This deck is turning out awesome and more different from standard Handlock than I was expecting. Love the calculations involved in deciding when to Sense Demons.
but since there is so much aggressive decks like zoo hunter and a small number of people running the fel reaver deck, it might just deal 2 damage or something
Situationally it's fantastic - in particular brawl + bouncing blade clears an opposing board (ignoring token generating deathrattles). And vs an enemy board of Ysera it's hilarious. The issue is that it's a lot less good if you have a board at all.
Nicholas Hayes Twisting nether costs the same amount of mana and only takes one card to do what you described in this scenario. And yes, it's pretty good against Ysera.
NinjadoPantanoPlays Twisting Nether a) can't be played by Warrior, b) can't be used in two smaller bits of removal and c) is complete overkill vs a Shade of Naxxramas, whereas Bouncing Blade is pretty good. My point is, it's nice to be occasionally able to replicate Twisting Nether by playing two cards that won't sit in your hand being useless vs an aggro deck. That all being said, I'm still not sure bouncing blade is good enough generally outside of the scenarios where it is fantastic to be run
No, because Jaraxxus, when normally played, replaces your current Hero, thus becoming the Hero you are playing as. Mal'Ganis buffs he other Demons in your deck, but since Heroes don't have subtypes, Jaraxxus won't get buffed. If he gets Alarm O Bot'd or VoidCaller'd out, he would, since his Battlecry didn't activate, since he wasn't played from the hand, he was switched out
The Creator Lol good point but Heroes are not part of the battlefield they are playing at the board in a flavor sense and putting their creatures on it. Sacrificial pact does not specify if it has to be a creature, quite possible blizzard doing it on purpose for the lols giving Lord Jaraxxus an Achilles heel.
nordic fatcheese I think that's the effect his going for, It's like hey a gold warlock, but oh his using all normal cards, so it's like a dirty looking broke down car, with a Beast engine. I think of it like that effect
well i suppose it's like a 1/3 when they are going second when you really think about it. mulligan, draw, 2 undertakers. Incase your intrested it's actaully a 32,33 repeating ofcourse % chance of turn 1 undertaker
God.. It is so satisfying watching you beat the standard wallet warrior and huntard decks with a variant on Handlock... May still be scummy but hell its still a lot more entertaining!
It's been so long... Those times this hunter deck was insane and nowadays I think it would suck even with the original Undertaker. The meta has really grown up in a card power level since that times
Hey Trump, if you have the time: a question for starting players and where to spend their gold first. -naxxramas cards -classic packs -gvg packs -arena I've noticed that in arena you mostly get gvg cards, if i am not mistaken. Can you help a beginner out? Or if someone else can be bothered, fine too :)
ooo starting off now is kind of rough. I would say dont worry about gvg yet , do arena unless you get gvg packs, if you do just buy classic packs and when you have i would say 3 decks that you satisfied with, save up for nax. That is what i had to do for the second and third wing except no gvg was out atm
I'm kinda a new player too (actually played beta a little, then dropped the game and returned recently) and honestly the best thing you can do is buy Naxxrammas wings. You can get them for real money or gold, I'm using gold because I already have other game that is my money sink. You never know what crap you'll get from packs and Arena is not good for beginners. When you get cards from Naxxrammas you know what you're paying for and Naxxrammas cards are really good and efficient.
Has anyone else thought of the dream where you play Guribashi Berserker, Commanding Shout, and Bouncing blade on an empty board, You would get a 243/1 minion because bouncing blade can only do 80 dmg max thats insane. You could also play frothing berserker bouncing blade, that would also be insane.
Did Ragnaros always say something when his effect was triggered, or is that a new thing in GvG? How have I not noticed this!?! (It is pretty quiet though)
You sometimes just can't play around it. It's a lame gimmick that steals wins out of nowhere. That's another reason people love playing Hunter. Hunter is so aggressive that the Druid will probably be on his back foot and will be forced to use the force combo defensively just to not die.
lkjkhfggd I just got to legend with mech druid (playing force roar) and I found the hunter matchup was really easy compared to nearly all other classes considering druids' amazing ability to board control so well with things like swipe and innervate. Which nullifies the damage taken and ultimately destroys their only win condition.
I wish I would be matched up with streamers more often.... Especially as a streamer, it would b enjoyable.... I would mainly like to play against Trump
It's not necessary but it works really well and is really one of the perks of this deck as compared to the classic handlock. Because of Sense Demons, you should assume you will always have at least 2 demons in your hand so voidcaller will get insane value because it can potentially summon Jaraxxus or Mal'Ganis. The problem with mentioned cards is that they're really slow against fast decks where you need them and voidcaller helps immensely. You could consider switching it with another Darkbomb if you think it doesn't help or don't have it.
I have a Handlock deck without Ancient Watchers (because I have none) and I run Stalagg and Fuegen as filler. Would Darkbomb be a better filler for Ancient Watchers?
