Yesterday, I came across Riaan Swiegelaar and the Wide Awake podcast for the first time. I listened to all three episodes with him, and it’s crazy that today the very next podcast uploaded on this channel is also with Riaan! Happy to hear more of him and Adri Norton! What an amazing story!!
Imagine a con artist telling people there are 12000 Satanists in his church he started then Jesus saves him... imagine it was all made up, the pagan community called him out on his pretend church because it was his creation now he's cashing in on the fame
@@Fireonnful I've watched people get famous and remain not famous and the latter are the happiest. Going public makes life more uncomfortable, not less. Even President Trump said he wasn't sure if he would go to Heaven, if he refused God's path of loving and saving his country & its people...
@@Fireonnful he is such a liar and contradict himself. Both him and Adri. When initially interviewed by Rian van Heerden, they were not Satanists, he was A SATANIST which means he is his own God. He is horrible.
Religion has been taken over by satan and has many impurities but the LOVE of Christ is REAL and to Follow Jesus is the ultimate feeling of wholesomeness.
Lev 20:13 If a man lies [intimately] with a male as if he were a woman, both men have committed a detestable (perverse, unnatural) act; they shall most certainly be put to death; their blood is on them. We cannot choose what types of sin is ok, sin is sin. I am also a sinner and need daily repentance, but i never accept my sin. Sorry Riaan, the Word of God teaches differently and i pray for your deliverance.
Amen We should not justify sin Or have 'darling sins ' that we protect We should repent coz we'll be judged according to the light received ...on the judgment day ,one man for himself
I would LOVE to have a conversation with Riaan and Adri about the more spiritual experiences they had and how they are doing now, spiritually.? Because I know they are growing immensely. Riaan, when I heard about your meeting with Jesus in 2022, I was totally wrecked!! Thank You for thesr beautiful people Jesus. Turning beauty from ashes. You ALONE are Worthy of all Praise. YESHUA HA'MASIACH Love you Riaan and Adri. May God bless you MORE!!
Don’t judge this man, understand this man. Bro is literally the vessel that the Holy Spirit is co-operating with to save people’s souls and he’s being questioned in bad faith. Nobody is perfect and the Lord wants us to see that through Riaan. I pray that God protects and continues to shine on Riaan. May all people who have strayed, return home, in the light and glory of Jesus Christ.❤🕊️✝️
so BRO is highly mentally ill? cult of christ, cult of devil is at least more accurate. but both are devils work. the GREATEST trick the devil ever played was to condense god and turn it into a building and a power structure. Jesus was the FIRST witch. and he died like a witch according to biblical law. eat that up for a moment.
I’m sorry that you had to go through the hatred from so called Christians because real true Christians wouldn’t be that way. I’m so glad he talked on the difference between religion and Christians! God Bless everyone 🙏🫶🏼
Fellowship for Christians is very important. I was saved from New Age madness by Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit immediately got to work on renewing my mind and convicting me of my habitual sins, like smoking weed. I soon realized how it grieved the Holy Spirit , and it stopped making me feel good, but rather, i felt quite ill. All glory to the one true living God Jesus Christ, King of king's Lighthouse in the storm, Prince of Peace Lamb of God ❤ Thank you Jesus 🙏Amen, Amen.
Weed made me turn away from God and have my own believes. Thanks to God that now I quit smoking weed and holy spirit is filling me immensely. Glory to Jesus ♥️
Adri, I have tears of joy! Jesus's hand was all over your life. He redeemed you, for He is your Salvation. May you always seek the heart of God and his eternal truths in His Word. Father I pray that Adri and her family will walk in Your path and live and abide in your Holiness.
Hats off to both for not only getting out of occult, but stepping out to represent the Father. Riaan will receive conviction of the truth about sexual immorality. His view is not biblical. Its what the lgbtq church proclaims. But God is not done. Bless you both.
LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU. I agree with Riaan, people miss this. If that was the case in Christianity the world would look so different. but people believe by works and by judging other's sins they're okay. Well, you're making satan happy because he knows God will judge you as harshly as you judge others. It is one thing to have knowledge of the word of God and an entirely different thing to have understanding of the truth. When you understand the Love of Christ, you won't fall so easily under the deception of judging others and showing no mercy to EVERYONE just because they are different from you. You are basically saying God made a mistake by creating that person.. and He does not make mistakes. Such a blessing to have watched all the podcasts with Riaan. My kind of Christian and someone whom I'm excited to feast with one day when Jesus comes to fetch us. I related to Adri, as I myself fell into some dark things and I was very naive and younger back then, I also had a miscarriage and I was locked up and so much more, and even if I tell the whole story no one would believe it, it's easier to judge... through all of it God never left my side, even though I did not know Him or Jesus, he guided me, saved me, and redeemed me from the darkest 3 years of my life. I am not the same. He came for me an undeserving broken young girl, who slandered His name and mocked him. I was good enough for His kingdom because He said so. Not people. after nine years of being saved and baptized , I've met all kinds of Christians. But have never looked back. Because my encounter with Jesus changed everything. Forever. Adri I'm so happy it will truly be a celebration in heaven when you get baptized. Keep doing the good work, I'm praying for you both. Let's finish the race!
The bible says to judge with righteous judgement, meaning by the standard of the Word of God. If we cannot say to a fellow Christian that they must stop sinning, and just love them, arent we literally killing them with love? There are many ways to do the right thing, we dont have to be mean or condescending when correcting someone, it is supposed to be in love. But overlooking obvious sinful behaviours just to be called loving is not Christian. Jesus never overlooked anyones sinful behaviours, He always showed loved and said go and sin no more. If we love God we show we love Him by following His Word. Rejoicing about baptism while ignoring sexual immorality. seems nuts
He had my attention until he spoke about homosexuality. Regardless of context, God’s word is clear on this subject. Glad he met Jesus and I pray he will get delivered from that lifestyle.
This is such a beautiful testimony! Thank you for being real and lifting out how terrible it is to be judgemental! Do not judge - rather see and realize how broken people are!! Thank you with all my heart🎉❤
Absolutely insightful and wonderful to see this refreshing testimony, We need to wake up the spiritual realm is cracking and breaking through to our physical world. We need to wake up and equip ourselves with the right mentality and armour.
Yessss Riaan tell them 👏🏽 the difference about Christ followers and religion it’s not the same 😭 Some people mess up the whole image of Christ by throwing stones when Jesus said literally show love show forgiveness show mercy 😮💨😮💨
I agree most Christians are extremely self righteous, but what did Jesus say to the prostitute after He saved her from being stoned? Was it, 'go and live life as you did before, grace will cover all your sins? Or was is, 'go and sin no more'? I want to believe Riaan is a reborn christian, but it has been more than a year now and he is still in a homosexual relationship with no plans to change that from what I can observe(physically, as I see them often). Unless we are now saying there are gay christians, or that it is ok to be a practicing homosexual if you a christian, but how can we do that in light of what Scripture has to say on the matter? God said to the first humans, 'go and be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth' are we saying that is just an instruction for some and not all? Personally I dont have an issue with who you love or what you do in your free time, but if I claim to be a follower of God it would make no sense to not be a follower of His Word.
I want to thank these two beautiful people for sharing what they learned. I recently came into the belief in christ and god. And I've been struggling with how to interpret a lot of the stuff I've been experiencing. And I think this will help me greatly. May christ bless your lives. Thank you!
Satanism isn't supposed to be a worship or traditional religion. It's supposed to be about doing good for it's own sake no different than an atheist who does good without the threat of damnation of your soul. That being said, all things are fallible. Bad things are done at all levels of government, family, religion, companies.
