself? can i be forgiven for killing that kid? it was an accident, i swear it wasnt meant for him!!" I HAD CHILLS
One of the greatest song I have ever had the privilege of seeing performed live. This dude puts more raw emotion into this song then most artists put into whole albums.
la dispute is one of those bands that you can listen to for hours and never get bored of their music. all of their songs are so well written and can trigger such emotion in people because most people in life have witnessed or been alive for the situations they write about. will always be my favourite band.
Greek lyrics Ένας άλλος πυροβολισμός στη νοτιοανατολική πλευρά Αυτό είναι ένα drive-by, στα μέσα της ημέρας Έξω από τη στάση του λεωφορείου, από τους Fuller και Franklin Ή κοντά εκεί, όχι μακριά από το πάρκο Περίπου ένα μπλοκ από το σημείο όπου έγινε η άλλη λήψη τον περασμένο μήνα Ή ήταν την περασμένη εβδομάδα; Πυροβολήθηκαν πυροβολισμοί από ένα SUV που κατευθυνόταν βόρεια, Eastown Ο στόχος ήταν αντίπαλος αλλά δεν χτύπησε τον στόχο αυτή τη φορά Χτύπησαν ένα παιδί που πιστεύουμε ότι δεν είχε καμία σχέση με αυτό Και ταξιδεύω προς τα πίσω μέσω του χρόνου και του χώρου και Καταστρέφω, γίνονται αόρατα Θέλω να το δω εκεί που δεν μπορούσα όταν συνέβη Θέλω να τα δω όλα από πρώτο χέρι αυτή τη φορά Θέλω να μάθω πώς ήταν Έτσι επιπλέω πίσω από τις αστυνομικές γραμμές Αναδημιουργήστε τη σκηνή σε θραύσματα αναμνήσεων Θέλω να μάθω πώς ήταν η μητέρα του από κοντά Θέλω να την δω να κλίνει πάνω από το σώμα του Έτσι επιπλέω εκεί, υπερβαίνω το χρόνο Θέλω να το καταγράψω με ακρίβεια Θέλω να μάθω ποιο ήταν το χρώμα του αίματος Διαρροή από το μουσαμά στο σκυρόδεμα Θέλω να τα γράψω όλα για να θυμάμαι πάντα Αν μπορούσατε να το δείτε από κοντά, πώς θα μπορούσατε να το ξεχάσετε; Πόσο ανόητο θάνατο, πόσο πολύτιμη ζωή Θέλω να είμαι εκεί όταν χτυπήθηκε η σφαίρα Και το πλήθος χύθηκε καθώς οι πυροβολισμοί βυθίστηκαν σε σειρήνες Από τα σπίτια τους τώρα και πάνω από τις μπροστινές αυλές Μέχρι το σημείο όπου η αστυνομική ταινία έτρεξε για να σηματοδοτήσει τη σκηνή του εγκλήματος Όλοι προσπαθούν να ρίξουν μια ματιά σε αυτό που συνέβαινε Από ό, τι συνέβαινε μεταξύ του ασθενοφόρου και όλων των αυτοκινήτων αστυνομικών Όλοι κουτσομπολεύουν, "Ποιο παιδί χτυπήθηκε; Πού τον χτύπησε; Και ποιος θα μπορούσε να το πυροβολήσει;" Όλοι αναρωτιούνται, "Πώς συνέβη ξανά; Και είναι νεκρός; Αυτά τα παιδιά. Τα παιδιά μας" Όλοι αναρωτιούνται πόσο μακριά ήταν από όπου ζουν τα θύματα Και τους επισκέπτομαι, τα σπίτια τους Μέσα στο όνειρό μου τα επισκέπτομαι Το πνεύμα μου, ανεβαίνει ψηλά πάνω από το King Park Φεύγει από τη σκηνή του εγκλήματος, ταξιδεύει πιο πίσω Μέχρι πολύ πριν τα γυρίσματα Μέσα από τα παράθυρά τους Στα σαλόνια τους Τους βλέπω νεότερους αυτή τη φορά, παίζοντας παιχνίδια και κάνοντας δουλειές στο σπίτι Όλα αυτά τα σημάδια της νεολαίας σύντομα μετατράπηκαν κρύα σε πέτρα Για μάχες και ηλίθιες διαμάχες Για ερείπια τυλιγμένα σε χρυσό Και σκληρά θυμάμαι γιατί ήρθα να βρω έναν λόγο Αλλά δεν μπορεί να υπάρχει λόγος, όχι για θάνατο Όχι έτσι, όχι έτσι Τρεις μέρες αργότερα έκαναν σχέδια κηδείας, την οικογένεια Τρεις μέρες αργότερα μια μητέρα έπρεπε να θάψει τον γιο της Όχι πολύ μακριά ο σκοπευτής έκρυψε σε ένα ξενοδοχείο Κοντά στον αυτοκινητόδρομο με έναν φίλο και το όπλο Το ίδιο όπλο Έφυγε αμέσως αλλά ταυτοποιήθηκε από μάρτυρες Η φωτογραφία του στην τηλεόραση, μόλις 20 ετών Τον ονόμασαν «παππού» Ήταν μεγαλύτερος από τους άλλους ένα χρόνο Ίσως δύο Και ήταν ασφαλής για λίγο έως ότου κάποιος τον είδε εκεί Και ενημέρωσε τις αρχές Ποιος περιβάλλει το ξενοδοχείο, πρώτα συνέλαβε έναν συνεργό του ενώ προσπάθησε να φύγει Τότε τον κυνηγούσε μέχρι τη σκάλα στο πάτωμα όπου έμεινε Έκλεισε την πόρτα σκληρά πίσω του Κλειδώθηκε στον χώρο Θα μπορούσαν να κλωτσήσουν στην πόρτα Αλλά ήξερε ότι το όπλο ήταν ακόμα μαζί του Ένα που είχε ήδη χρησιμοποιήσει και έτσι φοβόταν τι θα έκανε Πήγα πάνω από το παράθυρο ενός δωματίου προς τα δυτικά Αιωρήθηκα στο διάδρομο, προσπάθησα να ακούσω Τους άκουσα να προσπαθούν να λογοδοτήσουν, να