Dark Bomb is pretty standard in Handlock now, so if anything you'd have to ask about substituting Dark Bomb for other things, which would be weird considering how cheap the card is. Anyway, Ogre Brute could be a solid alternative to Ancient Watcher. One mana more and you get something that can attack. It's nearly as good for Shadowflame and being taunted up and such. Acidic Swamp Ooze could also pass, though it isn't anywhere near as good with Sunfury and Argus, but hey, it's totally free, isn't bad with Shadowflame, and sometimes comes in handy. Feugen and Stalagg are not suitable alternatives to Ancient Watcher because they don't serve any sort of similar purpose: I'd see them more as solid threatening minions that you can use in place of other threatening minions, so maybe in place of Mountain Giants, which is understandable considering their cost.
From what I've seen so far, Demonlock is just bad Handlock or bad Zoo. Is that accurate or am I just not seeing the amazing synergy that a few decks have?
That is because demonlock is neither zoolike or handlocklike it has to run flame imp for early game and have beefy demons for late game sooo my demonlock run flameimps for early game and this way i can control the board from beginings ;)
not so much in this gvg meta, but some of the cards are too good to be left out and u should go and get them: sludge belcher, loatheb, haunted creeper, dark cultist and death's bite.
Depends... if you have small and expendable minions or something you don't want an 8/8 to hit it might be bad to silence rag as then he get's to control what he hit Though decks that run Ragnaros might also run cards like Sylvanas, Cairn or Sneed's Old Shredder which are a lot more valuable to silence (or buffs)
The only time it might be worth silencing your opponent's Ragnaros is if damage is the only way you can expect to kill it, and you have taunts that you would rather have Ragnaros run into. It's generally an act of desperation really, because even if it loses health attacking into things, 8 health is plenty for Ragnaros to spend.
I have yet to have a game where silencing Rag actually helps me. But hey, maybe you'll run into some situation where it's good, like if you have an Annoy-o-tron on the board.
Yep I can tell you firsthand they can if they draw:tidecaller then tidehunter on first turn then old murkeye comes in with 5 damage I know this cuase I play one
So the other day I buy 7 packs of GvG and get Mal'Ganis for christmas I get 20 for hearthsotne packs and accidently buy 15 packs of classic and open Jaraxxus, I have to say this is the sexiest play I have pulled off and sends tingles down my spine everytime I do it....YOU FACE JARAXXUS, I AM MAL'GANIS I AM ETERNAL!!!!!!!!!! So good
I would agree with you if it wasnt for the fact No of times beaten by top decked Kill Command > No of times beaten by top decked fireballs It's more than just how the cards compare, its how the classes compare
ChiiTheBlackWind Well there are (or were) far more Huntards in comparioson to mages on ladder. And Kill Command is like ***** said good but situational. You need a minion which needs to be a beast to get the full value from it. There really is no nerf needed at all.
CaptainKnödel Its not even one bit close to a fireball. Why would you compare a hunter card to a mage card in the first place? Having in mind the hero power, KC is much better than a fireball simply because hunter provides more aggression than mage does. Also, you consider having a minion out quite a disadvantage but in reality its a simple task for any hunter. If you run the face huntard you're bound to have a 1-2 mana minion in your hand considering you actually lost board control in the first place. Furthermore, if you actually did lose board control, you're probably past turn 8 so that extra 2 mana is not something that will hurt you one bit. With that said, No, KC is not fine as it is, it gives hunters too much reach, which combined with their hero power makes stabilizing way too hard for some classes.
CaptainKnödel Well, yes there are more huntards than mages on ladder, but percentage wise on those games i have played for me what i say is the case. It could well be though that if i played the same amount of games against mage as hunter i would be fireballed more. Still, when you are going to get bursted down by a mage, it is obvious when it is going to happen, you can plan for it, and you will either survive it or not. Kill command is usually just DEATH, oweing to the fact that kill command is kinda 7 direct damage than 5 because of the hero ability, add in a 2nd or a face slap from the largish hunter minions and thats that. If we go by how the classes work, it makes sense for mages to have fireball, it makes more sense (to me) for kill command to target minions only, there are plenty of damage cards for other classes that cant target the hero.
even matchups that are bads for huntards are winnable for them, as the second game of the video shows. handlock usually wins against those brainless kind of zoo, but the hunter managed to win anyways since his deck is so OP there are only three types of decks: control, rush and mid range, that can be defined as a mix of both rush and control depending upon situation. Therefore, any kind of unstoppable rush or any kind of "unrush-able" control is OP. So hunter is clearly op with that unstoppable rush that can not be control.
