1 Superman once did a porno to stop a villain named The Sleaze 2 Superman beat his son, because he did not like the sweater his son bought for him. 3 Pink Kryptonite turns Superman Gay 4 They give him new powers, when the writer can't find a way for Superman to win. 5 He could easily stop all crime but chooses not to.
You forgot a biggie. He keeps forgetting his powers. You can mix this with his power keep changing or get added too/strengthened very frequently (my favorite being "Brick Vision" from Superman 4).
Those old radio shows are awesome. It's interesting to see how the origin has evolved over the years. The origin episode of the Adventures of Superman TV show is neat, too. It's pretty much the same version of the story we know today, but the Kents are named Eben and Sarah instead of the more familiar Jonathan and Martha.
Haha! This is so funny, and true. Supe is lucky his family symbol didn't look like a hand shooting a bird. On second though, that would be pretty cool.
Because nobody on Krypton other than his wife and brother believed Jor-El when he predicted the world was coming to an end. They basically treated him and his family like a bunch of crazy doomsayers standing on a corner ranting and raving about the apocalypse being upon them. By the time other Kryptonians realized that the Els were not a bunch of raving lunatics it was too little too late to do anything about it.
That depends on which version of the story you're referring to. In the early days, it simply went unexplained and was clearly an S. When John Byrne retold the origin in his Man of Steel mini-series, Clark was dubbed Superman before he wore the costume, so again it was "S" for "Superman".
I have to say my favorite part of "Kill Bill 2" is Bill's speech about superheros. In that speech to Beatrix he points out that all the other superheros wake up as themselves "Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne etc) and then put on the costume to become the superhero. Whereas Superman wakes up as Superman and the costume he puts on is Clark Kent. And Kent is how he perceives humans, in order to fit in wearing the disguise - weak, bumbling and a bit thick. That says a lot about Superman's contempt for us.
"I know that expectations of Man of Steel are really, really high but something tell me that it won't be able to top Mrs. Superman in terms of shear, deranged audacity." I've never read Mrs. Superman, but considering that Man of Steel features (1 a Superman (in name only) who carelessly destroys Metropolis without pity or remorse in the name of (2 a nationalistic reflection of America that arrogantly treads over the sovereignty of other nations while (3 accompanied by a misogynistic interpretation of Lois Lane who does literally nothing of importance aside from being a sex object of Superman to possess; I have a really hard time believing that. Either way: great video as always.
I agree the glasses being a disguise is lame, but I can tell you from experience, that the few days I go without my glasses are the days my co-workers give me double takes. "You look different." So, it is somewhat plausible to me that with the right posture, mannerisms, etc, Superman could pull it off.
Does it get around in the criminal world that "normal" bullets can't harm Superman?? Why do criminals still waste their bullets and empty their guns firing at him??
Forgot his greatest weakness, it's not Kryptonite, magic or anything of that nature, but anyone with the Initials 'L.L' . Not only his arch nemesis 'Lex Luthor' but most of his Girlfriends over the years. Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris (a Mermaid. yes he dated a mermaid). there have been others too but cant remember them all and all with those same initials
Ken Reno Well Wonder Woman was one of his girlfriends too even I like her better with Batman. I like all Superman's girlfriends especially Lois. I didn't know he dated a mermaid. Lol. And I knew Cat Grant was another love interest (sort of).
They said in an issue years ago that he unconsciously uses hypnotism to make people see him differently as Clark Kent. The lenses in his glasses are from Krypton and they amplify the effect.
As I understand it. It isn't just the suit and glasses. He can change his voice so drastically that Clark and Superman don't sound remotely similar(which only works in the comics obviously). He also has 'very ' minor mind control which is enhanced by the lenses of his glasses which were constructed of material from the ship that brought him to earth. He uses this power to make people 'forget' he's Superman. Convoluted and nonsensical you say..... you're right it is. But it's canon
I also always thought the "El family crest" thing was stupid, but I will admit even knowing it was an S, it is hard to draw. John Byrne said that as a kid he never knew it was an S, but thought it was two weird looking fish swimming past each other!
Considering how big the world is and how many problems Superman would have to handle, I am surprised he would have time to live the life under a secret identity.
His most ridiculous and ad hoc superpower (at least in the Superman movies) was super civil engineering, seen in Superman IV, where beams shoot out his eyes and he rebuilds a destroyed section of the Great Wall of China.