τον ζητήσω να ανοίξει την πόρτα Ο θείος του ικετεύτηκε και παρακαλούσε, κατέρρευσε μισά στο πάτωμα Κήρυξε ελπίδα και συγχώρεση Είπε, "Υπάρχει πάντα η ευκαιρία να διορθώσουμε αυτό που έχετε πάρει Κάντε την ειρήνη σας στον κόσμο " Σκέφτηκα να περάσω από την πόρτα, θα μπορούσα να μπήκα στο δωμάτιο Ένιωσα το βάρος της δολοφονίας, κούνησε τη γη στον πυρήνα Ένιωσα ότι ο κόσμος κατέρρευσε Τότε τον ακούσαμε να μιλά Μπορώ να μπω στον παράδεισο αν σκοτωθώ; Μπορώ να μπω στον παράδεισο αν σκοτωθώ; Μπορώ ποτέ να με συγχωρήσει γιατί σκότωσα αυτό το παιδί; Ήταν ένα ατύχημα που ορκίζομαι ότι δεν προοριζόταν για αυτόν! Και αν το ενεργοποιήσω Αν το έκανα ακόμη Μπορώ ακόμα να μπω ή θα με στείλουν στην κόλαση; Μπορώ να μπω στον παράδεισο αν σκοτωθώ; " Άφησα το ξενοδοχείο πίσω Δεν θέλω να μάθω πώς τελειώνει
Wow. this was the craziest song I have ever heard. its a story talking about both sides and it just gave me chills. the end of this song just cuts off like that. Im just speechless because I know Im not making sense right now. great song
I love this song because it covers the vicarious sensational intrigue that true crime has on people by getting you intrigued in the same way, by telling you a crime story. I love how subtle the point of the song is by giving you the very personal thoughts of someone who has very little to do with what happened and his only ties are that he lives there. I love how it covers the simulated fantasy of experiencing it first hand. I like to contrast this song to vicarious by tool and how they cover the same topic. But this song is so much more effective at drilling the point in you because it’s deeply embedded into the psychology, narrative, and tone. I was personally disgusted by hearing the thoughts of the observer as a reflection of myself and the conclusion to the song is so unsatisfying because he could stomach the fantasy but couldn’t actually handle the gravity of it all. This is so well done
"and if i turn it on me, if i even it out, can i still get in" gets me everytime, you can feel the guilt and desperation in these lines and the vocals i fucking love this song
This song never seems to let my eyes rest when i hear it. I always used to think this song was good, but the more i listen to it i realise how beautiful it is. Mad props to La Dispute.
i've been listening to this song all week. three boys including my very close friend are being charged for murder because they accidentally shot a fifteen year old boy in the head over some fucking weed. rest in peace devon, i hope you get the justice you deserve.
IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE JIM!! Well I think it’s kinda written from multiple povs. One of the guy who shot the kid and the other one is a more neutral perspective. That might be death or maybe some journalist or cop. That’s just my theory though.
I think it is an omniscient being. Its definitely not anyone involved as the narrator mentions them in third person and describes floating through time and space. I think death is one possibility, but really just any omniscient being
I had to look this up, heard on Spotify, I responded to a similar shooting in my city, in a park with the same name, completely separate incidents on opposite sides of the country, but this really hit me. Only 22 myself at the time, a rookie, the victim was half my age. Two adults were injured as well. Took me back ,to that sidewalk on a warm summer evening, looking at that drying pool of blood on the playground, tagging shell casings, interviewing witnesses…I left policing a few months later, hadn’t thought about that day in over a year…
“His picture on TV, only 20 years old They called him “Grandpa” He was older than the others by a year Maybe two” Low key one of the saddest lines in the song and very accurate. IYKYK
Do you ever just listen to a song where the lyrics are so deep and they hit you hard? Listening to this song make me feel as if I was getting pushed back. Absolutely genius. Love this song.
