"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone." - RobinWilliams
Over 60 years ago, my mom told me a person has to be able to live alone without being lonely before they look for a mate. Good sound advise even today.
As an adult, I've lived with family, lived with roommates, been married, and lived alone. The best by far is living alone. I've never found it lonely. I've found it freeing.
@@josiane2005 als die 2005 in je naam iets betekent, ben jij nog niet eens meerderjarig. In dat geval maak je je druk over dingen die je nog niet hebt meegemaakt. Uit ervaring met meerdere situaties bij zowel mezelf als anderen heb ik een wijze raad voor je: zoek iemand van het andere geslacht die jou aanvult en die jij aanvult, ga pas samenleven wanneer je bent getrouwd, erken dat verliefdheid een gevoel is en dat liefde veel verder gaat dan dat (maar ook iets is waar je in moet investeren). Iedereen in mijn omgeving die naar bovenstaande leeft, is daar gelukkiger mee dan degenen die andere routes kozen. Mensen die beweren liever alleen te zijn, vormen de uitzondering. Die mensen hebben dikwijls of een trauma, of een mentale stoornis zoals autisme, waardoor ze meer moeite hebben om met iemand samen te leven. Voor die minderheid is het inderdaad (in elk geval op korte termijn) beter om alleen te zijn.
I'm 43, and I have always lived alone since I left my parental home at 18. I just want to say to all youngsters out there that it's OK living on your own. It's true that you get used to it. It's such a special kind of freedom! ❤
What if you want to live alone, but can't because your family depends on you. Not only financially but let's say when it is needed to go to the grocery store, do the cleaning and other chores. My family can do this on their own but it would be more time-, energy-consuming, less comfortable, in brief harder. I love my family but our relationships got toxic over the last 4 years and I wish I could live alone for at least a year
@@arsenzharassov7397 sometimes letting them do it the less efficient way/ less comfortable way is fine. Do they need to be perfect at it? No, because you're not either. Some of your obligations seem self-imposed. Talk to them, work with them, do whatever you need to do to ensure you get your own space too. Communicate your needs and desires. And most importantly, don't forget how blessed you are to have family to take care of and a home to live in.
@fengariii Thank you. I agree with you. And there are plenty of people, families whose lives are much more challenging. It's just frustrating that not everyone can leave their parental house without affecting them(emotionally, financially etc.). In my case, we are a single-parent family. If my parents were still together, I am sure things would be different.
Had to learn all this. My tips: - cook for the week and keep it stored in separate containers. You'll only have to heat it up when you get home. - learn to fix things in your home yourself. It will put your focus on something good and improve your self-esteem long term - find friends that can go to the pub/cafe with you after work at least once a week. I know it's difficult to make friends, but it's a skill we all have to learn 😢 - start enjoying music again. Start following new releases from artists/styles you like. A home with music playing is not so lonely anymore - enjoy all the good parts
@@dms-f16tbh i wanna make a manga that becomes an anime, only problem i don't live in japan for it to become a Manga... And ain't that financially well
1. No. Better buy groceries for half a week but plan to cook something different every day or every second day. Eating same stuff all the time will get boring quickly. There is too many recipes to try and improve. Food 3-7 days old or even next day is not as tasty as freshly made one with fresh ingredients. 2. You can't learn how to fix something if it's not broken. You will learn once you break things or things break on their own with time. You can't focus on that and learning that in theory when it can occur in two years is useless as you can forget how to do it and won't use it in practice. 3. You can make friends in many places, best look for group online and try to join some events that are suitable for newcomers. I never liked drinking coffee, specially going out just to do that so I bet I am not the only one. 4. Or just listen to music you listened to 10 or 20 years ago. There are so many artists and music online that you won't be able to listen to everything even if you spend life on it anyway.
I have never lived with anybody in my life, save my parents when I was a child. It was hard at first, but not tremendously until I got my current job. I even work completely alone and go weeks without seeing humans, save on television. It is not bad, like doctors say.
@bobsacamano7653 Well, biggest problem with living is that it's not affordable for most people to take medical care, education, eat, have their hair cut and get things what they want. If I say these things does not sounds weird to you? Life does not give you everything, things need to be achieved. It's not a problem, it's a challenge. Your needs has value and you have to provide the cost.
Living on my own is the best thing to happen to me; I woke up smiling for MONTHS. MONTHS. No stress, no compromise, no having to worry about others….no yelling, no fighting, no belittling….it’s awesome.
I had mixed feelings at first because managing my own finances was hard, pulling myself out of bed was a struggle, etc. But at some point even when I was alone doing nothing in my own dorm I felt calmer than when I did nothing living in my parents’ house. Even when the house was quiet I had this feeling that someone would be mad out of nowhere. Even when everything is calm I hated that there was practically no boundaries set on opening doors. My mom randomly barging in gave me anxiety. Living alone did wonders for my mental health.
I'm not giving it up for nothing. It's noisy enough listening to other people's mess. I can just focus on me. And realize that it's actually ok. I'm watching divorced women find their freedom within themselves and are so happy. Very inspiring in today's climate to chill with ones own self without stress or worry. Feels really awesome. More should try it. Maybe one day it'll be trendy to be emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Until this I'll just do it alone for now. Peaceful either way🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿💕💖♥️💚
Living alone may be great, but only if you're healthy. Imagine living alone, and then you break a leg and can't walk for half a year. Or imagine living alone, and then you have a sudden heart attack and no one is there to help you. Yes, if you're 20-30 years old then living alone may seem fine. But if you're older then there's a chance that you will not only live alone but also die alone, in your own piss and shit, and nobody will be there for you at that moment. Though, for some people this may be a fair trade.
I just can't comprehend why so many people are afraid of lonelyness, I've been a loner my whole life and I enjoy it so much, even when I decide to socialize a little, I am always eager to get to my little hiding spot at the end of the day.
So am I - only thing I struggle with is when something breaks or needs maintenance and you don't know who to turn to, how much it costs and who will rip you off or just make you feel uncomfortable in your house. That's is the only thing that terrifies me about living alone.