What are you smoking? Handlock is terrible against Hunter. You can't do the typical pass, life tap, life tap, Mountain Giant/ Twilight Drake play for if you do, you'll probably just die. Handlock has no nice way to defend himself against Undertaker openings, and Handlock's tactic of Moltens and then taunt often fails because of Hunter's Mark and Owl. When you play Handlock, Hunter is the one and only class you dread matching up against, as Handlock is favored or even against everything else.
lkjkhfggd handlock actually is the worse matchup for a hunter to have, except for warrior and priest handlock has so many area effects, heal, control, taunts, big creatures and cards drawns that it can easily shutdown hunters deck in theory just use the logic: handlock is probably the best control deck-based that there is. Actually, handlock IS the best control-entirely based deck in the entire game (druid also uses tempo plays, so it's not a control deck-based entirely speaking). If the hunter can not be control by the best control deck that there is, then hunters are OP. Anything like "unstoppable rush" is OP, since that there is no good counterplay to a unstoppable rush. Hunter is a unstoppable rush (since hunter's decks can not be stopped even by the best control deck in competitive scenario), therefore hunters are OP. Deal with it, your class ir fucking cancer and OP.
Here, dummy, I don't have to prove anything to you. Why don't you just go and whip out your Handlock deck that you love so much and go ladder with it. You will most certainly struggle a lot against the Hunters, and the reason is that the match-up is bad. It has nothing to do with Handlock being 'the best control deck' or whatever crap you were saying. It has to do with Handlock wanting to sit around and life tap till turn 4 and Hunter wanting to kill you by turn 5 or 6. Handlock cannot win unless he gets a sweet starting hand that involves Ancient Watcher, and even then it's really tough. I find Handlock and Zoolock to be way more cancerous and irritating to face than any Hunter, and if I have to play Hunter to fare well against them, then so be it.
lkjkhfggd the reason why i DO struggle against them is that hunters are OP only warriors and priests do well against them, and those can lose to huntards, and even do lose several times in other hand, handlock is the 3rd best pick against hunter, and struggle badly against them, what proves how OP that class is
That is just statistic . When you have fel reaver in a conttol deck is terible , but when you just wanna kill your oppoment ASAP the drawback does not count. You won t be needing your deck if you can kill your oppoment.
***** I'm sad that Fel Reaver isn't more popular. If it was, then I would have a reason to run my classic control Paladin. If Reaver follows the rules it's basically game over.
Fel reaver doesn't really have a drawback unless you go into fatigue, because the cards you discarded wouldn't have been drawn in the first place. In Afro, you kill your opponent before you go into fatigue, so the drawback does nothing.
"It doesn't really matter. He'll just kill it with an execute or something' One of the main things I really hate about hearthstone. How a combo or good play can be completely skill-less FU card. Poly, hex, flamestrike etc.
You can find ways to play around them or even play into them. Meaning bait them to play those cards only to follow up with a stronger play that they no longer have an answer for.
the main problem with hunter is their class design: as their hero power can not be used to trade with minions on the board, the producers of the game desgined hunters' class cards to be incredibly powerful - just see how strong are explosive trap (2 aoe damage for two mana), that gives huge advantage in cards, freezing trap, that gives huge tempo advantage and hiena, arguably the best 6 drop in the game. And the cards of naxx improved the hunters' deck in a unprecedented way. Hunters are the cancer of this game. Warlocks are pretty cancer as well, but quite less, because the average warlocks' card does not have a good value, just because their hero ability is so insane (card advantage for 2 mana in a card game? for real?)
I have no idea why people are STILL whining about Hunters. GvG gave us a very clean and easy way to fare way better against them, and it's called Kezan Mystic. I run one in just about all my decks, and every time I've faced Hunter, if I drew Kezan and successfully stole a Freezing Trap, I won the game. GvG even gave us Antique Healbot which gives an amazing amount of heal to any class. If you still can't handle the aggression of Hunters after that, then your deck just sucks.
lkjkhfggd gvg clearly helped with the addition of cards like antique bot and spider tank, but this is not enough to handle the rush that hunters' decks offers Kezan Mystic is a bad card to have. His status are bad. 4/3 for 4 mana seems to barely fails in vanilla test, but actually the failure of this card is huge. Since it has only 3 life, it can be killed by the vast majority of two and three drops that are played, what makes her a really weak four drop in terms of body and status. And the battle cry that she offers is not enough to justify the bad status, since it's far my probably than not that his effect will not trigger
Daniel Vinicius Kezan Mystic is a meta-game choice. So long as Hunter (specifically, Hunter with secrets) is a super popular choice in constructed, I will always run Kezan (or at least consider it). If you are unwilling to run a card that helps so much against Hunter, then you have no right to complain when you later on struggle against them. A 4 mana 4/3 against all other classes is fine dude. Just pretend you had a Piloted Shredder and it got silenced. Same thing.
lkjkhfggd even if you put Kezan Mystic in your deck and happens to play against a hunter, most likely you will not extract good value from it or it will be a dead card most of the time just...don't. Piloted Shredder is a awesome card, because in average it grants to you more status than yeti, what is huge. Kezan Mystic, at opposite, in average does not grant you anything to special or great, just dies horribly without returning to you greats amounts of value. If you like to play bad creatures, why dont you play that card 4/1 for two mana that has stealth in rogue? His badness is almost equal to Kevan Badstic.
