Our Church so much needs a revival in traditional devotion. The Mass, The Holy Eucharist, Our Lady, the Sacred Heart...the list goes on. Thanks for taking on the projects that you do.
If I may add, we also need the revival of charitable works and the social teachings of the Popes (we must avoid a one sided fall into the heresy of Quietism [which overemphasises the passive virtues]. Christ bless you and your family! :)
@Veritas. . . It seems an overemphasis on social teachings from the 60’s on is what derailed Catholicism into becoming just another Protestant faith. Many lay and religious left, many of those remaining felt the watered down obligations didn’t need to be practiced regularly. Belief in the Eucharist?? If the focus is on Christ first, the Eucharist, love of neighbor and everything else flows from that. We are seeing a revitalization of our Catholic faith by reintroducing traditional values, practices and catechism for those wanting a deeper connection to Chris through their faith, the faith of our fathers and the saints, by focusing on Christ in the Eucharist first.
@@rickhenry9003 [Clarification] I agree with everything you just said!! :) ~~~ I am referring to the 'forgotten' social teachings of the Popes. So for example, Pope Gregory XVI's teaching against Liberalism; Pope Leo XIII On Government Authority, On Freemasonry and Naturalism, and his teaching on Labour and Capital; Pope Pius XI on Ecumenism and Atheistic Communism. With the recent USA electoral race between Kamala & Trump, the teaching of St Pius X 'Against the Sillon' is particularly relevant with difficulties raised by 'woke' social engineers. Pope Benedict XVI invited us to look back at these kinds of teaching to correctly interpret Vatican II when he spoke of a 'hermeneutic of continuity' and a 'hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture.' (Christmas Address to the Curia, 22nd December, 2005). ~~~ Christ's blessing on you and your family this Christmas 2024! :)
I'd love to see a team up of Mass of the Ages, Michael Knowles and Matt Walsh on the traditional papal social teaching from Gregory XVI to Pius XII (TAN Books published a fine collection entitled 'The Popes Against Modern Errors.' If only orthodox Catholics would influence the post-Kamala/Trump election fight world with the social doctrines of the Traditional Popes...).
Remember the USCCB's 'less than fervent' reaction to 'The Passion of the Christ,' and their 'interesting position' on kneeling for Holy Communion, etc... This effort will be supported by individual orthodox/conservative/traditionalist Cardinals, bishops, priests, parishes and families...
@@capecodder04 [Sigh] Sadly, only too true... LOL! The Cardinal of the Arch-Diocese of Wellington tried to teach me New Age, self-centred, sex, ecology spirituality when I was back in University. It's not just the poor USA Catholics who have to deal with collegiality strangling Catholic efforts...
I was impressed that a Traditionalist could actually quote Vatican II (the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of our faith.) Well done Cameron O'Hearn. May I suggest that additional teaser trailers be made as you progress. Just to give us a greater range of the tone/subjects you are intending to present.
Why wouldn't Traditionalists know it? Knowing the teachings of the Church is itself traditional. By the way, the actual line from Lumen Gentium (quoted in part by the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1324) is : "Taking part in the Eucharistic sacrifice, which is the source and summit of the whole Christian life, they offer the Divine Victim to God, and offer themselves along with It." Couldn't agree more.
@@alhilford2345 I describe myself as a 'Catholic Traditionalist,' and my research has given me the opposite conclusion (my apostolate is about promoting texts such as the TAN Books 'The Popes Against Modern Errors', Romano Amerio's 'Iota Unum,' and the classic full length books of Mr Michael Davies [My personal crusade is against common 'traditionalist' errors, such as [A] Puritanical theology; [B] Socialist disciplinary methods; and [C] Mishandling of child sexual abuse (see the 1917 Code of Canon Law - Canon 2359 § 2)]. God bless you and your family.
