Thanks for this, I'm a 62yr old Scottish Christian guy, I was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's when I was 59yrs old, and I can't concentrate for long periods, but I'm reading the Qur'an for the 3rd time, after reading it the first time, I believe it's definitely the word of God, blessings from Glasgow..
It's amazing to see the sincerity with which you've been reading the Qur'an, especially while going through your own personal challenges. By saying the shahada, you affirm that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger. Shahada: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah." Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Taking this step is a testimony of what you already believe deep down. If you feel ready, the Muslim community is here to support you every step of the way. May Allah continue to bless your journey
Qur'ān alone is the only way today, No hadiths, no tafasir, no mullas, But only the word from the God. Al-A'raf 7:3 ٱتَّبِعُوا۟ مَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا۟ مِن دُونِهِۦٓ أَوْلِيَآءَۗ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ Follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies. Little do you remember. Al-Mursalat 77:50 فَبِأَىِّ حَدِيثٍۭ بَعْدَهُۥ يُؤْمِنُونَ Then in what statement after it [i.e., the Qur’ān] will they believe? Yunus 10:15 وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَاتُنَا بَيِّنَٰتٍۙ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ لِقَآءَنَا ٱئْتِ بِقُرْءَانٍ غَيْرِ هَٰذَآ أَوْ بَدِّلْهُۚ قُلْ مَا يَكُونُ لِىٓ أَنْ أُبَدِّلَهُۥ مِن تِلْقَآئِ نَفْسِىٓۖ إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلَّا مَا يُوحَىٰٓ إِلَىَّۖ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّى عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, "Bring us a Qur’ān other than this or change it." Say, [O Muḥammad], "It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day."
نَّكَ لَنْ تَدَعَ شَيْئًا لِلهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَّا بَدَّلَكَ اللهُ بِهِ مَا هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْهُ “Certainly, you will never leave something for the sake of Allah, the Mighty & Majestic, except that Allah will replace it with something better.🤍
Lots of first generation born muslims in the west gave up their dreams to please their parents. Same thing esp given the (emotional blackmail) esteem parents are held in in islam. It might also explain the high divorce rate amongst muslims in the west 😂
Subhan Allah, I lived with Adrian for almost a year back in 2008/2009 in Alexandria, Egypt, at the university dorms while he was studying Arabic. I still remember him waking up for Fajr prayers while everyone else, including myself, was asleep. Today, this video of him randomly appeared in my TH-cam feed, and it took me a moment to recognize who he was. But once I did, I was deeply moved. It’s truly a pleasure to see him at such a profound level of faith, and he serves as a great inspiration-even for me, as someone who was born a Muslim.
Ma shaa' Allah so great to hear from you, Ahmed, after all these years. May Allah reward you for your good opinion of me, and increase our faith for all of us. Miss you and all of the brothers in that hallway
@@adnanwoodsmith For Quran to be authentic word of Allah, did jibreel HEAR Allah recite Quran revelation in Arabic, so as then accurately recite to moahmmed? Either yes / no will expose Allah and Islam for Jibreel to accurately HEAR Allah recite quran in arabic , Allah would need to LIMIT his voice to a tone and frequency compatible with the created finite created realm of jibreel and speak in an EARTHLY MANMADE created arabic language, for jibreel to accurately hear Allah recite quran , so as to then accurately recite to Mohamed. which makes Quran wrong as allah is now in the created realm.
To be an FBI agent he was told to study 'Arabic and Persian' my jaw dropped, i knew they have a big hand in middle east, but to start your foundation with that is Astonishing! Subahanallah!!
It will come a day the world will learn that 9 eleven was an inside job. 1S1S was founded by Obama administration and Iran. Many te rr or attacks were conducted by agencies!
SubhanaAllah! I cried why he said this is what I been looking for all my life 😢 because that is exactly what I said when I read a book about Islam right before reverting. It’s been 15 years since and Islam changed my life in a very positive way. Alhamdulillah
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@einsteinone5380 even if you believe what you wrote was true..which is not..still doesnt change the fact that this Christian guy revert to Islam..cry more
Christians and moslems are not enemies they more like brothers and supportive of each other. The trouble is when corruption of politicians and propaganda steps in then it makes it seems that these 2 brothers dislike each other. I'm a Christian but I fully respect my neighbour who is moslems. We need love and peace in this world and not discrimination.
My brother I'm from italy and there are many people who wants to understand and know islam,, if you can Post your videos with italian language it will help a lot. Jajakallahu khairan
May ALLAH reward you for blurring out your face from your display pic and not causing fitna for us Muslim brothers and non Muslim men but may ALLAH also grant you towfeeq to practice wearing all black, shari’aa buhrka, completely removing your all of your pictures from anywhere and everywhere and not taking pictures at all. Ameen. Thumma ameen.