I like Riaans answer about his homesexuality because it reminds us that Jesus is not restrictive, He can be with someone that is actively participating in sin. I do think as well that if you are not aware that something is a sin and you keep on sinning, your heart is still in the right place. Riaan has not felt any conviction regarding his homosexuality, and he also thinks that its not warned against in the bible. This is much different than someone knowing the original verses and understanding that a man may not sleep with a man could be seen that homesexuality is something we shouldn't do, feeling the conviction in His heart and the knowledge that Jesus is against it as the act (not against you), but then choosing to reject Jesus and continue with it because it feels right. I think there's a big difference in that. We also have to consider that we can share information but it's not up to us if a person will truly process it or feel any conviction. We should just love everyone and remember our own sin to humble ourselves. Riaan is so articulate and he might even help many other homosexual people understand that Jesus loves everyone, maybe Riaan can't take take it further to how we should respect what Jesus say about homosexual acts, but that's something they could do on their own.
The Lord is ready to judge the earth. They better change. Time is up for the wicked. We praying for salvation and for their eyes to be opened in Jesus Name
I absolutey love this story from Riaan and am so excited about his meeting with Christ face to face. I really believe that he had a true encounter with Jesus. By looking at the way he left the Satanic church, losing everything material he had. Even just by looking at how much more joyful and peaceful he seems, compared to that first interview he had on this channel. I'm so inspired and excited for this man. I truly do believe that God is using him in a powerful way. However I do disagree with him, as a brother in Christ, on his position on gay marriage as it relates to the bible. I believe his comments about 1 Corinthians 6:9, on the Greek word ἀρσενοκοῖται could be either be either fair or misleading. The truth is, I just don't know enough about that particular greek word or history of the translation to disagree on that. However, I do believe the bible is quite clear about Gods stance on sexual activity outside of marriage, and that it clearly defines biblical marriage as being between one man and one woman. Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Matthew 19:4-6: Jesus replied, "Haven't you read that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Ephesians 5:31: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." I totally agree with him about how so many Christians can be so hateful and so un-Christ like when it comes to religious disagreements. The last thing I would want to do his hurt him, or anyone else, with this comment. That is why I want to reiterate, I truly do love this man as my brother in Christ and wish only to respectfully disagree with his stance on this.
She said she believed the miscarriage happened because of the energy directed to her. This resulted in her realising through God that what they are doing is wrong. God didn't cause the miscarriage.
@@jaymesadams8089 Exodus was during Old Covenant, my friend. The Almighty was obligated to keep His end of the bargain of a Law which the Israelite never should have agreed to. There was an easier way: confess that they were sorry for their mistakes and tell Him directly (not through Moses) that they desired union with Him again. Brush up on the New Covenant, which began after the cross. God has dealt with sin once and for all through Jesus' Finished Work.
There's a beautiful term called Evangelical Narcissism- which talks about the way people who "have a miraculous turn" - make it about them, and also - make it about how awful life was before then. This term describes perfectly what the former founders of the South African chapter of the church of Satan. To most of us - it was exciting because - much like the church of Satan of America - the goal was to show up and challenge religious privilege. Alas, this was not the case -
Thank you so much for this! I was raised Pentecostal…even went on mission trips and went to Bible college. I left over their arrogance, ignorance, and cruelty to homosexuals and because it felt like a cult-like closed system. I am still a Christian, though. God is Goodness. God is the thing that allows humans to transform into something better and good. What these two courageous, intelligent people with deep integrity say rings very true to me, and I will use some of what they say to educate and empower my children. We will know if they are truly following a good path with the test of time, but I expect good things from these two as they progress on their journey. Their testimony speaks to all people who feel that they cannot escape entrapment in evil in its various forms. With Christ, we can.
I don’t think he is listening to the Holy Spirit when it come to his sexuality like many of us we his can’t let it go and it is that sin that will take him back. Read the book of romans God puts it as a curse . Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” -Romans 1:26-27
His not perfect, his on his own journey and walk with Christ. Leave him be. When the time is right God Himself will see to it that he changes, if the All Father deems it good. Respectfully, its comments like this that makes these people reject Christianity. Everyone has weakness... even you🙏 hence the Good Book says that we are ALL sinners, no one is perfect
@@aming6117in your not so humble opinion. I love when the Bible is used to attempt to shame and point out others sins. Because that will bring others to the Lord NOT
Josh, I've challenged this man's testimony several times on your channel since his first interview. Having followed their church from the beginning, I can confidently assert, as a Christian Reformed Apologist, that his claims are not Biblical. It would be beneficial for you, as the host, to include someone like an Apologist in discussions about religious matters. Christianity is grounded in the authority of Scripture, not subjective opinions or personal experiences. Riaan is twisting Scripture and is a dangerous figure-essentially a deceiver masquerading as an angel of light, still entangled in his former satanic beliefs. A key issue with Riaan's narrative is his identification as a gay Christian. Despite spending over three hours a day in Scripture, he fails to adequately defend his position. Just look at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." While he correctly points out that the term "homosexual" wasn't in the original texts, the Bible still condemns same-sex sexual behavior through the Hebrew (Leviticus 18:22) and Greek terms ("arsenokoitai" in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and "malakoi"). These refer to homosexual acts, irrespective of modern concepts of sexual orientation. Scripture clearly affirms that sexual relationships are designed by God for marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24, Romans 1:26-27). Regarding Riaan's conversion, its a false conversion influenced by New Age teachings. His focus on personal experience over Biblical truth exemplifies this ideology. Claims of hearing God’s voice or seeing Jesus in person, along with his involvement in the trending "deliverance ministry," suggest a lack of true conversion. Now, concerning the notion that no sin is greater than others: there are indeed varying degrees of sin. Living in willful disobedience as a so-called homosexual Christian - ignoring Scripture - is serious. The Bible teaches that repentance is crucial for anyone following Christ. While Christians may struggle with sin, they are called to turn away and seek forgiveness. Persistent, unrepentant sin indicates a heart not truly submitted to Christ, and Scripture warns that such individuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. True repentance involves a continuous turning away from sin and a growing desire for obedience to God. Lastly, regarding Romans 8:38-39, which asserts that nothing can separate us from God's love: this is not a license to sin. While it beautifully affirms God’s love and security for believers, it does not justify ongoing unrepentant sin, including homosexual behavior. Genuine faith in Christ leads to repentance and the pursuit of holiness. While external forces cannot separate believers from God’s love, ongoing, willful sin reveals a lack of true repentance and transformation, which is incompatible with living in Christ. Thus, God's inseparable love is extended to those who, by grace, strive to obey His commands and that is only those who are truly regenerate. Let me make one final point about love, as many false converts tend to portray God as a laid-back figure who’s all about love. While love is indeed an essential attribute of God, His righteousness and holiness are equally vital. The Bible does not say that God is love, love, love; rather, it declares that God is holy, holy, holy. Above all else, He is a just God. It wasn’t love that caused God to turn His face away from His Son on the cross; it was His holiness. So, who do we think we are? In conclusion, Riaan and Adri have sought a version of Christianity that lacks the foundations of Biblical truth. Baptism does not equate to salvation nor does it provide salvation; it is merely a sacrament. There is little acknowledgment of being “a wretched sinner in need of Jesus Christ” or the necessity of repentance. Instead, the focus is on “how does this gospel align with my life?” and “if it offends me in any way, I want nothing to do with it.” This is not bullying; it is the essence of the Gospel, which can be offensive because it convicts us deeply and confronts our sinful nature. Riaan and Adri exemplify those warned about in 2 Timothy 3:5 - they have the "appearance of godliness but deny its power." We should avoid such individuals.
This is true. I agree. I do think Riaan is still learning, I don't want to believe he is trying to be deceptive to listeners. I believe a further revelation of truth is yet to come for them. But yeah Josh, I'd get a trusted Christian apologist on with Riaan to address these topics if you can. Regardless, I am happy to see the conversion for these two thus far. Just fundamental gaps in their understanding of truth.
I agree. I could feel the new age influence.. unfortunately. But good for them for changing their ways. I hope they will find God as we all try to do in our imperfect journey.
