Laverne Cox so professional! The advice she shared with Jess and the world was so soothing but healing at the same time. Plus, I loved how she allowed Jess to share and provide her with the appropriate way to interact and react to different situations. Great interview where everyone was involved and listening at the same time.
So impressed by the Breakfast Club for having Miss Cox as a guest! AND 50! WHERE?!?!?!?! I loved how they allowed each other to speak and get their full points across. I hope this creates an opportunity for more members of the community to come to The Breakfast Club.
I agree. The Breakfast Club has had an almost steady stream of trans guests on the show after: Flame Monroe has been on a few times (clips are all on TH-cam), POSE producer Janet Mock was on 5 years ago (but back then they weren't so sensitive to trans folks, they've evolved a lot) .... but yes, I also think the Breakfast Club hosts & producers want to make up for the fact that Lil Duval said ON AIR on TBC that he would "k!ll" a transperson if they didn't reveal their status if they were to have s3x. That caused a huge backlash, that the show is still trying to recover from.
Laverne may be an actress as her resume, but her speaking, whew, she's a natural public speaker, a therapist, a historian, and a DEI consultant. She speaks so clearly, and non-bias, and so articulating. This was one of the better interviews I've watched on here. It's mature, informative, and intelligent. Whoever's Laverne's Therapist, kudos to them. She has her mental well-being put together 👏🏽.
The Word of God is evident in its view of homosexuality. The most commonly quoted Bible verses are Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, which state that it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman. In Romans 1:26-27, Apostle Paul says that homosexuality is contrary to God's natural order and results from rejecting God. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists homosexuality as one of the sins that will prevent someone from entering the Kingdom of God. While the Bible is clear in its view of homosexuality, it is essential to remember that God loves all of his creation and offers forgiveness to those who repent and turn away from their sins.
Laverne Cox IS opulence personified. The way she uses every. single. word. that comes out of her mouth with intention inspires me daily and by-the-minute. What an icon.
Laverne represents Hope!! Laverne is giving us vulnerability and allowing others to see themselves in her and for that alone, the universe will continue to bless her. Deal with it!!
This interview was phenomenal! Laverne is so talented, well spoken, and intelligent!! She deserves to be in every single boardroom!! Loved this interview.
I've never seen the folks at The Breakfast Club so quiet as Laverne Cox took them to church, the classroom and to the comedy club throughout this entire interview... Bravo to all parties including and especially Ms. Jess the Mess...
I loveeee Jess on this show!!!! And this was a great interview. I usually avoid watching anything with Laverne but I'm glad I watched this. I have realized I don't have to be so close minded. Thank you BC for doing this interview
and your acknowledgment is a great source of support to a person developing a new ideal of viewpoint so I thank you as well !! @@scenebattleswithnoyo322
I love Laverne. I can listen to her talk all day. She makes us in the Queer community proud. Shout out to The Breakfast Club for hosting a respectful, responsible conversation! ❤
I loved how Laverne a person in their 50s whose lived through a lot and offered Jess a higher vibrational solution. At the end of the day, Jess had more to lose than the still nameless heckler who triggered her response. Who got the backlash and lost more her or him?
I remember about 10 years ago I’d never heard of Laverne and one of my friends mentioned on Facebook I looked like her. I was appalled when I found out she was trans. It felt like an insult. After seeing her and hearing her, it’s not an insult. ❤
This entire interview was perfection. All of the hosts were on point and Laverne Cox is truly a gem of a person. I really enjoy listening to her speak about any topic. And I think that Jess is a beautiful woman, not that she needs my attaboy but I think that she is.
You ain't never lied. These comments scream immature teenagers with no life experience but the gag is the commenters are 30, 40 year olds raising kids thus why this new generation is lost because their parents are lost. Crazy 🤯
@@IllMatic97 people can identify how they choose....does it impact your you have to agree....NO....let people long as they're not hurting anyone
Wow her Story is a beautiful lesson about staying ready and loving what you do.I am in that space right now and I believe my perfect opportunity will come.