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@johnzuma4688 My father is dead, I have only one father. How many fathers do u have? Ur mother was a busy woman. BTW, there is only one quran. I can read and write Arabic, even tho I am not arab.
I just adore these people who were not born in muslim families, but were smart enough to find truth through interesting challenges…unfortunately, we who were born into Muslim families tend to take our faith for granted…and just go along with it not realizing how beautiful and logical it is…seeing these reverts, i personally started diving into my faith even more…so in a way these amazing people inspire the likes of me.
Your faith is beyond impressive, masha'allah, if I was not born from a muslim parents, I'd probably not been a muslim in the first place. Alhamdulilah for what had been. It needs such great commitment, faith and sacrifice. That's what makes you, reverts, special. May Allah allow me to see you in Jannah, dear brother. Allahuma-Ameen@@adnanwoodsmith
I am eleven years older than this Muslim brother. I was born into a Muslim family, grew up in the world's largest Muslim majority country. And I was really amazed by the fluency of this Muslim brother in pronouncing Arabic. May Allah always protect you my Muslim brother. Maybe we can never meet on earth, because I'm in Indonesia and you're in America, but hopefully Allah will meet us in heaven later, aamiin
Many people have commented that Allah guides those HE wishes to guide. True. But what's important here is that, ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an "Indeed Allah will not change the condition of a people unless they change what's in themselves." So those who are willing to learn and understand and know about religion, the creator, the purpose of creation etc. are more likely to be guided than those who simply don't care and remain proud, egoistic and self-centred.
I know someone who was interested in the beginning but then his ego got him and all of the sudden he didn't want to learn further and was like "I know all I need to know" bla bla... but I keep praying for him for some reason, and I even cried while praying for him uncontrollably because I felt so strongly about him getting guided so I don't know...but Allah knows best
My brother in Islam, I am your brother Mahmoud from Palestine Gaza, I am the father of four daughters, the Zionists bombed my house, then my right foot was cut off, then we left Gaza and went to Egypt, my life became hell, no one wants me to work for him because my foot is cut off, the owner of the room where I live wants to evict me because I do not pay rent, my daughters are hungry, please do not leave us, my sister.
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
Br. Adnan story shows that Islam can be embraced by any sincere person seeking a spiritual quest, without any external influence. Islam is like an equation that can be applied to any person who provides the parameters (sincerity, search for faith, piety, righteousness, kindness...). Simply put, Br. Adnan is an epitome of a Revert-by-choice! May God Shower Grace and countless Blessings upon him.
it doesn't matter who you are, where you are, what are the surroundings, Allah is always there for you... Subhan Allah! May Allah guide more and more people like him...
@@adnanwoodsmith I pray from the bottom of my heart for you brother. Alhamdulillah, Hearing beautiful stories like these are also a blessing from Almighty Allah...
I am grateful to have met a man who hated Islam before but now he has embraced Islam. I have always been patient with whatever he said before Islam. Alhamdulillah, he has become my husband. My husband worked for the FBI before inindan and now he is retired. May we be together until heaven ❤❤
This man is surely one profoundly intelligent person, chose the tough path in life, yet Allah rewards him much greater acomplishments; both in this life, and in sha Allah in eternity. May Allah bless you n your family
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@johnzuma4688 there’s only one Quran and everything you said is based on your misinterpretation and poor understanding of those verses not only I can correct you but I can also show you those things you said in the Quran are actually found in the bubble I’m a scholar of OT and the NT not some newbie like you
@@johnzuma4688 surah 33:50 talks about marrying them and not whatever you’re thinking. Surah 4:34 talks about disciplining them gently and again not however you’re interpreting it. Surah 65:4 doesn’t talk about child but woman pass the age of menstruation. You don’t know what a child is don’t talk about it. Quran has no contradiction no inconsistency no error don’t confuse Quran with the bubble
@@chaneladriana6829 Thank you for your comment my friend. I have split my answer into parts to make it easier to read for others. In case YT deletes one of my parts just let me know then I can post it again. Part 1 / 4 You say >> surah 33:50 talks about marrying them and not whatever you’re thinking. > O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation1 and those your right hand possesses from what Allāh has returned to you [of captives] and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet [and] if the Prophet wishes to marry her; [this is] only for you, excluding the [other] believers. We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them concerning their wives and those their right hands possess, [but this is for you] in order that there will be upon you no discomfort [i.e., difficulty]. And ever is Allāh Forgiving and Merciful.> O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation1 and those your right hand possesses from what Allāh has returned to you [of captives] …
I love this interview. His love for Islam, his love for his wife she is so lucky, his grand maa taking shahada. Such an intelligent and lucky man on earth you are. Bless you ❤❤❤❤
SubhanAllah… what a beautiful, inspirational story. As a revert who grew up in a not so religious Muslim Afghan family, I found his enthusiasm as a child to be very relatable. Alhamdulillah for the emptiness and the pain that led me back to my Creator 🤲🏼🥹 all praises due to Ar-Rahman, Whose door is always open to His creation. 💚
I feel so much peace when I read salah. My dear brother and sister, Allah SWT has power over all things. Don't worry about Dunya so much. We will not be here for forever.