While we rejoice when one soul turns to God, their testimony should not become our guiding principles. Holy scripture, the Bible, should always be the foundation of truth and doctrines. There is a danger when a convert from darkness begins to teach or people start to take their words for answers. Josh, the host of the channel, needs to keep doctrinal/scriptural off of the discussion (must be a topic for a different forum with bible experts/scholars), or else will be liable for misguiding seekrs/believers. We all are learning and growing.
I am so happy to see yall being born again into the eternal family. I am also pleased to hear you show the hypocrisy of those who claim to walk the Way but yet condemn those who also claim to follow the same Saviour. a house devided against itself cannot stand. God designed me to be a watchman and to warn those who are falling into sin to come back to the path of Righteousness. (Ezekiel 33:1) Romans 1:27 is very clear and having said that i need say no more. It is for the Holy Spirit to convict us and not for others to cast you down. Maturity in the Way comes as you get further along the path and where you are on your path is not where i am and visa versa. Remember this family, Galatians 2:16 [16]Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Baruch atah Adonai Elehainu Malak ha'Olam. God bless these and keep them in the Name of the King, Jesus. Amen.
As a South African Christian I have to say that church is the most judgmental place. I left SA in 1999, I grew up going to Sunday school and was a reborn Christian, got baptised when I was 15. Ended up marrying an atheist and back sliding. I turned my back on God and dabbled in Wiccan and Paganism. I have a friend from childhood who I have been in contact with since leaving SA, she is in Austria and I am in Ireland. She never gave up on me and prayed for me for 5 years. About 12 years ago I started turning back to God and building that relationship with HIM and not the church. I also fellowship online with my pastor from when I was a child back in SA, he is in London now. We have bible study every night and worship. I feel stronger in the Lord now than I have ever in my life. For those who judge you for being ex satanists, shame on them! You both have my love and respect and thank you for coming out and sharing your stories xx
1 Corinthians 6:9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality,
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 "28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[a] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." The christian bible teaches you guys that a girl must marry the guy that rapes her and she cant divorce him ever. Wow, such good morals the bible teaches you guys.
Yep and here comes the small minded judgy Christianity that makes people run for the hills and oh does it make you feel better being right cuz nobody cares That's the whole point of this conversation but you're going to try and interject your wisdom we don't care how much of the Bible you know or how smart you are or how much you think you know about Christianity. Here's a question what if when all is said and done you find out you were wrong you die and you face your maker down and you find out that you missed the mark by miles@@Hennie1373
@@Hennie1373 go ahead and continue to point out how right you are...... Your sin of judgment is just as heavy as what you think is sinful of others. But you don't want to talk about that do you? A sin is a sin is a sin PERIOD - clean up your own dirt and stay out of others
I'm retired at 27, went from Grass to Grace. This video here reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $35k biweekly and a good daughter full of ❤️
< I know that woman (Rose M Elaine ) If you were born and raised in Miami ,FL🇺🇸 you'd know too, No doubt she is the one that helped you get where you are!!
Romans 1:27.Romans 1:27 [27]Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. I hear practicing homosexuals use that argument all the time.please practice discernment.I gotta say everything Riaan was saying was resonating with me until that part on homosexuality.and I can't in good conscience ignore romans 1:32 . All sin is transgression of God's law and it separates us from God hence the need for Jesus who saves us from sin. we cannot hold on to our former lifestyles when we encounter christ. We become new creations. we are to die to our selves daily .we are to crucify our flesh with all its desires and passions which is possible since we can do all things in christ.All sin leads to hell and hence the need for repentance and believing in christ .It is by the same grace that gives salvation , we are taught to deny ungodliness Titus 2:11 [11]For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, [12]teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
You have stated the absolutely truth! Only the remnant have spuritual discernment in this end time. Deception us at an all time high in this wicked and ungodly world..we are surrounded by apostates and deceivers. The scripture warns us to not be deceived, but to test every spirit.
Consecration is a process brother. Extend grace and prayer instead pointing the negatives for all to see. Let's go to the secret place with matters like this.
No, it is important to point it our bc he is leading babies in the faith astray. The new testament is all about exposing false teachings, why are we not willing to stand up for truth the same way the apsotles did? More than one way to do the right thing.
Hey, I just checked and subtitles are enabled but I think they just haven’t finished processing for this episode yet! Maybe come back a bit later and check, they should be finished processing by then! 🙏🏼
@@wideawakepodcast just done watching this, it was very eye opening. i could also relate to a few things , thank you for your effort and time. Riaan and Adri that your for your story, this was really good listening to and love how smooth this podcast was🙌from start to finish . regarding to the subtitles sorry i should have wait a bit lol and was to quick to just to the comments , i apologies for that.
What a beautiful and interesting conversation and thank you for the points about God's love and grace being for EVERYONE who believes! This has really lifted my spirit! Praise God for all of you, may He richly bless you! 🙌🥰
I left Jesus for spirituality and getting high to perceive on my own consciousness ,I was woke, but now going back to Jesus. I am awake. It was all a trick and selfish. I prefer to stay away from witch craft, any reliegous or cult act. The most I do is pray.
From your discussion, I would classify myself as one of the seemingly few Christians who accept people unconditionally. You say you prefer to watch sermons online. If that's what works for you, who am I to judge? I recommend you check out Louis Giglio's sermons. I'm sure you will find his teaching Bible-based inspiring
@@winniwatson711 Um -- your offer is very kind. But -- I wouldn't have said that, as a Christian, I felt judged or anything. I'm not a Christian. I'm a Satanist and a Witch. But -- I stand firmly by my original comment: You are a very decent person.
What he is saying about the church condemning people is absolutely true. They have missed who christ was. I would lie if i haven't had judgments against people, but he has humbled me and i repent of it...
No one can defy God’s word or hide from it. You must face it and be honest about it. God’s word is the truth. For him to figure out, but we cannot twist things for our own comfort.
okay lets get back to the crystal topic how can crystals be bad??? some of them like black tourmaline can generate an electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress, Energy storage: Quartz can store and transmit energy in piezoelectric applications, which is quite "mad" when you think about how pressure on a small crystal can power complex devices. Acoustic resonance: Quartz is also used in resonators in electronics, like radio transmitters, which "amplify" signals. It's part of a larger phenomenon in which tiny quartz crystals can control or amplify frequencies, making it an essential material in telecommunications and high-frequency devices.
Whaaaaaat? You know about crystaaaals? Are you a devil worshipper? Anyway -- crystals are lumped in with ungodly stuff. So -- there it is. Total bird droppings. By the way -- I don't believe you're a Satanist. I've never seen you at the meetings.
I am so sorry for all the negative experiences you've had to endure because of Christians who look to you from a holier than thou point of view! And I am so thankful that you could focus on Jesus and not on the religious snobs
It's very interesting, we used to walk the modderfontein area, and break the strongholds etc, embers still smouldering which the Satanists ran from as they were warned to. The blood is powerful, and Jesus reigns.
I also agree with Riaan there is a difference between religion and having a personal relationship with Christ. But I also think if we call ourselves brother and sisters in Christ, we should show each other the word if we see someone is not walking according to the Word. When it comes to an unbeliever that’s a different situation.
With all the experience and secrets you know. Pls help the authorities with the kids that's going missing coz somehow I feel they are being used in the rituals.
I believe he did get to know the real Jesus. The way he speaks I see that - he is still finding reasons to cling to his marriage, but He is very new to his walk with Christ, and he will still realise when the Lord speaks to him and he's ready to listen.
@@biancavelissariou I would love it, if it was true. In his first interview he claims he was trying to conjure a demon, and Jesus showed up instead. And Jesus is not a genie, he is not conjured, and nowhere in the bible does it say Jesus will appear to anyone, let alone show just 'Love'. When Jesus showed himself to John, John dropped to his knees in fear and reverence. More likely the dude conjured the demon he wanted, and we all know satan is teh father of lies, and this guy is a fraud who is lying. The bible, as it says in teh bible, is Gods final revelation to us. Not Jesus appearing in person. The only time teh bible says Jesus appears in person is when he comes back to judge. This dude is a liar, and dangerous.
