Let's see what christianity is and did/does : - all women are considered objects (10 commandments) - rape is allowed, including for small girls (Exodus 21, numbers 31, deuteronomy 21 and 22) - slavery is fully allowed and promoted (exodus 21, leviticus 25) - genocides are allowed and promoted (there are so many that i don't even know where to begin, but let's go with numbers 31 again) - Christians launched crusades and committed the worst crimes imaginable, including on other christians - Nazism and the KKK are both christian movements - Christians are currently helping in a genocide - and of course let's not forget that the biggest christian church in the world is the biggest pedophile organization on earth. What good did it bring that could not have been gained by non religious means ?
The strongest evidence that I can offer skeptics and truthseekers is the resilience of the Disciples (and Paul) in the face of certain persecution and death after Jesus's Resurrection. People don't often hold on to lies with nothing to gain but misery, but not one of them recanted.
Watch David Wood's (a popular christian apologist) conversion testimony. That's one of the reasons he converted to Christianity; he found it improbable that a bunch of people would face brutal persecution just to claim they were an eyewitness to something they made up.
The earliest Empire-wide persecution was the Decian persecution from the 3rd century, there was no "certain persecution" of Christians in the 1st century, Nero only ersecuted Christians in the Eternal City suddenly and unexpectedly because he blamed them for the Great Fire of Rome.
@@tomasrocha6139 totally untrue. Emperor Nero was involved within 2 decades , and started the great fire to frame Christians … you said that pretty confidently despite the aforementioned
That the church has continued and thrived for 2000 years is God's greatest miracle since christ. Don't ever let anyone tell you he's not doing miracles, the church is proof
0AD-300AD - a miracle, but 300AD-2000AD - what was so miraculous here? Once Rome took over come on. Well... hmmmm... Apostate Prophet PBUH did mention something about how a particular crusade battle made Christianity not Islam the religion of Europe. and then AP PBUH said Hitler wished that battle's outcome were reversed. Ok thank God. Aside from this?
@@HereticHero q1- thanks I'm ignorant. Afaik Rome, Europe & Israel are civilised world and everywhere else they were barbarians/savages or something especially MENA besides Israel. How wrong am I? Lol. Note: I'm a dual citizen of Hong Kong and the Philippines, and I'm perfectly fine saying that while Spain tortured us for 333 years, we were barbarians before Spain. Q2 ah ok I got it. I think it's diminishing marginal returns. 0AD-300AD surely was the most miraculous 300AD-XAD in Europe was miraculous but not as much XAD-2024AD in Asia Africa north south America Australia is ok miraculous but still less Each is a miracle but less miraculous. Ok but how miraculous? Like if 0-300AD is 99/100 then 300AD-XAD in Europe is ... 60/100? And XAD-2024AD is ... 40/100? It's like trilogy. Sure the 2 sequels are good but they don't necessarily measure up to the 1st.
@nicbentulan The miracles, or "gifts of the Spirit" were over by 70 AD, or the end of the Old Covenant age of Israel. The Old Testament does prophesy this 40 year transition period of. miracles, from 30 AD (ministry of Jesus) to 70 AD (end of the Old Covenant age). MICAH 7:15, "As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show My wonders." The reference to Egypt was a 40 year transition period of miracles, from. 30 AD to 70 AD.
Very good. Then keep His commandments: the Law of Moses (except the sacrificial laws of course) as Jesus told us.. "If you love me you will keep my commandments" Since Jesus is the Fathers mouthpiece every word he speaks are the Fathers words. Hence it was the Father saying "if you love me keep my commandments" And those are the law of Moses which God spoke to Him for everyone who is in covenant when Him. Even Adam had and kept this law.
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Now the passage of the Scripture that he was reading was this: “Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he opens not his mouth. In his humiliation justice was denied him. Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth.” And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. (Acts 8:26-39)
@@Charlllot I noticed that the kjv also mentions that the eunuch acknowledged Jesus before being baptised. "...See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? 37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still...
It doesn't matter if they do or not, they're from Jacob's brother. They're not really Israelites. The real Israelites, Europeans accepted Christ long ago
The state of Israel will fall and exist no more. Through that and the 2 witnesses in Rev chap 11, Jewish people will finally understand the Truth and, thus, repent and convert (Lev 26:40), and will be forgiven by God and grafted into His Body, the Church (Lev 26:41-45, Romans 11:23). Among all the different peoples on the earth, Jewish people will be the last one to convert.
They all will, the entire nation according to Paul. They will be rescued by messiah and kept in the wilderness from the wrath of the antichrist until He comes in the clouds and gathers them to Jerusalem via the angels (Matt 24).
@@quadrasaurus-rex8809 That's not what that passage is about. It's about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, and the Jewish Christians fleeing to safety thanks to the warning (which actually happened, too!).
that's definitely a good realization to have but Jesus is still everywhere regardless. There's a great verse from Genesis that says "Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah-from the LORD out of the heavens." There is a reason "Lord" is in all caps and it's because the original Hebrew uses God's name twice yet talks about him being in two different places and performing two different actions at the same time.
Wait WHAAAAAAAA?!?! I’d never thought of that before but wow that really makes sense. Especially when you realize that “angel” is actually just the Greek word for “messenger”
@GogakuOtaku Yeah, it's wild. Check out the passages where the Angel of the Lord speaks to Abraham or Gideon in Genesis and Judges, and it's clear that the Angel of the Lord is more than just a messenger.
@@randerson4009 Implies "which of the" MERE "angels" did he say that to. Just like when other passages call him a man it obviously doesn't mean a mere man in context.
Princes will bow low, Kings will stand up to honor you, reminds me so much of one painting where a medieval King stared humbly at a crucifix of christ while others only cheered for his victory.
This is the argument that finally convinced me as a Jew to accept Yeshua for who He said He was/is. Tovia actually got me with the first argument, but the Lord didn't let me go, but kept pushing for me to re-evaluate Singer's claims.
Bro your name is basically Saul which means you can change it to Paul now that you converted! Just like in Acts. or Phaul if you wanna keep the h. I'm really glad you were able to accept the Gospel and Jesus Christ. When people say that Jesus is the way to truth and life they aren't just repeating a platitude. It's liberating to read the Gospel and see just how true it reads. The Gospels reads truer with every read, so I hope your relationship with the New Testament continues to become more meaningful to you as you re-read it. May the peace and love of our lord and savior Jesus Christ be with you on this day and forever more. Amen. PS idk what denomination you are but it's never to late to become a Lutheran :)
Brother i admire your work on debunking islam without being foul mouthed like shamounian, Sam has such educational content about bible but in his videos out of nowhere he cusses out a fellow human being whenever they disagree whether be muslim or Christian, what i don't like is how he defends his foul language like it's the right thing to do to people and calls people who don't use foul language weak, submissive and gullible. He is very knowledgeable about the bible and conveys the truth, but that very mouth slandering someone's mother just bothered me, and made me appreciate your work Young Christians can see your videos and learn without being influenced by bad words
Muslims/Arabs have a different culture when it comes to debate. Watch a few minutes of debates on Memri TV if you're curious. You can't approach every person/cultural group with the same rhetorical approach and expect to get consistent conversions. You have to adapt. "By Allah behave yourself. I will give you a taste of my shoe." - Memri meme
A less often brought up parallel is also that Jesus is abrahams ram that was caught in thorns and served as a sacrificial substitute for abrahams son on mount moriah. During the passion, when Jesus is made to wear a crown of thorns and is crucified at calvary he functions in the exact same way, taking our place as a substitute so that he may conquer death and save us He’s all over the old testament really, it’s hard to deny I think once you’ve seen just how much of it is looking towards the coming Jesus in the future
Also, Jesus, as the ransom, replaces Adam (actually Adam's life [blood]) as our first human father so the Adamic sin we inherit can be removed. It is the way "Jesus saves" us by Almighty God's Purpose and Will.
It is a great insight that Jesus is our sacrifice rather than an animal our own lives. However, a better understanding of the thorns is that Jesus is bearing the curse placed in Genesis after Adam and Eve sinned. Thorns were not a part of the creation but only came after the ground was cursed. Jesus took the curse placed on the ground and us and will one day remake the earth without the effects of sin.
@keentan2896 He did not do away with it. He bore the penalty for it. In the same way that death is not beaten but sting of it is and eventually even the existence of death will be done away with. Same with the curse. It is not gone but He has taken it upon Himself rather than letting it fully fall on those who deserved it. When He returns He will make all things new and one of those things will be a New Heaven and New Earth with no curse.
To hold to rabbinical Judaism after the time of revelation has ended is certainly a special kind of hard-headedness. After all, St Paul said they are the adversaries of mankind. They're not playing for God's team anymore.
@@DaddyAZTL 1) There is plural even in English in context 2) Jews are not called nation (goy) in the times of prophet, just as one can see in this very paragraph 49
@@jerryalmoni4424 "I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth" the jews dont do this. only jesus fits.
Modern Judaism is like a weird mix of Jehovah's Witnesses and universalism. It bears almost no resemblance to ancient Judaism. "Your house is left unto you desolate..."
@@nandinoo Its writen in the scriptures, they once followed, but eventually misguied from time to time. And thats the reason why Jesus exist. To fixed what was broken.
That's such a BS argument, other false deities from different religions have changed people's lives too, and even a believer who stopped believing and became an Atheist got their lives changed too. This is the hypocrisy that I hate about religions.
@@avishevin1976Jews: the Bible is anti Semitic because it says jesus was killed by Romans because of the jews. The talmud said some bad things about goyims… Jew: you must be anti semitic for bringing them up trying to spark controversy. You must not take the Talmud literally even though we do sometimes.
