My dear brother and friend Legese was a very gifted original gospel singer. We enjoyed singing together at Mulu Wongel Choir while students at AA University. We will miss his smile and laughter. He was, in my knowledge, the first to introduce traditional melodies to the Ethiopian Gospel songs. Trust to sing together on the other side of life.
You don't know that Mulu Wongel A Choir sung the songs that were given to him. The church of Jesus Christ did benefit and use his talents. I can't speak about the Physics gift as it only concerns me secondary to the gift of the Spirit.
Dr. Legesse was a gifted brother who believed that every thing from God belongs to a Church. He didn't get and payment from any body his reward is there in Heaven from his everlasting Father God. Any one who wants to get the original CD is welcome to get it at Ketena 2 Muluwengel Addis Ababa. Wish to meet him there in Heaven.
My memories of him was for short time, he was lecturer for 1st year students at AAU. He had Afro style and bell bottom pants fashionable on those days. I remember him saying matter and energy are the same thing. Coming from high school I was puzzled by his statement. That was around 42 years ago. RIP my professor.
I saw him a few days before his death at AAU 4 kilo campus. He was in a depressed and miserable mood. In my view, neither the country nor AAU had given him the respect and privileges he deserved. In AAU, a professor who has served for 40 years is paid same salary as one who has served for 1 year only.
@@asiratgirmaabicho5142 If you are in Addis, you can find it from |ketena 2 Full Gospel church. I found it from there, After searching for it for a year.
My dear brother and friend Legese was a very gifted original gospel singer. We enjoyed singing together at Mulu Wongel Choir while students at AA University. We will miss his smile and laughter. He was, in my knowledge, the first to introduce traditional melodies to the Ethiopian Gospel songs. Trust to sing together on the other side of life.
የዚህን ታላቅ ሳይንቲስት ብቃትና ችሎታን ሀገራችን ሳታውቀውና ሳትጠቀምበት ማለፉ እጅግ ያንገበግባል !! እንደ እኔ እንደ እኔ ቤተ ክርስቲያንም ይህን ሰው አልተጠቀመችበትም፣ በውስጡ ያለውን የታመቀ ፀጋ አላወቀችውም ስለዚህም ሲፀጽታት ይኖራል !! ኢትዮጵያ የፊዚክስ ዕውቀቱን ሳትጠቀምበት አመለጣት !! ቤተ ክርስቲያንም በውስጡ የነበረውን የግጥምና የዜማ ፀጋውን ሳትጠቀምበት አመለጣት !! እኔም እስከ ዛሬ ሳላውቀውና ስለ እርሱ ሳልሰማ የሞተ ቀን ነው በቲቪ ያወቅሁት !! አቤት ክስረት !!!!
ወንድሜ ቤተክርስቲያን ጠንቅቃ ታውቃለች መዝሙሩን እንዲህ እንዲዘመር ጉትጉተው ለፍሬ ካበቁት አንዱ መጋቢ ደበበ ለማ ናቸው ። በመሀል ከቤተክርስቲያን ሳይርቅ አልቀረም
ወንድሜ ዮሃንስ
አገሪቱ ተጠቅማለች። የተላኩት ሁለቱ ሳተላይቶች የእርሱ ውጤት ናቸው።
You don't know that Mulu Wongel A Choir sung the songs that were given to him. The church of Jesus Christ did benefit and use his talents. I can't speak about the Physics gift as it only concerns me secondary to the gift of the Spirit.
በጣም የእግዛብሔርን ቃል የምትመግብ ነህ ጌታ ይባርክህ
ተባረኩ ይሄ ጸጋ እኛ ጋራ እንዲደርስ ስላደረጋችሁ ነፍሴ ተባረከች ወደ ከበረው ጌታ ነው የሄደው ልጆቹም ይህን ድንቅ ዝማሬ ይቀጥሉ ለጌታ
ድንቅ ዝማሬ ሁሌም የሚናፈቅ ነው እንደት ነው የሚገኘው።
በቴሌግራም ልልክልህ እችላለሁ 470 496 0796
@@yetintukristina6002 እኔም ይሄን መዝሙር እፈልጋለ ለሁ እዴት ማግኜት እችላለሁ ቴለግራም አላውቅም?
በዚህ TH-cam channel ማግኘት ይችላሉ
የቤተሰቡን አባላት እውቅና ማግኘት አለበት ብዬ አምናለሁ ካልሆነ በእኔ ግምት እርግጠኛ መሆን ባልችልም ወንጀል ነው የተሰራው በጉዳዩ ላይ እውቀት ያላችሁ ልትረዷቸው መልካምና ተገቢ ነው መብቱ የእነሱ ነውና ቢያንስ ገቢውን ማግኘት አለባቸው
ድንቅ ዝማሬዎች
መዝሙሩ በመለቀቁ በጣም ነዉ ደስ ያለኝ
Amen 🙏🙏
እግዚአብሔር ዘመንክ ቀጥፍ ይባርከው 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌
አሜን አሜን
ግሩም ዝማሬዎች
Amen Amen tabarekulign 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Dr. Legesse was a gifted brother who believed that every thing from God belongs to a Church. He didn't get and payment from any body his reward is there in Heaven from his everlasting Father God. Any one who wants to get the original CD is welcome to get it at Ketena 2 Muluwengel Addis Ababa. Wish to meet him there in Heaven.