Him leaving at the ending is really powerful. It points out our inclination to turn away from things we find too unpleasant. This may sound contradictory to what I just said, but my point ties together at the end: We are very desensitized to violence as a species, everyone's always trying to find out and see what happened, get all the information when there's violence and murder. Not just to stay safe, and not just to empathize, but to sate our own curiosity. Just like he does in the beginning of the song. We are so removed from the violence as mere viewers who are curious about the facts. By being so voyeuristic about it and so removed from what's happening, we romanticize violence while also desensitize ourselves from it. (A point being where he said "about a block from where the shooting was last month - or was it last week?" The violence all blurs together that he doesn't even remember anymore.) If we all lost a loved one to such violence, I doubt we'd want everyone to be all in our face asking questions. Yet as a society, that is what we do. Look into stuff like this so that our curiosity can be sated. His choice to turn away and not see what happened at the end is a powerful message because, as an observer, he is allowed to just turn away from the violence and forget about it. But the people involved don't get to just turn away, it's their life and it will haunt them forever. Even though his goal was to sympathize with the situation, he chose to turn away in the end and remove himself from it. His decision to turn away, and the fact he HAS a decision at all, shows a lot with how we as observers are able to sate our curiosity, to be voyeuristic and just turn away and forget about the violence -- further desensitizing it. I think it points out our roles as observers; how we're also contributing to the countless violence.
I know this is a joke but a lil fun fact he’s from Grand Rapids which has one of lower crime rates in Michigan, it’s not even in the top 20 most dangerous cities in Michigan. Grand Rapids is a pretty safe city. (I am from Michigan have lived all over the state)
This song cuts my soul the deepest. I remember when I first heard the ending I could feel the intentisity on my face. Jordan Dryer has to be one of the best vocalist and writer I've come across.
First time I've heard this band, always heard OF them, just never listened to them. And I have to say, the imagery they put into every lyric is extraordinary, I felt like I had a clear picture of what was happening throughout the entire thing. I'm also getting heavy System of a Down vibes from this, both from flow and instrumentals. It sounds like a song SOAD could have made honestly. And with SOAD being one of my favorite bands I have to say I will definitely be checking more of their songs out.
This was the first song I heard by La Dispute back in 2011, four years later it's still as utterly fantastic and pertinent. Ending always makes me cry lol, now my favourite band
Post Hardcore/ Emo. They have that old school Post Hardcore sound like At The Drive In and other early 2000's Post Hardcore and also have that old school Emo sound like Touche Amore, Empire Empire!, American Football and Sunny Day Real Estate. They're definitely a unique band mixing both genres.
Bless everyone who's going thru stuff like this, I have fam in cali we deal with situations like this. I got goosebumps listening to this, true poetry @LaDispute👏🏾👏🏾
The pain in his voice makes you see the scene he's painting
hmmmm i wonder what hes painting
...( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) ಠ_ಠ
No kidding, I could feel the scene within me to a point where I wasn't even sure I exist. Suddenly feeling that I am that kid and that shooter, that I am a life that has million of years of age living through a body that is 29 years old, rather than being a body of 29 living "his" life. Somewhat to a point where everything I know and everything I pledge for seemed like a man-made construct - It was beautiful.
The *tone*
I believe it’s because he actually experienced it
like your actually seeing through the shooters eyes and you feel his soul as he kills those people...
the "can i still get into heaven if i kill myself?" part ALWAYS gets me. the raw emotion in his voice makes it 10x more sad
deadass same
I just heard this song and band for the first time ever. That ending hit me like a sledgehammer. What amazing artists, what an amazing performance.
@@adiosdaniel ikr
Same. Choke up every time.
when i was 18 i got those lyrics tattooed after a suicide attempt to remind me that ya know, it’s a temporary feeling and all the things you miss out on if you kill yourself.
The way his tone of voices changes at "...and notified the authorities" is when shit gets too real for me.
Chills every time
This paints a better picture of the shooting than any news report or documentary ever could.
hell yeah it does
Which shooting this comment is really old but yeah
I mean like what happened
Not really but it sounds dope
Laila James-dillard This is an article about the shooting.
I forgot how special this song was
the bootleg boy forever
Me 2
can i still get into heaven if i kill myselffff
oh shit its the lofi guy
I love that there's a break in the lyrics so people have time to process all of it before the finale.
I see what you mean, however it's probably to add suspense or more so the raw emotion.
+JustElevate literally just rephrased what he said.
Blade Liink Nah mine sounded better ;)
+JustElevate I think his was better, he's right, you kinda just rephrased it in an unnecessarily technical way
@@JustElevate People like you are the worst
Me at the start of the song: he sounds like he's trying to scream sing but he's not doing too good at it
Me at the end of the song: he sounded like he was about to cry... and that's perfectly fitting.
Nowadays I very much prefer this style of "honest" scream rather than those br0otal screams ala A Day To Remember, not saying they're a terrible band or anything.
@@akulahirpada1993 by any chance, are you from Malaysia or Indonesia?
And what sucks is people will change the song before they truly get to experience it...
We go from yelling at a McDonald’s drive thru box to a fugitive taking himself hostage with absolutely no changes made, that’s a slow burn, utterly crushing.
"Three days later, a mother had to bury her son." That line, so many feels.
I once read a line like:
*"A mother out-living her son* is something something like an unfortunate thing"
And this song reminded me of it.
"I felt the burden of murder, it shook the earth to the core." This where I start to lose it.. One of the most powerful pieces of contemporary music ever IMO
No doubt. This is pure art. Perfectly captures and portrays the emotion of the burden of murder. It’s moving.
When that line came, I imagined how the young singer was eavesdropping on that day, and was shook (to the core) when the sh00ter started saying the flowing famous lines
"Can I ever be forgiven because I killed that kid
It was an accident swear it wasn't meant for him."
Gets me every time.
