Hey Gen it's been a long time since I last commented, I been rather busy this year so my apologies. I hope you are doing well and this game would be amazing remastered or better yet they should make a new ghost rider game in general and make it open world.
Oh Yeahh childhood memories keep up the amazing work.
This game reminds me of Devil May Cry.
😍😍😍😍😍😍 100% JOGO
Hey Gen it's been a long time since I last commented, I been rather busy this year so my apologies. I hope you are doing well and this game would be amazing remastered or better yet they should make a new ghost rider game in general and make it open world.
yeah it's pretty linear, I guess limitations from PS2 XD although, I think that they purposedly downgraded it so it would match the PSP version..
¡¡LETS GO DANT... O_o?
Lets Go Nicolas Cage !!!!
2:40 21:04
Are You Going To Do Sonic Generations?