"Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad, kama sallayta ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema, innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema, innaka Hameedun Majeed." "O Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have sent prayers upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious."
Thanks for this awesome upload and yes I named my daughters after noble women, wife of Prophet Muhammad and mother of Prophet Essa/Issa, peace be upon him ❤🤲🏾🫶🏿👍🏾💪🏿
My name is Aisha and I'm very grateful. I'm named after our beloved prophet( peace be upon him) 3th wife's name. We love you our beloved prophet Muhammad ❤️
Just a reminder: As muslims, we shouldnt be ashamed of educating people on the mothers of the believers. They are our role models for us as muslim men and women. They know about how the prophet is in private more than any other human, as they are his wives who live with him. We should educate ourselves about the mothers of the believers, their achievments, what they were like, and proudly talk about them, because they are one of the best believing women that deserve to be talked about more, aside from believing women like pharoh's wife, or Mary mother of prophet Jesus. In fact, the ones who use vile language and evil intent against the mothers of the believers, and accusing the prophet, are the vile ones for having evil intent. Even the prophet's enemies watched closely for any mistake the prophet made, yet he was never called a perverse, disgusting excuse of a man or anything along those meanings. He was a holy man, and he represented a great husband, a great father, a great ruller, and no one from his time thought he was anything otherwise. And his biography perfectly intact and of the highest authenticity, due to his wives and companions who memorised everything about the prophet, and it became preserved in a way that no one can lie about the facts. That's why he is the last messenger of allah, a role model, and sent for all of humanity, for all time. Different from moses (PBUH), jesus (PBUH), and the other prophets before him. Yet just like prophet moses (PBUH), just like prophet jesus(PBUH), and just like Noah(PBUH), and just like Abrahaam(PBUH), and just like adam(PBUH), etc.. They were all holy men, and God fearing. They all submitted to one God, and their central message was always the same.
Every bibis Walid Prophet AS and Prophet SAW deserved equality to be talk its not like bibis are less to be talk ASTAGFIROLA they are all Allah God fearing fear delete this word yes first Allah I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW is the Messenger of Sllah SWT then Rasools AS kaaba nabis AS angels AS the day of judgment we bear witness
My name is Aisha and I'm very grateful. I'm named after our beloved prophet( peace be upon him) 3th wife's name. We love you our beloved prophet Muhammad
Good day to you ! 😊 She was 9. Customs were different. Look into history throughout the globe. You were defined as adult as soon as you hit puberty and therefore you were eligible for marriage. “Boys” participated in battle at 13 years old. Weird how his enemies back then didn’t call him pedophile 🤔 out of all names and insults they called him you never heard child abuser or pedophile. And the prophet pbuh was the best creation that allah created so no need for you to worry about our mother aisha 😊. She was in good hands and it was far from what people claim to be. I pray you find true guidance peace on you 🤲🤍
@sumayyasamreen6573 I'm not pleased with the lies being told in this video. For one the prophet only had lady fatima as his blood daughter the others was from from lady khadija previous marriage. You calling nor muslim while throwing insults and shade maybe you should seek real knowledge
Jazak'ALLAHU Khayr for sharing these valuable information with the world. However, just an add on, try not using any pictorial references, even if its a faceless animation as we can't imagine any silhouette of The Ladies of Islam. Correct me if I'm wrong, just putting forward my POV. May ALLAH SWT Bless you for spreading the word of knowledge and Grant you more strength. AMEEN
this video was very informative and interesting, you should also add a part of hazrat maria (a concubine of prophet muhmmad) as she is significant in islam. however, My name is Aisha proud at this name.😊
There is so many lies in this video from start to finish nd theyr not your mother's like your birth mother they are the mothers of the men so they do not get marries after the prophet as Allah seen the mischief some wife's would have done
Our prophet is Muhammad and s. A. W. T saves the morality, dignity and of womanhood at that brutal and times it's very hard understanding during those eras but with the most important greatness of Allah s. W. T. Seletar our beloved prophet succeed Ed.. Alhamdulillah aminn.. This were the last prophet.. no more else..
@@Euro.Patriot كانت مخطوبة قبل أن يتزوجها النبي يا غوييم مريم العذراء عمرها 12 عام عندما تزوجها يوسف النجار وعمره فوق التسعين عام حسب دينك اسأل جدتك إذا كانت على قيد الحياة كم كان عمرها عندما تزوجت جدك قبل مئة عام كانت النساء تتزوج وعمرها 12-11-13 وكان ذلك طبيعياً وأبحث في الموسوعة البريطانية فما بالك في ما كان قبل ذلك بألف عام الأجيال المتأخرة أجيال هشه بدنيا ونفسيا وحتى معدل الخصوبة لدى الرجال بدء يقل فلا تقارن لأن الفارق مع القياس مغالطة منطقية
@@Euro.Patriot Allow prostitution is wrong But anyway you were too hasty "For [Deuteronomy 22:28] states: "A virgin maiden," thus ExCLUDING a girl who has reached MATURITY." (Mishnah torah, sefer sefer nashim, naarah betulah v8) the Rabbis say: A minor girl(narah) from the age of three years and one day until she matures into a grown woman is entitled to a fine." Ketubot(40b:10)"
@guestpeg for starters it said the prophet and lady khadija has 6 children together that is a lie. The only had lady fatima together there others was from lady khadija previous marriage. But they don't mention that to down play the importance of lady fatima the only daughter of the the prophet and from her his lineage exist till today and imam al mehdi will be from her ofspring aswell.