SENSESxXxFAIL samesame
SENSESxXxFAIL This song is based off a true story. The kid and his friend shot randomly into a crowd then drove off. I understand that he may not have MEANT to kill anyone, but how idiotic do you have to be to expect NOT to kill anyone?
+TheMagicMullet it was gang violence, they hit the wrong target.
+SENSESxXxFAIL Every lyric in this song gets me every time.
Same. I almost cried in public because of this line.
A song with no chorus... Really beautiful song... Felt like crying when I was reading it..
It's an old and very effective trick to make a song through-composed if the song is trying to tell a story!
*“Can i still get into heaven if i kill myself? Can i still get into heaven if i kill myself? Can i ever be forgiven cause i killed that kid? It was an accident i swear it wasn’t meant for him!”* this writing is very clever. its a smart way of making the song more emotional by making us sympathize with the shooter, who is supposed to be a more villainous character. so many people have felt that strange awful emotion where you want to die because of how sorry you are, and all the sudden after hearing that line in the song, we imagine this shooter, not as a horrible man with no feelings, but as a kid who was sucked up into a twisted system and wants to escape. the writer of this song is very smart.
It sounds good but calling it smart is a stretch
Great point Rowan, I think very accurate. I think the primary sympathies will always be with the innocent victims but with keeping in mind, while the shooter was negligently evil, he's not holistically evil.
@@meat2023 it's not genius, but calling it not smart is a stretch
It's clever writing, but if you've ever stepped foot into a court room and heard a grey area story of someone wrapped up into drugs to survive, you also can quite easily surface the words for a poem like this. It happens many, many times each day.
Its not clever writing, it actually happened. The shooter asked if he would still get into heaven if he committed suicide. Its heartbreakingly sad
I'm so glad I found this song. When I was 5 a kid and I were caught in the middle of a drive by between rival gangs and the kid got shit, he died in my arms. 14 years later I suffer from nightmares this kids face as he lay dying constantly haunts my thoughts. And this song may be my next.step in healing. Thank you.
Damn man, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry I laughed , but ... The kid gOT SHIT--
Kumo Narazi LMAOOO STOPPP😭😭😭
@@Lilyy_Bou i forgot i commented that and im laughing again loool
The kid got SHIT and died . Im so sorryyyy
Kumo Narazi lmaoaoaoo “so my son he- he shit then died”😢
Not really into this type of music, but this song is really fucking amazing - the emotion, the story, the music, its all so raw, and does a great job of telling the story.
This is quite literally the only La Dispute song that I listen to. I'm not usually a fan of that style of vocals, but the emotional impact that this song delivers is amazing.
Glove Ripper Edward Benz 27 times is also another fantastic story. If you like King Park odds are you'll enjoy the story telling in many of their other songs. Maybe give it shot my dude!
Same . Amazing piece of work
Have you guys even bothered listening to any of their other stuff..?
If you like this song, give the rest of the album it's on, "Wildlife", a listen. It's an amazing album with great storytelling through Jordan's vocals and through the intstrumentals setting the scene and mood.
Vocals = amazing
Guitar = amazing
Drums = amazing
10/10 wuld listen agen.
Wuld agen
@@MaxxIsCool69 ye
Spelling = bad 0/10
I swear I'm not going back into my emo phase I'd just more depressed than usual
Art never fades away.
are you really sure now?)
Yeah no, still am emo!
I think we all are
We never leave the phase
Quarantine really got me into my old times...
"can I still get into heaven if I kill myself" makes me shudder
and if I turn it on me, if I even it out; can I still get in? Or will they send me to hell? The chills are real.
the whole last part gave me goosebumps no other song that I recall has done that lol
Every fucking time
Yung Christ listen to Eiley by Too Close To Touch.
“I see them younger this time, playing games and doing homework”
That line always gets me 🙁
during the end of the song, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and i feel a chill up my spin. it nearly brings me on the verge of tears. most emotional song I've ever witnessed
Just smoked to this and this comment made me remember everyone is still human no matter how evil life
same im crying and shaking rn :/
I just love the vocals. You can just hear his feels of him and it just gets me every time i listen to this song.
you should listen to beartooth - sick and disgusting
I Sack So much emotion in that song. Beartooth is one of my favorite bands.
Tiffani East You know
as in fake?:/
the beartooth song? he's crying by the end xD you either didnt realize or sorry to say thats just cold hearted mate
Peace to the Johnson family and Peace to the Keenan family. Thank you La Dispute for accurately describing the emotion of this and making this piece of art
Im getting chills. The lyrics hit so hard and its hard for me to fully process the lyrics. La Dispute doesn't make music. They make absolute fucking art.
Music is art :)
Benja.Pastel.182 reminds me of old Underoath.
Benja.Pastel.182 can i still get into heaven if i kill myself
TRUE STORY in 2008
GRAND RAPIDS Martin Luther KING PARK - After the drive-by murder of a 16-year-old boy he did not know, Kyle Keenan - alone and on the lam - made a phone call to relatives talking about heaven and suicide.
"He was asking the family would he still go to heaven if he committed suicide. We told him, 'Don't kill yourself, boy,'" said his uncle, Larry Keenan.
Tuesday afternoon Larry Keenan recalled those words moments after he was shattered to hear from police that his 21-year-old nephew shot himself in a hotel room as armed police in riot gear closed in.
i love this comment, i feel like it gives the song more meaning somehow knowing that something like this actually happened
I left the comments behind
Don't wanna know how it ends.
