The conversion of millions around the world to the light of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, witness the evidence; If what you are upon was the truth, and the perfect path, you would not have left all these millions of your people around the world, and your books would have been enough to guide them, and they boarded the ship of salvation by following the truth and avoiding falsehood and the oppressors. The Almighty said: {And do not incline to those who do wrong, lest the fire catch you, and you have no guardians besides Allah. I hope that you will review what you are, so how can you be assured that your doctrine is the truth, and the best way without verifying that and searching for the truth in the rest of the doctrines? You may be mistaken in your choice. There is no shame in searching for the truth in more than one aspect. I hope that you review what you are, and do not judge those who disagree with you with infidelity and fire, and you do not know anything about his belief other than what you hear about him. Read, and search for it yourself, and be impartial in your research, and do not rely only on what is mentioned in your books and heritage. You do not know, perhaps God will bring about something after that. And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways, and God is with the doers of good. “He who dies without knowing the imam of his time dies a death of ignorance” [Sahih Ibn Habban 10/434 h 4573 - Majma` al-Zawa’id 5/218, 224, 225 and 9/111, 221 - Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat by al-Tabarani 6/70 Musnad Ahmad 4/96 h 16922 (h 16434)]. “O Ali, you and your Shiites are the winners.” (Al-Durr Al-Manthur, Vol. 6, pg. 379) [Evidence for downloading part 2, pg. 459]. [Kifayat al-Talib p. 118 i al-Ghari]). “Ali is with the truth, and the truth is with Ali” [Mustadrak Al-Hakim Hadith No. (4686) Al-Haythami Majma’ Al-Zawa’id vol.7 p.234, Al-Tabarani Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabeer Hadith 15048].
Amazing that Muhammad is able to put grown men in dresses,like no other. But it makes sense because Muhammad received His revelations best while in womens garb.Yet womens testimony is worth half a mans.Thats another miracle of Islam.thanks
@@joman388Well, incest of the dad by his own drunken daughters is in your Book. So is the murder of disobedient children. So is the marriage of a victim to her rapist. So is pornography found in the story of David-not found in Quran, these hyperbolized stories. Woman in Islam is not blamed for the sins of men: misogyny is rampant in the Old Testament and other religions-in some religions, a woman was expected to be killed or done suicide after the death of her spouse: not so in Quran. Your lack of knowledge about Islam is only a disservice to you. Solution? Find the good aspects of your Faith and follow that so that you treat women and your mother well, as Quran teaches gentlemen to treat women.
I love Sheikh Abdurraheem Green for the sake of Allah. He is not politically correct. He gives the harsh truth to those who deny the prophecy of Muhammad PBUH, despite the overwhelming evidence he came with.
Allahuakbar... should malaysia one day be your next country for inspire the none muslim here.. and reminding the muslim too.. amiin..ya rabb al alamiin
Wishful thinking of the science of the Koran,More wishful thinking of its literary value and more wishful thinking that Muhammad was truthful and the best example.thanks
Mahmood K.k he rose on the 3rd day , he will return , Muhammad didn’t rise from the dead , and Muhammad will never come back! Jesus is God , he says in revelation 1:8 “ I am the alpha the omega the beginning and ending , the ALMIGHTY!!! He claims to be the almighty, he forgave sin, he walked on water , also John 10:30 says I and the father are one! Jesus is speaking!
Mahmood K.k read your quran please to gain knowledge. Al-hadeed He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is All-knowing about everything . . . 57:3). So according to the Quran Allah is the first and the last. Now In the Bible in revelation 22:13 Jesus says I am the alpha, omega , the first and the last, the beginning and the ending! Jesus is God wake up!
MashaALLAH, very nice talk sheikh Raheem. I think the best part is the analogy of the middle east and the barrel of water !!!!!! Well done brother !! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Now I'm somewhat of a religious man People ask me who do you believe in? I say, I don't know, but whatever it is, it's good. You might say what is good. I say truth, justice, peace So when I look out into the sky and pray I don't know what it is, but I know it's good. So you can say I pray too good and truth, and the truth is that there is a god, And that's the truth. The knowledge of astrology and cosmology just reinforces my belief ten times stronger. If the furtherest object is millions and millions and billions and trillions of years and more away, if we know this, then we should know we'll never know. So I wish when I die I can travel threw the universe like a spirit for billions of years so I can see all of God's creation. So I can see So I can see, I want too see And that's the truth. And some say that life after death is impossible, but the fact that where here now, in existence, just being able too see you, too touch you, too love you. Is just as impossible.