Here's another interesting thing: in Isaiah 49:6 - 7, the word translated "my salvation" is Yeshua - Jesus. Go back and reread that passage, inserting "Jesus" where it says "my salvation". See how THAT grabs you. And you can do the same thing in Isaiah 12, and other places in the Bible where it says "my salvation".
Yahshua/Joshua just means "God saves" and was a name quite a few people had, and it is talkinf about salvation,so I don't think Rabbis or skeptics would accept that as proof.
@@ONIBlackBox The original post is referring to *Rabbinic Judaism.* This type of judaism is satanic. I am serious. It is characterized by rejecting Jesus and emerged post-70 AD. The judaism of the Old Testament is called *Mosaic Judaism.* This is characterized by animal sacrifices. The judaism that embraced Jesus as Messiah is called *Messianic Judaism (Christianity).*
@@ONIBlackBox Fair point.. I still see where OP is coming from, though. Judaism has evolved. Modern rabbinical Judaism is not the same as first century Judaism. So one can debunk Judaism (modern) while respecting Judaism (original).
You're one of the channels like Inspiringphilosophy that strengthen my faith for Jesus in my times of doubt, thank you so much for what you're doing ❤ Amen🙏
I heard rabbi tovia singer try to debunk Isaiah and he pretty just said “it’s abstract.” Ok good rebuttal bro 😂. It’s clearly about Jesus. Jesus is lord, every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess!
Isn’t it interesting that the unbelieving Jews in Jesus reject the idea that the Messiah would be a sacrifice to atone for sin yet when we show them Isaiah 53 they say it’s about the whole of Israel. So now they have to believe that they don’t just believe in one human sacrifice but a multitude. Which again is a People that is not Sinless, not righteous, and those who do believe in God are not even close to being perfect, which is what is needed to atone for sin. Only Jesus fits this perfectly.
To answer the question at 1:03 - "Does anyone else in Jewish history fit that particular description?" No, as that particular description refers to either an eventual Jewish figure, or Israel as a whole, eventually. The first interpretation fits well with Isaiah 49:5 and Isaiah 53, just like the Christians say it fits well with their interpretation as Isaiah referring to Jesus - it's discussing a single figure. And as for the second interpretation, Isaiah 49:5 isn't a question to this idea at all, as that verse simply describes the idea of the nation of Israel, together, helping to inspire and unify its people with their ultimate purpose: to have a shared commitment to God. Also Isaiah 53 isn't a question either, as Israel’s suffering serves a dual purpose. On one hand, Israel suffers innocently at the hands of other nations; on the other, this suffering also acts as a form of atonement and spiritual purification. The chapter ultimately foreshadows a time when the nations will recognize Israel’s innocence and the unjust nature of their oppression, leading to a broader acknowledgment of Israel’s role as God’s chosen people. Now, I'll leave a simple message here together with the simple interpretation that I have provided. These interpretations are from Rashi and other Rishonim (early Jewish commentators), who lived around the year 1100, and their interpretations indirectly answer any questions that the Christians throw at the Jews, as they don't even see the necessity to bring the Christian interpretation; they just explain the bible the way it was always learnt by the Jews, and the simple reading already disputes the made-up Christian reading. People in our modern day need to understand one thing: The Jewish bible has been discussed over hundreds of years, and the interpretation of the early Jewish commentators is even understood as being as ancient as the book itself - so to think that there is any verse in this bible that the Jews can't interpret is the idea of an uneducated individual. People interpret the bible however they want, they aren't looking for the objective truth.
The Jews are not being truthful when they say that Isarael is the suffering servant. If you read the Targum you will see that in the early part of Isaiah chapter 53 that it says that this person who the passage is talking about is the Messiah. The Targum (the word Targum means translation) is a Jewish translation of the Hebrew Old Testament (Tanach) into Aramaic. Comments are frequently put into the Targum to help people understand it. The Targum is an entirely Jewish book. It would effectively be one of the oldest commentaries of the Old Testament so it should carry considerable weight. I suppose most Jews don't know about this but it should be widely known for the sake of honesty. Get yourself a translation into English of the Targum.
Imagine being a 1st century Christian, your peers probably being caught and persecuted daily, and reading the prophesy in Isaiah that ALL NATIONS will bow to Jesus. And now think of how many of us take this prophesy for granted because it already happened (with a few regional exceptions obviously, but pretty much all countries except N Korea and Saudi Arabia have Christian communities, however small they are) Overall, the faith in Yahweh went from 12 relatively small tribes to over a billion people in the past 2000 years, including most of Africa, the Americas, obviously Europe and much of the middle east, even India has one of the oldest churches in the world started by Thomas the apostle (which is a whole other topic i find mindblowing that points to Christianity being accurate. Because however much denominations disagree, the orthodox churches in India and Ethiopia, and our churches in America, however distance and time separate us, all still agree with the basics of Christianity; Jesus is God among us, who died for our sins and rose from the dead❤)
Imagine being caught and then thrown to the arena filled with wild beasts. Fighting back is an option but it is equal to worshipping a Greek deity and therefore denouncing Christ. Then you remember the prophecy in the Book of Isaiah...
True, however it falls short because it does not acknowledge the suffering that the Messiah had to go through, as prophesied. What the concept really means within their paradigm is also unclear.
Which is odd because Allah and Jesus basically made the biggest screw up by "replacing him on the cross with someone else" leading to the world's largest religion that rejects Allah and Muhammed.
They say so but I don't think their dogma actually explains what that means...seeing Isaiah has those expectations and yet they say Jesus wasn't crucified and died then that's a problem.
More videos on this topic are needed because many people struggle to understand why a significant number of Jews do not accept Jesus as their Messiah. Many religions that criticize Christianity often use this point to discredit Jesus. Love your videos BTW ✝️🙏🏼
All the apostles were jews Paul etc and who wrote the the Gospels jews yes and the spirit of God workwd through the Gentiles but even God has said through Abraham seed so give some credit all though they are moraly no better then men
Add to this Gamaliel’s advice Acts 5:38-39 (CSB) 38: “So in the present case, I tell you, stay away from these men and leave them alone. For if this plan or this work is of human origin, it will fail; 39 “but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even be found fighting against God.” They were persuaded by him. If Christianity was just a made-up religion then how could it endure persecution and conquer the world when all other messiah-claimants have been forgotten?
I thought this video was going to be about Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy, and how because of the time limit set in it, Jesus is either the Messiah, or else both Judaism and Christianity (Islam too?) are false. The Messiah necessarily had to come at a particular time, and Jesus fulfills that. Jesus is the Messiah. If you’re interested, look up explanations of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy.
I have a question for anyone that can help answer. I’ve heard from my religion prof that apparently the book of Isaiah was composed of three different authors before the 1st century CE, so before the gospels were written down. So my question is, does this tarnish the authenticity of the book of Isaiah? It still features messianic prophecies before the birth of Jesus but it still puzzles me how 3 separate supposed authors could have done that.
A lot of people traditionally thought, and I myself was originally taught, that the second half of isaiah was written by one of his disciples. I really don't know how you could show one way or another, but if there were multiple authors something like that could explain it
God has been so faithful to me I exalt his name now and everyday of my life. ☦️🙏❤️Awesome God ❤️my family are happy once again and I can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement.$47k weekly returns has been life changing, after so much struggles.
Giving her my initial savings of $15,000 to invest in a brokerage account was a turning point in my life less 7days. It's been an incredibly rewarding experience.
Brother, excellent video!! You made few amazing points. Keep it coming :) TH-cam wants me to see Tovvia's video next 😅. I do watch his videos. He is trying hard. But the writing is very clear on the wall.
Eh not really. "Church" just means gathering. God has not forgotten Israel. Gentiles are joined together with Israel by means of grafting in (Romans 11:11-24)
The church is not the new Israel read Romans chapter 11 the church is never called Israel the church is also not Roman catholic the word church in the Bible just means the believers in christ
@@elroi8325 The word Israel means the one who struggles against God or boxes with God he isn't Israel he is the chosen saviour destined to come out of Israel and the church his bride yes but there isn't a verse were his addressed as such
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9 : 6
Hi! im not a rabbi nor an expert on judaism, but if you look at the HEBREW version of the tanakh, youll find a very simple explanation, the verse isaiah 53 talks in rabim (plural) about the messiah/whatever is being described, so unless you view jesus as multiple persons and therefore should be refer to in plural, isaiah 53 cant possibly be talking about jesus
The pronoun used in Hebrew "וְהוּא֙" seen in Isaiah 53:5 and other verses is considered by most scholars in proto-Hebrew as masculine singular. See Biblehub's or Logos' transcript records I don't think it's a massive point of contention, though. If it was plural it speaks Trinitarianism and would be consistent with the way God's entity is described in proto-Hebrew. As singular it just references the prophecy of Christ rather directly
@@darthdistortion1934 God would be god’s suffering servant? Christians really will create the most irrational and twisted readings to support their delusions.
Israeli jew here, love this video, I have been pausing the video to verify the information with the old testament as hebrew is my native language, everything checks out. Jesus is our king, saviour and the embodiment of god ❤🇮🇱🙏
I love your videos and I’m a Jew in Israel who came to Jesus 6 months ago. While that image of the Jewish man with the yarmulke was a bit funny also felt like a bit of a blow below the belt. No need to make fun of them, they are still the lost sheep if Israel, and we should try to bring them back in! lol with that I still got a chuckle out of it and I’m beginning to preach a bit more in my community here in Israel but it ain’t easy. I get a lot of rejection although surprisingly I did meet a few people willing to listen and even 1 person I know also became a fellow believer! 1% at a time! Soon all my Jewish brothers and sisters will god willing to his true son and our Lord ❤❤
What city in Israel are you in? Glad to see more Jews believing in Jesus. October 7 was a sad tragedy but it somehow opened me to check channels like Sergio & Rhoda, Shilho Ben Hod, many Christian archeology channels, and knowing the society in Israel and its actually diverse societal fabric.