And then you get into an accident that puts you on a wheelchair for life... and suddenly all the perks coming from living alone disappear. I'm 30+, lonely all my life. I feel comfortable living alone the way an alcoholic feels comfortable downing another bottle. Doesn't change the fact that when sobriety kicks back in, it kicks hard. I feel absolutely terrified thinking about what my life will turn into within the next two to three decades. That's the reason I keep myself occupied at all times. Cleaning, gaming, lifting weights, cooking, working-anything will do as long as it keeps me distracted.
@@yarpen26 You're too attached to your body. That will only cause suffering in the long run. Learn to detach and enjoy life. Life is temporary. We all end up in the same place sooner or later.. so what's the point in living your life in fear for the short time you have here? Just forget about it and enjoy your life for what it is, to the extent that you can. I was diagnosed with diabetes 8 years ago, and for the first year after that I felt as you do. I was terrified of being alone, of potentially ending up in a coma or ending up immobilized somehow and stuck like that for a long time before someone could find me. My family didn't visit much and the only contact I had was through my phone. I was miserable and trying to distract myself with anything i could. I even dreaded going back to my own apartment in the evening and sometimes I'd leave the door open at night "just in case" something "happened" to me. My own fear made me go through hell when I could have lived relaxed and at peace. It all changed when I realized that I'm just feeding my own suffering in what is just a temporary life. I'm not going to live forever in this body no matter what I do. It will eventually decay and die. So what's the point of struggling and fearing for the future?? Is a life where you just sit and cower in fear even worth living? Let go and live with confidence. Stop thinking about the next 2-3 decades.. not even tomorrow is certain. Enjoy the only time where you can do anything: the present. Stop selling it off in exchange for silly worries about the future. I wish someone told me all this when I was freaking out over my diagnosis. It would have made that first year living with my condition a lot less stressful.
There are a lot of people who go crazy when being alone. Thats why many went nuts during lockdown and still carry the scars. I am a loner myself, I wouldnt mind a partner, but am ok with myself and the cats.
I would agree. Doing what I want whenever I want. Living with someone is definitely NOT worth it. Learn that "no man can live without a woman" (Oh , And gays don't exist ?) is just propaganda and you'll enjoy it like heck !
Living alone is ok. The only problem you have anyone to help you fix things. I lived at home till I was 30. I never had any privacy and couldn't do things I wanted to do. My mother had problem with me staying up late. When I didn't have a tv to watch I would stay up from 11:00pm to about 4:00am reading. My mother would holler "turn out the light , shelly ". She would be asleep pm the couch. It was the only time could get any time to myself. She would murmur it out half asleep again. She did it mostly to be annoying. Now I can stay up no matter what. It's been 35 years. I wished things had been different so I could have had more than this , but I go out and associate without being questioned, and having to argue about things when I come home. When people do it needlessly that is what creates friction and they don't get along. With me I'm happy with my animals and tv , washer. 😉
@@kokodjamba6657 I know not everyone wants to be alone. If that is not good you should have not be alone. Now do I am not totally alone have friends that live around me. We're not too associates unless we are outside and talk a little. I try not to disturb the other tenanates. I am not against anyone wanting company.
Yes. You can't allow yourself to be dipsy-doodle if you live alone ...otherwise you could get in bother rather fast. Try to make backup plans for certain eventualities (leaving a spare key with somebody you trust is a good one.) But then keep your wits about you. However, it's a good idea to develop that skill anyway; it's not fair to dump dipsy behaviour on the person you live with either.
I left the gas stove on twice the same day 😮 Once heating up oil in a frying pan for breakfast , then in the evening boiling cloves in water to make tea . Both times , I was distracted by something on utube or my tablet . Thankfully , both times I remembered in time to save a mini catastrophe , that may have turned into a major one . That's definitely one drawback of living alone . 🤔
I can imagine that being true for many people. Who knows, that might be my fate eventually, even though we make our own. Although I would’ve thought in many cases financially, you would be better off living with other people. Housemates being just one of them.
Living alone is WONDERFUL. I've been living alone for 10 years now and I can't imagine ever living with others again. It's so relaxing and quiet. No noise no drama.
I definitely enjoy my own space and can even sometimes go a whole day without saying anything verbally, but I also worry eventually what kind of person I might become, if I don’t spend my life with other people outside of work, let alone a partner or lover to live with. There’s the difference I guess between how you feel in the moment, and how you believe you will feel in the future and how you look back on your past. I feel in many ways, it’s almost like ticking something of a bucket list to make sure you’ve at least lived with people once, rather than not having done so at all. Kind of like love. That’s where I am right now. We are all different people though, and if it works for some people not to live with others ever again, then that is entirely their choice in the long run.
i've been living alone for almost 25 years. it was difficult at first because i was used to living in a house with family, but as time passed, the freedom to do as i pleased, and go where i wanted to go really grew on me. i've met many people between then and now. some made a lasting impression in my life that i can never forget. sometimes i wonder if i missed out by never marrying, but when i see the struggle others go through because they chose the wrong person to be with, it makes me glad i stayed single all my nearly 51 years of life. living alone may not work for everyone, but it has for me, and i wish the best of luck for all the next generation of young people who choose to do as many of us have done. greetings to everyone from san antonio texas 💚 💚 💚
Actually, for me it’s the privilege TO constantly talk. I talk to myself all the time, and now I can do it without disturbing anyone or leaking secrets
Living alone has its pros and cons, but it's also a chance for personal growth and self-discovery. Embrace this chapter of your life and make the most of it!
I have lived alone since the end of November 2004. I do not think I will ever cohabitate with anybody ever again. The freedom, independence, self-reliance, resourcefulness, and free time, is incredible! I have had no friends since the 8th of August at 18:34. There was a short four month adjustment period. But, I doubt I will ever be social again. The benefits of being social do not come close to the vast amounts of negatives that come along with being social. As for social isolation, the benefits are enormous and the negatives are actually very little. One does not know true freedom and peace until you live alone. If you have no friends nor acquaintances, that freedom and peace becomes near magical!
