Umm, the blonde gal isn't doing the right pronunciations the whole time XD It's the brunette woman with the red lipstick. In addition to pronouncing it correctly, she's also the last person to say the word each time before they start a new word!
Jesus Issou Bah moi je mets toujours des espaces avec mes ponctuations ._. Genre Salut ! Ou comment ça va ? Par contre je mets pas d'espaces avec le point.
Kay Cohen you can't imagine it. Well, if you are Italian (like me) the pronounciation is the only hard part (really, the grammar is nearly the same and very many words are similare). But it is a VERY hard part
I'm french and in med school, there is a lot of native italians who came to pass the competitive exams of first year medecine, and they are so damn good at french !!! One of them became a good friend and she speaks fluently french english and of course italian
houx = holly œil = eye quincaillerie = hardware store tilleul = lime tree bredouille = empty-handed groin = snout (of a pig or a boar) coquelicot = poppy yeux = eyes (yes, the plural form of "œil") œuf = egg saperlipopette = something like "good heavens!" or even "golly gosh!" (it's a super old and outdated swear word that is now considered funny rather than vulgar)
Oui je suis française :) I'm also a student in translation studies but some of the words here were rather tricky since they don't have actual equivalents in English
French language spelling is well reformed. There are some tricky areas like silent letters in the end of words, and liaisons when reading sentences. However, once you know the rules, you can read french words with high accuracy.
je propose dégingandé, capharnaüm, septentrional, cuillère et bien sur amphigouri galimatiasante, hendyadin ou encore " il a bu un verre après être aller changer un de ces verres, vers où on va avec ce drôle de vers " métonymie synecdotique donc à valeur pléonastique ouvrant en grand les portes de la polysémie. ( pendant ce temps je galère juste avec thought, tough et though )
Sotte, tasse, zoo, je pense que c'est les mots qui se rapprochent le plus en Français... Même si c'était plutôt pour troll qu'une réelle difficulté j'imagine
Moi non plus je ne suis pas français mais francophone...le titre aguicheur a eu raison de moi ^^ en tout cas j’espère que tu auras trouvé ta nouvelle voie (d'une façon ou d'une autre on se cherche pense que c'est la période)
Prononcé sans le mot "les" devant "yeux" comme dans "les yeux", tu n'as pas besoin de faire la liaison être le "s" et le "y" qui donnerait "les (z)yieux" Hope that was clear :) -Also French Canadian
English people complain about the there/their, but us, French people, complain about the -er/é, the doubled letters, the accents, the silent letters, the random spelling of certain words, all of the grammatical rules and most importantly, the oral form of the language mixing with the written form of the language. Zbeub zbeub
le secret de la bonne prononciation avec le francais est de parler avec la bouche et la langue et non avec la gorge comme l'anglais. je trouve que l'anglais se prononce comme on chante avec la gorge et l'estomac alors que le francais n'est que bucal.
acide désoxyribonucléique = desoxyribonucleic acid acide acétylsalicylique = acetylsalicylic acid Donc finalement c'est pas si dur que ça vu que ce sont des DCI (Dénomination Commune Internationale) :)
I can't imagine how painful it must be to learn French. As a native speaker I don't realize how hard it is. Good luck to all those who are trying to learn French 👍🔥
Güney I'm french but my family's from turkey (turkçem çok kötü) and honestly there's not that many bilingual ppl in turkey, I was just saying that he was good at pronouncing the languages ^^
Well I don't know about that, I'm Turkish and I speak 3 languages fluently, I have several members of my Family in France, Germany and Turkey who speak several languages too, but I guess they're more bilingual when living abroad, which is the case of many Turks (in Germany, France, Switzerland mainly), so I don't know about that ;)
Turkish and can speak 4 languages fluently .There is more bilingual people than you ever thought in Turkey. Don't worry xD -and his pronunciation is very good
That's just some long word, but it's not that hard to pronounce. 'Quincaillerie' is much harder for the foreigner, because he would probably not know how to pronounce 'uin' and 'aille'.
