What's Your "SUCKS TO BE RIGHT" Story?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 34

  • @shellodee
    @shellodee 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +47

    Was asked when I was pregnant how many kids I thought I'd end up having/how many I wanted. My answer was, "5. I want 5, but I'll think I'll end up with 4". Well, 10yrs after I was asked that question, and my 5th baby passed away just after his 1st birthday (primary immunodeficiency). I got my 5, but I've ended up with 4.

    • @thatonegirlelaine
      @thatonegirlelaine 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      💔 I'm so sorry.

    • @5Demona5
      @5Demona5 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Ouch, so sorry.

  • @thefancytiefling
    @thefancytiefling 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    That time when I was in the military and tried to explain to a military instructor that one of the trainees who was next to me did not understand a lick of English and anything you say is going to go right over the top of his head while at the firing range and it will cause somebody to get hurt or killed. They told me after a very angry rant to basically shut up and be quiet. So I listened and while I was laying next to this particular individual. They had a negligent discharge that nearly took my face off I immediately grabbed the barrel and shoved it into the dirt and ripped it away from him and even had the gall to yell at my instructor for me nearly getting my face taken off by him because he didn't even understand the basics of firearm safety let alone not to point it at a friendly. I refuse to go down onto the firing line if he was going to be next to me and they threatened to write me up. I said I would gladly take the right up because it's better to be written up than it is to be killed by a friendly. I value my safety over his training any day of the week. I got moved to a spa on the far side of the line And after they tried to explain to him in English again what to do and how to do it properly. They apparently had ignored the fact that he did not understand English and barely understood Spanish. He was borderline illiterate in every sense of the word. Subsequently he had another negligent discharge and they took the weapon away from him again and literally gave him a broom to practice with because they couldn't trust him on the firing range with an instructor two inches from his face to not have a negligent discharge. Our training procedures and our process for getting military training instructors has gone significantly down in the last 10 years and it shows. This was in 2017 in the Air Force where we were accepting people that were not United States citizens to join the service and English for some reason was not a requirement to be in the military. You know the universal language of the United States military. Basic grade school level English.

  • @chelmsford-ut6kn
    @chelmsford-ut6kn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I have one of these. I said that the pastor was likely getting a divorce because his spouse stopped attending the church.

  • @Jnor116
    @Jnor116 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I had a female room mate that i confronted for hanging out at her abusive ex boyfriends aunts house. I told her i can't prove she was still hooking up with him and getting beaten but i was fairly sure it was happening.
    Cue the fightbwe had a week later where she stormed off went to the aunts house, he beats her because she denied him for once and then threatens to kill her.
    She reaches out to me 5 months later apologizing because everything i confronted was true and she didn't want to admit that she was wrong and was only thinking with her libido.

  • @Badartist888
    @Badartist888 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    If people are shitty in one aspect of their life they are normally shitty in others. ie don't go into business with a cheater and don't date someone who rips people off.

  • @TekkenGirl4Lyfe
    @TekkenGirl4Lyfe 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Lostbelt 5, second half (Olympus). The MINUTE the word "void" was spoken I could see the gears turning in Musashi's head and I knew EXACTLY what she was going to do to stop Chaos. It still hurts...

  • @ryanstarkweather3625
    @ryanstarkweather3625 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Pretty much all of them, but the one I'm living now is the fact that I'm effectively doomed to live out the rest of my life alone because I'm not interested in starting a new relationship and my current one includes a fiance who claims to be afraid to drive to where I live and who lives with her grandmother while raising our child, the grandmother having banned me from the property because apparently my daughter is afraid of someone she's never even had the chance to get to know: me. (Kind of a cyclical problem if that isn't obvious.) Point is, im stuck and she does everything to convince me she wants to be here except put in the work to be here. Im over it, but also the idea of relationships in general so here we go. Not leaving, not that there's much of a relationship to leave anyway.

  • @shatteredsoldier81
    @shatteredsoldier81 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    That first story reminds me of my ex-wife who I knew was lying to me about being pregnant by me.