So many healing moments and love and this convo. Jess adds so much realism, vulnerability and strength to the show. I pray she is a permanent host if that is an option. Laverne Cox is legendary, and such a vessel of light. This is how a survivor shines, and empowers people. The world thinks that our community is so unevolved, please, we know how to create space and have open and honest conversations with all people. Keep up the amazing interviews/convo's! Thank y'all.
That's why the Breakfast Club is number one syndicated radio show Morning Show because they are having in-depth conversations did I know that we need as a collective. Just so we can see perspectives that are not jaded ignorant unable to really give us the language and definitions of what's going on. Today it was done with Laverne Cox the day before Erykah Badu and I just each time I see certain interviews with certain guests I am very proud of what the breakfast show does for the culture as we say because it shows the diversity in the diasporas within Humanity but especially within heavily melanated skin tone people so Bravo continue continue continue
Amazing informative interview! Kudos to the Breakfast Club for this interview! Laverne Cox is dropping gems of knowledge! Keep soaring for the culture!
Therapy season! This was not about LGBT this was about the human experience. Being an “ambassador” for a race,creed, orientation, etc is exhausting. Any minority has been put in that place at least once in their life. As Ms.Flame quoted her friend “ understand the misunderstanding” and move forward period.
I LUVVVVVVV Laverne Cox - wise, grown, fierce, evolved, done and doing the w[e]rk! Props Sis. 💓Thanks BC for having her on. She's right. Our (black) community needs to hear her.
Laverne I've seen in movies, red carpet etc. But this is the first interview I've watched. Damn Laverne is so eloquent in her approach to the way she words things. She educates in a fun way. She is funny. I'm a new fan 4Real 4Real ❤
not done watching but I am loving how she is handling the question about transphobic slurs. my eyes twitch like that when I am trying to remain calm and wash away the ignorant questions.
Agreed Laverne! “I can’t change you but I can change me!” With that being said, Jess I also agree that folks should be prepared to get a negative reaction when they attack others personally.
The black communities needs a lot things and what you mentioned is not even last on the metaphorical agenda. You're worried about everything except the things actually affecting the black community.
@@IllMatic97 And if you're not uplifting everyone within our communities then you're not really helping anybody but yourself. There are gay and trans Black people getting shorthanded because of their identities by our own and we're doing them and ourselves no favors by pretending like they don't or worse shouldn't exist
@@NorthPhilly-zr7xc "Natural" "Sinful lifestyle" these are terms beaten into us by European Christian colonists and the sooner more people like you realize that and be comfortable interrogating gender and sexuality in an objective and honest manner the sooner we can actually make progress as a collective Black community.
I love how she said that if it's not your experience than mind your business. To be honest I'm a hot mess most of the time trying to create consistency in my own damn life... I don't have time or energy to judge others... Do what you want!!! Regardless of your walk in life if anyone have or has perfectly figured life out so much that you have space to break others down... Would you please clue me in!!! Hell life is short... live it as you see fit!!! As long as you're not hurting nobody... Let these people live chyle!!!
I’m so happy Miss Laverne is finally here at the Breakfast Club… Jason Lee definitely has those connections but they needed this interview years ago! She’s already a legend 🙌👑💃🏻
I am not a fan of Jess Hilarious and unfollowed her years ago, however I appreciate her standing her ground as Laverne tried to talk around what she was raising with being called “tr***y” (a word that’s also been used in my direction when people try to insult me) being what led to her using the f* word. I have never responded slur for slur, but you can’t take away what happened to Jess and try to impose that she should’ve had a super healed response. It’s bullshit. She raised a real issue and though no one can force Laverne to respond actually addressing the truth (instead of making many false equivalencies to avoid the truth), but I do like that Jess did not get fooled or intimidated by that.
Yea I wasn’t feeling that part. Because what about the person who said what they said to her. Why should being called a t****y not make you feel a way ? Even if that’s not the case. Idk 🤷🏾♀️
Laverne Cox might be the best talker I've ever seen. The nimbleness of Laverne's tongue is truly remarkable. The way to weave indisputable truths into a larger soothing diatribe is amazing.
