Suburban sprawl upstream causes these flash floods in the old town. Unbridled development was the original charge, by experts, and the County leaders, not wanting to burden the citizens (of one of the wealthiest counties in MD) with the cost of spillways and water diversion. Now, they seem to be accepting the reality, but still no cardboard housing developments are to be demolished and put back into non developed water sinks
Interesting how the flood actually diminished a great deal before it came back, even deeper and stronger, during this one event.
It was not a good idea to have constructed buildings directly next to, or (even worse) over the bed of a stream / river.
*Maldives, Tuvalu, Fiji Have Entered The Chat*
Suburban sprawl upstream causes these flash floods in the old town. Unbridled development was the original charge, by experts, and the County leaders, not wanting to burden the citizens (of one of the wealthiest counties in MD) with the cost of spillways and water diversion. Now, they seem to be accepting the reality, but still no cardboard housing developments are to be demolished and put back into non developed water sinks