Like literally why didnt they just make him something that meshes better like Tank/Bruiser or Tank/Juggernaut or hell give us another Tank/Mage we have so few of them
@@Ecdemaniac and did that helped him become good or like by the community? He’s still one of the least played champs in the entire game he needs a more meaningful gameplay update emphasis on meaningful cause even if his new lore and appearance are amazing his gameplay is somehow even worse than his previous gameplay
Riot forgets people need to play against the champions they create. it doesn't matter how fun it is to play AS said champion. If 5 people need to suffer going against it, then it's a failure of champion design.
@@chrisclarkson7469 Being able to beat a champion and it not being fun to play against are mutually exclusive. I can beat ranged top laners most of the time, but I despise playing against them.
@R3NEGADE43 that's not a good design ethos. Neeko and teemo exemplify this massively. You find ksante "annoying to play against" likely because you either don't understand him, or are a showmaker bandwaggoner, and would rather complain than learn.
The crazy part is his original version could have worked but for some unknown reason riot just refused to actually make his ult make him lose tankiness and still allowed him to do insane damage in his base form when the entire point of the champ was his base for was a cc tank with low damage but he ults to lose his tankiness to gain damage.
They are basically making a Ryze-tier rework Power Ranger Team 1) Black Ranger K'Sante 2) Red Ranger Aatrox back in the day 3) Yellow Ranger Azir 4) Pink Ranger old Urgot 5) Blue Ranger Ryze
Pink Ranger is Yuumi. How many times have they needed to rework what was advertised as the easiest champ to ever play in the game's history? So cool she got to be top tier twice already.
There's two seperate reasons why Ksante can't be pro and casual at the same time: 1. He can change from Tank to Assassin on demand, meaning he can either tank in the frontline or decide to do massive damage if he gets a engage on a vulnerable target. Imagine if your Talon were Alistar unless he can combo on a squishy. In SoloQ without voice coms and generally poor coordination however, the peel for your ADC might suddenly disappear towards the enemy backline in hope of a quick follow up that won't come. 2. Ksante has a massive advantage in pro play, as he builds cheaper tank items. Meaning he can be ignored by jungle, farm under tower and the enemy would have to commit a high risk dive to get a kill on him. That's completely lost in SoloQ, because your jungle will decide where to gank based on which players he thinks won't sleep during a gank, causing him to die and be blamed for the next 15 minutes. Having a fed Ksante that's full build around the 25 minute mark is nice, but he can't 1v9 and he's also risky to splitpush for weak teams that can't profit from a collapse on him.
@@josephdevita2938 i think it was something like, she was in the patch notes 12 times in her first 9 patches after release cause she got hotfixed so much
Yeah, but can we consider that K'Sante is just a failure in design? He is like a character made up on the playground by the kid that keeps making stuff up so he doesnt lose.
He isn’t. Hes reliable and consistent and that’s his issue especially in pro. Champ is balanced (by phreaks own words) but they want him to be more fair (also phreak/designer of this dog shit rework)
@@zoid_on_youtube sure chief. Yuumi and yone are bad designs Ksante is fine and has been stable other than the two patches he’s been broken thanks to phreak. Hell phreak admitted he was balanced before this rework. But keep sucking off pro players cause they use a champ that actually takes a brain while garen can just run you down and guarantee kill just about anything other than Camille.
@@kkinthewheelchair3049yes he is and the stats says so. You can make ANY champ look broken when you post all their strong points. Doesn’t make his performance any less ass in solo queue.
Atleast the disabling is an ult and not some ability with 9 sec cooldown . . . (Lux ult 12 sec btw) But Yeah they should Nerf the disable duration to 2 sec or less cuz turrets already do shit to full tank Volibear............ Or even AP
The solution for K'sante feels pretty easy. Give him a single identity, currently he has pretty much every single mechanic in the game. Unstoppable shield dash true damage and way more I cant name rn. It's absurd. Idk maybe this new stuff will be a start but just either make him a full bruiser with dashes and true damage or make him a full tank with defences and scaling of his max hp
Honestly I'd rather they give up on the whole "Kasante is a tank" thing. Nobody is buying that. He's a fighter ( juggernauts are classified under Fighters, not tanks ) that just happens to have scalings based off of armor and MR. Mundo is qualified as one as well, can't understand why Kasante wouldn't.
@@alexursu4403 The ONLY POINT of KSante is him beeing a super Skill Expressive Tank. The funny thing is...Riot suceedet. They made the most complex and rewarding Tank ever. A defensive Champion, breaking his own Defense to become an Offensive Powerhouse is just not applicable in League. League is Heavily balanced around options to counter other options. And he almost nullifies this principal. Making a Warden, Skirmisher into a Bruiser is like saying Vayne has CC and Percent Damage, so she is a Tank. Also is Bruiser not enough of a Statement. (Bruisers can be Juggernauts/Darius, Divers/Wukong, Skirmishers/Jax and defensive Mages/Swain)
@@anigodzapex9384 but it defeats the whole idea. Tank supposed to cc and have difficulties with killing for the price of being relatively safe with defensive stats. Ksante is a skirmisher in a disguise, when he gets close enough to you he all outs and doesn't get punished because he doesn't have to build like a glass cannon. So no, RITO failed. Still the most skill expresive tank is Tresh.
@@anigodzapex9384 except his skill expression is the same as on pre-rework, *inhales*: katarina, akali, fiora, irelia, warwick, pantheon, rengar, skarner, talon and xin zhao. phew, that's a mouthful. all of these got reworked for that exact reason and you can't convince me ksante shouldn't share their fate
@@6DarthSion9 Thresh is a Defensive Catcher and not a Tank. He lacks the Aoe Pressure and easy enemy access in favor for Displacement Utilities and decent Range. KSante is literally a functional full Tank Yone. And Yone is bad Game Design but 10 out 10 to play and watch and K'sante is also 10 out of 10 fun to play and to watch. That's more reasons then to keep 25 percent of extremely bad or poor executed designed Champs in the Game. Ksante is good for the Game, because it wakes Riot Up to not Design Champs like him ever again.
Ksanye west prove that balancing cant just be done with only from data and win rate. The only thing that riot refuse to acknowledge. And they have the audacity to buff him cause low win rate once
Shourdy's take on K'sante is the best take I have seen on how to balance him so far. I am active on the k'sante mains reddit and I wish this guy contributed his taken when the riot employee who made this rework posted.
5:00, I think the most frustrating part about it is that Riot KNOWS they're releasing overloaded champions. Remember that video they released a while back saying that they didn't believe that their new champions were overloaded overall? The VERY next statement they made was that they knew that some champions had too many tools like Samira's ability to dash to allies. That combined with her Windwall made her too difficult to CC and kill. So... isn't that the EPITOME of overloaded? The fact that they had to remove, not rework or nerf, DELETE a feature from a champion's kit just to make them feel okay to go against. Riot has gone in one direction and that is making champions that are really fun to play, but miserable to play against. If this was a PVE game, it wouldn't really matter. But it's not that, it's PvP, so you have to make the champions feel fair to play against too. Riot missed that part.
Funny they took that away from her saying it was overloaded but Nilah got the same exact thing just not on a reset. Samira was genuinely overloaded and overtuned on release, and I'm a Samira main. Her passive knock up used to work on any form of CC instead of extending knock ups only, her ult had 100% lifesteal effectiveness, blade whirl lasted 1.25 seconds which is way too long. I like her current iteration more even if she sucks right now due to the current state of ADC items.
Something i gotta mention is how suspicious it is when certain pro-popular champions are problematic they always get the spreadsheet list of number changes If youre unpopular though? Theyre gonna rip your kit apart to "fix" it. Sooo...interesting.
@@doublereel-real I'm surprised how well balanced Hwei is. He's not broken but can still do some damage. Genuinely one of the more well designed modern champs.
The thing i aways didnt get with the yasuo clones (yone, ksante) is: why they have knock ups? The only CC other than supression (that ksante has too) that cant be lowered with tenacity, yasuo has it because he needs to ult someone, if he could ult stuns he would be busted so knock up fits nicely gameplay wise and thematically. Ksante could easily had just stuns and slow in his kit, he has a lot of problems, and they all seem to originate with the idea of making tank yasuo.
I remember the old times when they released a patch note buffing Yone, and the explanation was something like "Yasuo got a buff, so we're giving one to Yone as well" It was the smallest explanation on the patch, they only forgot to put a Yolo to make it at least funny
@@usarhabilidade2697 Its crazy that they'll buff both anytime one of them gets a buff. Yone is brain dead and takes less skill than Yasuo but nah they gotta share buffs because Yone needs it too.
