As a drummer I would love to thank this group for giving their drummer his due time in the spotlight, we're often overlooked in favor of the guitarist, so from all the overlooked drummers thank-you
Yes but it's not the quantity it's the quality and those that are giving props to the drummer are people of quality because they have heard all of the pieces and still like the drums and how kick ass the people play them me that's my number one but I'm a guitarist but I love to play the drums every now and then they're fun to play and they're fun to hear but just remember maybe not everybody is going for the drummers but the ones that do are of quality
Your drummer is freakin’ amazing! Between the guitarists & drummers, I’m more of a drummer fan than a guitarist fan, because they’re the ones providing those beats in music. It looks fun to play.
Drummers are literally keeping the time for the entire band. A bad drummer means a bad band. You know who really gets shit on in the band? The bassist.
I am obsessed with this cover. The drums are so driving and primal that I can’t sit still. The way she starts off Kim’s opening with that full-on rage growling really pushes this over the top.
They found an opportunity and they took it. I'm glad they did! It's like "free money" for them and a very very good metal cover for the fans! My gf was singing the original constantly, until I got fed up and decided to search up a metal cover!
@@dylanbailey2812 You bet I know them already. I've only went to foreign band live once and that was for Powerwolf, I love them. (not many foreign bands come to Thessaloniki, the 2nd biggest city in Greece. Most just go to he capital)
That's why no one goes to church anymore. It's evident these Gothic Cathedrals need a darker aesthetic and an Angel of Death in front of the altar, who puts up a show you'll never forget, not a hyprocrite in a robe who always reads from the same old book in a boring voice. :P
I love the green screen asthetic, it feels like early 2000’s Linkin Park and Evanescense music videos, very cool! And the music is incredible! Much Love! -candymonz
Now this is how you make a song your own! Video fits so well with the track as usual. I know it was a pain to setup the green screen but it was clearly hella worth it. Great work Lance!!
Halocene is one of my favorite groups in music, and this cover shows exactly why: the soaring vocals, the pounding drumwork, the screaming guitars, and not to mention the cinematography in this video in particular. Well done, Halocene.
I have to say that the opening grinding thrashes the guitar, and the kick of the drums, is my favorite. Toss in the outstanding vocals. Puts this in my top 2 openings for a song.
I was having a bad day, feeling stressed. I heard the original song only recently out of morbid curiosity because of the controversy. Catchy lyrics with good style but nothing too special. Then I listened to this version, and it put a huge smile on my face. Huge improvement over the tune and vocals over the original. There are certain nonmetal songs that are just destined to be good metal songs, and unholy is definitely one of them.
Outstanding work from all of you, Lance included! My expectations were not only met, they were far exceeded. Great job y'all! Let's go algorithm God, do your work. The world needs to see this!
This is so cool! I love these greenscreen vids, Lance did a great job once again! This version of the song is a chef's kiss, I'm glad that you guys made it!
The whole video is FANTASTIC!!!! The great edgy, gothic church background works so well with the theme of the song. I do have only one MAJOR complaint with this new song though.......IT'S NOT LONG ENOUGH!!!
Great cover. Story time! Those wings and that outfit combined with this song bring back a deeply amusing memory. When I was younger, I was at the house of a goth couple and as you do in parts of the UK, the bedroom was acting as a cloakroom. When I went in, I glanced around and noticed that they hadn’t really cleaned up, the handcuffs gave it away. But I also noticed they had a pair of black wings and a riding crop hanging on the wall quite artistically over the end of the bed. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it, they were LARPers, goths, metalheads and I knew the husband at least was into kink. On the way back, I was talking to a close mutual friend about their flat - which was pretty nice - and I mentioned the wings and the riding crop in passing. He gave me a knowing grin, and I was about to roll my eyes when he looked straight into them and said: “Yeah, but which one of them wears the wings.” … I think I might have died. (Note: I don’t care, each to their own… but I *cannot* watch this video and not hear his voice in my head. Even though Addie does make that outfit pretty damn distracting.)