other things worth mentioning about the wives -Khadijah: mother of his children (except Ibrahim, son of Maryyam) first Muslim -Sawda (more close friend than romantic, often made our prophet laugh) -Aisha (our mother who was revealed as a dream by Allah to the Prophet as a wife, she was, according to hadiths, his favorite wife after Khadijar, and received most of his attention both out of love and because of the fact that he will be her first and last husband . Aisha often became jealous in an "innocent" way, which is understandable. After the death of the prophet, she had a conflict with Ali (Ra), later she apologized and regretted. -Hafsa (according to hadiths tried to imitate Aisha) It is also saying that the prophet divorced her while she got angry because of a misunderstood and did not accept being quit about it - Juwayriah (the wives were overwhelmed by their beauty) -Zaynab (ex-wife of Zayd) Aisha described her as having the kindest character, however the two had a small argument whereupon the Prophet responded with Aisha's reaction to this as "she is really the daughter of Abou Bekr) -Umm Habibah (she initially reacted hesitantly to the Prophet's request but later accepted the request) - Saffiyyah (when the wives found out that the prophet wanted to marry the daughter of a leader whom the Muslims had killed in the war, Aisha's only concern was whether she was pretty, since she knows that the prophet can win any heart xD)
as a muslim im still having thoughts regarding aisha, coz she was so young when the prophet took her in as a wife, been researching and found some opinions (good, bad and fcked up ones) that didnt really answer my questions.
1- Before Aa'yshah was engaged to the prophet PBUH, she had been engaged to "Jobair bin Mata'am bin Odai" and this indicates that the prophet engagement to Aa'shah was normal back then according to their traditions and customs. 2- Prophet Mohammad PBUH had so many enemies who accused him of being liar, insane, poet and magician. And they were waiting for a mistake to degrade him. So, if his marriage to Aa'yshah was a shameful act they would be the first accusers. 3- According to the narrated story which mentioned that he married her when she was six and consummated his marriage when she became nine. The question is why would he wait three years to consummate his marriage? If prophet Mohammad PBUH was like what they have said about him,he would consummate his marriage when she was six. The greatest love story in history between a wife and a husband was theirs. No wife was jealous for her husband like Aa'shah. She used to be proud of her love to him. He was a great and a perfect example of loving and caring messenger and husband to his wife. He died in her lap.
@@halfmoon8296 isn't 9 years old too young? I understand that at the time these were the norms and in today's modern day we expect the youngest age of marriage to be 18 when they are adults But I also read that the youngest age of marriage back then was when the girl had her first period, so did aa'yshah have her first period at 9?
@@halfmoon8296 era-wise then yeah back then it was normal so itll be unfair if i dont take that into acc but damn, in this modern times the story about the 9 years old thing is just hard to swallow. i guess modern morality hit me hard and is clouding my thoughts.
Great video brother, even though you maybe can mention the prophet's children or Umm Salama real name, how Umm Salama and Umm Habiba (RA) got their title but ok
Alhamdulillah, I did not know the prophet married so many widows, though I am curious, the prophet(peace be upon him) appeared to give many proposals, was there anyone who rejected him for marriage?
i remember reading a hadith, The Prophet found a woman, but she was a Queen and at that time the Prophet was already established and well know and his preachings were already being followed by people, yet when the Prophet asked for her hand in marriage, she rejected him. It was not even a weak hadith either, straight out of Sahih Bukhari as far as I remember.
@@Euro.Patriot I know it's hard for you to understand modesty i mean what do i expect from people have body counts lol, while we stay virgin until marriage.
Explaining the roles of the wives of the prophet is a good idea . But having a thumbnail of some random women that have an american style hijab then writing the names of the Prophets wives is disrespectful because thats misleading and misrepresenting them. Then everytime you talk about a wife of the prophet you show a picture of a women with her face with light . Just dont show any figure at all? You're lying against how they look regardless of whatever you cover. May Allah guide you brother .
Yeah thank you for pointing that out, our mothers didn’t wear such incomplete hijabs, they were completely covered in black and their faces were also covered
@@ahmadalghamdi4425it is not an incomplete hijab, the prophets wives wore niqabs therefore making it sunnah and not a compulsion, it also does not invalidate women who do wear the hijab and not the face covering, saying women are not covered while they wear a whole hijab and modest clothing is a whole nother level of crazy to me
All the people in the past used to marry early, meaning all the people who would argue ancestors did the same thing including their religious figures, just because it wasn’t recorded doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
@khlifaomer229 To be a prophet of a god then that god has to exist. Allah does not exist. Joseph Smit Jr. claimed to receive revelations from Allah so since all the evidence for Muhammad being a prophet was just him saying so, Joseph Smith Jr. must also be a prophet.
@@Euro.Patriot that exacly what happen when you don't have enough information . Allah does exist . According to you the world created itself , which doesn't make any sense .just because he said he is prophet it doesn't mean he is prophet . Prophet muhammad ( pbuh) was known for his great character . What about josph smith what he was known for ? Quran was sent to him full of miracles I can give you many of it .he was sent by Allah( s.w) . Quran is book from Allah if you read it you will know that .