As a student who lived alone for 3 months by now, I can tell it's the best thing ever. Nobody who tells you what to do, nobody who's making noise, no arguments... just a peaceful life. I love it
Living alone helped me get peace and quiet from years of abuse. Not having to hear people argue yell and scream at each other has been nice . Now I can focus on setting some goals and taking care of important things in life . Still have a ways to go but finally getting to restart
Until you realize it's your choice and your decision. Sure you have friends, a family to sometimes talk to, but when its absolute solitude with no interaction, it does become a mental problem
@@Mark3nd want some interaction, go out and enjoy your friends. You don’t have to be a lone to have mental problems, so many now living with their families that already have that.
Rightly so, as Schopanhauer put it "A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free"
After living alone for years, I can honestly say that living with someone else would be difficult after all this time. I like to go places without answering to someone and just be free.
This video is soo true. I miss living by myself, I felt calmer, happier and had the freedom to do whatever i wanted, which lead to my productivity and creativity improving. Now that I'm back at my parents house (due to family matters), I don't feel free and dont enjoy staying with others as much. Funny things is that I'm less productive , creative and not as happy compared to when I lived alone.
Very true! I’m back to living w my mom and siblings for a bit and if I wanna read a book I can’t it’s almost never quiet or if I feel like crying I can’t cry without my mom asking what’s wrong lol (which isn’t a bad thing) point is I miss living alone it was just me and my dog and I have my solitude can’t wait till I have my own place again.
I agree, i can’t do so much stuff around others than I’d do alone, and besides that I dunno why, but when I’m around others full time, I get extremely lonely, but when I’m alone I feel complete...
I'm pretty introverted and honestly. There's nothing better than living alone. What they don't tell you is how quiet everything is. I love how I can control the energy and vibe of my place.
So true. There is this quote from Jane Erye I really love: "I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself."
Now that my husband is in a 6” x 6” x 8” box on the hearth, things are much quieter, and the cats are happier because they don’t get stepped on as much. He was 6’ 8 3/4” tall. He did most of the cooking after my rheumatoid arthritis got really bad. It got better, but he still cooked. I don’t cook, because I hate cleaning up the mess that results. I have to ask a friend when some chore needs a ladder, though.
@@coryburns9161 I no longer have someone much larger and stronger than I am having seizures and being a totally different, abusive person for up to 2 weeks after. No medications helped, and he wouldn't take them after a while, anyway. I lost my precious kitty that suffered wobbly cat syndrome because he put him outside and he vanished. (I suspect a neighbor shot him.) I told him over and over that Puff could not go outside, that he was not able to run from a threat. I don't have to change the bedding every other day or week because he had seizures and didn't come out of it to get to the bathroom. It's nice to just change them because it's time. I don't have to clean up urine off the floor because he thought the corner, the fireplace, the sofa, was the bathroom. Yes, he took care of me a good bit of the time. But, I think my RA was much worse because of my constant worry for him--he also drank at times, and once when drunk, he broke the foot board of our 4-poster bed because he grabbed the post when he was falling and the foot board split in half. He pulled a corner shelf of knick-knacks over on himself, twice. He had a seizure at the top of the 15 steps to our front door and rolled down them. He laid his face open on the cement steps in the back when he had a seizure. He had a seizure at church and it frightened the children there (good teaching moment, though). The constant worry did not help me at all. I'm more peaceful, if not exactly happier. There are things that I read or see that make me think "Mike would really like that". But, I'm no longer in constant, full-body pain from stress, either.
I can only speak for myself. In my early 20's, I had a hard time living alone. Always felt I should be married and start a family. I struggled to find a wife, I felt rejected by many, I was in a bad place mentally. Alcohol abuse, loneliness does not mix. I hit a low point. Some years later, I cleaned up, realizing what was happening to me was making me strong. Never been married to this day, now soon to be 47 years old. I grew to appreciate being on my own, a lone wolf. Got to keep busy, chase success to build wealth, find a hobby. I avoid laying around at home. I pump weights at the gym, I work on restoring my 1985 Chevy Camaro Z/28 I just bought recently. Love working on old classic cars. You have to enjoy your own company. I'm very happy with my life.
It’s great to hear that you’ve been doing well for yourself since then. As a 24-year-old man who most likely won’t ever have a wife and kids unless life leads me to a woman who’d be willing to be with a man like myself, I feel more comfortable knowing that people like yourself are out there and living happily. As an introvert, I’ve never really had an issue with being alone most of the time, and I certainly believe that the lone wolf mentality is such a strong attribute to have. I aspire to be like you when I get to that age, and knowing that it’s possible to make it on your own is all the motivation I need to do it myself. From one lone wolf to another, I thank you for this!
This video couldn’t have hit my screen any better than now…been living alone for more than 9 months now in a different fast paced city away from home. Truth be told, it’s been quite challenging…even lonely some days while other days like mentioned in this video…have danced to music like there’s no tomorrow…thank you for this video, it’s given me solace in this this rather tough and confusing time :)
The perfect life is based on: 1- Enjoying your work. 2- Having enough money. 3- Living a life you enjoy. 4- Sharing part of what you are and have with the people you chose to.
"having enough money" you say this so nonchalant as if its on the same playing field as forcing yourself to exercise. We live in a disgusting world where money is valued more than human life and simply "having money" is not that easy. Sometimes impossible.
@@gracealexandre3381 Even so, I still miss people and experience bitter loneliness. But I know God has as well. Even experiencing my own hurts acknowledging someone else is out there, who knows me, I have never felt utterly and completely alone. I'm thankful for that because things could be a lot different coming from a different perspective.
It's comments like this that reinforce that I am NOT selfish no longer being a service dog to others. I'm only responsible to my God Almighty, my fur ball canine and me. As I write this there is peace and tranquility all around me; I am free to be me without infringements.
@@mikejohn0088 you sound like you've had an abusive relationship, an abusive childhood, trouble in maintaining your boundaries, or a combination of the above. You don't need to let that decide your current life. Good people exist.