Mashallah he was a Muslim in his character but with no proper foundation but allah got him back to the right path. May this brother become stronger n stronger in Islam and spread it to others brothers n sisters who can find their lost path back inshallah... And may Allah grant his grandmother the highest level of paradise inshallah
“Islam is for everyone” i love that, absolutely right when you think about it, other religions follow one being, however all prophets are created by Allah (subhanahu wa taala) and that is Islam. The word Islam comes from the Arabic verb “aslamah” literally means to surrender to the oness of a Creator, The One who Created every living thing, so technically if you are a Muslim you encompass a belief in the true elements of each faith.
Adnan. I welcome all the people of Islam, may Allah forgive our sins. May Allah protect you from the straight path that you followed and may Allah make you strong. Mahadsanid
Yah Allah, how I wish people will listen to this video. Islam is so beautiful and peaceful. The most beautiful is the protection of women, the queens I Islam as Allah expect of man to treat their women.
9:18 I never felt that I left Christian. It was a choice to be a better Christian, and then I found the true Christian, the real Christ follower is a Muslim.
@@johnzuma4688 Exactly, you are right, he is no longer a Christian, but he becomes a better Christian behaviorally (no extramarital affairs, no alcohol, more loving and connected to God through prayer and remembrance, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, rejecting injustice or contempt for people.....) even if he staied Christian. And certainly the more he does what is mentioned in the brackets, the more he will become a true follower of Christ, because Jesus, PBUH, was a lover of God, and was not a drunkard or a fornicator. And we all know that Jesus Christ was not a Christian, right?
@@Ruya-Vision1 Christian alcohol is sin Muslim will drink it in heaven Muslim kill non believers Christ love your enemies and pray for those who prosecuted you Love your wife like Jesus love the world Muslim take your wife like tool and divorce your wife when you no longer Interested in her
@@elifasinimpagaritse7902 Then don't deprive yourself of the good pure things (marriage with responsibility) that God has made lawful for you, away from the guilt and filthiness of adultery and other out-martial affairs. Just as God made multiple wives a lawful for Abraham (Sarah, Hagar) and 100s for Solomon, 12 for Mohammed, and 4 for the rest of his worshipers with a conditional just among wive.
15:24 I love the story of your father-in-law. You can tell he loves his baby girl 😊. Please take good care of his baby 😊. May Allah bless your marriage & grant you righteous children. Ameen Ma shaa Allah beautiful story
beautiful video, beautiful to see our brothers in the other side of the world , fascinating stories . حفظكم الله اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار.
Qur'ān alone is the only way today, No hadiths, no tafasir, no mullas, But only the word from the God. Al-A'raf 7:3 ٱتَّبِعُوا۟ مَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا۟ مِن دُونِهِۦٓ أَوْلِيَآءَۗ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ Follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies. Little do you remember. Al-Mursalat 77:50 فَبِأَىِّ حَدِيثٍۭ بَعْدَهُۥ يُؤْمِنُونَ Then in what statement after it [i.e., the Qur’ān] will they believe? Yunus 10:15 وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَاتُنَا بَيِّنَٰتٍۙ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ لِقَآءَنَا ٱئْتِ بِقُرْءَانٍ غَيْرِ هَٰذَآ أَوْ بَدِّلْهُۚ قُلْ مَا يَكُونُ لِىٓ أَنْ أُبَدِّلَهُۥ مِن تِلْقَآئِ نَفْسِىٓۖ إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلَّا مَا يُوحَىٰٓ إِلَىَّۖ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّى عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, "Bring us a Qur’ān other than this or change it." Say, [O Muḥammad], "It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day."
Masha Allah. When sincerity and seeking knowlege come together, the result is finding guidance to Islam. May Allah bless you, brother Adnan, and your family.
MashaAllah brother, nice life story. Let's pray we keep serving humanity together for peace and love and justice and no racism no cruelty no to everything wrong.
Thanks for this, I'm a 62yr old Scottish Christian guy, I was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's when I was 59yrs old, and I can't concentrate for long periods, but I'm reading the Qur'an for the 3rd time, after reading it the first time, I believe it's definitely the word of God, blessings from Glasgow..
Hello William , Then why its taking you too long to accept Islam ? now its the time.
Hi William! That’s awesome! Will you now convert to Islam that you believe the Quran is the word of God❤️🤲
It's amazing to see the sincerity with which you've been reading the Qur'an, especially while going through your own personal challenges. By saying the shahada, you affirm that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.