Speaking of Man of Steel, what is your view on the costume - that sports no red briefs? Viewing the trailers, I thought something looked off, but until it was pointed out to me that he was no longer "Captain Underpants" I couldn't figure out what it was. Personally I miss the red pants, but it does give a fresh new vibe to the look.
heres the dumbest thing, he's ripped. he is super muscular and theres no reason at all for it, in order for you or I to get close to that physique we would have to push our selves hard several days a week for years. yet in supermans daily life nothing could come close to providing the type of resistive stimulus that leads to hypertrophy. superman spends 99.999% of his time under less relative stress than a bedridden elderly man....in space! his strength is plainly not relative to his build, so why would he resemble a body builder?
Except that is NOT true at all.. Superman realy IS Clark Kent, at heart a Kansas farm boy. Bruce Wayne is the made up identy, nothing like the real man, BATMAN, and Peter Parker acts so differently as Spiderman I suspect a multiple personality!
The eigth of a mile leap and no ma and pa were in the original comics-- but FLYING actally came fron radio ("Look Up in the sky!'). He grew up in an orphanage in the comics, but we saw none of it.
Because of the movie trilogy I'm inclined to believe batman has more "fans", by that I mean people who like him in movies and have never read a comic or anything relating to him, superman almost definitely has more people that know of him and likely more people who have read the comics rather than liking him from the big screen
One stupid thing about Superman fanboys: They relentlessly try to justify the secret identity. Look, I'm a Superman fanboy. I loves me some Superman. But people, think about it! He works with the world's most accomplished and respected group of investigative journalists! If someone you worked with for years day in, day out put on a Halloween costume, combed his hair differently, stood up straight, and spoke with a deeper more bombastic voice would you REALLY not recognize him? Really? If that's true then you are likely developmentally disabled. It's stupid. It is. We can admit that. That's okay. We're allowed to acknowledge the blatant plot holes here. We can admit it's dumb and still like it. That's allowed.
Hes really a mild mannered deity for a small Greek pantheon-- No one on Olympus knows he is really Zeus, until Prometheus-- and see what happened to HIM!
Yeah, I see your point, but Peter is always so dowbtroden, and Spidey is all happy go lucky, its such a contrast, it amounts (maybe a better description) to something like manic depessive disorder. I get that swinging around cutting loose with his powers makes him feel better, but we can read his THOUGHTS, and he's always blue out of the costume, y'know?
One stupid thing about superman is there is yet to be a great superman film, its either decent or pretty bad, the problem is superman is so powerful, its hard to sympathize or make him a interesting character on film like batman or cap
+tarun1982 Batman is a fictional character who uses his wealth to screw Gotham City. Even worse, he fights with big guys in the universe while unable to reform prison systems to accommodate Two-Face, Joker, etc. Superman is about the same, has all these powers and could easily help terraform a planet for us to move to but is stuck doing lesser things, except in Elseworlds.
depending on interpretation, i wouldn't say that is true (at least not in recent iterations of superman). He doesn't see humans as weak and clumsy but just realized that the weak and clumsy people usually go unnoticed and that is what he wants.
About the secret identity thing, it goes farther than you might think. It's even better than Batman's. Superman changes his voice, personality, and even little things like his hair and sometimes it even shows his eye color changing. It goes beyond just glasses, trust me. However, Batman's is EXTREMELY idiotic. In the comics, it hasn't (until recently) said Batman changed his voice when he became... Batman. It also never explained why no one expected Bruce Wayne, an eccentric billionaire to be Batman. He is one of the few people in the DC Earth that could even attempt to be Batman, how has no one caught on yet?
Right, because if one of your co-workers, whom you see nearly everyday and have a close working relationship with, changed his hair up, hunched over, wore glasses, and disguised his voice you'd never recognize him in a million years. Uh huh.... Sure. And as for Batman, you're imposing your knowledge as the reader. Maybe Batman has a group of wealthy backers. Maybe the government is behind it. Maybe he stole most of his shit. Maybe there's a group of Batmen. Maybe his suit, gadgets, etc. come from a variety of sources. It's not like there's one billionaire in the entire city of Gotham. There are several. And there are many people in the DCU who could potentially have the physical conditioning necessary to be Batman. How many people know Bruce Wayne is a martial arts expert? How many people know he's a super genius? How many people know he's a certifiable nutbag? Most people can't even watch The Sixth Sense and catch onto the fact that Bruce Willis is a fucking ghost, let alone outsmart the world's greatest detective. And this is all coming from a proud and outspoken Superman fanboy.
