The Beethoven boss has a lot of potential, and if the creators actually put their time on the bosses, most of them would have been alright. An idea would be Beethoven doing the low-to-high key slide on the piano, banging on the piano keys, or probably have some sort of different notes like half bits or quarter notes or eight notes, but they would spawn when a hammer hits a string of the piano.
If cuphead is a pizza, enchanted portals is the same pizza. Except the tomato sauce is ketchup and the cheese is the sliced kind you find in the fridge. Oh, and the dough is a baguette you sliced in half.
I don't think this is an accurate comparison, because the thing you described can actually make quite banger sandwiches if you know what are you doing.
5:22 you sure that ain't Beethoven? Dude is wearing blue, has the same hair, and is even with a hearing thing on his ear (and Beethoven was deaf on his later years of composing)
It's even painful to say bad things about this game. It's an indie game, with a low budget, that already received hate at the time of Kickstarter, arrived out of nowhere and did everything wrong. I tried to play and judge it as something outside of Cuphead, but every aspect of the game makes me think about how Cuphead is superior. When I play Hollow Knight, I don't think about how it is similar to other MetroidVanias because I know that Hollow Knight has enough charge to keep me immersed in the game. Just like when I play a Turn RPG I don't think of it as a copy of Final Fantasy. But this game took all the good ideas and threw them in the trash with these Run'Gun lvls. Enemy spam, colorful enemies that are a useless mechanic, useless melee attacks, a 2D platformer that was supposed to be fast but isn't fluid enough for that. And it's like you said. There are some bosses with so much potential! The Princess and the Frog is a concept that I found spectacular, Beethoven was the boss I was most excited to face since the first trailer, but the gameplay is weak. The bosses look like lifeless damage sponges that just receive attacks without stopping and thus the charisma disappears. But the final nail in the coffin is knowing that Cuphead + DLC is cheaper than Enchanted Portals. It would be comical if it were not tragic.
This is true, the game failed to really deliver and they should've just realesed a demo then conitnued their work to both well let people tell them what's wrong and how to improve it. Still though I understand how difficult it is to realese even that, don't agree with the price and it should be turned into a free demo fix all the issues still underfunded and low staff compared to cuphead who atleast was willing to sacrifice everything. You should give them more of break, not excuse just don't treat like triple AAA companies as they aren't. What cuphead was fenominal but also dangerous, extremenly so, no indie dev should be expect to kill themselves just to create a masterpiece as they shouldn't need to. Still they should've handled this by simply taking the critisms, taking a mental break then coming back to fix it.
@@Flo_Resolution No. I like seeing people improve in their reading and writing comprehension of English. I am not expecting good, hell I had studied Italian because all of my friends online are second hand speakers. My Swedish friend online confuses words with WH, apostrophes, and confusing verb word order, but I am not forcing him to speak in English... The words are similar enough to be understood. As well, Swedish doesn't have apostrophes or cares about those at all. The vise versa when code switching. It's pretty clear it's their second language just read the prepositions for once or expressions. 🤦♂ Try dealing with French Folks for once as they're the worst for correcting and generally can spell, but asked on basic prepositions. There is probably a reason why your side of the country is incompetent.
1:03 I just knew that boss would become an accurate depiction of us trying to listen for any Sound in this game and finding nothing. pretty nice meme potential
I feel like if the devs proposed many of these bosses to MDHR. I feel like there would’ve been a good chance they could get hired and work on another dlc as like an extra challenge
You don't even have to compare it to Cuphead, it's just a poorly designed game. Bad controls, boss design, sound design, even the good parts, the animation, isn't used properly and is wasted talent
Ok this is a good idea, have it be a demo that they can let people experince the game and see if theres things to fix like now. Also I hate how enchanted portals is treated a s lazy copy, when well it did put effort into it its not like they shallow out garbage, its bad sure but not some bottom of barrel just made to rip off something else for money. Its so much better than those generic and horrid mobile games that simpiy just property instead of adding something new be it, story wise, athetics or gameplay. Change all or one is what can make an imitations intersting.
Honestly, this game would probably be fine, just a harmless, if not very well put together, tribute to cuphead and the work it’s creators went through, if not for the fact that the games page not only doesn’t mention cuphead at all, but actually has the gall to believe itself worth more money than the masterpiece it’s trying to emulate. At least the designs of the levels and enemies are dope. I like the space jail, the booby trapped pyramid, and the chicken New York.
Disclaimer: The games Kickstarter failed, so it obviously didn’t have enough budget to achieve everything. That being said, if you don’t have the budget, then maybe you should try to scale down the project, and even then I doubt that would help the overall design.
@@awoooga5857 didn’t know this; the game has some decent animation (when they animate it) but it suffers from baffling design decisions that completely ruin this game.
The price seals the deal for me. If they had any ounce of respect for cuphead they would not have the audacity to charge more money than the very thing they supposedly hold so high. Nothing but a fame leach.
I think the devs put all those run n gun levels and made so long is for people to not be able to refund the game after they beat it, also unironically i remember like a year or a few months ago people hyping this game out on twitter and saying "its different" and "its not just a cuphead clone", i wonder what they think now
I would mostly say they got inspired of cuphead instead of it being a clone but I do get why people do say that, mostly needed to fix the run & guns and the music/sounds for enemies, save files (idk if they already fixed that), and the controls Also there's another inspired cuphead game but in black & white on the switch, i forgot what it was called but something about a pumpkin stopping something
Obviously the devs are to blame for how the game turned out, but I like to wonder what happened behind the scenes. I've heard they took the initial backlash when the game was announced to heart, and I wonder if that did some significant damage to the passion for the project. To me, that's what it looks like: A game with some good ideas that at some point lost all its passion. I get this vibe from the sudden shift from fully animated cutscenes to slideshows, the sparse use of the artstyle changing, and the sound effects which could have very easily been added or switched with other sounds (the spears in the temple level make the same "punchy" noise every other source of damage makes when they could have just as easily replaced it with a stock "shink" sound, for instance). However, my sympathy for the devs takes a pretty heavy blow when you mention this game costs more than Cuphead. If it didn't cost much, or was free, I could see this as the devs losing any hope for the project and just pushing what they have out the door to work on something else, if they even make another game after this.
Not really, what happened is that they had a kickstarter campaign and miserably failed to reach the goal, they got some funding from Epic Games based on some initiative of developers using Unreal Engine, so they pretty much released the game after running out of money.