They literally looked at gnar and went "the issue is that hes a ranged champ, not that he was a teamfight tank that can also become a split pusher capable of 1v1ing in solo lanes."
as a ksante main the rework is legit the death of the character for me and make him clunky and borderline unplayable. if this goes like im not playing him or leage anymore.....
I think you cant compare ksante with ryze because more or less the abilitys on ksante remain de same only scaling and a few special effects matter while ryzes forms are just like complete different champions so its more like a big big patch and less of a real rework with new abilitys and charachtermodel and stuff
The idea of a combo tank is cool, but the ult eats up so much of his power budget and they continue nerfing everything except that. Just kneecap his offensive ratios on ult and remove the kidnap portion, make his ult better for 2v2 skirmishes but significantly harder to use properly in teamfight situations
6:18 i think there are SO many dash abilities that have scaling _speed_ with the movement speed. For the sake of smoothness. But idk why Ksante’s was limited to only ally dash, if anything that makes him feel clunky imo
Keep in mind the difference of casual and pro play. Pro play almost always handshakes picking the same 4 top laners to deal with either an unintreactive top lane or a lane swap making it a shit show. Playing him in low is a death wish when the main champs played top are either range tops that you cant interact with. Or juggernauts (darius, garen, sett etc) being the most picked champs in solo que. Both the champs and playstyle of each kind of play are so different its comparing apples to oranges. Either way Ksante will be tank Azir bc you can be good at Ksante and still be called broken even when you show your skill with the character
The Reality is that his kit would be probably more or less fine if he was not primarily a Tank building purely Tank items. Building Tank + his diver-ish kit makes him just the perfect villain. Ksante should've never been a Tank. The hybrid design of KSante takes to much from classes that are way to much separated from each other. Going from Tank to Skirmisher is just to much of difference leaving no room to implement intended weaknesses for counterplay (when he transforms into a Skirmisher, he basically operates on Juggernauts stats). He should've been released as a Juggernaut (2-3 damage items build - let him build Trinity Force, Sundered Sky and / or Titanic Hydra into Tank) that transforms into Diver / Skirmisher. Give him AD scaling with maybe HP scaling on ability and thats it. If he wants to deal damage he needs to itemize damage making him automatically squishier and therefore introducing counterplay in the form of being killable. No BS damage scaling with resistances which is notoriously awful to balance out.
Or make him into a tank with none of that all out BS and remove resists and HP scalling. Ornn has scalling from resists only on one ability, ONE! Ksante has scalling from everything on everything.
The only reason K'Sante has juggernaut stats when he goes all-out is that Jak'Sho has been bugged since basically release despites "fixes" and STILL lets him keep the Jak'Sho stats when he ults. Now that it's fixed on PBE, he's now significantly more frail, as intended.
Riot just needs to stop overloading these new champs kits, keep them simple... give them a strength and weaknesses, these new champs just have everything in their kit and barely any weaknesses..
Q: Make his Q have less cc time, cuz bumping each 3 seconds isnt normal. W: They changed it well, not allowing it to go through walls unless its with an ally (i think they should just remove the ally interaction and make the shield last even shorter) E: His pre-old rework E was completely fine, having it controllable towards where you wanna go and be able to instant cast is really good, but make it only push and not also stun, that's just braindead. R: Make ALL HIS BONUS RESISTANCES convert into assassin stats, and make his base armor and magic resist really low, since an assassin with 100 armor isn't normal at all. Also the change where you cant go back to tank form whenever you want was good.
Honestly the way I see it also is he should switch from being a tank that goes into assassin, to being a squirmisher that on ult changes into a tank, so his items would be different etc (IMO tank items are sometimes too strong), or IDK make him overall weaker but make so post 6 he can switch between tank and fighter so the skill expression is in what he is during a fight
The thing is, Ryze and Zeri have been kinda figured out, neither are proplay powerhouses atm (except the whole ADC mid meta rn) and their soloq winrates are alright, both floating around 48-49%, K'Sante has had a 45% WR for months on end, already went through a mini rework that completely failed to solve his problems, and his receiving another one soon that could (and probably will) fail to solve any of his problems in proplay and soloq
I will never forget realizing original K'sante's full potential. It was to buy every single item that had AD + either MR or Armor in the game and Jak'Sho with Aftershock. You'd get Jak'Sho to activate fully, begin Aftershock, and then immediately ult someone, hit them with any ability, and auto once. Your attack would do like 3000+ true damage because of all the AD + defense scalings being factored into the damage amp for the passive hit. It was the one and only time you could truly feel like he was in his trailer, slicing the beast open in one attack and also splitting the sky. So what exactly is the issue with K'sante, as well as any other modern champion? True damage. It's true damage. Stop giving them true damage. Do the math and find out what's "Fair" values of physical and magical damage. Armor and Magic resist exist for a reason. Making true damage over accessible makes imbalance over accessible, as it's a mechanic designed to only exist in fringe cases. Fountain laser (yes I know it's "pure damage" ignoring even core defenses), Twitch passive as it was originally (no scaling, because it was GUARANTEED damage you couldn't reduce without exhausting him.), Ignite (because it's a temporary effect with a large cooldown that can even be cleansed), Olaf E (It uses his own health, a fair trade for ignoring resistances), Smite as it was originally (because it ONLY affected monsters), Cho'Gath ultimate (it didn't used to scale with anything but how many stacks you had from using the ult well, and if you died, you'd lose those stacks), and Red Buff (temporary buff that is risky to use in that if you die to an enemy player, they get the buff in its full duration). Vayne historically was the only champion that ignored these rules by giving her a percent max hp true damage effect. Now every champion and their brother get true damage that scales with stats and also deals percent damage and also has a built in damage amp and also acts as an execute against low hp targets and also-- etc. My theory is that the kit designers just don't want to do math for months on end to determine what is a fair value to make an ability or effect strong. For example, Gwen's middle snip zone should do amplified magic damage, not just ignore the entirety of enemy resistances. It should work like Karthus Q on a single unit. As should almost all of the true damage effects added over the past 8 years. Fiora ultimate? Amplified physical damage or physical damage with extra armor penetration. Zoe E? Again, magical damage with an amp, or with extra penetrations for the next damaging effect that pops the bubble. Yone E? Higher flat values while in spirit form and the return mark damage works *exactly* like Zed R in that it just does physical damage, or even magical damage since it's a spirit. Smolder? Magic damage burn with no execute threshold. Further stacks give it flat magic penetration in a non 1 to 1 ratio. Syndra? No execute, instead amp the damage on low health targets. K'sante? In All-Out, the bonus damage on a marked target is dealt as either physical damage or magical damage based on if his Armor or MR are higher than one another-- this allows him to build magic pen or armor pen if he decided to and more importantly allows his enemies to build defensive stats to shrug it off if they pay attention to what he's building. Bel'Veth? Magic damage instead of true damage except on monsters, this way despite being an auto attacker focused on building AD, if her enemies build armor they'll still take increasing damage because they didn't also build magic resist-- old Corki logic. Speaking of... Corki? Revert it to magic damage, nothing was wrong. Camille? Amplified physical damage, increased the longer you hold onto the charge. Lilia? Outer circle deals amplified magic damage. Gangplank? Passive does magic damage. Ultimate upgrade does physical damage with a large amount of armor penetration or damage amplification. Sett? Physical damage with a damage amp in the center-- it could even scale off of crit damage. Ahri? Amped magic damage. Master Yi? Magic damage. Vel'Koz? The true damage doesn't scale with anything but level, but the scaling doesn't go away, instead it stays as magic damage. It would do magic damage scaling with AP, and a *flat* amount of true damage on top. Amumu, Urgot, Pyke, Draven, and Aurelion Sol all stay unchanged and can keep their current true damage effects as theirs are either unscaling true damage (amumu) or execute focused. Vayne? It changes to Magic Damage and repeatedly hitting the same target would grant stacks that increase magic penetration-- it doesn't become physical because then she becomes a menace to everyone not just tanks that would get hit by it several times in a row, due to her already being a physical damage character. Darius? Physical damage with extra flat armor pen to allow it to even go through base resistances. Garen? Magical damage doing more based on enemy missing health. Twitch? His passive no longer scales with anything, but the values are increased to match modern damage-- it still is true damage as it always has been. Alternatively, Twitch's passive becomes magic damage and keeps the scaling. Can't have both.