She’s excellent at it. She’s well read and studied and it shows when the only rebuttal repeated is “but they did it first” which is highly elementary. Laverne Cox is that girl!🙌🏾
@@jamesfrancis9091 facts. Kinda Reminds me a celestial being that was the most well spoken and best singer in all of heaven. I was truly in awe of Laverne's oratory skill
I Love Laverne. These are the kind of conversations the community needs, Black LGBTQIA+ people are BLACK PEOPLE, brillant ones at that, and when one among us are oppressed, we are all oppressed! Thanks for representing Laverne🖤
This man shows how far society has regressed; no community needs to listen to this nonsense; we need more common sense in society; this is a MAN; only God can create a man and a woman; Cox is a bootleg, a knock-off, a Frankenstein Monster, and an insane FOOL. God made him a man; he needs to accept that and be the man he was created to be; when he dies, his bones will reveal what he was, and when he stands before the Lord, he will be cast into hell for his foolishness as it is written Rev 21:8-10.
@armymanssg508 What we need in society is less bigoted, opinionated, idiots like you who are always minding everyone else's business, instead of focusing on your own. Not only is what you said BS, you dont have a heaven, or hell, to put anyone in. The hell you try and create for someone else is the one you will burn in!
This was the interview that I needed! I forgot how much I love to hear her perspective and the way that she speaks! Kudos for having her on the show! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
This was an amazing interview. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 to Laverne. I thought it was funny how Baltimore Jess is, she was like ‘yeah I get all that but was he wrong too?’ Lol love this, love yall. Jess needs to be on all the time.
This was a FANTASTIC interview! ❤loved every bit of it! And I hope that TBC takes in everything that she said and more, and continue to grow and educate those around them 🙌🏾
Shoutout to Laverne, she has become a role model for not only those like her but also anyone that is pursuing a passion. ❤️ thank you Laverne for stopping by.
I disbelieve Jess doesn’t feel anything when someone misgenders her. As someone who has short hair and constantly gets “excuse me sir” it’s annoying/hurtful that a shortcut is viewed as masculine.
I think it does but she still has that exterior of being a strong black woman not letting it effect her. I hope she goes to therapy and they help tear that wall down so she can shutter out her true feelings
I just love a smart woman. Laverne. Thank you for finally making it to the breakfast club .You did a amazing job. Can we all just love one another. Sis I love you to life😘❤❤❤❤❤
Jess handled this so well. She is right the issue started with disrespect and she responded because she felt disrespected. I loved this interview. Laverne Cox is a beautiful soul.
What an amazing interview... People who been in therapy for many years tend to be so smart and educated and prepared for life. Love learning so much to help with life ( free therapy )
@@darkskinss Girl, please kick rocks. At least he’s trying. I am a Black gay man that takes NO NONSENSE from transphobes and homophones alike! But at least he’s trying to be respectful. Stop micromanaging. This is a process for a lot people, please extend some grace!
@@trimschonson5221 Girl, go to hell. Ain't no process. Miss Laverne look like a woman, and EVERYBODY know she go by she/her. Y'all gay hags kill me trying to take up for ignorance. Ain't like she some nobody with no name. Laverne been on tv screens for YEARS.
You can tell that Laverne is a New York transplant that move there to better her life just like a lot of us, I love all of the names and all of the stories mentioned here, JPG was showcased at the BK museum years ago ago, i was there and loved it , and now Mugler.
@@geezythedreamer As a blk person, I feel that I am Yt. That is my choice. Will you respect my choice and validate my new race? Or will you be a hypocrite?
Great interview!! As a lesbian I’m with Jess. He shouldn’t have called her a slur ! Respect works both ways & every action has an equal and opposite reaction 🤌🏾
No, she should not have been called a slur by the guy, but remember that you cannot individualize a slur. When she responded with the F word, she offended a lot of gay people that had nothing to do with what that person called her.
Lavern is apart of a generation that we almost completely lost, and I'm so happy that she's here, and presents the knowledge that everyone needs! Trans women have been leaders in social change and in our community they take on the mother role, and really help us thrive. I love you Lavern and thank you to all of the trans women who help us through society
God doesn't include the LGBTQIA community in his kingdom; only he can make a man and a woman; he and you are liars, and I have to respect liars...PS Leave children alone, or there will be a consequence you will suffer, Luke 17-2, Mark 9:42, It would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and cat into the sea if you cause one of these little ones to stumble. When that foolish MAN dies, the grave will reveal what he was when he was born; there is no lying and pretending in the grave; there is only the truth...Respect that !!!!
