Why choose to live in a communist country where voices advocating for environmental protection and journalism, such as Nguyen Chi Tuyen, Chi Tuyen, Nguyen Vu Binh, Dinh Bach, and Nguy Thi Khanh are silenced?.😮.
Why do you live n your country that’s also full of problems ? Lmao if you are looking for a Utopia you aren’t going to find it ..turn off your CNN and FOX news and you’ll realize that living in a “communist country” you can still do pretty much whatever you want
Why choose to live in a communist country where voices advocating for environmental protection and journalism, such as Nguyen Chi Tuyen, Chi Tuyen, Nguyen Vu Binh, Dinh Bach, and Nguy Thi Khanh are silenced?.😮.
I know nothing about them, but I know I've been living in china 15 years, and I don't get involved in the politics and I'm happy here.
Why do you live n your country that’s also full of problems ? Lmao if you are looking for a Utopia you aren’t going to find it ..turn off your CNN and FOX news and you’ll realize that living in a “communist country” you can still do pretty much whatever you want
Oh no, here’s another white knight who’s delving into another countries politics, show me where Utopia is please.