Sylvester Holmes its like if holyfield gratulating tyson for biting his ear. the current cancer hunter is the cheapest most noskill deck in hearthstone history.
Why would you want to do that? The card is so damn powerful to play to get an op hero ability and heal to 15hp, and in the case of Voidcaller, dragging out a 3/15 minion is amazing.
lkjkhfggd Keyword "almost". It's just annoying with Void caller. Sometimes it's better to play it outright, as it is sometimes infinitely stronger as the new hero rather than a 3/15. It can make it so playing Void Caller can be a drawback rather than a benefit. That said, it's too strong to remove for that reason alone. It just seemed from watching him play that It was rather awkward at times. Not bad per se, but awkward.
really blowing my mind with that Antique Healbot tid bit. New favorite card ;)
This deck is turning out awesome and more different from standard Handlock than I was expecting. Love the calculations involved in deciding when to Sense Demons.
The speed plays! This is such a pleasure to watch. I like fast Trump ^^
Mal'ganis' effect should work on jurraxxus (I'm pretty sure I just spelled everything wrong there)
only spelt jaraxxus wrong
Bouncing blade seems like it can pretty easily become a 3 mana assassinate
Only awkward thing about it is execute exists.
but since there is so much aggressive decks like zoo hunter and a small number of people running the fel reaver deck, it might just deal 2 damage or something
Situationally it's fantastic - in particular brawl + bouncing blade clears an opposing board (ignoring token generating deathrattles). And vs an enemy board of Ysera it's hilarious. The issue is that it's a lot less good if you have a board at all.
Nicholas Hayes Twisting nether costs the same amount of mana and only takes one card to do what you described in this scenario.
And yes, it's pretty good against Ysera.
Twisting Nether a) can't be played by Warrior, b) can't be used in two smaller bits of removal and c) is complete overkill vs a Shade of Naxxramas, whereas Bouncing Blade is pretty good. My point is, it's nice to be occasionally able to replicate Twisting Nether by playing two cards that won't sit in your hand being useless vs an aggro deck. That all being said, I'm still not sure bouncing blade is good enough generally outside of the scenarios where it is fantastic to be run
Mal'ganis: *"I am Mal'ganis, you are Fucked!"*
The Ysera hero: Hero power draws a dream card for 2 mana. Dream cards are also class cards.
Huh. Just realized the Sense Demons/Mountain Giant combo... Can't believe it took me this long! x'D
shouldnt jaraxxus be +2|2 if mal ganis is played?
No, because Jaraxxus, when normally played, replaces your current Hero, thus becoming the Hero you are playing as. Mal'Ganis buffs he other Demons in your deck, but since Heroes don't have subtypes, Jaraxxus won't get buffed. If he gets Alarm O Bot'd or VoidCaller'd out, he would, since his Battlecry didn't activate, since he wasn't played from the hand, he was switched out
Derpingly YT If heroes don't have subtypes, why can Jaraxxus be Sacrifical Pacted?
The Creator Good point.
The Creator Lol good point but Heroes are not part of the battlefield they are playing at the board in a flavor sense and putting their creatures on it. Sacrificial pact does not specify if it has to be a creature, quite possible blizzard doing it on purpose for the lols giving Lord Jaraxxus an Achilles heel.
TH1SMACHINE But it still doesn't make sense to me. Mal'Ganis isn't limited to minions in the text, it only says "Demons" as does Sacrificial Pact.
That ending was pretty damn awesome!
ty for the video mr trump
Hey Trump, because you don't use golden cards does the golden Warlock annoy you at all?
He doesn't use golden cards because he wants to have a deck with cards of the same type (all golden or all normal), or so I've heard :)
He wasn't asking lol
rafaellum So wouldn't a golden hero offset that effect?
nordic fatcheese Well, the hero is not part of the deck, so maybe it doesn't count
nordic fatcheese I think that's the effect his going for, It's like hey a gold warlock, but oh his using all normal cards, so it's like a dirty looking broke down car, with a Beast engine. I think of it like that effect
Hunters - 2 cards in a 30 card deck. Open with 1 100% of the time.
MyGoodApollo welcome to the youtube comment section: our chef's special today is exaggeration for comic effect, how can I take your order?
Sonic Shoe and it comes salted
well i suppose it's like a 1/3 when they are going second when you really think about it. mulligan, draw, 2 undertakers.
Incase your intrested it's actaully a 32,33 repeating ofcourse % chance of turn 1 undertaker
God.. It is so satisfying watching you beat the standard wallet warrior and huntard decks with a variant on Handlock... May still be scummy but hell its still a lot more entertaining!
It's been so long... Those times this hunter deck was insane and nowadays I think it would suck even with the original Undertaker. The meta has really grown up in a card power level since that times
Malganis with implosion in a handlock deck is really good. its like a better muster/QM combo.
That hunter definitely shit himself that last turn with both Jaxerus and mal XD. Always love seeing face hunters getting beat.