Niness Dobrev Yes but her voice is quite exaggerated. Sounds like a stilted Parisian accent, classic white girl. It sounds stereotypical but it's true. I know what I'm talking about (I'm french)
Merci pour cette belle tranche de rire ! Comme quoi il suffit d'un rien pour avoir un fou rire P.S.: Finalement le français c'est un peu plus compliqué qu'on ne le pense ^^
Les canadiens français, mettez un pouce bleu pour ce post. Notre langue est trop belle :) Allo aux amis français aussi, on vous oublie pas lol. #vivelafrancophonie
Are you really calling someone named Alice Valentine a faggot ? Don't just look at the picture... Also, as a french, I will add that he was the best at pronounciation. He clearly had some knowledge of french beforehand. Contrast with the italian guy, a country which has a border with France and a language with the same roots, but is among the worst here...
Antonin Cortot Le mauvais chasseur il voit un truc qui bouge bon bah il tire. Alors que le bon chasseur il voit un truc qui bouge bah il tire mais c'est pas pareil , c'est un bon chasseur
C'est marrant de voir des autres en galère sur des mots français ! x) Surtout sur des mots comme œuf ou œil qui sont compliqués à prononcer pour eux qui n'ont pas ça.
Nice video :-) But if it's meant to educate, it would be a good idea to show the written version a bit longer (perhaps throughout the whole part where people try to guess its pronunciation and especially when it's pronounced the right way), so people can really make the connection between the written and spoken component.
i know "kn" in english is pronounced with the k sound in old english, it is hard to pronounce so it's dropped over time, and some greek origin word has consonant that is impossible to pronounce in english. but as i know french has a lot more silent word than english, like you have to silent some syllable for every word. p.s. i have little if any knowledge in french. Maybe i'm just really biased.
il y en a bien sûre mais comme il y en a a NY ou au japon, JP Gautier a beau faire des tenues marinières, ça fait bien longtemps que la france n'est plus LE pays de la marinière c'est un cliché un peu bête maintenant je trouve les autres ok je comprends mais celui ci n'a plus raison d'être
I'm moroccan, I was born in Casablanca. I lived in for 3 years, then I went in Italy. I lived in for 10 years, then I went in France 3 years ago. I speak arabic, italian, french and english; and I'm nearly 16!! Well, I'm lucky ^^ ( I don't care if you don't trust me, because I know it's true!)
I am an english speaker who took french for four years and so it is interesting to go into the comments and read all of the french, especially when people don't spell words correctly, and then it is like "Is this a new word that I don't know, or is this just 'bien' spelled wrong?' XD
J'ai trouvé ça très amusant x) Je n'ai jamais eu de problème à apprendre le français (langue maternelle et j'ai été élevée avec des parents qui m'ont toujours bien parlé avec un langage presque soutenu donc... on va dire que cela aide) mais je sais que même des personnes françaises galèrent avec le français xD On trouve de vraies perles parfois tout le long de la scolarité ^^ Courage à toutes les personnes qui veulent apprendre le français ! C'est une langue compliquée mais n'importe qui peut l'apprendre ;) Good luck to any person who would want to learn french ! It's a difficult language but anybody can learn it ;)
Are you working on your French pronunciation? Read our tips and tricks to improve it here:
This was so much fun et trop drôle ! Merci !
Well I'm French, so that was easy x)
Me too x)
Loki AV lol that's hardly old French and they chose with ouille or aille on purpose cuz there is 90% chances they wont pronounce it right
At first I was like "Damn that blonde woman is pretty good!" until I realised she's the one who says the true pronouciation at the end. -_-'
Same :')
Umm, the blonde gal isn't doing the right pronunciations the whole time XD
It's the brunette woman with the red lipstick. In addition to pronouncing it correctly, she's also the last person to say the word each time before they start a new word!
Yes, but she hasn't got brown hair... Personnally, I was talking about her. The one who is doing the right prononciation.