Shahada: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah."
Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Taking this step is a testimony of what you already believe deep down. If you feel ready, the Muslim community is here to support you every step of the way. May Allah continue to bless your journey
Thanks my dear friend, may Allah bless you all of your day's...
what are you waiting for?
"Allah never changes the condition of a people unless they strive to change themselves" (Quran 13:11)
Very True indeed.... Allah wants the Best of the Best Free willer
Qur'ān alone is the only way today,
No hadiths, no tafasir, no mullas,
But only the word from the God.
Al-A'raf 7:3
ٱتَّبِعُوا۟ مَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا۟ مِن دُونِهِۦٓ أَوْلِيَآءَۗ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ
Follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies. Little do you remember.
Al-Mursalat 77:50
فَبِأَىِّ حَدِيثٍۭ بَعْدَهُۥ يُؤْمِنُونَ
Then in what statement after it [i.e., the Qur’ān] will they believe?
Yunus 10:15
وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَاتُنَا بَيِّنَٰتٍۙ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ لِقَآءَنَا ٱئْتِ بِقُرْءَانٍ غَيْرِ هَٰذَآ أَوْ بَدِّلْهُۚ قُلْ مَا يَكُونُ لِىٓ أَنْ أُبَدِّلَهُۥ مِن تِلْقَآئِ نَفْسِىٓۖ إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلَّا مَا يُوحَىٰٓ إِلَىَّۖ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّى عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, "Bring us a Qur’ān other than this or change it." Say, [O Muḥammad], "It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day."
West is becoming middle East middle East is becoming west
What's happening in Saudi Arabia ? Why middle eastern Arabs are leaving Islamic identity ?
My family is from Kashmiri
Imagine giving up a dream job for ALLAH. We need Muslims like this man
نَّكَ لَنْ تَدَعَ شَيْئًا لِلهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ إِلَّا بَدَّلَكَ اللهُ بِهِ مَا هُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْهُ
“Certainly, you will never leave something for the sake of Allah, the Mighty & Majestic, except that Allah will replace it with something better.🤍
We need to be Muslim like this man.
Dream job??????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
No, we NEED to be muslims like this. Having more muslims like this and not veing one yourself is sad tbh. Let's all strife for it brother!
Lots of first generation born muslims in the west gave up their dreams to please their parents. Same thing esp given the (emotional blackmail) esteem parents are held in in islam.
It might also explain the high divorce rate amongst muslims in the west 😂
Subhan Allah, I lived with Adrian for almost a year back in 2008/2009 in Alexandria, Egypt, at the university dorms while he was studying Arabic. I still remember him waking up for Fajr prayers while everyone else, including myself, was asleep.
Today, this video of him randomly appeared in my TH-cam feed, and it took me a moment to recognize who he was. But once I did, I was deeply moved. It’s truly a pleasure to see him at such a profound level of faith, and he serves as a great inspiration-even for me, as someone who was born a Muslim.
Ma shaa' Allah so great to hear from you, Ahmed, after all these years. May Allah reward you for your good opinion of me, and increase our faith for all of us. Miss you and all of the brothers in that hallway
Masha'Allah that's amazing
Subhan Allah
Alhamdulillah... Your story is amazing Adrian. Best prayer from Indonesia....
@@adnanwoodsmith For Quran to be authentic word of Allah, did jibreel HEAR Allah recite Quran revelation in Arabic, so as then accurately recite to moahmmed?
Either yes / no will expose Allah and Islam
for Jibreel to accurately HEAR Allah recite quran in arabic , Allah would need to LIMIT his voice to a tone and frequency compatible with the created finite created realm of jibreel and speak in an EARTHLY MANMADE created arabic language, for jibreel to accurately hear Allah recite quran , so as to then accurately recite to Mohamed.
which makes Quran wrong as allah is now in the created realm.
To be an FBI agent he was told to study 'Arabic and Persian' my jaw dropped, i knew they have a big hand in middle east, but to start your foundation with that is Astonishing! Subahanallah!!
It will come a day the world will learn that 9 eleven was an inside job. 1S1S was founded by Obama administration and Iran. Many te rr or attacks were conducted by agencies!
My thoughts exactly!
Me too , it’s shocking 😮
I thought this is the work of CIA
Bro we are their reason to live... they re obsessed
I am speechless.. You win people hearts.. I am proud of you Adnan Adrian.. alhamdulillah
al-Hamdu Lillah
@@adnanwoodsmithwe are proud on you brother. May Almighty Allah Alone preseve ur faith and contributions for this glorious global UMMAH. Amin
its great he "converted" but we as muslims should still have our gaurds up anainst people like this and others
@@samq498I am sure he converted for a reason. These FBI guys are very smart people.