Hezekiah Ramirez You mean, that if someone completely changed their personality, wore different clothes, and was different in general, you would be able to tell? Most would just assume they look similar and maybe ask a couple questions. For the Batman thing, you are assuming an awful lot. Like, an AWFUL lot. You just made a theory trying to debunk me, which is never a good idea.
Kevyn The DevylMan You realize that: 1. Superman isn't as much of a goody-two-shoes as everyone says he is (if you read the comics, at least, the ones from the 80s-90s). 2. According to Eddie Berganza, Superman doesn't imprint his fingerprints onto things, at least, while Superman. 3. "Universally", kind of. In most iterations this is true. But in *most* iterations, he also has slight changes in personality and things like that. For example, he's almost always portrayed as clumsy as Clark. I also actually became aware of this recently when I went back and read some stories from the 70s/60s, but the reason Clark wears his glasses, is because: a. they protect heat from leaving his eyes, and b. because they have a hypnotic power over them. It is never explained outside of a few comics from WAY back when, but it's never specifically stated otherwise in other comics that this doesn't apply to all Supermen. But you know, "universally" is a very hard thing to talk about with comics, since there are SO MANY different versions of each character.
***** That wasn't my point. My point was that Bruce Wayne really was the only person who could be Batman in all of Gotham. Everyone knew his parents were murdered when he was a kid, everyone knew he went out of town all the time, everyone knew how eccentric he was, and everyone knew how rich he was (not to mention he was rich from a company that makes weapons, or that's one of their primary exports depending on the incarnation).
***** So all of that ONLY applies to the Nolan movies? Huh. I guess it's kind of odd that the only Batman Nolan film I've seen is the Dark Knight, and only a few scenes of it.
His power levels vHAVE gotten really ridiculous-- The Hulk has managed to be insanely strong, but still has limits, in the Marvel Universe, and may even be rivaled by Thor and the Thing (when he is not angry, and depending on the writer)
I have to say my favorite incarnation of lois has to be lois and clark, yes lois got in trouble at times....but she was alot tougher then many other versions.
Well,the current version of The Flash on CW doesn't bother with some hokey justification for why the Flash has a lightning bolt on his costume unlike Super-Man. The nerd who made it just thought that it looked cool...both in real life and in the show!
No criticism that his invulnerability kills any potential tension or excitement? No pokes at his ever-expanding tally of powers? Nothing about his bland as hell Boy Scout personality?
He has super (bat?) determination and obsession, and he's a billionaire. I like to think if he had not see his folks shot, he'd be a fairly atheletic philanthopist-- That he isnt a GENIUS, he just studiies obsessively in his areas. Again, he is sot of "what a an average human can acomplish".
Superman isn't at fault, it's the writers who keep putting contradictory scenarios down on paper, and onto the screen. Conan mcbrain commented on thq clips of the newest film, where the big guy is down and out (he's Superman, what could be wrong?), and they put him on the screen...in a BEARD? How is he gonna trim that? When it's later gone...how did he shave it off? That beard is a Superbeard!
I have often wondered how he has cultivated these muscles! Muscles grow with the strain from effort. How can he put an effort in anything with his inherited super strengh?
I think the contents o f the Fortress represent periods when teh y were fpcusing on his Kryptonian origins. I can see why he might collect some memntoes (god knows BATMAN does) and would store some dangerous stuff there to keep it safe. I agree they wrote themselves into a corner with the invulnerabilty-- But I'm torn- Should he be more earthbound, and be vulnerable to "a burdtinh artillery shell" as he was describe originally, or the cosmically powerful icon hes become?
In regards to the "S" thing (which I agree is silly and should just be an S), is the idea that he used that crest before he was known as Superman, and that the name sort of arose from that? Like the journalists or whoever gave him that name based it partially on the S? I've never read the comics or seen all the movies so I don't know if they actually took that angle, but it would explain it.
Yeah. while I wouldnt take away fllight at this point-- to iconic and useful-- He IS way more powerful than he needs to be. Its really silly that Doomsday could manage to "kill" him. strong as the have made Supws. I would fully establish that he is a LOT slower than the Flash, for instance,, and limit his super senses to more earthbound levels, like the sense of smell of a DOG, and vision like an eagle-- X- ray vision, still, vut not from ORBIT, now!