The thumbnail isn't appropriate brother, the wives of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم did not wear that hijab that you put in your thumbnail. If you can, change it brother. بارك الله فيكم
@@Kurdish-Mapperisback The prophet pbuh had 9 wives at the same time. When the ruling of 4 wives came down the prophet already had more than 4, and he was not allowed to have more. Also, the prophet pbuh have a special status, some rulings do not apply to him as would other Muslims and some obligations he had to do that other Muslims did not have to do. For example, the prophet had to pray qiyam al-layl (night prayers) everyday while this is not an obligation for other Muslims.
That ruling came after his marriages. Just like the ruling that one cannot be married to two sisters at the same time. Jacob pbuh married two sisters. The ruling disallowing it came way after him.
Khadijah lived in mekka, we can be sure about that, she Just send the Prophet as her worker to syrian for a short time ( I am Not Sure about the country she jad sent him)
These were lessons of good obedient sincere to loyal wives/mothers... I be proud of these one of simple Islamic lessons... Alhamdulillah... Aminnn... These were the rue religions among other sad fake ridiculously religions
if time machine exists at future, one of my mission would be "aisha" i know i dont believe who says "he married to a 6 years old kid" but i would go check the accuracy of it
@@HameemShameem-h1tNo he consummated it when she was a little girl and the time gap between marriage and consummation doesn't matter because she was a little girl. This was not common in ancient civilisations and how common it was does not make it right.
@@Euro.PatriotHow old was Mary or Rebeccah? I see you completely ignore that. Quran and hadith is different. Quran is literal word of God and infallible. Hadith are the sayings of people around the time and not infallible. Aishas age is in the Hadith (not the Quran) which was written up to 200 years after prophet muhammad (as). Hadiths are however mostly largely accurate due to chains of narration especially the muttawatir hadith. So you can't be for sure of Aishas age exactly as Arabs at that time used to count age after puberty too and birthdays weren't celebrated. In fact there are hadiths which suggest she was around 19 when subtracting dates given in hadith. Even if she was you can't compare the culture of back then to today especially when life expectancy was low and Aisha was a scholar, hafiz and helped islam to grow. Why dont you research history it was common especially in your european civilisations and kingdoms.
@@Euro.Patriotit does matter. She had her paper marriage when she was six and everyone WAITED until she turned into a MENSTRUATING WOMAN aged NINE. Just like WOMEN TODAY.
I believe she was 40, meaning Prophet Muhammad SAW married a woman way older than him and a woman way younger than him who is Ayesha R.A which is an example of age doesn't matter in love
@@amalakram8755 28 or 25 is completely fine to have children from a previous marriage, but being 40 and then having 6 more children is a lot less likely But eitherway im just referring to the hadith gradings and that people should not just say she was 40 like its a fact
@@amalakram8755as it was normal for women to marry as soon as they hit puberty so most women would be married and have children in their teens like fatimah who had hasan and hussain in her teens
@@Artimus_Primeyou cant beleive whatever you wish, if the hadeeth is weak then its weak and we simply cant know for sure, regardless we know he married for noble reasons ﷺ, age doesnt matter in marraige, its not correct to say love because these marraiges were of course arranged and love only came afterwards, and regardless of khadijas age he married sawdaa who was older than him too ﷺ
@ Oh that is crazy, because I heard some say 8 and some say 16-18, but at the age of 6 is on another level. I believe in our beloved prophet but this can't be sane nor morally right. This should have never happened in my opinion.
@berfin3489 Prophet muhammad married aisha when she was six years old and he consummated aisha when she was 9 years old until his death Sahih Al Bukhari 5134 (hadith)
If your question is genuine, have a sit down with your local imam. We layman muslims of the internet will probably not be able to convince you to accept our answer. Just like I wouldn't ask a layman like you how old Rebekah was when she married Isaac (as) according to the bible.
The mothers of the believers didn't use those scarves. They adorned themselves with the proper Islamic jilbab. So, the video thumbnail and other screenshots are misleading.
@hiddenone4882 hmmm that's interesting question, when i think prophet muhammad didn't pray 5 times but the problem is he had 11 wives cuz he violating the quran verse
@@aleksmuinao2783 because you accept that cp is confusing you. Secondly he is not qualified to speak on islam so is not giving you authentic information. If you have a question you can write it here.
May we all are called from these mothers of ours as ''Come here sit with me, my son'' in Jannah. Ameen. A correction in your video brother, not from me but from the historians* Khadijah alaihi salaatu was salaam wasn't that old. Maybe 4, 5, or 6max that much age gap between them. If she was that old, then how did she bore Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi salaam that many children, isn't that thought provoking!?
if i am not wrong Aisha is the youngest wife of the prophet (peace be upon them both) and i think she was six years old but hold on remember this was still around 1400 years ago and the rules and laws and norm of today was not there yet and it was not uncommon to do this and if you want more info just research it and research deeply to not get wrong answers
it is important to know that the prophets are our idols, so there werent any kinds of "forcing" or "lust feelings" Muhammad found Aisha as she was 6 and before that he dreamed of her as a woman, besides she was the daughter of his best friend, age doesnt really matter (as long as there are no intimitating before marriage and both of them are old Enough), thats nothing we should be ashamed of to teach our children, as long as the fiance has Iman Subanallah
@@1b02ghazanaliza6 aisha was going in battles with prophet mohamed pbuh, and he had battles 2 years after immigrating to madina, and women had to be atleast 15 meaning she was 15-16+
Salam akhi,im a praticant sunni muslim but the part about Safiya is not correct, she was a sex slave and her family got killed,im not saying this is bad im just clarify that part. jazaAllah kheir
When Safiya became the wife of the Prophet, he said, 'She is not like any of you (my other wives); she is a woman of high status (noble).'” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
@@halfmoon8296 Salam, you are correct about these references, i just wanted to clarify the whole because i thought it was more respectful for those who seek a complete knowledge of things,and Allah knows the best.
"Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad, kama sallayta ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema, innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammad, kama barakta ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema, innaka Hameedun Majeed."
"O Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have sent prayers upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy, Glorious."
Thanks for this awesome upload and yes I named my daughters after noble women, wife of Prophet Muhammad and mother of Prophet Essa/Issa, peace be upon him ❤🤲🏾🫶🏿👍🏾💪🏿
My name is Hafsa and I'm grateful and so so happy I'm named after our beloved prophet's (PBUH) 4th wife ❤
My name is Hafsah too❤
Someone in my madrasah's name is hafsa
My name is Aisha and I'm very grateful. I'm named after our beloved prophet( peace be upon him) 3th wife's name. We love you our beloved prophet Muhammad ❤️
i’m hafsa toooo ❤
@TorabAfghan-d3f someone in my madrasah's name is aisha
Thanks for this great reminder of Ummul Moomineen.
Just a reminder:
As muslims, we shouldnt be ashamed of educating people on the mothers of the believers. They are our role models for us as muslim men and women. They know about how the prophet is in private more than any other human, as they are his wives who live with him. We should educate ourselves about the mothers of the believers, their achievments, what they were like, and proudly talk about them, because they are one of the best believing women that deserve to be talked about more, aside from believing women like pharoh's wife, or Mary mother of prophet Jesus. In fact, the ones who use vile language and evil intent against the mothers of the believers, and accusing the prophet, are the vile ones for having evil intent. Even the prophet's enemies watched closely for any mistake the prophet made, yet he was never called a perverse, disgusting excuse of a man or anything along those meanings. He was a holy man, and he represented a great husband, a great father, a great ruller, and no one from his time thought he was anything otherwise. And his biography perfectly intact and of the highest authenticity, due to his wives and companions who memorised everything about the prophet, and it became preserved in a way that no one can lie about the facts. That's why he is the last messenger of allah, a role model, and sent for all of humanity, for all time. Different from moses (PBUH), jesus (PBUH), and the other prophets before him. Yet just like prophet moses (PBUH), just like prophet jesus(PBUH), and just like Noah(PBUH), and just like Abrahaam(PBUH), and just like adam(PBUH), etc.. They were all holy men, and God fearing. They all submitted to one God, and their central message was always the same.
allahumabarik bro
Every bibis Walid Prophet AS and Prophet SAW deserved equality to be talk its not like bibis are less to be talk ASTAGFIROLA they are all Allah God fearing fear delete this word yes first Allah I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW is the Messenger of Sllah SWT then Rasools AS kaaba nabis AS angels AS the day of judgment we bear witness
Salli ala sayyidina Nabina Muhammad wa aalihi wa ashabihi, wa sallimu tasleema۔
My name is tasniim
The Messenger of Allaah - salawaatUllaah alaih - was very wise and had the best guidance Alhamdulillaah
My name is Aisha and I'm very grateful. I'm named after our beloved prophet( peace be upon him) 3th wife's name. We love you our beloved prophet Muhammad
But she was 6 year old kid 😂
Good day to you ! 😊
She was 9.
Customs were different. Look into history throughout the globe.
You were defined as adult as soon as you hit puberty and therefore you were eligible for marriage.
“Boys” participated in battle at 13 years old.
Weird how his enemies back then didn’t call him pedophile 🤔 out of all names and insults they called him you never heard child abuser or pedophile.
And the prophet pbuh was the best creation that allah created so no need for you to worry about our mother aisha 😊. She was in good hands and it was far from what people claim to be. I pray you find true guidance peace on you 🤲🤍
@@OO7L7-w7x she was 17-19
@@ThatGuy253 read well dude even Muhammad married his son wife
@@ThatGuy253no bro you obviously wrong
Brother "sister of yemen" is a youtube bot scam, you should have not hearted that comment
Are you certain?
@@mohamedzoulali5755yes they’ve been spamming comments for many months now
@@mohamedzoulali5755i am.
@@mohamedzoulali5755 yes
Our imam did a khutbah on this today !
Based ☝🏽💯
I'm sure he told u many lies just like in this video
@@zaidalamara692 You seem like a cheerful girl, why so sad then? You're not even a Muslim so why sad?
@sumayyasamreen6573 I'm not pleased with the lies being told in this video. For one the prophet only had lady fatima as his blood daughter the others was from from lady khadija previous marriage. You calling nor muslim while throwing insults and shade maybe you should seek real knowledge
Thank you for this information I learned so much AlhumduliAllah
Try to avoid using the AI voice cause it just butchers the pronunciation a lot. May Allah reward you for spreading beneficial knowledge.
Thank you for crediting Khadijah for having 4 daughters. Some try to wrongfully claim she only had one daughter of her own.
Jazak'ALLAHU Khayr for sharing these valuable information with the world. However, just an add on, try not using any pictorial references, even if its a faceless animation as we can't imagine any silhouette of The Ladies of Islam. Correct me if I'm wrong, just putting forward my POV.