@@massgunner4152 Oh I see. Yeah, that'll also do it. In any case, I just wish they cut their losses and made the game cheap. There's not a chance they thought they made something good here. Thanks for elaborating on that, I was really curious just what happened.
@@PerfectOxygenMost likely, I mean clearly they had good boss ideas in mind (for example Space Cow), but they just didn't have much money left to actually make it *good.*
This game is Cuphead in an alternate timeline where the StudioMDHR devs _didn't_ sell their homes and belongings to get Cuphead to the Day-1 quality it's beloved for.
I also love how in the trailer they spoiled every boss minus the final one. So essentially you don't even need to play the game cuz you already saw the bosses in the trailer
I never liked comparisons of comparisons like saying ‘Enchanted portals = Cuphead’ ‘Hollow knight = Metroid’ because the only similarities to the second two are that it’s a Metroid-vainia, where as the only differences between the first two are that the story is different. It feels like there needs to be a line between what’s obviously trying to be exactly like one thing, and what’s actually different.
One thing that is not exactly the same as the other but that thing is very similar does not save it from comparisons, and the creators themselves said that the game is entirely inspired by Cuphead so don't be surprised if there are comparisons
The line is not with if the genres are the same or that it follows its inspiration to a T, but with if it holds its art direction closely together with its game design. youre right, hollow knight is different than metroid in that the game design is meant to strongly support its universe that it created and vice versa. Hollow knight wouldnt be hollow knight if we stripped its art direction, nor would it be hollow knight if we stripped its game design. you can tell when a game is having fun with its genre because it embraces its genre as a part of its world/story its trying to tell cuphead did all of this, *enchanted portals did not,* none of what enchanted portals does supplements its core design, and none of its art direction supplements its gameplay either
Not even once I have ever thought ''this is like Metroid'' in any way while playing Hollow Knight. If people ''don't see'' how Enchanted Portals is trying too hard to be Cuphead instead of trying to be just a run-and-gun, then they are either blind or just really dense.
When this game was announced I was one of the very first people to jump on it. Yeah it was obviously a Cuphead clone, but to me that just meant Cuphead had inspired its own subgenre. To me that didn’t detract from EP, it elevated CH. I made videos on it for reactions, trailer analysis, covering the Kickstarter, and I even interviewed Xixo themselves twice: once after the announcement and again following up with them after the failed Kickstarter. In fact, those interviews are still the highest viewed on my channel. They genuinely came off as passionate creatives who wanted to build something inspired by what they love. Unfortunately even back then I could tell their inexperience was leading to some poor decisions. When I asked them about what inspired their cool boss ideas they pretty much admitted they were just throwing whatever ideas they liked against the wall to see what sticks, which to me conveyed a lack of thorough planning. I had asked them if they’d promote the interviews, to which they said yes, but when I released said interviews and tagged them in the Twitter post all they did was “like” the tweet. When I asked if they were going to retweet it or promote it at all they responded that liking the tweet *was* their promotion, and while they were willing to (figuratively) sit down and interview with anyone who reached out to them, they weren’t going to actively bring attention to it. I still haven’t the foggiest idea why they made the decision to choose to squash free promotion (i asked why this is and brought up how they would repost fanart, to which they said if they shared one interview or news piece they’d have to share all of them and it would clutter their fans’ feeds with similar information they didn’t think was interesting, but they could pick and choose which fan art they liked). Then this odd mentality expanded soon after the Kickstarter failed and they ceased all social media presence for a long time, total silence. It led me to think that maybe the project had fallen through? Only for them to come out of nowhere and drop the next teaser with the native Americans that *really* wasn’t well received (side note: insensitive as it was, I don’t wholly blame them as they’re from Spain and totally divorced from American history. Not saying they couldn’t have done their research, but it’s more understandable as they didn’t have a relationship with the culture being depicted). After that, total media blackout *again* until, well, just prior to the game’s release. I had hopes for this game. I wanted it to be great. I supported it best I could from day one, but sadly they kept making it harder and harder to support them with baffling decisions. The entire thing reeks of two naive, inexperienced but passionate creatives who just got in over their heads and didn’t know how to do any better. I truly hope Daniel and Gemma take this as a learning experience and don’t get discouraged. I, and many others, want them to be better.
@@megablueflash1816 its more the dumbasses in the comments of the trailer who thought he would be the coolest boss by playing real songs. Thats what happens when youre blindly positive🤣
I mean that would need a lot of hammers added and musical knowledge to make that work but it could have being an amazing boss if at the start it was an etude and then a march or waltz into a requiem (assuming they added more phases)
So basically underthemayo with ultrakill, saying the game is bad because “doom eternal does this thing better” even though it literally doesn’t and says that everybody who disagrees with him is a psychopath even though he has banned people from his discord and twitch chat for insulting doom eternal, not even fucking joking
I could’ve excused the stiff animations, lack of sound and poorly telegraph attacks if only the gameplay controlled smoothly. Playing it feels, I guess chunky is the best way to put it. You can’t jump if you’re locked your aim, as stated in the video, the dash has an unbearably long cooldown and switching weapons it’s kind of a hassle to do at least on a controller without remapping buttons. I hate to be saying this, because I want to love this game, it’s literally Cuphead but again and I have no problems with that. If only it was a solid gameplay experience I desperately hope the game gets updated because visually I love it.
Apparently from what I heard Studio MDHR wasn’t wasn’t even going to add the run and gun levels, but felt pressured into doing it. If that’s true then it’s not a big surprise that the part they cared the least about was the weakest part of the game.
Cuphead attacks: give you a slight warning Enchanted portals:random bullshit go brrr Cuphead ending:devil is defeated and everyone is free Enchanted portals ending:villain tells dad The ending of this game is some new SpongeBob type shi
There's decent evidence the game was originally done in Adobe Flash and moved to HTML. -The trailer gameplay was smoother than the current one, Adobe Flash was known for being smooth. -The game stopped receiving teasers and news after the beginning of 2021, coincidently the same time Adobe Flash got discontinued.
Idk but this reminded me of a dream i had where Reddit was a cuphead boss fight and the death screen said. “You waisted your wife I’m going to go beat my wife”
It even has the impossible bullshit difficulty of an 8 year old who just learned how to code spawning in as many enemies as humanly possible to "make the game hard" 😭
To be fair, everyone wants to be Cuphead in some way. It's a shame though, I was rooting for the devs and hoping the game would be able to stand up on its own, but it's had a lukewarm reception at best.