Blessings 💕
GOD Almighty Bless his family 🙏
My memories of him was for short time, he was lecturer for 1st year students at AAU. He had Afro style and bell bottom pants fashionable on those days. I remember him saying matter and energy are the same thing. Coming from high school I was puzzled by his statement. That was around 42 years ago. RIP my professor.
We all are proud of him!!
Oh my lord .let his soul Rest In Peace
እባካችሁ እባካችሁ ሙሉን አልበም ለቆልን ።
በዚህ TH-cam channel ሙሉውን ዝማሬ ማግኘት ይችላሉ ።
Dear the owner of this channel, would you Please write to us.
(Dr Legesse family )
Thank you and Stay blessed!
Geta yibarkachihu
Bless ypu
MUlu mezmorochun keyet magignet yichalal ebakhn?
Please HELP me how can I get ,I am living in Bahir Dar. God Bless you
Call this number 0922176100 (Getenet)
Amen! Wow he died? 😢😢😢
አሜን አሜን ኤረ ኡኡኡኡ ከጽዮን ማዶ መድኃኒት ይፈሳል ,
አራት ኪሎ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከሶፍትዌር ሥራ ጋር በተገናኘ ማሠራት የሚፈልገውን ሥራ አስመልክቶ ለመነጋገር ተገናኝተን ነበር:: በዓለም ዓቀፍ ደረጃ ከሠራቸው ብርቱ የጥናት ውጤቶች እንዲሁም በዩኒቨርሲቲው ውስጥ ካለው ዝና አንፃር አኳያ ይበልጥ ደግሞ እንዳብዛኞቹ የዩንቨርሲቲው አስተማሪዎች በንቀት ሳይሆን በትህትና በማስረዳት እንዴት ተጠቃሚ መሆን እንደምችል ጭምር በመጠቆም አባታዊ ምክር እየሰጠ ነበር ያናገረኝ:: ከዚያም በፊት ትምህርቱን በ 4ኪሎ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፊዚክስ ዲፓርትመንት የጨረሰው ወዳጄ-የሁለት መጽሐፍ ጸሐፊ- Yilma Shiferaw ለመላው ተማሪዎች በመቆርቆር እንዴት ይሟገትላቸው እንደነበር ነገሮኝ ነበር:: በዚህም ዶ/ር ለገሠ በማውቀው ጥቂት ጊዜ የጌታ ኢየሱስን ባሕርይ በአ.አ.ዩ ውስጥ ሲያንፀባርቅ የነበረ አገልጋይና ለተጨቆኑ ተሟጋች መሆኑን ለመመስከርና በነገር ሁሉ ጌታ ኢየሱስን ማክበር ዋጋው ምን ያህል ታላቅ እንደሆነ ለማሳየት ነው::
“መልካሙን ሥራችሁን አይተው በሰማያት ያለውን አባታችሁን እንዲያከብሩ ብርሃናችሁ እንዲሁ በሰው ፊት ይብራ።”
(ማቴዎስ 5፥16)
God bless you for your testimony. Be a light in this generation. In Jesus the Christ name, Amen!
ኬት አባቴ ላግኘዉ?
ላገኘዉ ማልችልበት ስፍራ ነኝ?
የት ነው የምትኖረው እልክልሃለሁ
አባክህ ወንድሜ ሆይ እኔንም አትርሳኝ:: ይቂርታ ሴት ከሆንሽ የኔ እህት:: በተለይ ከዱሮ እስከአሁን ያሉትን ባገኝ እንዴት ደስ ባለኝ maryland ነው yalehut.
@@yetintukristina6002 ጉጂ ዞን ገጠራማ አከባቢ (ግርጃ)
@@asinegaasinega Call me my name is Gezahegn 470 496 0796
@@asinegaasinega Call me my name is Gezahegn 470 496 0796
I saw him a few days before his death at AAU 4 kilo campus. He was in a depressed and miserable mood. In my view, neither the country nor AAU had given him the respect and privileges he deserved. In AAU, a professor who has served for 40 years is paid same salary as one who has served for 1 year only.
😢😢😢😢😢😢 May He RIP
Itune lay yelem
@@yetintukristina6002 ለምን ሙሉ መዝሙሩን አትለቅም ወንድሜ ሰምቼ ሰምቼ አልጠገብኩም።
@@asiratgirmaabicho5142 If you are in Addis, you can find it from |ketena 2 Full Gospel church. I found it from there, After searching for it for a year.
ahun ethiopia yalchebeten endayiu kememegnachew sewoche kuter 1 nw balisasate ke 900 belaye mezumure tsifowale
Amen 🙏
Amen 🙏