I la la la loves superman 😆💜 probably my favorite d.c. comics hero 😆 i have the damsel in distress complex 😆 I'll fight Lois for her position in Clark's life 😆 that bitch better look out 🤣
Tbh, I never really cared for Superman. Honestly, he's a Gary Stu to me. Overpowered as hell (I mean, ya know, it'd be nice to have the ability to punch as hard as a supernova), the universe bends to his will, he's able to be a total dick and get away with it, no one can see through that incredibly obvious disguise, and really no matter what you do, he wins. He's a walking Xanatos Gambit. Cue the reason why things such as Superman dying or performing a Face-Heel Turn are so popular - because other than that you just have an official character who may as well be a god. Sure, you've got Kryptonite, but you might as well have nothing at all; that's literally the only thing that could touch him other than the red sun. Alot of Superman stuff I've seen is "He's powerful and badass and superman," making it hard to sympathize because there's just not too much real personality there. What there is gets overshadowed by aforementioned god-like power that nobody seems to notice. Superman very often gets new powers as the plot demands. Of course, people are going to point out that he'll save a person before getting the bad guy and whatnot. Those aren't actually weaknesses, that's something called empathy, and if a hero doesn't have it; he's not really a hero is he? Point is, his weaknesses don't balance him out, and if need-be, someone will give him some kind of new power to counter any new baddies that come up. The man was brought back to life after being dead for a year, for crying out loud. Because when it comes to superheroes, death is cheap. And he was so popular in-universe that 5 people showed up *claiming to be him*. I just kind of feel that it's a little silly for a character to have so much power. No matter which way you put it, it's not justified or balanced.
+Steam Phoenix (DJ Callie) He also had a marriage and didn't ever get exposed in prior continuity, something that most normal Superheroes had to endure the pain of in their own continuity. He also had a woman named Lois marry him to join him in lying and covering up for him. Then there's the ethical issue of Lois Lane sleeping and having a relationship with the person she writes about, and then not acknowledging it. Don't get me wrong, but him marrying Lois as an "ending" makes more sense, and at great cost such as in "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tommorrow?" because Superman doesn't seem to have to deal with challenges and gets his wishes fulfilled.
I could never get into superman. The only superman comics I ever enjoyed were the ones featuring doomsday. Doomsday is such a fucking badass. Definitely in my top 5 favorite comic book villains. Though actually come to think of it I did enjoy the comic where Muhammad Ali beat the shit out of superman. That was a good one too but mostly because I am a big time boxing fan and Ali is my favorite boxer.
You totally forgot the dumbest thing about Superman... He's fucking Superman. Invulnerable, super at everything, a perfect character (which makes the character terrible).
1 Superman once did a porno to stop a villain named The Sleaze
2 Superman beat his son, because he did not like the sweater his son bought for him.
3 Pink Kryptonite turns Superman Gay
4 They give him new powers, when the writer can't find a way for Superman to win.
5 He could easily stop all crime but chooses not to.
You forgot a biggie. He keeps forgetting his powers. You can mix this with his power keep changing or get added too/strengthened very frequently (my favorite being "Brick Vision" from Superman 4).
Those old radio shows are awesome. It's interesting to see how the origin has evolved over the years. The origin episode of the Adventures of Superman TV show is neat, too. It's pretty much the same version of the story we know today, but the Kents are named Eben and Sarah instead of the more familiar Jonathan and Martha.
Haha! This is so funny, and true.
Supe is lucky his family symbol didn't look like a hand shooting a bird. On second though, that would be pretty cool.
If Krypton was a planet of geniuses, thousands of years ahead of Earth, why were there only 2 child-size spaceships?
Because nobody on Krypton other than his wife and brother believed Jor-El when he predicted the world was coming to an end. They basically treated him and his family like a bunch of crazy doomsayers standing on a corner ranting and raving about the apocalypse being upon them. By the time other Kryptonians realized that the Els were not a bunch of raving lunatics it was too little too late to do anything about it.
Not only that but uses hula-hoops as restraining devices.
6. He wouldn't be able to attend every disaster in the world, and have time for a day job.
That depends on which version of the story you're referring to. In the early days, it simply went unexplained and was clearly an S. When John Byrne retold the origin in his Man of Steel mini-series, Clark was dubbed Superman before he wore the costume, so again it was "S" for "Superman".