@@brandywineblue Thanks for the correction of my misquote! (I was half asleep when I made that comment. Mea culpa). I describe myself as a 'Catholic traditionalist. I am impressed that you are familiar with the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' (With the support of my local bishop, I distributed over 2,000 copies in four dioceses in New Zealand when it was first translated into English). From my research of Traditionalist social media, it seems that there are too few individuals like you - who have familiarity with the teachings of Vatican II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Well done to you.
@Veritas.Studios.Channel it is a common misquote, so no offense given or taken. I don't know any traditionalists who don't know of or have not read Michael Davies books, may he rest in peace, or Iota Unum. But then again, we are in different countries. Perhaps the term "traditionalist" means something else there. Here, it means someone who not only calls themselves Catholic, or was "raised Catholic," but actually knows the Catholic faith. And not only knows the faith, but has researched it before 1960. So that they not only know what Vatican II documents actually say, but what the church has received from Christ Himself and handed down through His Holy Apostles and their successors for 2000 years. Have you read Pascendi Dominici Gregus?
Nope😑, the trad catholics are against his canonization, they claimed that his reputation is being used by the Vatican II to promote the Novus Ordo liturgies. So don't get your hopes up if they include Carlo in this content😒.
@albertoescobedo3453 who knows, all I know is that as much as I love the vetus ordo. They include schismatics on their map of latin masses. Bishops have banned them in their dioceses because of the lack of validity yet they still include them. At what point do we speak up about it?
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. (For the greater glory of God.) With everything that is happening currently politically in every nation, the fatima prophecies, the younger generation being split between good and bad, and more... There is hope for our fallen world to heal a little bit and to restore the faith and Christendom! DEUS VULT! (IF GOD WILLS)
A future suggestion - The first 'Mass of the Ages' Trilogy aimed to show what is TRUE, GOOD & BEAUTIFUL (and substantially succeeded in my opinion. Well done Cameron and team!!!). Now - for the sake of fairness/justice - the 'dark side' of traditionalism should be addressed (superstition, Puritanical theologies, Sedevacantist mentalities, socialist disciplinary methods, etc).
@@dr.parakletos7765 The 'Mass of the Ages' trilogy presumes the Traditional Latin rite, and thus, this is the context of my request. And, sadly, the Real Presence in the Eucharist cannot be discussed without tackling the 'difficulties' within the 'Mass of the Ages' movement... ~~~ God bless you and your family this Christmas! :)
How about you turn your attention to heretics instead of focusing on people who try to make sense of the rampant confusion in the Church? I guess that was a retorical question...
@@rutgerkerpel306 Oh, I absolutely don't distinguish when it comes to heretics/etc - I am working on a 466 page manuscript that promotes 'The Kingship of Christ' and it critiques Modernists, Protestants, Muslims, Sedevacantists, Bishop Richard Williamson, etc. I don't hold back on anyone just because they use Traditional Liturgical forms (!). Otherwise I'd have to be cool with the Eastern Orthodox schism and the pre-Vatican II modernists, right? Wouldn't you agree? ;)
This is awesome! Do you have your writers/directors already set? I directed and produced a film called "Mary's Way of the Cross" which is out now on Prime, and I would love to be a part of this project! ❤
I agree, it looks a bit too ominous. It looks like a great production, but didn't leave my heart with a feeling of profundity and joy, it left me with an uneasy, unsettled feeling.
Someone commented the annunciation in the new Mary movie also looked top spooky. Although she was fearful at first this was quite Ed with the do not fear and God's beautiful glory. And it could have been fear of the lord rather than a dark ominous fear anyway @@Drea538
Excellent trailer, HOWEVER... don't discourage those who can only afford $10. I was surprised you didn't follow up with a word to your grass roots (potential) donors.
Belief in and reverence for the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist will only flourish when communion in the hand is banned completely. I am very passionate about this! All the "programs" and special classes and revivals in the world won't do a darn bit of good while people are still allowed to receive in the hand as if Our Lord was only a piece of Halloween candy.