True damage isn't conceptually a problem. Like physical or magic damage, it is simply a third damage type with its own counter. Instead of building armor to counter physical damage, or magic resist to counter magic damage, you build health to counter true damage, giving it a role in busting tanks while being weaker against champs with in-combat healing that don't care so much about resists. I agree that there is more true damage in the game than is necessary, but true damage as a concept is not bad for the game. Just like %HP damage exists to counter health stackers, why shouldn't true damage exist to counter resist stackers? I take offense to %max HP true damage, because it's the only true damage that has functionally zero counters in itemization besides building Sterak's Gage. Additionally, why does it matter if the damage is true damage or magic/physical damage as long as its tuned accordingly? Take Bel'Veth. Yes, Bel'Veth does true damage. Yes, it represents a significant portion of damage against tankier targets, as intended. However, if you converted the true damage to magic damage, then the damage would go down. And then her WR would go down. And then the damage would get buffed until it functionally did the same damage as before. So why change it at all? It is precisely BECAUSE it isn't resisted by anything that it can (in theory) be tuned to a degree that doesn't completely break the game - the damage output is entirely consistent no matter the target. The only two champions that do an unreasonable amount of true damage are Fiora and Vayne because, surprise surprise, they do %max hp true damage, which cannot be itemized against whatsoever. Smolder, too, but his true damage at least burns slowly enough that there's time to kill him dead / shield / heal. But I disagree that true damage on the whole should be removed - not only would it cause a massive balancing nightmare, at the end of the day, I doubt it would solve more problems than removing it created. Though removing Fiora / Vayne would solve at least two.
@@jacksonholder2987 health also counters physical and magical damage, as they are still damage. It's just innately flawed to give more than niche instances true damage.
one more thing issue without ksante btw is league is now or always been having a bug that the league client is blocking and making the size smaller while you're in a match, and whenever if you lose connection or got power down and reopen league you get black screen and wait 5-10 mins and you get free penalty for this, its fucking unbelievable that they never fixed this bug since 2015. I still remember that.
Estoy a punto de llorar 😢, el champ que tiene basicos activables potenciados con slow/knock up en área, un desplazamiento imparable que reduce el daño que recibe y se resetea, otro dash que da escudos y otro que suprime al rival y se lo lleva a la otra punta del mapa.. Ya no va a poder redirigir la W 😱, lloremos todos 😭
Tbh here is my idea make his Q just an empowered basic attack like mord give him a dash or a pull on W his E to be sustain and his R to be a short knokup like VI easy to read and use and you can still make him tanky like mundo or ornn
IMO they need to just make him a partial transform champion. Something along the lines of Kayne where he has offense and defense stance. You could make his ult have a kind of Udyr cooldown so you can use it regularly on a short CD to go into your other stance but also use it as an offensive tool. It's point and click so you could even make it as simple as one press swaps while not targeting an enemy champion or if you use it on them it acts as it currently does. Not a flawless idea I know but it would at least make him easier to balance than the Azir nightmare he is now.
How to balance all new champs- remove half their kit. Literally Nasus Q is "He goes bonk" and if he kills stuff he gets 3/12 stacks depending on what he bonked. Yet Nasus is still played 15 years later. You don't need 20 overoaded stuff in 1 ability and scallings between every ability. Imagine if Darius had 2 or 3 extra effects on every ability. You could nerf his numbers all you want and he would still be useful. Now, he is limited because his W doesn't give him a dash, he doesn't get MS, he can't do stuff with his Q- like recast. His R doesn't have some wird interaction with his kit other than increasing damage.
@@alexc3231 Yes, exactly. You can make a champ viable with just numbers. And since Nasus' abilities do 1 or 2 things only, you only have to consider those 1 or 2 things. W- AS and MS slow. You can nerf or buff 2 things to adjust the champ. Meanwhile champions whose abilities do 10 things can't be balanced because even if you nerf all of them the ability still does 10 things.
@@teddykazandjiev sadly statcheckers just provide the worst gameplay imaginable aka counterpick lanes that just win with no outplay potential. And I mean counterpicks as and against statcheckers like picking akali Vs tryn or Jax too, not only the picking malph into ad.
No need to have overloaded kits but also no need to have champs with so little options that need to have the most absurd numbers just for them to be decent. Like tryn getting like 7k gold from q/passive or Nasus having a 95%slow and 95% as reduction for 5 seconds on a 7sec cd late
@@alexc3231 I get you but what would you prefer- Darius having a statcheck playstyle( not that he does these days) or his abilities doing an extra 2 or 3 things. New champs can also be statchecky. Especially flashy champs with multiple dashes if fed just go in from a screen away kill someone, dash, weave, kill another one and eventually kill everyone. An example of a statchecker is Viego- he basically only autos and uses Q, yet his R is overloaded. No, it's not just a resetable execute like Darius, it also lets you steal the enemy champ but you also are invulnerable while doing it and you also heal for some reason. Being a statchecker and overloaded is not mutually exclusive.
I was genuinely so dissapointed in his kit. He was advertised as a tank who's weapons broke to get sharper and deal more damage and they only put that concept on his ult. I think it would have been far more compelling to have him slowly lose resistances, but gain damage with every attack and ability. Then after leaving combat, he those stats go back to normal. But that's just an idea.
@@doublereel-real Kinda? The difference would be that those examples encourage being in a fight longer whereas K'sante would need to pick and choose how long he could stay in combat for. It's like a progressive version of his ult.
when you talked about overloaded kits, reminded me of my response to the 'we dont believe we have overloaded kits' video "well yeah, they're not overloaded after they take out 1/3 of the kit" also one thing thats absolutely bonkers is ksante ult gives OMNIVAMP yknow, that stat they keep having to nerf/remove from items/runes because healing off everything you do is apparently op, who knew giving that for free to an assassin tank would be problematic :^)
How is Yorick not an issue in pro play tho? Real question because Yorick lethality is so fvcked I perma ban him because even if I win lane, since you can't dodge his ult damage (except you pick something like Aurora that pokes) he can just delete you lmao
I honestly don't see the problem with having champs in the game that are heavily pro skewed. Not every champ has to be playable in every elo, als long as they keep it somewhat balanced with releases so it mirrors the player distribution (low- / high-elo skewed champs) and every body gets something to play with.
i agree. but riot wants to make proplay as similar to soloq as they can because in the business perspective, esports is only there to make people play lol. so if someone sees proplay and then decides to download the game but its completely different and the champs they saw in pro arent picked at all or are simplay bad its not good yk
I really think riot should hire someone that actually plays the game to help with the champions release...Or someone should take Phreak and Phroxon from the balance changes team, bc some of the things those two come up with are wild sometimes. I think that having a break in launching champions would be a good thing, launching 3 champs per year i think would be fine, specially if they actually thought about the ideas before introducing in the game, since Aphelios, riot tried so much to replace CertainlyT by creating the most obnoxious champions of all time and it didn't work at all...
I would like more ADCs. Your options are either Sorority girls, Frat boys or "Things". Meanwhile top has Sorority girls, Frat boys, Edgelords, an Alcoholic, a Racist, Furies, a Larper, an Autistic magician and "Things".
Riot one to make a tank assassin. Can you at least reduce his hp during Ulti? idk man maybe make it cast using hp. 1k hp etc etc. so at least when he change to assassin type he wont have a lot of hp.
a lot of people seem to not see that he is played well by HIGHER ELOS ONLY, why is that? he was a high skill champ that when played correctly can beat 90% of the roster and that was the reason he's picked at worlds and other PRO events he is a HARD champ to learn and play correctly but when done right can destroy an entire enemy team, or at least he could until they have no broke his ankles and made W Briar E
In riots attempt to add more dials in champions to adjust they've completely overestimated their ability. Now, instead of champions having too little to change that they result in a binary broken or useless, they have too many fucking dials. Goes to show how overconfident the balance team is despite them being a laughing stock from everyone.
I would add anivia and zilea to the bunch there too. Still rocking season 1 kit, zil got some mi or changes since then but still same old wonky time gramps.
Unfortunately that would also completely shut down the champs intended play patterns. What they should have done is not hideously overload tank W so that the effective value of getting the reset would be significantly diminished while still allowing the champ to execute their combo as intended.
it makes me angry when people call this a rework, the abilities stay the same, they are just rebalancing it (not nerf or buff, just balancing), we didnt say Sylas' E got reworked when he lost his shield or Akali Q got reworked when it lost its heal, they were just nerfed. The surprise Shen and Fiora reworks were actually reworks (not counting planned and announced VGUs)
Competitive League suffered from all those overloaded kits. Seeing outplays from a champion that has a million ways in his kit to outplay doesnt seem that exciting compared to champs like Lee sin where outplays need to be creative and well thought out.