I have to say my favorite part of "Kill Bill 2" is Bill's speech about superheros. In that speech to Beatrix he points out that all the other superheros wake up as themselves "Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne etc) and then put on the costume to become the superhero. Whereas Superman wakes up as Superman and the costume he puts on is Clark Kent. And Kent is how he perceives humans, in order to fit in wearing the disguise - weak, bumbling and a bit thick. That says a lot about Superman's contempt for us.
In all fairness, lying all over the damn place is pretty much a requirement for maintaining a secret identity.
"I know that expectations of Man of Steel are really, really high but something tell me that it won't be able to top Mrs. Superman in terms of shear, deranged audacity."
I've never read Mrs. Superman, but considering that Man of Steel features (1 a Superman (in name only) who carelessly destroys Metropolis without pity or remorse in the name of (2 a nationalistic reflection of America that arrogantly treads over the sovereignty of other nations while (3 accompanied by a misogynistic interpretation of Lois Lane who does literally nothing of importance aside from being a sex object of Superman to possess; I have a really hard time believing that.
Either way: great video as always.
You got here first. :)
I agree the glasses being a disguise is lame, but I can tell you from experience, that the few days I go without my glasses are the days my co-workers give me double takes. "You look different." So, it is somewhat plausible to me that with the right posture, mannerisms, etc, Superman could pull it off.
I'm not into comics, not into movies, not into superheroes of any kind. And yet I enjoy these videos!?
Does it get around in the criminal world that "normal" bullets can't harm Superman?? Why do criminals still waste their bullets and empty their guns firing at him??
Superman can have bullets bounce off him, but he ducks when someone throws a gun at him.
Forgot his greatest weakness, it's not Kryptonite, magic or anything of that nature, but anyone with the Initials 'L.L' . Not only his arch nemesis 'Lex Luthor' but most of his Girlfriends over the years. Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris (a Mermaid. yes he dated a mermaid). there have been others too but cant remember them all and all with those same initials
Ken Reno
Well Wonder Woman was one of his girlfriends too even I like her better with Batman. I like all Superman's girlfriends especially Lois. I didn't know he dated a mermaid. Lol. And I knew Cat Grant was another love interest (sort of).
Don't forget Lex's father is Lionel. Also, Clark "Kal" Kent. Alliteration is perhaps a bit too strong in Superman's comic.
They said in an issue years ago that he unconsciously uses hypnotism to make people see him differently as Clark Kent.
The lenses in his glasses are from Krypton and they amplify the effect.
As I understand it. It isn't just the suit and glasses. He can change his voice so drastically that Clark and Superman don't sound remotely similar(which only works in the comics obviously). He also has 'very ' minor mind control which is enhanced by the lenses of his glasses which were constructed of material from the ship that brought him to earth. He uses this power to make people 'forget' he's Superman. Convoluted and nonsensical you say..... you're right it is. But it's canon
I also always thought the "El family crest" thing was stupid, but I will admit even knowing it was an S, it is hard to draw. John Byrne said that as a kid he never knew it was an S, but thought it was two weird looking fish swimming past each other!
Considering how big the world is and how many problems Superman would have to handle, I am surprised he would have time to live the life under a secret identity.
I think his ability to invent new super powers whenever it's convenient should have been mentioned.
His most ridiculous and ad hoc superpower (at least in the Superman movies) was super civil engineering, seen in Superman IV, where beams shoot out his eyes and he rebuilds a destroyed section of the Great Wall of China.
Speaking of Man of Steel, what is your view on the costume - that sports no red briefs? Viewing the trailers, I thought something looked off, but until it was pointed out to me that he was no longer "Captain Underpants" I couldn't figure out what it was. Personally I miss the red pants, but it does give a fresh new vibe to the look.
heres the dumbest thing, he's ripped. he is super muscular and theres no reason at all for it, in order for you or I to get close to that physique we would have to push our selves hard several days a week for years.
yet in supermans daily life nothing could come close to providing the type of resistive stimulus that leads to hypertrophy.
superman spends 99.999% of his time under less relative stress than a bedridden elderly man....in space!
his strength is plainly not relative to his build, so why would he resemble a body builder?
Steve: Regarding Superman's secret identity.. As counter evidence I present Zooey Deschanel with and without bangs.
Superman got fired from the Daily Planet when they found out his secret identity. Although that's what would happen if someone lied like Superman did.
Except that is NOT true at all.. Superman realy IS Clark Kent, at heart a Kansas farm boy. Bruce Wayne is the made up identy, nothing like the real man, BATMAN, and Peter Parker acts so differently as Spiderman I suspect a multiple personality!