The idea of a boss fight changing your art style is actually really cool. If they just made this a game about going to different universes to fight bosses (Each stage with a different style) Would not only make a better story and more interesting play, but a visually stunning game that keeps you hooked to see the next style. Hell, you could even tie in the move sets or ways you play with the style. Rubberhose type attacks for a 30's style, more jagged and sharp attacks for an abstract one etc.
man. I just feel bad for these devs. They where inspired by cuphead but then rather than doing more or something unique with it, they of course did less. You cant just take an inspiration *practically verbatim* and then not innovate on it. Like, I dont blame them for not having things up to the standard of cuphead, that's some pretty big shoes to fill, a very high bar to meet... but at that point, I think that's just a bit too ambitious to be even worth doing. I'd say that about cuphead's concept in general, but that's the catch, if you can pull it off, you'll do great. And obviously they could not. Its interesting because it seems like they didnt even take notes on the game design itself, because of their reliance on run and gun levels. I guess making a run and gun feels like more content than a boss fight because they just dont know how to make a boss interesting. They mostly just saw the style and general genre, copied that, and again, just didnt do anything more than that.
The original trailer had way smoother animations, I'm guessing they had to rush the game to release Edit: It would also be way more helpful to compare the game's Run and Gun stages to other games in the genre such the games in the Metal Slug, Contra, or Gunstar Heroes series instead of saying "well they sucked in Cuphead so obviously they're gonna suck here".
@@genericname2747 Sometimes there are new bugs with new animations so they revert to the beta instead of ironing out the new things to save time. There are many animations that were used in the beta of Sonic 06 and were just removed for the final game probably for the same reason. Or they didn't have the time to finish all animations and instead of having something jarring with some animations that are smooth and others that aren't, they just made everything bad so it's at least consistent
Even though the Kickstarted failed, they got behind them EpicGames with that program that gave money to small devs, they had budget, not that much but they had some money to spare. Also, yes, the Run'n Gun levels are randomly generated so they spent more time in that algorythm instead of the bosses
I definitely feel like the release should have pushed back, and that certain aspects of the game needed to changed. I still don't think it would have been that great but you know.
Yeah you can definitely tell that these characters *were* at some point hand drawn, but very obviously were digitized to be put into the game, unlike how Cuphead mostly did everything the way they did it in the 1930s (save for some color correction in Photoshop before the final implementation into the game)
Also I feel like there is speed tech potential in the fact the dash doesn’t even reset your speed after the dash and you can just double jump to conserve the momentum
It's unlikely, but I'd like to hope this game might be able to pull a Cyberpunk 2077/No Man's Sky style redemption arc. Unlikely I know, but can't help but hope. I was rooting for this game when it was first announced and it's sad to see it botched so badly on release. Cuphead as you pointed out is best known for its bosses and the Run n Gun Levels are there and not talked about much, well except the run n gun with the cyclops chasing you. That one was pretty memorable. Games that focus on boss fights can turn out to be superb experiences like Cuphead, Shadow of the Colossus and Furi. Hopefully the developers learn from this and improve the game with a future re-release or their next game is just better overall.
4:53 i am sorry but, like... bruh, what is this animation, they just immediately fall at COMPLETELY same speed after reaching their peak without lingering in the air for a moment and you can even tell they just flipped the sprite. It's so frustrating to look at how they just fly upwards at a consistent speed without accelerating or slowing(you know, basic laws of physics), and then immediately fall after a certain point completely ignoring laws of physics too. 10:33 this too, you can clearly see the book was about to fall on him but in the next scene it is far away from the guy, and the only thing i can assume is that the developers either have dementia, or they intended for you to think he steps back to avoid getting hit by the book, but had dementia anyway so they made no animation of him actually doing something and it ended up looking like the book was about to fall on him while he was staring at it, but then decided to teleport somewhere else and fall on the floor.
If enchanted portals do more the art style like that witch boss battle with that tim burton thing then enchanted portals would be good enough to not be compared to cuphead but it forever branded as a cuphead clone
This game could have atleast looked better if it had some "paper mario" like design. I mean, the book villain, the way it was animated, looks like they atleast thought about that in a moment of the project and were not able to to this with their artstyle and experience, so they just quit developing this idea (or its just poorly animated, idk)
You know what actually? No. Scratchead and that one Werner Werman remake both have more polish and technical impressiveness then this imo. (Also, Scratchead has some really awesome and unique boss designs)
my brother in Christ this clearly had effort put into it but it's (according to what I have heard) a clunky mess. These people made a better game than you ever could.
Enchanted Portals seems like one of those games where at least half the team is incredibly competent but the lead is incompetent and critical team members (in this case the level designer and sound designer) leave early on. For an incomplete alpha, it seems amazingly good. But it's a shipped product and needs to be judged as such.
I feel like why it falls flat is because people compare it to its superior twin, cuphead. Like on its own it’s a pretty good game but it being compared to cuphead is why it’s reputation is in the dump.
Eh, I don't think so. I can't fully say, but the gameplay I've seen, there are a lot wonky things. Like how the run and gun levels just repeat, and it's just boring. You're forced to set around and shoot enemies so that they don't overcrowd you, and that's not really fun, especially considering these levels are so long. It feels like the developers saw Cuphead's popularity of it being a hard game, and assumed that hard=good, and just made it incredibly long and frustrating because they think that was what made Cuphead.
I have played Cuphead but not enchanted portals (mostly because I play on Nintendo Switch) and to me the game just looks ok but not like something I would actually want to play
On it's own it's not a good game at all. And maybe it wouldn't be compared so hard if it didn't copy a better game while also costing more than said game
There are way fewer unique ideas than you think. All the bosses were shameless rips, one way or another. The Dogs were a ripoff Grim Matchstick. The Cow just ended up being trash Hilda Berg. The Crab at the end was just Walmart Briney Beard
it doesn’t even have the classic 90s white lines across the screen like cuphead so it’s not giving the 90s feel. and don’t get me started on how random the transitions are
Enchanted Portals is so conflicting to me because there's some really good animation (the graves in the first boss fight, the crocodiles, etc) but everything else is awful. And as a music student who is majoring in music in media, the music is awful. Like, objectively, the music is good but in the context of the game...bad. I'm not expecting full on orchestras but the boss battles have nearly the same tracks as the run and guns which takes any impact out.
I remember somebody saying this wasn’t a plain copy of cuphead, but it is. Especially considering how badly made it is, they just want money. It’s sad to see.
I remember hearing about this game a while ago getting absolutely destroyed with hate, I forgot my stance on the matter at that time, but like... now that it's out... yikes.
