The Truth About the Miraculous Virgin Mary | The Chronological Gospels

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024
  • In order to understand the precise chronology given in the book of Luke, we MUST understand God's timing, the order of priestly courses, and how both relate to the Feasts of the LORD during this Biblical time period.
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ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @WatchingMyLifeFlashB
    @WatchingMyLifeFlashB 6 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Thank You!
    For years, I would sit & study Matthew, counting the generations. Uh-uhing, 14 generation, check. Counting & deciding do I count the last generation from the previous 14 or do I use common sense & count the next new generation, yet always had serious problems reconciling the third set of fourteen. I was always perplexed by what I perceived to be a major 'problem' of translation. It was not 14-14-14, no matter how I sliced & diced it.
    I did not consider Yeshua to be the problem. I did not consider the word of Yehovah to be the problem. I did not consider the biblical testimony to be the problem either. I, wholeheartedly believe that if something doesn't fit together biblically, together to form a congruent whole picture, or seems to be in contradiction to other confirmed scripture, there is a reason for the discrepancy. In the original language no mistakes were written. Men translate scripture & even sometimes mistranslate languages, even scripture. Not only that, even with both the OT & NT prohibitions to not subtract from nor add to Scripture, it's happened throughout history & is still happening every day. Also, one must always be aware that if the modern reader does not know or fully understand the culture, environment, language, the intended audience, purpose of the a particular writing, & linguistic idioms used by those who wrote something down, the reader can not properly understand the true or full meaning of what has been written. I knew Yehovah was not a liar & that in its original tongue, Scripture is infallible, only our interpretations, understanding & translation are corrupting.
    In order to search out the truth, I even went so far as to learn an entire language, Koine Greek. I was able to understand much deeper meanings & nuances of NT scripture due to my studies. My spirituality was increased so much as the English language has its limitations. In fact, there are concepts that are not even able to be accurately translated from the Greek into English. The Greek is very, very precise in comparison. I am so glad I took the time to learn it. I was not, however, able to reconcile the 14-14-14 generations 'problem.
    I had always suspected that the NT wasn't originally penned or only penned in the Koine. It was a written documentation which was fully intended to become historical evidence of a Jewish messiah of Hebraic lineage living in a Semitic culture under a foreign rulership. Even if Jews were doing business in & speaking other languages, religion & religious papers would probably have still been written in or, at the minimum, been made available in the Hebrew language. I finally gave up, assuming that any written scripture which would have provided the answer would have been destroyed, lost, or had deteriorated past recognition long ago. I figured I'd receive my answer in the Kingdom, & in the meantime, I needed to rely on faith.
    I got so excited several years back to hear of a Hebraic Book of Matthew. I was sure that the answer to the conundrum was to be found there. You see, I was accurately understood Luke to be speaking of Yeshua's mankind lineage through Yoseph, his adoptive human father. In other words, Luke told his legal parentage. Matthew clearly was speaking of both his biological & spiritual heritage. I had always understood this, especially since the lineage started with Abraham, our spiritual father in the faith, King David, a man after Yehovah's own heart, & the carrying off of the Babylonians was was stressed. These all were of spiritual significance; no need to know anything farther back than Avra'am. Matthew was about proving that Yeshua was related to those prophecy had revealed the messiah must to be related to, not just spewing an endless genealogy. Matthew stuck to the point, proving prophetic biology. Point proven.
    Whereas, Luke was about proving Yeshua was considered to be a son of man, hence the genealogy going all the way back to Adam. Adam was the first man. Yeshua was the perfect man. Point proven.
    I've always respected Nehemia Gordon, even when he was still a stiffnecked Karaite who denounced Jesus emphatically. I was drawn to his Torah centered, scripture only approach to Yehovah. I was always visiting the Karaote Corner website & had such a hard time with it anti-Yeshua stance. I felt like a spiritual Karaite, but there was this insurmountable wall there due to my belief in Yeshua as being the fulfillment of the Torah. It made me so happy to see the softening of Nehemia's heart through his relationship with Keith Johnson. Nehemia may not yet believe in Yeshua as the messianic son of Yehovah, but he now respects the person of Yeshua, & one day Yehovah will remove the blinders from his eyes, as He has prophecied will happen in the last days. The Jews will also know the savior.
    In these last days, information & knowledge will abound. Sure, the masses will not have understanding or accurate understanding. There is & will be mass deception & even the elect could actually be susceptible, were it possible. But the seekers of truth, we rejoice at rediscoveries like the 1,000th discovery of Yehovah with vowel points in ancient manuscripts. There wouldn't have been a strict prohibition on the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton unless it was already hidden there in the sacred text somewhere. Other discoveries, modern revelations of ancient texts like the Hebrew Matthew stressed in this video bless the people who are living in these increasing irreligious times. The newfound proofs give us hope & stamina to endure to the end. Questions are being answered & misunderstandings are being corrected.
    May YHVH bless all!