First game against druid gave another reason that my shaman class needs a buff.
Hey Trump, if you have the time: a question for starting players and where to spend their gold first.
-naxxramas cards
-classic packs
-gvg packs
I've noticed that in arena you mostly get gvg cards, if i am not mistaken. Can you help a beginner out? Or if someone else can be bothered, fine too :)
Classic packs
ooo starting off now is kind of rough. I would say dont worry about gvg yet , do arena unless you get gvg packs, if you do just buy classic packs and when you have i would say 3 decks that you satisfied with, save up for nax. That is what i had to do for the second and third wing except no gvg was out atm
Arena but you will get GvG packs.
I'm kinda a new player too (actually played beta a little, then dropped the game and returned recently) and honestly the best thing you can do is buy Naxxrammas wings. You can get them for real money or gold, I'm using gold because I already have other game that is my money sink. You never know what crap you'll get from packs and Arena is not good for beginners.
When you get cards from Naxxrammas you know what you're paying for and Naxxrammas cards are really good and efficient.
Has anyone else thought of the dream where you play Guribashi Berserker, Commanding Shout, and Bouncing blade on an empty board, You would get a 243/1 minion because bouncing blade can only do 80 dmg max thats insane. You could also play frothing berserker bouncing blade, that would also be insane.
can anyone plz tell me how to find that picture that he used for click to watch this vedio?
video I mean
"I AM ETERNAL," says the guy with 7 health. Makes sense.
4:28 "New Naxx card!" PogChamp Kappa
Is it wrong to only want Malganas for the audio queues?
hey is this the new handlock? i think trump could get away with making a sole demon deck work
Watching this in 2x speed is ABSOLUTELY hilarious X) Try it out !
Antique Healbot = Anti-killbot.
Pretty nice Easter egg.
How can u see cards already have been played?
Like left side box on his screen
It`s edited. That`s how it works.
Its funny to watch some games of handlock against control warrior, one keeps losing 2 health the other keeps gaining 2 health
And yet the warlock always wins
Where was the portal map today???
Ted Wallace thats called magic.... or giants, depends on your taste
Or vs Huntards, trump presses heropower and loses 2hp, the other one presses heropower and trump loses 2hp again xD
I love your playing
Great timing for me :D
Antikill Healbot... Yes, that is brilliant!
is blecher not craftable?
Did Ragnaros always say something when his effect was triggered, or is that a new thing in GvG?
How have I not noticed this!?! (It is pretty quiet though)
if mal ganis is on the field and u play jaraxus , do u still get ur health set to 15?
Trump do you think getting rid of a hellfire and adding another heal bot would be a good idea?
I'm really disappointed that Mal'Ganis doesn't give Jaraxxus +2/+2. It really should, since you can cast Sacrificial Pact on Jaraxxus.
If Jaraxxus is on the board as a minion he gets +2/+2
Maybe they'll bugfix it. He's a demon. No exceptions!
Good god xD Screw Force Roar... that's insane, how do you even play around it...
(Don't lose board presence and always keep above 14~15 I guess haha)
You sometimes just can't play around it. It's a lame gimmick that steals wins out of nowhere.
That's another reason people love playing Hunter. Hunter is so aggressive that the Druid will probably be on his back foot and will be forced to use the force combo defensively just to not die.
lkjkhfggd I just got to legend with mech druid (playing force roar) and I found the hunter matchup was really easy compared to nearly all other classes considering druids' amazing ability to board control so well with things like swipe and innervate. Which nullifies the damage taken and ultimately destroys their only win condition.
Alex Ceceña
Jesus fucking christ man, what the hell is your problem? NEVER wish that kinda shit on someone. That shit just aint funny.
Morgan Murphy well mech druid is different to ramp druid
rampfagotard both have a really good hunter mu tho. ramp may be an even better mu.
I wish I would be matched up with streamers more often.... Especially as a streamer, it would b enjoyable.... I would mainly like to play against Trump
The thing is ,some player , not you ,but some can look at the respectiv person stream and see there next move ,so they can counter it ...
Polec Vlad Stream sniping*
i have played against applejacked and hafu
Is it necessary to have 2 voidcalers in a deck with so few demons?
It's not necessary but it works really well and is really one of the perks of this deck as compared to the classic handlock. Because of Sense Demons, you should assume you will always have at least 2 demons in your hand so voidcaller will get insane value because it can potentially summon Jaraxxus or Mal'Ganis. The problem with mentioned cards is that they're really slow against fast decks where you need them and voidcaller helps immensely. You could consider switching it with another Darkbomb if you think it doesn't help or don't have it.
Yep i saw it after thinking a bit
If you have Mal'Ganis on the field when you play jaraxxus do you get a 5/17 hero?
Unfortunately no
I have a Handlock deck without Ancient Watchers (because I have none) and I run Stalagg and Fuegen as filler. Would Darkbomb be a better filler for Ancient Watchers?
