"From the Lions' Den to the Angel's Den" with Pastor Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025
- "From the Lions' Den to the Angel's Den" with Pastor Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
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Conveniently skipped Dan 10:3 where Dan fasts from eating "flesh" which indicates that Dan ate clean meat, because you can't fast from something you don't eat.
You are a Pastor Doug, why are you trying to be a Levite? I am not here to attack you but neither may I leave you to your peace any longer. If you wish to be a Levite Doug, God requires you to humble yourself before His word for you to receive the knowledge and understanding necessary for His Levite. Humble yourself pastor and your relationship with God will be deepened as your knowledge and understanding of His word is increased to you. Only then will your lessons be FILLED with the Word of God as opposed to Your words and Your understandings. If you truly want to be a Levite and TEACH the Word of God, He has sent me to help you to repent of your Pride. For I am a Levite and I serve the Word with the Word of God. This is what a Levite does, it is what a Levite is created to do. But such a man as You already knows what God has given for his Levite, and this is neither to your comfort or liking. Unless you humble yourself and repent, you will only ever be a pastor pretending that he is a Levite, like all the rest. Continue in this fashion and you not only deceive yourself but appallingly, you are leading many away from God's Word to Your understanding of His word. For you sir, God has sent the humble to EXPOSE the wise. I pray to the Living God that you receive the strength to repent so that God may receive His glory. God bless you pastor, but decide, are you a pastor or a Levite? One cannot dutifully fill two titles anymore than one can drink from two cups. I am in the service of the Living God, your God, a loving God who loves you deeply. A God whom now commands me to remind you He is a jealous God, For it is You, whom, lacking the God given gifts of the Levite, speaks on jealousy in a place where it is of little relevance to His word. This is an example of your pride before you. If you desire the knowledge and understanding necessary for the Levite, respond, and we can organise conversing further on the subject. My Lord is kind, and would have me remind you of that which you are well aware, an increase in the knowledge for the Levite leads to a decrease in all that You currently have. This is a cost that many pastors such as yourself are unwilling (but not unable) to give. All praise to the Living God, for He gave us the Sabbath. I pray for your strength, may God continue to bless you Doug, Amen
@@zavspaul349 I don't know you but before You point somebody else watch your self
What about Matthew 6:6? But thou, when thou prayest, enter Into the closet, and when thou has shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which is in secret shall reward thee openly. // just saying what does this mean?
Love your study hour Pastor 🙌🙌🙏 Have a wonderful Sabbath ❤
Thank you Pastor Doug. I really enjoyed the lesson especially the similarities that you brought out between Jesus and Daniel.
Praise the Lord Pastor Doug Bachelor every word from the BIBLE is true my family very enjoy watching your beautiful videos thank you so much for your ministry's to the world
Praise God for His word
Thanks Pastor Doug...yes that time is soon coming.
Thank you for the message
I really enjoy your studies
Beautiful ❤️
thank you, Pastor Doug. You said something about posture while prying. Our church was recently renovated and new seats were placed, regular chairs, in such a way that there is no more space for kneeling. How about elderly who have difficulties to kneel and stand up after kneeling even in their own home? also, there are many elderly who have trouble standing in one spot. they need to sit.
But Thank Pastor, i just care for you and all your listeners.
Great comparison of Christ and Daniel's lives . The seal placed on the lion's den and on Christ's tomb reminds us of a certain seal placed in the foreheads of those condemned to death for keeping God's Law at the end . Again God's own sealed to live although threatened by death. Revelations7:3
hello from Romania!
From Spain
Actually, with the story of the man eating lions from Tsavo, experts now believe that because one lion had a severely infected canine, killing unarmed humans, would have posed no life-threatening danger. For example, If the lion with the infected canine, tried to attack a water buffalo, and couldn't hold it down long enough to kill it, the water buffalo could in turn kill the lion.
"people superimpose on others what they have in their hearts"; so's a spaniard proverb:
"the thief judges by its condition" ..
I am SDA and am subscribed to this channel.. but for my need to get fired up and passionate about my relationship with God and for encouragement when I fast I listen to Jentezen Franklin of Free Chapel.. I wish my church had more passion in worship like God's favorite song and dance son David.. If we worshipped like David and the younger Solomon.. we would have their great numbers of conversions... passion filled worship brings evangelism.. we have to move the heart before we convert the mind.. the heart comes first.. and the willingness to understand doctrines will follow.. I 've been to our churches in different countries and found some to be very insular and generally lacking in passion and enthusiasm compared many faster growing religious communities...