I remember when the trailer for this game came out and people were defending it saying its not fair to call it a cuphead ripoff and that it looks interesting But now people finalky get to play it and finally see how dogwater it is THIS SHIT LOOKS LIKE IT WOULD BE ON ABC MOUSE
5:28 this is probably beethoven bc it looks like the potrait and because of the thing in the ear, Beeethhoven was deaf and composed deaf a lot of his music also the first time e saw the cowit looked like a bored ape nft
Honestly enchanted portals looks like one of those crappy platformer games they had on the disney/nickelodeon website where the show characters are just In A Platformer Now.
It's sad because they could have made a perfect "parodius" of Cuphead but they decided to copy each other thing by thing to the point that in their first presentations they used Cuphead's shots
I think it's that the style doesn't match the designs, with Cuphead the characters and environments looked like things you would see in actual old cartoons, but in Enchanted Portals everything seems kind of random and disconnected (what the heck is that geometric green level??)
They want to be rubberhose, like Cuphead, except they follow NONE of the designs and rules of the medium! The creators of Cuphead watched old cartoons religiously to combine characteristics into new characters that look like they could've existed in the 1930s. They studied every scrap of media from the time to be the most authentic they could be. This mess of a game does none of that. It wants to be rubberhose but slaps a bunch of weird and clashing design aspects into it, like jamming a square peg into a round hole. It has no identity of its own. Maybe if they went with a different style with each boss it would be pretty cool, and thematically appropriate because they get sucked into a BOOK, but nope! They wanted to ride the coattails of Cuphead without understanding why it did so well or putting in the work.
Well for one, Cuphead is hand-drawn, this isn't. It's not bad, per say, some animations are really good. But some of the designs look way too generic for my liking. Like, the princess turning into a frog is a pretty cool idea, but the designs look sort of bad. She just looks like a generic princess in a rubberhose style, and while she isn't offensive to look at, it's just such a boring design. And then the frog design is kind of bad. The bright saturated green of the skin, mixed with the bright yellow and pink looks really clashing and weird imo. You have some nice designs occasionally, though. I really like the witch's design and it's entire atmosphere. And I also like the designs in the hotel run and gun. The ideas are creative and the artstyle and animation is honestly good (I'm not going to judge the fact its not hand-drawn like Cuphead. It's an incredibly time-consuming and laborious method, and it's why Cuphead and its DLC took so long. Its an outdated style, and as much as I love it, I can fully understand why a small team of only two people would not want to attempt it. It'd be way too overly ambitious, and it's already hard to master), but the execution is really lacking. I have heard the developers are going to patch some things, so I have some hope it will get better.
"There's a composer that looks like Mozart" bro. Thats Beethoven
he’s even got the pipe by his ear
it's i.m. meen
Honestly also sometimes happens to me that i switch both up XD it's a relatable dumb
The Beethoven boss has a lot of potential, and if the creators actually put their time on the bosses, most of them would have been alright. An idea would be Beethoven doing the low-to-high key slide on the piano, banging on the piano keys, or probably have some sort of different notes like half bits or quarter notes or eight notes, but they would spawn when a hammer hits a string of the piano.
that happens when you choose being youtuber instead of going to college.
If cuphead is a pizza, enchanted portals is the same pizza. Except the tomato sauce is ketchup and the cheese is the sliced kind you find in the fridge. Oh, and the dough is a baguette you sliced in half.
Bro thank you so much you reminded me that I had pizza while I was searching for something to eat
Is this What i've been doing to people when describing fake Peppino?
cuphead is a pepperoni pizza and enchanted portals is a none pizza left beef
I don't think this is an accurate comparison, because the thing you described can actually make quite banger sandwiches if you know what are you doing.
@@massgunner4152hello fellow Pizza Tower fan
5:22 you sure that ain't Beethoven? Dude is wearing blue, has the same hair, and is even with a hearing thing on his ear (and Beethoven was deaf on his later years of composing)
I got caught by suprise, lmao😂
Nah thats obviously isaac newton 🙄🙄🙄🙄
smartest brit
Nah bro that’s the man from the oatmeal logo 💀💀💀
no bro thats johann sebastian bach 💀💀
It's even painful to say bad things about this game.
It's an indie game, with a low budget, that already received hate at the time of Kickstarter, arrived out of nowhere and did everything wrong. I tried to play and judge it as something outside of Cuphead, but every aspect of the game makes me think about how Cuphead is superior.
When I play Hollow Knight, I don't think about how it is similar to other MetroidVanias because I know that Hollow Knight has enough charge to keep me immersed in the game. Just like when I play a Turn RPG I don't think of it as a copy of Final Fantasy.
But this game took all the good ideas and threw them in the trash with these Run'Gun lvls. Enemy spam, colorful enemies that are a useless mechanic, useless melee attacks, a 2D platformer that was supposed to be fast but isn't fluid enough for that.
And it's like you said. There are some bosses with so much potential! The Princess and the Frog is a concept that I found spectacular, Beethoven was the boss I was most excited to face since the first trailer, but the gameplay is weak. The bosses look like lifeless damage sponges that just receive attacks without stopping and thus the charisma disappears.
But the final nail in the coffin is knowing that Cuphead + DLC is cheaper than Enchanted Portals. It would be comical if it were not tragic.
This is true, the game failed to really deliver and they should've just realesed a demo then conitnued their work to both well let people tell them what's wrong and how to improve it.
Still though I understand how difficult it is to realese even that, don't agree with the price and it should be turned into a free demo fix all the issues still underfunded and low staff compared to cuphead who atleast was willing to sacrifice everything.
You should give them more of break, not excuse just don't treat like triple AAA companies as they aren't.
What cuphead was fenominal but also dangerous, extremenly so, no indie dev should be expect to kill themselves just to create a masterpiece as they shouldn't need to.
Still they should've handled this by simply taking the critisms, taking a mental break then coming back to fix it.
@@alexcat6685 Release* or realize?
@@alexcat6685 English uses a PH for Phenomenal not F.
@@MaoRattobruh, leave em alone, it's just a few mistakes, we don't even know if English is even their first language, smh ffs 🤦🏾♂️
@@Flo_Resolution No. I like seeing people improve in their reading and writing comprehension of English. I am not expecting good, hell I had studied Italian because all of my friends online are second hand speakers. My Swedish friend online confuses words with WH, apostrophes, and confusing verb word order, but I am not forcing him to speak in English... The words are similar enough to be understood. As well, Swedish doesn't have apostrophes or cares about those at all. The vise versa when code switching. It's pretty clear it's their second language just read the prepositions for once or expressions. 🤦♂
Try dealing with French Folks for once as they're the worst for correcting and generally can spell, but asked on basic prepositions. There is probably a reason why your side of the country is incompetent.