It was the Adthan that started my interest in Islam as well 🥰
al-Hamdu Lillah
A-d-h-a-n ......
SubhanaAllah! I cried why he said this is what I been looking for all my life 😢 because that is exactly what I said when I read a book about Islam right before reverting. It’s been 15 years since and Islam changed my life in a very positive way. Alhamdulillah
we are muslim. Thanks almighty God for accepting us as muslim
Me 2!
Allah Makes Muslims!
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@johnzuma4688 where is the document to prove your statement?
@@programmingmindset Which of the many statements do you want me to show evidence for my friend?
Mind blowing reversion to Islam.. this story is a proof that Allah chose him, picked him to the right path...
al-Hamdu Lillah
@@einsteinone5380 even if you believe what you wrote was true..which is not..still doesnt change the fact that this Christian guy revert to Islam..cry more
So since Alllah chose him, will he go to paradise when he dies on earth?
Christians and moslems are not enemies they more like brothers and supportive of each other. The trouble is when corruption of politicians and propaganda steps in then it makes it seems that these 2 brothers dislike each other. I'm a Christian but I fully respect my neighbour who is moslems. We need love and peace in this world and not discrimination.
Totally agree with you brother .
This is the right thing to say 🤗
Very true brother ❤
@NovaSonshine Your comment is heartwarming, we actually need peoples like you very much in this world
My brother I'm from italy and there are many people who wants to understand and know islam,, if you can Post your videos with italian language it will help a lot. Jajakallahu khairan
I second this 👍🏻
We have to contribute 💰 whatever we can in order for their channel to grow and have more reach inshaAllah
is it not possible to have cc in Italian?
@@mohamadelratel538 I think it’s all possible but they probably don’t have enough funds to pay someone to do so.
MashaAllah. I am very moved by his story. Especially about his grandmother. May Allah swt bless her soul with Jannah.
May ALLAH reward you for blurring out your face from your display pic and not causing fitna for us Muslim brothers and non Muslim men but may ALLAH also grant you towfeeq to practice wearing all black, shari’aa buhrka, completely removing your all of your pictures from anywhere and everywhere and not taking pictures at all. Ameen. Thumma ameen.
I didn't realize how fast the time pass, this brother's story was beautiful, MashaAllah.
al-Hamdu Lillah
SubhanAllah, his story and the type of storytelling and of course the good questions. Many thanks to all who worked for this interview. Many blessings
Same here
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@johnzuma4688 My father is dead, I have only one father. How many fathers do u have? Ur mother was a busy woman.
BTW, there is only one quran. I can read and write Arabic, even tho I am not arab.
I just adore these people who were not born in muslim families, but were smart enough to find truth through interesting challenges…unfortunately, we who were born into Muslim families tend to take our faith for granted…and just go along with it not realizing how beautiful and logical it is…seeing these reverts, i personally started diving into my faith even more…so in a way these amazing people inspire the likes of me.
Fully agree. Reverts are more intense in their worship
@Handle-y7r you get this money on a full day shift in Turkey! MashAllah
I love his answer... "I never leave jesus, because he is a muslim" 😊
Al-Hamdu Lillah
Your faith is beyond impressive, masha'allah, if I was not born from a muslim parents, I'd probably not been a muslim in the first place. Alhamdulilah for what had been. It needs such great commitment, faith and sacrifice. That's what makes you, reverts, special. May Allah allow me to see you in Jannah, dear brother. Allahuma-Ameen@@adnanwoodsmith
@@adnanwoodsmithis that really you wow you should become famous Muslim make more videos
I am eleven years older than this Muslim brother. I was born into a Muslim family, grew up in the world's largest Muslim majority country. And I was really amazed by the fluency of this Muslim brother in pronouncing Arabic. May Allah always protect you my Muslim brother. Maybe we can never meet on earth, because I'm in Indonesia and you're in America, but hopefully Allah will meet us in heaven later, aamiin
He studied Arabic
Amin! May he unite us in jannah
@@adnanwoodsmith Ameen
He studied Arabic to spy.
@@adnanwoodsmithI have a question for you. Would you say that Turkish people form most of the spies among Muslims in the USA?
Many people have commented that Allah guides those HE wishes to guide. True. But what's important here is that, ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an "Indeed Allah will not change the condition of a people unless they change what's in themselves." So those who are willing to learn and understand and know about religion, the creator, the purpose of creation etc. are more likely to be guided than those who simply don't care and remain proud, egoistic and self-centred.