And I know who is doing the right pronunciation, I'm French so that's easy to know 😂
Without your comment I wouldn't ve understand this, really thought she was so good at french
I was so proud to know the pronunciation of my own language, wtf is wrong with me ? :D
Pour info en anglais y a pas d'espace avant le "?", le "!" et le ":" :)
si t'apprends tes leçons tu sauras qu'il y a un bien un espace entre ":" "?" et "!"
p.s. je parlais à Jésus
Jesus Issou Bah moi je mets toujours des espaces avec mes ponctuations ._. Genre Salut ! Ou comment ça va ? Par contre je mets pas d'espaces avec le point.
Oui c'est bien ça ! Quand c'est une ponctuation avec deux éléments genre ; : ! ? il y a un espace avant (et après).
That person in a white shirt with blue stripes did really well...
Julie Marie lol everyone dressed the same hahahahah
She's french 👍 me 🤣
Meryem Alkan r/thatsthejoke
My brain stopped for a few seconds there 😂
J'etais tres confus pour un moment
As a French person : this is very fun to watch :')
I realise right now how French can be tricky !
Keep it up guys !! :)
Thanks, Kay!
Kay Cohen you can't imagine it. Well, if you are Italian (like me) the pronounciation is the only hard part (really, the grammar is nearly the same and very many words are similare). But it is a VERY hard part
I'm french and in med school, there is a lot of native italians who came to pass the competitive exams of first year medecine, and they are so damn good at french !!! One of them became a good friend and she speaks fluently french english and of course italian
Kay Cohen Hi ! I am french and I realise that it is so cute ahah
Kay Cohen I'm French, and it's very funny !
I've got em all right, but i'm french.
Well done!
השם יברך Yisra'el 'psykaba' yitzchakq mazeltov
me too השם יברך yitzchakq psykaba m
DatFRy10 oh non tu m'as tué😂😂😂
houx = holly
œil = eye
quincaillerie = hardware store
tilleul = lime tree
bredouille = empty-handed
groin = snout (of a pig or a boar)
coquelicot = poppy
yeux = eyes (yes, the plural form of "œil")
œuf = egg
saperlipopette = something like "good heavens!" or even "golly gosh!" (it's a super old and outdated swear word that is now considered funny rather than vulgar)
luluxoria Est-tu francais, oh est ce que les definitions dans une dictionnaire?
Oui je suis française :) I'm also a student in translation studies but some of the words here were rather tricky since they don't have actual equivalents in English
luluxoria Thank you for the english people 😀
Merci :)
luluxoria Pour "Houx" est-ce que ce serait pas plutôt "mistletoe" ? :)
The fucking thirst in the comments for that turkish dude 😂😂
"je m'appelle Marion et je suis française"
"Mario is a sausage"
Evan9266 I'm dead WTF are those subtitles X)
Le pire c'est que c'est vrai! Pourquoi j'ai du descendre si bas pour voir ce commentaire?! XD
Evan9266 "And I'm from New York"
Subtitled "I forgot my name"
Je rigole vraiment pour rien moi xD
yuri40100 de ouf j'suis morte ptn xD
try this: poudre de perlimpinpin
GusBounas lol c'est trop drole
ce truc n'a jamais été drôle.
Une expression remise à la mode par Emmanuel Macron lors de son débat contre Marine Le Pen
GusBounas 😂😂😂😂
No one noticed they’re all wearing the same thing?
It's on purpose ! They are all wearing a "marinière", which is a cliché related to France ^^
I didn't notice because of the different background colors lol
sabaa alzuad
waaaaiiit i just noticed thaaat !!
Because they want to make fun about french ppl like me
sabaa alzuad I didn't notice xD
The Turkish guy did pretty well !
That's even odd : he mixes sounds but has no accent at all.
Turks have a lot of french based word in their language, which is probably why he had an easier time saying them
English has 50% of french based word and England was a major french speaking and writing country during Middle Ages.