Laverne Cox so professional! The advice she shared with Jess and the world was so soothing but healing at the same time. Plus, I loved how she allowed Jess to share and provide her with the appropriate way to interact and react to different situations. Great interview where everyone was involved and listening at the same time.
So impressed by the Breakfast Club for having Miss Cox as a guest! AND 50! WHERE?!?!?!?! I loved how they allowed each other to speak and get their full points across. I hope this creates an opportunity for more members of the community to come to The Breakfast Club.
I agree. The Breakfast Club has had an almost steady stream of trans guests on the show after: Flame Monroe has been on a few times (clips are all on TH-cam), POSE producer Janet Mock was on 5 years ago (but back then they weren't so sensitive to trans folks, they've evolved a lot) .... but yes, I also think the Breakfast Club hosts & producers want to make up for the fact that Lil Duval said ON AIR on TBC that he would "k!ll" a transperson if they didn't reveal their status if they were to have s3x. That caused a huge backlash, that the show is still trying to recover from.
Laverne may be an actress as her resume, but her speaking, whew, she's a natural public speaker, a therapist, a historian, and a DEI consultant. She speaks so clearly, and non-bias, and so articulating. This was one of the better interviews I've watched on here. It's mature, informative, and intelligent.
Whoever's Laverne's Therapist, kudos to them. She has her mental well-being put together 👏🏽.
And HE definitely NEEDS a Therapist!
The Word of God is evident in its view of homosexuality. The most commonly quoted Bible verses are Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, which state that it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman. In Romans 1:26-27, Apostle Paul says that homosexuality is contrary to God's natural order and results from rejecting God. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists homosexuality as one of the sins that will prevent someone from entering the Kingdom of God. While the Bible is clear in its view of homosexuality, it is essential to remember that God loves all of his creation and offers forgiveness to those who repent and turn away from their sins.
Laverne is such a class act.
Laverne Cox IS opulence personified. The way she uses every. single. word. that comes out of her mouth with intention inspires me daily and by-the-minute. What an icon.
Agree 💯 % ,Very Well said.
Laverne represents Hope!! Laverne is giving us vulnerability and allowing others to see themselves in her and for that alone, the universe will continue to bless her. Deal with it!!
This man is wearing blackface for women wake up
This interview was phenomenal! Laverne is so talented, well spoken, and intelligent!! She deserves to be in every single boardroom!! Loved this interview.
I wud say Flame Monroe is the best interview
I've never seen the folks at The Breakfast Club so quiet as Laverne Cox took them to church, the classroom and to the comedy club throughout this entire interview... Bravo to all parties including and especially Ms. Jess the Mess...
She educated them.
I loveeee Jess on this show!!!! And this was a great interview. I usually avoid watching anything with Laverne but I'm glad I watched this. I have realized I don't have to be so close minded. Thank you BC for doing this interview
Your comment is so POWERFUL That is why everyone deserves grace and time to evolve.
THIS comment is what accountability, growth, gratitude and paying it forward with genuine thanks looks like. 🙌🏾🥹
Thank you 🙏🏽 #growth
and your acknowledgment is a great source of support to a person developing a new ideal of viewpoint so I thank you as well !! @@scenebattleswithnoyo322
Great comment!
I love that the breakfast club supports ALL black lives. She looks amazing 🤎
(A black woman calling a trans woman she, the irony is not lost here)💭
@@IllMatic97 The Irony is you spreading hate in a kind way 🤡
She who
@@IllMatic97 I don’t think you know what irony means
@@MsDarkie93 nah, I used it in the right context.
I love Laverne. I can listen to her talk all day. She makes us in the Queer community proud. Shout out to The Breakfast Club for hosting a respectful, responsible conversation! ❤
I loved how Laverne a person in their 50s whose lived through a lot and offered Jess a higher vibrational solution. At the end of the day, Jess had more to lose than the still nameless heckler who triggered her response. Who got the backlash and lost more her or him?