@@InktevmOzzyOxzborne it was what this song is about
"I heard them trying to reason, get him to open the door
His uncle begging and pleading, half-collapsed to the floor
He preached of hope and forgiveness, said 'there is always a chance
to rectify what you've taken, make your peace in the world.'
I thought to slip through the door, I could have entered the room
I felt the burden of murder, it shook the Earth to the core,
Felt like the world was collapsing, then we heard him speak;"
The first time I saw La Dispute live, I had never heard their beforehand. I remember vividly hearing everyone in unison saying “AND I TRAVEL BACKWARDS... THROUGH TIME AND SPACE AND” that shit gave me chills
"can i still get to heaven if i killed myself? can i be forgiven for killing that kid? it was an accident, i swear it wasnt meant for him!!"
+Kawaii Lia your not special
+Insignificant Jew you are so annoying get off the internet
+Soul Chaser he can do whatever he wishes to and you're not going to stop him.
Kalib stfuuuuuuu
Nice pfp i like bmth too
oh my god
You’re seven years late, bud
One of the greatest song I have ever had the privilege of seeing performed live. This dude puts more raw emotion into this song then most artists put into whole albums.
Wow. I'd probably fucking literally explode lol
Thats a work of art. The raw emotion from his voice makes it so intense
i just found this band today and holy shit where have they been my whole life
I remember my English teacher having us analyze their lyrics as poetry my Sophomore year of high school.
+Chad “Bike Chain” Michael tell us more
Marco De La Cruz lol
The ending is unreal. Goosebumps all around.
As a native Texan, my heart breaks for Uvalde.
"I felt the burden of murder, it shook the earth to the core."
As a native texan i was expecting there to be more of us in here, shits fuckin exhausting man
It’s every day, it’ll never end, maybe this is just who we are and it’s disgusting
@@Bobsaget121maybe it’s who you are
Said situation but this song is more in reference of gang activity not school shootings
la dispute is one of those bands that you can listen to for hours and never get bored of their music. all of their songs are so well written and can trigger such emotion in people because most people in life have witnessed or been alive for the situations they write about. will always be my favourite band.
Crazy because this is actually a real story
Joelle Smith it is?
Jess Mccarthy yeah look up king park story. The song explains the entire story
no shit
@@pp-sq7tk it’s not obvious.
youre from chicago too?
"Can I still get into heaven if I kill myself?" ... these are the only lyrics to any song ever that make me cry every time I listen to them
+01nenerose you have to listen to a The Saddest Landscape song then
Listen to dance with the devil. Immortal technique
Ѓорге Илиев my uncle used to cypher with immortal technique back in NYC
01nenerose try live happy, live with anorexia by stage
The last part gets to me so much.
Thank me later
"they couuld have kicked in the door, but knew the gun was still with him and so they feared what hed do" just makes me get tingly and goose bumps
+Chandler Lowder me too!
this song is so deep, even though he's not singing, his voice carries so much emotion. it gives me chills every time.
"I felt the burden of murder it shook the earth to the core" is my favourite line
Greek lyrics
Ένας άλλος πυροβολισμός στη νοτιοανατολική πλευρά
Αυτό είναι ένα drive-by, στα μέσα της ημέρας
Έξω από τη στάση του λεωφορείου, από τους Fuller και Franklin
Ή κοντά εκεί, όχι μακριά από το πάρκο
Περίπου ένα μπλοκ από το σημείο όπου έγινε η άλλη λήψη τον περασμένο μήνα
Ή ήταν την περασμένη εβδομάδα;
Πυροβολήθηκαν πυροβολισμοί από ένα SUV που κατευθυνόταν βόρεια, Eastown
Ο στόχος ήταν αντίπαλος αλλά δεν χτύπησε τον στόχο αυτή τη φορά