The Lord blessed me with a beautiful experience which I hope many others have had or will have someday. While receiving communion one day on retreat, I prayed to God to show me how to receive Him kneeling and on the tongue. I was just so hungry to receive Him in the most reverant way, but I was too chicken to be the only one. I kept saying how sorry I was after receiving Him, once again, on the hand, and I begged Him to show me the right way. Well, the host I received just sat there on my tongue after I placed it there...and it did not dissolve! In fact, the host in my mouth actually changed. At first, it felt like it was doughy, and I thought something was wrong with the bread, but then it actually firmed up, like it was a square inside my mouth, firm, like the consistency of tofu. I felt my teeth actually chew down into it, like I was "gnawing" like it says in John 6. There was a fresh smell, light, but nothing like a host usually tastes, smells and feels like. I KNEW what had happened. I was consuming His flesh! Yes, it changed me, very much so! I spent several years following that encounter searching more and more for the most traditional forms of worship. The Lord is so good! He brought me to a TLM parish in our town. I can never go back to receiving our Lord's precious body in my hands or without reverance again, and if I do, I will be right inside the confessional asap. I agree, why do we need new classes, new workshops, etc to revive what has been given to us from 2000 years ago?? Thank you for reading this, and let's continue to pray for the protection of our Lord in the Eucharist. Amen.
When I saw the thumbnail for this in my suggested videos, I mistakenly thought it was some kind of non Catholic sacrilegious film, so I went to your channel to figure out what this was. The idea of making short films about The True Presence sounds sounds amazing! But the teaser trailer is disturbing. Not like a holy fear, just weird. Especially the church warping and moving, and the water flowing backwards... Gives horror movie vibes.
I agree, the idea that team 'Mass of the Ages' has seems really good. But the weird, horror movie vibes are a bit strange. I'm sure the final result will reflect the usual balance of 'Mass of the Ages' professional productions. Maybe the next trailer will be 'broader' in theme. :)
I don't think it's spooky. Being filled with awe is both beautiful and terrifying. I think it's important to show that an encounter with our Lord can be both. So often depictions have an air of triteness to them. "Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you”
I used to watch some horror films when I was younger. This trailer (not movie so far) definitely has a cleverly done spooky tone. It's actually very well done (but not all that appropriate I think).
St. Kateri's name is pronounced "Kattery" (like "battery"), and her last name is something like "Tuh-KAK-wit-ah." Talk about it with people who speak her language before you make the film, I think that will really help with the authenticity of an American story.
The saints went through some intense spiritual events. I’m sure if you knew what they experienced you would probably think differently. Not to be a put down or to judge what you said. I am just trying to help with understanding of why this looks like a horror movie
@@-Christ-is-King As someone who is well aware of such intense spiritual events, I still find the tone of the trailer off putting. It's giving not so much 'spiritual' as 'cheap thriller' vibes. Still, it's only an early trailer, the final product could be great.
@@-Christ-is-King I get what you are saying. I would only add that in presenting the Eucharist, we have to balance the extraordinary and the ordinary. Saints actually condemn those who have an excessive attraction to the supernatural manifestations. For most of us we have to have the ordinary faith in the Eucharist of our 'usual parish Traditional Latin Mass' (though I must confess, I am personally keeping an eye out for the 'conversion of Russia.' :) ).
This looks really great, but the title is terrible. The Eucharist is SO much more than just “Godbread.” I taught a First Communion class once and a child literally called the Eucharist “Jesus nuggets” and my heart hurt so badly. This reminds me of that. It’s really disappointing.