  • @jonf2009
    @jonf2009 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Spent the last five years talking to my wife about her diet and exercise routine or lack thereof. Spent the last four years cautioning her the road she was walking down would end in a stroke or heart attack. Spent the last two years strongly telling her she was playing with fire and trying everything to get her motivated to stop the fast food bingeing. Spent this last year threatening to split because I didn't want to watch her die. Spent her last minutes of life holding her and doing chest compressions as she died of heart failure, she always moaned about how time seemed to prove me right 99% of the time.

    • @Gikkiann
      @Gikkiann 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sounds like she was going through something deeper than that, like depression. Sorry for your loss, though. :(

    • @jonf2009
      @jonf2009 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Gikkiann it was a combination of externalizing responsibility and unwillingness to self examine. She lost her mom to a giant tumor that went unnoticed due to weight then her dad to heart problems from fast food consumption. Externalizing responsibility is a massive red flag I missed early on sadly.

  • @aShadowWizard69
    @aShadowWizard69 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Firewatch by Campo Santo is the game if anyone is wondering

  • @29elines21
    @29elines21 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    recent. I felt like my granpa would die during the school vacation (he was hospitalised) but the updates kept being positive. He died mid-vacation.
    I regret not listening to myself. I was going to see him the day he died. Which was 6 hours to late. I was supposed to see him several days earlier, but my grandparents canceled that because of a doctors appointment. I remember feeling that it would really hurt if this meant I wouldn't be able to see him one last time.
    If you ever get the feeling, make time even if it will give you a hard time elsewhere.
    If you can't visit, give them a call. I wish I had done that. IAnd it will haunt me for until I can forgive myself for not doing it.

  • @oleanderlove6113
    @oleanderlove6113 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My mom called me up 5 years ago to tell me that my younger sister (24 at the time) was pregnant by her bf. I told her if my sister wasn’t too far along, we should terminate the pregnancy or consider adoption because my sis and her bf had no job, were both living with our dad (that wanted them OUT) and my mother was already financially dependent on me and is a recovering addict. I was called heartless for saying I wasn’t in favor of her having the child because ultimately the financial responsibility would fall on me and inevitably I would end up having to raise her child due to my sister’s and bf’s immaturity.
    5 years later, and after years of my mom asking me for money for help, the bf and my sister are both in jail, my mother is a step away from homelessness due to relapsing, and my nephew is now living with the bf’s mother and going no contact.

  • @tatjana4503
    @tatjana4503 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Told the mechanic at my job a few years ago that the machine is only producing shit and that it's not going to pass quality inspection by our supervisor at the end of the shift. He told me I have no idea what I was talking about and that the products were fine as they are. 8 hours later the whole days work was not passing quality testing, put to be trashed and I was able to tell the jerk mechanic that I told him so. Several thousand of Euros landed in the trash that day.

  • @IsengardMordor
    @IsengardMordor 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I predicted both the Syrian civil war as well as the Russian invasion months before both happened as well as how they would start. Just 2 cases i wish i was wrong

  • @hyperslash2144
    @hyperslash2144 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    These were interesting

