42:18 - In Max weber's definition of a modern STATE 43:19 - One of the big mysteries in Western Interpreting of China's history _________ How did Western observers fail to notice China won by 2,000 years? 44:19 - Turning to INDIA 47:59 - Religion 49:21 - The BIG ARGUMENT _________ Ideas drive History or Material Interests drive history 50:02 - A Fairytale (IDEA) 50:22 - 51:09 - 51:36 - 51:51 - 52:20 - The material & biological circumstances in which we live _________ are NOT the ultimate reality 53:02 - The blood & gore associated with birth _________ The suffering & deformations associated with disease & violence _________ The repugnances associated with waste effusions from the human body _________ The decay & purification associated with death _________ are all associated with human life and need to be transcended 53:24 - 54:40 -
32:58 - Why did many states become 1 ? 33:42 - 1st Chinese State 34:41 - Spring to Autumn 770 B C . . . 671 B C _________ Spring to Autumn 670 B C . . . 571 B C _________ Spring to Autumn 570 B C . . . 481 B C _________ 1,211 wars 35:01 - Warring States Period 468 recorded wars in 242 years (89 peaceful years) 35:20 - Military mobilization on a grand scale of 500,000 soldiers per battles 35:56 - 400,000 soldiers killed in Warring States 36:24 - 36:36 - more peasants when aristocrats had killed each other 37:01 - Warring States could mobilize (civilians-to-fighers) 7or8%, Rome 1or2% 37:22 - 37:45 - The State of Lu about 4th Century 38:04 - Requirement for Taxation leads to Requirement for Bureaucracy 38:10 - State Military leads to the mistaken need for a commodity-money collection 38:29 - Technological innovation lead to the surpluses for the State 38:50 - 39:10 - 39:19 - Spring & Autumn Annals _________ The Spring and Autumn period was a period in Chinese _________ history from approximately 771 to 476/403 BCE _________ which corresponds roughly to the first half of the Eastern _________ Zhou period. _________ The period's name derives from the Spring & Autumn Annals, _________ a chronicle of the state of Lu between 722 & 479 BCE, which _________ tradition associates with Confucius (551-479 BCE). _________ During this period, the Zhou royal authority over the various _________ feudal states eroded as more and more dukes & marquesses _________ obtained de facto regional autonomy, defying the king's court _________ in Luoyi and waging wars amongst themselves. _________ The gradual Partition of Jin, one of the most powerful states, _________ marked the end of the Spring & Autumn period & the _________ beginning of the Warring States period. -- Wikipedia 39:39 - THE PRUSSIA of CHINA is CHIN , one of the 7 Waring States 39:51 - _________ The Seven Warring States or Seven Kingdoms _________ (simplified Chinese: 战国七雄; traditional Chinese: _________ 戰國七雄; pinyin: zhàn guó qī xióng) refers to the _________ seven leading states during the Warring States _________ period (c. 475 to 221 BCE) of ancient China: _________ _________ Qin (秦) _________ _________ _________ Qi (齊/齐) _______ Fell 221 B C (6th) _________ _________ Chu (楚) ________ Fell 223 B C (4th) _________ _________ Yan (燕) ________ Fell 222 B C (5th) _________ _________ Han (韓/韩) ____ Fell 230 B C (1st) _________ _________ Zhao (趙/赵) ___ Fell 228 B C (2nd) _________ _________ Wei (魏) _______ Fell 225 B C (3rd) Over the Warring States period, many of the seven states underwent bureaucratic and military reforms in order to mobilise resources on a greater scale. This led to an intensification of warfare over the period, but also led to economic and cultural developments on a large scale. Of the Seven Warring States, Qin eventually grew to be the strongest and successfully annexed the other six states; Han was the first to fall, in 230 BCE, while Qi was the last to surrender in 221 BCE. Zheng, the King of Qin, created the new title of huangdi (emperor), and became China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huangdi Qin Shi Huang (Chinese: 秦始皇; lit.: 'First Emperor of Qin', About this soundpronunciation (help·info); 18 February 259 BC - 10 September 210 BC) was the founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China. From 247 to 221 BC he was Zheng, King of Qin (秦王政, Qín Wáng Zhèng, personal name 嬴政 Yíng Zhèng or 趙政 Zhào Zhèng). He became China's first emperor when he was 38 after the Qin had conquered all of the other Warring States and unified all of China in 221 BC.[2] Rather than maintain the title of "king" (王 wáng) borne by the previous Shang and Zhou rulers, he ruled as the First Emperor (始皇帝) of the Qin dynasty from 221 BC to 210 BC. His self-invented title "emperor" (皇帝 About this soundhuángdì) would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia. -- Wikipedia . 41:27 - Book titled SEEING LIKE A STATE by James Scott
actually before the emergence of 氏族 society in China, a large of portions of tribes are matrimonial. Both matrilineal and patrilieal surname are used as late as the spring and autumns period. for example Confucius's patrimonial name is 孔, matrileal name is 子 ( whose matriarch is 契, daughter of 简狄 of the 娀 clan which founded the earlier Shang dynasty) He also share the same matrilineal line as 姬, the royal family of Zhou but is of a different patronage. Yeah, Chinese history is complicated.