1:03 I just knew that boss would become an accurate depiction of us trying to listen for any Sound in this game and finding nothing. pretty nice meme potential
Why do I want so many of these bosses as actual Cuphead bosses? Like the Beethoven inspired one on the piano would make for a really cool boss!
Beethoven and the octopus are the ones that i like the design.
I feel like if the devs proposed many of these bosses to MDHR. I feel like there would’ve been a good chance they could get hired and work on another dlc as like an extra challenge
You don't even have to compare it to Cuphead, it's just a poorly designed game. Bad controls, boss design, sound design, even the good parts, the animation, isn't used properly and is wasted talent
To me it just feels like a really well-made scratch game
@@moaiyafied This thing isn't even a scratch game!
Is much likely a beta game release made by using python.
@@moaiyafiedliterally what I said while watching 8 bit Ryan’s vid
@@hitbyatank I either forgot about the comment or never seen it before
This would’ve been good if it was an alpha or a beta, not full release. I wish they would’ve spent an extra year or so
I thought it was still in bata 😂
Ok this is a good idea, have it be a demo that they can let people experince the game and see if theres things to fix like now.
Also I hate how enchanted portals is treated a s lazy copy, when well it did put effort into it its not like they shallow out garbage, its bad sure but not some bottom of barrel just made to rip off something else for money.
Its so much better than those generic and horrid mobile games that simpiy just property instead of adding something new be it, story wise, athetics or gameplay.
Change all or one is what can make an imitations intersting.
This will be Cuphead graphics in 2013
the worlds not ready for these advanced new technologies
Chat, is this real?
Are you going to talk about this game in a future video?
Honestly, this game would probably be fine, just a harmless, if not very well put together, tribute to cuphead and the work it’s creators went through, if not for the fact that the games page not only doesn’t mention cuphead at all, but actually has the gall to believe itself worth more money than the masterpiece it’s trying to emulate.
At least the designs of the levels and enemies are dope. I like the space jail, the booby trapped pyramid, and the chicken New York.
The games Kickstarter failed, so it obviously didn’t have enough budget to achieve everything. That being said, if you don’t have the budget, then maybe you should try to scale down the project, and even then I doubt that would help the overall design.
They were also supported by epic games
@@awoooga5857 didn’t know this; the game has some decent animation (when they animate it) but it suffers from baffling design decisions that completely ruin this game.
My guy really just looked at Beethoven and called him Mozart.
Can't believe they shamelessly ripped off Undertale like that.
I know! why would they rip off mario!
So true! They really did Geometry Dash dirty
Why they'd do my boy Dont Starve like that
Man they ripped off Pomemon so shamelessly
@@CYNTH_14 how dare they! not my pomemons
The price seals the deal for me. If they had any ounce of respect for cuphead they would not have the audacity to charge more money than the very thing they supposedly hold so high.
Nothing but a fame leach.
I think the devs put all those run n gun levels and made so long is for people to not be able to refund the game after they beat it, also unironically i remember like a year or a few months ago people hyping this game out on twitter and saying "its different" and "its not just a cuphead clone", i wonder what they think now
Im one of em, its absolute shit now
I was pretty hopeful for this game and I'm just kinda sad now
I won't defend this, this just isn't that good.
I would mostly say they got inspired of cuphead instead of it being a clone but I do get why people do say that, mostly needed to fix the run & guns and the music/sounds for enemies, save files (idk if they already fixed that), and the controls
Also there's another inspired cuphead game but in black & white on the switch, i forgot what it was called but something about a pumpkin stopping something
Funny, with run levels included you can beat this game in 50 minutes without trying too hard.
Obviously the devs are to blame for how the game turned out, but I like to wonder what happened behind the scenes. I've heard they took the initial backlash when the game was announced to heart, and I wonder if that did some significant damage to the passion for the project. To me, that's what it looks like: A game with some good ideas that at some point lost all its passion.
I get this vibe from the sudden shift from fully animated cutscenes to slideshows, the sparse use of the artstyle changing, and the sound effects which could have very easily been added or switched with other sounds (the spears in the temple level make the same "punchy" noise every other source of damage makes when they could have just as easily replaced it with a stock "shink" sound, for instance).
However, my sympathy for the devs takes a pretty heavy blow when you mention this game costs more than Cuphead. If it didn't cost much, or was free, I could see this as the devs losing any hope for the project and just pushing what they have out the door to work on something else, if they even make another game after this.
Not really, what happened is that they had a kickstarter campaign and miserably failed to reach the goal, they got some funding from Epic Games based on some initiative of developers using Unreal Engine, so they pretty much released the game after running out of money.
@@massgunner4152 Oh I see. Yeah, that'll also do it. In any case, I just wish they cut their losses and made the game cheap. There's not a chance they thought they made something good here.
Thanks for elaborating on that, I was really curious just what happened.
@@massgunner4152 Makes me wonder if the game would have been better if they had the necessary funding
@@PerfectOxygenMost likely, I mean clearly they had good boss ideas in mind (for example Space Cow), but they just didn't have much money left to actually make it *good.*
This game is Cuphead in an alternate timeline where the StudioMDHR devs _didn't_ sell their homes and belongings to get Cuphead to the Day-1 quality it's beloved for.
I also love how in the trailer they spoiled every boss minus the final one. So essentially you don't even need to play the game cuz you already saw the bosses in the trailer
what if cuphead shit the cupbed
He wouldn't do that 😢
I LOVE the rooster level but damn it deserves to be in a better game
Esther Winchester did it better
Esther solos this game.
@Furry_Slayer398 to be fair, the creativity and the passion behind Esther alone can solo some entire game. The boss is THAT good.
Goopy Le Grande solos this game
I never liked comparisons of comparisons like saying ‘Enchanted portals = Cuphead’ ‘Hollow knight = Metroid’ because the only similarities to the second two are that it’s a Metroid-vainia, where as the only differences between the first two are that the story is different.
It feels like there needs to be a line between what’s obviously trying to be exactly like one thing, and what’s actually different.