I love my little apartment it's so peaceful on my own and I have company when I decide, I eat the food I want when I want and watch my own tv in bed, since living on my own for the first time I've found inner peace
Living alone is awsome. No drama and knowing everything is done in your own time. Spread out in the bed. Eat whatever i choose. No needing to worry about getting in the bathroom. House always clean. The list goes on
True freedom is real independence no worries about anything but taking care of everything yourself. Just be your own person no-one to hold you back from being the person that you really want to be. No pressure to be something you are not comfortable with;☯️🧘🏻♀️👍🏻☺️ The purest form of hakuna matata. Sure there'll be challenges and obstacles but at least you decide how to conquer the everyday. You learn who you really are by yourself no strings attached to stunt your growth as a fully free person.🙆🏻♀️
You don't have to worry about having to cook for someone all day and doing things for everyone else but yourself. You're less stressed and could enjoy the peace and quiet. You can keep your place nice and neat because you don't have to worry about someone always messing it up.
Being alone is a blessing, this is how you build character. The amount of BS you consume in the name of friendship, relationships, and society is something that destroys your true self. Stay alone, you will know the meaning of life. This is my 22nd year of being alone, but not lonely.
I was in a toxic relationship for years, finally divorced and now I am enjoying all the perks highlighted here in the video 🙋🏻♀️ I feel so free🥰 and can spend more time with family and friends 😍 I can practice self care and put myself first ❤️
I have been healthier than ever since I started living alone, the more people contact you have the more likely it is that you will get sick. I used to get sick every winter from being around people at work. If you have a good relationship that's great for you, but there are too many people that are married and miserable, not for me, I'm happy alone. @@MiloMilo-z7t
@@MiloMilo-z7tif that’s the case then it’s much better being unhealthy than wasting your time on fake narcissistic people who use you for their entertainment play thing.
I was never good at sharing a home with others. on my own I can freely follow my ridged autistic routines and organization w/o anyone interrupting or changing things up all the time. also when you live alone you're completely free to say your thoughts out loud, argue with yourself about whatever struggle you have and if one thing has helped me become more decisive than it's hearing my thoughts in spoken words. it hits different when you say your ideas out loud. makes you able to think more clearly about them than when they're in a vacuum inside your head also, yes. I became my own handy person and learned to be completely independent. including able to mentally stabilize myself on my own
My second wife was a narcisstic abuser. We have a beautiful boy, we divorced but i can see him anytime. I live alone since and its a blessing. Never want to live with anyone again except my kid.
My worst regret was moving back in with family Now I feel drained 😢 and sad all the time. Can’t even have a lone moment, no peace, when your silent it becomes a problem. Living alone is the best way to grow and figure out who you really are
I know exactly the feeling, I'm going through same right now. No privacy. You can't even be yourself, but must live as per their rules. It's like that when God made you different from your family members. We are literally the black sheep! But God knows how I like who I am. Though it hurts, really bad, but I'm glad, He made me differently. 😊 Wish you strength and courage each day. And always Trust in God, no matter what ❤
After 5 years of living abroad I came back to my motherland and live with my family for some time untill my contract ends. I know it is just temporarily situation which ends in 2 months from now. After that I am off to go as I really want to live by myself and have my own life and routine.
True, I think they're an extrovert, they're always surrounded by a lot of friends, noise, and family. But for an introvert, it'll be easy to live alone, it may be hard sometimes but introverts can cope with loneliness coz they used to it.
@@mysteryuser7062 I think they are unable to consume life without having noise in it - guess they are afraid of what they will find if the noise of social stress goes away.
I think it's all down to what you want. I lived alone for years before I met my now wife and I absolutely loved it. Now however I have my wife, little boy and little girl and cannot imagine a house without the laughing and playing, thankfully I've enjoyed both sides of life and really appreciate where I am now. Whatever makes you happy, everyone have a fantastic Christmas. Alone or with friends and/or family. All of the very best 💙
As the child of a narcissistic mother who never respected my privacy, kept judging/criticizing everything I did and demanding my attention whenever she felt like it - living alone was the first time I felt completely safe in my own home and was able to actually relax.
I feel bad for the people who have never gotten to live alone, at least for a few months. You learn a lot about yourself doing it. Your habits, your hobbies, how you fill up your space. Everyone deserves the opportunity to peacefully nest and truly take that introspective dive.
@@master_cave most of the advice I would give is already in the above video, but there's a couple things I wish it touched on more: moving pains, and loneliness. When you first move into a new space, things will feel unfamiliar at first. And living in an unfamiliar space can have detrimental effects to your mood. Though once you start nesting and making it your own, that feeling does start going away. And with loneliness, you can either do what I did and embrace it to try and turn the whole ordeal into somethinv meditative, or look for excuses to leave the house. But you will have to look for them. Work, groceries, and other adult responsibilities may be the only reasons to leave the house some days, and spending too much time at home isn't good for you, so looking for excuses to leave the house becomes a skill you have to develop over time like cooking, cleaning, and repair. But how much time around the house is too much, and how much you'll resist excuses to leave, is different for everyone. So there will be some trial and error in figuring out what the right balance is for you.
As someone who migrated to a big city for employment, I absolutely enjoyed the time I lived alone. And it is so addictive. From the household chores, to maintaining a diet, doing free hand exercises, playing video games, sleeping at will..overall I was independent! Every person at one point in life should experience this. You become aware of your being instead of just existing.. I regret that I did not travel solo in the weekends. Like I mentioned, I loved being indoors. :)
Experiencing it right now in university and it feels really good to be alone but too much loneliness sucks and at one point I feel desperate to meet someone and talk
You moved into a big city?! Wow! Kudos to you. I did downtown Chicago; lasted 1 year. Couldn't take the hustle, bustle and NOISE! Ironically the people on the street would interact with me; here in Smallville USA. People almost never return my hi... Social niceties! Of course it is in the south.
As a man in my 40s, divorced, no kids, not many friends. Living alone sucks. Living alone in my 20s was great, now, not so much. I can see if you have a satisfying social circle, living alone might be great, but being alone most or all of the time is not good for most people.