There is literally a single step procedure that if and when enacted after having been initiated, developed and maintained, will give any democracy a considerable refreshed lease of life. The procedure is already in existence in regards to religion, known as the clear separation between state and religion. The concept of free press should be added to the exact sentence of separation between state and free press as a doctrine, procedure and principal, and as consequence any democracy will have a considerable refreshed lease of life. If not then a free press of the state, by the state, for the state will continue to exist as it currently does. You only have to see the pundits in order to recognise such a problem as ascending and descending order towards and away from free press and state, which in turn are of the same group of pundits in regards to the universities which all must go through. It will not weaken either part, in fact it will strengthen each. It will simply means, once within or in regards to a state structure absolute no involvement within or in regards to a free press structure, and once within or in regards to a free press structure absolutely no involvement within or in regards to a state structure. This will enable a must necessary in regards to democracy as a state which includes a free press, which is the question and the answer should not come from exactly the same point. There is literally one many consecutive steps procedure which once initiated, developed maintained and upon enactment will deflate inflation in the most effective way for a very long period, as long as it is applied. The procedure is known as the immediate stop of any kettleing or encircling restrictment activity, intentional or unintentional as a benefit or as a problem, to be solved or solved in regards to resources, ideas, religion, art, music, science, technology, behaviour, culture, norms, traditions, costumes, routes, movement, concepts, education, health, including money, politics, securities, insecurities, rates, law or country, simply because it is based on a false as a naturally limited narrative, known in mining as fallowing a vein/veins. The world is way to complex for such a reductionist method to be applied on a large scale. The omnipotence paradox is ignorant, God can make a triangle which is not a triangle, it is known as Jesus is Jesus. Jesus is a triangle which is not a triangle in any and all possible ways one can think of and God does that. The mass of a cube is a sphere, a sphere resting on a surface, it's resting point is lighter than the rest of sphere, yet it holds and carries the sphere. God is lighter than God and God holds and carries either way. (Averroes, Thomas Aquinas, Epicure which are probably some of the first to originate such a way of thinking and argument, did, and do not believe in a God, any God, and consequently do not understand heirarchical order of being, through it's different levels and degrees of ascending and descending all possible directions. This means that either one does not or has never possessed a understanding in regards to what is physical, let alone not physical which includes any possible sciences or philosophies, this means that either one is nor a believer, nor a atheist, nor none believer. As a most crucial consequence all thought which has inevitably been derived from such original ignorance is the result of such methods, simply by being the very foundation of it's consequential progression. The importance of believing, wether in a God, atheism, a belief, or crucially in the actual not believing itself regards to the possibility of knowing if such belief is correct or incorrect, meaning you can only and always explain or know that which you are part of in a correct or incorrect way of being. The most simple experiment which has been available to anyone irrespective of means, requiring only one condition in order to undertake and validate is the very existing on planet earth, regards in observing the sky, more precisely the atmosphere as it is inevitable as a consequence of being the first in a order of an ascension towards the sky. Then watch what happens to any objects entering this atmosphere, earth's atmosphere, one can even make a wish, and be truly happy about it. Now in the modern era, such an experiment can be observed in reverse, by watching the struggle an object requires in order to go beyond this atmosphere, earths atmosphere, more precisely the amount of safety required for life to be involved, and remain life through and after the ascent.) There seem to be a problematic understanding in regards to what ascending and descending heirarchical order of different levels and degrees of being is, and that is where philosophy and consequently science is more likely than not gone and got stuck intentionally or unintentionally. In order to best understand Chinese way of existence at its fundamental generality and specifics, the ancestral veneration, respect, worship, prayer, conversation, talk, ask, telling off, etc etc is to be understood first and foremost. The best example I know off is of two characters man and a woman alive, having a very personal and formal conversation with each other simultaneously. Within such a conversation, ancestry is invoked as a literal physical and none physical involvement right there and then. The characters are, ex husband and ex wife. The ex husband has arrived to talk and request in regards to a personal involvement, upon the talk and the request having been answered by the ex wife, the ex husband having thanked his ex wife says...... (I will burn some incense for your father before I go.) To which the ex wife replies...... (Do not do that! He might not like it. He said so before he passed away.) That is the best example I know as a understanding. At the same exact order of existence, level and degree of hierarchy wether be it ascending or descending is deterministic, it is so because the order of existence establish's it, randomness can only be achieved by jumping the order of existence. A state is birthed as a consequence of such a way. Once a order of existence, be it as a level and degree of ascending and descending hierarchy is, the state of that existence will eventually be, it is pre determined as already established. What remains after is only the speed or the efficiency of possible points with and within such a state of existence interconnected or known as interconnected. Take the Mediterranean, it's state is already established by it as the middle sea, which is also known as the middle earth. For its longest period, all of its surrounding areas, had a similar alphabet, similar syllables, similar symbols, similar genetic factors, similar sounding language, which concluded in similar trade routes, similar trades, similar religions, similar traditions, costumes, art and music, similar architecture, with similar laws and governance. The same can be observed in Levant and Persia, China, India, Northern Europe, Russia, Americas, sub Saharan Africa, Arabia at a larger or smaller scale. The birth of what are known as modern states regards this way of existence. Pirating, horde's, siege, economical or none economical invasion, revolution's especially if and when similar alphabet, similar syllables, similar symbols, similar genetic factors, similar sounding language, which concludes in similar trade routes, similar trades, similar religions, similar traditions, costumes, art and music, similar architecture, with similar laws and governance is not available, that is not the birth of the first modern states, and the state eventual take over ownership of such methods and means, which should be known as the first to big to fail bail outs, are most definitely not the birth of the first modern states, should not be, or considered as being. Taking existence at its corresponding level and degree of heirarchical ascending and descending order of being, intentionally or intentionally disrupt its consequential established order, and then closely observe this state of being put itself together, deriving advantages or disadvantages through limiting or enabling it's consequential existence as that inevitable established order, is not an achievement, nor invention, is known as a sand castle, in the most literal and allegorical terms. The harmonious functioning of any and all possible interconnected points with and within such a state of existence, although established as predetermined heirarchical ascending and descending order of levels and degrees of being, is where all the possible randomness can be observed, simply because of the ability of jumping order. Upon such a recognition, there is a very well known method and practice throughout the planet with and within different ways, forms practices, one which will always lead to the ability to jump order. It is one of not the hardest method to achieve and then master. A paraphrased sentence from a English legislator I will make use as an example, but the world with it's many cultures has an infinite amount of. The sentence is this... We did nothing in particular and we did it very well.
I have always wondered why India has been more vulnerable to multiple invasions compared to China or Europe despite being one of the greatest civilizations. What could be the reason for their lack of military prowess? This explanation of how the caste system prevented India from forming a dominant empire due to lack of strong army is quite interesting.
one of the great Mughal kings of the period took up religious renunciation- he was one of the earliest ghandis' non-violence philosophy. this led to a period of loose administrative coverage
Rafat Islam I would comment it is the mean of civilization and language. 1. in china religion stays outside the government power. China is leading by elite and high educated scholars, some of the empirers were fever lover of religion and God says, but the Chinese elite class were not. 2. China slavery ended 200BC. people are more respectful regard your hardworking and contributions but not your social class. 3. Chinese, the language is united in written. you can read Chinese written in any language as long you can match the meaning of all words, for example Korean and Japanese, Vietnamese. All Western languages can't replace Chinese.
Yuan ruled China just less 100 years. And Mongols relied on Chinese elites to rule the country. Qing actively received Confucius . And was assimilited to Han Chinese cultrue. After short term, the emperor even coundn't speak their own language other than Chinese. Sui and Tang are ruled by Han. Not Xianbeis....
Once an army passes the hindu kush. India is very easy to conquer. There are very few natural fortification in that region thus it is difficult to defend against an army which has already entered the indo-ganges plain
Ironically enough, arabs conquered area from Afghanistan till spain in half a century, muslims entered delhi in 1192 after defeating prithviraj chauhan, who led a federation of chiefs and let ghori go in first battle. Nomads can all fight but in civilized nations it is generally a occupation of few people. Caste didn't stop formation of empires, population did. Besides there were no religious ambitions, people were already hindus and didn't have intention to spread it by force. There was nothing much out of indian subcontinent to conquer anyways.