@@koroshiyashinigami uhhh, just time stamp, cause idk what you mean. Been like a month since I've heard this song Edit: Oh yeah, the woman's part in the song. Yes, it is probably fire here in this cover. I shall give it a listen at some point again and come back with more. If I don't, just remind me
Let's take A Moment THERE. I Truly LOVE The Braddie HARMONIES On This ONE. They DON'T Ever DISAPPOINT Me AT All. They're My NEW Favorite METALCORE Band. MOST definitely THEY Slayed IT from Start TO Finish. @Halocene
So, I'm a metalhead for sure, and I'd never heard the original version of this song until two weeks ago. After hearing this one first, I have no clue how the original even got approved to be released. . . lol
Guys thank you for making this cover, I’m writing a screenplay and I got stuck at a strip club scene because I didn’t know what song to play but this cover not only fits perfectly it helped me figure out how I want the whole thing to go down
Not that I'm some strip club expert lol, but friend was a bartender at a couple. Stick with metal/rock because I know a couple places (I'm from IL) that *refuse* to play anything close to rap because they've had patrons fist fight. There for the girls and fighting over music is ridiculous to see in person lol. Good luck with your writing and hope you have success with it! 😁
How's the screenplay going? I'm working on 3, one is a transition from my thriller novella and transferring from something already written seems more difficult. But I'm probably just overthinking it. It does mean I have to read my work again and after I complete it, I tend to try not to look at it again.
Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doing something unholy He lucky, lucky, yeah (ooh) He lucky, lucky, yeah (ye-yeah) He lucky, lucky, yeah He lucky, lucky, yeah A lucky, lucky girl She got married to a boy like you She'd kick you out if she ever, ever knew 'Bout all the - you tell me that you do Dirty, dirty boy You know everyone is talking on the scene I hear them whispering 'bout the places that you've been And how you don't know how to keep your business clean Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doing something unholy He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it Yeah, she put it down slowly Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome, so he can get that Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doing something unholy (woo) Mmm, daddy, daddy, if you want it, drop the add'y (yuh) Give me love, give me Fendi, my Balenciaga daddy You gon' need to bag it up, 'cause I'm spending on Rodeo (woo) You can watch me back it up, I'll be gone in the a.m And he, he get me Prada, get me Miu Miu like Rihanna (ah) He always call me 'cause I never cause no drama And when you want it, baby, I know I got you covered And when you need it, baby, just jump under the covers Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doin' somethin' unholy He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it Yeah, she put it down slowly Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome, so he can get that Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot At the body shop, doin' something unholy
Very sleek take on that song. Never thought going to church could be so heavy 🪨 Where do I sign up for your congregation!😱😱 Looking forward to your next original.
This is legitimately the best cover of this I've heard yet, this is incredible. The instrumentals are phenomenal(major props to the drummer, dude laid that shit down fat) the vocal harmonies are on point during the choir portions, the screams are solid af.....just...great job yall. I hope to work with you all some day. 3 vocalists on stage could get confusing though lolll
@@zacharysnyder5820Gigi Vibes cover is literally rock metal. That's how I know you didn't finish watching her cover. Anyways, it's alright, you're missing a great cover that is literally better than the original.
@@fl-g15ramirezscullylou87 I skimmed through it. That's cool that you like them, I like halocene as I've watched them grow over the years and they've played with a few of my friends bands.
I knew this video was going to turn out epic, and it doesn't disappoint. Looks Amazing, love how everything came out! Your version is my favorite version of this song, including other covers as well as the original. Looking forward to some of the new stuff I know is coming too!
so with that if oscar from no resolve @noresolve wasnt being a bitch and a fucking coward.. and would of reached out and told me they were playing a satanic game not only would i have not bothered saving the life that the song helped but @FBI
@Halocene the singer from halocene addie would have been dead... along with john cooper.. from skillet very real.. @skilletmusic and i would give 0 fucks because i would be doing what im supposed to be doing i.e dropping the bull shit to go right bringing awareness because shit is real and covering this song was fuckign retarded.. hince why no resolve nor kayla king never wanted to do a collab but i could careless.. after being shared out by 30 seconds to mars.. marvel studios knows me.. and alot of other massive companies because im not fucking retarded....