  • @bensoncheung2801
    @bensoncheung2801 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @DavidRichardson153
    @DavidRichardson153 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    This is probably going to draw a lot of ire, even though it should not, because this is about - brace yourselves - a certain recent vaccine.
    No, don't worry. This is not an anti-vax story or conspiracy, at least not on my end. Hear me out first.
    Shortly after the vaccine first came out, there was a bit of a delay on getting it on my end. This was because I had not been living in the US at this point - and as of posting this, still not - and the country I am currently in having one of those that beat the pandemic early. We still get cases, both suspected and confirmed, but thanks to what was done for the first wave, the country never broke into triple digits for deaths. Even so, when the country finally started getting doses, they made sure that everyone could get it. There were some that were required to get it, but they were what you should expect: medical practitioners, soldiers, police - pretty much everyone who stood a greater chance than most of possibly contracting it, and being a social worker at the time, that included me. This was hardly an issue for me, and it mainly just came down to scheduling when to go get the shots, so it was all fairly straightforward and, even with the needle, relatively painless.
    Shortly after I got my first shot, I got a call from my brother. He was trying to convince our mother to get it but was having a hard time going about it. He was convinced that with my microbiology background (coupled with having worked for our home state's health department before getting axed when its budget was cut), along with me often having actual discussions with her despite never really being that good of a speaker, I would have a better chance at it, so I agreed to try, whereupon he passed me off to her.
    I spent the bulk of the discussion debunking all of the anti-vax talking points (this was the only time I did this without using humor, mocking or not), up until I essentially snapped, though I did not launch into any sort of tirade. I do not remember what exactly what she was saying when this moment happened, but it went like this from then on:
    Me: "Mom, do you remember the last time the whole family got the flu?"
    Her: "I do."
    Me: "Do you remember who brought the flu into the house then?"
    Her: "How could I forget? It was through your father."
    Me: "Do you remember what happened when we got the flu then?"
    Her: "[silent for about 5 seconds]. I remember." (To clarify, my brother got hit the hardest by it, and it was hard enough to actually hospitalize him).
    Me: "Remember how much it cost, even with his insurance?"
    Her: "I could never forget that."
    Me: "Well, he's absolutely going to bring Covid into the house, just as he did with the flu, and then not only will you have to pay another expensive hospital bill thanks to him, but you will also have to arrange and pay for at least one funeral, assuming you survive it. Unless the idea of either having to bury your son or saddling us with the costs of burying you appeals to you, you had better get that vaccine."
    That was how that call ended. And to clarify, my brother was the first to get the vaccine, but he had not told them that he did that because of the anti-vax BS they had started spouting.
    Two days later, I got a message from my brother stating that she had gotten the first shot, and then another message about her having gotten the second shot came two months later.
    Not even a week after that second message - 3 days, IIRC - I got another message from my brother, stating that, as I had told our mother, our father had indeed brought Covid into the house and now all of them were infected - and if not for our mother getting him vaxxed too, that would have been the end of our father's life, as he was the one hit worst of all. That was my "Well, sucks to be right" moment, though I will concede that it probably applies more to my brother than me.
    On the plus side, they all survived and did not get Long Covid. On the minus side, our parents have gone even further with the anti-vax BS (just recently, I had to tear my mother a new one when she tried to push a new anti-vax article on me).
    It may sound cruel, but the aforementioned minus side is the kind of thing that can make one go, "Why did these resources have to be spent on saving you?"

  • @akujiki0X
    @akujiki0X 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Story 5. Rule of thumb. Being intelligent does not make you smart. You can be intelligent and dumb as shit at the same time.

  • @uberfreepain
    @uberfreepain 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    so story one you caaaan get a STD and show no signs to months, if not a year later. sometimes you feel nothing at all. but this is rare.

  • @charishamilton
    @charishamilton 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Predicting my mom cheating on my dad, they are starting the divorce process now

  • @Nocturnimancer
    @Nocturnimancer 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Everything about covid.

  • @generatormike
    @generatormike 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I told everyone having Joe Biden as president would be a complete disaster

  • @colombeleland4684
    @colombeleland4684 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I won 100 bucks in 2016 cause Trump won 😢 it really really sucked to be right.

  • @yukiutaware1064
    @yukiutaware1064 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have too many to count. I'm blessed and cursed to be innately observant, so I tend to pick up on those cues or details others may miss that produce those feelings of sudden fear, dread, or precognition. That's why I don't believe in fortune telling and the like.
    You recognize patterns and register a staggering amount of information subconsciously.

  • @KesorodaBlk
    @KesorodaBlk 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    S T O R Y S E L E C T
    Story 2 3:08
    Story 3 6:00
    Story 4 7:24
    Story 5 8:48
    Story 6 10:04
    Story 7 10:57
    Story 8 11:51
    Story 9 12:45
    Story 10 13:33
    Story 11 14:33
    Story 12 15:14