May ALLAH SWT Bless you for spreading the word of knowledge and Grant you more strength. AMEEN
Maymuna's part made me emotional. She taught her nephew.
❤Barak Allahu Feek
Keep going, may Allah benefit the Ummah through your work❤Ameen
this video was very informative and interesting, you should also add a part of hazrat maria (a concubine of prophet muhmmad) as she is significant in islam.
however, My name is Aisha proud at this name.😊
Our mothers 😢
Our mothers ❤
There is so many lies in this video from start to finish nd theyr not your mother's like your birth mother they are the mothers of the men so they do not get marries after the prophet as Allah seen the mischief some wife's would have done
@@zaidalamara692go and cry somewhere else
Assala mu alaikum brother. Great video as always!
Subhan Allah بارک اللہ ❤
رضي الله عنها صلي الله عليه وسلم ﷺ۞ﷺﷺ۩ﷺ۞ﷺﷺ۩
Subhan'Allah❤ Oml this channel is underrated fr
I'm subbed btw
It's full of lies
Please make Allah (SWT) in capital. Thank You! ❤
Our prophet is Muhammad and s. A. W. T saves the morality, dignity and of womanhood at that brutal and times it's very hard understanding during those eras but with the most important greatness of Allah s. W. T. Seletar our beloved prophet succeed Ed.. Alhamdulillah aminn.. This were the last prophet.. no more else..
Aisha was 6.
@@Euro.PatriotRebecca was 3
كانت مخطوبة قبل أن يتزوجها النبي يا غوييم
مريم العذراء عمرها 12 عام عندما تزوجها يوسف النجار وعمره فوق التسعين عام حسب دينك
اسأل جدتك إذا كانت على قيد الحياة كم كان عمرها عندما تزوجت جدك
قبل مئة عام كانت النساء تتزوج وعمرها 12-11-13 وكان ذلك طبيعياً
وأبحث في الموسوعة البريطانية فما بالك في ما كان قبل ذلك بألف عام
الأجيال المتأخرة أجيال هشه بدنيا ونفسيا وحتى معدل الخصوبة لدى الرجال بدء يقل فلا تقارن لأن الفارق مع القياس مغالطة منطقية
As Salamu Aleika ya Mothers of the Ummah. As Salaatu As Salaamu Aleika ya RasulAllah saw.
Love your videos
Wonderful ❤
Masha Allah
Allah Hu Akbar ❤
I am not ready to see the islamaphobes flood into the comments, I would prefer if you just switch off comments all together
Islam haters be like: POLICE BE UPON HIM, WITHOUT LIES ISLAM DIES, AND ISLAM IS ☪️ancer. It’s the same npc insults all the time 😂🤡
I feel you!!
@@bankroll_gotti99Marrying kids is wrong.
Allow prostitution is wrong
But anyway you were too hasty
"For [Deuteronomy 22:28] states: "A virgin maiden," thus ExCLUDING a girl who has reached MATURITY." (Mishnah torah, sefer sefer nashim, naarah betulah v8)
the Rabbis say: A minor girl(narah) from the age of three years and one day until she matures into a grown woman is entitled to a fine." Ketubot(40b:10)"
@@BESTINTHEWORLD0007 I'm not Jewish, try again.
رضي الله عنها ﷺ۞ﷺﷺ۩ﷺ۞ﷺﷺ۩
Great 🎉
اللهم صل و سلم على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم.
Instead of mocking someone with many wife why don’t you get one. (Send this to a hater)
There is so many lies in this video
@@zaidalamara692okay troll
@@zaidalamara692May you share with us what lies in this vid?
@guestpeg any time I explain it my comment gets deleted nd I don't use no profanity just facts
@guestpeg for starters it said the prophet and lady khadija has 6 children together that is a lie. The only had lady fatima together there others was from lady khadija previous marriage. But they don't mention that to down play the importance of lady fatima the only daughter of the the prophet and from her his lineage exist till today and imam al mehdi will be from her ofspring aswell.
Allahu Akbar
God is indeed Greater
@ indeed❤️
@@bankroll_gotti99Zeus is pretty bad.
Allahu Akbar ☝🏻
other things worth mentioning about the wives
-Khadijah: mother of his children (except Ibrahim, son of Maryyam) first Muslim
-Sawda (more close friend than romantic, often made our prophet laugh)
-Aisha (our mother who was revealed as a dream by Allah to the Prophet as a wife, she was, according to hadiths, his favorite wife after Khadijar, and received most of his attention both out of love and because of the fact that he will be her first and last husband . Aisha often became jealous in an "innocent" way, which is understandable. After the death of the prophet, she had a conflict with Ali (Ra), later she apologized and regretted.
-Hafsa (according to hadiths tried to imitate Aisha) It is also saying that the prophet divorced her while she got angry because of a misunderstood and did not accept being quit about it
- Juwayriah (the wives were overwhelmed by their beauty)
-Zaynab (ex-wife of Zayd) Aisha described her as having the kindest character, however the two had a small argument whereupon the Prophet responded with Aisha's reaction to this as "she is really the daughter of Abou Bekr)
-Umm Habibah (she initially reacted hesitantly to the Prophet's request but later accepted the request)
- Saffiyyah (when the wives found out that the prophet wanted to marry the daughter of a leader whom the Muslims had killed in the war, Aisha's only concern was whether she was pretty, since she knows that the prophet can win any heart xD)
صلي الله عليه وسلم ﷺ۞ﷺﷺ۩ﷺ۞ﷺﷺ۩ رضي الله عنها
❤ I love you too rasulullah ❤️
You earned a sub
as a muslim im still having thoughts regarding aisha, coz she was so young when the prophet took her in as a wife, been researching and found some opinions (good, bad and fcked up ones) that didnt really answer my questions.