Our Lady of La Salette “ Rome will lose its faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation. A promise made by the Mother of God herself! They create: a new catechism, a new magisterium, new (and relaxed) definitions of saints, new sacraments, a new canonical code, a new Mass. Only those who don't want to can't see the reality: the throne of Peter is vacant
Have you and your family read the full length works of Michael Davies, and Roman Amerio's 'Iota Unum'? You will find them very informative. They show a Roman Catholic alternative to the Sedevacantist, schismatic position that someone may have taught you. Love and God bless to you this Christmas. :)
@@Veritas.Studios.Channel I know these works very well, they are unfounded justifications in the magisterium to justify the Gallic position of recognizing and resisting. I choose the popes, saints and doctors of the past, you choose modern theories for fear of missing Mass. Pope Paul IV: “If it should ever happen that before his promotion to cardinal or his elevation to Roman Pontiff, he had deviated from the Catholic faith or had fallen into some heresy (or had incurred in a schism or had given rise to it), his promotion or elevation is null, void and of no value, even if it has resulted from the approval and unanimous consensus of all the cardinals”. A pope cannot be a heretic, as the First Vatican Council attests, the See of Peter is vacant, anyone who denies this is either too ignorant in doctrinal matters or a heretic, and adheres to almost total error as in the days of St. Athanasius
@@fabianradomski3178 Be a man and learn to write like a person. All your actions will be judged on the day of your final judgment, be careful with this opinionism
I was brought to the TLM by the first mass of the ages video but these movies are getting way overproduced and emotive. Stick to facts without weird hollywood effects. Why use the tools of those who have used them to trick us over and over? Please stop
I think that they can use professional techniques and tools to create a good movie. Just think of 'The Passion of the Christ.' That was good, right? I just worry that the horror movie genre won't suit the final result... (my five children all laughed at the freakyness of this - which is only a teaser trailer at this early stage...).
I wasn't too enthused by the 'miraculous beehive' segment in the 'Mass of the Ages' movie trilogy. Because it wasn't substantiated, it gave the impression of superstition at work (PLEASE ensure this planned movie is free of superstition, an international scourge of the Catholic right).
Guys for anyone who has and is in entertainment. I guarantee you that the movie is already done. You can’t have a trailer without a movie already made to to edit from. That’s not even scratching the surface. When people ask for funding in this way, not that asking for funding is bad, but how it’s spoken and asked, will show a lot. Especially asking for specific amounts and everything I felt horrible just listening to this guy. Another used car salesman. He may think he’s genuine however someone like me I just hear snake oil. I don’t believe this particular spokesman is about what he says he is. It was actually disgusting to hear how he spoke about money. Maybe I’m taking things a bit personal but bro get a reality check. You know anything about the economy? Who’s writing the scripts!? Like idk this is just shocking and sickening a little bit. Can’t wait for the haters to come out on this one. Love to hear how all the “Christian’s” will judge me for what I’ve said. I’m sorry I barely have any money to contribute to tithing. I work two full time jobs. What delusion do you live in?
Our Church so much needs a revival in traditional devotion. The Mass, The Holy Eucharist, Our Lady, the Sacred Heart...the list goes on. Thanks for taking on the projects that you do.
If I may add, we also need the revival of charitable works and the social teachings of the Popes (we must avoid a one sided fall into the heresy of Quietism [which overemphasises the passive virtues]. Christ bless you and your family! :)
@Veritas. . .
It seems an overemphasis on social teachings from the 60’s on is what derailed Catholicism into becoming just another Protestant faith. Many lay and religious left, many of those remaining felt the watered down obligations didn’t need to be practiced regularly. Belief in the Eucharist??
If the focus is on Christ first, the Eucharist, love of neighbor and everything else flows from that. We are seeing a revitalization of our Catholic faith by reintroducing traditional values, practices and catechism for those wanting a deeper connection to Chris through their faith, the faith of our fathers and the saints, by focusing on Christ in the Eucharist first.
@@rickhenry9003 [Clarification] I agree with everything you just said!! :) ~~~ I am referring to the 'forgotten' social teachings of the Popes. So for example, Pope Gregory XVI's teaching against Liberalism; Pope Leo XIII On Government Authority, On Freemasonry and Naturalism, and his teaching on Labour and Capital; Pope Pius XI on Ecumenism and Atheistic Communism. With the recent USA electoral race between Kamala & Trump, the teaching of St Pius X 'Against the Sillon' is particularly relevant with difficulties raised by 'woke' social engineers. Pope Benedict XVI invited us to look back at these kinds of teaching to correctly interpret Vatican II when he spoke of a 'hermeneutic of continuity' and a 'hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture.' (Christmas Address to the Curia, 22nd December, 2005). ~~~ Christ's blessing on you and your family this Christmas 2024! :)
Immaculate Heart of Mary, lead us to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Remember St. Tarcisius, who gave his life to protect the Eucharist.