What crazy to me is that he has 50-51% win rate in Pro Play, and he unbalanced never brakes 50% in low elo solo Q the majority of players. He had plenty of counter plays that have been seen beating his butt but the champs that beat him are not fun to play. So, no one wants to adapt to it. He is broken because of numbers and abilities true, but still, a 50/50 is not fun.
Here's my 5 step plan on how to fix k'sante Step1: remove vayne from the game... (this is not related to k'sante it's just something i really need riot to do) step2: Pick one, assassin+tank doesn't work, either make him do alot of damage or make him a tank, but you can only have 1 step3: Simplify him a bit so that people are willing to read what his abilities do instead of this insane wall of text step4: Double check to make sure every file of vayne is removed and she's never comming back step5: maybe stop giving everything true damage so that tanky toplaners can actually fight back against them?
I do not fully agree the problem is that k'sante does too much, bcs there are characters that do tons of stuff and are almost unchanged like nilah or akshan. K'sante's problem imo is that his fantasy is built around two very opposite ideas. For those who don't know, the idea of k'sante is being a tank that can turn into a duelist (said by riot him self in his champion insight) which may sound cool, but it involves making a full tank character that can just go and beat a riven in a 1v1 situation.
i think a big problem that k'sante has is an issue alot of champions have had over the years: riot trying to make a hybrit and fucking failing. any hybrit they tried to make turned out to be a ballancing nightmare just look at how they recently just gave up on senna ADC and just fully focussed on her support playstyle instead
K'sante reminds me of kalista in the way where in low elo they are terrible champions. But in the hands of high elo players they both become absolute abominations. Thats why they refuse to buff or nerf kalista even sfter 9 years i think shes been mentioned in patch notes mabye 7 if even times.
KSante solution: Fully admit he's a bruiser, gut his scalings off of tank stats, and make counterplay possible by removing omnivamp and true damage. ALTERNATELY make him a 'transformer' like Jayce but don't no true damage or free sustain when in his 'damage' mode. No shields in damage mode. No unstoppable in damage mode. You give up *ALL* defenses to go 'all out.' Also, remove the CC on his E if its still there. No free resets on mobility.
What's crazy to me is that all these 200 year champs actually made me appreciate the older "broken" champ designs. Some are still cancer like Katarina but Yasuo has grown on me because he's annoying but he really isn't turbo broken, its just that he's high skill and a really good Yasuo will just dunk on people compared to how broken and brain dead Yone is.
Deleting champions definitely should be on Riot's scope, and im talking in extreme cases. Maybe its a "waste of time and money to have even designed and master him" but so what? Solutions to complex problems never are as simple as: ooh im going to fix k'sante... -proceeds to not do anything substantial to fix the problem-. This isnt something in particular i have against that champion, i think is a cruel turning point that the game can take regarding deleting champions, but you cant keep adding champions claiming to be newer and beter than the previous one without either: not living up to the statement, or simply just overdo everything and have certain champions break the game. Just a thought iam having since a couple of years ago
It’s like the Riot CEO’s daughter came in with her nose piercing and pink hair and was like, “DAD. You’re adding my OC into your game. I want him to be fat, black, gay, no one can hurt him, he can beat ANYONE in a fight, he’s super powerful, and EVERYONE likes him!” and the CEO was just like “yes, honey.”
I don't know the exact reason why Rell was reworked- but they took an overly questionable kit and simplified it. Even made her able to be played outside of bot. Feel like that's what K'sante needs. A very, very gross simplification of his abilities. Q has no slow, knocks up for 0.75 second instead of pulling. W has no hold. Just a 0.5 wind up, stops and stuns enemies on impact. E scales with more health but can only be self-cast or dashes toward allies. Remove All Out's passive to all abilities entirely. R takes 25% of K'sante's maximum health and deals 10/12.5/15% of health taken. Makes his armor and MR increase by 40%, decaying to 20% after 2 seconds and lasting 5 seconds after that. Buff extends for 5 seconds after scoring takedown. Boom.
Big hot take, but Naafiri is a bad design for me. An assassin that can perma shield, point and click dash and "skillshots" that you use point blank while melting squishies and tanks like no one else.
k'sante gets to be all that but zeri can't have that shield steal passive(she literally doesn't have a passive anymore) and then smolder gets to be a mini elder. lmao
The funny thing is that zero is just objectively better. Part of that is that ADC items are in a really strong place, but she's just better then him at least in solo que
Problem is that the shield steal passive existed in an enchanter meta, so it was contributing a massive amount of power to her kit. Now, Zeri is balanced well enough that giving it back to her would mean taking power from other parts of her kit, as she can't afford to be buffed that heavily atm.
meanwhile Morde is stuck being his boring self when they've alluded to him getting a potential minirework multiple times to make him a bit more engaging to play
What I find funny is that I see people praising riot for fixing stuff quickly, yet you have champs like ksante still being a problem almost 2 years after release.
@@roberthuszar8134 I sometimes see comments or videos here and there of people saying something along the lines of "yoU goTTa GiVe tHEm CreDiT, TheY PAtCh tHe gAmE VeRY QuICkly"
the concept of a "tank assasin" cannot and i repeat CANNOT exist on any game
time to nerf heartsteel katarina in Aram then
Not with that attitude bucko
@@teekien98 talking about aram as if it has ever been balanced or even attempted to be balanced
Like literally why didnt they just make him something that meshes better like Tank/Bruiser or Tank/Juggernaut or hell give us another Tank/Mage we have so few of them
@@zaferophTalking about a joke as if it has ever been serious or even attempted to be serious
I wonder how ryze , skarner , zeri and Yuumi feel when ksante gets 2 reworks before they ever get a chance to be fixed in any meaningful way
bro ryze broooooooo ryze this makes me feel old and im not even mid 20s. if ykyk about ryze and his reworks back in the day
skarner got an entire rework, wdym
@@Ecdemaniac and did that helped him become good or like by the community? He’s still one of the least played champs in the entire game he needs a more meaningful gameplay update emphasis on meaningful cause even if his new lore and appearance are amazing his gameplay is somehow even worse than his previous gameplay
@@Ecdemaniac skarners rework made him worse
@@Ecdemaniac skarner rework was a failure
Riot forgets people need to play against the champions they create. it doesn't matter how fun it is to play AS said champion. If 5 people need to suffer going against it, then it's a failure of champion design.
Just like the guy who designed yasuo and riven. They're single player experiences that get nerfed over time for multiplayer
ksante is only OP because he is black and gay, Riot is LGBT woke liberal kamala cancer company.
If you suffered into a champion with a 45% winrate, it might just be you.😊
@@chrisclarkson7469 Being able to beat a champion and it not being fun to play against are mutually exclusive.
I can beat ranged top laners most of the time, but I despise playing against them.
@R3NEGADE43 that's not a good design ethos. Neeko and teemo exemplify this massively. You find ksante "annoying to play against" likely because you either don't understand him, or are a showmaker bandwaggoner, and would rather complain than learn.
The crazy part is his original version could have worked but for some unknown reason riot just refused to actually make his ult make him lose tankiness and still allowed him to do insane damage in his base form when the entire point of the champ was his base for was a cc tank with low damage but he ults to lose his tankiness to gain damage.
They are basically making a Ryze-tier rework Power Ranger Team
1) Black Ranger K'Sante
2) Red Ranger Aatrox back in the day
3) Yellow Ranger Azir
4) Pink Ranger old Urgot
5) Blue Ranger Ryze
Pink Ranger is Yuumi. How many times have they needed to rework what was advertised as the easiest champ to ever play in the game's history? So cool she got to be top tier twice already.
@@ultimaabyssal2484 Yuumi is just an abomination
red ranger smolder lmfaoo
Yellow champion could also be Akshan? idk but at least that champio dies.. (sometimes.. before reviving his full team.)
Nah, swap Urgot for Green Ranger Akali.
There's two seperate reasons why Ksante can't be pro and casual at the same time:
1. He can change from Tank to Assassin on demand, meaning he can either tank in the frontline or decide to do massive damage if he gets a engage on a vulnerable target. Imagine if your Talon were Alistar unless he can combo on a squishy.
In SoloQ without voice coms and generally poor coordination however, the peel for your ADC might suddenly disappear towards the enemy backline in hope of a quick follow up that won't come.
2. Ksante has a massive advantage in pro play, as he builds cheaper tank items. Meaning he can be ignored by jungle, farm under tower and the enemy would have to commit a high risk dive to get a kill on him.
That's completely lost in SoloQ, because your jungle will decide where to gank based on which players he thinks won't sleep during a gank, causing him to die and be blamed for the next 15 minutes. Having a fed Ksante that's full build around the 25 minute mark is nice, but he can't 1v9 and he's also risky to splitpush for weak teams that can't profit from a collapse on him.