You know, I keep my music life fairly sheltered these days. It doesn't spread much further than the HCU. I had to actually search for Sam Smith to hear it for the first time because of this comment. I think history will prove this comment to be 100 percent accurate. Halocene (Lance) just set a new standard.
Pre-save our new original song "Hold Me, Help me" -
This is a banger
Can you do bad religion american jesus
Where can i get those tabs😂
she said the 28th....
Where can I sign up to join this church?
@@BR25x best answer ever. Your kangaroo xD
😂can I join too!?
@@Megumin88 BR showed the way. Follow his lead, he knows the way to true redemption
Oh Happy Day... I need enjoy too
Who can't follow the sacred church of sex and rock'n'roll? LOL.
As a drummer I would love to thank this group for giving their drummer his due time in the spotlight, we're often overlooked in favor of the guitarist, so from all the overlooked drummers thank-you
Honestly drummers are super underrated a great drummer is the make or break for me. Drummers and bassists are the under appreciated champs of metal.
Yes but it's not the quantity it's the quality and those that are giving props to the drummer are people of quality because they have heard all of the pieces and still like the drums and how kick ass the people play them me that's my number one but I'm a guitarist but I love to play the drums every now and then they're fun to play and they're fun to hear but just remember maybe not everybody is going for the drummers but the ones that do are of quality
This tide turned the moment metalcore was born. Drummers > Guitarists 🤘
Your drummer is freakin’ amazing! Between the guitarists & drummers, I’m more of a drummer fan than a guitarist fan, because they’re the ones providing those beats in music. It looks fun to play.
Drummers are literally keeping the time for the entire band. A bad drummer means a bad band. You know who really gets shit on in the band? The bassist.
WTF! This is nuts! Soooo good you guys! Vids like these are next level too
okay ummm.... I'm just gonna leave this planet real quick and I'll be right back with you david.
I still want a version of this with the the two of you!
Addie as a nun is something I didn’t realize I needed in my life. 😅❤
Not just any nun, a sexy nun
"anti-nun" ;)
She not a nun.. She is an Angle. Yes a fucking Angle.
Wearing a head covering doesn't make you a nun.
I am obsessed with this cover. The drums are so driving and primal that I can’t sit still. The way she starts off Kim’s opening with that full-on rage growling really pushes this over the top. i hope you'll like this version too
another awesome version is from Rain Paris
At the risk of sounding "thirsty", I really like the visual style of this video. And no... It's not (only) because of Addie's outfit.
They found an opportunity and they took it. I'm glad they did!
It's like "free money" for them and a very very good metal cover for the fans! My gf was singing the original constantly, until I got fed up and decided to search up a metal cover!
So, for more visuals like this, check out Powerwolf. They have a religious theme with most of their songs
Its her thighs isnt it? Respectively.
@@dylanbailey2812 You bet I know them already. I've only went to foreign band live once and that was for Powerwolf, I love them. (not many foreign bands come to Thessaloniki, the 2nd biggest city in Greece. Most just go to he capital)
That's why no one goes to church anymore. It's evident these Gothic Cathedrals need a darker aesthetic and an Angel of Death in front of the altar, who puts up a show you'll never forget, not a hyprocrite in a robe who always reads from the same old book in a boring voice. :P
I love the green screen asthetic, it feels like early 2000’s Linkin Park and Evanescense music videos, very cool! And the music is incredible! Much Love! -candymonz
Now this is how you make a song your own! Video fits so well with the track as usual. I know it was a pain to setup the green screen but it was clearly hella worth it. Great work Lance!!
Thanks Josh!
Nooo dont spoil it! I want to believe this was recorded in an actual church!!
@@katrinapaton5283 I don't think there's too many churches that would allow her in dressed like that😆😆
Thank you appreciated! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
let’s just pretend 😂
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how hard they went with they didn’t need too but they absolutely did.