There are many talented Catholics out there. I know that they will not hesitate to reach out once they see this
I'd love to see a team up of Mass of the Ages, Michael Knowles and Matt Walsh on the traditional papal social teaching from Gregory XVI to Pius XII (TAN Books published a fine collection entitled 'The Popes Against Modern Errors.' If only orthodox Catholics would influence the post-Kamala/Trump election fight world with the social doctrines of the Traditional Popes...).
Traditional Catholic Faith, Forever and Ever !👍🙏
Yes, USCCB please support this effort.
Remember the USCCB's 'less than fervent' reaction to 'The Passion of the Christ,' and their 'interesting position' on kneeling for Holy Communion, etc...
This effort will be supported by individual orthodox/conservative/traditionalist Cardinals, bishops, priests, parishes and families...
Fat chance of that happening
@@capecodder04 [Sigh] Sadly, only too true... LOL! The Cardinal of the Arch-Diocese of Wellington tried to teach me New Age, self-centred, sex, ecology spirituality when I was back in University. It's not just the poor USA Catholics who have to deal with collegiality strangling Catholic efforts...
Wow this looks really good. I'm looking forward to it.
Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum
Looks stunning
Will Direct 🙋🏻♂️
I’m a subscriber to your channel and love your work! They should definitely take you up on that!
Deo gratias. What a great idea.
Amen!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait.
Not crazy about the title but seems it might be interesting. May God bless your endeavors.
I agree. It sounds Lutheran.
The title is awful.
All Glory and Honor to The King of Kings.
I want to be a nun so badly
Watch All or Nothing, the story of Sr. Clare Crockett.. very inspiring how she said yes to God and committed her life to Him. 🙏
I've watched it 3/4 times, it's so good! @@veefig1691
@@juann777Unfortunately these "Sisters of Aquinas" are sedevacantist schismatics...
Find a good convent and go, don't waste time! You'll be in my prayers
Oh I can't wait. This is SO needed! Thank you so much for taking on these incredible projects. Its a lot of work and money but its worth it. God bless
I was impressed that a Traditionalist could actually quote Vatican II (the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of our faith.) Well done Cameron O'Hearn.
May I suggest that additional teaser trailers be made as you progress. Just to give us a greater range of the tone/subjects you are intending to present.
Why wouldn't Traditionalists know it? Knowing the teachings of the Church is itself traditional. By the way, the actual line from Lumen Gentium (quoted in part by the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1324) is : "Taking part in the Eucharistic sacrifice, which is the source and summit of the whole Christian life, they offer the Divine Victim to God, and offer themselves along with It." Couldn't agree more.
You'll find that 'Traditionalist' Catholics are usually well educated in the Faith.
@@alhilford2345 I describe myself as a 'Catholic Traditionalist,' and my research has given me the opposite conclusion (my apostolate is about promoting texts such as the TAN Books 'The Popes Against Modern Errors', Romano Amerio's 'Iota Unum,' and the classic full length books of Mr Michael Davies [My personal crusade is against common 'traditionalist' errors, such as [A] Puritanical theology; [B] Socialist disciplinary methods; and [C] Mishandling of child sexual abuse (see the 1917 Code of Canon Law - Canon 2359 § 2)]. God bless you and your family.
@@brandywineblue Thanks for the correction of my misquote! (I was half asleep when I made that comment. Mea culpa). I describe myself as a 'Catholic traditionalist. I am impressed that you are familiar with the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' (With the support of my local bishop, I distributed over 2,000 copies in four dioceses in New Zealand when it was first translated into English). From my research of Traditionalist social media, it seems that there are too few individuals like you - who have familiarity with the teachings of Vatican II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Well done to you.