In quoting from Isaiah 49 I'm a little surprised Testify didn't cite verse 8, that it would be - note this - a SMALL THING for the Messiah to save the Jews, by comparison with his work for the Gentiles . So... any Jews reading this who don't accept Jesus as the one, your task is to look out for a Jewish figure whose MAJOR work will be to bring spiritual benefit to non-Jews. Good luck with that one, you'll need it. Meanwhile this all ties in well with Daniel 2:44. Read it in context. Can you name a spiritual movement that started in the days of Rome and has since expanded throughout the earth and still growing? There isn't even a shortlist.
even muslims cannot claim that prophecy as their fanbois hate the GOD of israel and israel itself meanwhile we Christians honor and worship the same GOD that the israelites worshipped thousands of years ago W Jesus
@@DaddyAZTLWrong the Israelites did worship Jesus, He is in Genesis 18-19, Exodus 3:2, Joshua 5:23 etc. John 1:1 says The Word is God, and The Word became flesh which is prophesied in Micah 5:2, and Isaiah 9:6, and he was punish for our tragression Isaiah 53 (Its not Israel in this context because Isaiah 53:8-9, Isaiah 6:5 describes Israel as a people of unclean lips). Jesus is Israel's God, bring evidence against it or cope harder.
@@Heistruth-ss1ws God is not a man - numbers Simple as that. Jesus himself says God is a spirit . Cope harder? Doesn't take much "cope" to realize that a man born 2000 years ago can't be God. God can't die. Either so. Not to mention the apostles themselves I'm acts say Jesus was the PROPHET. of duet 18. Cope harder.
@@BongBing11 prove it. Deut 18 says God will raise a PROPHET. And put HIS WORD in that prophet. Jesus is a prophet of God who God put His word inside of.
Jew here, and yes. Isaiah IS talking about the nation of Israel as a whole, and it makes sense you don’t believe that because you’re not provided the context of what it actually means to be a Jew. Judaism is and was never big because we don’t go out and preach because unlike many other religions you have to be born to a Jewish mother. The point of Judaism isn’t to make as many people Jewish as possible, as we believe as humans we all have the same fate of dying, getting our soul cleansed, then entering heaven. It’s a very here-and-now religion. Meaning the teachings are to all better ones life, live with meaning, and to just do as much good as possible with our time we have on this earth, as it was created for us. That’s what being a light amongst the nations means- to still do good deeds and live for god when everyone else is out there burning witches & killing each other in the name of their god.
If that’s all the Hebrew Scriptures are teaching then no offense but that’s a pretty shallow and benign belief system that is indistinguishable from most of the worlds major religions. There are Jews today that still believe in the coming of a personal messiah, and not just some abstract concept of the ideals of how one should live. The majority of Orthodox Jews still believe this, no?
It does tell the suffering servant is for the "good of the world" which sounds like the God of Israel WANTS to punish his people for the Gentile's sins which doesn't seem God's nature if it is about Israel - add to the sacrificial system of a spotless lamb for sins rather than the death of the sinner then a single Messiah makes more sense rather than the sinner suffering IMO.
Rabbis agree that Christianity (and Islam, by the way) were prophesied about in Tanach. And that we know they are part of G-d's plan to bring His knowledge to the world. (Maimonedes stated this clearly in one of his letters.) That doesn't make Christianity nor Islam true. You see, in the profound sense, Kabalah teaches us something profound that is once stated in the Mishnah and a bit obscure (yet present) on the Bible: G-d is everywhere. The Mishna says, "There is no person without a time and there's no thing without a place." Which means everything possesses Holiness and the Light of G-d, may it be obvious or not. That's the same with Christianity and Islam. They have G-d's light and holiness in them, but that doesn't mean every single thing in them are holy. That's the Kabalistic concept of the "light" that is hidden by the "shell." In everything, you need to peel the impure shell to reveal the Holy Interior.
*Why would people suffer for something if they didn't THINK it was true Lots of people have let themselves be killed to make a political or religious statement. Doesn't mean they were right.
Bias implies nothing, everything has a bias. To some it's proof, to others it's not. The chances of a mostly pacifist ideology like Christianity coming to prominence in a violent world are very slim, so it happening is in line with the miraculous. You're biased in that you here existing in the now, has no frame of reference without Christian influence. All the rest of the world has heard his name, at the very least, whether you like it or not.
Like you said on a blog post for several reasons why Isaiah 53 is about Jesus, it would be good if more Christians also learned to argue from or at least used messianic prophecy more when debating which can also be argued when supporting the resurrection.
Funny you quote Isaiah 49. Isaiah 49:3 : "And [God] said to me, “You are My servant, Israel in whom I glory". Israel IS the servant. In Isaiah 49:5, the narrator (Isaiah) is using the 1st person, hence is speaking about himself as being a servant to God. In Isaiah 53, Isaiah is predicting what all the other nations of the world will say about God's servant. So in context, all the nations of the world will realize that the God of Israel is the one true God, and they'll realize Israel was punished because of the world's sins. "the land of the living" is the land of Israel, which the people of Israel were exiled from, cut off from, and then couldnt live the law of Moses fully, since half of it is bound to the land of Israel. Your citation at 4:57 is wrong, Isaiah 53:9 states : "And his grave was set among the wicked, And with the rich, in his death, Though he had done no injustice, And had spoken no falsehood." Also, the word "ish" you translate as "man", is several times used in the Bible to refer to the subject of the phrase, as in Exodus 15:3, which means "God the warrior" as He defeats Pharaoh, not "God is man of war". So "ish" in Isaiah 53:3 refers to the servant, Israel, as clearly stated all thoughout Isaiah (go back to Isaiah 49:3 we just mentionned). Lastly, the true Messiah will bring the WHOLE world to worship the God of Israel. There wont be any other religion other than the true one revealed at Sinai by God himself. As far as i know, this didnt happen with Jesus and Christianity.
Man I was just strugling with arguments from Jews and even some atheists that use this interpretation that the suffering servant is Israel. There's a lot of videos that contradicts this obviouly but I just love the way that you can explain in a very simple way. Thank you very much.
Check One for Israel's "Is the Suffering Servant Jesus or Israel" video and tells why it seems unlikely it's the latter especially early rabbinic texts clearly say it's a Messianic verse.
*Acts 8:30-35 KJV* "And Philip ran thither to him, and *heard him read the prophet Esaias,* and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. The place of the scripture which he read was this, *He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; And like a lamb dumb before his shearer, So opened he not his mouth: In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: And who shall declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth.* And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, *of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man? Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.”*
I take it that every Christian posting here believes that Jesus was the blood sacrifice to pay for the sins of all mankind. Would someone like to point out where human sacrifice is acceptable in G-d's Law. Why would a practices of Idolaters Would be OK with G-d? Also if he was G-d how could he die? Where does it in the Bible (Tanakh not the Christian part) I mean in G-d's Laws the innocent are culpable for the crimes of the criminal(s)?
Not a Christian anymore (became Muslim) so I don't believe all this but the general idea is that God will not forgive sins unless blood is shed. And this concept is the basis of the animal sin sacrifices of the Old Testament. And Jesus' sacrifice is actually like an animal sacrifice but much much greater because it's God in the flesh who is being "sacrificed"! It's also the perfect and final sacrifice that pays for all mankinds sins (including those who were yet to be born). A question to ask is "how can an execution by pagan Romans be a sacrifice to God?" Another question is "how can it be a sacrifice if Jesus came back after 3 days?" Yet another question is "If Jesus' sacrifice was final, why does Ezekiel (chapters 40 onwards) have prophecies that the animal sin sacrifices will return in the future?" So many problems!
@@theologyroom actually Hashem forgives sin without the shedding of Blood Nineveh repented did chevah and Hashem spared them forgave him. Blood sacrifice is for the unintentional sin. And the blood is to be sprinkled on the altar in the Beit Hamikdash (temple). You raise some excellent points and questions.
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father...”
@flimsyjimnz Yeshayahu (Isaiah) - Chapter 9:5 5For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, and the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name, "the prince of peace." Rashi: For a child has been born to us: Although Ahaz is wicked, his son who was born to him many years ago [nine years prior to his assuming the throne] to be our king in his stead, shall be a righteous man, and the authority of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His yoke shall be on his shoulder, for he shall engage in the Torah and observe the commandments, and he shall bend his shoulder to bear the burden of the Holy One, blessed be He. and… called his name: The Holy One, blessed be He, Who gives wondrous counsel, is a mighty God and an everlasting Father, called Hezekiah’s name, “the prince of peace,” since peace and truth will be in his days. Who is speaking and who is it talking about? Rashi tells us it's King Hezekiah. It is written in the present tense not the future tense. Prophets write for the circumstances of the day. They are made Prophets to correct the course the people have gone down if it strays off the path off righteousness. Isaiah was prophet during the Reine of Ahaz a very wicked king. Hezekiah was his son who would be the most righteous King. Of Judah. Isaiah began his prophetship in 619 bce. The greatest threat to Judah was Assyria apart from Ahaz 's nonsense. Why would the people care about something that isn't to take place for more than 600 years in the Future? Honestly would you care? Isaiah is loaded with messianic prophecy. You need to understand that Mossiach will be a man. He will come when certain conditions are met by Jews , when the knowledge of G-d is universal. Which is actually quite a miraculous event, everyone will profoundly KNOW (not believe in) Hashem is the only G-d. No one will need to tell anyone about G-d or who Mossiach is (leaving evangelist out of work) which contradicts what the Christian bible says. There will be true peace in the world. I have to point out that between the years 5 bce and circa 32 ce none of these conditions were present. Christians are notorious for making their Jesus fit as Mossiach. However they undermine their efforts by claiming Jesus to be the Son of Hashem (not supported by the Nevi'im or Daniel) forming the "Triune G-d " . This dear fellow is rooted in Greco-Roman pagan belief not Judaism. Which Jews are told in Torah not to follow teachings that are not that of our forefathers which is how we know a false prophet (Devarim (Deuteronomy) - Chapter 13) miracles mean nothing G-d tests us all the time.