Brahmin value is overstated. They were more of teachers to the society in Gurukul system. Bringing spirituality/ manifestation of a Higher Power is a real goal in context whether king, Brahmin, Peasant or Rock star. Under Hinduism life is divided in 4 phases too. Ashoka got converted to Buddhism (a branch out of the same system) after the wars because he could not bear all the carnage he created. No one pressed him to do so, but the whole shift created weakening of Indian state. Every religion/ group has priestly class like current Iran. The reality is during Muslim invasion - upper castes were more harassed than lower caste. Their women were taken as somewhat similar to modern ISIS slaves - that's where honor killings/ Sati started. Otherwise Indian epics - Ramayana and Mahabharat has women choosing the partners, widows living with their families - more like modern day India. Even in modern India there are so many mystics/ gurus in India who comes from different religions/ castes and Indian people lie behind them. Also India not having written document is not the function of Brahmin's choice. But many of the libraries were burnt and people were forced to learn only Urdu. Matter of fact every Hindu regardless of caste has a family history tree recorded and gets updated on their death (Haridwar is one such city in North India) where people go to spread the ashes of their loved ones after death. I am not even Brahmin.
Frank is a brilliant political scientist. I agree with most of what he says about China. The role of a prime minister is huge in terms of limiting the Emperor's power since the Han dynasty. Of course, prime minister-ship was terminated by the Ming dynasty, but that was very late in history.
i believe this lecture matches truly with what i've always pondered and already knew about vaguely to some extent, europeans lacked modern state formation and this reflects how they neglect their own children in the family life, but are very interested in rule of law (gangs and money) and accountability (rulers believing in fairy tales to satisfy the masses), the chinese had a strong authority and modern state formation, a strong authority is not tyranny, it is the opposite of neglect
memory of indian empires was not lost infact very well preserved in Hindu's minds. Though Islamists and later marxist had tried very hard to erased it.
The fact of the matter is that no body destroyed historical records of ancient India; to erase anything some things should have been available- be it oral traditions, literary texts, edicts, archeological excavations, accounts of travelogue by foreigners. Blaming Muslim rulers of mediaeval India and colonial historians of Britton for lack lack of historicity of ancient India.
Yangtze valley states plays in the first era of fragmentation. Chu, Wu, Yue all have achieved hegemon status for example. (Chu was actually most powerful state before rise of Qin the Zongheng wars) Sichuan had Shu and Ba state, they mostly fought each other and provided mercenaries before being conquered by Qin just before the Zongheng wars. There are actually states with two Syllables, for example Zhongshan. As for religion, Dong Zhongshu tried to place the check of 天人感应 on gov't but failed.
I think Francis Fukuyama over simplified India in his eagerness to make sense of the country. He said authority of Brahmins in Indian society is derieved from (more or less something similar) 1. Brahmins have monopoly on Vedas/literary education. 2. Brahmins maintained oral teadition of vedas which hindered spread of literary education among masses. Both of them are not factually correct. 1. 3 out of 4 castes (Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vyishyas) are all eligible religiously to study vedas and perform vedic rites. Infact almost all of upanishads (highest knowledge of Hindus) and Gita are by Kshatriyas (kings). 2. Vedas themselves are very miniscule part of Hindu literature. Mahabharat, Ramayan, Bhagavatam and other story texts are open for reading to all castes. 3. It's been more than 1000 years since Kshatriyas had any monopoly on the state. Muslims in the north and Shudras in the south were kings for most of the time in last 1000 years. Still the societal structure did not change. Not sure how Mr. Fukuyama would explain these two facts. Indian society is more complex than what a simplistic model can explain.
In 6th cBC, Persians built national and international state.... They caused formation if Chin Dynasty, the Romans, but prejudices often has distorted history...
This is the guy that wrote the once hugely popular book called "The end of History" in 2000, predicting that the whole world will adopt Western democracy and everybody will live happily ever after. He was completely blind to the rise of China then, and this lecture shows he is equally ignorant about China now as he was 20 years ago. He missed completely the function of the Mandarin bureaucracy, which administer China on a day by day basis, and is often more powerful than the emperor. Not infrequently the emperor would leave the country to the Mandarin bureaucracy completely and live a maximum decadent life inside the forbidden city .
I take back my word. It was a nice talk as long as Fukuyama confined himself to China. I do no think the guy understand either the INDIAN history or its complexities. You have to have been born and lived there to understand that. India, for a long time, was a knowledge economy. The buddhist universities of Nalanda, Taxila were repositories of such knowledge and offered what would today be considered PhD, post doc courses in various disciplines. In ancient India, people drifted toward their natural inclinations. That is to say: caste was not hierarchial. One who excelled in learning became a brahmin. He studies scriptures, taught it to students, wrote treatises, wrote commentaries of the time telling the kings how to behave (called "sutras") etc etc. The Kshatriyas (K is not pronounced here; Ksh together form a single word in "sanskrit" and is impossible to translate!) were warriors. They were however not ordinary warriors but were highly trained. Since the training happens right from early childhood and they grow up in an enviornment of warfare, strategem, they excelled in everything they did. This was the reason why Alexander could not conquer India. Greek historians say the troops were tired and turned back! Many modern Indian historians are questioning this. Nobody turns back without a loot or conquered territory and yet Alexander returned empty handed after signing a treaty of friendship with a small kingdom in the North East. Only a year before this, his troop had burned to ashes the city of Persepolis after defeating Darius. It is these ferocious warriors in Rajasthan, called the Rajputs, who kept the muslim invaders at bay for a long time and even after muslims had occupied a large swathe of India, they could never defeat the Rajputs. So, Fukayama's theory is plain wrong. India was too difficult to govern then as now and no central authority lasted long. Even when large empires were founded (Ashoka, Akbar), they governed indirectly through local representatives who paid them taxes. Only when the caste system became hierarchia (after muslim rule, consolidated during British rule) that it stopped being beneficial to India.
+sjo wev that is not because indians donot like history it is because india to indians doesnot look different to write down history but for a chinese or foreigner it looks different so they recorded what they could. but most of histories battles and dynasties are recorded by indians, what they didnot record is the wealth which they possesed and the culture of people because it is not different for them
+sjo wev Only a minority of it has been written by the Chinese, such as the Indo-Greek wars, were recorded by Tibetan monks, where India won according to the Tibetans, but according to the Greeks, they won. I agree though, I try to study as much Sinology and Indology as I can, and I do not think there is a single western historian alive who gets Indian history.
@Sridhar, You missed the whole point of the talk. He is talking about checks and balances on the king, to curb authoritarianism. Agreed Kshatriyas were fiersome warriors. But they didn't have power over the common man. Muscle power didn't count because everyone respects brahmins as a type of final judge on right and wrong. So, a kshatriya king, can't do anything by whims and fancies. He must listen to the brahmin. And this created rule of law in India, as opposed to rule by law in China.
Fukuyama certainly did not take the Mandala concept of Southeast Asian pre-modern polities into thinking when he said that a state had to be territorial.
If you don't start investigating the first step of humanity, society and State from Africa...you might miss important facts as to the begining of historical facts.