So true ma shaa' Allah
I know someone who was interested in the beginning but then his ego got him and all of the sudden he didn't want to learn further and was like "I know all I need to know" bla bla... but I keep praying for him for some reason, and I even cried while praying for him uncontrollably because I felt so strongly about him getting guided so I don't know...but Allah knows best
Subhannallah Allah, None Muslims needs to learn and study the biography of the prophet Muhammad pbuh. Honestly you will strucked by him
Yes, anyone in their heart for a moment genuinely looking for truth, Allah will guide them to Islam one day
Islam is best known for being a religious belief in the world
May God bless you and guide you, keep up the good work 😊
My brother in Islam, I am your brother Mahmoud from Palestine Gaza, I am the father of four daughters, the Zionists bombed my house, then my right foot was cut off, then we left Gaza and went to Egypt, my life became hell, no one wants me to work for him because my foot is cut off, the owner of the room where I live wants to evict me because I do not pay rent, my daughters are hungry, please do not leave us, my sister.
Ma Shaa Allah.
He is so calm and pure like a deep ocean which becomes serene after passing of storm and thunder.
Ma shaa' Allah your opinion of me can only be because of the serenity in your heart, reflected
i felt that too
@@adnanwoodsmith I hope Allah grant you everything in this world and hereafter. And guide you and your family towards His eternal paradise.
@@rabeerajput1343 Amin, and to you and your family as well!
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
"Ислам для обладающих разумом" ☝🏻🤲🏻
Дорогие мусульмане давайте получать ильм и другие знания. Мусульмане должны быть сильными✊🏻
Br. Adnan story shows that Islam can be embraced by any sincere person seeking a spiritual quest, without any external influence. Islam is like an equation that can be applied to any person who provides the parameters (sincerity, search for faith, piety, righteousness, kindness...). Simply put, Br. Adnan is an epitome of a Revert-by-choice! May God Shower Grace and countless Blessings upon him.
Amin! Al-Hamdu Lillah. Allah guides whom He wills
Alhamdulillah. I will get a tear everytime people talk about our Prophet Muhammam (PBUH)😢.
He's doing the right thing choosing a loving wife and family over a career.
Not just any career but a evil career that works against our ummah. If he accepted then he would agree to become a spy against the ummah
Masha Allah so beautiful journey to Islam
it doesn't matter who you are, where you are, what are the surroundings, Allah is always there for you... Subhan Allah! May Allah guide more and more people like him...
@@adnanwoodsmith I pray from the bottom of my heart for you brother. Alhamdulillah, Hearing beautiful stories like these are also a blessing from Almighty Allah...
I am grateful to have met a man who hated Islam before but now he has embraced Islam. I have always been patient with whatever he said before Islam. Alhamdulillah, he has become my husband. My husband worked for the FBI before inindan and now he is retired. May we be together until heaven ❤❤
I feel so humbled by all these amazing revert stories. So inspiring!
Allahu Akbar. May Allah reward your grandma with jannah
May Allah SWT keep and Guide you on the right path.
He is my brother in Islam.
Greeting (ASC) from Somalia 🇸🇴
This man is surely one profoundly intelligent person, chose the tough path in life, yet Allah rewards him much greater acomplishments; both in this life, and in sha Allah in eternity. May Allah bless you n your family
He became a BETTER Christian when he reverted to Islam. What a beautiful journey
well he didnt really of he doesnt believe Jesus in a god.
May Allah give brother Adnan peace, happiness, wealth & love eternally.
and an FBI medal.
Mashaallah Tabarakallah Congratulations Brother Adnan .May Allah bless your family amin.
Amin and you!
I don’t see a greater cause or a purpose to life than being a Muslim ☝️
absolutely none!
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@johnzuma4688 there’s only one Quran and everything you said is based on your misinterpretation and poor understanding of those verses not only I can correct you but I can also show you those things you said in the Quran are actually found in the bubble I’m a scholar of OT and the NT not some newbie like you
@@johnzuma4688 surah 33:50 talks about marrying them and not whatever you’re thinking.
Surah 4:34 talks about disciplining them gently and again not however you’re interpreting it.
Surah 65:4 doesn’t talk about child but woman pass the age of menstruation. You don’t know what a child is don’t talk about it. Quran has no contradiction no inconsistency no error don’t confuse Quran with the bubble
@@chaneladriana6829 Thank you for your comment my friend. I have split my answer into parts to make it easier to read for others. In case YT deletes one of my parts just let me know then I can post it again.
Part 1 / 4
You say >> surah 33:50 talks about marrying them and not whatever you’re thinking. > O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation1 and those your right hand possesses from what Allāh has returned to you [of captives] and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet [and] if the Prophet wishes to marry her; [this is] only for you, excluding the [other] believers. We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them concerning their wives and those their right hands possess, [but this is for you] in order that there will be upon you no discomfort [i.e., difficulty]. And ever is Allāh Forgiving and Merciful.> O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation1 and those your right hand possesses from what Allāh has returned to you [of captives] …
I truly love this man for the sake of Allah Almighty ❤️ ♥️ ❤❤
Al-Hamdu Lillah love you too
I love this interview. His love for Islam, his love for his wife she is so lucky, his grand maa taking shahada.