My biggest doubt with islam as a muslim.
@@faizchauhan3667 same here brother
1- Before Aa'yshah was engaged to the prophet PBUH, she had been engaged to "Jobair bin Mata'am bin Odai" and this indicates that the prophet engagement to Aa'shah was normal back then according to their traditions and customs.
2- Prophet Mohammad PBUH had so many enemies who accused him of being liar, insane, poet and magician. And they were waiting for a mistake to degrade him. So, if his marriage to Aa'yshah was a shameful act they would be the first accusers.
3- According to the narrated story which mentioned that he married her when she was six and consummated his marriage when she became nine. The question is why would he wait three years to consummate his marriage? If prophet Mohammad PBUH was like what they have said about him,he would consummate his marriage when she was six.
The greatest love story in history between a wife and a husband was theirs. No wife was jealous for her husband like Aa'shah. She used to be proud of her love to him. He was a great and a perfect example of loving and caring messenger and husband to his wife. He died in her lap.
@@halfmoon8296 isn't 9 years old too young? I understand that at the time these were the norms and in today's modern day we expect the youngest age of marriage to be 18 when they are adults
But I also read that the youngest age of marriage back then was when the girl had her first period, so did aa'yshah have her first period at 9?
@@halfmoon8296 era-wise then yeah back then it was normal so itll be unfair if i dont take that into acc but damn, in this modern times the story about the 9 years old thing is just hard to swallow. i guess modern morality hit me hard and is clouding my thoughts.
Please pray for me to marry this girl. I want a stable financial life.
What about Maria the mother of ibrahim ❤
Great video brother, even though you maybe can mention the prophet's children or Umm Salama real name, how Umm Salama and Umm Habiba (RA) got their title but ok
Plz change the tumbline of the video
Explain something about Maria Khabtiya.
Alhamdulillah, I did not know the prophet married so many widows, though I am curious, the prophet(peace be upon him) appeared to give many proposals, was there anyone who rejected him for marriage?
No but he jected some women for marriage
There is narration of a woman who did
@@rafidtgr3344this is incorrect there is a woman who rejected him
There is, I think her name is Umm Hani bint Abu Thalib
i remember reading a hadith, The Prophet found a woman, but she was a Queen and at that time the Prophet was already established and well know and his preachings were already being followed by people, yet when the Prophet asked for her hand in marriage, she rejected him. It was not even a weak hadith either, straight out of Sahih Bukhari as far as I remember.
I think you forgot Maria al koptic?
Please change the thumbnail May Allah reward with good health
Mothers of believers رضي الله عنهم used to cover their faces not just putting these scarves.
This is not true
@LAWOODSTORIES i can provide some resources if you are ready to read
@LAWOODSTORIES plus all the scholars agreed that covering the face is better and gives more deeds.
@@Muhammed_IIImagine thinking women should dress like curtains.
I know it's hard for you to understand modesty
i mean what do i expect from people have body counts lol, while we stay virgin until marriage.
Brother respectfully its sawda like sawuda جزاك الله خير
Next we need a explanation on his children
Explaining the roles of the wives of the prophet is a good idea .
But having a thumbnail of some random women that have an american style hijab
then writing the names of the Prophets wives is disrespectful because thats misleading and misrepresenting them.
Then everytime you talk about a wife of the prophet you show a picture of a women with her face with light .
Just dont show any figure at all?
You're lying against how they look regardless of whatever you cover.
May Allah guide you brother .
Yeah thank you for pointing that out, our mothers didn’t wear such incomplete hijabs, they were completely covered in black and their faces were also covered
@@ahmadalghamdi4425 not just face, their whole bodies
@@ahmadalghamdi4425it is not an incomplete hijab, the prophets wives wore niqabs therefore making it sunnah and not a compulsion, it also does not invalidate women who do wear the hijab and not the face covering, saying women are not covered while they wear a whole hijab and modest clothing is a whole nother level of crazy to me
@@Princessceline17 it IS compulsory. GET OVER IT.
@ no it is not , GET OVER IT💀
All the people in the past used to marry early, meaning all the people who would argue ancestors did the same thing including their religious figures, just because it wasn’t recorded doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Sallahou alla Muhammed
The first person to write "HafsaH"s spelling correctly i feel so happy
what do you use to edit brother
and that's why my parents called me khadija
Can I ask a question
Didn't Mohammed saw have a wife named rihana
Umm al Mu'mineen Mother of Believers.
I'm watching on my mom's phone
Abdullah bin abass is the prophet muhammad’s cousin
0:34 There is no authentic hadith about Khadija’s age, may God be pleased with her, but the most acceptable is that she was 28, not 40. .
There are those who have said other numbers, but 40 is the weakest, and there is 45, which is very weak.
Some said 35, some said 25, but the most likely is 28.