True, but the thing is, in turkish we write as we pronounce. You obviosuly don't do that in french
Of course, or else it would be too simple XD
The french i know:
Oui Oui Je mange les petits enfants
Si ce est le cas je suis content je ne suis pas un petits enfants
Umm thats sad that you eat little children lol
Heureuse de ne pas être une gamine ;) dans ce cas la
Ce genre de vidéo que seul les français regardent mdr
Maxime Jte jure mdr
Maxime Explique moi ;-;
Maxime n'oublie pas les étudiants de français ! ;)
I'm in love with the Turkish guy, please give him my number. Thank you.
Ur not the only one x)
ahah exactly what I was thinking
me too hahah
Tamago Whaaat, which one ?
Matthias Le Men The one with the curly hair and without a beard
The turkish guy actually did a pretty good job
So cute to hear them say "Saperlipopette"
Bordel de merde.
Iterative XD
Iterative non
Mathias92 ahahah😂😂😂😂 sorry, i am french, and YOU are cute !!!
C'est de la poudre de Perlimpinpin!
On attendais "écureuil"
Mina ASMR Et baignoire !
nan mais ou est anticonstitutionnellement ?? je me sens floué
écureuil encore pire en allemand
*attendait (gammarnazi)
*Grammarnazi (grammarnazi the return)
the turkish guy thou i thought he was french at first
i cant find a video without armys now oml
taehyung's nose mole same 😂😂😂😂
ARMY are everyywere ❤️😂
Turkish guy was mad cute
We're good looking guys, charming and stuff, that's how it is :P
pls do ;)
Duff Clem omfg that's not true 😂😂😂😂😂
HE LOOKS LIKE MY LA TEACHER, I'M DEAD 😂 except my teacher has blonde hair and his eyes are blue 😂
French language spelling is well reformed. There are some tricky areas like silent letters in the end of words, and liaisons when reading sentences. However, once you know the rules, you can read french words with high accuracy.
The turkish guy is very good. I had some turkish friends during Erasmus and they were quite good also. They told me that few words are very similar.
je propose dégingandé, capharnaüm, septentrional, cuillère et bien sur amphigouri galimatiasante, hendyadin ou encore " il a bu un verre après être aller changer un de ces verres, vers où on va avec ce drôle de vers " métonymie synecdotique donc à valeur pléonastique ouvrant en grand les portes de la polysémie. ( pendant ce temps je galère juste avec thought, tough et though )
Sotte, tasse, zoo, je pense que c'est les mots qui se rapprochent le plus en Français... Même si c'était plutôt pour troll qu'une réelle difficulté j'imagine
completement 😂
je propose Schtroumpfs -
GG EASY si t'arrives
Je parle francais et je galererais a lire ton commentaire en une fois donc bon...
Un massacre
des anglais quoi... donc oui un massacre :D
Nan c'est meunion ! de plus il ne sont pas tous anglais
Je voudrais t'y voir mon hector ;) parler anglais, turc, italien, hindi ou suédois, tu nous montres ? ;)
elrevah anglais russe et italien ouais
Comme si toi tu sais tres bien parler anglais -_-
Damn the Turkish guy is so fucking cute, I think I'm in love
Dick Johnson You think so?
Dick Johnson marry me
@@TheFirstGoomba so what Shawn
I wish you'd tell them the translation right after, it'd be cool to see their reaction
The Turkish guy is SOOOO CUTE 😍😍😍
Turkish guy is bae....
유툽사람 I think so!
Passerby ı know right
I am Turkish too tho
Turkish guy is soooo cute ! I can teach you french whenever you want
Sidielastar TV Bitch
Sidielastar TV . Hi from Turkey,Can you teach me French?
Čhøpìñ what's your problem? JEALOUS PIG.
Čhøpìñ I'm sure she was joking !!!!
Isabella Ellington stfu
si tes français et que t'es là, tu devrais vraiment reconsiderer ta vie 😂
KRROW CLOUD wow wow wow tu te calmes ne me juge pas 😄
Reconsidérer sa vie devrait être un travail à plein temps
Sérieux ? et toi donc pour faire ce commentaire comment tu as fais ?
sinon bon troll xD
je suis canadien et toc 😌 en vrai jetais en pleine reconsidération de vie quand j'ai commenté ça 😓😂
Moi non plus je ne suis pas français mais francophone...le titre aguicheur a eu raison de moi ^^ en tout cas j’espère que tu auras trouvé ta nouvelle voie (d'une façon ou d'une autre on se cherche pense que c'est la période)
Have I been pronouncing yeux wrong my whole life!?