With all due respect, it would be wise for a religious man to actually base his belief on evidence and reality. Islam provides all the rational proof for its reliability.
❤now we need to become lambs amoungst the woolves with Messiah Jesus in our soul Isaiah 53 v2-12 genesis 3v15 Daniel 9v24-27 Daniel 8v14 Daniel 7v9-13 ❤️
❤unto us a child is born a son is given His name is wonderful councilor Mighty God everlasting father prince of peace and the government will be upon his shoulders and of the increase of peace there shall be no end Isaiah 9v1-6 John 1v18 ❤️
What I find totally incredible is how you can pay attention to such irrelevant things when you have a man talking about such important and profound subjects. I don't care about his hair, his shoes or the shadow of the mic on his shirt instead I LISTEN to him ! ! ! !
_Anyone_ basing their 'understanding' of reality on a ''holy'' book is deranged. There is no such things as 'gods' (just like the case of Santa Klaus), and anyone saying otherwise, ought to be able to present *evidence* for their claims. [So far _NONE_ has.] Religion is in point of fact infantile, just like the 'belief' in Father X-mas! 😣
To claim that there is no God is even more juvenile than believing in santa Klaus. At least the kid was believing that some Santa is putting stuffs there. Now the kid grew up and believes that those stuffs are putting themselves there out of random events.
@@sharkamov When kids come to know that there is no santa Klaus, they don't go into believing that all those gifts were coming out of nowhere. First they doubt, then they realize somebody put the gifts there to be discovered by them. Then they try to find out who put it there, mom, dad, grandma ? Who? Try telling them that the bicycle you got as gift came there because some accident happened last night and dining table converted into bicycle, or it just came out of nowhere, no explanation, no body put it there. How stupid you will sound. Similarly when people say that everything present in the universe, from tiny and extremely sophisticated human cells to perfectly crafted human body,, All the elements made up of same electron proton and neutron become different just because of their different arrangement, perfectly planned and designed solar system to billions of galaxies... All came into existence because of some random events or accident and there is no creator or mind behind it, sounds way more childish than believing in santa Klaus...
@@iamsm3828 Regarding what you call the ‘’perfectly planned and designed solar system’’ - and that this _could not be_ without a ‘’creator or mind behind it,’’ and that: _not_ believing in your ‘theory’ - ‘’sounds way more childish than believing in santa Klaus’’ - is for me rather emptyhanded (not to mention that it shows a total neglect [and comprehension] of the science of astrophysics in the first place, and secondly - it reminds me of a mind steeped in an unfounded belief in magic. But since you apparently seems utterly _convinced_ a ‘creator’ is behind all this, let me ask you: Do you have any thoughts about what your ‘’creator’’ was occupying himself with - in the unfathomable aeons *_prior_* to his ….??? - And, while we’re on the subject: Could you please elaborate on your ‘’creators’’ ‘parental lineage’ - i.e. ‘’family’’??? (Note: I’m in no way, shape or form attempting to ‘put words in your mouth’ - but I guess you do not _seriously_ contend that this ‘’creator’’ you’re referring to - at some point just ‘’came out of nowhere’’ . . . ?) (Apart from myself, I feel quite confident, that there are lots of others who’d just _love_ to hear your musings on this! . . . )
@@sharkamov Figuring out something doesn't negate the existence of its creator. Just because we have figured out(still not much) how something work, what are the principles and laws of nature are in play, it doesn't mean no body created it. Read this line Quran addressed 1400 years ago and try to figure out if that made any sense to anybody until we established a theory about it. Al-Anbiya 21:30 أَوَلَمْ يَرَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓا۟ أَنَّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَٰهُمَاۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلْمَآءِ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ حَىٍّۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ English - Have those who disbelieved not considered that the skies and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? Note: Quran is not a book of astro physics or any science. Facts are presented here and there just as a Creator would talk about it during His introduction. For your second part: Who created God! He is eternal and cannot be compared with anything in his creation, including a family. Still, just because you don't know what He was doing before "everything you know was created" doesn't imply that he doesn't exist.