Interesting that the Greek Civilization lost thier sovereignty for over 2000 years getting it back in the 20th Century and the Romans lost thier sovereignty as the Holy Sea after the Peace of Westphalia and the Eastern Roman Empire lost their Sovereignty to the Ottomans. The Romans never got back their sovereignty and their territory is the tiniest state called the Vatican. However the Chinese no matter who temporarily conquered them always got back their sovereignty and it still exist today. So by way of a persevering system of governance whereby success is seen as Darwinian then the Chinese have the most successful form of polity and statehood. No other "tribe" has 1.4 billion adherents bound by common culture, written language and traditions. Thus longevity of the Chinese governance system compared to say the Greeks with their miniscule modern population and the "Vatican" (is all that exists of the Roman Empire) is a testament to the superiority of the Chinese system of centralized control. It makes sense that in another 1000 years that the Chinese will still be a unit and none of the other states will remain as independent sovereign states. In a thousand years the PRC will be completing its 214th 5 year plan on the province of Proxima Centauri B.
Mr Fukuyama is obviously wrong about Africa which harboured first world most powerful States centuries before colonisation...after loosing ground due to 4 century-long slave trade: Ancient Egypt, Congo, Ghana, Mali, Songhay...
Deccan terrain is more rugged and mountainous, unlike indo-gangetic plains. That is why empires couldn't expand to southern india. Given the population size, it still had pretty big empires. Cholas launched attacks till bengal, sumatra etc. 200-300 years is avergae age of indian empires. Mauryan empire has been the most centralized empire in india ever, after that may be aurangzeb ran most centralized empire and collapsed the mughal empire in the process.
The person covering the lecture should be a little more attentive. When the speaker talks about a chart of Chinese dynasties, the camera should have taken the audience to the chart. Looks like the cameraman went to sleep there!
@snakeweirdo WHAT? We have a "dont ask, dont tell" policy in military where gays can work freely in military and even criticize the government if there is anything wrong in USA. I dont know where you heard that we prosecute innocent people for no reason.
Although Mr. Fukuyama seems to have good authority on Chinese history , he perhaps read wrong books on the history of India. He seems to have certain stereotypes regarding India. He needs to read books written by oriental authors ,instead of relying on the prevalent history of India written by the colonial masters who justified their rule of India giving the same reasons which Mr. Fukuyama is giving.
The whole argument on indian state was based on assumption of brahmanical monopoly on the kings even though the earliest indian dynasties like the nandas, the mauryas were infact non brahmanical, nandas were shudras who are declared as ''destroyers of kshatriyas'', the warrior class. The guy completely ignored and rejected Arthashastra which would have given him material to talk on early indian state and solely and wierdly concentrated on brahmins.
@marie sandal australian aboriginals have oral tradition, folklore is an oral tradition, what you are refering to oral trasmission of religious texts like vedas, but Quran also has a very strong oral tradition but it doesnt mean that the text is a folklore or wasn't written down.
@marie sandal In ancient times, Indians didn't have a sense of recording the historical events. So most of the history is constructed from the Roman accounts, Greek ambassador's book Indica, royal inscriptions etc, Chinese travellers accounts & the contemporary books & plays. Vedic Sanskrit was the most important language. If you want to know more about India, read British historian AL Basham's book 'The wonder that was India'.
Nandas maybe the destroyer of Kshatriyas, but not of the brahmins. The brahmin has had immense soft power. You can kill the king, but never a brahmin. Brahma-hatya is the highest sin. Nandas wanted to claim kshatriya status, to legitimize ruling over all other castes. And when the Brahmins refuse to declare you as kshatriya, then other castes in society will not listen to you. Hence, Nandas became totalitarian, and social tensions would be there. For a king to be secure about his rule, the approval of the brahmin helps a lot. Such a legitimate king, doesn't need to be totalitarian.
I listened to the first 3 minutes where M. F. draws basic evolutionism, the one that was practiced in the 19th century. I can't believe this outdated stuff is taken seriously.
I can't make a comment on China as per this man expressed, as I hardly know about China................ But He is totally wrong on India, India is not a nation, not a geography....... Rather it's a tangible energy field, a certain vibes.......filled with spiritual aura, one can't understand until one has certain level of evolution...... Despite all visual nonsense in India. About history........ Indian never wrote history, never had da urge to.....wat they wrote is Purana ( which literally means once upon a time), but never mentioned when n what time........ All da Indian Scripture, literature, n epics written in a unique way....... Expressing "eternity", dats why Indian culture is called sanatan culture. Sanatan means eternity, which has been happening, n ll continue to happen. Not a single philosopher or an enlighten master or creator of a masterpiece ....ever mentioned their name , nor their time... ....coz they believed time only exits with mortals, but human souls are immortal....... Only body dies, soul impossible to die, n soul takes different body each time they leave one body. So history n time never important in Indian society. Now about Indian invasion.......... A time was there India was invincible, n a huge country, upto Iran n most of Asia......during Ashoka, but problem starts after ashoka gave up weapon, n start following buddha, start practicing non-violence.......India become defense less, n experienced thousands yrs of invasion. N dat was da downfall of Indian geography.......... N then shauk, Hun, mughal, Turks,Pathan, Portuguese, French, n eventually British....... Despite all still Sanatan culture survived........ N it's time to get back our heritage n legacy's. N it ll come, coz it's based on truth, it's based on million yrs of time tested practices........ Despite all miss-mass........soon sun ll rise brightest on Bharat peninsula, nothing can stop.
George Chalmers: Collection of treaties of great Britain and other powers. Amsterdam treaty 1999 The deeds Project Cambridge University Programing sustainability leadership
India has no ethnic problem unlike China. India is very stable country by Hinduism. USA people think they are democratic. It's one of big difference. Western people can't understand India exactly. They are another world even they have terrible Caste. It will be dissappeared during their economic growth. Incredible India.
Prof. Francis Fukuyama is one of finest scholars ever exist we are very happy to see him lecture
Excellent talk and good effort. Academic diversity is good for human society.
Not that excellent as far ad Africa is concerned.
42:18 - In Max weber's definition of a modern STATE
43:19 - One of the big mysteries in Western Interpreting of China's history
_________ How did Western observers fail to notice China won by 2,000 years?
44:19 - Turning to INDIA
47:59 - Religion
49:21 - The BIG ARGUMENT
_________ Ideas drive History or Material Interests drive history
50:02 - A Fairytale (IDEA) 50:22 - 51:09 - 51:36 - 51:51 -
52:20 - The material & biological circumstances in which we live
_________ are NOT the ultimate reality
53:02 - The blood & gore associated with birth
_________ The suffering & deformations associated with disease & violence
_________ The repugnances associated with waste effusions from the human body
_________ The decay & purification associated with death
_________ are all associated with human life and need to be transcended
53:24 -
54:40 -
Thanks for the analysis!
32:58 - Why did many states become 1 ?