@@RitaGrant-ed9pb Once you listen to his 'conversion' story, it is so obvious that he is lying - he basically claims he conjured Jesus as if Jesus is a genie, furthermore, Jesus was so nice that he felt love... the real Jesus would have you flat on your face bowed down if fear and reverence - that and a pinch of discernment just listening to him. Those who believe he is saved are very deceived.
Notice how defensive, faster pace of speaking, agitated and less sure of himself he got in the end from a certain question? I was agreeing 100% on everything until that homo question, especially when he started with i don't identify with that which was such a good start. But then he says he is married to a man so he is actively in a willing sinful lifestyle, and defending it which is the problem. I also sin and struggle with my own vices but i admit it's wrong, the holy spirit is convicting me of it as does the bible and an honest mind. You can be forgiven of sin an then do your best to sin no more as Jesus told the people he healed. If you don't admit what your doing is wrong, and might even encourage others to reject what God says is right and wrong, and decide for yourself, which is kind of the original sin where we ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and started to decide ourself what we want to do and become our own gods. Then you can't ask for forgiveness of it and help to overcome, which is a problem. However they are still fairly new christians and God does things in his time, i pray also about this and anyone else trying to justify any sin in Jesus name.
What I find incrediblely sad is that a man who followed Satan before Jesus has a far better understanding of God than most people who call themselves Christian and who were raised with God in their households.
I am Christian, but I do not attend Church because I can not resonate with the messages and the focus of the message. But I believe your belief has to show in your daily life and your actions and how you treat ALL people around you... My husband is Atheist because growing up in the Church he could not resonate with the message and the discrepancies in the messenger's lives - they do whatever they want, but then pray for forgiveness and all is well but continue to live your life however you want... Now we have a child and we both give her information that we believe in and currently she identifies as Christian. And in a sense I think her believe is so much stronger than mine, because Christianity is all I have ever known but in her case she gets the different options and Christianity is her CHOICE, it is what calls to her. She said the sweetest thing the other day that just speaks to the love in her heart, she said "I believe that daddy will go to heaven one day, because he is a good person and he does good deeds and God forgives" 🥺 That an 8 year old has deeper sense than most adults
God doesnt forgive bc we are good, He forgives bc of His grace that He extends through our faith in His Son. The concept of good is subjective. I dont murder or steal, therefore I am surely a better person than the thief or murderer, yet the standard is not them, but God. Next to God we all fall short, and no amount of good deeds or being 'good' can ever get us even close...yet Jesus made it possible. We get His righteousness when we put our trust in Him and His finished works. It is through Him alone that we can have peace with God, and we should always love people enough to tell them that.
Hopefully, that 8-year-old will look at people as she grows and realize that GOD is the One to judge and HER job is to show compassion to all people and to refrain from trying to do God's job. She is on the right track 🙂
As a believer in Christ, I can agree with Riaan we all struggle with sin, but the bible is clear when it comes to sin. For us to be in denial and reject what God’s word is saying about sin is another issue. When you get filled with the Spirit, there is many sins he will convict you of and to repent. So how can we say the Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth when we living opposite to what the bible is saying. I think there is a fine line of making our own interpretation and reading the bible out of context to suite our own lifestyles. God’s Word is final.
God’s word is truth. Pray for those that struggle. Hopeful they’ll find truth in and from the word. It’s a learning experience, but the word is and always will be the truth.
The one thing you should expect to hear from anyone claiming to be Christian. 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scripturesthat he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
I think most of us had questions about God and the Bible and looking for acceptable answers. I for one definitely. Didn't once enter my mind to become a Satanist. Being a Child of God ( whoever He is ) is all about love and empathy for others. Being there for those in need without expecting anything in return. Just a feeling of warmth in giving. I find all of this nonsense.
I see two beautiful people growing together in Christ. The programming we go through on this earth is long and deep and depending on the person and level of programming it takes time to deprogram from all that and as sincere as they seem I think they will understand one day how genders were made opposite of each other to help each other out and build a family. The stuff about homosexuality will come to there understanding in time. They just need to be loved and that's hard to find on this planet except only through God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10. "9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God."
Yesterday, I came across Riaan Swiegelaar and the Wide Awake podcast for the first time. I listened to all three episodes with him, and it’s crazy that today the very next podcast uploaded on this channel is also with Riaan! Happy to hear more of him and Adri Norton! What an amazing story!!
I also watched the videos on him only yesterday!
Imagine a con artist telling people there are 12000 Satanists in his church he started then Jesus saves him... imagine it was all made up, the pagan community called him out on his pretend church because it was his creation now he's cashing in on the fame
@@Fireonnful I've watched people get famous and remain not famous and the latter are the happiest. Going public makes life more uncomfortable, not less. Even President Trump said he wasn't sure if he would go to Heaven, if he refused God's path of loving and saving his country & its people...
@@Fireonnful he is such a liar and contradict himself. Both him and Adri. When initially interviewed by Rian van Heerden, they were not Satanists, he was A SATANIST which means he is his own God. He is horrible.
Religion has been taken over by satan and has many impurities but the LOVE of Christ is REAL and to Follow Jesus is the ultimate feeling of wholesomeness.
😀Spot on! We know Him, and walk with Him as in Psalm 91. "True Religion is to help the helpless" James 1:27
Lev 20:13
If a man lies [intimately] with a male as if he were a woman, both men have committed a detestable (perverse, unnatural) act; they shall most certainly be put to death; their blood is on them.
We cannot choose what types of sin is ok, sin is sin. I am also a sinner and need daily repentance, but i never accept my sin. Sorry Riaan, the Word of God teaches differently and i pray for your deliverance.
We should not justify sin
Or have 'darling sins ' that we protect
We should repent coz we'll be judged according to the light received ...on the judgment day ,one man for himself
I think we should continue to pray for him. Holy spirit will continue to work on him and convict him
She's talking about you here 15:00
when did he marry the man? before his encounter with Jesus? because now he needs to figure out how he will end things.
It’s not about religion it’s about Relationship with Christ Jesus ✝️❤️ God bless you riaan and Audrey. I Truly Love this Jesus is so Amazing 🥲 ❤✝️
I would LOVE to have a conversation with Riaan and Adri about the more spiritual experiences they had and how they are doing now, spiritually.? Because I know they are growing immensely. Riaan, when I heard about your meeting with Jesus in 2022, I was totally wrecked!! Thank You for thesr beautiful people Jesus. Turning beauty from ashes. You ALONE are Worthy of all Praise. YESHUA HA'MASIACH
Love you Riaan and Adri.
May God bless you MORE!!
Don’t judge this man, understand this man. Bro is literally the vessel that the Holy Spirit is co-operating with to save people’s souls and he’s being questioned in bad faith. Nobody is perfect and the Lord wants us to see that through Riaan. I pray that God protects and continues to shine on Riaan. May all people who have strayed, return home, in the light and glory of Jesus Christ.❤🕊️✝️
Nope. Not true. You can not live a lifestyle in open rebellion to God and be a Christian. He is still in bondage to his sin.
Whoa. Comment erased. This man is deceived. No gay Christians.
so BRO is highly mentally ill? cult of christ, cult of devil is at least more accurate. but both are devils work. the GREATEST trick the devil ever played was to condense god and turn it into a building and a power structure. Jesus was the FIRST witch. and he died like a witch according to biblical law. eat that up for a moment.
Bro doesn't have the first clue about satanism and what it actually teaches. He's a liar and a grifter.
@@franzwohlgemuth2002 Yes. He is. It's pathetic, really.
The Vineyard church will conduct Adri's baptism with absolute joy. What a blessing to participate in her transformation - Ephesians 4:22-24
I’m sorry that you had to go through the hatred from so called Christians because real true Christians wouldn’t be that way. I’m so glad he talked on the difference between religion and Christians!
God Bless everyone 🙏🫶🏼
Great interview Josh thank you. God bless to Adri, Riaan and to you for allowing us to witness this content.