She gave birth to four daughters from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and it would be very unlikely that she was over forty.
baqwas. she was 40 and thats an AGREED FACT
@@razamughal4582 Agreed upon by whom? Islamic scholars? You certainly have not read anything about this.
It reminds me of the Mormon leader. He also had a lot of wives.... He also had revelations from G. 😮😅
Mind your language
@@khlifaomer229Are you denying that Joseph Smith Jr. LIED about receiving revelations? He SAID he did. Why are you denying that?
@@Euro.Patriot I am denying what? If you talk about him being a prophet then yes he is not a prophet . Prophet muhammad ( pbuh)is last prophet .
@khlifaomer229 To be a prophet of a god then that god has to exist. Allah does not exist. Joseph Smit Jr. claimed to receive revelations from Allah so since all the evidence for Muhammad being a prophet was just him saying so, Joseph Smith Jr. must also be a prophet.
@@Euro.Patriot that exacly what happen when you don't have enough information . Allah does exist . According to you the world created itself , which doesn't make any sense .just because he said he is prophet it doesn't mean he is prophet . Prophet muhammad ( pbuh) was known for his great character . What about josph smith what he was known for ? Quran was sent to him full of miracles I can give you many of it .he was sent by Allah( s.w) . Quran is book from Allah if you read it you will know that .
I don’t get why the 2 wives are greatly hated by a certain Muslim group. It’s sad
You forgot maria Al quttibiya
i don't think he married her in the end, she got her freedom after carrying his son (he died at infancy tho)
She was a slave
There is a difference of opinion whether she ever became the prophet's wife, she was his concubine though.
The thumbnail isn't appropriate brother, the wives of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم did not wear that hijab that you put in your thumbnail.
If you can, change it brother.
بارك الله فيكم
What about Hazrat Maria, she was a slave girl gifted to the prophet who he later married and even had a son with, did you miss her?
Isn't "Barra" actually Jumayriya R.A's original name ???
I thought you can have only 4 wives, then how so many😮
There were certain things that were allowed for the prophet ﷺ to do but were made forbidden for the rest of the ummah
I'm pretty sure that's at once, you can only have four wives at once
@@Kurdish-Mapperisback The prophet pbuh had 9 wives at the same time. When the ruling of 4 wives came down the prophet already had more than 4, and he was not allowed to have more. Also, the prophet pbuh have a special status, some rulings do not apply to him as would other Muslims and some obligations he had to do that other Muslims did not have to do. For example, the prophet had to pray qiyam al-layl (night prayers) everyday while this is not an obligation for other Muslims.
@@kenkaneki9138 i never heard of him having 9 wives at the same time, can you show me the source?
That ruling came after his marriages.
Just like the ruling that one cannot be married to two sisters at the same time. Jacob pbuh married two sisters. The ruling disallowing it came way after him.
0:09 isn't Khadijah (RA) from Syria and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came to syria the 2nd time for business and married Khadijah (RA) ?
Khadijah lived in mekka, we can be sure about that, she Just send the Prophet as her worker to syrian for a short time ( I am Not Sure about the country she jad sent him)
These were lessons of good obedient sincere to loyal wives/mothers... I be proud of these one of simple Islamic lessons... Alhamdulillah... Aminnn... These were the rue religions among other sad fake ridiculously religions
All the mothers❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤of love❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
if time machine exists at future, one of my mission would be "aisha"
i know i dont believe who says "he married to a 6 years old kid"
but i would go check the accuracy of it
They consummated it late,,, it was common in all civilizations
@@HameemShameem-h1tNo he consummated it when she was a little girl and the time gap between marriage and consummation doesn't matter because she was a little girl. This was not common in ancient civilisations and how common it was does not make it right.
@@Euro.PatriotHow old was Mary or Rebeccah? I see you completely ignore that. Quran and hadith is different. Quran is literal word of God and infallible. Hadith are the sayings of people around the time and not infallible. Aishas age is in the Hadith (not the Quran) which was written up to 200 years after prophet muhammad (as). Hadiths are however mostly largely accurate due to chains of narration especially the muttawatir hadith. So you can't be for sure of Aishas age exactly as Arabs at that time used to count age after puberty too and birthdays weren't celebrated. In fact there are hadiths which suggest she was around 19 when subtracting dates given in hadith. Even if she was you can't compare the culture of back then to today especially when life expectancy was low and Aisha was a scholar, hafiz and helped islam to grow. Why dont you research history it was common especially in your european civilisations and kingdoms.
@@Euro.Patriotit does matter. She had her paper marriage when she was six and everyone WAITED until she turned into a MENSTRUATING WOMAN aged NINE. Just like WOMEN TODAY.
Khadija being 40 is widely spread but reliant on daif hadith, when there are also daif hadith of her being 28 and 25
I believe she was 40, meaning Prophet Muhammad SAW married a woman way older than him and a woman way younger than him who is Ayesha R.A which is an example of age doesn't matter in love
that would be messed up, you forget that she had 2 husbands before him and she even had children from them
@@amalakram8755 28 or 25 is completely fine to have children from a previous marriage, but being 40 and then having 6 more children is a lot less likely
But eitherway im just referring to the hadith gradings and that people should not just say she was 40 like its a fact
@@amalakram8755as it was normal for women to marry as soon as they hit puberty so most women would be married and have children in their teens like fatimah who had hasan and hussain in her teens
@@Artimus_Primeyou cant beleive whatever you wish, if the hadeeth is weak then its weak and we simply cant know for sure, regardless we know he married for noble reasons ﷺ, age doesnt matter in marraige, its not correct to say love because these marraiges were of course arranged and love only came afterwards, and regardless of khadijas age he married sawdaa who was older than him too ﷺ
What age was Aisha when she married the prophet?