@@MrKilroi Of course God forgives without the shedding of blood. It's only the Christians who say he wont. They want to believe that God needs bloodshed to forgive sin because that idea is the foundation of their sin sacrifice doctrine. Also it's a good point about animal sacrifice being only for unintentional sins, because there are sins that had to be punished. For example, in the Old Testament times, a murderer had to be put to death, i.e., he could not just sacrifice a lamb and become innocent. But in Christianity, Jesus' "sacrifice" covers ALL sins including murder! Think about it. A killer who accepts Jesus paid for their sins goes to heaven but the victim who never believed in Jesus goes to hell. What a twisted religion!
Reading Isaiah and this passage I highlighted, so awesome for many think Isreal is the only saved people but they are in same boat for everyone. God chosen Israel to host his son. As the salvation messiah. Remember Jesus is King and he loves all of us 🙏🔥🔥
The only problem is that most Christians today do not worship the God of Israel, rather worship an Israelite. For all the contradictions that you pointed out in the alternative interpretations of the Old Testament prophesies, the biggest contradiction is to claim that the "Servant" was God himself. And bigger than that is to claim that Jesus is the Father and the son at the same time.
For instance, the Christian’s are avoiding a anti- Christ, the Hebrew are awaiting a mesonic figure to come, Immanuel Jesus came in flesh and was rebuked and killed, Now the two wittiness die ! The Holy Spirit ! ? Probably !
Legit LoL, you put the "ackchyualy" guy in this. I love your style man, I try to inject humor over at my neck of the woods too. Something that is severely lacking in this niche to harness the attention of viewers.
That isn't an argument, This is just rethorich that doesn't deal with the truth or falsity of any belief, for example I could say that the only reason you are an atheist is because you're parents were
And that I word, which I can't even say on this platform all the others can, that being a testament to exactly who is in control of everything going wrong, now refers to whom? The body of believers in Christ alone.
1. It's about the nation as a whole 2. It hasn't been fulfilled yet 3. None of the messianic prophecies had been fulfilled yet So basically you're trying to make the text fit the man rather than searching for a man who fits the text.
@@andyontheinternet5777 Reading from the beginning of Isaiah 49, it's either Israel or Isaiah. Those are the only two options. Isaiah 53 is clearly about Israel. In the chapters leading to Isaiah 53, the servant is stated to be Israel. For example, Isaiah 49:3 In Isaiah 52 we see that the context is the return of Israel to Zion, and that the Jews are innocent. We also see from reading through the end of 52 to the beginning of 53 that 53 is the speech of the kings of the gentile nations. So everything from 53:1 until at least 53:9 is the kings of the Gentile nations speaking, realizing their mistakes. So it's not the confession of the Jews, it's the confession of the world. In 53:2-3 the servant is described in very negative terms that have been indeed used to describe the Jews in exile. This is the exact opposite description of Mr. J who was young, strong, charismatic, and popular. In verses 53:8-9 the servant is referred to in the plural: From the inquities of my people a blemish to THEM And with the rich in his DEATHS (The all-caps words are commonly mistranslated as if they were in the singular, but in the original text they are in plural form) Finally, the context of Isaiah 53, both before and after, is prophecies comforting the people that after the exile they will experience a national redemption, which is primarily a physical matter of returning to the land and rebuilding the cities, the temple, and the kingdom. Making Isaiah 53 be about a spiritual salvation through the death of the messiah would be out if place. It wouldn't fit.
@@Lestibournes Hi friend, Thank you for the reply. I just checked out the Hebrew text of Isaiah 52:8-9. The form of bemotav is interesting since the pointing of the word gives it a plural construction (although the suffix is still singular). The translation "at his deaths" is the most literal approach. The problem, however, is that the vowel pointing wasn't in the original Hebrew text. The vowel pointing was added 500-1000 years after Christ. If you look at the pre-Christian Dead Sea Scrolls, in contrast, there are no vowels in the Isaiah scroll. The LXX Greek translation of the Bible, which also predated Christ by a few hundred years, translated the word in the singular.
@@andyontheinternet5777 There is no other way to read that word. That sequence of letters doesn't spell any other word than "in/at his deaths". You also haven't answered anything else, such as "from the iniquities of my people a blemish to him".
Christianity did not turn the world upside down. It turned the world right side up.
Amen to that!
Let's see what christianity is and did/does :
- all women are considered objects (10 commandments)
- rape is allowed, including for small girls (Exodus 21, numbers 31, deuteronomy 21 and 22)
- slavery is fully allowed and promoted (exodus 21, leviticus 25)
- genocides are allowed and promoted (there are so many that i don't even know where to begin, but let's go with numbers 31 again)
- Christians launched crusades and committed the worst crimes imaginable, including on other christians
- Nazism and the KKK are both christian movements
- Christians are currently helping in a genocide
- and of course let's not forget that the biggest christian church in the world is the biggest pedophile organization on earth.
What good did it bring that could not have been gained by non religious means ?
Such nonsense
Well, the world thought that down was up, so Him flipping right side up could be seen as flipping it upside down.
The strongest evidence that I can offer skeptics and truthseekers is the resilience of the Disciples (and Paul) in the face of certain persecution and death after Jesus's Resurrection. People don't often hold on to lies with nothing to gain but misery, but not one of them recanted.
Le skeptic will say: "There's no proof of persecution. They only want you to believe that so they can control you."
Watch David Wood's (a popular christian apologist) conversion testimony. That's one of the reasons he converted to Christianity; he found it improbable that a bunch of people would face brutal persecution just to claim they were an eyewitness to something they made up.
The earliest Empire-wide persecution was the Decian persecution from the 3rd century, there was no "certain persecution" of Christians in the 1st century, Nero only ersecuted Christians in the Eternal City suddenly and unexpectedly because he blamed them for the Great Fire of Rome.
@@tomasrocha6139 totally untrue. Emperor Nero was involved within 2 decades , and started the great fire to frame Christians … you said that pretty confidently despite the aforementioned
That the church has continued and thrived for 2000 years is God's greatest miracle since christ. Don't ever let anyone tell you he's not doing miracles, the church is proof
More a like great testament to His patience with us
0AD-300AD - a miracle, but
300AD-2000AD - what was so miraculous here? Once Rome took over come on. Well... hmmmm... Apostate Prophet PBUH did mention something about how a particular crusade battle made Christianity not Islam the religion of Europe. and then AP PBUH said Hitler wished that battle's outcome were reversed. Ok thank God. Aside from this?
@@nicbentulanYou’re acting as if Rome was the whole world when Christianity has spread well through Asia too.
@@HereticHero q1- thanks I'm ignorant. Afaik Rome, Europe & Israel are civilised world and everywhere else they were barbarians/savages or something especially MENA besides Israel. How wrong am I? Lol. Note: I'm a dual citizen of Hong Kong and the Philippines, and I'm perfectly fine saying that while Spain tortured us for 333 years, we were barbarians before Spain.
ah ok I got it. I think it's diminishing marginal returns.
0AD-300AD surely was the most miraculous
300AD-XAD in Europe was miraculous but not as much
XAD-2024AD in Asia Africa north south America Australia is ok miraculous but still less
Each is a miracle but less miraculous.
Ok but how miraculous? Like if 0-300AD is 99/100 then 300AD-XAD in Europe is ... 60/100? And XAD-2024AD is ... 40/100? It's like trilogy. Sure the 2 sequels are good but they don't necessarily measure up to the 1st.
The miracles, or "gifts of the Spirit" were over by 70 AD, or the end of the Old Covenant age of Israel. The Old Testament does prophesy this 40 year transition period of. miracles, from 30 AD (ministry of Jesus) to 70 AD (end of the Old Covenant age).
MICAH 7:15, "As in the days when you came out of Egypt, I will show My
The reference to Egypt was a 40 year transition period of
miracles, from. 30 AD to 70 AD.
I love Jesus with all my heart 😊
Very good. Then keep His commandments: the Law of Moses (except the sacrificial laws of course) as Jesus told us.. "If you love me you will keep my commandments"
Since Jesus is the Fathers mouthpiece every word he speaks are the Fathers words. Hence it was the Father saying "if you love me keep my commandments"
And those are the law of Moses which God spoke to Him for everyone who is in covenant when Him.
Even Adam had and kept this law.
I love him too
Its no coincidence that Im reading Isaiah right now and have been struggling with reading it and understanding the prophecy. Now I see this video
God meets you where you are.
Many such cases
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place. And he rose and went. And there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure. He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Now the passage of the Scripture that he was reading was this: “Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he opens not his mouth. In his humiliation justice was denied him. Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth.” And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”
And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.