- French Canadian
lol there is no "r" at the end of yeux
Prononcé sans le mot "les" devant "yeux" comme dans "les yeux", tu n'as pas besoin de faire la liaison être le "s" et le "y" qui donnerait "les (z)yieux"
Hope that was clear :)
-Also French Canadian
Jean Lafrance, ah thanks I am also, French Canadian! But I suck 😂
C'est rare qu'on dit uniquement "yeux". D'habitude c'est les yeux, mes yeux etc. Ainsi la liason "(z)yeu"
The Turkish guy (who did so well) has a "je-ne-sais-quoi" of Hugh Grant.
And the conclusion is: Only french people can speak french.
Jorge Gonçalves EXEPT PAUL TAYLOR ;p !
No.. even French people can't speak it properly.
English people complain about the there/their, but us, French people, complain about the -er/é, the doubled letters, the accents, the silent letters, the random spelling of certain words, all of the grammatical rules and most importantly, the oral form of the language mixing with the written form of the language.
Zbeub zbeub
Jorge Gonçalves Ça veut dire zizi ... pardon j'ai pas pu m'en empêcher XD
Liam3072 président !
"The French language is systematically unphonetic. The English language is unsystematically unphonetic."
Where do you think English got it from? I mean French influenced English highly.
The 10 words list translated :
Houx = Holly
œil = eye (singular)
Quincaillerie = Hardware store
Tilleul = Linden tree
Bredouille = stuttering/mumbling/coming back empty handed
Groin = pig snout
Coquelicot = Poppy
Yeux = eyes (plural)
œuf = egg (singular)
saperlipopette = goodness me! (very outdated)
tilleul: linden tree
bredouille: empty-handed
Ooh, thanks!
"bredouille" has two meanings :
- "rentrer bredouille" means empty-handed
- "il bredouille" means he mumbles
Alex dH oh right ! sorry i had momentarily forgotten about the other use
Interesting. Quincaillerie sounds a lot like "quinquilharia", a word in Portuguese. Here, it means something old and cheap, useless.
0:49 the cutest "oh shit" =)
daaaaaaamn , the turkish guy 😍😍
Les gens qui parlent français, essayez de comprendre le mot qu'ils disent sans le regarder, juste en écoutant. C'est drôle
Mdr j'etude le francais et je ne comprends pas comment on peut prononcer les mots si vites!!
Lord Petyr Littlefinger Baelish on y arrive avec de l'entraînement ! Même moi qui suis française j'ai du mal avec certains mots ;)
Elisa DROSZEWSKI trop tard :/
Juste à force de le répéter ça vient tout seul :)
le secret de la bonne prononciation avec le francais est de parler avec la bouche et la langue et non avec la gorge comme l'anglais. je trouve que l'anglais se prononce comme on chante avec la gorge et l'estomac alors que le francais n'est que bucal.
le summum c'est anticonstitutionnellement et acide désoxyribonucléique 😂😂
Une fille in love forever Je préfère ADN
apopathodiaphulatophobie lui est dure même pour les francais
Et quand est-il de l'acide acétylsalicylique ?
acide désoxyribonucléique = desoxyribonucleic acid
acide acétylsalicylique = acetylsalicylic acid
Donc finalement c'est pas si dur que ça vu que ce sont des DCI (Dénomination Commune Internationale) :)
Le sterno-cléido-mastoïdien (un des muscles du cou, il me semble). Pas mal non plus dans le genre :)
I can't imagine how painful it must be to learn French. As a native speaker I don't realize how hard it is. Good luck to all those who are trying to learn French 👍🔥
Vinny20 it’s actually relatively easy
@@kaiahmarie5896 I'm glad to hear that! I'm guessing it depends on what languages you already speak
Hearing English speakers say "saperlipopette" is really hilarious, especially when you know that it is an old cuss word, equivalent to "Good heavens"
The turkish guy was pretty good at this !