Such an intelligent and lucky man on earth you are. Bless you ❤❤❤❤
in shaa' Allah. May Allah increase us all in the best of both worlds
Such an eloquent storyteller... may he be blessed for finding the truth and becoming humbled by it. Islam attracts the purest of hearts.
If Allah can turn night into day, then surely Allah can turn the darkness of your life into happiness and prosperity. Trust in Allah.
SubhanAllah… what a beautiful, inspirational story. As a revert who grew up in a not so religious Muslim Afghan family, I found his enthusiasm as a child to be very relatable.
Alhamdulillah for the emptiness and the pain that led me back to my Creator 🤲🏼🥹 all praises due to Ar-Rahman, Whose door is always open to His creation. 💚
Mashaa Allah, I'm very happy for you brother in Islam, may Allah guide all of us to the right path.
Intellectually stimulating. ❤
May Allah bless you with happiness and steadfast in Islam.
Amin, and you!
I feel so much peace when I read salah.
My dear brother and sister, Allah SWT has power over all things.
Don't worry about Dunya so much.
We will not be here for forever.
Thank you brother may Allah help you, have mercy on you and guard you and us.
O my dear.. you are so Blessed .. by Allah .. And believe me Allah is very proud of you…🙏 ❤
Mashallah he was a Muslim in his character but with no proper foundation but allah got him back to the right path. May this brother become stronger n stronger in Islam and spread it to others brothers n sisters who can find their lost path back inshallah... And may Allah grant his grandmother the highest level of paradise inshallah
Amin! Allah bless you with strength as well
May Allah guide us all human to islam ❤
These gems are the future of Islam
“Islam is for everyone” i love that, absolutely right when you think about it, other religions follow one being, however all prophets are created by Allah (subhanahu wa taala) and that is Islam. The word Islam comes from the Arabic verb “aslamah” literally means to surrender to the oness of a Creator, The One who Created every living thing, so technically if you are a Muslim you encompass a belief in the true elements of each faith.
Adnan. I welcome all the people of Islam, may Allah forgive our sins. May Allah protect you from the straight path that you followed and may Allah make you strong. Mahadsanid
Alhamdulillah, may Allah Reward you
Mashaallah just love journey to become Muslim. May Allah protect you all ameen.
Amin, and you!
huge respect for this brave man
Al-Hamdu Lillah. May Allah increase us all
Yah Allah, how I wish people will listen to this video. Islam is so beautiful and peaceful.
The most beautiful is the protection of women, the queens I Islam as Allah expect of man to treat their women.
Bless you, sir. May God grant you a stable future for you, Adnan 👍👍💖💖
I cry when i see this content. May Allah Al Malik bless your homes and families❤❤❤
May Allah protect you.. Adnan..and reward you Aameen
Amin! And you!
SubhanAllaah Alhamdulillaah what an amazing story Maa Shaa Allah TabarakAllaah
9:18 I never felt that I left Christian. It was a choice to be a better Christian, and then I found the true Christian, the real Christ follower is a Muslim.
The issue is not what he felt, but what the facts tell us. You become a follower of Mohammed then you are no longer a Christian. That simple.
@@johnzuma4688 Exactly, you are right, he is no longer a Christian, but he becomes a better Christian behaviorally (no extramarital affairs, no alcohol, more loving and connected to God through prayer and remembrance, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, rejecting injustice or contempt for people.....) even if he staied Christian. And certainly the more he does what is mentioned in the brackets, the more he will become a true follower of Christ, because Jesus, PBUH, was a lover of God, and was not a drunkard or a fornicator. And we all know that Jesus Christ was not a Christian, right?
@@Ruya-Vision1having multiple wives would be the only thing to make me want to be Muslim
@@Ruya-Vision1 Christian alcohol is sin
Muslim will drink it in heaven
Muslim kill non believers
Christ love your enemies and pray for those who prosecuted you
Love your wife like Jesus love the world
Muslim take your wife like tool and divorce your wife when you no longer Interested in her
@@elifasinimpagaritse7902 Then don't deprive yourself of the good pure things (marriage with responsibility) that God has made lawful for you, away from the guilt and filthiness of adultery and other out-martial affairs. Just as God made multiple wives a lawful for Abraham (Sarah, Hagar) and 100s for Solomon, 12 for Mohammed, and 4 for the rest of his worshipers with a conditional just among wive.
Respected, Respect from Pakistan. Allah's Blessings on you and your family
Amin, and yours!
اللہ اکبر الحمدلله
You are so blessed mashaa‘Allah 😇
يامقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
آمين! الحمد لله
What an intelligent brother very well spoken.
Al-Hamdu Lillah I have had good teachers, ma shaa' Allah
Allah guide whomever he wills Alhamdulillah
Mashallah may Allah accept his grandmother and bless brother Adnan with his good deeds.