(Acts 8:26-39)
@@Charlllot I noticed that the kjv also mentions that the eunuch acknowledged Jesus before being baptised.
"...See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still...
The algorithms are spying on you bro.
I believe many many Jews will come to Jesus in these last days. Praise God for His Loving kindness
It doesn't matter if they do or not, they're from Jacob's brother. They're not really Israelites. The real Israelites, Europeans accepted Christ long ago
The state of Israel will fall and exist no more. Through that and the 2 witnesses in Rev chap 11, Jewish people will finally understand the Truth and, thus, repent and convert (Lev 26:40), and will be forgiven by God and grafted into His Body, the Church (Lev 26:41-45, Romans 11:23). Among all the different peoples on the earth, Jewish people will be the last one to convert.
They all will, the entire nation according to Paul. They will be rescued by messiah and kept in the wilderness from the wrath of the antichrist until He comes in the clouds and gathers them to Jerusalem via the angels (Matt 24).
It's not the last days, but still, I think they will as well. Insha'Allah the Jews and Muslims will return to Christ in our lifetime.
@@quadrasaurus-rex8809 That's not what that passage is about. It's about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, and the Jewish Christians fleeing to safety thanks to the warning (which actually happened, too!).
დიდება მამასა და ძესა და წმინდასა სულსა აწ და მარადის და უკუნითი უკუნისამდე, ამინ! ქრისტე მეფობს!
Hey@@christ-is-forever-king, what is this language?
@@hextrilobyte369 Kartvelian, Americans call it Georgian
@@christ-is-forever-king Nahhh, Georgia is where we grow peaches and the J's imported farm equipment got turned against us
@@VndNvwYvvSvv Georgia is in Europe.
This is eloquently argued. Very strong piece.
When you realize the Angel Of The Lord is Jesus you understand where he is all over the old testament.
that's definitely a good realization to have but Jesus is still everywhere regardless. There's a great verse from Genesis that says "Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah-from the LORD out of the heavens." There is a reason "Lord" is in all caps and it's because the original Hebrew uses God's name twice yet talks about him being in two different places and performing two different actions at the same time.
Wait WHAAAAAAAA?!?! I’d never thought of that before but wow that really makes sense. Especially when you realize that “angel” is actually just the Greek word for “messenger”
@GogakuOtaku Yeah, it's wild. Check out the passages where the Angel of the Lord speaks to Abraham or Gideon in Genesis and Judges, and it's clear that the Angel of the Lord is more than just a messenger.
How does that square with Hebrews 1:5?
@@randerson4009 Implies "which of the" MERE "angels" did he say that to. Just like when other passages call him a man it obviously doesn't mean a mere man in context.
Thank you!
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." - Habakkuk2:14
My reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton
@@TzarTsar Wild 😭
*everyone claps*
Princes will bow low, Kings will stand up to honor you, reminds me so much of one painting where a medieval King stared humbly at a crucifix of christ while others only cheered for his victory.
This is the argument that finally convinced me as a Jew to accept Yeshua for who He said He was/is.
Tovia actually got me with the first argument, but the Lord didn't let me go, but kept pushing for me to re-evaluate Singer's claims.
There's another video by a guy named Orthodox Kyle that debunks republical Judism too
Tovia Singer is a child predator and is one of the last people anyone should listen to. Jews for Judaism kicked him out because of these allegations.
@@ImTitan16 what is "republical Judism"?
@@shaulkramer7425A typo for rabbinical Judaism
Bro your name is basically Saul which means you can change it to Paul now that you converted! Just like in Acts. or Phaul if you wanna keep the h. I'm really glad you were able to accept the Gospel and Jesus Christ. When people say that Jesus is the way to truth and life they aren't just repeating a platitude. It's liberating to read the Gospel and see just how true it reads. The Gospels reads truer with every read, so I hope your relationship with the New Testament continues to become more meaningful to you as you re-read it. May the peace and love of our lord and savior Jesus Christ be with you on this day and forever more. Amen.
PS idk what denomination you are but it's never to late to become a Lutheran :)
Brother i admire your work on debunking islam without being foul mouthed like shamounian,
Sam has such educational content about bible but in his videos out of nowhere he cusses out a fellow human being whenever they disagree whether be muslim or Christian, what i don't like is how he defends his foul language like it's the right thing to do to people and calls people who don't use foul language weak, submissive and gullible. He is very knowledgeable about the bible and conveys the truth, but that very mouth slandering someone's mother just bothered me, and made me appreciate your work
Young Christians can see your videos and learn without being influenced by bad words
I’ve never watched him but thanks for the heads up. 😊
Yes! This right here! He cussed my mom out as well
Sam has anger issues. But he is a great polemicist. And he doesn't start it.
Muslims/Arabs have a different culture when it comes to debate. Watch a few minutes of debates on Memri TV if you're curious. You can't approach every person/cultural group with the same rhetorical approach and expect to get consistent conversions. You have to adapt.
"By Allah behave yourself. I will give you a taste of my shoe." - Memri meme
@@colonelblars9126 yeah I remember seeing a debate go crazy when I was younger
I'm writing an assignment about Isaiah and decide to take a break just as this video pops up. Definitely a sign. Thank you 🙏
A less often brought up parallel is also that Jesus is abrahams ram that was caught in thorns and served as a sacrificial substitute for abrahams son on mount moriah.
During the passion, when Jesus is made to wear a crown of thorns and is crucified at calvary he functions in the exact same way, taking our place as a substitute so that he may conquer death and save us
He’s all over the old testament really, it’s hard to deny I think once you’ve seen just how much of it is looking towards the coming Jesus in the future
Also, Jesus, as the ransom, replaces Adam (actually Adam's life [blood]) as our first human father so the Adamic sin we inherit can be removed.
It is the way "Jesus saves" us by Almighty God's Purpose and Will.
It is a great insight that Jesus is our sacrifice rather than an animal our own lives. However, a better understanding of the thorns is that Jesus is bearing the curse placed in Genesis after Adam and Eve sinned. Thorns were not a part of the creation but only came after the ground was cursed. Jesus took the curse placed on the ground and us and will one day remake the earth without the effects of sin.
He did not do away with it. He bore the penalty for it. In the same way that death is not beaten but sting of it is and eventually even the existence of death will be done away with. Same with the curse. It is not gone but He has taken it upon Himself rather than letting it fully fall on those who deserved it. When He returns He will make all things new and one of those things will be a New Heaven and New Earth with no curse.
@keentan2896 failed according to whom?
To hold to rabbinical Judaism after the time of revelation has ended is certainly a special kind of hard-headedness. After all, St Paul said they are the adversaries of mankind. They're not playing for God's team anymore.
It is canon that they’re a stubborn bunch, all we can hope is that they’ll repent
That's right "abhorred of nations" just as Isa 49:7 says. You're starting to get the point by disproving this very video arguments. Well done!
@@jerryalmoni4424 "to him whom the nation abhorreth" not Nations. but THE NATION. meaning ONE nation of people abhorreths this person being spoken of.
@@DaddyAZTL 1) There is plural even in English in context
2) Jews are not called nation (goy) in the times of prophet, just as one can see in this very paragraph 49
@@jerryalmoni4424 "I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth"
the jews dont do this. only jesus fits.
The outro sounding like I started an Age of Empires skirmish. Good video as always, please continue.
Testify's whole channel is just wololo-ing at non-Christians anyway
Modern Judaism is like a weird mix of Jehovah's Witnesses and universalism. It bears almost no resemblance to ancient Judaism. "Your house is left unto you desolate..."
it's satanic
Modern Judaism is based on Pharisaic Judaism.
@@nandinoo Its writen in the scriptures, they once followed, but eventually misguied from time to time. And thats the reason why Jesus exist. To fixed what was broken.
אשמח לשמוע מה אתה יודע על יהדות
Unfortunately, yes. Rabbis and Talmud pretty much distorted the ancient Jewish faith. Now it's just a bunch of nonsense
The strongest proof Jesus is the way, truth and life? Changed lives of people, who truly follow Him.
So… he was like Hitler?
like muhammed and buddha? and confusius?
That's such a BS argument, other false deities from different religions have changed people's lives too, and even a believer who stopped believing and became an Atheist got their lives changed too.
This is the hypocrisy that I hate about religions.
@@avishevin1976Jews: the Bible is anti Semitic because it says jesus was killed by Romans because of the jews.
The talmud said some bad things about goyims…
Jew: you must be anti semitic for bringing them up trying to spark controversy.
You must not take the Talmud literally even though we do sometimes.
Jewish rabbis be like "muh we are God's chosen people"
Proceeds to rejects Christ.
All glory to Jesus Christ. All glory to the KING!
Here's another interesting thing: in Isaiah 49:6 - 7, the word translated "my salvation" is Yeshua - Jesus. Go back and reread that passage, inserting "Jesus" where it says "my salvation". See how THAT grabs you. And you can do the same thing in Isaiah 12, and other places in the Bible where it says "my salvation".
That's awesome!
Oh my God. That. Is. AMAZING!!!!!!
I have no words
Yahshua/Joshua just means "God saves" and was a name quite a few people had, and it is talkinf about salvation,so I don't think Rabbis or skeptics would accept that as proof.
@@BradyAlley doesn’t change the fact that it’s a really cool detail
@@BradyAlley Maybe not, but WE know better.
Bro went from debunking islam to Judaism lol
judaism was true at some point, id like to call it pre messianic judaism
equal opportunity debunker
There's nothing to debunk with Judaism though, you're acting like it was a false religion. It's the backbone for literally everything.
The original post is referring to *Rabbinic Judaism.* This type of judaism is satanic. I am serious. It is characterized by rejecting Jesus and emerged post-70 AD.