We're kinda good with languages I guess :p
Güney I'm french but my family's from turkey (turkçem çok kötü) and honestly there's not that many bilingual ppl in turkey, I was just saying that he was good at pronouncing the languages ^^
Well I don't know about that, I'm Turkish and I speak 3 languages fluently, I have several members of my Family in France, Germany and Turkey who speak several languages too, but I guess they're more bilingual when living abroad, which is the case of many Turks (in Germany, France, Switzerland mainly), so I don't know about that ;)
Turkish and can speak 4 languages fluently .There is more bilingual people than you ever thought in Turkey. Don't worry xD
-and his pronunciation is very good
There is a lot of people who is bilingual in Turkey! Like me, I can speak 4 languages fluenty. And he is good at it!
le plus dur bien sur : Congolexicomatisation
trés bonne réf!!
Même si je suis français j'ai du mal a prononcer ce foutu mot ! Honte à la personne qui a inventé ce mot
That's just some long word, but it's not that hard to pronounce. 'Quincaillerie' is much harder for the foreigner, because he would probably not know how to pronounce 'uin' and 'aille'.
celle des lois du marché?
Mais oui c'est clair! xD
Next time: "anticonstitutionnellement" 😂 longest french word, good luck!
Lolo Pomelos ya beaucoup plus long mais pas dans le dictionnaire
hippopotomonstrosesquipédaliophobie, peur des longs mots (il est pas officiel, mais il a quand même 35 lettres :D)
Lolo Pomelos I am studying in sciences I can assure you it's not the longest one hahaha
"french word" so yes is it
Nan celui-ci est mieux :p : Aminométhylpyrimidinylhydroxyéthylméthythiazolium
OMG the French girl's voice *____*
Niness Dobrev She isn't french
She's french
Niness Dobrev Yes but her voice is quite exaggerated. Sounds like a stilted Parisian accent, classic white girl. It sounds stereotypical but it's true. I know what I'm talking about (I'm french)
Non je trouve pas qu'elle exagére
Juliette Antoni moi non plus je trouve pas qu'elle exagère
The Turkish guy is sooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeee😘😘😘😘😘
Merci pour cette belle tranche de rire ! Comme quoi il suffit d'un rien pour avoir un fou rire
P.S.: Finalement le français c'est un peu plus compliqué qu'on ne le pense ^^
ChillRelaxMusic C'est une langue tres difficile
Les canadiens français, mettez un pouce bleu pour ce post. Notre langue est trop belle :) Allo aux amis français aussi, on vous oublie pas lol. #vivelafrancophonie
xo Piink kaliss tabernac
Why is nobody talking about the fact that they are all wearing the same sweater?
p.s. The Turskish guy wore it best - this is not up for debate! 😂
The turkish guy is hot, at least I believe he is turkish
Alice Valentine Yes he is 😊
Mama We All Go To Hell *play G note*
That is what he said (and also I agree)
Alice Valentine He is Turkish. I am Turkish. And he said "I'm Kutay, I'm from Turkey" in Turkish
Are you really calling someone named Alice Valentine a faggot ? Don't just look at the picture...
Also, as a french, I will add that he was the best at pronounciation. He clearly had some knowledge of french beforehand. Contrast with the italian guy, a country which has a border with France and a language with the same roots, but is among the worst here...
Ou broucouille, comme on dis dans le bouchonois xD
clem2023 T'es un bon chasseur , toi
En même temps, qu'est-ce qu'un bon chasseur ?
M'enfin, ca n'a rien à voir !
Antonin Cortot Le mauvais chasseur il voit un truc qui bouge bon bah il tire. Alors que le bon chasseur il voit un truc qui bouge bah il tire mais c'est pas pareil , c'est un bon chasseur
M'enfin faut expliquer aux gens sinon y comprennent rien quoi.
i need to know who the first guy is and if he is single... for research purposes
Rena Adlyn kutay, from turkey lol
Do you mean the italian guy?