Finally!!!!! I have been looking forward to this interview
And still resulted in boredom
Fellowship for Christians is very important.
I was saved from New Age madness by Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit immediately got to work on renewing my mind and convicting me of my habitual sins, like smoking weed. I soon realized how it grieved the Holy Spirit , and it stopped making me feel good, but rather, i felt quite ill.
All glory to the one true living God Jesus Christ, King of king's Lighthouse in the storm, Prince of Peace Lamb of God ❤
Thank you Jesus 🙏Amen, Amen.
take a polygraph test so we can see if you are lying
Weed made me turn away from God and have my own believes. Thanks to God that now I quit smoking weed and holy spirit is filling me immensely. Glory to Jesus ♥️
@@charlvantonder6285why? The person have nothing to proof.
Adri, I have tears of joy! Jesus's hand was all over your life. He redeemed you, for He is your Salvation. May you always seek the heart of God and his eternal truths in His Word. Father I pray that Adri and her family will walk in Your path and live and abide in your Holiness.
U lost me at “im not gay but im married to a man” could someone please explain to me what this means ??
It means he is NOT a born again Christian.
Comment erased. If this man is in a relationship with a man then he is not born from above. You shall know them by their fruit.
He's mental.
This really makes no sense
@@Swaggering-z2fit doesn’t , I honestly can’t take his testimony seriously
Watching both your journey confirms the presence of our Lord every day. Love this.
Hats off to both for not only getting out of occult, but stepping out to represent the Father.
Riaan will receive conviction of the truth about sexual immorality. His view is not biblical. Its what the lgbtq church proclaims.
But God is not done. Bless you both.
At the set time. The All Father will come through and complete his salvation
Amen. Consecration is a process. Over time Holy Spirit does the work in all of us 🙏
LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU. I agree with Riaan, people miss this. If that was the case in Christianity the world would look so different. but people believe by works and by judging other's sins they're okay. Well, you're making satan happy because he knows God will judge you as harshly as you judge others. It is one thing to have knowledge of the word of God and an entirely different thing to have understanding of the truth. When you understand the Love of Christ, you won't fall so easily under the deception of judging others and showing no mercy to EVERYONE just because they are different from you. You are basically saying God made a mistake by creating that person.. and He does not make mistakes. Such a blessing to have watched all the podcasts with Riaan. My kind of Christian and someone whom I'm excited to feast with one day when Jesus comes to fetch us. I related to Adri, as I myself fell into some dark things and I was very naive and younger back then, I also had a miscarriage and I was locked up and so much more, and even if I tell the whole story no one would believe it, it's easier to judge... through all of it God never left my side, even though I did not know Him or Jesus, he guided me, saved me, and redeemed me from the darkest 3 years of my life. I am not the same. He came for me an undeserving broken young girl, who slandered His name and mocked him. I was good enough for His kingdom because He said so. Not people.
after nine years of being saved and baptized , I've met all kinds of Christians. But have never looked back. Because my encounter with Jesus changed everything. Forever. Adri I'm so happy it will truly be a celebration in heaven when you get baptized.
Keep doing the good work, I'm praying for you both. Let's finish the race!
The Lord knows them that are His!!
God bless, sister 🇿🇦
Hi the holy trinity rules
The bible says to judge with righteous judgement, meaning by the standard of the Word of God. If we cannot say to a fellow Christian that they must stop sinning, and just love them, arent we literally killing them with love? There are many ways to do the right thing, we dont have to be mean or condescending when correcting someone, it is supposed to be in love. But overlooking obvious sinful behaviours just to be called loving is not Christian. Jesus never overlooked anyones sinful behaviours, He always showed loved and said go and sin no more. If we love God we show we love Him by following His Word.
Rejoicing about baptism while ignoring sexual immorality. seems nuts
Well said!!!
Riaan's story inspires me 💓
He had my attention until he spoke about homosexuality. Regardless of context, God’s word is clear on this subject. Glad he met Jesus and I pray he will get delivered from that lifestyle.
It isn't a "lifestyle choice" any more than being straight is a "lifestyle choice."
The realization of the difference between “religion”and having a personal relationship with Christ!❤
This is such a beautiful testimony! Thank you for being real and lifting out how terrible it is to be judgemental! Do not judge - rather see and realize how broken people are!! Thank you with all my heart🎉❤
Absolutely insightful and wonderful to see this refreshing testimony, We need to wake up the spiritual realm is cracking and breaking through to our physical world. We need to wake up and equip ourselves with the right mentality and armour.
I am so grateful for 2 more powerful soldiers in the army of the Lord!
They will soldier for another religion soon, they bounce between all.
Yessss Riaan tell them 👏🏽 the difference about Christ followers and religion it’s not the same 😭 Some people mess up the whole image of Christ by throwing stones when Jesus said literally show love show forgiveness show mercy 😮💨😮💨
I agree most Christians are extremely self righteous, but what did Jesus say to the prostitute after He saved her from being stoned? Was it, 'go and live life as you did before, grace will cover all your sins? Or was is, 'go and sin no more'?
I want to believe Riaan is a reborn christian, but it has been more than a year now and he is still in a homosexual relationship with no plans to change that from what I can observe(physically, as I see them often). Unless we are now saying there are gay christians, or that it is ok to be a practicing homosexual if you a christian, but how can we do that in light of what Scripture has to say on the matter? God said to the first humans, 'go and be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth' are we saying that is just an instruction for some and not all? Personally I dont have an issue with who you love or what you do in your free time, but if I claim to be a follower of God it would make no sense to not be a follower of His Word.
Praying for his deliverance from the homosexuality
I want to thank these two beautiful people for sharing what they learned. I recently came into the belief in christ and god. And I've been struggling with how to interpret a lot of the stuff I've been experiencing. And I think this will help me greatly. May christ bless your lives. Thank you!
Satanism isn't supposed to be a worship or traditional religion. It's supposed to be about doing good for it's own sake no different than an atheist who does good without the threat of damnation of your soul. That being said, all things are fallible. Bad things are done at all levels of government, family, religion, companies.
I like Riaans answer about his homesexuality because it reminds us that Jesus is not restrictive, He can be with someone that is actively participating in sin. I do think as well that if you are not aware that something is a sin and you keep on sinning, your heart is still in the right place. Riaan has not felt any conviction regarding his homosexuality, and he also thinks that its not warned against in the bible. This is much different than someone knowing the original verses and understanding that a man may not sleep with a man could be seen that homesexuality is something we shouldn't do, feeling the conviction in His heart and the knowledge that Jesus is against it as the act (not against you), but then choosing to reject Jesus and continue with it because it feels right. I think there's a big difference in that. We also have to consider that we can share information but it's not up to us if a person will truly process it or feel any conviction. We should just love everyone and remember our own sin to humble ourselves. Riaan is so articulate and he might even help many other homosexual people understand that Jesus loves everyone, maybe Riaan can't take take it further to how we should respect what Jesus say about homosexual acts, but that's something they could do on their own.
The Lord is ready to judge the earth. They better change. Time is up for the wicked. We praying for salvation and for their eyes to be opened in Jesus Name
I absolutey love this story from Riaan and am so excited about his meeting with Christ face to face. I really believe that he had a true encounter with Jesus. By looking at the way he left the Satanic church, losing everything material he had. Even just by looking at how much more joyful and peaceful he seems, compared to that first interview he had on this channel. I'm so inspired and excited for this man. I truly do believe that God is using him in a powerful way. However I do disagree with him, as a brother in Christ, on his position on gay marriage as it relates to the bible. I believe his comments about 1 Corinthians 6:9, on the Greek word ἀρσενοκοῖται could be either be either fair or misleading. The truth is, I just don't know enough about that particular greek word or history of the translation to disagree on that. However, I do believe the bible is quite clear about Gods stance on sexual activity outside of marriage, and that it clearly defines biblical marriage as being between one man and one woman. Genesis 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Matthew 19:4-6: Jesus replied, "Haven't you read that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate." Ephesians 5:31: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."
