Just in case somebody wants to know what's going on with those tiny ships, that's at the "Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre" in France, a maritime pilotage school that trains pilots, masters and officers in "manned models" in scale 1 : 25
Thank you for the info. The garbage I understand. Whiskey barrels no problem. But grown men on tiny ships being pulled by RC tugs. I never woulda got that.
da hast Du vollkommen recht, suboptimal gelöst um es nett zu formulieren. Aber die Videos hier auf dem Kanal sind alle so in der Art gemacht, jedenfalls die die ich mir bereits angeschaut habe. Ist halt deren Art. Ich nehme an das hat Methode, möglicherweise auch KI gestützt bzw automatisiert. Was sich aber dennoch nicht von der Hand weisen lässt - ich habe schon mehrere Technik-Perlen darunter entdeckt. Und deswegen betrachte ich die Videos dieses Kanals als eine Art Technik-Wundertüte die mir Freude bereitet wenn ich Entspannung suche. Um Deinem berechtigten Einwand bezüglich der Themen etwas zuzuarbeiten werde ich gleich anschließend eines der drei Themen des Videos in einem Kommentar konkret benennen, kurz beschreiben und einen weiterführenden Link dazupacken damit interessierte Zuschauer einen Ansatz für Eigenrecherche in den Kommentaren finden können. Vielleicht kannst Du oder jemand anderes das auch für ein weiteres der Themen übernehmen. Grüße aus Trier.
The only thing really worth recycling is aluminum. It is actually financially responsible to recycle it and the waste is minimal especially considering recycling vs open pit mining of aluminum ore. I did see a report about the plastics and paper waste being sold to places like Malaysia and the Philippines. The US government pays the to take it. I assume others do as well. Undercover camera crew had video of huge fires at the collection sites. Day and night non stop burning. They actually had to watch out for local police while filming for fear of Philippine jail.
That's how you do ecology shit. Send your dirty poopy pants to Asia and then point your finger - "Hey, look, those Asians produce shit ten gazillion times more than we do! This means we doing everything right and they do everything wrong!"
I've seen this video before on another channel 🤔 this type of recycling where workers empty individual boxes into trucks is very inefficient and takes longer to do. And they never tell you exactly how much of the material they collect actually gets recycled there. I know here in Australia recycling is very hit and miss with corruption swndingtons of plastic to countries like Malaysia where illegal plastic recylers by the waste and Malaysia's government has already said they are over run with it and they don't want our waste. No matter how much recycling you do they're will always be millions of tons of plastic waste because dumping it illegally is always easier for countries than it is to do it leagally. I own a concrettee and asphalt recycling business and I'm regularly contacted, by phone and in person by some very letsbsay "shady characters" that have big ideas for me to dump my concrete and asphalt in hidden places in return doe a payment from "someone". They seem to forget I recyle hundreds of tons of concrete and asphalt every day and I on sell it to road making company's, concrete companies and anyone that needs my product. I've has threats and some machines have been sabotaged but now o have top shelf security cameras. And guard dogs Its a shame that countries are not interested to putting more effort into cleaning the environment.
Warum müst ihr die armen Plastiksäcke Verbrennen 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 das tut mir sehr im herzen weh das ihr die Plastiksäcke Verbrent 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 # Rettet die armen Plastiksäcke vor der Verbrennung bitte verbrennt nicht die Plastiksäcke 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Operator has best job !
Just in case somebody wants to know what's going on with those tiny ships, that's at the "Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre" in France, a maritime pilotage school that trains pilots, masters and officers in "manned models" in scale 1 : 25
Thank you for the info. The garbage I understand. Whiskey barrels no problem. But grown men on tiny ships being pulled by RC tugs. I never woulda got that.
@@martinswiney2192 My thoughts exactly. I was wondering what the heck...
Eigentlich sind das drei Videos - und jedes dieser Themen ist es wert, auffindbar zu sein.
da hast Du vollkommen recht, suboptimal gelöst um es nett zu formulieren. Aber die Videos hier auf dem Kanal sind alle so in der Art gemacht, jedenfalls die die ich mir bereits angeschaut habe. Ist halt deren Art. Ich nehme an das hat Methode, möglicherweise auch KI gestützt bzw automatisiert. Was sich aber dennoch nicht von der Hand weisen lässt - ich habe schon mehrere Technik-Perlen darunter entdeckt. Und deswegen betrachte ich die Videos dieses Kanals als eine Art Technik-Wundertüte die mir Freude bereitet wenn ich Entspannung suche.
Um Deinem berechtigten Einwand bezüglich der Themen etwas zuzuarbeiten werde ich gleich anschließend eines der drei Themen des Videos in einem Kommentar konkret benennen, kurz beschreiben und einen weiterführenden Link dazupacken damit interessierte Zuschauer einen Ansatz für Eigenrecherche in den Kommentaren finden können. Vielleicht kannst Du oder jemand anderes das auch für ein weiteres der Themen übernehmen. Grüße aus Trier.
und schwupps, der YT-Spamfilter hat meinen erklärenden Kommentar wohl wegen der domain-Endung gefressen, wie nervig is das denn ?!
Video went from somewhere to anywhere
The only thing really worth recycling is aluminum. It is actually financially responsible to recycle it and the waste is minimal especially considering recycling vs open pit mining of aluminum ore. I did see a report about the plastics and paper waste being sold to places like Malaysia and the Philippines. The US government pays the to take it. I assume others do as well. Undercover camera crew had video of huge fires at the collection sites. Day and night non stop burning. They actually had to watch out for local police while filming for fear of Philippine jail.
That's how you do ecology shit. Send your dirty poopy pants to Asia and then point your finger - "Hey, look, those Asians produce shit ten gazillion times more than we do! This means we doing everything right and they do everything wrong!"
I've seen this video before on another channel 🤔 this type of recycling where workers empty individual boxes into trucks is very inefficient and takes longer to do. And they never tell you exactly how much of the material they collect actually gets recycled there. I know here in Australia recycling is very hit and miss with corruption swndingtons of plastic to countries like Malaysia where illegal plastic recylers by the waste and Malaysia's government has already said they are over run with it and they don't want our waste. No matter how much recycling you do they're will always be millions of tons of plastic waste because dumping it illegally is always easier for countries than it is to do it leagally. I own a concrettee and asphalt recycling business and I'm regularly contacted, by phone and in person by some very letsbsay "shady characters" that have big ideas for me to dump my concrete and asphalt in hidden places in return doe a payment from "someone". They seem to forget I recyle hundreds of tons of concrete and asphalt every day and I on sell it to road making company's, concrete companies and anyone that needs my product. I've has threats and some machines have been sabotaged but now o have top shelf security cameras. And guard dogs
Its a shame that countries are not interested to putting more effort into cleaning the environment.
Where’s your kid now, Sheriff??
Dun'ya eropa.
Looks fun, sort of like a play store game on the mobile phone,
............. you know why i dotted you.
So, they make electricity. Right !
Warum müst ihr die armen Plastiksäcke Verbrennen 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 das tut mir sehr im herzen weh das ihr die Plastiksäcke Verbrent 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 # Rettet die armen Plastiksäcke vor der Verbrennung bitte verbrennt nicht die Plastiksäcke 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Wait!?, was that Jimmy Hoffa???😊
Can they take my diapers and I as waste with me wearing only my diapers?
Bet there isn’t any batteries in there.
????? Commentaire svp