Philosophy experts narrate to you the essence of Western thought over two thousand years.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2023
  • 【Author Introduction】
    Will Durant (1885-1981)
    Pulitzer Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. Over fifty years, he authored a series of highly acclaimed works, including "The Story of Philosophy," an eleven-volume "The Story of Civilization" (the later volumes co-authored with his wife Ariel), and "The Greatest Minds in History."
    He dedicated his life to liberating philosophy from the ivory tower, bringing it into the lives of ordinary people. After the publication of "The Story of Philosophy," it went through 22 reprints in its first year, rapidly translated into 18 languages, sparking a global philosophical fervor.
    【Key Notes】
    1. Immanuel Kant
    Historical Context: Religious belief in Europe was declining, rational thought became dominant, and atheism and materialism took the stage.
    Kant's Emergence: Kant aimed to rescue religion from reason and science from prevalent skepticism. His "Critique of Pure Reason" ingeniously addressed these issues, providing a foundation for science and religion.
    A Priori: Some knowledge is independent of sensory experience, and the reliability of certain knowledge appears before accumulating experience. A priori rescued science from skepticism.
    Antinomies: The contradiction that arises when trying to transcend the limitations of time and space, as we, being creatures bound by time and space, cannot establish or imagine knowledge beyond these innate boundaries. Rationality and science, once surpassing our innate limits, inevitably fall into this contradiction.
    2. Nineteenth-Century Luminaries of Philosophy
    Romanticist Veteran Hegel
    Works: "The Science of Logic"
    Introduced "Dialectical Movement": In all relationships, opposition is most universal. Any thought or thing tends to move to its opposite, collide, and fuse to form a higher, more complex whole.
    Young Hegel Radical, Old Hegel Conservative.
    Pessimistic Philosopher Schopenhauer
    Schopenhauer believed the ultimate wisdom of life is Nirvana.
    Works: "The World as Will and Representation" - Life is like a pendulum swinging between pain and boredom.
    Core Idea: Will to Life - Humans are fundamentally governed by instinct.
    Darwinism Pioneer Spencer
    Core Idea: Evolution is characterized by progress from simplicity to complexity, from dispersion to unity. Devolution returns to simplicity and dispersion, ultimately leading to decline.
    Downside: Ignored life's inherent vitality and its ability to reshape the environment.
    Philosopher-Poet Nietzsche
    Works: "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" - Nietzsche boldly declared that God is dead, and humanity's evolutionary goal is to become the Übermensch (Overman).
    Schopenhauer spoke of "Will to Life," Nietzsche of "Will to Power." Will to Life is passive and pessimistic, while Will to Power is active and courageous. Nietzsche believed ethics and theology must be reconstructed based on evolution, with life's duty not to care for the majority but to nurture and elevate exceptional, talented individuals.
    Nietzsche, due to illness and restlessness, became isolated and eventually succumbed to madness in 1900.
    3. Contemporary Philosophy
    Modern philosophy is a history of the ongoing struggle between psychology and physics.
    Rigorous Logician Russell
    Russell's major contribution was in "Mathematical Logic," asserting that mathematics is the most serene, precise, and noble discipline, possessing truth and supreme beauty. The first law of morality is to think clearly. In 1920, invited by Liang Qichao, Russell visited China for a year of lectures.
    Naturalist Dewey
    Dewey opposed metaphysics, fully embraced evolution, and endorsed democratic systems. In ethics and politics, Dewey viewed "development" as the highest virtue. To be a good person is not only to avoid harm but also to cultivate and enhance oneself. Ignorance is not bliss but slavery and numbness. Only wisdom can help us take control of our destiny and illuminate our actions through knowledge.
    It's essential to note that Durant did not follow the typical approach of categorizing philosophy based on chronological development, geographical differences, or distinct schools.

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