Χτύπησαν ένα παιδί που πιστεύουμε ότι δεν είχε καμία σχέση με αυτό
Και ταξιδεύω προς τα πίσω μέσω του χρόνου και του χώρου και
Καταστρέφω, γίνονται αόρατα
Θέλω να το δω εκεί που δεν μπορούσα όταν συνέβη
Θέλω να τα δω όλα από πρώτο χέρι αυτή τη φορά
Θέλω να μάθω πώς ήταν
Έτσι επιπλέω πίσω από τις αστυνομικές γραμμές
Αναδημιουργήστε τη σκηνή σε θραύσματα αναμνήσεων
Θέλω να μάθω πώς ήταν η μητέρα του από κοντά
Θέλω να την δω να κλίνει πάνω από το σώμα του
Έτσι επιπλέω εκεί, υπερβαίνω το χρόνο
Θέλω να το καταγράψω με ακρίβεια
Θέλω να μάθω ποιο ήταν το χρώμα του αίματος
Διαρροή από το μουσαμά στο σκυρόδεμα
Θέλω να τα γράψω όλα για να θυμάμαι πάντα
Αν μπορούσατε να το δείτε από κοντά, πώς θα μπορούσατε να το ξεχάσετε;
Πόσο ανόητο θάνατο, πόσο πολύτιμη ζωή
Θέλω να είμαι εκεί όταν χτυπήθηκε η σφαίρα
Και το πλήθος χύθηκε καθώς οι πυροβολισμοί βυθίστηκαν σε σειρήνες
Από τα σπίτια τους τώρα και πάνω από τις μπροστινές αυλές
Μέχρι το σημείο όπου η αστυνομική ταινία έτρεξε για να σηματοδοτήσει τη σκηνή του εγκλήματος
Όλοι προσπαθούν να ρίξουν μια ματιά σε αυτό που συνέβαινε
Από ό, τι συνέβαινε μεταξύ του ασθενοφόρου και όλων των αυτοκινήτων αστυνομικών
Όλοι κουτσομπολεύουν, "Ποιο παιδί χτυπήθηκε; Πού τον χτύπησε; Και ποιος θα μπορούσε να το πυροβολήσει;"
Όλοι αναρωτιούνται, "Πώς συνέβη ξανά; Και είναι νεκρός; Αυτά τα παιδιά. Τα παιδιά μας"
Όλοι αναρωτιούνται πόσο μακριά ήταν από όπου ζουν τα θύματα
Και τους επισκέπτομαι, τα σπίτια τους
Μέσα στο όνειρό μου τα επισκέπτομαι
Το πνεύμα μου, ανεβαίνει ψηλά πάνω από το King Park
Φεύγει από τη σκηνή του εγκλήματος, ταξιδεύει πιο πίσω
Μέχρι πολύ πριν τα γυρίσματα
Μέσα από τα παράθυρά τους
Στα σαλόνια τους
Τους βλέπω νεότερους αυτή τη φορά, παίζοντας παιχνίδια και κάνοντας δουλειές στο σπίτι
Όλα αυτά τα σημάδια της νεολαίας σύντομα μετατράπηκαν κρύα σε πέτρα
Για μάχες και ηλίθιες διαμάχες
Για ερείπια τυλιγμένα σε χρυσό
Και σκληρά θυμάμαι γιατί ήρθα να βρω έναν λόγο
Αλλά δεν μπορεί να υπάρχει λόγος, όχι για θάνατο
Όχι έτσι, όχι έτσι
Τρεις μέρες αργότερα έκαναν σχέδια κηδείας, την οικογένεια
Τρεις μέρες αργότερα μια μητέρα έπρεπε να θάψει τον γιο της
Όχι πολύ μακριά ο σκοπευτής έκρυψε σε ένα ξενοδοχείο
Κοντά στον αυτοκινητόδρομο με έναν φίλο και το όπλο
Το ίδιο όπλο
Έφυγε αμέσως αλλά ταυτοποιήθηκε από μάρτυρες
Η φωτογραφία του στην τηλεόραση, μόλις 20 ετών
Τον ονόμασαν «παππού»
Ήταν μεγαλύτερος από τους άλλους ένα χρόνο
Ίσως δύο
Και ήταν ασφαλής για λίγο έως ότου κάποιος τον είδε εκεί
Και ενημέρωσε τις αρχές
Ποιος περιβάλλει το ξενοδοχείο, πρώτα συνέλαβε έναν συνεργό του ενώ προσπάθησε να φύγει
Τότε τον κυνηγούσε μέχρι τη σκάλα στο πάτωμα όπου έμεινε
Έκλεισε την πόρτα σκληρά πίσω του
Κλειδώθηκε στον χώρο
Θα μπορούσαν να κλωτσήσουν στην πόρτα
Αλλά ήξερε ότι το όπλο ήταν ακόμα μαζί του
Ένα που είχε ήδη χρησιμοποιήσει και έτσι φοβόταν τι θα έκανε
Πήγα πάνω από το παράθυρο ενός δωματίου προς τα δυτικά
Αιωρήθηκα στο διάδρομο, προσπάθησα να ακούσω
Τους άκουσα να προσπαθούν να λογοδοτήσουν, να τον ζητήσω να ανοίξει την πόρτα
Ο θείος του ικετεύτηκε και παρακαλούσε, κατέρρευσε μισά στο πάτωμα
Κήρυξε ελπίδα και συγχώρεση
Είπε, "Υπάρχει πάντα η ευκαιρία να διορθώσουμε αυτό που έχετε πάρει
Κάντε την ειρήνη σας στον κόσμο "
Σκέφτηκα να περάσω από την πόρτα, θα μπορούσα να μπήκα στο δωμάτιο
Ένιωσα το βάρος της δολοφονίας, κούνησε τη γη στον πυρήνα
Ένιωσα ότι ο κόσμος κατέρρευσε
Τότε τον ακούσαμε να μιλά
Μπορώ να μπω στον παράδεισο αν σκοτωθώ;
Μπορώ να μπω στον παράδεισο αν σκοτωθώ;
Μπορώ ποτέ να με συγχωρήσει γιατί σκότωσα αυτό το παιδί;
Ήταν ένα ατύχημα που ορκίζομαι ότι δεν προοριζόταν για αυτόν!
Και αν το ενεργοποιήσω
Αν το έκανα ακόμη
Μπορώ ακόμα να μπω ή θα με στείλουν στην κόλαση;
Μπορώ να μπω στον παράδεισο αν σκοτωθώ; "
Άφησα το ξενοδοχείο πίσω
Δεν θέλω να μάθω πώς τελειώνει
The way he sings the story is so incredible. He has a way with words.