@ Oh that is crazy, because I heard some say 8 and some say 16-18, but at the age of 6 is on another level. I believe in our beloved prophet but this can't be sane nor morally right. This should have never happened in my opinion.
@@berfin3489 nahh sahih al bukhari 5134 said that
@berfin3489 Prophet muhammad married aisha when she was six years old and he consummated aisha when she was 9 years old until his death
Sahih Al Bukhari 5134 (hadith)
Please call the names by adding mother in the beginning
May allah bless u but the wives of the prophet ﷺ covered their faces brother.
Respectfully brother, there were so many mispronunciations in this video. Please take care to verify with a scholar in a local masjid.
How old were all of the different wives? I heard from another source that one of the wives was only 9 years old...
Yes Ayesha was a MENSTRUATING WOMAN much like the nine year old menstruating WOMEN we have amidst us today.
It was normal
If your question is genuine, have a sit down with your local imam. We layman muslims of the internet will probably not be able to convince you to accept our answer. Just like I wouldn't ask a layman like you how old Rebekah was when she married Isaac (as) according to the bible.
And is it true that Solomon (as) had 700 wives and 300 concubines according to the bible?
@razamughal4582Girl, she was a 9 year old girl 3 years after she was first abused.
The mothers of the believers didn't use those scarves. They adorned themselves with the proper Islamic jilbab. So, the video thumbnail and other screenshots are misleading.
Plzzzzzzzz bhai hindi me samjhaye
I didn't even know Prophet Muhammad had so many wives
yupcuz he didn't followed the quran
@@lancetamama3674 yes he did, the Quran was literally revealed to him.
@@IslamIsTheTrueReligion993no, instead you only got 4 wives when the quran said (surah an nisa3) and why muhammad had 11 wives
@@lancetamama3674 the prophet didnt have all the same rules as us, for example we have to do 5 prayers daily but he had more
@hiddenone4882 hmmm that's interesting question, when i think prophet muhammad didn't pray 5 times but the problem is he had 11 wives cuz he violating the quran verse
Islam reigion is very much confuse the way CP channel interpret.
How do i know the truth of Islam?
Dont listen to cp for a start
@razamughal9095 why,wat is the reason?
@@aleksmuinao2783 because you accept that cp is confusing you. Secondly he is not qualified to speak on islam so is not giving you authentic information. If you have a question you can write it here.
@razamughal9095 how can i trust even Imam or sheik when they are allowed to do taqya for the sake of relegions itself.
@aleksmuinao2783 quite easily. islam is the worlds most successful religion.
✅ Brother, could you please remove the Thumbnail picture?
@@ryan6140because it’s not correct hijab
@@Turkic.WarriorIs it really affecting you that much? Is it making you upset? Is it making you cry? Do you need a baby bottle?
You forgot about Maria
you are wrong by saying "adopted" adoption is harem in islam. it's called kafala
Sayyida Maimoona?
His last wife was mariya qabtiya
now i know the difference muhammad and Jesus...
the sahabiyyat covered their faces your images are heavily misleading audhubillah
May we all are called from these mothers of ours as ''Come here sit with me, my son'' in Jannah. Ameen.
A correction in your video brother, not from me but from the historians* Khadijah alaihi salaatu was salaam wasn't that old. Maybe 4, 5, or 6max that much age gap between them. If she was that old, then how did she bore Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi salaam that many children, isn't that thought provoking!?
Better not to put any depiction (even if it was without details like in the thumbnail) of the mothers of the believers. I totally oppose that.
if i am not wrong Aisha is the youngest wife of the prophet (peace be upon them both) and i think she was six years old but hold on remember this was still around 1400 years ago and the rules and laws and norm of today was not there yet and it was not uncommon to do this and if you want more info just research it and research deeply to not get wrong answers
she was 15-16+
@@StronGatito she was 9, don't try to change the deen of Allah just because some western pig says it's bad
She was 9 when consuming
it is important to know that the prophets are our idols, so there werent any kinds of "forcing" or "lust feelings" Muhammad found Aisha as she was 6 and before that he dreamed of her as a woman, besides she was the daughter of his best friend, age doesnt really matter (as long as there are no intimitating before marriage and both of them are old Enough), thats nothing we should be ashamed of to teach our children, as long as the fiance has Iman Subanallah
@@1b02ghazanaliza6 aisha was going in battles with prophet mohamed pbuh, and he had battles 2 years after immigrating to madina, and women had to be atleast 15 meaning she was 15-16+
Salam akhi,im a praticant sunni muslim but the part about Safiya is not correct, she was a sex slave and her family got killed,im not saying this is bad im just clarify that part. jazaAllah kheir
When Safiya became the wife of the Prophet, he said, 'She is not like any of you (my other wives); she is a woman of high status (noble).'” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
When the Prophet married Safiya, he said: 'I have married you with a dowry of the finest intention and your protection.'” (Sunan Ibn Majah)
@@halfmoon8296 Salam, you are correct about these references, i just wanted to clarify the whole because i thought it was more respectful for those who seek a complete knowledge of things,and Allah knows the best.