Agathe Avezou he said *he is turkish and his name is kutay* in turkish at the and of the video.
I fell in love with the turkish guy (or at least I assume that he's turkish)
Julia Maeve haha i dont know which one are u talking about but yes he is kutay and Turkish congrats✌✌✌
C'est marrant de voir des autres en galère sur des mots français ! x) Surtout sur des mots comme œuf ou œil qui sont compliqués à prononcer pour eux qui n'ont pas ça.
the turkish one wasn't that bad only the different ll sounds were hard for him.
As a French guy, I approve this video
нон-стоп лежа
Baptiste Hadjab Russian language is so useless stfu
wow!!! the Turkish guy was good
C'est quoi ce vieux cliché de musique et de marinière ! On est en 2017 les mecs ! Maintenant c'est Jul et un vieux soutifs en guise de tee-shirt !
Ou putain de bordel de merde tu fais chier ! 9 mots 4 insultes 😂
C ça ce que j'ai pensé
Ouai Trop Vrai
/ -3- / wat?
turkish Guy was the best
I definitely could help for these words... :)
Yes I can...because I'm french .___.
I got 10/10
I speak french
Carbon_- Kush same lol
That's cheating.
Moi aussi 10/10 :D
Carbon_- Kush Sameeeeeeee
***** shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's not cheating, it's an 'advantage in our critical analysis of the prononciation.'
Nice video :-) But if it's meant to educate, it would be a good idea to show the written version a bit longer (perhaps throughout the whole part where people try to guess its pronunciation and especially when it's pronounced the right way), so people can really make the connection between the written and spoken component.
Suggestion transférée 😉
why french like to add letters that they don't pronounce
Great question!
oldcowbb Even we don't know xD
I think it used to be pronounced, but you can say the same about english, I mean Daughter, read (in past)
It's because of the roots of the words; the Etymology because it was Latin's or Greek's words
i know "kn" in english is pronounced with the k sound in old english, it is hard to pronounce so it's dropped over time, and some greek origin word has consonant that is impossible to pronounce in english. but as i know french has a lot more silent word than english, like you have to silent some syllable for every word.
p.s. i have little if any knowledge in french. Maybe i'm just really biased.
qu'est-ce que je fous là je suis française
Tu de moques d'eux comme tous les français que nous sommes !
Oui c'est vrai...
DreamyGirl Pour voir la prononciation de nos mots avec des gens anglais
Alors ils sont français...
Damien S pom pom pom pom pom pom
Me, studied French for a year: I can totally nail it.
*Second word comes up*
Me: 👁️👄👁️
Omg the sterotypes 😂 I'm french and i can say nobody wears that kind of pull 😂
moi j'en porte ^^
Petit bateau ?
j'aime bien je trouve ça mignon ^^ après chacun ses goûts :p
Khinder Oui 😂
Mdr j'en porte aussi XD
the only french i know: oui oUI MON AMI JE M'APPELLE LAFAYETTE
xD #RaiseAGlassForFreedom "WHO'S THE BEST ? OUI C'EST MOI ! "
mee too- Hamilton
same lmao
et du Camembert avec la baguette
1:05 "Queen-celery? :D" lmfao
Turkish guy's accent was surprisingly flawless, even if the words were not said correctly... weird :p
as a french: please, nobody is wearing a sailor shirt in france ...
J'en porte, et je te jure que si, il y en a x)
Ouais... Jean-Paul Gaultier...
Ca dépend surtout des endroit. Je suis bordelais, j'en vois très rarement, mais une fois, je suis allé à paris, et y'en avait quand même quelques uns
il y en a bien sûre mais comme il y en a a NY ou au japon, JP Gautier a beau faire des tenues marinières, ça fait bien longtemps que la france n'est plus LE pays de la marinière
c'est un cliché un peu bête maintenant je trouve
les autres ok je comprends mais celui ci n'a plus raison d'être
C'est juste un cliché associé à Brigitte Bardot. Et ça n'est pas méchant, c'est comme le cliché des anglais en tweed ou des japonais en kimono.