Thy fuking destroyed this!! 100% better than the original unholy
Not to take away but it is just a green screen
@Daniel’s reviewchannel completely agree. That killed this
@@Lukelins1 even if its just green screen, there goes alot of work into nonetheless
@@asoca1337 that is definitely a good point I did not think of that.
Wtf !!!! This is amazing !!! The metal and rock cover really rocks !!!
Halocene is one of my favorite groups in music, and this cover shows exactly why: the soaring vocals, the pounding drumwork, the screaming guitars, and not to mention the cinematography in this video in particular.
Well done, Halocene.
Thank u so much
Finally, a version of this song that I like... Also, damn it, Addie. *Achievment Unlocked: New Kink*
Naughty nun I'm there too lol
@@yumeshinkukage5897 Violet Orlandi makes a nice nun, too 👀
Check out her cover of Beggin by Maneskin 🥵😂
@@SuperGoose42 Love that one as well!
Have you heard Rain Paris' cover? It's my favorite one so far. No hate to Halocene, but she killed it.
@@Oh_its_Mike I think Rain leaned into the style of the original video the most, but I like Halocene's cover a bit more.
It was so nice to work with you again! You guys rock!
I have to say that the opening grinding thrashes the guitar, and the kick of the drums, is my favorite. Toss in the outstanding vocals. Puts this in my top 2 openings for a song.
I was having a bad day, feeling stressed. I heard the original song only recently out of morbid curiosity because of the controversy. Catchy lyrics with good style but nothing too special. Then I listened to this version, and it put a huge smile on my face. Huge improvement over the tune and vocals over the original. There are certain nonmetal songs that are just destined to be good metal songs, and unholy is definitely one of them.
Well the title is literally “unholy” so…doesn’t exactly scream “pop”
look up Gigi De Llana (Gigi Vibes) cover of "Unholy." You'll be more shock.
Hopefully your not thinking that Sam Smith is the original singer of this song because this song drops back to '86
Outstanding work from all of you, Lance included! My expectations were not only met, they were far exceeded. Great job y'all! Let's go algorithm God, do your work. The world needs to see this!
Thanks! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
This is fucking HEAVY. Lance worked some magic for the vid as well.
Prepare yourselves for the thirst tsunami.
Thank you! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
This is so cool! I love these greenscreen vids, Lance did a great job once again! This version of the song is a chef's kiss, I'm glad that you guys made it!
Thank you appreciated! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
I can’t listen to the original anymore! This is next level awesome! Amazing vocals! Made the song completely your own. Well done! 🤟🏻😊
Ok... Not sure how I've never heard of Halocene til today, but wow. And props to the sound engineer.. So many layers and the mixing was on point.
0:07 That is one of the most majestic steps I have ever seen.
brad is one lucky fellow...
...for being in an amazing band of course
brad smashing addie?
And for being married to that Goddess, can't forget that.
The whole video is FANTASTIC!!!! The great edgy, gothic church background works so well with the theme of the song. I do have only one MAJOR complaint with this new song though.......IT'S NOT LONG ENOUGH!!!
Great cover.
Story time!
Those wings and that outfit combined with this song bring back a deeply amusing memory.
When I was younger, I was at the house of a goth couple and as you do in parts of the UK, the bedroom was acting as a cloakroom. When I went in, I glanced around and noticed that they hadn’t really cleaned up, the handcuffs gave it away. But I also noticed they had a pair of black wings and a riding crop hanging on the wall quite artistically over the end of the bed.
Honestly, I didn’t think much of it, they were LARPers, goths, metalheads and I knew the husband at least was into kink.
On the way back, I was talking to a close mutual friend about their flat - which was pretty nice - and I mentioned the wings and the riding crop in passing.
He gave me a knowing grin, and I was about to roll my eyes when he looked straight into them and said: “Yeah, but which one of them wears the wings.”
I think I might have died.