I think at MSI 24 it’s shows that even when riot thought they made k’sante unplayable he was still way to strong even without his original kit
Dumbs and the internet forget that Zeri exists for 11 minutes and 27 seconds
I actually did I forgor
@@DumbsLIVE The fact that Zeri is pretty well designed in Wild Rift is crazy
Didnt she get reworked and hot fixed like 10 times in 9 months or something insane like that? I wasn't playing during 2021-2023 that much
@@josephdevita2938 i think it was something like, she was in the patch notes 12 times in her first 9 patches after release cause she got hotfixed so much
Yeah, but can we consider that K'Sante is just a failure in design? He is like a character made up on the playground by the kid that keeps making stuff up so he doesnt lose.
He isn’t. Hes reliable and consistent and that’s his issue especially in pro. Champ is balanced (by phreaks own words) but they want him to be more fair (also phreak/designer of this dog shit rework)
@@thedailypersonsopinion2099 yeah hes reliably and consistently a shitty champ design
@@zoid_on_youtube sure chief. Yuumi and yone are bad designs Ksante is fine and has been stable other than the two patches he’s been broken thanks to phreak. Hell phreak admitted he was balanced before this rework. But keep sucking off pro players cause they use a champ that actually takes a brain while garen can just run you down and guarantee kill just about anything other than Camille.
@@thedailypersonsopinion2099 so you think a tank that has mobility, shield, constant true damage and tons of cc is balanced?
@@kkinthewheelchair3049yes he is and the stats says so. You can make ANY champ look broken when you post all their strong points. Doesn’t make his performance any less ass in solo queue.
Remember when riot devs thought that giving akali invisibility UNDER A FUCKING TOWER WAS A GOOD IDEA?!
And her ult would interrupt channels (micro stun) and her passive would recover energy and her Q healed and could be used mid dash and...
@@josefarias5216 i forgot about 0.25 sec stun lol, it was so annoying
Or Samira lifesteal 100% of her damage ult and also can dash to anything (Friend, enemies, minions) like wth was that
volibear literally disabling the entire tower :/
Atleast the disabling is an ult and not some ability with 9 sec cooldown . . . (Lux ult 12 sec btw) But Yeah they should Nerf the disable duration to 2 sec or less cuz turrets already do shit to full tank Volibear............ Or even AP
The solution for K'sante feels pretty easy. Give him a single identity, currently he has pretty much every single mechanic in the game. Unstoppable shield dash true damage and way more I cant name rn. It's absurd. Idk maybe this new stuff will be a start but just either make him a full bruiser with dashes and true damage or make him a full tank with defences and scaling of his max hp
Honestly I'd rather they give up on the whole "Kasante is a tank" thing. Nobody is buying that. He's a fighter ( juggernauts are classified under Fighters, not tanks ) that just happens to have scalings based off of armor and MR. Mundo is qualified as one as well, can't understand why Kasante wouldn't.
@@alexursu4403 The ONLY POINT of KSante is him beeing a super Skill Expressive Tank. The funny thing is...Riot suceedet. They made the most complex and rewarding Tank ever. A defensive Champion, breaking his own Defense to become an Offensive Powerhouse is just not applicable in League. League is Heavily balanced around options to counter other options. And he almost nullifies this principal. Making a Warden, Skirmisher into a Bruiser is like saying Vayne has CC and Percent Damage, so she is a Tank. Also is Bruiser not enough of a Statement. (Bruisers can be Juggernauts/Darius, Divers/Wukong, Skirmishers/Jax and defensive Mages/Swain)
@@anigodzapex9384 but it defeats the whole idea. Tank supposed to cc and have difficulties with killing for the price of being relatively safe with defensive stats. Ksante is a skirmisher in a disguise, when he gets close enough to you he all outs and doesn't get punished because he doesn't have to build like a glass cannon. So no, RITO failed. Still the most skill expresive tank is Tresh.
@@anigodzapex9384 except his skill expression is the same as on pre-rework, *inhales*: katarina, akali, fiora, irelia, warwick, pantheon, rengar, skarner, talon and xin zhao. phew, that's a mouthful.
all of these got reworked for that exact reason and you can't convince me ksante shouldn't share their fate
@@6DarthSion9 Thresh is a Defensive Catcher and not a Tank. He lacks the Aoe Pressure and easy enemy access in favor for Displacement Utilities and decent Range. KSante is literally a functional full Tank Yone. And Yone is bad Game Design but 10 out 10 to play and watch and K'sante is also 10 out of 10 fun to play and to watch. That's more reasons then to keep 25 percent of extremely bad or poor executed designed Champs in the Game. Ksante is good for the Game, because it wakes Riot Up to not Design Champs like him ever again.
Ksanye west prove that balancing cant just be done with only from data and win rate. The only thing that riot refuse to acknowledge. And they have the audacity to buff him cause low win rate once
The cursed thing is that there are unironically players that still believe that abomination is weak.
@@seventyfour8256he is weak in solo queue, no matter how you spin it. After his last rework he’s not even as crazy in pro.
@@seventyfour8256Show me any prove that he isn't weak? Except a few pro play games that don't represent 99% of player.
@@peacepham7838 “he is weak in solo queue, no matter how you spin it” = “I know I’m always right don’t try to argue with me”
@@TriNguyên-m3v So a fact with a feet can stand, what's new?
Shourdy's take on K'sante is the best take I have seen on how to balance him so far. I am active on the k'sante mains reddit and I wish this guy contributed his taken when the riot employee who made this rework posted.
5:00, I think the most frustrating part about it is that Riot KNOWS they're releasing overloaded champions. Remember that video they released a while back saying that they didn't believe that their new champions were overloaded overall? The VERY next statement they made was that they knew that some champions had too many tools like Samira's ability to dash to allies. That combined with her Windwall made her too difficult to CC and kill. So... isn't that the EPITOME of overloaded? The fact that they had to remove, not rework or nerf, DELETE a feature from a champion's kit just to make them feel okay to go against. Riot has gone in one direction and that is making champions that are really fun to play, but miserable to play against. If this was a PVE game, it wouldn't really matter. But it's not that, it's PvP, so you have to make the champions feel fair to play against too. Riot missed that part.
Funny they took that away from her saying it was overloaded but Nilah got the same exact thing just not on a reset. Samira was genuinely overloaded and overtuned on release, and I'm a Samira main. Her passive knock up used to work on any form of CC instead of extending knock ups only, her ult had 100% lifesteal effectiveness, blade whirl lasted 1.25 seconds which is way too long.
I like her current iteration more even if she sucks right now due to the current state of ADC items.
Something i gotta mention is how suspicious it is when certain pro-popular champions are problematic they always get the spreadsheet list of number changes
If youre unpopular though? Theyre gonna rip your kit apart to "fix" it. Sooo...interesting.
The last time I'm this early, riot hasn't butchered league yet
Newer champs have 5 wikipedias pages worth of passives. It doesn't take a neuroscientist to see why it's becoming impossible to balance that stuff.
tbf Hwei/Naafiri/Milio/Renata/Vex/Rell are all pretty balanced. Hwei is definitely one of those 5 wiki pages champs.
@@doublereel-real I'm surprised how well balanced Hwei is. He's not broken but can still do some damage. Genuinely one of the more well designed modern champs.
he q you, with ice gauntlet, you cant run
and you cant kill him
The thing i aways didnt get with the yasuo clones (yone, ksante) is: why they have knock ups? The only CC other than supression (that ksante has too) that cant be lowered with tenacity, yasuo has it because he needs to ult someone, if he could ult stuns he would be busted so knock up fits nicely gameplay wise and thematically. Ksante could easily had just stuns and slow in his kit, he has a lot of problems, and they all seem to originate with the idea of making tank yasuo.
I remember the old times when they released a patch note buffing Yone, and the explanation was something like
"Yasuo got a buff, so we're giving one to Yone as well"
It was the smallest explanation on the patch, they only forgot to put a Yolo to make it at least funny
@@usarhabilidade2697 Its crazy that they'll buff both anytime one of them gets a buff. Yone is brain dead and takes less skill than Yasuo but nah they gotta share buffs because Yone needs it too.
its so funny for me that "tldr" is longer that any ryze rework there ever was
Bomboclat type champion
The best comment here by far G 😂😂😂
They literally looked at gnar and went "the issue is that hes a ranged champ, not that he was a teamfight tank that can also become a split pusher capable of 1v1ing in solo lanes."
as a ksante main the rework is legit the death of the character for me and make him clunky and borderline unplayable. if this goes like im not playing him or leage anymore.....