  • @ateshimghebremariam6158
    @ateshimghebremariam6158 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I like this man! He is man of the word.

  • @kfoster3616
    @kfoster3616 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Incredible series. Thank you Michael, Crew and staff. If you enjoy this series as much as I do, please make a donation to A Rood Awakening so they can continue to create these wonderful videos. Thank you.

  • @anthonyanderson4653
    @anthonyanderson4653 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I love your teaching and i would also like to know where i could get a copy of the CKJV BIBLE.

  • @timothyskelton144
    @timothyskelton144 6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Michael Rood , thank you for what you great job.

  • @bobirving6052
    @bobirving6052 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thank you aroodawakening

  • @timothyskelton144
    @timothyskelton144 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    thank you for time and your teaching. great job

  • @GwinnyTwo
    @GwinnyTwo 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Would you happen to have a Bible study on John the Baptist and why he was in doubt, in prison, as to Jesus being the one prophesied to come?

  • @lilynazara3809
    @lilynazara3809 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love it! Thankyou.

  • @csmitchell2684
    @csmitchell2684 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I like your teachings. You make it easy to follow and explain along the way.
    In the videos, however, I don't like the medieval and Renaissance art of Yeshua and Miriam. The angels all look feminine. Being female, I'm not trying to lower women. It's just that I think of Gabriel being masculine. I would think a female angel to be named Gabrielle.
    I like the modern art because the contemporary artists tend to capture the strength and awesomeness of angels. (Of course, Yeshua is more awesome).
    I don't like the halos, either. The people and angels appear more flat. I like the realistic looking artwork.
    Just my art preferences. The teaching was excellent.

  • @SandLeopard003
    @SandLeopard003 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    How to get CKJV?

  • @hemp5231
    @hemp5231 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Where can I get this CKJV BIBLE?

  • @jpmastertech
    @jpmastertech 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Funny how there is always a thumb down in all of the Rood' s videos...I bet whoever it is can't challenge him because he/she is either from a greasy agape or churchianity background...haaa!! Lol....

  • @tranquillus78
    @tranquillus78 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Though I agree with much of you said, I must take issue with your injection of narrative from the apocryphal so-called "Infancy Gospel of James" about Jochanan's (John the baptist) father Zechariah, and his demise between the Temple and the alter. Why would you give credence to a "gospel" that was written by someone who obviously wasn't the Ya'acov (James) of the NT, and was probably written in the late 2nd century, and which says that Yeshua was born in a cave - when you say He was born in a sukkah; that says there were midwives present at Yeshua's birth when there's no evidence of that in any of the canonical gospels; that tells of the perpetual virginity of Miriam (Mary) before, during and after the birth of Yeshua - as confirmed by one of the mysterious midwives; that claims that Joseph was an old widower with children from a previous wife and it was those children who were the "brothers and sisters" of Yeshua - so that Mary could remain the virginal "Mother of God". It's easy for you to claim (as you have in the Chronological Gospels) that the original Hebrew text of Matthew doesn't mention "son of Berechiah" in Yeshua's slamming of the Pharisees. There's no way for us to verify that. All we have is the canonical gospel in which Yeshua states it was "Zechariah son of Berechiah" - that being the prophet Zechariah (see Zech. 1:1) This fits Yeshua's narrative where He specifically says, " are the sons of those who murdered the PROPHETS." You can't just pick and choose what you consider as "truth" when so much of the "gospel of James" is obviously fraudulent. You often slam "Christianity" for doing the same thing - and they do - but you should know better.Truth is more important than fanciful embellishment. We all must be like the Bereans - lovers of Truth and only Truth. I've learned a lot from you Michael but I hope you will be careful about the "padding out" of the Scriptures for the sake of an interesting story.