The judaism of the Old Testament is called *Mosaic Judaism.* This is characterized by animal sacrifices.
The judaism that embraced Jesus as Messiah is called *Messianic Judaism (Christianity).*
@@ONIBlackBox Fair point.. I still see where OP is coming from, though. Judaism has evolved. Modern rabbinical Judaism is not the same as first century Judaism. So one can debunk Judaism (modern) while respecting Judaism (original).
You're one of the channels like Inspiringphilosophy that strengthen my faith for Jesus in my times of doubt, thank you so much for what you're doing ❤
Jesus is out here pointing his baseball bat at the whole world like Babe Ruth pointing at the center field stands and I love it!
Such a powerful argument! Thank you for the video.
Nicely done.
Wow, that is powerful, I don't believe I seen it framed quite that way, thank you!
Rabbi Tovia Singer at 3:35 made me die from laupher🤣🤣🤣
The gospel is God's message of the return of His kingdom. It is God's power, it awakens dead souls and reunites them to God and it CANNOT be stopped.
I heard rabbi tovia singer try to debunk Isaiah and he pretty just said “it’s abstract.”
Ok good rebuttal bro 😂. It’s clearly about Jesus.
Jesus is lord, every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess!
@@devadasn Jesus will see his abstract seed
@@Greyz174The bland leading the bland.
Every video he makes is trying to debunk Christianity, he is just as bad as the Muslims.
Isn’t it interesting that the unbelieving Jews in Jesus reject the idea that the Messiah would be a sacrifice to atone for sin yet when we show them Isaiah 53 they say it’s about the whole of Israel. So now they have to believe that they don’t just believe in one human sacrifice but a multitude. Which again is a People that is not Sinless, not righteous, and those who do believe in God are not even close to being perfect, which is what is needed to atone for sin. Only Jesus fits this perfectly.
their eyes are closed, they want to be superior race and above all others, they cannot fathom the concept of equality.
Once again, you knocked it out of the park.
Great video, brother. Keep going for the LORD! God bless you. Amen ✝️❤️🙏
How do you keep up with all the meme illustrations
The perfect explanation for Gen-Alpha
I was just looking at Isa. 49 a few days ago. Great observation!!!
Very good. Maybe the title of this should be: "Against all odds Jesus and Christianity alone match OT prophecies"
The righteous remnant argument also fails because in Isaiah 49:6 Messiah is said to restore the remnant of Israel God preserved
To answer the question at 1:03 - "Does anyone else in Jewish history fit that particular description?"
No, as that particular description refers to either an eventual Jewish figure, or Israel as a whole, eventually.
The first interpretation fits well with Isaiah 49:5 and Isaiah 53, just like the Christians say it fits well with their interpretation as Isaiah referring to Jesus - it's discussing a single figure.
And as for the second interpretation, Isaiah 49:5 isn't a question to this idea at all, as that verse simply describes the idea of the nation of Israel, together, helping to inspire and unify its people with their ultimate purpose: to have a shared commitment to God.
Also Isaiah 53 isn't a question either, as Israel’s suffering serves a dual purpose. On one hand, Israel suffers innocently at the hands of other nations; on the other, this suffering also acts as a form of atonement and spiritual purification. The chapter ultimately foreshadows a time when the nations will recognize Israel’s innocence and the unjust nature of their oppression, leading to a broader acknowledgment of Israel’s role as God’s chosen people.
Now, I'll leave a simple message here together with the simple interpretation that I have provided. These interpretations are from Rashi and other Rishonim (early Jewish commentators), who lived around the year 1100, and their interpretations indirectly answer any questions that the Christians throw at the Jews, as they don't even see the necessity to bring the Christian interpretation; they just explain the bible the way it was always learnt by the Jews, and the simple reading already disputes the made-up Christian reading.
People in our modern day need to understand one thing: The Jewish bible has been discussed over hundreds of years, and the interpretation of the early Jewish commentators is even understood as being as ancient as the book itself - so to think that there is any verse in this bible that the Jews can't interpret is the idea of an uneducated individual.
People interpret the bible however they want, they aren't looking for the objective truth.
Underrated comment
yay, was looking forward to these
The Jews are not being truthful when they say that Isarael is the suffering servant. If you read the Targum you will see that in the early part of Isaiah chapter 53 that it says that this person who the passage is talking about is the Messiah. The Targum (the word Targum means translation) is a Jewish translation of the Hebrew Old Testament (Tanach) into Aramaic. Comments are frequently put into the Targum to help people understand it. The Targum is an entirely Jewish book. It would effectively be one of the oldest commentaries of the Old Testament so it should carry considerable weight. I suppose most Jews don't know about this but it should be widely known for the sake of honesty. Get yourself a translation into English of the Targum.
They're not being truthful when they say they are Israel. They are from Jacob's brother and Europeans are the descendants of the Lost tribes of Israel
This is a GREAT video.
Imagine being a 1st century Christian, your peers probably being caught and persecuted daily, and reading the prophesy in Isaiah that ALL NATIONS will bow to Jesus.
And now think of how many of us take this prophesy for granted because it already happened (with a few regional exceptions obviously, but pretty much all countries except N Korea and Saudi Arabia have Christian communities, however small they are)
Overall, the faith in Yahweh went from 12 relatively small tribes to over a billion people in the past 2000 years, including most of Africa, the Americas, obviously Europe and much of the middle east, even India has one of the oldest churches in the world started by Thomas the apostle (which is a whole other topic i find mindblowing that points to Christianity being accurate. Because however much denominations disagree, the orthodox churches in India and Ethiopia, and our churches in America, however distance and time separate us, all still agree with the basics of Christianity; Jesus is God among us, who died for our sins and rose from the dead❤)
Imagine being caught and then thrown to the arena filled with wild beasts. Fighting back is an option but it is equal to worshipping a Greek deity and therefore denouncing Christ. Then you remember the prophecy in the Book of Isaiah...
Amazing thak You!
There is no way around it, Jesus is that man who saves all nations because Jesus is God.
Excellent vid!!! God bless us all.
BTW Christianity is true.
Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
Great Job
I would add that Muslins do believe Jesus is the jewish Messiah.
True, however it falls short because it does not acknowledge the suffering that the Messiah had to go through, as prophesied.
What the concept really means within their paradigm is also unclear.
Which is odd because Allah and Jesus basically made the biggest screw up by "replacing him on the cross with someone else" leading to the world's largest religion that rejects Allah and Muhammed.
They say so but I don't think their dogma actually explains what that means...seeing Isaiah has those expectations and yet they say Jesus wasn't crucified and died then that's a problem.
More videos on this topic are needed because many people struggle to understand why a significant number of Jews do not accept Jesus as their Messiah. Many religions that criticize Christianity often use this point to discredit Jesus.
Love your videos BTW ✝️🙏🏼
it is thank to the gentiles christians that the bible is worldwide popular. Is not thanks to the jews.
All the apostles were jews Paul etc and who wrote the the Gospels jews yes and the spirit of God workwd through the Gentiles but even God has said through Abraham seed so give some credit all though they are moraly no better then men
Add to this Gamaliel’s advice Acts 5:38-39 (CSB) 38: “So in the present case, I tell you, stay away from these men and leave them alone. For if this plan or this work is of human origin, it will fail; 39 “but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even be found fighting against God.” They were persuaded by him. If Christianity was just a made-up religion then how could it endure persecution and conquer the world when all other messiah-claimants have been forgotten?
They try to deny it, but there is no denying it. Jesus is the Messiah!
Yo Testify! Could u do a video explaining Matthew 27:9-10?
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿
His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯
I thought this video was going to be about Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy, and how because of the time limit set in it, Jesus is either the Messiah, or else both Judaism and Christianity (Islam too?) are false. The Messiah necessarily had to come at a particular time, and Jesus fulfills that. Jesus is the Messiah.
If you’re interested, look up explanations of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy.
That's interesting 🤔
I have a question for anyone that can help answer. I’ve heard from my religion prof that apparently the book of Isaiah was composed of three different authors before the 1st century CE, so before the gospels were written down. So my question is, does this tarnish the authenticity of the book of Isaiah?
It still features messianic prophecies before the birth of Jesus but it still puzzles me how 3 separate supposed authors could have done that.
A lot of people traditionally thought, and I myself was originally taught, that the second half of isaiah was written by one of his disciples. I really don't know how you could show one way or another, but if there were multiple authors something like that could explain it
God has been so faithful to me I exalt his name now and everyday of my life. ☦️🙏❤️Awesome God ❤️my family are happy once again and I can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement.$47k weekly returns has been life changing, after so much struggles.
I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
Hello how do you make such weekly??
I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God.
@@marcosvg90Maria Angelina Alexander I really appreciate her efforts and transparency.
God has used her to save so many families. I remember when I met her at the bank, she was indeed a good woman.
Giving her my initial savings of $15,000 to invest in a brokerage account was a turning point in my life less 7days. It's been an incredibly rewarding experience.
Brother, excellent video!! You made few amazing points. Keep it coming :)
TH-cam wants me to see Tovvia's video next 😅. I do watch his videos. He is trying hard. But the writing is very clear on the wall.
Even if the servant were Israel, it doesn't change much, since the Church is the new Israel.
And the body of Christ.