They could just split the new champions that are overloaded into 2 different champion. Then you will have half of the problems to solve
I think you cant compare ksante with ryze because more or less the abilitys on ksante remain de same only scaling and a few special effects matter while ryzes forms are just like complete different champions so its more like a big big patch and less of a real rework with new abilitys and charachtermodel and stuff
I haven't touched League in a few months, much less looked at the patch notes. 90% of the stuff that was changed, I didn't even know he had.
and people still think the current balance team isnt usless
The idea of a combo tank is cool, but the ult eats up so much of his power budget and they continue nerfing everything except that. Just kneecap his offensive ratios on ult and remove the kidnap portion, make his ult better for 2v2 skirmishes but significantly harder to use properly in teamfight situations
He already is hard to play in team fights without engage
6:18 i think there are SO many dash abilities that have scaling _speed_ with the movement speed. For the sake of smoothness. But idk why Ksante’s was limited to only ally dash, if anything that makes him feel clunky imo
Yesnt, most champs when dashing while slowed manage to dash slower, if your dash isnt affected by MS at least you are immune to this.
@@ZeePanzer “yesn’t” was the perfect way to communicate the pros of the lack ms speed scale 😭
I've taken like 3 micro breaks from league and every time ive come back to a new k'sante now.
Keep in mind the difference of casual and pro play. Pro play almost always handshakes picking the same 4 top laners to deal with either an unintreactive top lane or a lane swap making it a shit show. Playing him in low is a death wish when the main champs played top are either range tops that you cant interact with. Or juggernauts (darius, garen, sett etc) being the most picked champs in solo que. Both the champs and playstyle of each kind of play are so different its comparing apples to oranges. Either way Ksante will be tank Azir bc you can be good at Ksante and still be called broken even when you show your skill with the character
Bro this man has more text in his fucking patch notes than Ahes entire kit
The Reality is that his kit would be probably more or less fine if he was not primarily a Tank building purely Tank items. Building Tank + his diver-ish kit makes him just the perfect villain.
Ksante should've never been a Tank. The hybrid design of KSante takes to much from classes that are way to much separated from each other. Going from Tank to Skirmisher is just to much of difference leaving no room to implement intended weaknesses for counterplay (when he transforms into a Skirmisher, he basically operates on Juggernauts stats). He should've been released as a Juggernaut (2-3 damage items build - let him build Trinity Force, Sundered Sky and / or Titanic Hydra into Tank) that transforms into Diver / Skirmisher. Give him AD scaling with maybe HP scaling on ability and thats it. If he wants to deal damage he needs to itemize damage making him automatically squishier and therefore introducing counterplay in the form of being killable. No BS damage scaling with resistances which is notoriously awful to balance out.
Or make him into a tank with none of that all out BS and remove resists and HP scalling. Ornn has scalling from resists only on one ability, ONE! Ksante has scalling from everything on everything.
The only reason K'Sante has juggernaut stats when he goes all-out is that Jak'Sho has been bugged since basically release despites "fixes" and STILL lets him keep the Jak'Sho stats when he ults. Now that it's fixed on PBE, he's now significantly more frail, as intended.
He is definitely up there, but I would argue that the cat is riot's biggest mistake.
Smolder has only gotten numbers changes. Zeri would be a better example for getting changes to an overloaded kit
Riot just needs to stop overloading these new champs kits, keep them simple... give them a strength and weaknesses, these new champs just have everything in their kit and barely any weaknesses..
Q: Make his Q have less cc time, cuz bumping each 3 seconds isnt normal.
W: They changed it well, not allowing it to go through walls unless its with an ally (i think they should just remove the ally interaction and make the shield last even shorter)
E: His pre-old rework E was completely fine, having it controllable towards where you wanna go and be able to instant cast is really good, but make it only push and not also stun, that's just braindead.
R: Make ALL HIS BONUS RESISTANCES convert into assassin stats, and make his base armor and magic resist really low, since an assassin with 100 armor isn't normal at all. Also the change where you cant go back to tank form whenever you want was good.
You got W and E backwards, E is the shield dash and W is the CC dash.
Honestly the way I see it also is he should switch from being a tank that goes into assassin, to being a squirmisher that on ult changes into a tank, so his items would be different etc (IMO tank items are sometimes too strong), or IDK make him overall weaker but make so post 6 he can switch between tank and fighter so the skill expression is in what he is during a fight
Current mistake, yes. But Zeri and Ryze are bigger mistakes in the time
The thing is, Ryze and Zeri have been kinda figured out, neither are proplay powerhouses atm (except the whole ADC mid meta rn) and their soloq winrates are alright, both floating around 48-49%, K'Sante has had a 45% WR for months on end, already went through a mini rework that completely failed to solve his problems, and his receiving another one soon that could (and probably will) fail to solve any of his problems in proplay and soloq
there is no way that people forgot about akali
@@fnfssfbsfb4397 true
I will never forget realizing original K'sante's full potential. It was to buy every single item that had AD + either MR or Armor in the game and Jak'Sho with Aftershock.
You'd get Jak'Sho to activate fully, begin Aftershock, and then immediately ult someone, hit them with any ability, and auto once. Your attack would do like 3000+ true damage because of all the AD + defense scalings being factored into the damage amp for the passive hit.
It was the one and only time you could truly feel like he was in his trailer, slicing the beast open in one attack and also splitting the sky.
So what exactly is the issue with K'sante, as well as any other modern champion? True damage. It's true damage. Stop giving them true damage. Do the math and find out what's "Fair" values of physical and magical damage. Armor and Magic resist exist for a reason. Making true damage over accessible makes imbalance over accessible, as it's a mechanic designed to only exist in fringe cases. Fountain laser (yes I know it's "pure damage" ignoring even core defenses), Twitch passive as it was originally (no scaling, because it was GUARANTEED damage you couldn't reduce without exhausting him.), Ignite (because it's a temporary effect with a large cooldown that can even be cleansed), Olaf E (It uses his own health, a fair trade for ignoring resistances), Smite as it was originally (because it ONLY affected monsters), Cho'Gath ultimate (it didn't used to scale with anything but how many stacks you had from using the ult well, and if you died, you'd lose those stacks), and Red Buff (temporary buff that is risky to use in that if you die to an enemy player, they get the buff in its full duration). Vayne historically was the only champion that ignored these rules by giving her a percent max hp true damage effect. Now every champion and their brother get true damage that scales with stats and also deals percent damage and also has a built in damage amp and also acts as an execute against low hp targets and also-- etc.
My theory is that the kit designers just don't want to do math for months on end to determine what is a fair value to make an ability or effect strong.
For example, Gwen's middle snip zone should do amplified magic damage, not just ignore the entirety of enemy resistances. It should work like Karthus Q on a single unit. As should almost all of the true damage effects added over the past 8 years.
Fiora ultimate? Amplified physical damage or physical damage with extra armor penetration. Zoe E? Again, magical damage with an amp, or with extra penetrations for the next damaging effect that pops the bubble. Yone E? Higher flat values while in spirit form and the return mark damage works *exactly* like Zed R in that it just does physical damage, or even magical damage since it's a spirit. Smolder? Magic damage burn with no execute threshold. Further stacks give it flat magic penetration in a non 1 to 1 ratio. Syndra? No execute, instead amp the damage on low health targets. K'sante? In All-Out, the bonus damage on a marked target is dealt as either physical damage or magical damage based on if his Armor or MR are higher than one another-- this allows him to build magic pen or armor pen if he decided to and more importantly allows his enemies to build defensive stats to shrug it off if they pay attention to what he's building. Bel'Veth? Magic damage instead of true damage except on monsters, this way despite being an auto attacker focused on building AD, if her enemies build armor they'll still take increasing damage because they didn't also build magic resist-- old Corki logic. Speaking of... Corki? Revert it to magic damage, nothing was wrong. Camille? Amplified physical damage, increased the longer you hold onto the charge. Lilia? Outer circle deals amplified magic damage. Gangplank? Passive does magic damage. Ultimate upgrade does physical damage with a large amount of armor penetration or damage amplification. Sett? Physical damage with a damage amp in the center-- it could even scale off of crit damage. Ahri? Amped magic damage. Master Yi? Magic damage. Vel'Koz? The true damage doesn't scale with anything but level, but the scaling doesn't go away, instead it stays as magic damage. It would do magic damage scaling with AP, and a *flat* amount of true damage on top. Amumu, Urgot, Pyke, Draven, and Aurelion Sol all stay unchanged and can keep their current true damage effects as theirs are either unscaling true damage (amumu) or execute focused. Vayne? It changes to Magic Damage and repeatedly hitting the same target would grant stacks that increase magic penetration-- it doesn't become physical because then she becomes a menace to everyone not just tanks that would get hit by it several times in a row, due to her already being a physical damage character. Darius? Physical damage with extra flat armor pen to allow it to even go through base resistances. Garen? Magical damage doing more based on enemy missing health. Twitch? His passive no longer scales with anything, but the values are increased to match modern damage-- it still is true damage as it always has been. Alternatively, Twitch's passive becomes magic damage and keeps the scaling. Can't have both.