I totally agree with him about how so many Christians can be so hateful and so un-Christ like when it comes to religious disagreements. The last thing I would want to do his hurt him, or anyone else, with this comment. That is why I want to reiterate, I truly do love this man as my brother in Christ and wish only to respectfully disagree with his stance on this.
God does not "show" someone is wrong by making them miscarry. She desperately needs to renew her mind.
In David’s story he had a miscarriage with his wife so that story is interesting 🤔
She said she believed the miscarriage happened because of the energy directed to her. This resulted in her realising through God that what they are doing is wrong. God didn't cause the miscarriage.
you sure about that? Brush up on exodus 12:12
@@jaymesadams8089 Exodus was during Old Covenant, my friend. The Almighty was obligated to keep His end of the bargain of a Law which the Israelite never should have agreed to. There was an easier way: confess that they were sorry for their mistakes and tell Him directly (not through Moses) that they desired union with Him again. Brush up on the New Covenant, which began after the cross. God has dealt with sin once and for all through Jesus' Finished Work.
@@letyisabelalvarez8890 Old Covenant, my friend.
There's a beautiful term called Evangelical Narcissism- which talks about the way people who "have a miraculous turn" - make it about them, and also - make it about how awful life was before then.
This term describes perfectly what the former founders of the South African chapter of the church of Satan.
To most of us - it was exciting because - much like the church of Satan of America - the goal was to show up and challenge religious privilege. Alas, this was not the case -
It depends, like most churches, upon the people involved.
Otherwise -- you're correct. You are a true thinker and I find you delightful. 😊
Jesus Christ is king of kings ❤️
Lol okay
We welcome you, family! And are stoked you have experienced God’s love, personally❤❤❤. Enjoy your journeys in Christ Jesus.👣👣👣👣👣
praise God for your deliverance!! He loves you both so very much!!
Thank you so much for this! I was raised Pentecostal…even went on mission trips and went to Bible college. I left over their arrogance, ignorance, and cruelty to homosexuals and because it felt like a cult-like closed system. I am still a Christian, though. God is Goodness. God is the thing that allows humans to transform into something better and good. What these two courageous, intelligent people with deep integrity say rings very true to me, and I will use some of what they say to educate and empower my children. We will know if they are truly following a good path with the test of time, but I expect good things from these two as they progress on their journey. Their testimony speaks to all people who feel that they cannot escape entrapment in evil in its various forms. With Christ, we can.
Lovely to see the change ❤ Yeshua hamashiach is King 🎉👑 May he protect you from the haters & curses.
Thank you for sharing, blessings to you all.❤
God just wants your heart. It is so lovely to hear that they have both given their hearts to Christ ❤
Whelp! God is still working. But my wife was at 1:27...
Praying for God's continued mercy,grace, and covering for them and us all.
Riaan should be a co-host by now 😅
I don’t think he is listening to the Holy Spirit when it come to his sexuality like many of us we his can’t let it go and it is that sin that will take him back. Read the book of romans God puts it as a curse .
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” -Romans 1:26-27
His not perfect, his on his own journey and walk with Christ. Leave him be. When the time is right God Himself will see to it that he changes, if the All Father deems it good.
Respectfully, its comments like this that makes these people reject Christianity. Everyone has weakness... even you🙏 hence the Good Book says that we are ALL sinners, no one is perfect
@@haroldnhlanhlajacobs4303news flash, the gospel is not supposed to make us feel good but offense them so we can turn from our sin… respectfully
He also gave a very strange New Age-like message after his experience that "was revealed to him". I dont think he met the true Jesus.
The Holy spirit convicted me of smoking weed when I was saved, prior to that I had quit cigarettes.
Thank you Jesus ❤
@@aming6117in your not so humble opinion. I love when the Bible is used to attempt to shame and point out others sins. Because that will bring others to the Lord NOT
Josh, I've challenged this man's testimony several times on your channel since his first interview. Having followed their church from the beginning, I can confidently assert, as a Christian Reformed Apologist, that his claims are not Biblical. It would be beneficial for you, as the host, to include someone like an Apologist in discussions about religious matters. Christianity is grounded in the authority of Scripture, not subjective opinions or personal experiences. Riaan is twisting Scripture and is a dangerous figure-essentially a deceiver masquerading as an angel of light, still entangled in his former satanic beliefs.
A key issue with Riaan's narrative is his identification as a gay Christian. Despite spending over three hours a day in Scripture, he fails to adequately defend his position. Just look at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
While he correctly points out that the term "homosexual" wasn't in the original texts, the Bible still condemns same-sex sexual behavior through the Hebrew (Leviticus 18:22) and Greek terms ("arsenokoitai" in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and "malakoi"). These refer to homosexual acts, irrespective of modern concepts of sexual orientation. Scripture clearly affirms that sexual relationships are designed by God for marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24, Romans 1:26-27).
Regarding Riaan's conversion, its a false conversion influenced by New Age teachings. His focus on personal experience over Biblical truth exemplifies this ideology. Claims of hearing God’s voice or seeing Jesus in person, along with his involvement in the trending "deliverance ministry," suggest a lack of true conversion.
Now, concerning the notion that no sin is greater than others: there are indeed varying degrees of sin. Living in willful disobedience as a so-called homosexual Christian - ignoring Scripture - is serious. The Bible teaches that repentance is crucial for anyone following Christ. While Christians may struggle with sin, they are called to turn away and seek forgiveness. Persistent, unrepentant sin indicates a heart not truly submitted to Christ, and Scripture warns that such individuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. True repentance involves a continuous turning away from sin and a growing desire for obedience to God.
Lastly, regarding Romans 8:38-39, which asserts that nothing can separate us from God's love: this is not a license to sin. While it beautifully affirms God’s love and security for believers, it does not justify ongoing unrepentant sin, including homosexual behavior. Genuine faith in Christ leads to repentance and the pursuit of holiness. While external forces cannot separate believers from God’s love, ongoing, willful sin reveals a lack of true repentance and transformation, which is incompatible with living in Christ. Thus, God's inseparable love is extended to those who, by grace, strive to obey His commands and that is only those who are truly regenerate.
Let me make one final point about love, as many false converts tend to portray God as a laid-back figure who’s all about love. While love is indeed an essential attribute of God, His righteousness and holiness are equally vital. The Bible does not say that God is love, love, love; rather, it declares that God is holy, holy, holy. Above all else, He is a just God. It wasn’t love that caused God to turn His face away from His Son on the cross; it was His holiness. So, who do we think we are?
In conclusion, Riaan and Adri have sought a version of Christianity that lacks the foundations of Biblical truth. Baptism does not equate to salvation nor does it provide salvation; it is merely a sacrament. There is little acknowledgment of being “a wretched sinner in need of Jesus Christ” or the necessity of repentance. Instead, the focus is on “how does this gospel align with my life?” and “if it offends me in any way, I want nothing to do with it.” This is not bullying; it is the essence of the Gospel, which can be offensive because it convicts us deeply and confronts our sinful nature. Riaan and Adri exemplify those warned about in 2 Timothy 3:5 - they have the "appearance of godliness but deny its power." We should avoid such individuals.
This is true. I agree. I do think Riaan is still learning, I don't want to believe he is trying to be deceptive to listeners. I believe a further revelation of truth is yet to come for them.
But yeah Josh, I'd get a trusted Christian apologist on with Riaan to address these topics if you can.
Regardless, I am happy to see the conversion for these two thus far. Just fundamental gaps in their understanding of truth.
I agree. I could feel the new age influence.. unfortunately. But good for them for changing their ways. I hope they will find God as we all try to do in our imperfect journey.
@@annamodzelewska5891 that is certainly our prayer too. He is mighty to save.