(Note: I don’t care, each to their own… but I *cannot* watch this video and not hear his voice in my head. Even though Addie does make that outfit pretty damn distracting.)
Woowooooo already released.... Long before.. and now i am watching. Damnn
One awesome church choir!!!!!! What a blessed performance HALOcene♡♡♡
metal really suits this better than pop. thanks to Sam and Kim for making the song, and thanks to Halocene for perfecting it
Those harsh vocals, mixed with the highs, and the drumming, is fucking insane
And the Petras part after that is FIRE!
Which part?
@@Jonathan-A.C. the part right after it! You know, the Kim Petras part...
uhhh, just time stamp, cause idk what you mean. Been like a month since I've heard this song
Edit: Oh yeah, the woman's part in the song. Yes, it is probably fire here in this cover. I shall give it a listen at some point again and come back with more. If I don't, just remind me
@@Jonathan-A.C. lol, it's way more fire here, but it's great on the original song too! 🙌
I'm pretty sure this is the holiest thing I've listened to all year
My favorite song right now. Been playing it on Spotify and here on repeat like crazy. Keep up the amazing hits!
Brad: "I'll just stick the outfit in your wardrobe, Addie. Y'know, just in case we have to re-shoot a scene or something".
Lol I totally returned it to Amazon though 😂
I discovered you with your shorts about this song, and it's the best thing that happened to me this year yet. Incredible!!!
Let's take A Moment THERE. I Truly LOVE The Braddie HARMONIES On This ONE. They DON'T Ever DISAPPOINT Me AT All. They're My NEW Favorite METALCORE Band. MOST definitely THEY Slayed IT from Start TO Finish. @Halocene
This is my favorite version of this song. Hands down.
Lance you've done it again! Green screen looks amazing! and of course the cover is spectacular as always. Addie killing it in that outfit 😍
Lance did this sh1t with like barely a week... B r a v o
Thank you! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
Oh my! Already knew the cover was fire, but this video turned out amazing too! You guys keep killing it!
Awesome job guys. It's cool seeing all the time and effort you put into this music video.
So, I'm a metalhead for sure, and I'd never heard the original version of this song until two weeks ago. After hearing this one first, I have no clue how the original even got approved to be released. . . lol
I haven't heard the original yet, think I'll save myself the disappointment
Unfortunately my wife is into tic tac and I heard the original first. Figured some metal group has covered it, now I'm here.
@@SullySadface it’s truly not worth even listening to
@@SullySadface Excellent idea!
Nice to see that these guys made a more appropriate video for the song than the original.
Holy mother of…..I was not ready for Addie to come at us like that 😮😳🥵
Video needed a warning or something!!!
Hi love you so much much and l like your songs too l am you're biggest fan
This is the heaviest I ever heard and I love the way she looks and how this song became a banger
Have you heard their new original song? It's even heavier and fantastic:
@@Jaradis I have but I think this is a bit more heavier then that but that's my opinion
Definitely not the heaviest, but potentially the heavenliest metal I've heard? Idk but It's damn bloody good anyway
@@blackdog6969 i hope you'll like this version too
😂 a banger he said ...
This is such a better version than the original the music and the video itself beats out the original so violently
This was the version I heard first, so as far as I'm concerned, this is the original. Fits better as a metal song tbh.
Guys thank you for making this cover, I’m writing a screenplay and I got stuck at a strip club scene because I didn’t know what song to play but this cover not only fits perfectly it helped me figure out how I want the whole thing to go down
lol I'm also here writing a screenplay! Good on you bro, I hope your writing goes well!
Best of luck to you both. Gotta love some damn good music
Not that I'm some strip club expert lol, but friend was a bartender at a couple. Stick with metal/rock because I know a couple places (I'm from IL) that *refuse* to play anything close to rap because they've had patrons fist fight. There for the girls and fighting over music is ridiculous to see in person lol.
Good luck with your writing and hope you have success with it! 😁
How's the screenplay going? I'm working on 3, one is a transition from my thriller novella and transferring from something already written seems more difficult. But I'm probably just overthinking it. It does mean I have to read my work again and after I complete it, I tend to try not to look at it again.