Except enchanted portals is literally rip off of cup head through and through
One thing that is not exactly the same as the other but that thing is very similar does not save it from comparisons, and the creators themselves said that the game is entirely inspired by Cuphead so don't be surprised if there are comparisons
The line is not with if the genres are the same or that it follows its inspiration to a T, but with if it holds its art direction closely together with its game design.
youre right, hollow knight is different than metroid in that the game design is meant to strongly support its universe that it created and vice versa. Hollow knight wouldnt be hollow knight if we stripped its art direction, nor would it be hollow knight if we stripped its game design.
you can tell when a game is having fun with its genre because it embraces its genre as a part of its world/story its trying to tell
cuphead did all of this, *enchanted portals did not,* none of what enchanted portals does supplements its core design, and none of its art direction supplements its gameplay either
Not even once I have ever thought ''this is like Metroid'' in any way while playing Hollow Knight.
If people ''don't see'' how Enchanted Portals is trying too hard to be Cuphead instead of trying to be just a run-and-gun, then they are either blind or just really dense.
When this game was announced I was one of the very first people to jump on it. Yeah it was obviously a Cuphead clone, but to me that just meant Cuphead had inspired its own subgenre. To me that didn’t detract from EP, it elevated CH. I made videos on it for reactions, trailer analysis, covering the Kickstarter, and I even interviewed Xixo themselves twice: once after the announcement and again following up with them after the failed Kickstarter. In fact, those interviews are still the highest viewed on my channel. They genuinely came off as passionate creatives who wanted to build something inspired by what they love.
Unfortunately even back then I could tell their inexperience was leading to some poor decisions. When I asked them about what inspired their cool boss ideas they pretty much admitted they were just throwing whatever ideas they liked against the wall to see what sticks, which to me conveyed a lack of thorough planning. I had asked them if they’d promote the interviews, to which they said yes, but when I released said interviews and tagged them in the Twitter post all they did was “like” the tweet. When I asked if they were going to retweet it or promote it at all they responded that liking the tweet *was* their promotion, and while they were willing to (figuratively) sit down and interview with anyone who reached out to them, they weren’t going to actively bring attention to it. I still haven’t the foggiest idea why they made the decision to choose to squash free promotion (i asked why this is and brought up how they would repost fanart, to which they said if they shared one interview or news piece they’d have to share all of them and it would clutter their fans’ feeds with similar information they didn’t think was interesting, but they could pick and choose which fan art they liked). Then this odd mentality expanded soon after the Kickstarter failed and they ceased all social media presence for a long time, total silence. It led me to think that maybe the project had fallen through? Only for them to come out of nowhere and drop the next teaser with the native Americans that *really* wasn’t well received (side note: insensitive as it was, I don’t wholly blame them as they’re from Spain and totally divorced from American history. Not saying they couldn’t have done their research, but it’s more understandable as they didn’t have a relationship with the culture being depicted). After that, total media blackout *again* until, well, just prior to the game’s release.
I had hopes for this game. I wanted it to be great. I supported it best I could from day one, but sadly they kept making it harder and harder to support them with baffling decisions. The entire thing reeks of two naive, inexperienced but passionate creatives who just got in over their heads and didn’t know how to do any better. I truly hope Daniel and Gemma take this as a learning experience and don’t get discouraged. I, and many others, want them to be better.
while you were talking about the piano boss i noticed the piano sound doesnt even play the right notes that the guy is playing
"Piano's are never animated correctly ."
You expect that much detail to go into a game without any save files?
@@megablueflash1816 its more the dumbasses in the comments of the trailer who thought he would be the coolest boss by playing real songs. Thats what happens when youre blindly positive🤣
I mean that would need a lot of hammers added and musical knowledge to make that work but it could have being an amazing boss if at the start it was an etude and then a march or waltz into a requiem (assuming they added more phases)
8:10 this summarizes most of nerrels review of hollow knight which he still stands by and portrays people who dislike as a hate mob
So basically underthemayo with ultrakill, saying the game is bad because “doom eternal does this thing better” even though it literally doesn’t and says that everybody who disagrees with him is a psychopath even though he has banned people from his discord and twitch chat for insulting doom eternal, not even fucking joking
I could’ve excused the stiff animations, lack of sound and poorly telegraph attacks if only the gameplay controlled smoothly. Playing it feels, I guess chunky is the best way to put it. You can’t jump if you’re locked your aim, as stated in the video, the dash has an unbearably long cooldown and switching weapons it’s kind of a hassle to do at least on a controller without remapping buttons. I hate to be saying this, because I want to love this game, it’s literally Cuphead but again and I have no problems with that. If only it was a solid gameplay experience I desperately hope the game gets updated because visually I love it.
Also screw the run and gun stages, they are just so mid compared to the mildly enjoyable Bossfights
Apparently from what I heard Studio MDHR wasn’t wasn’t even going to add the run and gun levels, but felt pressured into doing it. If that’s true then it’s not a big surprise that the part they cared the least about was the weakest part of the game.
they thought they were vergil with those transitions💀💀 they really werent the storm that was approaching
They most definitely weren't provoking black clouds in isolation.
Imagine if cuphead was inspired by this game
If it was it would have been better then enchanted portals
It would be what Getting Over It is to Sexy Hiking.
I've always wanted more 2d boss rush style shooter games like cuphead, I would genuinely buy this game if they gave it some polishing
you know if Beethoven could hear he'd be angry you call him Mozart
He would be like 💀
the enchanted portals art style is like how tv shows have people play an 8-bit game with 16-bit sounds on a 32-bit console.
Cuphead inspiring another game to try the same thing was honestly a plus in my eyes. Unfortunately, Enchanted Portals cannot stand on its own.
Cuphead attacks: give you a slight warning
Enchanted portals:random bullshit go brrr
Cuphead ending:devil is defeated and everyone is free
Enchanted portals ending:villain tells dad
The ending of this game is some new SpongeBob type shi
I feel like the people behind enchanted portals were more talented as animators than they were as game designers, for what it's worth
There's decent evidence the game was originally done in Adobe Flash and moved to HTML.
-The trailer gameplay was smoother than the current one, Adobe Flash was known for being smooth.
-The game stopped receiving teasers and news after the beginning of 2021, coincidently the same time Adobe Flash got discontinued.
I knew it looked like a web game!
Idk but this reminded me of a dream i had where Reddit was a cuphead boss fight and the death screen said. “You waisted your wife I’m going to go beat my wife”
this game genuinely looks like it was made in one of those starter “video game programming” apps or websites in like elementary school
It even has the impossible bullshit difficulty of an 8 year old who just learned how to code spawning in as many enemies as humanly possible to "make the game hard" 😭
To be fair, everyone wants to be Cuphead in some way. It's a shame though, I was rooting for the devs and hoping the game would be able to stand up on its own, but it's had a lukewarm reception at best.