True damage isn't conceptually a problem. Like physical or magic damage, it is simply a third damage type with its own counter. Instead of building armor to counter physical damage, or magic resist to counter magic damage, you build health to counter true damage, giving it a role in busting tanks while being weaker against champs with in-combat healing that don't care so much about resists. I agree that there is more true damage in the game than is necessary, but true damage as a concept is not bad for the game. Just like %HP damage exists to counter health stackers, why shouldn't true damage exist to counter resist stackers? I take offense to %max HP true damage, because it's the only true damage that has functionally zero counters in itemization besides building Sterak's Gage. Additionally, why does it matter if the damage is true damage or magic/physical damage as long as its tuned accordingly? Take Bel'Veth. Yes, Bel'Veth does true damage. Yes, it represents a significant portion of damage against tankier targets, as intended. However, if you converted the true damage to magic damage, then the damage would go down. And then her WR would go down. And then the damage would get buffed until it functionally did the same damage as before. So why change it at all? It is precisely BECAUSE it isn't resisted by anything that it can (in theory) be tuned to a degree that doesn't completely break the game - the damage output is entirely consistent no matter the target. The only two champions that do an unreasonable amount of true damage are Fiora and Vayne because, surprise surprise, they do %max hp true damage, which cannot be itemized against whatsoever. Smolder, too, but his true damage at least burns slowly enough that there's time to kill him dead / shield / heal. But I disagree that true damage on the whole should be removed - not only would it cause a massive balancing nightmare, at the end of the day, I doubt it would solve more problems than removing it created. Though removing Fiora / Vayne would solve at least two.
@@jacksonholder2987 health also counters physical and magical damage, as they are still damage. It's just innately flawed to give more than niche instances true damage.
one more thing issue without ksante btw is league is now or always been having a bug that the league client is blocking and making the size smaller while you're in a match, and whenever if you lose connection or got power down and reopen league you get black screen and wait 5-10 mins and you get free penalty for this, its fucking unbelievable that they never fixed this bug since 2015. I still remember that.
Estoy a punto de llorar 😢, el champ que tiene basicos activables potenciados con slow/knock up en área, un desplazamiento imparable que reduce el daño que recibe y se resetea, otro dash que da escudos y otro que suprime al rival y se lo lleva a la otra punta del mapa.. Ya no va a poder redirigir la W 😱, lloremos todos 😭
Tbh here is my idea make his Q just an empowered basic attack like mord give him a dash or a pull on W his E to be sustain and his R to be a short knokup like VI easy to read and use and you can still make him tanky like mundo or ornn
IMO they need to just make him a partial transform champion. Something along the lines of Kayne where he has offense and defense stance. You could make his ult have a kind of Udyr cooldown so you can use it regularly on a short CD to go into your other stance but also use it as an offensive tool. It's point and click so you could even make it as simple as one press swaps while not targeting an enemy champion or if you use it on them it acts as it currently does.
Not a flawless idea I know but it would at least make him easier to balance than the Azir nightmare he is now.
How to balance all new champs- remove half their kit. Literally Nasus Q is "He goes bonk" and if he kills stuff he gets 3/12 stacks depending on what he bonked. Yet Nasus is still played 15 years later. You don't need 20 overoaded stuff in 1 ability and scallings between every ability. Imagine if Darius had 2 or 3 extra effects on every ability. You could nerf his numbers all you want and he would still be useful. Now, he is limited because his W doesn't give him a dash, he doesn't get MS, he can't do stuff with his Q- like recast. His R doesn't have some wird interaction with his kit other than increasing damage.
He's played bcs his w e and r have been buffed over time so much to compensate for not having any options other champions.
@@alexc3231 Yes, exactly. You can make a champ viable with just numbers. And since Nasus' abilities do 1 or 2 things only, you only have to consider those 1 or 2 things. W- AS and MS slow. You can nerf or buff 2 things to adjust the champ.
Meanwhile champions whose abilities do 10 things can't be balanced because even if you nerf all of them the ability still does 10 things.
@@teddykazandjiev sadly statcheckers just provide the worst gameplay imaginable aka counterpick lanes that just win with no outplay potential. And I mean counterpicks as and against statcheckers like picking akali Vs tryn or Jax too, not only the picking malph into ad.
No need to have overloaded kits but also no need to have champs with so little options that need to have the most absurd numbers just for them to be decent. Like tryn getting like 7k gold from q/passive or Nasus having a 95%slow and 95% as reduction for 5 seconds on a 7sec cd late
@@alexc3231 I get you but what would you prefer- Darius having a statcheck playstyle( not that he does these days) or his abilities doing an extra 2 or 3 things. New champs can also be statchecky. Especially flashy champs with multiple dashes if fed just go in from a screen away kill someone, dash, weave, kill another one and eventually kill everyone.
An example of a statchecker is Viego- he basically only autos and uses Q, yet his R is overloaded. No, it's not just a resetable execute like Darius, it also lets you steal the enemy champ but you also are invulnerable while doing it and you also heal for some reason.
Being a statchecker and overloaded is not mutually exclusive.
I was genuinely so dissapointed in his kit. He was advertised as a tank who's weapons broke to get sharper and deal more damage and they only put that concept on his ult. I think it would have been far more compelling to have him slowly lose resistances, but gain damage with every attack and ability. Then after leaving combat, he those stats go back to normal. But that's just an idea.
So like reverse wukong?
Edit: or reverse graves?
@@doublereel-real Kinda? The difference would be that those examples encourage being in a fight longer whereas K'sante would need to pick and choose how long he could stay in combat for. It's like a progressive version of his ult.
Close enough, welcome back yuumi
when you talked about overloaded kits, reminded me of my response to the 'we dont believe we have overloaded kits' video "well yeah, they're not overloaded after they take out 1/3 of the kit"
also one thing thats absolutely bonkers is ksante ult gives OMNIVAMP yknow, that stat they keep having to nerf/remove from items/runes because healing off everything you do is apparently op, who knew giving that for free to an assassin tank would be problematic :^)
How is Yorick not an issue in pro play tho? Real question because Yorick lethality is so fvcked
I perma ban him because even if I win lane, since you can't dodge his ult damage (except you pick something like Aurora that pokes) he can just delete you lmao
I honestly don't see the problem with having champs in the game that are heavily pro skewed. Not every champ has to be playable in every elo, als long as they keep it somewhat balanced with releases so it mirrors the player distribution (low- / high-elo skewed champs) and every body gets something to play with.
i agree. but riot wants to make proplay as similar to soloq as they can because in the business perspective, esports is only there to make people play lol. so if someone sees proplay and then decides to download the game but its completely different and the champs they saw in pro arent picked at all or are simplay bad its not good yk
Bard has been changed twice since 2015.
Almost as if a champion who is broken at pro play (azir) & shit at lower tier is impossible to balance for both
He represent 2 agendas, they will never allow him to be weak, hell even fun to play against.
just make ksante ult a true glass cannon
in the last two day why all the suddent everyone mention Asmon in someway the their clip, and it's the funniest thing.
What's next? A support adc that heals based on AD scalling?
I really think riot should hire someone that actually plays the game to help with the champions release...Or someone should take Phreak and Phroxon from the balance changes team, bc some of the things those two come up with are wild sometimes. I think that having a break in launching champions would be a good thing, launching 3 champs per year i think would be fine, specially if they actually thought about the ideas before introducing in the game, since Aphelios, riot tried so much to replace CertainlyT by creating the most obnoxious champions of all time and it didn't work at all...
I think they should take Phreak out back... League doesn't need any more champions.
I would like more ADCs. Your options are either Sorority girls, Frat boys or "Things". Meanwhile top has Sorority girls, Frat boys, Edgelords, an Alcoholic, a Racist, Furies, a Larper, an Autistic magician and "Things".
They don’t think; and their champions have overloaded kits.