You and Jonathan Young nailed it with both covers, I'd love to hear you guys collaborate!
I'm not gay
S-stop it Addie, the outfit is too much for me 😂 Also the song slaps!'re in for a surprise ;)
Chapter one: The awakening.
@@Robbnlinzi chapter two the question(s)
well i am Incredibly Gay and not afraid to admit how good she looks 🥴💕
You should probably just be gay.
Ooh. That stomp and hip twist at the beginning! 😍
Getting vibes from the HITMAN game with the assassin nuns on this one! Love the video y’all! Keep it up!!!
This was fucking incredible! Addie looking like a pinup in that outfit!
Using your music as major inspiration for the style I want my band to be, big supporter here's
The day this version came out was the last day I listened to the original song itself
Fuck ya! Another song for the WAR Playlist. Metal \m/
Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot
At the body shop, doing something unholy
He lucky, lucky, yeah (ooh)
He lucky, lucky, yeah (ye-yeah)
He lucky, lucky, yeah
He lucky, lucky, yeah
A lucky, lucky girl
She got married to a boy like you
She'd kick you out if she ever, ever knew
'Bout all the - you tell me that you do
Dirty, dirty boy
You know everyone is talking on the scene
I hear them whispering 'bout the places that you've been
And how you don't know how to keep your business clean
Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot
At the body shop, doing something unholy
He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it
Yeah, she put it down slowly
Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at
Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome, so he can get that
Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot
At the body shop, doing something unholy (woo)
Mmm, daddy, daddy, if you want it, drop the add'y (yuh)
Give me love, give me Fendi, my Balenciaga daddy
You gon' need to bag it up, 'cause I'm spending on Rodeo (woo)
You can watch me back it up, I'll be gone in the a.m
And he, he get me Prada, get me Miu Miu like Rihanna (ah)
He always call me 'cause I never cause no drama
And when you want it, baby, I know I got you covered
And when you need it, baby, just jump under the covers
Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot
At the body shop, doin' somethin' unholy
He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it
Yeah, she put it down slowly
Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at
Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome, so he can get that
Mummy don't know daddy's getting hot
At the body shop, doin' something unholy
Absolutely amaaazzziiinnngg!!! Addie-gorgeous! Thanks guys for that great version of that song!
You succesfully ripped the medieval guts out of that song and created an awesome monster.. Simply superb!
1 Million views. Congratulations.🍻🍻🍻
Let's FRICKIN Go Y'all. STAY Rock & ROLL Halocene. @Halocene
Holy schnikes! What an awesome video to compliment this heavy song. Amazing work.
PS... LAAAAAAAANCE. Well done.
Thank you! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
Lepsza od oryginału 🖤🖤🖤
I am once again reminded of how much I love women, and you're whole group. Seriously your voice is goals
Oomg!!! First time ever listening to this and I'm addicted!!!!!
Goodness 😳 all kinds of feelings from this 😳🤒🥵🫠
Everything about this cover was amazing, the vocals, the music, excellent work!
Oh yeah those, yeah good work on those too
I hate what this song is about but it's so catchy I love it! ❤️
Same! I catch myself humming it here and there.
That is so phenomenally amazing 😻!!! Came for the song stayed for the video. Absolutely talented.
Please do Spotify 😍😍😍😍
This is built from a different cloth, folks. Brilliant jobs guys! 👏 🦖
Very sleek take on that song. Never thought going to church could be so heavy 🪨 Where do I sign up for your congregation!😱😱
Looking forward to your next original.
Stunning visuals, stunning cover, from stunning band!!
PS: Damn that crazy drums!
You all killed this 🔥🤘
Literally found this band due to a comment. I'm definitively going to hear more of yall
This is legitimately the best cover of this I've heard yet, this is incredible.
The instrumentals are phenomenal(major props to the drummer, dude laid that shit down fat) the vocal harmonies are on point during the choir portions, the screams are solid af.....just...great job yall. I hope to work with you all some day. 3 vocalists on stage could get confusing though lolll
the best cover of this song?