The idea of a boss fight changing your art style is actually really cool. If they just made this a game about going to different universes to fight bosses (Each stage with a different style) Would not only make a better story and more interesting play, but a visually stunning game that keeps you hooked to see the next style.
Hell, you could even tie in the move sets or ways you play with the style. Rubberhose type attacks for a 30's style, more jagged and sharp attacks for an abstract one etc.
This really is a "You aint him, little bro" moment.
man. I just feel bad for these devs. They where inspired by cuphead but then rather than doing more or something unique with it, they of course did less. You cant just take an inspiration *practically verbatim* and then not innovate on it. Like, I dont blame them for not having things up to the standard of cuphead, that's some pretty big shoes to fill, a very high bar to meet... but at that point, I think that's just a bit too ambitious to be even worth doing. I'd say that about cuphead's concept in general, but that's the catch, if you can pull it off, you'll do great. And obviously they could not.
Its interesting because it seems like they didnt even take notes on the game design itself, because of their reliance on run and gun levels. I guess making a run and gun feels like more content than a boss fight because they just dont know how to make a boss interesting. They mostly just saw the style and general genre, copied that, and again, just didnt do anything more than that.
honestly if it wasn't for the fact that the internet bitched about this game, and actually gave it a chance, it could've been a decent game
The original trailer had way smoother animations, I'm guessing they had to rush the game to release
Edit: It would also be way more helpful to compare the game's Run and Gun stages to other games in the genre such the games in the Metal Slug, Contra, or Gunstar Heroes series instead of saying "well they sucked in Cuphead so obviously they're gonna suck here".
But I don't understand how rushing the game would make existing animations worse
nobody was waiting impatiently for it to release so i dont understand the hurry
@@karmascoffin developing a game cost money, and selling a game makes money. Less time doing games=more money!
I agree with you, the game could simply be more focused on the run and gun aspect and be on par with Cuphead
@@genericname2747 Sometimes there are new bugs with new animations so they revert to the beta instead of ironing out the new things to save time. There are many animations that were used in the beta of Sonic 06 and were just removed for the final game probably for the same reason. Or they didn't have the time to finish all animations and instead of having something jarring with some animations that are smooth and others that aren't, they just made everything bad so it's at least consistent
Even though the Kickstarted failed, they got behind them EpicGames with that program that gave money to small devs, they had budget, not that much but they had some money to spare.
Also, yes, the Run'n Gun levels are randomly generated so they spent more time in that algorythm instead of the bosses
I definitely feel like the release should have pushed back, and that certain aspects of the game needed to changed. I still don't think it would have been that great but you know.
This looks like it could've been good if they actually cared...
I also think one of the main reasons it doesn't feel like Cuphead is because it doesn't have a 1930's paper animation style.
Yeah you can definitely tell that these characters *were* at some point hand drawn, but very obviously were digitized to be put into the game, unlike how Cuphead mostly did everything the way they did it in the 1930s (save for some color correction in Photoshop before the final implementation into the game)
Ah yes. That world famous deaf pianist... Mozart! ಠ_ಠ
"Reading negative reviews of Enchanted Portals so you don't have too."
"Can we play Cuphead?"
"We have Cuphead at home!"
Cuphead at home:
Also I feel like there is speed tech potential in the fact the dash doesn’t even reset your speed after the dash and you can just double jump to conserve the momentum
5:23 no way blud looked at the boss and said "you know what, he kinda looks like Mozart" 💀
It's unlikely, but I'd like to hope this game might be able to pull a Cyberpunk 2077/No Man's Sky style redemption arc. Unlikely I know, but can't help but hope. I was rooting for this game when it was first announced and it's sad to see it botched so badly on release. Cuphead as you pointed out is best known for its bosses and the Run n Gun Levels are there and not talked about much, well except the run n gun with the cyclops chasing you. That one was pretty memorable. Games that focus on boss fights can turn out to be superb experiences like Cuphead, Shadow of the Colossus and Furi. Hopefully the developers learn from this and improve the game with a future re-release or their next game is just better overall.
feels like every element in the game was made by a different person, without communication
Bruh who agrees that this game should be made. If u truly liked cuphead, you would want to play enchanted portals. Don’t you want more cuphead content
Garfield is in my house what do i do I'm scared 911 won't respond and i hear him coming up the stairs..
Are u still alive ?
@@sarpsenergil4009he is not
@@sarpsenergil4009 buy Garfield kart before it's too late u have to if u dont h....
@@friendo5502 that game is for furrys
Is it just me, or does the Does the second phase of the final boss just turn you into Scaredy Squirrel?
exactly what i was thinking
Omg I remember that guy
4:53 i am sorry but, like... bruh, what is this animation, they just immediately fall at COMPLETELY same speed after reaching their peak without lingering in the air for a moment and you can even tell they just flipped the sprite. It's so frustrating to look at how they just fly upwards at a consistent speed without accelerating or slowing(you know, basic laws of physics), and then immediately fall after a certain point completely ignoring laws of physics too.
10:33 this too, you can clearly see the book was about to fall on him but in the next scene it is far away from the guy, and the only thing i can assume is that the developers either have dementia, or they intended for you to think he steps back to avoid getting hit by the book, but had dementia anyway so they made no animation of him actually doing something and it ended up looking like the book was about to fall on him while he was staring at it, but then decided to teleport somewhere else and fall on the floor.
Yeah enchanted portals was FAR from being ready for release
If enchanted portals do more the art style like that witch boss battle with that tim burton thing then enchanted portals would be good enough to not be compared to cuphead but it forever branded as a cuphead clone
“Mom, can we get Cuphead?”
“We have Cuphead at home.”
Cuphead at home:
Snap your neck, gouge your eyes out and sniff *two* buckets of paint and you have the god damn Last Cup
If you time travel to the 2000's and go on some shady website to play flash game, you get rubber hose rampage.
This game could have atleast looked better if it had some "paper mario" like design. I mean, the book villain, the way it was animated, looks like they atleast thought about that in a moment of the project and were not able to to this with their artstyle and experience, so they just quit developing this idea (or its just poorly animated, idk)
this game is like one tier up from a game i'd play on scratch
You know what actually? No. Scratchead and that one Werner Werman remake both have more polish and technical impressiveness then this imo.
(Also, Scratchead has some really awesome and unique boss designs)
Just saying that cuphead actually had effort put into it
my brother in Christ this clearly had effort put into it but it's (according to what I have heard) a clunky mess. These people made a better game than you ever could.