Your right he never claimed to be god! But he never said he wasn’t god either? He is god he came himself in flesh to feel what we feel , so he also kept respect to his spirit self by not claiming he’s god! So why is Jesus coming back ? And not Muhammad?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Nice vdo uploading.I'm a big fan of Abdur-Raheem Green. Love his speech and lecture. Salam from Bangkok to brothers
Jazak ALLAHU Khairan Kaseerah 💖😍💋
This deserves more views
yes agreed
Mnshallah..Lots of Thanks goes to Allah the Almighty for Islam and may peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Baraka Allahou fik my brother, I pray God for you and me to keep us firm with truth and guidance. Good ramadan 2021.
The conversion of millions around the world to the light of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, witness the evidence;
If what you are upon was the truth, and the perfect path, you would not have left all these millions of your people around the world, and your books would have been enough to guide them, and they boarded the ship of salvation by following the truth and avoiding falsehood and the oppressors. The Almighty said: {And do not incline to those who do wrong, lest the fire catch you, and you have no guardians besides Allah.
I hope that you will review what you are, so how can you be assured that your doctrine is the truth, and the best way without verifying that and searching for the truth in the rest of the doctrines? You may be mistaken in your choice. There is no shame in searching for the truth in more than one aspect. I hope that you review what you are, and do not judge those who disagree with you with infidelity and fire, and you do not know anything about his belief other than what you hear about him. Read, and search for it yourself, and be impartial in your research, and do not rely only on what is mentioned in your books and heritage.
You do not know, perhaps God will bring about something after that.
And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways, and God is with the doers of good.
“He who dies without knowing the imam of his time dies a death of ignorance” [Sahih Ibn Habban 10/434 h 4573 - Majma` al-Zawa’id 5/218, 224, 225 and 9/111, 221 - Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat by al-Tabarani 6/70 Musnad Ahmad 4/96 h 16922 (h 16434)].
“O Ali, you and your Shiites are the winners.” (Al-Durr Al-Manthur, Vol. 6, pg. 379)
[Evidence for downloading part 2, pg. 459]. [Kifayat al-Talib p. 118 i al-Ghari]).
“Ali is with the truth, and the truth is with Ali” [Mustadrak Al-Hakim Hadith No. (4686) Al-Haythami Majma’ Al-Zawa’id vol.7 p.234, Al-Tabarani Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabeer Hadith 15048].
Amazing! My favorite is the question & answer session.
i love islam...
Amazing that Muhammad is able to put grown men in dresses,like no other. But it makes sense because Muhammad received His revelations best while in womens garb.Yet womens testimony is worth half a mans.Thats another miracle of Islam.thanks
@@joman388good point
@@joman388Well, incest of the dad by his own drunken daughters is in your Book. So is the murder of disobedient children. So is the marriage of a victim to her rapist. So is pornography found in the story of David-not found in Quran, these hyperbolized stories. Woman in Islam is not blamed for the sins of men: misogyny is rampant in the Old Testament and other religions-in some religions, a woman was expected to be killed or done suicide after the death of her spouse: not so in Quran.
Your lack of knowledge about Islam is only a disservice to you.
Solution? Find the good aspects of your Faith and follow that so that you treat women and your mother well, as Quran teaches gentlemen to treat women.
The one who have a complete control over every single thing that's gonna happen to me in my life is worthy to be the real lord
I love Sheikh Abdurraheem Green for the sake of Allah. He is not politically correct. He gives the harsh truth to those who deny the prophecy of Muhammad PBUH, despite the overwhelming evidence he came with.