" A sex act does not define your sexuality" THAT RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!! THANKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LC
I remember about 10 years ago I’d never heard of Laverne and one of my friends mentioned on Facebook I looked like her. I was appalled when I found out she was trans. It felt like an insult. After seeing her and hearing her, it’s not an insult. ❤
That’s growth! I love that for you 🤎
Beautiful ❤
I love a story of growth 👏🏽👏🏽
It’s an insult.
Now, THAT'S EVOLUTION and ACCOUNTABILITY!!! Thank you for your honesty!! This is how we ALL can evolve!!!!
This entire interview was perfection. All of the hosts were on point and Laverne Cox is truly a gem of a person. I really enjoy listening to her speak about any topic. And I think that Jess is a beautiful woman, not that she needs my attaboy but I think that she is.
Y’all gotta grow up! Whew! Laverne Cox is a great person. Never has been a nuisance to anyone. Glad to learn and hear more .
You ain't never lied. These comments scream immature teenagers with no life experience but the gag is the commenters are 30, 40 year olds raising kids thus why this new generation is lost because their parents are lost. Crazy 🤯
I agree! Love her and her story
@@FLS.- I guess anyone can be a she now, huh? Oof.
@@IllMatic97 people can identify how they choose....does it impact your you have to agree....NO....let people long as they're not hurting anyone
I absolutely love Ms. Cox. Her positivity and mindfulness is truly inspiring.
This is probably the most positive, high vibrational episode of breakfast club ever
Wow her Story is a beautiful lesson about staying ready and loving what you do.I am in that space right now and I believe my perfect opportunity will come.
The growth from their Janet Mock interview to Laverne Cox
This was such a great interview. She is always an inspiration, I’ve always loved her mindfulness and self awareness. Therapy looks great on her!
This was one of the best interviews they've done. She's so deep.
"She's so deep" you have no idea how hilarious that sounds jeef
He's so deep. 🪶
@@ItsRissaInezChill out lol
Word on the street is he's deep
@@ItsRissaInez, why you watching, so immature
Laverne radiates peace! I really enjoyed watching this interview.
So many healing moments and love and this convo.
Jess adds so much realism, vulnerability and strength to the show.
I pray she is a permanent host if that is an option.
Laverne Cox is legendary, and such a vessel of light.
This is how a survivor shines, and empowers people.
The world thinks that our community is so unevolved, please, we know how to create space and have open and honest conversations with all people. Keep up the amazing interviews/convo's!
Thank y'all.
That's why the Breakfast Club is number one syndicated radio show Morning Show because they are having in-depth conversations did I know that we need as a collective. Just so we can see perspectives that are not jaded ignorant unable to really give us the language and definitions of what's going on. Today it was done with Laverne Cox the day before Erykah Badu and I just each time I see certain interviews with certain guests I am very proud of what the breakfast show does for the culture as we say because it shows the diversity in the diasporas within Humanity but especially within heavily melanated skin tone people so Bravo continue continue continue
Amazing informative interview! Kudos to the Breakfast Club for this interview! Laverne Cox is dropping gems of knowledge! Keep soaring for the culture!
What knowledge??? Give me example!!! Because I don't hear it!!
The sooner society collectively embraces the simple precept of “Live & Let Live“ … the better! ✨
Nailed it 🎯
That'll never happen
@@IllMatic97 get a life and it could
@@s.g1340 so you're saying you don't have a life, S.G?
@@IllMatic97 no I have a life. I don’t care how others live theirs. You don’t have a life because you’re so pressed about how another person lives.
Therapy season! This was not about LGBT this was about the human experience. Being an “ambassador” for a race,creed, orientation, etc is exhausting. Any minority has been put in that place at least once in their life. As Ms.Flame quoted her friend “ understand the misunderstanding” and move forward period.
I LUVVVVVVV Laverne Cox - wise, grown, fierce, evolved, done and doing the w[e]rk! Props Sis. 💓Thanks BC for having her on. She's right. Our (black) community needs to hear her.
Yes, finally Ms Laverne Cox has arrived to the Breakfast club!!!
This is one of my favorite breakfast club episodes ever! Truly iconic and educational
I love when Jess cohosts! She gives a vibe I relate too 👏🏾
Laverne is an amazing woman. Beautiful, brilliant, talented, insightful. I love that she is living this beautiful life. Shine on, sis!