Well, try to look up Gigi De Llana (Gigi Vibes) cover of "Unholy."
@@fl-g15ramirezscullylou87 don't like it. I'm a metal guy.
@@zacharysnyder5820Gigi Vibes cover is literally rock metal. That's how I know you didn't finish watching her cover. Anyways, it's alright, you're missing a great cover that is literally better than the original.
@@fl-g15ramirezscullylou87 I skimmed through it. That's cool that you like them, I like halocene as I've watched them grow over the years and they've played with a few of my friends bands.
@@zacharysnyder5820 oh alright alright, that's very cool, thanks for sharing.
THANK U!!!!! Can we just appreciate the effort they put into this video?
Thank you! 🤘❤🎬❤🤘
Ok, I like the original but I absolutely love this version. I can't stop listening to it! 🤘🖤🔥
right, on repeat!
I hope you'll like this version too
Hell fkn yeah 🎸 🖤🖤🎸🖤🎸🛸
Saw these guys last night with Citizen Soldier & Icon for Hire. The show kicked ass!!!!
I feel like I need to do a dozen Hail Mary’s after watching this… and I’m an atheist 😂 Awesome video and cover!
Imagine if they did a cover with Rain listening to both
I was thinking same thing
They have talked about doing something with Rain Paris.
That driving guitar and the speed beats of that drum line. That there is the stuff that makes this cover sexy as all get out.
I normally don’t post, but this was awesome. This band whipped Sams ass, with whips and chains.
beast mode, liked and subbed :) guna buy this for sure!
Proof metal makes everything better 🖤😈
I knew this video was going to turn out epic, and it doesn't disappoint. Looks Amazing, love how everything came out! Your version is my favorite version of this song, including other covers as well as the original. Looking forward to some of the new stuff I know is coming too!
Thank you so much. This was a full team effort!
Can we just take a damned moment to appreciate the drumming in this one?
I would love to see any Christmas song. Christmas is less than three weeks away.
I just heard the original for the first time today, and your cover blows the original AWAY!
Those octave backing vocals dude what the f@#&÷?!? 😍🔥😍
I don’t like metal and basically never listen to it but this… this is good. Too good to pass.
Then you might want to give metal a second look.
Welcome 🖤🤘
I was tired of hearing everyone cover this song... This is the best cover I have ever heard! 🤘❤🖤 I need more of this!!🖤❤🤘
so with that if oscar from no resolve
wasnt being a bitch and a fucking coward.. and would of reached out and told me they were playing a satanic game not only would i have not bothered saving the life that the song helped but @FBI
the singer from halocene addie would have been dead... along with john cooper.. from skillet very real..
and i would give 0 fucks because i would be doing what im supposed to be doing i.e dropping the bull shit to go right bringing awareness because shit is real and covering this song was fuckign retarded.. hince why no resolve nor kayla king never wanted to do a collab but i could careless.. after being shared out by 30 seconds to mars.. marvel studios knows me.. and alot of other massive companies because im not fucking retarded....
#Suicide Squad
Yall the best ever 🤘
That looks like the same castle asset that The Coridoor Crew used in their Rock/Paper/Scissors anime video.
This is amazing love the outfit love the song love the vocals and love the band
Holy F***. That song is so good! Some guy named Sam Smith already tried to cover it.
Amazing work!
You know, I keep my music life fairly sheltered these days. It doesn't spread much further than the HCU. I had to actually search for Sam Smith to hear it for the first time because of this comment. I think history will prove this comment to be 100 percent accurate. Halocene (Lance) just set a new standard.
They’re not a guy but yes
This a Sam Smith song?! What?!
The drums in the 2nd verse are insane.
Alright ok drummer for the major needed dub holy shit man
This has been the best cover of this song.🤘🤘🤘
Edit:24 likes :DDD
38 Actually :D
@@MelnaisLV 39 :DDD
I didn't know how much I needed this cover until I heard it.