While we rejoice when one soul turns to God, their testimony should not become our guiding principles. Holy scripture, the Bible, should always be the foundation of truth and doctrines. There is a danger when a convert from darkness begins to teach or people start to take their words for answers. Josh, the host of the channel, needs to keep doctrinal/scriptural off of the discussion (must be a topic for a different forum with bible experts/scholars), or else will be liable for misguiding seekrs/believers. We all are learning and growing.
@@drritakm agreed
Hello Riaan, welcome to my world ❤ Congratulations on your acceptance of Yeshua. Now you have the eyes of Yah
Thank you Riaan and Adri for sharing.
I am so happy to see yall being born again into the eternal family. I am also pleased to hear you show the hypocrisy of those who claim to walk the Way but yet condemn those who also claim to follow the same Saviour. a house devided against itself cannot stand. God designed me to be a watchman and to warn those who are falling into sin to come back to the path of Righteousness. (Ezekiel 33:1) Romans 1:27 is very clear and having said that i need say no more. It is for the Holy Spirit to convict us and not for others to cast you down. Maturity in the Way comes as you get further along the path and where you are on your path is not where i am and visa versa. Remember this family,
Galatians 2:16
[16]Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Baruch atah Adonai Elehainu Malak ha'Olam. God bless these and keep them in the Name of the King, Jesus. Amen.
As a South African Christian I have to say that church is the most judgmental place. I left SA in 1999, I grew up going to Sunday school and was a reborn Christian, got baptised when I was 15. Ended up marrying an atheist and back sliding. I turned my back on God and dabbled in Wiccan and Paganism. I have a friend from childhood who I have been in contact with since leaving SA, she is in Austria and I am in Ireland. She never gave up on me and prayed for me for 5 years. About 12 years ago I started turning back to God and building that relationship with HIM and not the church. I also fellowship online with my pastor from when I was a child back in SA, he is in London now. We have bible study every night and worship. I feel stronger in the Lord now than I have ever in my life. For those who judge you for being ex satanists, shame on them!
You both have my love and respect and thank you for coming out and sharing your stories xx
Good luck with your delusion.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality,
Deuteronomy 22:28-29 "28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[a] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." The christian bible teaches you guys that a girl must marry the guy that rapes her and she cant divorce him ever. Wow, such good morals the bible teaches you guys.
And here is the fear mongering that makes people despise religion boooooo repent for your own sin
@AlexandraDavis-n7b The fear of God is the beggining of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10-12
Yep and here comes the small minded judgy Christianity that makes people run for the hills and oh does it make you feel better being right cuz nobody cares That's the whole point of this conversation but you're going to try and interject your wisdom we don't care how much of the Bible you know or how smart you are or how much you think you know about Christianity. Here's a question what if when all is said and done you find out you were wrong you die and you face your maker down and you find out that you missed the mark by miles@@Hennie1373
@@Hennie1373 go ahead and continue to point out how right you are...... Your sin of judgment is just as heavy as what you think is sinful of others. But you don't want to talk about that do you? A sin is a sin is a sin PERIOD - clean up your own dirt and stay out of others
AWESOME testimonies of GOD'S difficult to escape religion...thank you Jesus
You are still firmly captured by religeon.
I'm highly inspired.
Please spill some sugar about the bi-weekly stuff you mentioned.
I'm retired at 27, went from Grass to Grace. This video here reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $35k biweekly and a good daughter full of ❤️
I started with a miserly $1500. The results have been mind blowing I must say TBH!
Wow 😱I know her too
Miss Rose M Elaine is a remarkable individual whom has brought immense positivity and inspiration into my life.
< I know that woman (Rose M Elaine )
If you were born and raised in Miami ,FL🇺🇸 you'd know too, No doubt she is the one that helped you get where you are!!
After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states also paid for my son's surgery (Isaac ). Glory to GOD.
Please, Riaan and Tristen on together would be so cool
@@jordanleigholiver3251 the opportunity was presented to him, but he chickened out. 😂
God is always with us thanks to u guys we praise the Lord
Romans 1:27.Romans 1:27
[27]Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. I hear practicing homosexuals use that argument all the time.please practice discernment.I gotta say everything Riaan was saying was resonating with me until that part on homosexuality.and I can't in good conscience ignore romans 1:32 . All sin is transgression of God's law and it separates us from God hence the need for Jesus who saves us from sin. we cannot hold on to our former lifestyles when we encounter christ. We become new creations. we are to die to our selves daily .we are to crucify our flesh with all its desires and passions which is possible since we can do all things in christ.All sin leads to hell and hence the need for repentance and believing in christ .It is by the same grace that gives salvation , we are taught to deny ungodliness Titus 2:11
[11]For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,
[12]teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
You have stated the absolutely truth!
Only the remnant have spuritual discernment in this end time.
Deception us at an all time high in this wicked and ungodly world..we are surrounded by apostates and deceivers.
The scripture warns us to not be deceived, but to test every spirit.
This man teaches more New Age stuff, he needs deliverance big time.
Consecration is a process brother. Extend grace and prayer instead pointing the negatives for all to see. Let's go to the secret place with matters like this.
No, it is important to point it our bc he is leading babies in the faith astray. The new testament is all about exposing false teachings, why are we not willing to stand up for truth the same way the apsotles did?
More than one way to do the right thing.
Adri please go do those programs in church let go of ur guard trust in Christ allow ur self to be lead submit so u can lead
Hi is it possible to add/enable subtitles on your video. it helps myself and other hearing impaired people, thanks 🙌
Hey, I just checked and subtitles are enabled but I think they just haven’t finished processing for this episode yet! Maybe come back a bit later and check, they should be finished processing by then! 🙏🏼
@@wideawakepodcast thanks, appreciate it and love your videos😁
as if you are missing out on anything truthfull?
@@wideawakepodcast just done watching this, it was very eye opening. i could also relate to a few things , thank you for your effort and time. Riaan and Adri that your for your story, this was really good listening to and love how smooth this podcast was🙌from start to finish . regarding to the subtitles sorry i should have wait a bit lol and was to quick to just to the comments , i apologies for that.
Riaan, im glad to see you back. God bless you.
What a beautiful and interesting conversation and thank you for the points about God's love and grace being for EVERYONE who believes! This has really lifted my spirit! Praise God for all of you, may He richly bless you! 🙌🥰
You know i appreciate this convo because there is really something wrong with church
WOW this is so fascinating
Riaan admitted homosexuality is sin.
Did he? Is there a time stamp?
How many people did they kill or sacrificed
God is doing amazing work these days on TH-cam
Hope he adds a comment
He certainly missed this stop on His "Amazing Tour."
I left Jesus for spirituality and getting high to perceive on my own consciousness ,I was woke, but now going back to Jesus. I am awake. It was all a trick and selfish. I prefer to stay away from witch craft, any reliegous or cult act. The most I do is pray.
From your discussion, I would classify myself as one of the seemingly few Christians who accept people unconditionally. You say you prefer to watch sermons online. If that's what works for you, who am I to judge? I recommend you check out Louis Giglio's sermons. I'm sure you will find his teaching Bible-based inspiring
👍👏 You are a very decent person 😊
@@mblaskie52 You say you have many questions for which you don't get answers. I invite you to discuss some of them with me to see if we get anywhere
@@mblaskie52 You say that as Christians, you are criticised and condemned, Rom. 14:4 tells us why we should not jude others
@@winniwatson711 Um -- your offer is very kind. But -- I wouldn't have said that, as a Christian, I felt judged or anything. I'm not a Christian. I'm a Satanist and a Witch.
But -- I stand firmly by my original comment: You are a very decent person.
To God be the Glory
What he is saying about the church condemning people is absolutely true. They have missed who christ was. I would lie if i haven't had judgments against people, but he has humbled me and i repent of it...
No one can defy God’s word or hide from it. You must face it and be honest about it. God’s word is the truth. For him to figure out, but we cannot twist things for our own comfort.
If some people couldn't twist things for their own comfort they wouldn't get any exercise at all.
okay lets get back to the crystal topic how can crystals be bad??? some of them like black tourmaline can generate an electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress, Energy storage: Quartz can store and transmit energy in piezoelectric applications, which is quite "mad" when you think about how pressure on a small crystal can power complex devices.