The eigth of a mile leap and no ma and pa were in the original comics-- but FLYING actally came fron radio ("Look Up in the sky!'). He grew up in an orphanage in the comics, but we saw none of it.
Because of the movie trilogy I'm inclined to believe batman has more "fans", by that I mean people who like him in movies and have never read a comic or anything relating to him, superman almost definitely has more people that know of him and likely more people who have read the comics rather than liking him from the big screen
In the original comics Batman used guns. After so many years things change.
One stupid thing about Superman fanboys: They relentlessly try to justify the secret identity. Look, I'm a Superman fanboy. I loves me some Superman. But people, think about it! He works with the world's most accomplished and respected group of investigative journalists! If someone you worked with for years day in, day out put on a Halloween costume, combed his hair differently, stood up straight, and spoke with a deeper more bombastic voice would you REALLY not recognize him? Really? If that's true then you are likely developmentally disabled. It's stupid. It is. We can admit that. That's okay. We're allowed to acknowledge the blatant plot holes here. We can admit it's dumb and still like it. That's allowed.
You forgot to mention that Clark Kent does his hair differently when he's Superman with that curl going down his forehead.
The worst thing is that there's a whole ton of Supergaslighting that does along with all that Superdishonesty. Not cool, Superman.
Hes really a mild mannered deity for a small Greek pantheon-- No one on Olympus knows he is really Zeus, until Prometheus-- and see what happened to HIM!
i suspect steve has uses some kind of subliminal hypnotic trick to make us love him. its all very sick.
I think MoS delivered on the deranged audacity after all! 🙂
Yeah, I see your point, but Peter is always so dowbtroden, and Spidey is all happy go lucky, its such a contrast, it amounts (maybe a better description) to something like manic depessive disorder. I get that swinging around cutting loose with his powers makes him feel better, but we can read his THOUGHTS, and he's always blue out of the costume, y'know?
One stupid thing about superman is there is yet to be a great superman film, its either decent or pretty bad, the problem is superman is so powerful, its hard to sympathize or make him a interesting character on film like batman or cap
+tarun1982 Batman is a fictional character who uses his wealth to screw Gotham City. Even worse, he fights with big guys in the universe while unable to reform prison systems to accommodate Two-Face, Joker, etc. Superman is about the same, has all these powers and could easily help terraform a planet for us to move to but is stuck doing lesser things, except in Elseworlds.
depending on interpretation, i wouldn't say that is true (at least not in recent iterations of superman). He doesn't see humans as weak and clumsy but just realized that the weak and clumsy people usually go unnoticed and that is what he wants.
i've got a back-log of videos i have to get to. i saw the title of this one and put it at the top of the list. :D
Re-MAN OF STEEL - you were so so wrong - that film is totally deranged
About the secret identity thing, it goes farther than you might think. It's even better than Batman's. Superman changes his voice, personality, and even little things like his hair and sometimes it even shows his eye color changing. It goes beyond just glasses, trust me. However, Batman's is EXTREMELY idiotic. In the comics, it hasn't (until recently) said Batman changed his voice when he became... Batman. It also never explained why no one expected Bruce Wayne, an eccentric billionaire to be Batman. He is one of the few people in the DC Earth that could even attempt to be Batman, how has no one caught on yet?
Right, because if one of your co-workers, whom you see nearly everyday and have a close working relationship with, changed his hair up, hunched over, wore glasses, and disguised his voice you'd never recognize him in a million years. Uh huh.... Sure. And as for Batman, you're imposing your knowledge as the reader. Maybe Batman has a group of wealthy backers. Maybe the government is behind it. Maybe he stole most of his shit. Maybe there's a group of Batmen. Maybe his suit, gadgets, etc. come from a variety of sources. It's not like there's one billionaire in the entire city of Gotham. There are several. And there are many people in the DCU who could potentially have the physical conditioning necessary to be Batman. How many people know Bruce Wayne is a martial arts expert? How many people know he's a super genius? How many people know he's a certifiable nutbag? Most people can't even watch The Sixth Sense and catch onto the fact that Bruce Willis is a fucking ghost, let alone outsmart the world's greatest detective. And this is all coming from a proud and outspoken Superman fanboy.
