I guess (based on your other video I just saw) that you're using Unreal Engine? Do you use Blueprints or C++? -EDIT: whoops, you did show some progress in the engine which was indeed UE 5, my bad :D But still.. BP or C++? :)
@washynator lol yea, coding in general does that xD. I actually did a bunch of C# coding in college, so the blueprints was a great visual on how functions are connected to eachother!
I guess (based on your other video I just saw) that you're using Unreal Engine? Do you use Blueprints or C++?
-EDIT: whoops, you did show some progress in the engine which was indeed UE 5, my bad :D But still.. BP or C++? :)
I mainly use blueprints :)
@@snoozydev That's cool! I try to use them both but my brain get's all fried up from Blueprints, my visual skills are zero :D
@washynator lol yea, coding in general does that xD. I actually did a bunch of C# coding in college, so the blueprints was a great visual on how functions are connected to eachother!