Eh not really. "Church" just means gathering. God has not forgotten Israel. Gentiles are joined together with Israel by means of grafting in (Romans 11:11-24)
The church is not the new Israel read Romans chapter 11 the church is never called Israel the church is also not Roman catholic the word church in the Bible just means the believers in christ
@@orpheemulemo8053 Jesus is Israel it's bit confusing but He is and His bride church
@@elroi8325 The word Israel means the one who struggles against God or boxes with God he isn't Israel he is the chosen saviour destined to come out of Israel and the church his bride yes but there isn't a verse were his addressed as such
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9 : 6
is that minecraft lever sound effect 3:26
@@benramsey1284 its thesound of the menu buttons actualy
Another awesome banger 👌
Hi! im not a rabbi nor an expert on judaism, but if you look at the HEBREW version of the tanakh, youll find a very simple explanation, the verse isaiah 53 talks in rabim (plural) about the messiah/whatever is being described, so unless you view jesus as multiple persons and therefore should be refer to in plural, isaiah 53 cant possibly be talking about jesus
The pronoun used in Hebrew "וְהוּא֙" seen in Isaiah 53:5 and other verses is considered by most scholars in proto-Hebrew as masculine singular. See Biblehub's or Logos' transcript records
I don't think it's a massive point of contention, though. If it was plural it speaks Trinitarianism and would be consistent with the way God's entity is described in proto-Hebrew. As singular it just references the prophecy of Christ rather directly
God would be god’s suffering servant?
Christians really will create the most irrational and twisted readings to support their delusions.
Thank you brother!!!!
Israeli jew here, love this video, I have been pausing the video to verify the information with the old testament as hebrew is my native language, everything checks out.
Jesus is our king, saviour and the embodiment of god ❤🇮🇱🙏
I was open to Isa 49 when I saw this recommended added to my notes
Correction: 2,7 Billion christians
You will know by its fruit. Once your eyes are opened you cannot unsee it.
I love your videos and I’m a Jew in Israel who came to Jesus 6 months ago. While that image of the Jewish man with the yarmulke was a bit funny also felt like a bit of a blow below the belt. No need to make fun of them, they are still the lost sheep if Israel, and we should try to bring them back in! lol with that I still got a chuckle out of it and I’m beginning to preach a bit more in my community here in Israel but it ain’t easy. I get a lot of rejection although surprisingly I did meet a few people willing to listen and even 1 person I know also became a fellow believer!
1% at a time! Soon all my Jewish brothers and sisters will god willing to his true son and our Lord ❤❤
What city in Israel are you in? Glad to see more Jews believing in Jesus. October 7 was a sad tragedy but it somehow opened me to check channels like Sergio & Rhoda, Shilho Ben Hod, many Christian archeology channels, and knowing the society in Israel and its actually diverse societal fabric.
In quoting from Isaiah 49 I'm a little surprised Testify didn't cite verse 8, that it would be - note this - a SMALL THING for the Messiah to save the Jews, by comparison with his work for the Gentiles . So... any Jews reading this who don't accept Jesus as the one, your task is to look out for a Jewish figure whose MAJOR work will be to bring spiritual benefit to non-Jews. Good luck with that one, you'll need it.
Meanwhile this all ties in well with Daniel 2:44. Read it in context. Can you name a spiritual movement that started in the days of Rome and has since expanded throughout the earth and still growing? There isn't even a shortlist.
even muslims cannot claim that prophecy as their fanbois hate the GOD of israel and israel itself
meanwhile we Christians honor and worship the same GOD that the israelites worshipped thousands of years ago
W Jesus
the israelites didnt worship jesus . they worshipped God alone. not any man.
@@DaddyAZTLWrong the Israelites did worship Jesus, He is in Genesis 18-19, Exodus 3:2, Joshua 5:23 etc. John 1:1 says The Word is God, and The Word became flesh which is prophesied in Micah 5:2, and Isaiah 9:6, and he was punish for our tragression Isaiah 53 (Its not Israel in this context because Isaiah 53:8-9, Isaiah 6:5 describes Israel as a people of unclean lips). Jesus is Israel's God, bring evidence against it or cope harder.
@@DaddyAZTL Jesus Christ *is* God, though.
@@Heistruth-ss1ws God is not a man - numbers
Simple as that.
Jesus himself says God is a spirit .
Cope harder? Doesn't take much "cope" to realize that a man born 2000 years ago can't be God.
God can't die. Either so. Not to mention the apostles themselves I'm acts say Jesus was the PROPHET. of duet 18.
Cope harder.
@@BongBing11 prove it. Deut 18 says God will raise a PROPHET. And put HIS WORD in that prophet.
Jesus is a prophet of God who God put His word inside of.
Excellent video. I appreciate your content bro!
Jew here, and yes. Isaiah IS talking about the nation of Israel as a whole, and it makes sense you don’t believe that because you’re not provided the context of what it actually means to be a Jew. Judaism is and was never big because we don’t go out and preach because unlike many other religions you have to be born to a Jewish mother. The point of Judaism isn’t to make as many people Jewish as possible, as we believe as humans we all have the same fate of dying, getting our soul cleansed, then entering heaven. It’s a very here-and-now religion. Meaning the teachings are to all better ones life, live with meaning, and to just do as much good as possible with our time we have on this earth, as it was created for us. That’s what being a light amongst the nations means- to still do good deeds and live for god when everyone else is out there burning witches & killing each other in the name of their god.
So that means, Israel died for the World Sin? And Israel is the foundation of Christianity?
If that’s all the Hebrew Scriptures are teaching then no offense but that’s a pretty shallow and benign belief system that is indistinguishable from most of the worlds major religions.
There are Jews today that still believe in the coming of a personal messiah, and not just some abstract concept of the ideals of how one should live. The majority of Orthodox Jews still believe this, no?
It does tell the suffering servant is for the "good of the world" which sounds like the God of Israel WANTS to punish his people for the Gentile's sins which doesn't seem God's nature if it is about Israel - add to the sacrificial system of a spotless lamb for sins rather than the death of the sinner then a single Messiah makes more sense rather than the sinner suffering IMO.
Rabbis agree that Christianity (and Islam, by the way) were prophesied about in Tanach. And that we know they are part of G-d's plan to bring His knowledge to the world. (Maimonedes stated this clearly in one of his letters.) That doesn't make Christianity nor Islam true. You see, in the profound sense, Kabalah teaches us something profound that is once stated in the Mishnah and a bit obscure (yet present) on the Bible: G-d is everywhere. The Mishna says, "There is no person without a time and there's no thing without a place." Which means everything possesses Holiness and the Light of G-d, may it be obvious or not. That's the same with Christianity and Islam. They have G-d's light and holiness in them, but that doesn't mean every single thing in them are holy. That's the Kabalistic concept of the "light" that is hidden by the "shell." In everything, you need to peel the impure shell to reveal the Holy Interior.
Every Christian needs to learn abt the wickedness of the Talmud
why would people suffer for something if it was not true.
Jesus Christ is Lord and hes coming back soon.
*Why would people suffer for something if they didn't THINK it was true
Lots of people have let themselves be killed to make a political or religious statement. Doesn't mean they were right.
@@Nostalgic_4_Disaster ur in so much denial, sad
@@DanielMoon1776 muslims have suffered for islam as well. Does that make islam the true religion?
you disproved judahism, you didn't prove christainity, saying "what are the odds that this spesific religon came to power" is survivership bias
Bias implies nothing, everything has a bias. To some it's proof, to others it's not. The chances of a mostly pacifist ideology like Christianity coming to prominence in a violent world are very slim, so it happening is in line with the miraculous. You're biased in that you here existing in the now, has no frame of reference without Christian influence. All the rest of the world has heard his name, at the very least, whether you like it or not.
Glory be to God.
Our perfect guide and Salvation
1:34 Morally questionable Gods? Says who, Christians?
A Scandinavian pagan can say the same about Christianity. Morality is subjective.
Hmm, it wasn't Christians who came up with the rite of the blood eagle....
Like you said on a blog post for several reasons why Isaiah 53 is about Jesus, it would be good if more Christians also learned to argue from or at least used messianic prophecy more when debating which can also be argued when supporting the resurrection.
Funny you quote Isaiah 49.
Isaiah 49:3 : "And [God] said to me, “You are My servant, Israel in whom I glory".
Israel IS the servant.
In Isaiah 49:5, the narrator (Isaiah) is using the 1st person, hence is speaking about himself as being a servant to God.
In Isaiah 53, Isaiah is predicting what all the other nations of the world will say about God's servant.
So in context, all the nations of the world will realize that the God of Israel is the one true God, and they'll realize Israel was punished because of the world's sins.
"the land of the living" is the land of Israel, which the people of Israel were exiled from, cut off from, and then couldnt live the law of Moses fully, since half of it is bound to the land of Israel.
Your citation at 4:57 is wrong, Isaiah 53:9 states : "And his grave was set among the wicked, And with the rich, in his death, Though he had done no injustice, And had spoken no falsehood."
Also, the word "ish" you translate as "man", is several times used in the Bible to refer to the subject of the phrase, as in Exodus 15:3, which means "God the warrior" as He defeats Pharaoh, not "God is man of war".
So "ish" in Isaiah 53:3 refers to the servant, Israel, as clearly stated all thoughout Isaiah (go back to Isaiah 49:3 we just mentionned).
Lastly, the true Messiah will bring the WHOLE world to worship the God of Israel.
There wont be any other religion other than the true one revealed at Sinai by God himself.
As far as i know, this didnt happen with Jesus and Christianity.
@@alanlockwood2107 FINALLY, a coherent comment.
Love ur channel man, God Bless you, Jesus is Lord!
Man I was just strugling with arguments from Jews and even some atheists that use this interpretation that the suffering servant is Israel. There's a lot of videos that contradicts this obviouly but I just love the way that you can explain in a very simple way. Thank you very much.