This is what's not being talked about more often, Im in my late 20's and growing up I always thought living alone would be great and Im sure will be! But only in your 20's and early 30's. No one talks about what happens after that, what happens when you continue this path alone. Humans are meant to socialize, one or another, doesnt have to be an extroverted energy but the thought of having someone to communicate is important.
I can understand that if you're an extrovert (or missiing your kids regardless), but for introverts, forced socialization all day at work and then at home would be incredibly draining with not opportunity to recuperate. I'll take a few friends over an unrelentingly nagging wife anytime.
@@mattn9349 exactly, you just said it: "a few friends".. but what happens when you even have no friends?? being 100% alone, with no friends, family or a partner, simply sucks. We humans are not evolved to be in complete isolation, we're pack animals, we're social beings, no matter if you have 2 friends or 200.. we need people. No wonder most elders who live very lonely are always grumpy. And there are lots of studies that show that have a lonely life is very bad for your health. Not only mental, but physical. Some studies have shown that being very lonely is as bad as smoking 3 packs of cigarrettes a day. Lonely people die early, have more diseases, commits suic!d3 more often. Being an introvert is not the same as being lonely, but most people confuse those things. Its ok to be introvert.. being lonely isn't
@@mattn9349 You can find someone that matches your life style. So you can be intimate and open without feeling like your significant other is a mosquito of some sort. If you chose to be a parent then that's your duty as a father to be there for your kids. I don't think anyone can truly live without "time alone", that just sounds unrealistic & unhealthy.
Once you realize just how deeply anxiety impacts, hinders, and damages you, anything that alleviates it will bring such relief. Unfortunately, anything that irritates the anxiety is going to become more noticeable once you start figuring out how to find peace.
This entire video sounds like pure heaven. Peace, quiet, no forced conversations. For introverts and people who enjoy alone time, living alone is the most beautiful thing on earth.
I've lived with a few roommates and on my own. I had some bad roommates and some good ones, but in either case, I was always happier living on my own. Just feels more freeing. Same goes for traveling to places
I love living alone. I clean the bathroom and days later, it's still clean. No matter how bad a day I have, my home is always a peaceful refuge. I leave a lamp and the classical radio station on when I leave, so when I come home, I walk into a nice warm inviting home. Doesn't hurt to have a little furry friend too.
Have been living alone since me and my kids father broke UP 9 years ago, and is soo peaceful drama free, and I love IT, I talk to myself anytime anyhow and I walk naked almost everyday, lol is soo peaceful and really overwhelming, I won’t trade that for anything else,
Been living alone for 2 years now. At first it was tough as I was a very lazy person. Slowly I learnt to cook, do the laundry and keep the house clean. Now I really enjoy my time at home.
I love, love, love living alone! I left my husband at age 25 and am still living alone at age 73. There was no "learning" to live alone; it was everything I wanted. Sure, I had to do everything, make every decision, but that was the best part - my decision, my repair, my mowed lawn, my furniture, my job, my income, my freedom. It's been a satisfying life, even if challenging.
Had neighbors who died alone. One in the bathtub another hung herself. It took a week to find either of them because no one checked on them. The smell caused a wellfare check from the police. If you have animals they'll start to eat your corpse.
@@shadowtail4063 If I'm dead I won't care. I've determined that living alone is worth the trade off of vulnerability for peace and freedom. My grandmother lived alone in her house after her husband died, as many, many widows do, until she was 89 years old when I took her in until she died. I was 28 years old and it was not easy to do, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
This really depends on the mindset and situation you're in. First time i lived alone, i was at the rock bottom of my mental health. I was incredibly lonely, never spoke for months on end and had a messed up sleep and eating schedule. Today is the third year i live alone, and i'm doing great. I take myself out to visit museums alone, eat out alone and when i dont feel like going out i just stay at home and recharge, an i'm content like that. It's because my situations were different.
I love this video. The comments comfort me. I didn't know there were so many people who enjoyed being alone as much as I do. The peace you experience is priceless!! ☺️☺️☺️☺️
I'm 38, single my whole life, and I've been living alone since age 24. I must say even when I was living with my family I've always enjoyed being alone. When I was a kid, my teachers would ask my parents if I was okay and why I didn't socialize with other kids. Now that I'm an adult I socialize when I have to, but the time I'm happiest is when I'm alone. There's so much to create and learn. Living alone is not boring, it's just not for everyone. I guess the bottom line is you do what makes you happy while helping others along the way.
Socializing with other humans tends to drain me, unless that person is of a high vibration. So I'm best on my own. I don't have to worry about pleasing others or take on their traumas or expose them to my traumas.
This video is so healing. Lost both of my parents and when I lost my best friend aka my mom, life was so tough at the beginning. I had no sibling so home was the last place I want to be in. But now I’m loving it so much , I’m taking charge of my life and destiny. Learning to cook on my own, fixing things alone and enjoy the quietness at home. Of course there are times when I wish I have someone to talk to before going to bed, I learnt that we can’t have best of both worlds. I’ve learnt to speak up, ask for strangers help like how to pick a broccoli, an elderly grandma taught me how (blessed) etc. 😊 I now live with my 1.5yo dog and can’t be more grateful for her presence. I truly believe that people whom are okay to live alone are tougher individuals. Less reliant or expectations of others. I do get envious of my peers whom still have their parents to rely on such as fixing broken stuff or furniture, or always having a piping hot or cooked meal on the table waiting for them after work. Then again, I reminded myself that I’m learning independence at a younger age (Asian kid) so things may turn out better for me when I’m older after being forced to toughen up at a younger age. But a word of advice, please speak up and ask for help when needed. Helplessness kills. And you’ll be surprised how many genuine people are willing to help. You are not alone. ❤
me too. although i lost my mom when i was 30, i was always her little girl when she was around. we were best friends and i'm an introvert and refuse/can't really connect with other people. she was the best cook and i blame her for ruining my diet every time LOL. we enjoyed each other's presence the most. watching tv together, go for a night drive, shopping, and when the electricity's gone, i would play the guitar and she would sing the songs. i miss her so damn much. at first i was struggling to exist. but im learning everyday how to exist without her. being busy with work and games make it livable. btw i dont have siblings too so i know how lonely you feel. i miss her and sometimes i would talk to myself about our memories together because only me and her knew them. and nobody else care to listen anyway. and it became a comfort to me as though i was talking to her like always.