If you say you are Sda it means you need to spend time in the work. Forget feel good sermons that is not all Christianity is.
@@tracymil1 They're not feel good sermons at all.. they demand more commitment and sacrifice than the sermons i hear in many of our own churches.. like 21 day fasts and more generous offeringz etc. Don't judge till you hear a few of Jentezen Franklin s sermons yourzelf
@@marjoriedomondon1251 more offerings won't get you to heaven nor will more commitment for the right reason. My dear I don't judge I understand the church and it's ways but please get closer to God in any way you can.
Jentezen Franklin is an American evangelical pastor, author and televangelist. He is the senior pastor of Free Chapel, a multi-site church based in Gainesville, Georgia and author of Right People, Right Place, Right Plan; Fasting; Fear Fighters and The Spirit of Python
As a 7 Day Adventists you should sik the Spirit of God.
Not the Spirit of a python
If you go there dont call you self a 7 Day Adventists, than you are a fallen 7 Day Adventist, as meny are. Ask God for repentance and your fillings are not an athoryty, the words of God is a 7 DAY ADVENTISTS ATHORYTY. If you think God's word is comming to you automaticli, think again.
God will never force himself on eny one, also as a Church you have forgotten that, with all you belifs.
God is my athoryty no one else Thanks.
With kind regards.
Daniel Voncina
Marjorie Domondon dear Christian sister change doesn't start with other people it starts with you . When you are prepared for your Sabbath school lesson ,when you help the children at church , when you pray for those that are weaker, when you pass out literature, when you take time out of your busy week to visit an elderly member , and take them soup or some treat then you will be able to see God in your Church and yourself .We're supposed to be a Christian with a sermon in shoes . If you're waiting for someone else to do the work to make your experience better take a look closer to home . Make a list of three things each day beyond prayer and study that you can do for somebody else.. ( not regular things but ones like Christ did ) go the extra mile , don't just give your coat give your cloak also. Matthew 5:40-41 For example, I keep a stack of two dollar bills just for somebody that needs cheered up specifically children in the store or the homeless that are begging but I don't just keep that two dollar bill I keep a piece of literature with it. Maybe take meals Saturday morning to the homeless area of town. Drop off some diapers at the local house for girls in trouble. Rake the leaves for an older person. Keep special Sabbath books or animals to give to little ones at church. I am concerned that you're praising a Penecostal style of Service it sounds a little bit like the Christ driven flock .Christ never drove his flock ,he leads it . The sheep choose whether to follow or not. God always gives us a choice. It is Satan that demands worship and then leaves his followers to wallow in it. I'm also concerned about the meditation . There are two types one is very bad the other is basically study and prayer to God. Meditation going through the church today to some extent involves yoga and Buddhist style worship. They want you to empty your mind ;Christ never tells us to do that .Do you remember when Christ told a story about the man who cleaned out his house and the devils left but he didn't replace anything in it with good stuff : it stayed empty so more devils came back and the person's second state was worse than the first. Luke 11 and Matthew 12 .That's what happens with this new type of meditation it's not new at all it's the same thing Babylon was doing. Oh be careful little feet where you go ,be careful little hands what you do ,and be careful little eyes what you see. Our father is looking out for you and I'll be praying for you as well ,keep the faith. With Christian love your sister Melanie.
Earth making of a planet,,
Should I be watching this documentary?
It talks about how the earth was made (created
So I called a Catholic Church to argue with them about their unbiblical teachings and traditions etc, and although what this nun or whoever it was said was false I felt bad afterward because of course she ran away and was stuck in a corner when I told her that Mary being “the queen mother of heaven” was unbiblical and that we are not to worship idols or the dead etc I just felt bad afterwards. I also want to admit that a part of me wants to robot again to see what will happen if I get a hold of a priest
Teo i experienced the same with catholic priest whom I questioned.
