The Battle of Graspan, also known as the Battle of Enslin, was an engagement in the Second Boer War near the Enslin railway station at Graspan kopje. The battle took place on November 25, 1899, between British forces led by Lord Methuen and Boers led by Koos de la Rey.
It is the Royal Marines Remembrance Sunday to remember the fallen and wounded. They march up to the Graspan Memorial to their ceremony. After that, they march down The Mall and Birdcage Walk back to Horseguards as seen in the video.
If enough of the People would like the actual movie version, an attestation and testament to those ideals. We will see, how it goes, though a brief report with restrictions, classified status as entrusted by good people to what is regarded responsible government. Maybe buy a copy of the book. Though most likely only sci-fi readers may be interested, it's nonfiction, legally placed as such statuses. Historically time will tell, thank you.
There's ebook, if you like collect, the hard copy is pretty sound and should be a like classed family treasure where first then official report globally as the world's delegates had asked for something possible.
Each government do they’re could single handed to runs each one of your life’s into the fairness and balance life’s beings that asking yourselves why would you paying for the government always not enough and asking more and more such biggest failures of the world’s?!
This Universe Animals Kingdom’s earth for each livings beings isn’t have the King or governments of the world’s continue to take advantage of each one of you came to the earth in freedom’s; as long as, you can looking after each other’s with the animals on earth that no needs to cares of what food to eat because no one killing to the other’s as meals from the earth before all of the Animals Kingdom’s only depend onto the fruits and vegetables is most important water and oxygen to you to lives on only. Each equations can shares to do the needs to each other’s then no needs to used the bar codes of anything’s or identity of yourselves with honesty’s and goodness and kindness loving heart to everyone’s around you that’s life’s most needs to learning on earth. Each one can playing sports but no needs to challenge to who’s winners because animals always be the winners to understood how to treated each animals on earth with respectful not orders you 2hat to do as a child’s so childish at all.
Best of the Military bands! Love the 'boot necks' !The drumming section is beyond belief! Onwards Royal Marines.
RM Band playing is on a higher level. Terrific!
British! English. Scottish. Welsh. Irish.
THIS is what we want on our city streets. Not protests nor kneeling men praying to a prophet.
The Battle of Graspan, also known as the Battle of Enslin, was an engagement in the Second Boer War near the Enslin railway station at Graspan kopje. The battle took place on November 25, 1899, between British forces led by Lord Methuen and Boers led by Koos de la Rey.
Cnplimenti a eufonio bel suono e tutti i musicanti 🎉❤
Top noch as usual. Kudoos.
Graspan, a small village in South Africa.!
What is the significance of leopard drape worn by drummer?
Apron to protect the uniforms
what is the Graspan Parade please?
It is the Royal Marines Remembrance Sunday to remember the fallen and wounded. They march up to the Graspan Memorial to their ceremony. After that, they march down The Mall and Birdcage Walk back to Horseguards as seen in the video.
If enough of the People would like the actual movie version, an attestation and testament to those ideals. We will see, how it goes, though a brief report with restrictions, classified status as entrusted by good people to what is regarded responsible government. Maybe buy a copy of the book. Though most likely only sci-fi readers may be interested, it's nonfiction, legally placed as such statuses. Historically time will tell, thank you.
There's ebook, if you like collect, the hard copy is pretty sound and should be a like classed family treasure where first then official report globally as the world's delegates had asked for something possible.
Each government do they’re could single handed to runs each one of your life’s into the fairness and balance life’s beings that asking yourselves why would you paying for the government always not enough and asking more and more such biggest failures of the world’s?!
Think he is a troll...hasn't got a clue.@@uglygeorge9005
This Universe Animals Kingdom’s earth for each livings beings isn’t have the King or governments of the world’s continue to take advantage of each one of you came to the earth in freedom’s; as long as, you can looking after each other’s with the animals on earth that no needs to cares of what food to eat because no one killing to the other’s as meals from the earth before all of the Animals Kingdom’s only depend onto the fruits and vegetables is most important water and oxygen to you to lives on only. Each equations can shares to do the needs to each other’s then no needs to used the bar codes of anything’s or identity of yourselves with honesty’s and goodness and kindness loving heart to everyone’s around you that’s life’s most needs to learning on earth. Each one can playing sports but no needs to challenge to who’s winners because animals always be the winners to understood how to treated each animals on earth with respectful not orders you 2hat to do as a child’s so childish at all.
Please stop talking. You make absolutely no sense at all.