Wow. this was the craziest song I have ever heard. its a story talking about both sides and it just gave me chills. the end of this song just cuts off like that. Im just speechless because I know Im not making sense right now. great song
first time listening to this song. the silence after the "i left the hotel behind, dont want to know how it ends" got me like-
I love this song because it covers the vicarious sensational intrigue that true crime has on people by getting you intrigued in the same way, by telling you a crime story. I love how subtle the point of the song is by giving you the very personal thoughts of someone who has very little to do with what happened and his only ties are that he lives there. I love how it covers the simulated fantasy of experiencing it first hand.
I like to contrast this song to vicarious by tool and how they cover the same topic. But this song is so much more effective at drilling the point in you because it’s deeply embedded into the psychology, narrative, and tone. I was personally disgusted by hearing the thoughts of the observer as a reflection of myself and the conclusion to the song is so unsatisfying because he could stomach the fantasy but couldn’t actually handle the gravity of it all. This is so well done
"and if i turn it on me, if i even it out, can i still get in"
gets me everytime, you can feel the guilt and desperation in these lines and the vocals i fucking love this song
One of the heaviest and hardest hitting songs out there. It's an experience that has got to be appreciated as a whole. Brilliant
This song never seems to let my eyes rest when i hear it. I always used to think this song was good, but the more i listen to it i realise how beautiful it is. Mad props to La Dispute.
I've been listening to this song nonstop for months now. it never fails to give me chills--- This is one of my favourite songs of all time
fuckin shit. I'm tripping because this song is sooo good. the ending though. I'm like in tears.
my reaction too ;-; he captures the emotion so well in his voice
i've been listening to this song all week. three boys including my very close friend are being charged for murder because they accidentally shot a fifteen year old boy in the head over some fucking weed. rest in peace devon, i hope you get the justice you deserve.
How senseless death, how precious life.
I feel like this was told in deaths prospective
SyDnEyY Swed I was wondering who’s POV it was in and that makes complete sense. So I think you for helping me make sense of that.
IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE JIM!! Well I think it’s kinda written from multiple povs. One of the guy who shot the kid and the other one is a more neutral perspective. That might be death or maybe some journalist or cop. That’s just my theory though.
Idk what to put here Hmmm, that would make sense too 🤔
I think it's the kid perspective
I think it is an omniscient being. Its definitely not anyone involved as the narrator mentions them in third person and describes floating through time and space. I think death is one possibility, but really just any omniscient being
The build up starting at, "their houses..."
No words...pure artistry.
Just now getting into this band, and I'm glad I looked them up. Great so far, I love all the passion in every song.
I had to look this up, heard on Spotify, I responded to a similar shooting in my city, in a park with the same name, completely separate incidents on opposite sides of the country, but this really hit me.
Only 22 myself at the time, a rookie, the victim was half my age. Two adults were injured as well.
Took me back ,to that sidewalk on a warm summer evening, looking at that drying pool of blood on the playground, tagging shell casings, interviewing witnesses…I left policing a few months later, hadn’t thought about that day in over a year…
“His picture on TV, only 20 years old
They called him “Grandpa”
He was older than the others by a year
Maybe two”
Low key one of the saddest lines in the song and very accurate. IYKYK
6:18 full body chills every single time
this hit me in so many emotional levels
Heather Stymest
The two songs I've seen by this band both have
What's the other one? :)
...*whispers* hi shade.
its 2018 and this is still one of my fav songs.
how ab now?
karla säkkinen omg i forgot how this song was called thank u for commenting hahah still love it with all my heart
Just searched this up in 2021,,
It's rawfully amazing, that's all I can say
Its 2021
Do you ever just listen to a song where the lyrics are so deep and they hit you hard? Listening to this song make me feel as if I was getting pushed back. Absolutely genius. Love this song.
the suspense building up to "can i still get into heaven" is spine chilling. excellent story telling.
The part that is most remeberable is relatable sadly
this u ?
@@222dolly I just realised now, I think I kin bakugou a tad to much
Him leaving at the ending is really powerful. It points out our inclination to turn away from things we find too unpleasant. This may sound contradictory to what I just said, but my point ties together at the end: We are very desensitized to violence as a species, everyone's always trying to find out and see what happened, get all the information when there's violence and murder. Not just to stay safe, and not just to empathize, but to sate our own curiosity. Just like he does in the beginning of the song. We are so removed from the violence as mere viewers who are curious about the facts. By being so voyeuristic about it and so removed from what's happening, we romanticize violence while also desensitize ourselves from it. (A point being where he said "about a block from where the shooting was last month - or was it last week?" The violence all blurs together that he doesn't even remember anymore.) If we all lost a loved one to such violence, I doubt we'd want everyone to be all in our face asking questions. Yet as a society, that is what we do. Look into stuff like this so that our curiosity can be sated.
His choice to turn away and not see what happened at the end is a powerful message because, as an observer, he is allowed to just turn away from the violence and forget about it. But the people involved don't get to just turn away, it's their life and it will haunt them forever. Even though his goal was to sympathize with the situation, he chose to turn away in the end and remove himself from it. His decision to turn away, and the fact he HAS a decision at all, shows a lot with how we as observers are able to sate our curiosity, to be voyeuristic and just turn away and forget about the violence -- further desensitizing it. I think it points out our roles as observers; how we're also contributing to the countless violence.
This song gives me goosebumps every time. Absolutely amazing.