King Mufasa bro but how do u feel? I feel bad man like I was starting problems
Just like many people in every religion most people simply walk the walk because a parent, uncle, grandfather, grandmother was a member of a particular faith and don't know much about what their faith believes. I have met many Adventist like this myself as well as Catholics, Baptists, etc. It's interesting to me that people of other faiths want to challenge people about something they don't quite understand. Understand this, just because Catholics don't believe as you do, doesn't make them wrong. There are reasons for EVERYTHING...dont be so blinded by your adventist beliefs that you fail to understand there is much, much more than what the Adventist Church think they know about. JP
Chrissie Pimentel yea, if u weren’t wrong about the majority of the things u wrote I would put it into consideration, but again although I was wrong for being argumentative with the theologically shallow individual who was making up scripture, everything she said wasn’t biblical she called Mary “The Queen Of Heaven”, and condoned repetitive prayer, and necromancy and idol worship, ALL of which (in ur words) are WRONG. So if it’s not coming from the inspired doctrine it’s a false doctrine, which is exactly what she was professing.
Amen, their is no 'queen of heaven' Jeremiah 7:18 & chapter 44 / Matthew 6:7
22:45 😁
In this Chapter The Word of God is clearly showing, that God's Spirit dwelt in Daniel, its not some one now n Spirit called God the Spirit.
Dan 6:11
Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.
No plural God here either.
Not it is only the heathen gods that are in plural in The Bible.
One of thise days it will be to late to Get it strait. Because time is nearly op.
As a Church you can command all you which but God is in control, if you are in doubt!!!! Just Reed The Bible, but be carfully Notes exsactly what it says. Some wership not the same God as I do.
Its for me amazing that so meny are blinded to this.
Reed this to if i may give it to you as a warning.
Luk 13:35
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
But for me.
I will serve the One and only thrue God.
And his one and only son will i relay on.
And may God be with you all, as with Daniel.
Money Tree of Babylon(Petro- dollar) is more dangerous than the Lions..cuz when you are addicted eating from this Tree..one will become a Zombie a walking dead..not knowing they are already Lost!
If God's law could've been changed he certainly would've saved his own Son. It makes no sense that any Christian would believe God's law is changeable and still believe God would allow Christ to die . John 3:16 . It was the Punishment for breaking that very law that caused all trouble. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans6:23and of course sin is the transgression of the law 1 John 3:4.
Sadly, this 'lesson' is typical of a pastor whom has deceived himself into believing that he is a Levite, which he is not. It is clearly obvious that this man has not read the Word of God as a Levite should. If he had actually read the book of Daniel as a Levite does then he would not be astonished ( at 3.49 mins into this attempt to teach the Word of God) at the presence of Daniel and the relationship between he and King Darius the Mede. The answer is in Daniel itself in rather plain writing, regardless of the version (NIV, King James)This pastor fills his lesson with his own ideas rather than the Word of God, which is typical of a pastor whom has gone outside of his calling. If this pastor can humble himself to the word of God, then he will not only deepen his relationship with God but his own knowledge and understanding. The viewers will know if this is truely a man devoted to the word of God as a Levite is when he is able to deliver the answer to his own confusion, which is in the book of Daniel. Think of this as a challenge from a Levite to a pastor, show the people whom you are currently leading astray through your ignorance and pride that you can and have humbled yourself to the word of God by solving your confusion expressed at 3.49 mins into your extremely poor attempt at being a Levite. Be warned, God has sent the meek to teach the wise, if you wish to be a Levite then humble yourself before God and ask Him for the knowledge and understanding required to be a Levite, or don't, and continue in the manner in which you are, deceiving both yourself and the Sabbath keepers you are misleading through your ignorance and pride. God bless this pastor and give him the strength to humble himself before your mighty word
Maybe you haven't heard his life story yet? You can look up the video "The Richest Caveman" Feel free to brows his earlier works as well from previous decades thru the amazing facts website under media. This isn't his first rodeo. While he has an eloquent confidence he is also humble and very much Loves The Lord. I have not heard him claim to be a Levite?
God has used him to draw many people to The Lord. That is more than most of us accomplish.
Do you believe in the old testament and disbelieve the new testament I wonder? The new testament is about a Jew it is written by Jews. Blessings!
Amanda I believe the Word, Genesis to Revelation
I pray for you brother, that you listen to more of Pastor Doug's sermons and you will find he is a man of God. You will be blessed in doing so.