Hezekiah Ramirez You mean, that if someone completely changed their personality, wore different clothes, and was different in general, you would be able to tell? Most would just assume they look similar and maybe ask a couple questions. For the Batman thing, you are assuming an awful lot. Like, an AWFUL lot. You just made a theory trying to debunk me, which is never a good idea.
Kevyn The DevylMan You realize that:
1. Superman isn't as much of a goody-two-shoes as everyone says he is (if you read the comics, at least, the ones from the 80s-90s).
2. According to Eddie Berganza, Superman doesn't imprint his fingerprints onto things, at least, while Superman.
3. "Universally", kind of. In most iterations this is true. But in *most* iterations, he also has slight changes in personality and things like that. For example, he's almost always portrayed as clumsy as Clark. I also actually became aware of this recently when I went back and read some stories from the 70s/60s, but the reason Clark wears his glasses, is because: a. they protect heat from leaving his eyes, and b. because they have a hypnotic power over them. It is never explained outside of a few comics from WAY back when, but it's never specifically stated otherwise in other comics that this doesn't apply to all Supermen. But you know, "universally" is a very hard thing to talk about with comics, since there are SO MANY different versions of each character.
***** That wasn't my point. My point was that Bruce Wayne really was the only person who could be Batman in all of Gotham. Everyone knew his parents were murdered when he was a kid, everyone knew he went out of town all the time, everyone knew how eccentric he was, and everyone knew how rich he was (not to mention he was rich from a company that makes weapons, or that's one of their primary exports depending on the incarnation).
***** So all of that ONLY applies to the Nolan movies? Huh. I guess it's kind of odd that the only Batman Nolan film I've seen is the Dark Knight, and only a few scenes of it.
superman hides as Clark Kent in a room full of reporters WTF
These 5 things could be said of nearly every super hero. (Except for Batman because he's Batman) ESPECIALLY number 2.
His power levels vHAVE gotten really ridiculous-- The Hulk has managed to be insanely strong, but still has limits, in the Marvel Universe, and may even be rivaled by Thor and the Thing (when he is not angry, and depending on the writer)
I have to say my favorite incarnation of lois has to be lois and clark, yes lois got in trouble at times....but she was alot tougher then many other versions.
I guess the Movie was the start of the "family crest" thing.
Best logo variant has to be from Kingdom Come, damn that was nice. Actually looked like a kryptonian symbol.
Well,the current version of The Flash on CW doesn't bother with some hokey justification for why the Flash has a lightning bolt on his costume unlike Super-Man. The nerd who made it just thought that it looked cool...both in real life and in the show!
I'm mainly excited for Clark's KU shirt in Man of Steel. Rock Chalk!
The costume looks horrible all around, red shorts or no red shorts. But if the movie is good, it won't matter.
No criticism that his invulnerability kills any potential tension or excitement? No pokes at his ever-expanding tally of powers? Nothing about his bland as hell Boy Scout personality?
I never understood how he can fly. I'm no physics major but it just doesn't compute.
Originally it was just he could jump really high.
i've often wondered how clark takes a dump if he always wears his cape under his suit. doesnt that get in the way?
He takes super dumps that phase through.
How about wearing his underwear on the outside? (well, not in the recent iterations of the costume, but historically)
"Super Dickery" is a well known meme, Google it.
Sounds like you're an expert, and that's certainly common on the internet.
He has super (bat?) determination and obsession, and he's a billionaire. I like to think if he had not see his folks shot, he'd be a fairly atheletic philanthopist-- That he isnt a GENIUS, he just studiies obsessively in his areas. Again, he is sot of "what a an average human can acomplish".
Superman isn't at fault, it's the writers who keep putting contradictory scenarios down on paper, and onto the screen. Conan mcbrain commented on thq clips of the newest film, where the big guy is down and out (he's Superman, what could be wrong?), and they put him on the screen...in a BEARD? How is he gonna trim that? When it's later gone...how did he shave it off? That beard is a Superbeard!
5 stupid things about The Secret (law of attraction stuff)
I have often wondered how he has cultivated these muscles! Muscles grow with the strain from effort. How can he put an effort in anything with his inherited super strengh?
I would have put his power somewhere in there.
I think the contents o f the Fortress represent periods when teh y were fpcusing on his Kryptonian origins. I can see why he might collect some memntoes (god knows BATMAN does) and would store some dangerous stuff there to keep it safe. I agree they wrote themselves into a corner with the invulnerabilty-- But I'm torn- Should he be more earthbound, and be vulnerable to "a burdtinh artillery shell" as he was describe originally, or the cosmically powerful icon hes become?