Laverne I've seen in movies, red carpet etc. But this is the first interview I've watched. Damn Laverne is so eloquent in her approach to the way she words things. She educates in a fun way. She is funny. I'm a new fan 4Real 4Real ❤
not done watching but I am loving how she is handling the question about transphobic slurs. my eyes twitch like that when I am trying to remain calm and wash away the ignorant questions.
Keep Jess! How honest and open she was! I loved her before but now!!! Through the roof!!!!!! ❤
She’s so intelligent and well spoken
Wow that was an eye opener!!! Thank you, The Breakfast Club!
“What other people say about me is none of my business” 🙌🏽
I love Laverne....what a great person....every time Laverne speaks, you know wisdom is coming....CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR SUCCESS.
‘Look at me” (hair toss) 😂
Laverne is so evolved. This was a refreshing interview.
I loved Jess in this interview ‼️ she spoke for so many of up ally’s! Respect for respect.
Agreed Laverne! “I can’t change you but I can change me!” With that being said, Jess I also agree that folks should be prepared to get a negative reaction when they attack others personally.
Thanks for sharing, putting in the hard work and never giving up pays off big time, kudos.
LMFAO when she said she's 50 all i heard was Kevin Hart say DAMN!
(Man's really trying hard with saying she twice simultaneously)💭
Justnel facts
@JustNel You mean all you heard was Malik Yoba say "DAMN!"
Our community needs more exposure to this kind of content. Helps us move forward away from stereotypes of us being anti gay and anti trans.
The black communities needs a lot things and what you mentioned is not even last on the metaphorical agenda. You're worried about everything except the things actually affecting the black community.
@@IllMatic97 And if you're not uplifting everyone within our communities then you're not really helping anybody but yourself. There are gay and trans Black people getting shorthanded because of their identities by our own and we're doing them and ourselves no favors by pretending like they don't or worse shouldn't exist
@Justin Bent fr like they literally just spouting anti lgbtq talk, tht fast. Like omg
@@justinbent9320 to some black people that is not natruel I don't have gay people but I'm not supporting that sinful lifestyle either
@@NorthPhilly-zr7xc "Natural" "Sinful lifestyle" these are terms beaten into us by European Christian colonists and the sooner more people like you realize that and be comfortable interrogating gender and sexuality in an objective and honest manner the sooner we can actually make progress as a collective Black community.
I love The Breakfast Club! And love Jess even more on the show!! This Trio is great for laughs. Hell yeahhh Jess!!
This is a great interview, Laverne Cox did the thing ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wow! This was the interview I didn’t know I needed. Very good.
I love how she said that if it's not your experience than mind your business. To be honest I'm a hot mess most of the time trying to create consistency in my own damn life... I don't have time or energy to judge others... Do what you want!!! Regardless of your walk in life if anyone have or has perfectly figured life out so much that you have space to break others down... Would you please clue me in!!! Hell life is short... live it as you see fit!!! As long as you're not hurting nobody... Let these people live chyle!!!
I’m so happy Miss Laverne is finally here at the Breakfast Club… Jason Lee definitely has those connections but they needed this interview years ago! She’s already a legend 🙌👑💃🏻
I did not expect Laverne to start interviewing Jess 😂
Classic therapy move! “So tell me how you felt about. . . “ Laverne switched it right back to Jess because Jess was the one hurt by the situation.
35:03 If you're going to disrespect me, be open to getting disrespected. Love how Jess stood her ground.
Great interview. Love Laverne. Loved the balanced conversation. And Laverne stays dropping knowledge. 🤗
I am not a fan of Jess Hilarious and unfollowed her years ago, however I appreciate her standing her ground as Laverne tried to talk around what she was raising with being called “tr***y” (a word that’s also been used in my direction when people try to insult me) being what led to her using the f* word. I have never responded slur for slur, but you can’t take away what happened to Jess and try to impose that she should’ve had a super healed response. It’s bullshit. She raised a real issue and though no one can force Laverne to respond actually addressing the truth (instead of making many false equivalencies to avoid the truth), but I do like that Jess did not get fooled or intimidated by that.