Allahuakbar... should malaysia one day be your next country for inspire the none muslim here.. and reminding the muslim too.. amiin..ya rabb al alamiin
Islam is the true religion
Wishful thinking of the science of the Koran,More wishful thinking of its literary value and more wishful thinking that Muhammad was truthful and the best example.thanks
May Allah make all our friends and family who are non Muslims Muslims may Allah bless them with guidance Allahuma Ameen
I'm proud with my religion of islam
I believe in Jesus
As a messenger of Almighty Allah
me too
Jesus is GOD!
Creation cannot be a Creator
Mahmood K.k he rose on the 3rd day , he will return , Muhammad didn’t rise from the dead , and Muhammad will never come back! Jesus is God , he says in revelation 1:8 “ I am the alpha the omega the beginning and ending , the ALMIGHTY!!! He claims to be the almighty, he forgave sin, he walked on water , also John 10:30 says I and the father are one! Jesus is speaking!
Mahmood K.k read your quran please to gain knowledge. Al-hadeed He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is All-knowing about everything . . . 57:3).
So according to the Quran Allah is the first and the last. Now In the Bible in revelation 22:13 Jesus says I am the alpha, omega , the first and the last, the beginning and the ending! Jesus is God wake up!
MashaALLAH, very nice talk sheikh Raheem. I think the best part is the analogy of the middle east and the barrel of water !!!!!!
Well done brother !! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Allahu-Akbar☝️ Allahu-Akbar☝️Allahu-Akbar☝️ what a great Islamic lecture...thanks a lot our brother in Islam...Abdur-Raheem Green💗💗💗
Well done brother jazakallah
MashaAllah wonderful talk
An y numbskull could produce a chapter like a chapter in the Koran.thanks
I Love islam and I am respect of you because you accpect in islam and great man one one man army
Ma Shaa Allah. May Allah Swt smile over you always.Gr8 lecture ❤️💕
Now I'm somewhat of a religious man
People ask me who do you believe in?
I say, I don't know, but whatever it is, it's good. You might say what is good.
I say truth, justice, peace
So when I look out into the sky and pray I don't know what it is, but I know it's good.
So you can say I pray too good and truth, and the truth is that there is a god, And that's the truth.
The knowledge of astrology and cosmology just reinforces my belief ten times stronger. If the furtherest object is millions and millions and billions and trillions of years and more away, if we know this, then we should know we'll never know.
So I wish when I die I can travel threw the universe like a spirit for billions of years so I can see all of God's creation.
So I can see
So I can see, I want too see
And that's the truth.
And some say that life after death is impossible, but the fact that where here now, in existence, just being able too see you, too touch you, too love you.
Is just as impossible.
With all due respect, it would be wise for a religious man to actually base his belief on evidence and reality. Islam provides all the rational proof for its reliability.
Best Lecture
Very lovely person
Great Examples to Utilize
Great job
Masha allah awesome.
The deeper I know the Koran the less I appreciate it,almost no exceptions.thanks
best lecture
reasonable discourse for inquiring minds the trace of creator his message through his messenger.
❤now we need to become lambs amoungst the woolves with Messiah Jesus in our soul Isaiah 53 v2-12 genesis 3v15 Daniel 9v24-27 Daniel 8v14 Daniel 7v9-13 ❤️
As wr wb Brother ❤
Name of this nasheed in beginning?
❤unto us a child is born a son is given His name is wonderful councilor Mighty God everlasting father prince of peace and the government will be upon his shoulders and of the increase of peace there shall be no end Isaiah 9v1-6 John 1v18 ❤️
Look at the shadow of the mic on his shirt
What I find totally incredible is how you can pay attention to such irrelevant things when you have a man talking about such important and profound subjects. I don't care about his hair, his shoes or the shadow of the mic on his shirt instead I LISTEN to him ! ! ! !
@51:31 ...or he had access to the talmud/torah
If Sufism was before Islam then it must have been before Moses,according to Muslims.thanks
Yes Jesus is divine and human. He took human form to die for us. Because he is divine he can save us. Philippians 2;6-11. His humanity is temporal.
He didn't die.
@@ammarabatool9910 That would also be false as Jesus died for mans sins,Can you not read the bible?thanks
@@ammarabatool9910 Dont read fake stuff, Jesus died long ago
So explain me the Resurrection!!
And get educated about a scientific probe of shrout of Turin!