In regards to the "S" thing (which I agree is silly and should just be an S), is the idea that he used that crest before he was known as Superman, and that the name sort of arose from that? Like the journalists or whoever gave him that name based it partially on the S? I've never read the comics or seen all the movies so I don't know if they actually took that angle, but it would explain it.
You ought to do a "5 Stupid Things About" your cat. That cat seems to have a steady ego big enough take a few humorous jibes.
are we done with the superman videos now ?
They only started calling him superman because the symbol looks like an 's'. It only happens to look like an 's'. Also, it's all made up, see?
Has anyone seen the Superdickery website?
Wonder who has more fans batman or superman
One thing,people make some superman vs goku but actually it shouldn't be done.Goku will always win.And another,his writers are lame
Interesting. And hilarious!
That new S thing is crap.
Yeah. while I wouldnt take away fllight at this point-- to iconic and useful-- He IS way more powerful than he needs to be. Its really silly that Doomsday could manage to "kill" him. strong as the have made Supws. I would fully establish that he is a LOT slower than the Flash, for instance,, and limit his super senses to more earthbound levels, like the sense of smell of a DOG, and vision like an eagle-- X- ray vision, still, vut not from ORBIT, now!
I remember in Spiderman: Reign, Peter killed MJ by way of his radiated semen. No, I'm not fucking kidding. Look it up.
So he lies just like batman
The s is not for superman it is his family crest and it means hope
I la la la loves superman 😆💜 probably my favorite d.c. comics hero 😆 i have the damsel in distress complex 😆 I'll fight Lois for her position in Clark's life 😆 that bitch better look out 🤣
is superman george costanza?
he was born with them XD
Super Geekery - Is it just Superman or do you speak Klingon too?
Tbh, I never really cared for Superman. Honestly, he's a Gary Stu to me. Overpowered as hell (I mean, ya know, it'd be nice to have the ability to punch as hard as a supernova), the universe bends to his will, he's able to be a total dick and get away with it, no one can see through that incredibly obvious disguise, and really no matter what you do, he wins. He's a walking Xanatos Gambit. Cue the reason why things such as Superman dying or performing a Face-Heel Turn are so popular - because other than that you just have an official character who may as well be a god.
Sure, you've got Kryptonite, but you might as well have nothing at all; that's literally the only thing that could touch him other than the red sun. Alot of Superman stuff I've seen is "He's powerful and badass and superman," making it hard to sympathize because there's just not too much real personality there. What there is gets overshadowed by aforementioned god-like power that nobody seems to notice. Superman very often gets new powers as the plot demands.
Of course, people are going to point out that he'll save a person before getting the bad guy and whatnot. Those aren't actually weaknesses, that's something called empathy, and if a hero doesn't have it; he's not really a hero is he?
Point is, his weaknesses don't balance him out, and if need-be, someone will give him some kind of new power to counter any new baddies that come up. The man was brought back to life after being dead for a year, for crying out loud. Because when it comes to superheroes, death is cheap. And he was so popular in-universe that 5 people showed up *claiming to be him*.
I just kind of feel that it's a little silly for a character to have so much power. No matter which way you put it, it's not justified or balanced.
+Steam Phoenix (DJ Callie) He also had a marriage and didn't ever get exposed in prior continuity, something that most normal Superheroes had to endure the pain of in their own continuity. He also had a woman named Lois marry him to join him in lying and covering up for him. Then there's the ethical issue of Lois Lane sleeping and having a relationship with the person she writes about, and then not acknowledging it. Don't get me wrong, but him marrying Lois as an "ending" makes more sense, and at great cost such as in "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tommorrow?" because Superman doesn't seem to have to deal with challenges and gets his wishes fulfilled.
He is not a MAN! He is from Krypton!!!! He should not be called Superman!!!!
I could never get into superman. The only superman comics I ever enjoyed were the ones featuring doomsday. Doomsday is such a fucking badass. Definitely in my top 5 favorite comic book villains. Though actually come to think of it I did enjoy the comic where Muhammad Ali beat the shit out of superman. That was a good one too but mostly because I am a big time boxing fan and Ali is my favorite boxer.
You totally forgot the dumbest thing about Superman... He's fucking Superman. Invulnerable, super at everything, a perfect character (which makes the character terrible).
Which is bullshit...
6- He's soooo over powered.
I think you take your super heroes a little too seriously.