I agree
I totally agree
Yea I wasn’t feeling that part. Because what about the person who said what they said to her. Why should being called a t****y not make you feel a way ? Even if that’s not the case. Idk 🤷🏾♀️
@@Snista are you clowns really self censoring the word tranny? Hahahah bruh
Laverne Cox might be the best talker I've ever seen. The nimbleness of Laverne's tongue is truly remarkable. The way to weave indisputable truths into a larger soothing diatribe is amazing.
She’s excellent at it. She’s well read and studied and it shows when the only rebuttal repeated is “but they did it first” which is highly elementary. Laverne Cox is that girl!🙌🏾
@@jamesfrancis9091 facts. Kinda Reminds me a celestial being that was the most well spoken and best singer in all of heaven. I was truly in awe of Laverne's oratory skill
Laverne is so much nicer in this type of situation than I can be.
For the love of all you hold dear DO NOT confuse grace and poise for ease.
I Love Laverne. These are the kind of conversations the community needs, Black LGBTQIA+ people are BLACK PEOPLE, brillant ones at that, and when one among us are oppressed, we are all oppressed! Thanks for representing Laverne🖤
This man shows how far society has regressed; no community needs to listen to this nonsense; we need more common sense in society; this is a MAN; only God can create a man and a woman; Cox is a bootleg, a knock-off, a Frankenstein Monster, and an insane FOOL.
God made him a man; he needs to accept that and be the man he was created to be; when he dies, his bones will reveal what he was, and when he stands before the Lord, he will be cast into hell for his foolishness as it is written Rev 21:8-10.
@armymanssg508 What we need in society is less bigoted, opinionated, idiots like you who are always minding everyone else's business, instead of focusing on your own. Not only is what you said BS, you dont have a heaven, or hell, to put anyone in. The hell you try and create for someone else is the one you will burn in!
Such a great interview. Love her
Her? Nah, I believe a male human being can't be a her fam.
Omg this was Amazing interview I think we all learned alot great to Hear grown up conversations with lots of laughter but heavy topics
This was the interview that I needed! I forgot how much I love to hear her perspective and the way that she speaks! Kudos for having her on the show! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Laverne Cox is a national treasure!
This was an amazing interview. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 to Laverne. I thought it was funny how Baltimore Jess is, she was like ‘yeah I get all that but was he wrong too?’ Lol love this, love yall. Jess needs to be on all the time.
I love this for the Breakfast Club. Tremendous growth and informative. Everyone was kind and respectful❤
Glad Jess stood her ground. Insightful convo.
Excellent interview I really enjoyed learning more about Laverne Cox.
This was a FANTASTIC interview! ❤loved every bit of it! And I hope that TBC takes in everything that she said and more, and continue to grow and educate those around them 🙌🏾
"Dominique said she and I'm like She Who" (90s laugh track)
Shoutout to Laverne, she has become a role model for not only those like her but also anyone that is pursuing a passion. ❤️ thank you Laverne for stopping by.
More power to her but not a fan. Maybe Tyler Perry will cast her in a movie.
@@lmac5902 😂 what’s wrong with Tyler
Please keep Jess, it’s an important message
I disbelieve Jess doesn’t feel anything when someone misgenders her. As someone who has short hair and constantly gets “excuse me sir” it’s annoying/hurtful that a shortcut is viewed as masculine.
I think it does but she still has that exterior of being a strong black woman not letting it effect her. I hope she goes to therapy and they help tear that wall down so she can shutter out her true feelings
@@Shantellywashington Beautifully said.
Stop being insecure and own up to who you are.
great interview. proud of their growth
Laverne Cox is sharing so much knowledge.
I just love a smart woman. Laverne. Thank you for finally making it to the breakfast club .You did a amazing job. Can we all just love one another. Sis I love you to life😘❤❤❤❤❤
Jess handled this so well. She is right the issue started with disrespect and she responded because she felt disrespected. I loved this interview. Laverne Cox is a beautiful soul.
Love Laverne! Glad that you all interviewed her 💜
What an amazing interview... People who been in therapy for many years tend to be so smart and educated and prepared for life. Love learning so much to help with life ( free therapy )
Thanks to Laverne for being honest about how we relate to each other. This interview was therapy for me.