Riot one to make a tank assassin. Can you at least reduce his hp during Ulti? idk man maybe make it cast using hp. 1k hp etc etc. so at least when he change to assassin type he wont have a lot of hp.
a lot of people seem to not see that he is played well by HIGHER ELOS ONLY, why is that? he was a high skill champ that when played correctly can beat 90% of the roster and that was the reason he's picked at worlds and other PRO events he is a HARD champ to learn and play correctly but when done right can destroy an entire enemy team, or at least he could until they have no broke his ankles and made W Briar E
10:28 highlight of the video
Honestly, if they just did the R changes and reduced the passive damage a little then I think I would like him
In riots attempt to add more dials in champions to adjust they've completely overestimated their ability. Now, instead of champions having too little to change that they result in a binary broken or useless, they have too many fucking dials. Goes to show how overconfident the balance team is despite them being a laughing stock from everyone.
When do you think shaco and cho'gath are receiving their galio-styled relaunches?
I would add anivia and zilea to the bunch there too.
Still rocking season 1 kit, zil got some mi or changes since then but still same old wonky time gramps.
At this point K'Sante is going to have more reworked times than Ornn has skins.
the thing is powerspikes are slowly getting removed from the game.. so now ksante is good at all stages of the game wich is not good
I mean all you really have to do is make it so that his r doesn't reset W and that would even out his power levels straight away.
Unfortunately that would also completely shut down the champs intended play patterns. What they should have done is not hideously overload tank W so that the effective value of getting the reset would be significantly diminished while still allowing the champ to execute their combo as intended.
it makes me angry when people call this a rework, the abilities stay the same, they are just rebalancing it (not nerf or buff, just balancing), we didnt say Sylas' E got reworked when he lost his shield or Akali Q got reworked when it lost its heal, they were just nerfed. The surprise Shen and Fiora reworks were actually reworks (not counting planned and announced VGUs)
I think i see the problem.
He has lifesteal something no other tank has.
ksantes next rework will just give him a long range poke ability too lmfao
Competitive League suffered from all those overloaded kits.
Seeing outplays from a champion that has a million ways in his kit to outplay doesnt seem that exciting compared to champs like Lee sin where outplays need to be creative and well thought out.
What crazy to me is that he has 50-51% win rate in Pro Play, and he unbalanced never brakes 50% in low elo solo Q the majority of players. He had plenty of counter plays that have been seen beating his butt but the champs that beat him are not fun to play. So, no one wants to adapt to it. He is broken because of numbers and abilities true, but still, a 50/50 is not fun.
I just played him without knowing the change, and he is literally unplayable, his w is gutted.
Here's my 5 step plan on how to fix k'sante
Step1: remove vayne from the game... (this is not related to k'sante it's just something i really need riot to do)
step2: Pick one, assassin+tank doesn't work, either make him do alot of damage or make him a tank, but you can only have 1
step3: Simplify him a bit so that people are willing to read what his abilities do instead of this insane wall of text
step4: Double check to make sure every file of vayne is removed and she's never comming back
step5: maybe stop giving everything true damage so that tanky toplaners can actually fight back against them?
I do not fully agree the problem is that k'sante does too much, bcs there are characters that do tons of stuff and are almost unchanged like nilah or akshan. K'sante's problem imo is that his fantasy is built around two very opposite ideas. For those who don't know, the idea of k'sante is being a tank that can turn into a duelist (said by riot him self in his champion insight) which may sound cool, but it involves making a full tank character that can just go and beat a riven in a 1v1 situation.
i think a big problem that k'sante has is an issue alot of champions have had over the years: riot trying to make a hybrit and fucking failing.
any hybrit they tried to make turned out to be a ballancing nightmare just look at how they recently just gave up on senna ADC and just fully focussed on her support playstyle instead
And fuck them for that. When assholes like Yi are running around (literally) un-slowable and reseting Ult with easy Q, auto attack kills.
Make him tankier.
Reduce his cc slightly.
Removes his resistance to damage conversion.
Give him more AD scaling.
Just simplify him.
Or just give him almost no scalling just like Ornn.
@@6DarthSion9 Just make building tank = tank. Building damage = damage. ffs.
When will they finally start balancing the game for casual and pro play separately
K'sante reminds me of kalista in the way where in low elo they are terrible champions. But in the hands of high elo players they both become absolute abominations. Thats why they refuse to buff or nerf kalista even sfter 9 years i think shes been mentioned in patch notes mabye 7 if even times.
He may have a 40 percent winrate but he is so fun to play
damn i just realized that he came out on my birthday makes so much sense now
Yuumi/Skarner Rework takes the cake in comparison.
KSante solution: Fully admit he's a bruiser, gut his scalings off of tank stats, and make counterplay possible by removing omnivamp and true damage. ALTERNATELY make him a 'transformer' like Jayce but don't no true damage or free sustain when in his 'damage' mode. No shields in damage mode. No unstoppable in damage mode. You give up *ALL* defenses to go 'all out.' Also, remove the CC on his E if its still there. No free resets on mobility.
What's crazy to me is that all these 200 year champs actually made me appreciate the older "broken" champ designs. Some are still cancer like Katarina but Yasuo has grown on me because he's annoying but he really isn't turbo broken, its just that he's high skill and a really good Yasuo will just dunk on people compared to how broken and brain dead Yone is.
I don’t see this as a rework I see this as an adjustment, a rework would change the core abilities like udyr was a rework. this is just an adjustment
So you are saying those stat changes are from a tank
Deleting champions definitely should be on Riot's scope, and im talking in extreme cases. Maybe its a "waste of time and money to have even designed and master him" but so what? Solutions to complex problems never are as simple as: ooh im going to fix k'sante... -proceeds to not do anything substantial to fix the problem-. This isnt something in particular i have against that champion, i think is a cruel turning point that the game can take regarding deleting champions, but you cant keep adding champions claiming to be newer and beter than the previous one without either: not living up to the statement, or simply just overdo everything and have certain champions break the game. Just a thought iam having since a couple of years ago
It’s like the Riot CEO’s daughter came in with her nose piercing and pink hair and was like, “DAD. You’re adding my OC into your game. I want him to be fat, black, gay, no one can hurt him, he can beat ANYONE in a fight, he’s super powerful, and EVERYONE likes him!” and the CEO was just like “yes, honey.”
Man is getting more reworks then ryze
I don't know the exact reason why Rell was reworked- but they took an overly questionable kit and simplified it. Even made her able to be played outside of bot.
Feel like that's what K'sante needs. A very, very gross simplification of his abilities.
Q has no slow, knocks up for 0.75 second instead of pulling.
W has no hold. Just a 0.5 wind up, stops and stuns enemies on impact.
E scales with more health but can only be self-cast or dashes toward allies.
Remove All Out's passive to all abilities entirely.
R takes 25% of K'sante's maximum health and deals 10/12.5/15% of health taken.
Makes his armor and MR increase by 40%, decaying to 20% after 2 seconds and lasting 5 seconds after that.
Buff extends for 5 seconds after scoring takedown.
No refreshes on a takedown though. Alistar doesn't get it so Kshitante shouldn't either. And no unstoppable during W cast.
Big hot take, but Naafiri is a bad design for me. An assassin that can perma shield, point and click dash and "skillshots" that you use point blank while melting squishies and tanks like no one else.
Rav vid lookin title & thumbnail
k'sante gets to be all that but zeri can't have that shield steal passive(she literally doesn't have a passive anymore) and then smolder gets to be a mini elder. lmao
The funny thing is that zero is just objectively better. Part of that is that ADC items are in a really strong place, but she's just better then him at least in solo que
Problem is that the shield steal passive existed in an enchanter meta, so it was contributing a massive amount of power to her kit. Now, Zeri is balanced well enough that giving it back to her would mean taking power from other parts of her kit, as she can't afford to be buffed that heavily atm.
k'sante is the new ryze
So complicated malphite press R get 3 man = profits
Good luck Wild Rift team, you got your work cut out for you
meanwhile Morde is stuck being his boring self when they've alluded to him getting a potential minirework multiple times to make him a bit more engaging to play
Yea his ult is boring. They should play more into this tyrant who refused to die indenity, since he's no longer metalhead edgelord
I d actually rather have him as is, instead of giving him a completely overloaded kit with X million resistances, damage buffs and dashes..
He was going to get a rework but then his champion designer quit and left Riot lol
What I find funny is that I see people praising riot for fixing stuff quickly, yet you have champs like ksante still being a problem almost 2 years after release.
Never saw someone praising riot for fixing something quickly . lPlaying since s6 tho.
Or the game client being a trashcan for 5 years or GP skins artwork being outdated for 10years
Or Yuumi still exist.
@@roberthuszar8134 I sometimes see comments or videos here and there of people saying something along the lines of "yoU goTTa GiVe tHEm CreDiT, TheY PAtCh tHe gAmE VeRY QuICkly"
Ksante on his way to catchup to ryze
Bro Released Sett Needs a Buff when you compare him to K'sante in every patch