Dont use it instead just craft them. Rares aren't that expensive. And you should use darkbomb instead of soulfire not instead of watchers.
Yes, I reckon dark bomb is one of the best warlock GvG cards for warlock, well all warlock GvG cards are pretty good tbh.
***** But the gaming pro advised him otherwise !
Dark Bomb is pretty standard in Handlock now, so if anything you'd have to ask about substituting Dark Bomb for other things, which would be weird considering how cheap the card is.
Anyway, Ogre Brute could be a solid alternative to Ancient Watcher. One mana more and you get something that can attack. It's nearly as good for Shadowflame and being taunted up and such. Acidic Swamp Ooze could also pass, though it isn't anywhere near as good with Sunfury and Argus, but hey, it's totally free, isn't bad with Shadowflame, and sometimes comes in handy.
Feugen and Stalagg are not suitable alternatives to Ancient Watcher because they don't serve any sort of similar purpose: I'd see them more as solid threatening minions that you can use in place of other threatening minions, so maybe in place of Mountain Giants, which is understandable considering their cost.
From what I've seen so far, Demonlock is just bad Handlock or bad Zoo. Is that accurate or am I just not seeing the amazing synergy that a few decks have?
Thats pretty much what it is, its either really good or really bad.
That is because demonlock is neither zoolike or handlocklike it has to run flame imp for early game and have beefy demons for late game sooo my demonlock run flameimps for early game and this way i can control the board from beginings ;)
Jason Weird I wasn't talking about this deck in particular, just Demonlock in general.
i wouldnt mind a quick handy from trump ;)
Guys , im a semi-newbie in hearthstone and i like to ask if NAX cards are really important in this meta?
not so much in this gvg meta, but some of the cards are too good to be left out and u should go and get them: sludge belcher, loatheb, haunted creeper, dark cultist and death's bite.
I am Malorn I am actually eternal
unless some one shats it up
Watever u do do not kill da seeeep!!!
Is silencing a ragnaros a bad thing? I mean he needs to loose health to do actually smthing
Depends... if you have small and expendable minions or something you don't want an 8/8 to hit it might be bad to silence rag as then he get's to control what he hit
Though decks that run Ragnaros might also run cards like Sylvanas, Cairn or Sneed's Old Shredder which are a lot more valuable to silence (or buffs)
The only time it might be worth silencing your opponent's Ragnaros is if damage is the only way you can expect to kill it, and you have taunts that you would rather have Ragnaros run into. It's generally an act of desperation really, because even if it loses health attacking into things, 8 health is plenty for Ragnaros to spend.
I have yet to have a game where silencing Rag actually helps me. But hey, maybe you'll run into some situation where it's good, like if you have an Annoy-o-tron on the board.
lkjkhfggd I find it's more likely to be useful to silence your own Ragnaros so you can have him hit what you need him to hit lol
wow this first game just wow :D
how is the Name of the game you played that one time on stream, which is nearly the same as hs? :D i want to Play it too :D
I keep dread inferno in there just because I like the card in general, also I'd like to point out its a 666
Can someone explain Trump's fascination with the pronunciation of Antique Healbot?
Antique-Healbot's pronunciation can be manipulated to sound like "Anti-Kill Bot," which is fitting for what it does.
I love watching Trump defeat scumbag hunters. I honestly hate playing against zoo and freezing mages. I wont even play those classes.
I feel like people with murlocks deck will pretty much kill anyone before the mid late game.
Yep I can tell you firsthand they can if they draw:tidecaller then tidehunter on first turn then old murkeye comes in with 5 damage
I know this cuase I play one
Why does the thumbnail have a '#2' not a '#1'? :P
Because this is not the first time he used this deck on the channel.
It's his second video with this Handlock deck.
Trents+Savage Roar combo is the cheapest combo there is.
So the other day I buy 7 packs of GvG and get Mal'Ganis for christmas I get 20 for hearthsotne packs and accidently buy 15 packs of classic and open Jaraxxus, I have to say this is the sexiest play I have pulled off and sends tingles down my spine everytime I do it....YOU FACE JARAXXUS, I AM MAL'GANIS I AM ETERNAL!!!!!!!!!! So good
Nice. Congrats. I got Jaraxxus and Mal'Ganis in packs the last two days as well. Convinced me to try out Handlock again. Very cool combo.
your hands average mana cost was actually exactly 7.
I think they should make Kill Command only target minions. Would be fair then.
Kill Command is fair. It is a much worse Fireball and so on.
I would agree with you if it wasnt for the fact No of times beaten by top decked Kill Command > No of times beaten by top decked fireballs
It's more than just how the cards compare, its how the classes compare
ChiiTheBlackWind Well there are (or were) far more Huntards in comparioson to mages on ladder.
And Kill Command is like ***** said good but situational. You need a minion which needs to be a beast to get the full value from it.
There really is no nerf needed at all.
