Sahand's Story

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2012
  • Like most 5th graders, Sahand was an active 11 year old boy involved in a variety of sports; karate, soccer, swimming, just to name a few. Little did Sahand or his family know how much his life and theirs were about to change. By June of that year, he started to experience a myriad of symptoms, such as ankle pain, stomachaches, headaches that would soon be diagnosed as Guillain--Barré Syndrome which is a peripheral nerve disorder. He went from a healthy 11 year old boy running around soccer fields to spending days and weeks at a time in hospitals, needing assistance to walk, having to be home-schooled for his 6th grade year, being able to go back to school for 7th grade, but in a wheelchair. How does anyone adapt to such a drastic change in their life, dealing with a disease and doctors and hospitals and losing their ability to function as they once knew? But the more important question is how does a young boy adapt when he is barely able to understand what is happening to himself?
    Meet Sahand, now 13 years old. He is soft spoken young man that exudes a quiet strength, wisdom and self-awareness. He speaks of his challenges with a maturity way beyond his years and courage that is truly an inspiration to anyone he comes in contact with. He has overcome so many obstacles in the past 3 years, yet is not bitter or angry and somehow considers it a blessing and God's test that he was chosen to deal with this at such a young age while he still has his entire life open in front of him. He speaks very openly and candidly about his challenges and is quite determined to live his life to the fullest regardless of the circumstances, physical or otherwise. He credits his family for their support and acknowledges how difficult it's been on them as well, never at all acting the victim. His positive attitude, persistence and determination are contagious and one cannot help evaluate their own lives with a new perspective. In the words of Sahand, "Don't stop -- don't give up!"

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @TheAmirchannel
    @TheAmirchannel 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a wonderful young man. I am inspired not by famous athletes or celebrities but by young men like Sahand. Thank you for sharing.

  • @masazokaei
    @masazokaei 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sahand, what an amazing attitude and perspective. Thank you for sharing your story. "Don't stop, don't give up!" Indeed.

  • @TKCSenseiAsh
    @TKCSenseiAsh 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Really teaches you not to sweat all the small stuff. There are bigger problems in the world and when you see somebody as strong as this going through his challenge, it puts a lot into perspective. Great and inspirational kid

  • @Nancealot14
    @Nancealot14 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What an amazing young man. Sahand is definitely an unsung heroes who chooses to accept the hand he's been dealt with integrity and grace and positivity. A true example of courage and inspiration to anyone who hears his story or knows him personally.

  • @MrBill926
    @MrBill926 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a well-spoken, thoughtful and intelligent young man. You are so realistic in your approach to your illness. I would very much like to meet you one day, and thank you for sharing your journey with us. Best wishes to you, Sahand. It's great to hear that you are doing better, and I pray that you will soon be completely well. Permanently. -- Bill, TKC Student of Sensei Fariborz