Listening to the grandmother wanting to pray and then taking her Shahada, just made me cry. So beautiful. Truly blessed 🙏🙏
Allahhuakbar. Absolutely beautiful
اشهد ان لا اله إلا الله واشهد ان محمد عبدوه ورسوله
15:24 I love the story of your father-in-law. You can tell he loves his baby girl 😊.
Please take good care of his baby 😊.
May Allah bless your marriage & grant you righteous children. Ameen
Ma shaa Allah beautiful story
Amin! May He increase you in every good in this world and the next
@@adnanwoodsmith Allahumma ameen 🤲🤲🤲
"I gave up FBI to Islam".
You are always priority and I hope Allah bless you and bless all the reason you knee in front of Allah.
Amin, and you!
This is the man who worked with so conviction that the truth had to find him !
SubhanAllah, it's such a great story
al-Hamdu Lillah may Allah increase us in conviction
beautiful video, beautiful to see our brothers in the other side of the world , fascinating stories .
حفظكم الله
اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار.
آمين يا رب
Islam is the true religion
Qur'ān alone is the only way today,
No hadiths, no tafasir, no mullas,
But only the word from the God.
Al-A'raf 7:3
ٱتَّبِعُوا۟ مَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُم مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا۟ مِن دُونِهِۦٓ أَوْلِيَآءَۗ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَذَكَّرُونَ
Follow, [O mankind], what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other than Him any allies. Little do you remember.
Al-Mursalat 77:50
فَبِأَىِّ حَدِيثٍۭ بَعْدَهُۥ يُؤْمِنُونَ
Then in what statement after it [i.e., the Qur’ān] will they believe?
Yunus 10:15
وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ ءَايَاتُنَا بَيِّنَٰتٍۙ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ لِقَآءَنَا ٱئْتِ بِقُرْءَانٍ غَيْرِ هَٰذَآ أَوْ بَدِّلْهُۚ قُلْ مَا يَكُونُ لِىٓ أَنْ أُبَدِّلَهُۥ مِن تِلْقَآئِ نَفْسِىٓۖ إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلَّا مَا يُوحَىٰٓ إِلَىَّۖ إِنِّىٓ أَخَافُ إِنْ عَصَيْتُ رَبِّى عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, "Bring us a Qur’ān other than this or change it." Say, [O Muḥammad], "It is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. Indeed I fear, if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous Day."
Felt so elated hearing your story. I am so happy for you. Hope you will find peace and serenity in your new life..The Best from Penang, Malaysia.
In shaa' Allah. May we all have peace and serenity
@@adnanwoodsmith Amin ya rab My brother Adnan may God bless you and protect you and your family. We ask God to guide them🤗
Just loved it. So refreshing and inspiring. Judge Islam by its simplicity and authenticity.
MasyaAllah ... May Allah grants him the highest Jannah ... Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin YRA
I love all of you in the sake of Allah my brothers and sisters especially towards eternity
Wow! What a beautiful and inspirational man. He such a rare Westerner, his wife is one lucky lady
al-Hamdu Lillah may Allah make good use of all of us
MashAllah this interview is so beautiful. Why do I have tears?!?❤
Crying with joy because a true Muslim loves good for everyone and you are a pious, faithful person and this is true Islam
@Palestine123-t thank you for your kind words
@@Mhr-x1b welcom 🤗
The many ways Allah swt leads people to His path! Subhan Allah ♥️
Wow This young man with all respect is truly blessed by Allah S.W.T
beautiful stories of our time... thanks for sharing with us
May Allah reward the Towards Eternity team for bringing out that beauty in some of us
I am proud of you Adnan Adrian.. alhamdulillah
Alhamdullah ,Brother ,May Allah reward you best and reward you best of Jannah, Ameen.
Amin! And you!
Alhamdulillah ❤❤❤❤❤
I Love you brother.From Tamil Muslim 👍👍👍
Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT, ... shower you, your family and all of us HIS guidance ( taufiq and hidayah ) endlessly. Much ❤️. Aameen.
Amin! And same to you!
MarshAllah, biggest blessing ever
Welcome to islam ❤❤
رجل رائع بحق ندعو الله ان يجعله نفعا و سببا للنصرة و الاصلاح للمسلمين في امريكا
He is so calm and relaxed.
Best convert story I’ve heard in a long time, some of his answers raised my hair on my bk, brother I wish you the best in your future as a Muslim…❤❤❤❤
al-Hamdu Lillah Allah bless you
Masha Allah. When sincerity and seeking knowlege come together, the result is finding guidance to Islam. May Allah bless you, brother Adnan, and your family.
Amin, and you and yours!
MashaAllah brother, nice life story. Let's pray we keep serving humanity together for peace and love and justice and no racism no cruelty no to everything wrong.