You can get a CD copy of this album for $10 on Amazon. Its a sweet album too, pure funk rock with elements of Latin American music thrown in (it appears the band went to Mexico around the time of making this album)
"I Am The Space You Are The Sun" is hands down their best album...but if your looking for something a little more atmospheric by TB try the "Typhoon Shelter" soundtrack.
I LOVE this band too! Wanna see full live again like old times! 😊
You can get a CD copy of this album for $10 on Amazon. Its a sweet album too, pure funk rock with elements of Latin American music thrown in (it appears the band went to Mexico around the time of making this album)
omg i love this band...thanks to the opening of durarara! X3
digo lo mismo xD
"I Am The Space You Are The Sun" is hands down their best album...but if your looking for something a little more atmospheric by TB try the "Typhoon Shelter" soundtrack.
Cool! I've only heard this band from Durarara xD
This shit is the funkiest thing I've heard in a while.
Better than all the mainstream american shit i have to deal with.
lyrics to a zetsuboushita no brazillianjin?