33:42 - 1st Chinese State
34:41 - Spring to Autumn 770 B C . . . 671 B C
_________ Spring to Autumn 670 B C . . . 571 B C
_________ Spring to Autumn 570 B C . . . 481 B C
_________ 1,211 wars
35:01 - Warring States Period 468 recorded wars in 242 years (89 peaceful years)
35:20 - Military mobilization on a grand scale of 500,000 soldiers per battles
35:56 - 400,000 soldiers killed in Warring States
36:24 -
36:36 - more peasants when aristocrats had killed each other
37:01 - Warring States could mobilize (civilians-to-fighers) 7or8%, Rome 1or2%
37:22 -
37:45 - The State of Lu about 4th Century
38:04 - Requirement for Taxation leads to Requirement for Bureaucracy
38:10 - State Military leads to the mistaken need for a commodity-money collection
38:29 - Technological innovation lead to the surpluses for the State
38:50 -
39:10 -
39:19 - Spring & Autumn Annals
_________ The Spring and Autumn period was a period in Chinese
_________ history from approximately 771 to 476/403 BCE
_________ which corresponds roughly to the first half of the Eastern
_________ Zhou period.
_________ The period's name derives from the Spring & Autumn Annals,
_________ a chronicle of the state of Lu between 722 & 479 BCE, which
_________ tradition associates with Confucius (551-479 BCE).
_________ During this period, the Zhou royal authority over the various
_________ feudal states eroded as more and more dukes & marquesses
_________ obtained de facto regional autonomy, defying the king's court
_________ in Luoyi and waging wars amongst themselves.
_________ The gradual Partition of Jin, one of the most powerful states,
_________ marked the end of the Spring & Autumn period & the
_________ beginning of the Warring States period. -- Wikipedia
39:39 - THE PRUSSIA of CHINA is CHIN , one of the 7 Waring States
39:51 -
_________ The Seven Warring States or Seven Kingdoms
_________ (simplified Chinese: 战国七雄; traditional Chinese:
_________ 戰國七雄; pinyin: zhàn guó qī xióng) refers to the
_________ seven leading states during the Warring States
_________ period (c. 475 to 221 BCE) of ancient China:
_________ _________ Qin (秦) _________
_________ _________ Qi (齊/齐) _______ Fell 221 B C (6th)
_________ _________ Chu (楚) ________ Fell 223 B C (4th)
_________ _________ Yan (燕) ________ Fell 222 B C (5th)
_________ _________ Han (韓/韩) ____ Fell 230 B C (1st)
_________ _________ Zhao (趙/赵) ___ Fell 228 B C (2nd)
_________ _________ Wei (魏) _______ Fell 225 B C (3rd)
Over the Warring States period, many of the seven states underwent bureaucratic and military reforms in order to mobilise resources on a greater scale. This led to an intensification of warfare over the period, but also led to economic and cultural developments on a large scale.
Of the Seven Warring States, Qin eventually grew to be the strongest and successfully annexed the other six states; Han was the first to fall, in 230 BCE, while Qi was the last to surrender in 221 BCE. Zheng, the King of Qin, created the new title of huangdi (emperor), and became China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huangdi
Qin Shi Huang (Chinese: 秦始皇; lit.: 'First Emperor of Qin', About this soundpronunciation (help·info); 18 February 259 BC - 10 September 210 BC) was the founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China. From 247 to 221 BC he was Zheng, King of Qin (秦王政, Qín Wáng Zhèng, personal name 嬴政 Yíng Zhèng or 趙政 Zhào Zhèng). He became China's first emperor when he was 38 after the Qin had conquered all of the other Warring States and unified all of China in 221 BC.[2] Rather than maintain the title of "king" (王 wáng) borne by the previous Shang and Zhou rulers, he ruled as the First Emperor (始皇帝) of the Qin dynasty from 221 BC to 210 BC. His self-invented title "emperor" (皇帝 About this soundhuángdì) would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia. -- Wikipedia
41:27 - Book titled SEEING LIKE A STATE by James Scott
Thank you.
As a native Chinese, the way he explains Indian religion is brilliant
actually before the emergence of 氏族 society in China, a large of portions of tribes are matrimonial. Both matrilineal and patrilieal surname are used as late as the spring and autumns period. for example Confucius's patrimonial name is 孔, matrileal name is 子 ( whose matriarch is 契, daughter of 简狄 of the 娀 clan which founded the earlier Shang dynasty) He also share the same matrilineal line as 姬, the royal family of Zhou but is of a different patronage. Yeah, Chinese history is complicated.
Where are the other ones in the series?
There is literally a single step procedure that if and when enacted after having been initiated, developed and maintained, will give any democracy a considerable refreshed lease of life. The procedure is already in existence in regards to religion, known as the clear separation between state and religion.
The concept of free press should be added to the exact sentence of separation between state and free press as a doctrine, procedure and principal, and as consequence any democracy will have a considerable refreshed lease of life. If not then a free press of the state, by the state, for the state will continue to exist as it currently does. You only have to see the pundits in order to recognise such a problem as ascending and descending order towards and away from free press and state, which in turn are of the same group of pundits in regards to the universities which all must go through.
It will not weaken either part, in fact it will strengthen each. It will simply means, once within or in regards to a state structure absolute no involvement within or in regards to a free press structure, and once within or in regards to a free press structure absolutely no involvement within or in regards to a state structure. This will enable a must necessary in regards to democracy as a state which includes a free press, which is the question and the answer should not come from exactly the same point.
There is literally one many consecutive steps procedure which once initiated, developed maintained and upon enactment will deflate inflation in the most effective way for a very long period, as long as it is applied. The procedure is known as the immediate stop of any kettleing or encircling restrictment activity, intentional or unintentional as a benefit or as a problem, to be solved or solved in regards to resources, ideas, religion, art, music, science, technology, behaviour, culture, norms, traditions, costumes, routes, movement, concepts, education, health, including money, politics, securities, insecurities, rates, law or country, simply because it is based on a false as a naturally limited narrative, known in mining as fallowing a vein/veins. The world is way to complex for such a reductionist method to be applied on a large scale.
The omnipotence paradox is ignorant, God can make a triangle which is not a triangle, it is known as Jesus is Jesus. Jesus is a triangle which is not a triangle in any and all possible ways one can think of and God does that. The mass of a cube is a sphere, a sphere resting on a surface, it's resting point is lighter than the rest of sphere, yet it holds and carries the sphere. God is lighter than God and God holds and carries either way.
(Averroes, Thomas Aquinas, Epicure which are probably some of the first to originate such a way of thinking and argument, did, and do not believe in a God, any God, and consequently do not understand heirarchical order of being, through it's different levels and degrees of ascending and descending all possible directions. This means that either one does not or has never possessed a understanding in regards to what is physical, let alone not physical which includes any possible sciences or philosophies, this means that either one is nor a believer, nor a atheist, nor none believer. As a most crucial consequence all thought which has inevitably been derived from such original ignorance is the result of such methods, simply by being the very foundation of it's consequential progression.
The importance of believing, wether in a God, atheism, a belief, or crucially in the actual not believing itself regards to the possibility of knowing if such belief is correct or incorrect, meaning you can only and always explain or know that which you are part of in a correct or incorrect way of being.