_Anyone_ basing their 'understanding' of reality on a ''holy'' book is deranged. There is no such things as 'gods' (just like the case of Santa Klaus), and anyone saying otherwise, ought to be able to present *evidence* for their claims. [So far _NONE_ has.] Religion is in point of fact infantile, just like the 'belief' in Father X-mas! 😣
To claim that there is no God is even more juvenile than believing in santa Klaus. At least the kid was believing that some Santa is putting stuffs there. Now the kid grew up and believes that those stuffs are putting themselves there out of random events.
@@iamsm3828 Please elaborate! . . .
When kids come to know that there is no santa Klaus, they don't go into believing that all those gifts were coming out of nowhere. First they doubt, then they realize somebody put the gifts there to be discovered by them. Then they try to find out who put it there, mom, dad, grandma ? Who?
Try telling them that the bicycle you got as gift came there because some accident happened last night and dining table converted into bicycle, or it just came out of nowhere, no explanation, no body put it there. How stupid you will sound.
Similarly when people say that everything present in the universe, from tiny and extremely sophisticated human cells to perfectly crafted human body,,
All the elements made up of same electron proton and neutron become different just because of their different arrangement,
perfectly planned and designed solar system to billions of galaxies... All came into existence because of some random events or accident and there is no creator or mind behind it, sounds way more childish than believing in santa Klaus...
@@iamsm3828 Regarding what you call the ‘’perfectly planned and designed solar system’’ - and that this _could not be_ without a ‘’creator or mind behind it,’’ and that: _not_ believing in your ‘theory’ - ‘’sounds way more childish than believing in santa Klaus’’ - is for me rather emptyhanded (not to mention that it shows a total neglect [and comprehension] of the science of astrophysics in the first place, and secondly - it reminds me of a mind steeped in an unfounded belief in magic.
But since you apparently seems utterly _convinced_ a ‘creator’ is behind all this, let me ask you: Do you have any thoughts about what your ‘’creator’’ was occupying himself with - in the unfathomable aeons *_prior_* to his ….??? - And, while we’re on the subject: Could you please elaborate on your ‘’creators’’ ‘parental lineage’ - i.e. ‘’family’’??? (Note: I’m in no way, shape or form attempting to ‘put words in your mouth’ - but I guess you do not _seriously_ contend that this ‘’creator’’ you’re referring to - at some point just ‘’came out of nowhere’’ . . . ?)
(Apart from myself, I feel quite confident, that there are lots of others who’d just _love_ to hear your musings on this! . . . )
Figuring out something doesn't negate the existence of its creator. Just because we have figured out(still not much) how something work, what are the principles and laws of nature are in play, it doesn't mean no body created it.
Read this line Quran addressed 1400 years ago and try to figure out if that made any sense to anybody until we established a theory about it.
Al-Anbiya 21:30
أَوَلَمْ يَرَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓا۟ أَنَّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَٰهُمَاۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلْمَآءِ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ حَىٍّۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
English -
Have those who disbelieved not considered that the skies and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?
Note: Quran is not a book of astro physics or any science. Facts are presented here and there just as a Creator would talk about it during His introduction.
For your second part: Who created God! He is eternal and cannot be compared with anything in his creation, including a family. Still, just because you don't know what He was doing before "everything you know was created" doesn't imply that he doesn't exist.
I hate the person who this annoying sound in the beginning of video
1.31. Vs budha
Dear Abdur your ideas about Budhisme are wrong!...for the rest, thank you!
Very important to talk Arabic immediately to establish credibility ,Then the islamic nonsense continues in English.thanks
No, Judaism is the true religion of God. Yeshua was Jewish, and when He returns He will still be a Jew.
Forgive them lord!!! Jesus you are the true god!
Jesus was a prophet. He never claimed to be God. He prayed to God and told people to pray to God. He never told people to worship him.
Your right he never claimed to be god! But he never said he wasn’t god either? He is god he came himself in flesh to feel what we feel , so he also kept respect to his spirit self by not claiming he’s god! So why is Jesus coming back ? And not Muhammad?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The word because flesh is the key word! If the word is god ? And the word became flesh? (Human) (Jesus)