Je suis trop douée j'ai tout bien prononcé😂😂
Shelley Latchmea c'est bien tu vas pouvoir passer en CE1 :-)
I'm so sad I'm only getting a few seconds in my entire life of that breathtaking Turkish guy
The Turkish guy is hot af
Lampartski Cartier His name is Kutsay
Haha ^^ wasn't the only one to think that ;) !!
Turkish lad here 👋🏻
Or not.
true af
Does the turkish guy have an Insta @
It's @kutay.ko, his name is Kutay Kocayurt
@@anaalvarenga6313 thank you
@@anaalvarenga6313 you fbi agents are creepy sometimes
Kutay olm yicekler seni burda diggat ed bebeyim jdbfjfkdkf
Turkler burdami Kutay abiyi yalniz birakmayalim.Vive la france:)
Hugo Boss fahsshydsy
Hugo Boss sa turk kardes yanliz degilsin :)
Hugo Boss su kutayin soyadı ne
I'm moroccan, I was born in Casablanca. I lived in for 3 years, then I went in Italy. I lived in for 10 years, then I went in France 3 years ago. I speak arabic, italian, french and english; and I'm nearly 16!! Well, I'm lucky ^^ ( I don't care if you don't trust me, because I know it's true!)
mddrrrrr pliée aller bonne chance les anglophones 😂
Au moins ils auront un job, ils parlent anglais
+Corentin Herisson quel con ._.
Il y a qu'un seul anglophone dans le vidéo... :)
et pourquoi ? Jai fait aucun faute d'orthographe et pourquoi tu insultes ?
Clém ence
Bah en fait si..
Fascinating! How about keeping each word on screen all the time in the lower third?
I'm french and it's very funny xD
That guy with longer brown hair is sooooo handsome
I am an english speaker who took french for four years and so it is interesting to go into the comments and read all of the french, especially when people don't spell words correctly, and then it is like "Is this a new word that I don't know, or is this just 'bien' spelled wrong?' XD
Au moin ils ont essayer 😂😂
c'est pas méchant, mais on est obligé de se taper des barres désolé les mecs xD
Va regarder la "French people try to pronounce English words"
who let the dogs out?
Kutay, le Turc 😚 Merhaba Kutay, Montreal gelecek misin?
Léa B. 😅 Hello from Turkey?
I am talking to Kutay, there 😊 😜
Le jour où ils devront prononcer anticonstitutionnellement
Sa va c'est assez simple
Ouais , c’est pas difficile 😂😂
J'ai trouvé ça très amusant x) Je n'ai jamais eu de problème à apprendre le français (langue maternelle et j'ai été élevée avec des parents qui m'ont toujours bien parlé avec un langage presque soutenu donc... on va dire que cela aide) mais je sais que même des personnes françaises galèrent avec le français xD On trouve de vraies perles parfois tout le long de la scolarité ^^
Courage à toutes les personnes qui veulent apprendre le français ! C'est une langue compliquée mais n'importe qui peut l'apprendre ;)
Good luck to any person who would want to learn french ! It's a difficult language but anybody can learn it ;)
xD Vous galérez comme nous on galère en anglais!!
I've been pronouncing houx wrong my whole life
- French canadian😕😂
Je suis Mexicain-Americain et Je parle de l'anglais, l'espagnol, et un peu de français. La France est belle 💖i would love to visit France!
Herkes Kutay'ı sormuş Türkler çok yakışıklı falan diyolar çslvşskvşsmgilsflksdlksld
After 2 minutes I noticed they were all wearing the same shirt
I pronounced them all right- three years of French lessons seems to have paid off!
I'm French,i was like:
it's funny...cause I'm french😂😂😂...figthing.
kim seokjin man of my lifeu. fighting 😂
kim seokjin man of my lifeu.
6.groin (i can’t even change it)
10.saperlipopette (I can’t even change it)
Saperlipopette !!!! Qu'est ce que j'ai rit ! Même nous, n’utilisons plus ce mot.
Maintenant on dit Putain /Merde