@@cheerioz1848they could have polished it a bit more yk
It's just in a shit state rn
@@Padre_des_los_penitentes ye that's what I said it has potential but they needs fix it
And money
Enchanted Portals seems like one of those games where at least half the team is incredibly competent but the lead is incompetent and critical team members (in this case the level designer and sound designer) leave early on. For an incomplete alpha, it seems amazingly good. But it's a shipped product and needs to be judged as such.
How to make a good thumbnail: *have a guy screaming in the thumbnail and imply that elemental lost trillions of dollars*
I feel like why it falls flat is because people compare it to its superior twin, cuphead. Like on its own it’s a pretty good game but it being compared to cuphead is why it’s reputation is in the dump.
Eh, I don't think so. I can't fully say, but the gameplay I've seen, there are a lot wonky things. Like how the run and gun levels just repeat, and it's just boring. You're forced to set around and shoot enemies so that they don't overcrowd you, and that's not really fun, especially considering these levels are so long.
It feels like the developers saw Cuphead's popularity of it being a hard game, and assumed that hard=good, and just made it incredibly long and frustrating because they think that was what made Cuphead.
I have played Cuphead but not enchanted portals (mostly because I play on Nintendo Switch) and to me the game just looks ok but not like something I would actually want to play
On it's own it's not a good game at all. And maybe it wouldn't be compared so hard if it didn't copy a better game while also costing more than said game
In the least insulting way possible, this game looks like it would be an entry in Alpharad’s old Not series.
This game does really look like it has potenial,but a lack of buget to make it a reality.
Ah hell naw they got sent to High Guardian Spice 😞
There are way fewer unique ideas than you think. All the bosses were shameless rips, one way or another. The Dogs were a ripoff Grim Matchstick. The Cow just ended up being trash Hilda Berg. The Crab at the end was just Walmart Briney Beard
it doesn’t even have the classic 90s white lines across the screen like cuphead so it’s not giving the 90s feel. and don’t get me started on how random the transitions are
Just so you know, apparently the run and gun levels are cut into about 3 “sections” and they are randomly generated like you said
Enchanted Portals is so conflicting to me because there's some really good animation (the graves in the first boss fight, the crocodiles, etc) but everything else is awful.
And as a music student who is majoring in music in media, the music is awful. Like, objectively, the music is good but in the context of the game...bad.
I'm not expecting full on orchestras but the boss battles have nearly the same tracks as the run and guns which takes any impact out.
I remember somebody saying this wasn’t a plain copy of cuphead, but it is. Especially considering how badly made it is, they just want money. It’s sad to see.
i dont think this can even be called "inspired"
Enchanted portals looks like a mobile game
The Beethoven one deserved a full boss fight because it's the only one that looks as good as Cuphead.
4:48 Who the heck is this guy, he better be modded in
I remember hearing about this game a while ago getting absolutely destroyed with hate, I forgot my stance on the matter at that time, but like... now that it's out... yikes.
This game had so much potential and im really sad how it turned out to be
1:06 , a bovine get fought in a desert, they didn't even tried..
In the Delicious Course, you fought a cow in a desert on a plane.
This is the most high-effort Low-Effort Copycat I've ever seen.
1:07 Pizza Tower Floor 5 - Dont Make A Sound
I remember when the trailer for this game came out and people were defending it saying its not fair to call it a cuphead ripoff and that it looks interesting
But now people finalky get to play it and finally see how dogwater it is
5:28 this is probably beethoven bc it looks like the potrait and because of the thing in the ear, Beeethhoven was deaf and composed deaf a lot of his music
also the first time e saw the cowit looked like a bored ape nft
I remember seeing this game getting made fun of years ago. It JUST came out? Dang.
Honestly enchanted portals looks like one of those crappy platformer games they had on the disney/nickelodeon website where the show characters are just In A Platformer Now.
This game needed more time in the oven.
It's sad because they could have made a perfect "parodius" of Cuphead but they decided to copy each other thing by thing to the point that in their first presentations they used Cuphead's shots
The transitions on the final boss look like they’re from the 3ds
i fr thought this game was gonna be at least decent, even thought about backing it on kickstarter. glad i didn't.
Imagine a mod that fixes everything
yeah nobody can do that there is too much wrong with it.
As if anyone would try fixing *this* abomination.
At this point just re-do the game from scratch
Cuphead: we've got a actually good team with players that actually have good skill and unique boss looks and a DLC Enchanted portals: uhhhhhhhhh
8:12 why would you call me out like this
I sometimes wonder how the game would've turn out if they reached the funding they were asking for
2:00 The… W H A T
I can’t put my finger on it but something about the art style looks wrong.
I think it's that the style doesn't match the designs, with Cuphead the characters and environments looked like things you would see in actual old cartoons, but in Enchanted Portals everything seems kind of random and disconnected (what the heck is that geometric green level??)
They want to be rubberhose, like Cuphead, except they follow NONE of the designs and rules of the medium! The creators of Cuphead watched old cartoons religiously to combine characteristics into new characters that look like they could've existed in the 1930s. They studied every scrap of media from the time to be the most authentic they could be.
This mess of a game does none of that. It wants to be rubberhose but slaps a bunch of weird and clashing design aspects into it, like jamming a square peg into a round hole. It has no identity of its own. Maybe if they went with a different style with each boss it would be pretty cool, and thematically appropriate because they get sucked into a BOOK, but nope! They wanted to ride the coattails of Cuphead without understanding why it did so well or putting in the work.
Well for one, Cuphead is hand-drawn, this isn't. It's not bad, per say, some animations are really good. But some of the designs look way too generic for my liking. Like, the princess turning into a frog is a pretty cool idea, but the designs look sort of bad. She just looks like a generic princess in a rubberhose style, and while she isn't offensive to look at, it's just such a boring design. And then the frog design is kind of bad. The bright saturated green of the skin, mixed with the bright yellow and pink looks really clashing and weird imo.
You have some nice designs occasionally, though. I really like the witch's design and it's entire atmosphere. And I also like the designs in the hotel run and gun.
The ideas are creative and the artstyle and animation is honestly good (I'm not going to judge the fact its not hand-drawn like Cuphead. It's an incredibly time-consuming and laborious method, and it's why Cuphead and its DLC took so long. Its an outdated style, and as much as I love it, I can fully understand why a small team of only two people would not want to attempt it. It'd be way too overly ambitious, and it's already hard to master), but the execution is really lacking.
I have heard the developers are going to patch some things, so I have some hope it will get better.
Btw this game Took 4 years
cuphead but its from the late 60s