The most simple experiment which has been available to anyone irrespective of means, requiring only one condition in order to undertake and validate is the very existing on planet earth, regards in observing the sky, more precisely the atmosphere as it is inevitable as a consequence of being the first in a order of an ascension towards the sky. Then watch what happens to any objects entering this atmosphere, earth's atmosphere, one can even make a wish, and be truly happy about it. Now in the modern era, such an experiment can be observed in reverse, by watching the struggle an object requires in order to go beyond this atmosphere, earths atmosphere, more precisely the amount of safety required for life to be involved, and remain life through and after the ascent.)
There seem to be a problematic understanding in regards to what ascending and descending heirarchical order of different levels and degrees of being is, and that is where philosophy and consequently science is more likely than not gone and got stuck intentionally or unintentionally.
In order to best understand Chinese way of existence at its fundamental generality and specifics, the ancestral veneration, respect, worship, prayer, conversation, talk, ask, telling off, etc etc is to be understood first and foremost. The best example I know off is of two characters man and a woman alive, having a very personal and formal conversation with each other simultaneously. Within such a conversation, ancestry is invoked as a literal physical and none physical involvement right there and then. The characters are, ex husband and ex wife. The ex husband has arrived to talk and request in regards to a personal involvement, upon the talk and the request having been answered by the ex wife, the ex husband having thanked his ex wife says...... (I will burn some incense for your father before I go.) To which the ex wife replies...... (Do not do that! He might not like it. He said so before he passed away.) That is the best example I know as a understanding.
At the same exact order of existence, level and degree of hierarchy wether be it ascending or descending is deterministic, it is so because the order of existence establish's it, randomness can only be achieved by jumping the order of existence.
A state is birthed as a consequence of such a way. Once a order of existence, be it as a level and degree of ascending and descending hierarchy is, the state of that existence will eventually be, it is pre determined as already established. What remains after is only the speed or the efficiency of possible points with and within such a state of existence interconnected or known as interconnected.
Take the Mediterranean, it's state is already established by it as the middle sea, which is also known as the middle earth. For its longest period, all of its surrounding areas, had a similar alphabet, similar syllables, similar symbols, similar genetic factors, similar sounding language, which concluded in similar trade routes, similar trades, similar religions, similar traditions, costumes, art and music, similar architecture, with similar laws and governance. The same can be observed in Levant and Persia, China, India, Northern Europe, Russia, Americas, sub Saharan Africa, Arabia at a larger or smaller scale.
The birth of what are known as modern states regards this way of existence.
Pirating, horde's, siege, economical or none economical invasion, revolution's especially if and when similar alphabet, similar syllables, similar symbols, similar genetic factors, similar sounding language, which concludes in similar trade routes, similar trades, similar religions, similar traditions, costumes, art and music, similar architecture, with similar laws and governance is not available, that is not the birth of the first modern states, and the state eventual take over ownership of such methods and means, which should be known as the first to big to fail bail outs, are most definitely not the birth of the first modern states, should not be, or considered as being.
Taking existence at its corresponding level and degree of heirarchical ascending and descending order of being, intentionally or intentionally disrupt its consequential established order, and then closely observe this state of being put itself together, deriving advantages or disadvantages through limiting or enabling it's consequential existence as that inevitable established order, is not an achievement, nor invention, is known as a sand castle, in the most literal and allegorical terms.
The harmonious functioning of any and all possible interconnected points with and within such a state of existence, although established as predetermined heirarchical ascending and descending order of levels and degrees of being, is where all the possible randomness can be observed, simply because of the ability of jumping order.
Upon such a recognition, there is a very well known method and practice throughout the planet with and within different ways, forms practices, one which will always lead to the ability to jump order. It is one of not the hardest method to achieve and then master. A paraphrased sentence from a English legislator I will make use as an example, but the world with it's many cultures has an infinite amount of.
The sentence is this...
We did nothing in particular and we did it very well.
And what about sharing social labour and class differenciation from Emile Durkheim and Marx/Engels?
Very interesting subject matter. Thank you!
I have always wondered why India has been more vulnerable to multiple invasions compared to China or Europe despite being one of the greatest civilizations. What could be the reason for their lack of military prowess? This explanation of how the caste system prevented India from forming a dominant empire due to lack of strong army is quite interesting.
one of the great Mughal kings of the period took up religious renunciation- he was one of the earliest ghandis' non-violence philosophy. this led to a period of loose administrative coverage
Rafat Islam I would comment it is the mean of civilization and language.
1. in china religion stays outside the government power. China is leading by elite and high educated scholars, some of the empirers were fever lover of religion and God says, but the Chinese elite class were not.
2. China slavery ended 200BC. people are more respectful regard your hardworking and contributions but not your social class.
3. Chinese, the language is united in written. you can read Chinese written in any language as long you can match the meaning of all words, for example Korean and Japanese, Vietnamese. All Western languages can't replace Chinese.
Yuan ruled China just less 100 years. And Mongols relied on Chinese elites to rule the country.
Qing actively received Confucius . And was assimilited to Han Chinese cultrue. After short term, the emperor even coundn't speak their own language other than Chinese.
Sui and Tang are ruled by Han. Not Xianbeis....
Once an army passes the hindu kush. India is very easy to conquer. There are very few natural fortification in that region thus it is difficult to defend against an army which has already entered the indo-ganges plain
Ironically enough, arabs conquered area from Afghanistan till spain in half a century, muslims entered delhi in 1192 after defeating prithviraj chauhan, who led a federation of chiefs and let ghori go in first battle. Nomads can all fight but in civilized nations it is generally a occupation of few people. Caste didn't stop formation of empires, population did. Besides there were no religious ambitions, people were already hindus and didn't have intention to spread it by force. There was nothing much out of indian subcontinent to conquer anyways.
Brahmin value is overstated. They were more of teachers to the society in Gurukul system. Bringing spirituality/ manifestation of a Higher Power is a real goal in context whether king, Brahmin, Peasant or Rock star. Under Hinduism life is divided in 4 phases too. Ashoka got converted to Buddhism (a branch out of the same system) after the wars because he could not bear all the carnage he created. No one pressed him to do so, but the whole shift created weakening of Indian state. Every religion/ group has priestly class like current Iran. The reality is during Muslim invasion - upper castes were more harassed than lower caste. Their women were taken as somewhat similar to modern ISIS slaves - that's where honor killings/ Sati started. Otherwise Indian epics - Ramayana and Mahabharat has women choosing the partners, widows living with their families - more like modern day India. Even in modern India there are so many mystics/ gurus in India who comes from different religions/ castes and Indian people lie behind them. Also India not having written document is not the function of Brahmin's choice. But many of the libraries were burnt and people were forced to learn only Urdu. Matter of fact every Hindu regardless of caste has a family history tree recorded and gets updated on their death (Haridwar is one such city in North India) where people go to spread the ashes of their loved ones after death. I am not even Brahmin.