@Veritas.Studios.Channel it is a common misquote, so no offense given or taken. I don't know any traditionalists who don't know of or have not read Michael Davies books, may he rest in peace, or Iota Unum. But then again, we are in different countries. Perhaps the term "traditionalist" means something else there. Here, it means someone who not only calls themselves Catholic, or was "raised Catholic," but actually knows the Catholic faith. And not only knows the faith, but has researched it before 1960. So that they not only know what Vatican II documents actually say, but what the church has received from Christ Himself and handed down through His Holy Apostles and their successors for 2000 years. Have you read Pascendi Dominici Gregus?
Please tell these stories! It's truly inspiring 🙏
Good video. Thanks.
May God bless this project and Angel Studios in Jesus name, Amén
If they include Carlo Acutis, I'm going to be so happy.
Nope😑, the trad catholics are against his canonization, they claimed that his reputation is being used by the Vatican II to promote the Novus Ordo liturgies. So don't get your hopes up if they include Carlo in this content😒.
I have a bad feeling these people have a negative view of post v2 saints
I don't think they include him, he hasn't been declared a Saint yet. But I think there's already one movie already made about his life.
@albertoescobedo3453 who knows, all I know is that as much as I love the vetus ordo. They include schismatics on their map of latin masses. Bishops have banned them in their dioceses because of the lack of validity yet they still include them. At what point do we speak up about it?
Very excited!
Whoa thats a tense trailer!
Yeah, someone else described this as 'spooky.' It reminds me of a movie called 'The Ring." I'm not sure this is the best way to go...
Looks beautiful!
Praise Jesus Christ!
This looks amazing!
This looks VERY INTERESTING!!! 👍🏼🥖🍷
This is really exciting.
Thanks, I'm perfectly happy with the Ordinary Form. It's about worship, not aesthetics.
Also, always be very wary of anyone stumping so hard for cash.
I hope this gets shown in my country.
Woah!!! Can't wait!!
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. (For the greater glory of God.) With everything that is happening currently politically in every nation, the fatima prophecies, the younger generation being split between good and bad, and more... There is hope for our fallen world to heal a little bit and to restore the faith and Christendom! DEUS VULT! (IF GOD WILLS)
@@BXMKE every generation is split between good and bad
this is great.
Waiting for part 3 of the Mass of the Ages
Que emocionante!!! Quedé antojada
A future suggestion - The first 'Mass of the Ages' Trilogy aimed to show what is TRUE, GOOD & BEAUTIFUL (and substantially succeeded in my opinion. Well done Cameron and team!!!).
Now - for the sake of fairness/justice - the 'dark side' of traditionalism should be addressed (superstition, Puritanical theologies, Sedevacantist mentalities, socialist disciplinary methods, etc).
The subject is the Real Presence in the Eucharist, not traditionalism.
@@dr.parakletos7765 The 'Mass of the Ages' trilogy presumes the Traditional Latin rite, and thus, this is the context of my request. And, sadly, the Real Presence in the Eucharist cannot be discussed without tackling the 'difficulties' within the 'Mass of the Ages' movement... ~~~ God bless you and your family this Christmas! :)
How about you turn your attention to heretics instead of focusing on people who try to make sense of the rampant confusion in the Church?
I guess that was a retorical question...
@@rutgerkerpel306 Oh, I absolutely don't distinguish when it comes to heretics/etc - I am working on a 466 page manuscript that promotes 'The Kingship of Christ' and it critiques Modernists, Protestants, Muslims, Sedevacantists, Bishop Richard Williamson, etc. I don't hold back on anyone just because they use Traditional Liturgical forms (!). Otherwise I'd have to be cool with the Eastern Orthodox schism and the pre-Vatican II modernists, right? Wouldn't you agree? ;)
This is awesome! Do you have your writers/directors already set? I directed and produced a film called "Mary's Way of the Cross" which is out now on Prime, and I would love to be a part of this project! ❤
Hey guys! Excited about the project but you might want to tone down the spookiness.
I agree, it looks a bit too ominous. It looks like a great production, but didn't leave my heart with a feeling of profundity and joy, it left me with an uneasy, unsettled feeling.