Check One for Israel's "Is the Suffering Servant Jesus or Israel" video and tells why it seems unlikely it's the latter especially early rabbinic texts clearly say it's a Messianic verse.
*Acts 8:30-35 KJV*
"And Philip ran thither to him, and *heard him read the prophet Esaias,* and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. The place of the scripture which he read was this, *He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; And like a lamb dumb before his shearer, So opened he not his mouth: In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: And who shall declare his generation? For his life is taken from the earth.* And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, *of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man? Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.”*
I take it that every Christian posting here believes that Jesus was the blood sacrifice to pay for the sins of all mankind.
Would someone like to point out where human sacrifice is acceptable in G-d's Law. Why would a practices of Idolaters
Would be OK with G-d?
Also if he was G-d how could he die?
Where does it in the Bible (Tanakh not the Christian part) I mean in G-d's Laws the innocent are culpable for the crimes of the criminal(s)?
Not a Christian anymore (became Muslim) so I don't believe all this but the general idea is that God will not forgive sins unless blood is shed. And this concept is the basis of the animal sin sacrifices of the Old Testament. And Jesus' sacrifice is actually like an animal sacrifice but much much greater because it's God in the flesh who is being "sacrificed"! It's also the perfect and final sacrifice that pays for all mankinds sins (including those who were yet to be born).
A question to ask is "how can an execution by pagan Romans be a sacrifice to God?"
Another question is "how can it be a sacrifice if Jesus came back after 3 days?"
Yet another question is "If Jesus' sacrifice was final, why does Ezekiel (chapters 40 onwards) have prophecies that the animal sin sacrifices will return in the future?"
So many problems!
@@theologyroom actually Hashem forgives sin without the shedding of Blood Nineveh repented did chevah and Hashem spared them forgave him.
Blood sacrifice is for the unintentional sin. And the blood is to be sprinkled on the altar in the Beit Hamikdash (temple). You raise some excellent points and questions.
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father...”
@flimsyjimnz Yeshayahu (Isaiah) - Chapter 9:5
5For a child has been born to us, a son given to us, and the authority is upon his shoulder, and the wondrous adviser, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, called his name, "the prince of peace."
For a child has been born to us: Although Ahaz is wicked, his son who was born to him many years ago [nine years prior to his assuming the throne] to be our king in his stead, shall be a righteous man, and the authority of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His yoke shall be on his shoulder, for he shall engage in the Torah and observe the commandments, and he shall bend his shoulder to bear the burden of the Holy One, blessed be He.
and… called his name: The Holy One, blessed be He, Who gives wondrous counsel, is a mighty God and an everlasting Father, called Hezekiah’s name, “the prince of peace,” since peace and truth will be in his days.
Who is speaking and who is it talking about? Rashi tells us it's King Hezekiah.
It is written in the present tense not the future tense. Prophets write for the circumstances of the day. They are made Prophets to correct the course the people have gone down if it strays off the path off righteousness. Isaiah was prophet during the Reine of Ahaz a very wicked king. Hezekiah was his son who would be the most righteous King. Of Judah.
Isaiah began his prophetship in 619 bce. The greatest threat to Judah was Assyria apart from Ahaz 's nonsense. Why would the people care about something that isn't to take place for more than 600 years in the Future? Honestly would you care?
Isaiah is loaded with messianic prophecy. You need to understand that Mossiach will be a man. He will come when certain conditions are met by Jews , when the knowledge of G-d is universal. Which is actually quite a miraculous event, everyone will profoundly KNOW (not believe in) Hashem is the only G-d. No one will need to tell anyone about G-d or who Mossiach is (leaving evangelist out of work) which contradicts what the Christian bible says. There will be true peace in the world.
I have to point out that between the years 5 bce and circa 32 ce none of these conditions were present. Christians are notorious for making their Jesus fit as Mossiach. However they undermine their efforts by claiming Jesus to be the Son of Hashem (not supported by the Nevi'im or Daniel) forming the "Triune G-d " . This dear fellow is rooted in Greco-Roman pagan belief not Judaism. Which Jews are told in Torah not to follow teachings that are not that of our forefathers which is how we know a false prophet (Devarim (Deuteronomy) - Chapter 13) miracles mean nothing G-d tests us all the time.
@@MrKilroi Of course God forgives without the shedding of blood. It's only the Christians who say he wont. They want to believe that God needs bloodshed to forgive sin because that idea is the foundation of their sin sacrifice doctrine. Also it's a good point about animal sacrifice being only for unintentional sins, because there are sins that had to be punished. For example, in the Old Testament times, a murderer had to be put to death, i.e., he could not just sacrifice a lamb and become innocent. But in Christianity, Jesus' "sacrifice" covers ALL sins including murder! Think about it. A killer who accepts Jesus paid for their sins goes to heaven but the victim who never believed in Jesus goes to hell. What a twisted religion!
Reading Isaiah and this passage I highlighted, so awesome for many think Isreal is the only saved people but they are in same boat for everyone. God chosen Israel to host his son. As the salvation messiah. Remember Jesus is King and he loves all of us 🙏🔥🔥
The only problem is that most Christians today do not worship the God of Israel, rather worship an Israelite.
For all the contradictions that you pointed out in the alternative interpretations of the Old Testament prophesies, the biggest contradiction is to claim that the "Servant" was God himself. And bigger than that is to claim that Jesus is the Father and the son at the same time.
John 8.28 + Exodus 3.14 + Revelation 1.17-18
Oh. Sorry, thought we were doing math
Only thing missing now is a meme drawing of your face. Cmon
someone send me one
John 14:6, said, John 14:26
This is how it could be fulfilled also,
For instance, the Christian’s are avoiding a anti- Christ, the Hebrew are awaiting a mesonic figure to come,
Immanuel Jesus came in flesh and was rebuked and killed,
Now the two wittiness die ! The Holy Spirit ! ? Probably !
Brother please exposed the Jewish talmud, Kaballah, zohar and other Jewish rabbi writings about Jesus, Gentiles, blacks and babies.
You mean like in Matthew 15? Where Jesus compares a gentile to a dog? (quick fact check)
Legit LoL, you put the "ackchyualy" guy in this. I love your style man, I try to inject humor over at my neck of the woods too. Something that is severely lacking in this niche to harness the attention of viewers.
A few seconds ago is crazy
00:47 and that king part is important because most of Cristians became Christians because their king converted to it
That isn't an argument,
This is just rethorich that doesn't deal with the truth or falsity of any belief, for example I could say that the only reason you are an atheist is because you're parents were
Once again, Christians reading just one verse in Isaiah instead of reading the whole book...
The 'servant' is ISRAEL, not Jesus.
And that I word, which I can't even say on this platform all the others can, that being a testament to exactly who is in control of everything going wrong, now refers to whom? The body of believers in Christ alone.
@@Otaku155 No, the servant is referred to as ISREAL and is an individual. Imagine being a Jew and rejecting your own messiah….
How would you justifie that the suffering servant is supposed to have a carnal descendance, a zerah ?
Does descendance refer to his ancestors or children? I'm not a native speaker, but I can justify both.
1. It's about the nation as a whole
2. It hasn't been fulfilled yet
3. None of the messianic prophecies had been fulfilled yet
So basically you're trying to make the text fit the man rather than searching for a man who fits the text.
Isaiah 49:5-6 is clearly NOT about the nation as a whole. Neither is Isaiah 53.
@@andyontheinternet5777 Reading from the beginning of Isaiah 49, it's either Israel or Isaiah. Those are the only two options.
Isaiah 53 is clearly about Israel.
In the chapters leading to Isaiah 53, the servant is stated to be Israel. For example, Isaiah 49:3
In Isaiah 52 we see that the context is the return of Israel to Zion, and that the Jews are innocent. We also see from reading through the end of 52 to the beginning of 53 that 53 is the speech of the kings of the gentile nations. So everything from 53:1 until at least 53:9 is the kings of the Gentile nations speaking, realizing their mistakes. So it's not the confession of the Jews, it's the confession of the world.
In 53:2-3 the servant is described in very negative terms that have been indeed used to describe the Jews in exile. This is the exact opposite description of Mr. J who was young, strong, charismatic, and popular.
In verses 53:8-9 the servant is referred to in the plural:
From the inquities of my people a blemish to THEM
And with the rich in his DEATHS
(The all-caps words are commonly mistranslated as if they were in the singular, but in the original text they are in plural form)
Finally, the context of Isaiah 53, both before and after, is prophecies comforting the people that after the exile they will experience a national redemption, which is primarily a physical matter of returning to the land and rebuilding the cities, the temple, and the kingdom. Making Isaiah 53 be about a spiritual salvation through the death of the messiah would be out if place. It wouldn't fit.
Well Daniel said the Messiah will come before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, perhaps he was wrong. 🤭
@@Lestibournes Hi friend,
Thank you for the reply. I just checked out the Hebrew text of Isaiah 52:8-9. The form of bemotav is interesting since the pointing of the word gives it a plural construction (although the suffix is still singular). The translation "at his deaths" is the most literal approach.
The problem, however, is that the vowel pointing wasn't in the original Hebrew text. The vowel pointing was added 500-1000 years after Christ. If you look at the pre-Christian Dead Sea Scrolls, in contrast, there are no vowels in the Isaiah scroll. The LXX Greek translation of the Bible, which also predated Christ by a few hundred years, translated the word in the singular.
@@andyontheinternet5777 There is no other way to read that word. That sequence of letters doesn't spell any other word than "in/at his deaths".
You also haven't answered anything else, such as "from the iniquities of my people a blemish to him".