Emo kids from nice suburbs listened to this song and went "omg I relate to this song so much" lol
I know this is a joke but a lil fun fact he’s from Grand Rapids which has one of lower crime rates in Michigan, it’s not even in the top 20 most dangerous cities in Michigan. Grand Rapids is a pretty safe city. (I am from Michigan have lived all over the state)
me lol
@@Weirdastronount atleast he (I assume you're referring to the singer) wrote it and made this song
That moment when you know exactly where that happened and you have a mental image of the area...
And the hotel he shot himself is where at the hookers meet. 28th and division.
I live right on 28th by that hotel man
This was in GR right?
damn I lived by there
This song breaks my heart every time I hear it.
This is my first time hearing this song. I'm absolutely floored. I don't have the words. The emotion is so raw
Thank you Tumblr. You helped me find another amazing band!
5:29 - 7:00 is my favorite part
the "not like this" part gets me everytime
6:20 1) those words are actually how i found this song and 2) it makes it even more sad at this part bc he sounds like he's about to cry
“I felt the burden of Murder it shook the earth to the core”
This song cuts my soul the deepest. I remember when I first heard the ending I could feel the intentisity on my face. Jordan Dryer has to be one of the best vocalist and writer I've come across.
If you feel nothing after this hearing this, do you even have a heart?
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking one day there will be no heart at all? And how long does it take?
guess i have no heart.
guess im too broken to cry 🤷
“All these marks of youth, soon transformed coldly into stone” is the line that’s always stuck with me. Powerful imagery
how senseless death, how bad this font
Glenn Yeahh Maybe.. Make your own video..??
Brendan Butler fuck off
Lmao I'm fuckin dying
“I wanna be there when the vid was made”
not that bad but still funny :D
I hear him the most when he says, "i felt the burden of murder and shook the earth to it's core." really rang in my ears after hearing that
this song is so much darker then what tiktok made it seem
Tiktok got a hold of the song >:0
This is why we can’t have nice things
@@seraphimboys3699 Yeah except now its successfully been shown to a new demographic and it lives on. Sounds good to me.
Uh, did you listen to it?
It’s not dark. It’s a retelling of a true story. This ain’t dark, this shit is real life, void of the blinders of the media
definitely the most intense and real song I ever listened to in my entire life.
this song gives you such a vivid imagery
not rlly
It does indeed!
Especially for me who's a regular imaginitive daydreamer who also draws alot
This is probably my favorite song. La Dispute is perfection.
First time I've heard this band, always heard OF them, just never listened to them. And I have to say, the imagery they put into every lyric is extraordinary, I felt like I had a clear picture of what was happening throughout the entire thing.
I'm also getting heavy System of a Down vibes from this, both from flow and instrumentals. It sounds like a song SOAD could have made honestly. And with SOAD being one of my favorite bands I have to say I will definitely be checking more of their songs out.
yes! 4 years looking for this song and I finally found it, thank u baby jesus
The ending makes my throat so that thing when you need water to f-ing speak and it like closes
As if your throat closes up and feels like your words are stuck??
I'm a grown ass man, and I just ugly cried listening to this. Damn, that was powerful.
This song always makes me cry no matter how many times I listen to it
same lol
This ENTIRE song gives me goosebumps.
Me: *being mentaly stable and everythings good*
The Music i'm listen to:
edit: (so maybe i'm not mentally stable after all ... )
Welp this is relatable
Same though
I wish 🙂
@@Jaidas_wld Aww im sorry
@@kahvimaito149 It's fine, I'll probably be fine one day😊
Me: **chilling in school drawing**
My headphones:
"Can i still get into heaven if i kill myself?"
Just think of waking up and going to sleep, with that thought in constant replay inside your head..
I do
Been there for years..
I don't have to imagine it. I live it 🖤
Much more convient not worrying about heaven or hell and dismissing them both as nonexistent.
aha im so depressed and quirky my depression is equivalent of the burden of fucking murder. yall go fuck yourselves
None of my friends want to see them the 28th of may so I'm going all alone, damn worth it though.
You need new friends with better taste in music.
DoctorShrimp going alone will probably be better anyways.
qwerty uiop it was awesome :)
DoctorShrimp it was awesome!
Ebru Erdogan
I know, I was there!
Front row!
This was the first song I heard by La Dispute back in 2011, four years later it's still as utterly fantastic and pertinent. Ending always makes me cry lol, now my favourite band
I'm not a big hardcore fan but this song is awesome. From the first line to the last the lyrics are great. Vocals are great too.
Post Hardcore*
But yeah, these guys are great. Listen to Said The King To The River it's a lot like this.
Post Hardcore/ Emo. They have that old school Post Hardcore sound like At The Drive In and other early 2000's Post Hardcore and also have that old school Emo sound like Touche Amore, Empire Empire!, American Football and Sunny Day Real Estate. They're definitely a unique band mixing both genres.
+Oh No not sure if this is even a song...
***** Actually, if you want to be completely basic, they're an Emo band.
+Shawn Alley they are jazz-tinged emocore revival. pshhh.
the ending gave me goosebumps
What an incredibly well written song ! My daughter took me to see them in concert and i am hooked!
Bless everyone who's going thru stuff like this, I have fam in cali we deal with situations like this. I got goosebumps listening to this, true poetry @LaDispute👏🏾👏🏾
The first song I listened to by La Dispute years ago, still hits you hard
Finally fucking found the band! Been looking for years