Someone commented the annunciation in the new Mary movie also looked top spooky. Although she was fearful at first this was quite Ed with the do not fear and God's beautiful glory. And it could have been fear of the lord rather than a dark ominous fear anyway @@Drea538
I’m not seeing spookiness
I thought it was a horror trailer
I think "HolyBread" sounds better.
I want to be in it!!! I’m an actress.
Why does the music sound like gather us in? I'm surprised, considering the source
Tarcisius also?
Why Rome not support such initiative? Instead of wasting money on Synod and other strange stuff
Excellent trailer, HOWEVER... don't discourage those who can only afford $10. I was surprised you didn't follow up with a word to your grass roots (potential) donors.
Belief in and reverence for the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist will only flourish when communion in the hand is banned completely. I am very passionate about this! All the "programs" and special classes and revivals in the world won't do a darn bit of good while people are still allowed to receive in the hand as if Our Lord was only a piece of Halloween candy.
whos the beauty?
The Lord blessed me with a beautiful experience which I hope many others have had or will have someday. While receiving communion one day on retreat, I prayed to God to show me how to receive Him kneeling and on the tongue. I was just so hungry to receive Him in the most reverant way, but I was too chicken to be the only one. I kept saying how sorry I was after receiving Him, once again, on the hand, and I begged Him to show me the right way. Well, the host I received just sat there on my tongue after I placed it there...and it did not dissolve! In fact, the host in my mouth actually changed. At first, it felt like it was doughy, and I thought something was wrong with the bread, but then it actually firmed up, like it was a square inside my mouth, firm, like the consistency of tofu. I felt my teeth actually chew down into it, like I was "gnawing" like it says in John 6. There was a fresh smell, light, but nothing like a host usually tastes, smells and feels like. I KNEW what had happened. I was consuming His flesh! Yes, it changed me, very much so! I spent several years following that encounter searching more and more for the most traditional forms of worship. The Lord is so good! He brought me to a TLM parish in our town. I can never go back to receiving our Lord's precious body in my hands or without reverance again, and if I do, I will be right inside the confessional asap. I agree, why do we need new classes, new workshops, etc to revive what has been given to us from 2000 years ago?? Thank you for reading this, and let's continue to pray for the protection of our Lord in the Eucharist. Amen.
When I saw the thumbnail for this in my suggested videos, I mistakenly thought it was some kind of non Catholic sacrilegious film, so I went to your channel to figure out what this was.
The idea of making short films about The True Presence sounds sounds amazing!
But the teaser trailer is disturbing. Not like a holy fear, just weird. Especially the church warping and moving, and the water flowing backwards... Gives horror movie vibes.
I agree, the idea that team 'Mass of the Ages' has seems really good. But the weird, horror movie vibes are a bit strange.
I'm sure the final result will reflect the usual balance of 'Mass of the Ages' professional productions. Maybe the next trailer will be 'broader' in theme. :)
I don't think it's spooky. Being filled with awe is both beautiful and terrifying. I think it's important to show that an encounter with our Lord can be both. So often depictions have an air of triteness to them. "Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you”
I used to watch some horror films when I was younger. This trailer (not movie so far) definitely has a cleverly done spooky tone. It's actually very well done (but not all that appropriate I think).
St. Kateri's name is pronounced "Kattery" (like "battery"), and her last name is something like "Tuh-KAK-wit-ah." Talk about it with people who speak her language before you make the film, I think that will really help with the authenticity of an American story.
You guys should collaborate with Mel Gibson. Just saying.
Love the idea - but the preview looks like a low budget horror flick 😬
Yes, that's what I thought this trailer was supposed to be at first. They can always make another alternative trailer...
The saints went through some intense spiritual events. I’m sure if you knew what they experienced you would probably think differently. Not to be a put down or to judge what you said. I am just trying to help with understanding of why this looks like a horror movie
@@-Christ-is-King As someone who is well aware of such intense spiritual events, I still find the tone of the trailer off putting. It's giving not so much 'spiritual' as 'cheap thriller' vibes. Still, it's only an early trailer, the final product could be great.