Education was reserved for Brahmins based in birth. We have lots of evidence for that. Stop spreading false information
Frank is a brilliant political scientist. I agree with most of what he says about China. The role of a prime minister is huge in terms of limiting the Emperor's power since the Han dynasty. Of course, prime minister-ship was terminated by the Ming dynasty, but that was very late in history.
i believe this lecture matches truly with what i've always pondered and already knew about vaguely to some extent, europeans lacked modern state formation and this reflects how they neglect their own children in the family life, but are very interested in rule of law (gangs and money) and accountability (rulers believing in fairy tales to satisfy the masses), the chinese had a strong authority and modern state formation, a strong authority is not tyranny, it is the opposite of neglect
memory of indian empires was not lost infact very well preserved in Hindu's minds. Though Islamists and later marxist had tried very hard to erased it.
The fact of the matter is that no body destroyed historical records of ancient India; to erase anything some things should have been available- be it oral traditions, literary texts, edicts, archeological excavations, accounts of travelogue by foreigners. Blaming Muslim rulers of mediaeval India and colonial historians of Britton for lack lack of historicity of ancient India.
@@drgalibhussain oral and literary evidences is there.
भारत के आधे इतिहास तो अंग्रेजों ने खोजा हैं। अगर अंग्रेज़ नहीं होते तो आपको अशोक भी नही पता होता।
No doubt Chinese history was well documented. The artefact aged thousand of years unearth with Chinese written script is still written today.
Not true
Yangtze valley states plays in the first era of fragmentation. Chu, Wu, Yue all have achieved hegemon status for example. (Chu was actually most powerful state before rise of Qin the Zongheng wars) Sichuan had Shu and Ba state, they mostly fought each other and provided mercenaries before being conquered by Qin just before the Zongheng wars. There are actually states with two Syllables, for example Zhongshan. As for religion, Dong Zhongshu tried to place the check of 天人感应 on gov't but failed.
Mao coming to existence was the result not the cause.
Was third century modern Chinese States more complex or sophisticated than the 9th century bc Ancient Egypt ?
I think Francis Fukuyama over simplified India in his eagerness to make sense of the country. He said authority of Brahmins in Indian society is derieved from (more or less something similar)
1. Brahmins have monopoly on Vedas/literary education.
2. Brahmins maintained oral teadition of vedas which hindered spread of literary education among masses.
Both of them are not factually correct.
1. 3 out of 4 castes (Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vyishyas) are all eligible religiously to study vedas and perform vedic rites. Infact almost all of upanishads (highest knowledge of Hindus) and Gita are by Kshatriyas (kings).
2. Vedas themselves are very miniscule part of Hindu literature. Mahabharat, Ramayan, Bhagavatam and other story texts are open for reading to all castes.
3. It's been more than 1000 years since Kshatriyas had any monopoly on the state. Muslims in the north and Shudras in the south were kings for most of the time in last 1000 years. Still the societal structure did not change.
Not sure how Mr. Fukuyama would explain these two facts. Indian society is more complex than what a simplistic model can explain.
In 6th cBC, Persians built national and international state.... They caused formation if Chin Dynasty, the Romans, but prejudices often has distorted history...
Nice talk.
This is the guy that wrote the once hugely popular book called "The end of History" in 2000, predicting that the whole world will adopt Western democracy and everybody will live happily ever after. He was completely blind to the rise of China then, and this lecture shows he is equally ignorant about China now as he was 20 years ago. He missed completely the function of the Mandarin bureaucracy, which administer China on a day by day basis, and is often more powerful than the emperor. Not infrequently the emperor would leave the country to the Mandarin bureaucracy completely and live a maximum decadent life inside the forbidden city .
I take back my word.
It was a nice talk as long as Fukuyama confined himself to China.
I do no think the guy understand either the INDIAN history or its complexities.
You have to have been born and lived there to understand that.
India, for a long time, was a knowledge economy. The buddhist universities of Nalanda, Taxila were repositories of such knowledge and offered what would today be considered PhD, post doc courses in various disciplines. In ancient India, people drifted toward their natural inclinations. That is to say: caste was not hierarchial. One who excelled in learning became a brahmin. He studies scriptures, taught it to students, wrote treatises, wrote commentaries of the time telling the kings how to behave (called "sutras") etc etc.
The Kshatriyas (K is not pronounced here; Ksh together form a single word in "sanskrit" and is impossible to translate!) were warriors. They were however not ordinary warriors but were highly trained. Since the training happens right from early childhood and they grow up in an enviornment of warfare, strategem, they excelled in everything they did.
This was the reason why Alexander could not conquer India. Greek historians say the troops were tired and turned back! Many modern Indian historians are questioning this. Nobody turns back without a loot or conquered territory and yet Alexander returned empty handed after signing a treaty of friendship with a small kingdom in the North East. Only a year before this, his troop had burned to ashes the city of Persepolis after defeating Darius.
It is these ferocious warriors in Rajasthan, called the Rajputs, who kept the muslim invaders at bay for a long time and even after muslims had occupied a large swathe of India, they could never defeat the Rajputs.
So, Fukayama's theory is plain wrong.
India was too difficult to govern then as now and no central authority lasted long. Even when large empires were founded (Ashoka, Akbar), they governed indirectly through local representatives who paid them taxes.
Only when the caste system became hierarchia (after muslim rule, consolidated during British rule) that it stopped being beneficial to India.
Sridhar Kaushik but ancient indians don't like history, much of india's history was recorded by a Chinese...
+sjo wev that is not because indians donot like history it is because india to indians doesnot look different to write down history but for a chinese or foreigner it looks different so they recorded what they could. but most of histories battles and dynasties are recorded by indians, what they didnot record is the wealth which they possesed and the culture of people because it is not different for them
+sjo wev Only a minority of it has been written by the Chinese, such as the Indo-Greek wars, were recorded by Tibetan monks, where India won according to the Tibetans, but according to the Greeks, they won.
I agree though, I try to study as much Sinology and Indology as I can, and I do not think there is a single western historian alive who gets Indian history.
Sridhar Kaushik WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEIT 😂
@Sridhar, You missed the whole point of the talk. He is talking about checks and balances on the king, to curb authoritarianism. Agreed Kshatriyas were fiersome warriors. But they didn't have power over the common man. Muscle power didn't count because everyone respects brahmins as a type of final judge on right and wrong. So, a kshatriya king, can't do anything by whims and fancies. He must listen to the brahmin. And this created rule of law in India, as opposed to rule by law in China.
Prof. Fukuyama has impressive grasp on Chinese history and sociological understanding on China.
And unfortunately poor knowledge of Africa...from which man and civilization emerged...including first States...
Fukuyama certainly did not take the Mandala concept of Southeast Asian pre-modern polities into thinking when he said that a state had to be territorial.
If you don't start investigating the first step of humanity, society and State from Africa...you might miss important facts as to the begining of historical facts.
State building in national and international level began at 6th C BC
Who are those men who existed somewhere in China before emmigration out of Africa? How possible?
China was god chosen place. We are the people of the dragon. We have dragon blood
@@ingtlitto8964 GOOD..HAO!