As a 46-year-old introvert, I can confirm that living alone can be addictive. However, I get the feeling that not having someone else around to...well...challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone in various ways may be holding me back in terms of personal growth. Over the last 10 years or so, I've been trying to "get out more" and "get involved" with other people more, to get closer to a happy medium. I am, still, very much an introvert who needs a lot of alone time to fully recharge, though. There are always tradeoffs.
Well I'm an extrovert and I don't like living alone at all. I miss having a boyfriend around or husband around someone to talk to watch a movie with talk to and sometimes it's just very lonely. I have to be around people. I've gone to all of those singles get-togethers and they're not fun unless you're in your twenties or thirties.
We will never stop being introverts and need some alone time to recharge, but it's okay. It doesn't stop you to appreciate meeting your friends or family and have good moments with them. That's what living and travelling abroad solo taught me, I still made great encounters while appreciating more being only with myself.
I feel the same way. I have lived alone for about a year and a few months now. It’s so easy to stay out from social things, but it’s because I’ve never gotten the relief like this before. It’s so nice and relaxing. But you can’t really change how you’re made. I still go out with friends and family things as much as I can. I try and have 1-2 days a month as my “recharge” days where all I do is sit at home and not leave the house. For me, it works very well. I can get out, but still have time for myself too
Someone told me "Peace is expensive." It's true. When I live with others, I mostly experience drama, chaos, violence, and noise. When I live alone, I experience freedom, peace, quietness, joy, etc. I love living alone. ❤❤
When the video says at the end. One day you need to learn to live by yourself. Does she mean you eventually need to literally live by yourself or does she mean eventually you need to learn how to handle your own responsibilities without having to constantly ask other people for help?
@@zk527 I think it depends on people whether you move out on your own you must learn to live alone or a job requires you to relocate and live out of the bounds of your social circle and setting or even if you have roomates they will move on eventually thus you are left alone even with a spouse or partner if you seperate or one of them dies you must face the void and live alone most likely though unless you die earlier in your home alone most will probably not end up alone as facilities tend to take the elderly and put them in nursing homes etc or family does it or the government once they decide you are incapable of making decisions and will be crammed with a bunch of nurses and strangers you don't know so most likely unless there are other factoring circumstances many of us may not die vicinity wise at least alone maybe in spirit but majority of the time someone will be watching and waiting to collect the body once the final breath is drawn if not eventually someone will uncover you and remember for a short moment you were alive and move on and forget you so that they may live before the inevitable promise of death comes for them to.
It depends on personality more than anything else. Some people are just ill-adapted to the ‘demands’ of independent living whoever they are but people high in extraversion (as sturdy as they might otherwise be) have a hard time being by themselves and trying to enjoy their own company without getting bored because they actively-draw energy from the people around them and often think there’s something inherently-wrong with people who actually choose to ride solo. That’s their loss.
I've lived alone most of my life. The hardest part has been when a family member has died and I didn't get the emotional support of a significant other. People think I can cope with anything because I have lived on my own so much but sometimes it's really hard.
I’m married and with a kid. Used to live alone in my little house. I honestly like either way. Living alone is great. Living with a good person is great. But it sucks living with a bad person. I’ve experienced all three in my life.
Bingo! I live alone but I am not lonely. I am sociable and make friends easily. I sometimes have people over when I want to. I like having fun with other people and then going back home to have peace and quiet.
I live alone, I am not lonely. A huge part of the problem with the people of today is the need to have others that validate your existence. Only when you can validate your own existence without the necessity of others, then you can truly begin to appreciate the things you do with others.
@@teravolt6113 sex is meant solely for the act of procreation only . Today people use it like a credit card and/or a drug ! Escorts? This reinforces my last statement that sex , or the possibility there of , is used like a credit card ! Cant afford life ? shack up with some one who can afford it and lie about how one feels to get what they want . This the basis for all relationships today . You will never see a destitute homless man walk down the aisle with a super model...Unless its a fictional hollywood flop by brendan fraiser ! For this reason we can deduce that "love" is an control word "..But I thought you loved me".."if you love me you will...." or my favorite " see how much He/she loves me , look at that price tag!" . "nothing says i love you like a deboers diamond" ..Lol stay single and keep your home your sanctuary! Stop trying to validate our existence by someone elses reproductive organs. Todaysmating rituals are concrete evidence we have not progressed past neanderthalic instinct since most folk spend their day pondering their landing strategy! Those whom require future employee /Consumer standards have created a false persona of the procreation process and as such humanity feeds the corporate regime with future production slaves and increased profit margins . stop popping out organic farm equipment and the world loses power over you !
Ever since I was a little kid, I knew I hated living with other people regardless of my relation to them. It took me a while to get my own place without any family members or roommates and it's been everything I've ever wanted! Initially, I was worried that living alone for an extended period of time would drive me literally insane but it's done the exact opposite. After seven years of independent living, I feel like I'm in the best shape mentally and physically that I've ever been in in my entire life. I know this kind of life is not for everyone, but it's worked spectacularly for me. The phrase "living your best life" is a little overused these days but I think it perfectly sums up my life right now!
Oh how I wish for my own place... It's been more than two years since I started really dreaming about it, but my problem is all the money I make I spend on my look, cuz I love to change my appearance often and also for traveling, so when I get back, I just have to start working again..:D I need to get a grip.
Yes, absolutely!! I'm still waiting for living alone because i need to have better control of my life, without no one else trying to control what i'm doing in my own house. But i still think that as such a social person i wouldn't want to just stay alone in the house. Think i might need a pet to keep the company with me😅
Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. They that believeth and are baptized (with the Holy Spirit) shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be damned. Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness. *God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE;* the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! *For these three are one.* As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him. Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.
