Yoo I have a question. How to you buy playbooks in myteam? I’ve been using the celtics playbook on play online but I don’t know how to buy the Celtics playbook?
@@activesznn there's a playbook pack you can buy that contains 5 random playbooks, from there you can choose 1. I think you can buy 1 pack every hour. Yeah tough to get all you have to get lucky
Appreciate the effort in these videos. Deserves more views.
Open shot, the fate of the universe on the line, the martians have the death beam pointed at earth
@@gametimewho let’s go!!!!!!
@@gametimewho i’m a go take a nap cause I know he’s gonna hit the shot either him or big shot Bob either one’s 100% in that situation.
Yoo I have a question. How to you buy playbooks in myteam? I’ve been using the celtics playbook on play online but I don’t know how to buy the Celtics playbook?
@@activesznn there's a playbook pack you can buy that contains 5 random playbooks, from there you can choose 1. I think you can buy 1 pack every hour. Yeah tough to get all you have to get lucky
Some of these plays aren’t in the playbook anymore
bro this is from 5 months ago and from nba2k24, they must have updated the celtics playbook since