Acoustic resonance: Quartz is also used in resonators in electronics, like radio transmitters, which "amplify" signals. It's part of a larger phenomenon in which tiny quartz crystals can control or amplify frequencies, making it an essential material in telecommunications and high-frequency devices.
Whaaaaaat? You know about crystaaaals? Are you a devil worshipper?
Anyway -- crystals are lumped in with ungodly stuff. So -- there it is.
Total bird droppings.
By the way -- I don't believe you're a Satanist. I've never seen you at the meetings.
I am so sorry for all the negative experiences you've had to endure because of Christians who look to you from a holier than thou point of view! And I am so thankful that you could focus on Jesus and not on the religious snobs
Awesomeness !!! Thank You
It's very interesting, we used to walk the modderfontein area, and break the strongholds etc, embers still smouldering which the Satanists ran from as they were warned to.
The blood is powerful, and Jesus reigns.
What an amazing testimony of her going up the mountain
So good!!
He is the best at preaching. First time I found out he was married to a man. He still knows the bible better than most. Impressive.
homosexuality is a sin. it's one thing to commit a sin; everyone sins. it's another to call good evil and evil good.
Nice podcast love it, miss your ears :) much love.
Dude looks so much healthier since finding Christ
It is well with his soul
I agree
I also agree with Riaan there is a difference between religion and having a personal relationship with Christ. But I also think if we call ourselves brother and sisters in Christ, we should show each other the word if we see someone is not walking according to the Word.
When it comes to an unbeliever that’s a different situation.
You can't be Christian and gay I'm afraid
This guy needs further deliverance if he's not being fake
couldn't be more wrong about homosexuality, Jesus said repent from your sin and sin no more not carry on with your sin
With all the experience and secrets you know. Pls help the authorities with the kids that's going missing coz somehow I feel they are being used in the rituals.
No, they're not.
Cannot believe you think this guy is a Christian. He most definitely is not.
I believe he did get to know the real Jesus. The way he speaks I see that - he is still finding reasons to cling to his marriage, but He is very new to his walk with Christ, and he will still realise when the Lord speaks to him and he's ready to listen.
@@biancavelissariou I would love it, if it was true. In his first interview he claims he was trying to conjure a demon, and Jesus showed up instead. And Jesus is not a genie, he is not conjured, and nowhere in the bible does it say Jesus will appear to anyone, let alone show just 'Love'. When Jesus showed himself to John, John dropped to his knees in fear and reverence. More likely the dude conjured the demon he wanted, and we all know satan is teh father of lies, and this guy is a fraud who is lying. The bible, as it says in teh bible, is Gods final revelation to us. Not Jesus appearing in person. The only time teh bible says Jesus appears in person is when he comes back to judge. This dude is a liar, and dangerous.
Ummm and why not?
Agree 100% with you. And neither is she.
Great deception hoing on here, and none of the apostates are able to discern it.
@@RitaGrant-ed9pb Once you listen to his 'conversion' story, it is so obvious that he is lying - he basically claims he conjured Jesus as if Jesus is a genie, furthermore, Jesus was so nice that he felt love... the real Jesus would have you flat on your face bowed down if fear and reverence - that and a pinch of discernment just listening to him. Those who believe he is saved are very deceived.
Notice how defensive, faster pace of speaking, agitated and less sure of himself he got in the end from a certain question? I was agreeing 100% on everything until that homo question, especially when he started with i don't identify with that which was such a good start.
But then he says he is married to a man so he is actively in a willing sinful lifestyle, and defending it which is the problem. I also sin and struggle with my own vices but i admit it's wrong, the holy spirit is convicting me of it as does the bible and an honest mind. You can be forgiven of sin an then do your best to sin no more as Jesus told the people he healed. If you don't admit what your doing is wrong, and might even encourage others to reject what God says is right and wrong, and decide for yourself, which is kind of the original sin where we ate of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and started to decide ourself what we want to do and become our own gods. Then you can't ask for forgiveness of it and help to overcome, which is a problem. However they are still fairly new christians and God does things in his time, i pray also about this and anyone else trying to justify any sin in Jesus name.
There is a massive difference between worshipping Satan and being gay
What I find incrediblely sad is that a man who followed Satan before Jesus has a far better understanding of God than most people who call themselves Christian and who were raised with God in their households.
This interview is capped! Lol so many questions! You guys were the founders but had no idea or control over how it was runned?😂😂
I am Christian, but I do not attend Church because I can not resonate with the messages and the focus of the message. But I believe your belief has to show in your daily life and your actions and how you treat ALL people around you... My husband is Atheist because growing up in the Church he could not resonate with the message and the discrepancies in the messenger's lives - they do whatever they want, but then pray for forgiveness and all is well but continue to live your life however you want... Now we have a child and we both give her information that we believe in and currently she identifies as Christian. And in a sense I think her believe is so much stronger than mine, because Christianity is all I have ever known but in her case she gets the different options and Christianity is her CHOICE, it is what calls to her. She said the sweetest thing the other day that just speaks to the love in her heart, she said "I believe that daddy will go to heaven one day, because he is a good person and he does good deeds and God forgives" 🥺 That an 8 year old has deeper sense than most adults
God doesnt forgive bc we are good, He forgives bc of His grace that He extends through our faith in His Son.
The concept of good is subjective. I dont murder or steal, therefore I am surely a better person than the thief or murderer, yet the standard is not them, but God. Next to God we all fall short, and no amount of good deeds or being 'good' can ever get us even close...yet Jesus made it possible. We get His righteousness when we put our trust in Him and His finished works. It is through Him alone that we can have peace with God, and we should always love people enough to tell them that.
Hopefully, that 8-year-old will look at people as she grows and realize that GOD is the One to judge and HER job is to show compassion to all people and to refrain from trying to do God's job.
She is on the right track 🙂
As a believer in Christ, I can agree with Riaan we all struggle with sin, but the bible is clear when it comes to sin. For us to be in denial and reject what God’s word is saying about sin is another issue.
When you get filled with the Spirit, there is many sins he will convict you of and to repent. So how can we say the Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth when we living opposite to what the bible is saying.
I think there is a fine line of making our own interpretation and reading the bible out of context to suite our own lifestyles.
God’s Word is final.
God’s word is truth. Pray for those that struggle. Hopeful they’ll find truth in and from the word. It’s a learning experience, but the word is and always will be the truth.
How can a person get in contact with Riaan?
Wave some money in the air...
The one thing you should expect to hear from anyone claiming to be Christian.
1 Corinthians 15:3-6 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scripturesthat he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
I think most of us had questions about God and the Bible and looking for acceptable answers. I for one definitely. Didn't once enter my mind to become a Satanist. Being a Child of God ( whoever He is ) is all about love and empathy for others. Being there for those in need without expecting anything in return. Just a feeling of warmth in giving.
I find all of this nonsense.
I see two beautiful people growing together in Christ. The programming we go through on this earth is long and deep and depending on the person and level of programming it takes time to deprogram from all that and as sincere as they seem I think they will understand one day how genders were made opposite of each other to help each other out and build a family. The stuff about homosexuality will come to there understanding in time. They just need to be loved and that's hard to find on this planet except only through God.
Adri and Riaan God Bless you, love Wilna
Excellent. Keep pushing into His love
God saw your heart and with saving Riaan's soul He saved yours aswell..
As Christians, let's take note: how many people are driven away from Christ because of our judgmental speech? Let us love another 🙏.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10. "9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God."
Thank you for this.
This guy does not want to leave his sins so he lies about what the Bible really says.
Riaan, hoe boek ek ń sessie met jou? Sommer aanlyn?
His light is still dimmed
There are religious Christians, and there are Christians that have an actual relationship with Jesus and know him.
I hope that both of you look into Orthodox Christianity. We have the true faith and true Christian ritual and mysticism.
How do you know that yours is the "true faith"?