Another truth many have been deceived of: When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE! Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals! The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil. I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God. Open your heart to God, repent of your sins (he will forgive you), and let him direct your path. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart, lest you walk with the devil and follow him to hell.
OMG I totally love living alone. I am a divorced woman, and I find it so liberating to come home to tranquility. You can do what you want. You don't have to answer to anyone. I have lived with roommates in the past, and some of them were so obnoxious. It's sad for those who are lonely and co-dependent, but for those of us who are happy and independent, living solo is a blessing.
I don't live alone but I still do as I please. I wear earplugs and ignore everything around me if I want to be alone. Works great and I don't have to pay full price on bills. Yip.
@@Itsblueeeeee you gonna pay my excess amount on my bills and rent? Because living alone is very costly unless you have two full time jobs and my life ain't about working. So donate to me and I'll live alone ✌️
Living together with people you can't stand anymore, is hell and worse than loneliness. When you live together with other people, and you are doing something for yourself, focusing on yourself, these people might even call you egocentric and a bad person. People judge you, only for caring about yourself and your own balance, and mental health. Finally being alone can be such a relief.
I'm actually living like this, since I've started my diet to get my health better my parents specially have taken it personally, every time that I decline every food that they offer to me they get pissed off even tho they know that I'm having health issues. It's the same every time that I decide to put my mental health first or even my pet's health. It definitely keeps getting harder to live like this, specially when you're working on your discipline and you live with people that doesn't have it.
I found that to be true at around 11-12 years of marriage. Thought that I married the love of my life but she grew down a different path. Religion became most important vs most everything. She became critical of so mny things & people while with me but put on a show with others. So grateful for every day now that I'm single. It is beyond priceless. To everyone, find your happiness, it may be breaking old rules of having to be with someone and enjoying yourself with more solitude. Go get it!
Never met my real parents, lived in an orphanage, grew up on it until i was 17 and joined the marines, now 19 years old i live alone in an apartment. To me living alone was the standard of my life
I lived on my own through 7 years of college in a different city. What dreads me the most about living alone is not "loneliness" but its when you get sick. I get sick often (fever, stomach issue, cold, atshma) and waking up weak, alone, with 39°c fever in the middle of the night is pure torture. There are times when I thought "tonight I will die, alone, right here, right now, because of this damn fever". Having no one to take care of you when sick is a nightmare. Live alone, yes, go and have those freedom, but don't forget to have emrgency contact (a family or friend) you can count on 24H.
I have a fear of choking. It did not really manifest itself like a phobia, I think, before, but I always lived with someone so far, never being alone for more than a few days. And... In those days, such fears did start to take a bit of a toll. I was very careful and conscious when I ate and drank, I double-checked if every window and door were properly locked, etc. Also, I am pretty strict about playful things such as tickling or even just hugging when I eat or drink. Let me swallow everything and stop, then we can be close and goof around. Because I genuinely am afraid that I will choke on something. And yes, when I am sick, I tend to rely on others for help, and ready to do so for them if they are sick, because it feels fair and a right thing to do. But when I am alone and sick - yes, this is horrible. So far I was never so sick that I would die if somebody would not help me. But I am afraid if such day would come and I won't be able to call the emergency services or open the door for them. If I need to be alone, I can say so and stay with my PC/laptop/smartphone in my room. It is fine. Not all of my interests align with the interests of people I live with or friends with. But that is totally different from being completely alone in a home and knowing noone comes from work at the evening or something.
Getting sick alone is terrible. Keep a bottle of sugary drink next to your bed. If you are sick, you cannot get out of bed and eat for several hours, you may begin hypoglycemia. This is a dangerous condition when your blood glucose levels drop dramatically. If you have a fever, glucose in your body is consumed especially quickly. It is enough to take a couple of sips of a sweet drink every hour. Also talk about hypoglycemia prevention with your doctor if you have diabetes. Be careful and read the information on the bottle. If it is a sweet drink, but without sugar, it will not prevent hypoglycemia and may improve the condition.
@@drakewarrior1013 Если у тебя боязнь задохнуться, попроси у терапевта в поликлинике направление в аллерго-респераторный центр к пульманологу. Тебе нужно сдать анализы. Может быть твой страх имеет основание - у тебя аллергия или астма. От этого существуют лекарства. И купи домой маленький кислородный баллон с маской и оксипульсометр, чтобы проверять на сколько твоя кровь насыщена кислородом. Либо носи смарт часы с функцией проверки крови на насыщение кислородом. Вместо того, чтобы бояться, лучше своими глазами в цифрах видеть, что с тобой всё в порядке, тебе ничего не угрожает организм полон кислорода. Даже если тебе реально станет плохо, можно надеть кислородную маску и у тебя будет несколько минут, чтобы позвонить в больницу или родным, либо друзьям, соседям.
@@UserUser-in6ig спасибо за советы. Я предполагаю, что это от нескольких случаев в детстве, когда рвота попадала мне в нос и я около минуты в худшем случае ощущал, что не могу сделать вдох, и не мог об этом сказать никак. Каким-то образом я в тех случаях откашлялся всё же. Но страх остался.
@@drakewarrior1013 Это было давно, зачем на этой неприятности зацикливаться? Смерть от рвоты - относительно редкое явление и чаще случается у малышей или у стариков в маразме, либо у конченых пьяниц. Я в университете когда учился видел статистику. Вы же к этим категориям не относитесь? Если боитесь внезапной рвоты, купите метаклопромид в таблетках или уколах и держите дома в аптечке. Это недорого. Если чувствуете, что поступает, примите препарат, он быстро подавляет рвоту, тормозя рвотный центр в голове. Но вообще, с таким вопросом лучше у невролога проконсультироваться и у гастроэнтеролога. Не бойтесь по врачам пройтись, больно не сделают. Сейчас с этим просто: запишитесь, обследуетесь, если не нравится лечение или боитесь процедуру - пишете отказ и до свидания. Никто сейчас насильно лечить не будет.