@@-Christ-is-King I get what you are saying. I would only add that in presenting the Eucharist, we have to balance the extraordinary and the ordinary. Saints actually condemn those who have an excessive attraction to the supernatural manifestations. For most of us we have to have the ordinary faith in the Eucharist of our 'usual parish Traditional Latin Mass' (though I must confess, I am personally keeping an eye out for the 'conversion of Russia.' :) ).
This looks really great, but the title is terrible. The Eucharist is SO much more than just “Godbread.” I taught a First Communion class once and a child literally called the Eucharist “Jesus nuggets” and my heart hurt so badly. This reminds me of that. It’s really disappointing.
Why was the guy flexing his pecs every like 5th word?
Our Lady of La Salette “ Rome will lose its faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation. A promise made by the Mother of God herself! They create: a new catechism, a new magisterium, new (and relaxed) definitions of saints, new sacraments, a new canonical code, a new Mass. Only those who don't want to can't see the reality: the throne of Peter is vacant
Sedevacantism is cringe
Have you and your family read the full length works of Michael Davies, and Roman Amerio's 'Iota Unum'? You will find them very informative. They show a Roman Catholic alternative to the Sedevacantist, schismatic position that someone may have taught you. Love and God bless to you this Christmas. :)
@@Veritas.Studios.Channel I know these works very well, they are unfounded justifications in the magisterium to justify the Gallic position of recognizing and resisting. I choose the popes, saints and doctors of the past, you choose modern theories for fear of missing Mass. Pope Paul IV: “If it should ever happen that before his promotion to cardinal or his elevation to Roman Pontiff, he had deviated from the Catholic faith or had fallen into some heresy (or had incurred in a schism or had given rise to it), his promotion or elevation is null, void and of no value, even if it has resulted from the approval and unanimous consensus of all the cardinals”. A pope cannot be a heretic, as the First Vatican Council attests, the See of Peter is vacant, anyone who denies this is either too ignorant in doctrinal matters or a heretic, and adheres to almost total error as in the days of St. Athanasius
@@fabianradomski3178 Be a man and learn to write like a person. All your actions will be judged on the day of your final judgment, be careful with this opinionism
I was brought to the TLM by the first mass of the ages video but these movies are getting way overproduced and emotive. Stick to facts without weird hollywood effects. Why use the tools of those who have used them to trick us over and over? Please stop
I think that they can use professional techniques and tools to create a good movie. Just think of 'The Passion of the Christ.' That was good, right?
I just worry that the horror movie genre won't suit the final result... (my five children all laughed at the freakyness of this - which is only a teaser trailer at this early stage...).
Maybe they are trying to trick you too?
@@javaman8895 I don't understnad what you mean. Would you please explain? Cheers!
I wasn't too enthused by the 'miraculous beehive' segment in the 'Mass of the Ages' movie trilogy.
Because it wasn't substantiated, it gave the impression of superstition at work (PLEASE ensure this planned movie is free of superstition, an international scourge of the Catholic right).
Guys for anyone who has and is in entertainment. I guarantee you that the movie is already done. You can’t have a trailer without a movie already made to to edit from. That’s not even scratching the surface. When people ask for funding in this way, not that asking for funding is bad, but how it’s spoken and asked, will show a lot. Especially asking for specific amounts and everything I felt horrible just listening to this guy. Another used car salesman. He may think he’s genuine however someone like me I just hear snake oil. I don’t believe this particular spokesman is about what he says he is. It was actually disgusting to hear how he spoke about money. Maybe I’m taking things a bit personal but bro get a reality check. You know anything about the economy? Who’s writing the scripts!? Like idk this is just shocking and sickening a little bit.
Can’t wait for the haters to come out on this one. Love to hear how all the “Christian’s” will judge me for what I’ve said. I’m sorry I barely have any money to contribute to tithing. I work two full time jobs. What delusion do you live in?