In an interview Hermann Baumann once said that Bujanovskij was "the best of us". Now I understand why. This is the best horn playing I've ever heard. That vibrato is... Thank you for sharing with us the art of this incredible and underrated artist.
Today I heard first time with my teacher...he was a student in leningrad and is always saying that he was the best of all that he was *the* musician i understand why
Виталий Буяновский - великий валторнист! слушал его записи на пластинках в музыкальном колледже до дыр и учился играть.для меня это валторнист номер 1
In an interview Hermann Baumann once said that Bujanovskij was "the best of us". Now I understand why. This is the best horn playing I've ever heard. That vibrato is...
Thank you for sharing with us the art of this incredible and underrated artist.
Today I heard first time with my teacher...he was a student in leningrad and is always saying that he was the best of all that he was *the* musician i understand why
Love his "country" pieces - especially Spain.