Interesting that the Greek Civilization lost thier sovereignty for over 2000 years getting it back in the 20th Century and the Romans lost thier sovereignty as the Holy Sea after the Peace of Westphalia and the Eastern Roman Empire lost their Sovereignty to the Ottomans. The Romans never got back their sovereignty and their territory is the tiniest state called the Vatican. However the Chinese no matter who temporarily conquered them always got back their sovereignty and it still exist today. So by way of a persevering system of governance whereby success is seen as Darwinian then the Chinese have the most successful form of polity and statehood. No other "tribe" has 1.4 billion adherents bound by common culture, written language and traditions. Thus longevity of the Chinese governance system compared to say the Greeks with their miniscule modern population and the "Vatican" (is all that exists of the Roman Empire) is a testament to the superiority of the Chinese system of centralized control. It makes sense that in another 1000 years that the Chinese will still be a unit and none of the other states will remain as independent sovereign states. In a thousand years the PRC will be completing its 214th 5 year plan on the province of Proxima Centauri B.
Mr Fukuyama is obviously wrong about Africa which harboured first world most powerful States centuries before colonisation...after loosing ground due to 4 century-long slave trade: Ancient Egypt, Congo, Ghana, Mali, Songhay...
Feudalism...not saying anything about peasant economic exploitation....how accurate?
Deccan terrain is more rugged and mountainous, unlike indo-gangetic plains. That is why empires couldn't expand to southern india. Given the population size, it still had pretty big empires. Cholas launched attacks till bengal, sumatra etc. 200-300 years is avergae age of indian empires. Mauryan empire has been the most centralized empire in india ever, after that may be aurangzeb ran most centralized empire and collapsed the mughal empire in the process.
The person covering the lecture should be a little more attentive. When the speaker talks about a chart of Chinese dynasties, the camera should have taken the audience to the chart. Looks like the cameraman went to sleep there!
YT algo sent this to my home page. I responded Not Interested.
@snakeweirdo WHAT? We have a "dont ask, dont tell" policy in military where gays can work freely in military and even criticize the government if there is anything wrong in USA.
I dont know where you heard that we prosecute innocent people for no reason.
The explanation about polygamy for self admiration doesn't seem so accurate.
Although Mr. Fukuyama seems to have good authority on Chinese history , he perhaps read wrong books on the history of India. He seems to have certain stereotypes regarding India. He needs to read books written by oriental authors ,instead of relying on the prevalent history of India written by the colonial masters who justified their rule of India giving the same reasons which Mr. Fukuyama is giving.
Your name states it all, first get itself out of the "delusion"
@@adarshkumar-ln1hm 🤡
It's his opinion. STFU.
The whole argument on indian state was based on assumption of brahmanical monopoly on the kings even though the earliest indian dynasties like the nandas, the mauryas were infact non brahmanical, nandas were shudras who are declared as ''destroyers of kshatriyas'', the warrior class. The guy completely ignored and rejected Arthashastra which would have given him material to talk on early indian state and solely and wierdly concentrated on brahmins.
@marie sandal australian aboriginals have oral tradition, folklore is an oral tradition, what you are refering to oral trasmission of religious texts like vedas, but Quran also has a very strong oral tradition but it doesnt mean that the text is a folklore or wasn't written down.
@marie sandal In ancient times, Indians didn't have a sense of recording the historical events. So most of the history is constructed from the Roman accounts, Greek ambassador's book Indica, royal inscriptions etc, Chinese travellers accounts & the contemporary books & plays.
Vedic Sanskrit was the most important language. If you want to know more about India, read British historian AL Basham's book 'The wonder that was India'.
Nandas maybe the destroyer of Kshatriyas, but not of the brahmins. The brahmin has had immense soft power. You can kill the king, but never a brahmin. Brahma-hatya is the highest sin. Nandas wanted to claim kshatriya status, to legitimize ruling over all other castes.
And when the Brahmins refuse to declare you as kshatriya, then other castes in society will not listen to you. Hence, Nandas became totalitarian, and social tensions would be there. For a king to be secure about his rule, the approval of the brahmin helps a lot. Such a legitimate king, doesn't need to be totalitarian.
Why credit not given to Persians for great administration and Silk Road, since 6th C BC...? Prejudices? WHY?
Lack of knowledge about India among the even renowned scholars is astonishing
He knows more about india than you people 😂.
@@yj9032 in know china also build Wall and go hide 😂😂😂
Maybe he has a knowledge of India but he don't want to show 😂😂 not good for them 😂
I listened to the first 3 minutes where M. F. draws basic evolutionism, the one that was practiced in the 19th century. I can't believe this outdated stuff is taken seriously.
@TimeGod12 Yet, having gay sex is illegal in most states.
My post is for publicity
Sorry to say but you got it all wrong with respect to India Buddy, except the exceptional metaphysical rationalism of hinduism.
Was Karl Marx European?
Yes je was
I can't make a comment on China as per this man expressed, as I hardly know about China................
But He is totally wrong on India, India is not a nation, not a geography....... Rather it's a tangible energy field, a certain vibes.......filled with spiritual aura, one can't understand until one has certain level of evolution...... Despite all visual nonsense in India.
About history........ Indian never wrote history, never had da urge to.....wat they wrote is Purana ( which literally means once upon a time), but never mentioned when n what time........ All da Indian Scripture, literature, n epics written in a unique way....... Expressing "eternity", dats why Indian culture is called sanatan culture. Sanatan means eternity, which has been happening, n ll continue to happen. Not a single philosopher or an enlighten master or creator of a masterpiece ....ever mentioned their name , nor their time... ....coz they believed time only exits with mortals, but human souls are immortal....... Only body dies, soul impossible to die, n soul takes different body each time they leave one body. So history n time never important in Indian society.
Now about Indian invasion.......... A time was there India was invincible, n a huge country, upto Iran n most of Asia......during Ashoka, but problem starts after ashoka gave up weapon, n start following buddha, start practicing non-violence.......India become defense less, n experienced thousands yrs of invasion. N dat was da downfall of Indian geography.......... N then shauk, Hun, mughal, Turks,Pathan, Portuguese, French, n eventually British....... Despite all still Sanatan culture survived........ N it's time to get back our heritage n legacy's. N it ll come, coz it's based on truth, it's based on million yrs of time tested practices........ Despite all miss-mass........soon sun ll rise brightest on Bharat peninsula, nothing can stop.
George Chalmers: Collection of treaties of great Britain and other powers.
Amsterdam treaty 1999
The deeds Project
Cambridge University Programing sustainability leadership
Mongol Empire ehehe
India has no ethnic problem unlike China.
India is very stable country by Hinduism.
USA people think they are democratic. It's one of big difference.
Western people can't understand India exactly.
They are another world even they have terrible Caste. It will be dissappeared during their economic growth.
Incredible India.
HAH india has no ethnic problems
that was a good one
so last year Indian people killed Muslim was a show of love
superpower 2020
why was he saying Jews all the time, anti-semitic much?