CaptainKnödel Its not even one bit close to a fireball. Why would you compare a hunter card to a mage card in the first place? Having in mind the hero power, KC is much better than a fireball simply because hunter provides more aggression than mage does. Also, you consider having a minion out quite a disadvantage but in reality its a simple task for any hunter. If you run the face huntard you're bound to have a 1-2 mana minion in your hand considering you actually lost board control in the first place. Furthermore, if you actually did lose board control, you're probably past turn 8 so that extra 2 mana is not something that will hurt you one bit.
With that said, No, KC is not fine as it is, it gives hunters too much reach, which combined with their hero power makes stabilizing way too hard for some classes.
CaptainKnödel Well, yes there are more huntards than mages on ladder, but percentage wise on those games i have played for me what i say is the case. It could well be though that if i played the same amount of games against mage as hunter i would be fireballed more.
Still, when you are going to get bursted down by a mage, it is obvious when it is going to happen, you can plan for it, and you will either survive it or not. Kill command is usually just DEATH, oweing to the fact that kill command is kinda 7 direct damage than 5 because of the hero ability, add in a 2nd or a face slap from the largish hunter minions and thats that.
If we go by how the classes work, it makes sense for mages to have fireball, it makes more sense (to me) for kill command to target minions only, there are plenty of damage cards for other classes that cant target the hero.
Theyre using Yeti at high rank? what?
even matchups that are bads for huntards are winnable for them, as the second game of the video shows.
handlock usually wins against those brainless kind of zoo, but the hunter managed to win anyways since his deck is so OP
there are only three types of decks: control, rush and mid range, that can be defined as a mix of both rush and control depending upon situation. Therefore, any kind of unstoppable rush or any kind of "unrush-able" control is OP. So hunter is clearly op with that unstoppable rush that can not be control.
Hunter is strong against handlock (even though this isnt exactly handlock it is almost the same).
What are you smoking? Handlock is terrible against Hunter. You can't do the typical pass, life tap, life tap, Mountain Giant/ Twilight Drake play for if you do, you'll probably just die. Handlock has no nice way to defend himself against Undertaker openings, and Handlock's tactic of Moltens and then taunt often fails because of Hunter's Mark and Owl. When you play Handlock, Hunter is the one and only class you dread matching up against, as Handlock is favored or even against everything else.
lkjkhfggd handlock actually is the worse matchup for a hunter to have, except for warrior and priest
handlock has so many area effects, heal, control, taunts, big creatures and cards drawns that it can easily shutdown hunters deck in theory
just use the logic: handlock is probably the best control deck-based that there is. Actually, handlock IS the best control-entirely based deck in the entire game (druid also uses tempo plays, so it's not a control deck-based entirely speaking). If the hunter can not be control by the best control deck that there is, then hunters are OP.
Anything like "unstoppable rush" is OP, since that there is no good counterplay to a unstoppable rush. Hunter is a unstoppable rush (since hunter's decks can not be stopped even by the best control deck in competitive scenario), therefore hunters are OP. Deal with it, your class ir fucking cancer and OP.
Here, dummy, I don't have to prove anything to you. Why don't you just go and whip out your Handlock deck that you love so much and go ladder with it. You will most certainly struggle a lot against the Hunters, and the reason is that the match-up is bad.
It has nothing to do with Handlock being 'the best control deck' or whatever crap you were saying. It has to do with Handlock wanting to sit around and life tap till turn 4 and Hunter wanting to kill you by turn 5 or 6. Handlock cannot win unless he gets a sweet starting hand that involves Ancient Watcher, and even then it's really tough.
I find Handlock and Zoolock to be way more cancerous and irritating to face than any Hunter, and if I have to play Hunter to fare well against them, then so be it.
lkjkhfggd the reason why i DO struggle against them is that hunters are OP
only warriors and priests do well against them, and those can lose to huntards, and even do lose several times
in other hand, handlock is the 3rd best pick against hunter, and struggle badly against them, what proves how OP that class is
Seems to lack teeth since it's trying to be 2 things. I dunno lol.
Wow that 2nd hunter game was a lot of luck, especially after not healing on 5 :P
"Annoying warrior" is quite redundant. Aren't they all?
3rd game Riperino
WOW 3:35 Mal Ganis RNG!!!
malganis why no warcraft 3 quotes!! :( grumble grumble
He should have killed the guy in the second match with jaraxxus instead of using hellfire
16:10 ggwp ez
17:15 ROFL xD
mountain giant 6 mana (average, can be 5) 8/8 no drawback
fel reaver 5 mana 8/8, burn half of your deck.
fel reaver doesn't require you to hold your hand without playing cards
That is just statistic . When you have fel reaver in a conttol deck is terible , but when you just wanna kill your oppoment ASAP the drawback does not count. You won t be needing your deck if you can kill your oppoment.
***** I'm sad that Fel Reaver isn't more popular. If it was, then I would have a reason to run my classic control Paladin. If Reaver follows the rules it's basically game over.