Finally A Black Transwoman Being Showcased In A Positive Light ❤
Great interview! I could listen/watch Jess with you guys! Definitely put her in the running!
hire jess
This lady is the quoting queen! She has quotes on quotes. It makes sense that she has so much to say. I didn't know she was 50.
Leave her alone. It's her life, let her live it.
Yeah I agree let him live!
@@szn1580 hahaha for real
@@szn1580 you’re super pressed
@@s.g1340 yes I’m very pressed today. Awwww thank you for noticing
@@tiberm2227 hahaha
Yessss!!! So glad this happened since watching The Jason Lee Show!!
Man this person is a great actor/actress and killed Orange is the new Black! Truly made me appreciate people that are different from me. #Salute
This is an actress. Not sure why you put actor. This person presents as a woman.
@@darkskinss Girl, please kick rocks. At least he’s trying. I am a Black gay man that takes NO NONSENSE from transphobes and homophones alike! But at least he’s trying to be respectful. Stop micromanaging. This is a process for a lot people, please extend some grace!
@@trimschonson5221 Girl, go to hell. Ain't no process. Miss Laverne look like a woman, and EVERYBODY know she go by she/her. Y'all gay hags kill me trying to take up for ignorance. Ain't like she some nobody with no name. Laverne been on tv screens for YEARS.
You can tell that Laverne is a New York transplant that move there to better her life just like a lot of us, I love all of the names and all of the stories mentioned here, JPG was showcased at the BK museum years ago ago, i was there and loved it , and now Mugler.
Jess is a real woman so being called something that’s she’s not is wrong!
Trans women feel they are real women as well. Either way don’t call people names and respect others choices
@@geezythedreamer "feeling" and "being" are two very different things...
As a blk person, I feel that I am Yt. That is my choice. Will you respect my choice and validate my new race? Or will you be a hypocrite?
@@geezythedreamer i feel like a bird does that mean i can jump off of a roof and fly?
@@tball2688 it'd be one less bigot if you did believe.
Laverne Cox just gave a MASTER CLASS.
Great interview!! As a lesbian I’m with Jess. He shouldn’t have called her a slur ! Respect works both ways & every action has an equal and opposite reaction 🤌🏾
I said the same thing.
Well that means you’re gonna be responding to people for the rest of your life lol,..
No, she should not have been called a slur by the guy, but remember that you cannot individualize a slur. When she responded with the F word, she offended a lot of gay people that had nothing to do with what that person called her.
Fantastic Episode ! Brava Family!!!!👏👏👏
Laverne is a treasure. She has opened so many doors for people and she continues to be a light. So educated. So poised. So vibrant. We love you!
"She" lol🤣😭
Lavern is apart of a generation that we almost completely lost, and I'm so happy that she's here, and presents the knowledge that everyone needs! Trans women have been leaders in social change and in our community they take on the mother role, and really help us thrive. I love you Lavern and thank you to all of the trans women who help us through society
Love the adult conversation, the inclusion, and the respect!
God doesn't include the LGBTQIA community in his kingdom; only he can make a man and a woman; he and you are liars, and I have to respect liars...PS Leave children alone, or there will be a consequence you will suffer, Luke 17-2, Mark 9:42, It would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and cat into the sea if you cause one of these little ones to stumble.
When that foolish MAN dies, the grave will reveal what he was when he was born; there is no lying and pretending in the grave; there is only the truth...Respect that !!!!
This was an incredible interview!
Great interview!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Envy: “ so how did you get into acting, what made you get into acting, how did acting get into you?”
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😂 breaks my heart
master class in how not to ask interview questions is him always
Well done Jess for standing your ground and staying true to who you are 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Agreed!!! And I LOVE your screen name BTW
Now THIS was a great interview!! Valuable information and great dialogue from everyone at the table. Great job!
I love Laverne Cox!! She is amazing, smart & beautiful!!! Great conversation!! 💖
One of the best interviews 👌 this had of the year of any year she outstanding love her ❤️ excellent show
This made me appreciate Jess hilarious more! She’s so great! ❤
Me too
I've always loved her...Jess 😍 ❤️ is kewl with me