Fel reaver doesn't really have a drawback unless you go into fatigue, because the cards you discarded wouldn't have been drawn in the first place. In Afro, you kill your opponent before you go into fatigue, so the drawback does nothing.
Randall Liu Well, if he follows the rules, you can get him to fatigue really fast.
WOW that first game. rekt
druid combo needs to be nerfed. Maybe move savage from 3 to 4?
Huck Funter !!
"It doesn't really matter. He'll just kill it with an execute or something'
One of the main things I really hate about hearthstone. How a combo or good play can be completely skill-less FU card. Poly, hex, flamestrike etc.
The skill is playing around those cards successfully.
You can find ways to play around them or even play into them. Meaning bait them to play those cards only to follow up with a stronger play that they no longer have an answer for.
the main problem with hunter is their class design: as their hero power can not be used to trade with minions on the board, the producers of the game desgined hunters' class cards to be incredibly powerful - just see how strong are explosive trap (2 aoe damage for two mana), that gives huge advantage in cards, freezing trap, that gives huge tempo advantage and hiena, arguably the best 6 drop in the game.
And the cards of naxx improved the hunters' deck in a unprecedented way. Hunters are the cancer of this game. Warlocks are pretty cancer as well, but quite less, because the average warlocks' card does not have a good value, just because their hero ability is so insane (card advantage for 2 mana in a card game? for real?)
I have no idea why people are STILL whining about Hunters. GvG gave us a very clean and easy way to fare way better against them, and it's called Kezan Mystic. I run one in just about all my decks, and every time I've faced Hunter, if I drew Kezan and successfully stole a Freezing Trap, I won the game. GvG even gave us Antique Healbot which gives an amazing amount of heal to any class. If you still can't handle the aggression of Hunters after that, then your deck just sucks.
lkjkhfggd gvg clearly helped with the addition of cards like antique bot and spider tank, but this is not enough to handle the rush that hunters' decks offers
Kezan Mystic is a bad card to have. His status are bad. 4/3 for 4 mana seems to barely fails in vanilla test, but actually the failure of this card is huge. Since it has only 3 life, it can be killed by the vast majority of two and three drops that are played, what makes her a really weak four drop in terms of body and status.
And the battle cry that she offers is not enough to justify the bad status, since it's far my probably than not that his effect will not trigger
there is a minion that allows it to target minion
Daniel Vinicius Kezan Mystic is a meta-game choice. So long as Hunter (specifically, Hunter with secrets) is a super popular choice in constructed, I will always run Kezan (or at least consider it). If you are unwilling to run a card that helps so much against Hunter, then you have no right to complain when you later on struggle against them.
A 4 mana 4/3 against all other classes is fine dude. Just pretend you had a Piloted Shredder and it got silenced. Same thing.
lkjkhfggd even if you put Kezan Mystic in your deck and happens to play against a hunter, most likely you will not extract good value from it or it will be a dead card most of the time
just...don't. Piloted Shredder is a awesome card, because in average it grants to you more status than yeti, what is huge. Kezan Mystic, at opposite, in average does not grant you anything to special or great, just dies horribly without returning to you greats amounts of value.
If you like to play bad creatures, why dont you play that card 4/1 for two mana that has stealth in rogue? His badness is almost equal to Kevan Badstic.
Everytime it says 301 views
why well played a cancer hunter?
u can do it sarcastically :D
Because even if you don't like your opponents tactics it's good sportsmanship.
Sylvester Holmes its like if holyfield gratulating tyson for biting his ear. the current cancer hunter is the cheapest most noskill deck in hearthstone history.
Am pățit
Am pățit :(
It sounds like hentai-kill bot ahahahh
lol trump is not gonna make legendary this season :>
Actually, he did hit the legendary rank.
Domi Tab I know, but obviously not this season
Rina Ljungquist
This video was recorded a while ago; if you watched his stream at all, you would know that he is rank ~136 or so.
Lemme take a selfie.💁
is it just me or is trump getting meaner over time?
nah he's just tired of meeting lame huntards every game.
Ya, he calls everyone a scumbag now. I guess he's slowly transitioning out of PG13. At a snail's pace.
borRIING Slowly but surely.
control meta game will never exist trump. get over it and start learning hunter and aggro correctly
I skip every Hunter and Zoo game because i already know the outcome and its boring as shit
This series almost makes it look like it'd be better to replace Jaraxus, EREDAR, LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION.
Why the comma between Eredar and lord? I thought it was Eredar lord?
Why would you want to do that? The card is so damn powerful to play to get an op hero ability and heal to 15hp, and in the case of Voidcaller, dragging out a 3/15 minion is amazing.
lkjkhfggd Keyword "almost". It's just annoying with Void caller. Sometimes it's better to play it outright, as it is sometimes infinitely stronger as the new hero rather than a 3/15. It can make it so playing Void Caller can be a drawback rather than a benefit.
That said, it's too strong to remove for that reason alone. It just seemed from watching him play that It was rather awkward at times. Not bad per se, but awkward.