Spot on. Started living on my own without any roommates a couple months ago. The first two months were difficult. At times I even questioned my sanity. But I can feel the shift happening. I’m starting to take better care of my self and I’m beginning to realize how awesome this is.
It'll get better, trust me.. when I started living with roommates I was always drained, every decision had to be democratic and there wasn't much freedom to choose. There were times that I couldn't even express my emotions because they were around and my space was always being invaded but I since I started living alone it's been quite peaceful... Emotions and thoughts were free flying in a house with no one else, every decision was autonomous and I didn't have to wait on someone else's opinion, Even better I started slowly putting my life together.. when you're with people, putting you life together is a must so you don't bother someone else, but alone putting your life together is an actual decision being made coz it's what you want to fight for instead of what someone else wants Well, goodluck at your place I'm sure by now you are enjoying it alot
I am living alone for the first time at the age of 38. It really is an experience I think everyone should go through. I feel like I'm more in touch with myself than I ever have been. More at peace.
This is so true lol. I'm currently 23 and moved three hours away from home and started living alone last year. I learned a lot about myself for sure. Despite some of the super rough spots I've traveled through in my life since moving alone, at least I know I'm not crazy and just genuinely had a severe disorder affecting my life this whole time (was diagnosed w/ bipolar II). But realizing these things has created immense benefits, and I'm thankful to have been able to find these answers so early in life. Living alone is also quite peaceful, so long as your neighbors don't try to start crap lol. I live in a one bedroom one bathroom apartment a lot of my neighbors are just random single people around my age... you'd think we'd all socialize or something, but nah. Sadly that hasn't happened lmao, and some of the people here are just as heavily avoidant of other people as me HAHAHA
Was about to agree but do dogs and cats count as still living alone? 😅 Cause then technically I have never lived alone and never will. Could never live without a furry roommate.
I'm an introvert, and living alone feels like heaven to me. And this has greatly affected my relationship with my friends and family. I've only been in two relationships and they did not last long because no matter how I force myself, I always prefer to be alone as this keeps me more productive. My hobbies and interests kept on piling up over the years that I have no time for relationships or even small talks. I am now 37 and have no plans of settling down as I'm happy with where I'm at. Sadly, most people don't understand this, my family even thinks something is wrong with me, to the point that they started questioning my sexuality. They can't fully comprehend that there are people out there that don't live with the norm and go with the flow, they can't accept the idea that it's possible to be contented and happy being alone...hence I'm starting to think that those people just wanna drag me down to their norm because misery loves company, that they want me to taste the kind of misery they are experiencing...
Anyone who is outside societal 'norms' will usually be a big question mark for the majority, who fit nicely into the prescribed/programmed box. As a woman who chose not to have kids and worked in unconventional occupations, I feel you. Been married and divorced many years ago, had my share of relationships (non live-in), and have been living solo many years. Stay strong, live a life that works for you, and try not to let those others and their bewilderment get to you. They simply don't understand, and probably never will.
I 100% agree with you. I have lived alone for almost 25 years after losing my loving partner of 17 years I love my freedom and privacy. There is no drama and conflicts with roommates. Don't let anyone tell you that you should have someone there, taking up your space and time. Enjoy your freedom.
@@classicleslie6914 I do talk with others, most especially at work, I know when to turn it off and on...but outside the workplace that's when I prefer to isolate myself, I can socialize with somebody if we share the same interest, I can be the most talkative guy if we have the same passion for something. But if we're just gonna talk about nonsense and everyday stuff, then that's when I lose interest...like I said, I got a lot of hobbies like playing and producing music, drawing, creative writing, coding and so on. Considering 8 hours will be spent at my job, then 2 hours in freelancing, I'd only have little time to fulfill all of them, so socializing is really out of equation...and nope, I never feel lonely when I'm alone, it's totally the opposite, I feel happiness and satisfaction cuz that means I have the chance and freedom to do what I love to do
Living alone is essential to grow yourself and it beats living with people who make your life worse. But living with people who love you and whom you love is infinitely better both psychologically and physically.
@@renzo6490I feel you. I have people I love and who love and support me back. But I don’t ever want to live with them. Familiarity does breed contempt after all.
@@renzo6490 That depends on who are the people who love and support you. If that's your best mate who has a wife (or husband) and/or kids I wouldn't advice you to move in. But if you're in a long term happy relationship moving in is infinite joy and the next natural step in your development as a human being. Living with someone assuming your relationship is good will not only make you more relaxed and relieve you of some of the burdens (you'd share responsibilities) but also shapes your social skills, deepens your empathy and even helps your negotiation skills like nothing can because you both have to adapt to each other, to compromise, to negotiate daily, to understand each other, to communicate efficiently even when you're mad at each other. It's an effort that has tons of benefits in the end.
Living with low vibrational people or energetically mismatched people is wayyyyy worse than living alone. I’m living this now. Other people’s energy can be vampirism. I think there is a grieving process of letting go of dependency on others.
100% other peoples energy can suck the effing LIFE out of you. I just moved out of a house with absolute narcissist energy draining monsters and got out of a toxic relationship. I’m realizing the “grieving process” of letting go of dependency on others… I’m 23 and have NEVER been alone before and it’s quite terrifying. 2 days in and I’m a nervous wreck everyday!😅
@@UhKimbozeyeah there is something you can do about it... Go out, do something you've never done before, join a club, do a new hobby, join a gym. There's a lot of stuff you can do to overcome loneliness.
Being lonely is nothing but a signal that you are doing everything correctly to keep yourself safe, healthy, and self-reliant. Being social has far more negatives than positives. I have had nobody in my life since 8 August 2000 at 18:34. I do not even have coworkers on my shift nor acquaintances. I go weeks without seeing humans, save on television. My life is nearly magical because of all I have gained by just forgetting the false indoctrination that humans must be social to be happy and successful. I am both happy and successful and have no resemblance to any social existence at all. This semi-anonymous TH-cam rant is the closest thing I have to being social and it is just a video sharing site that invites comments. I use it to practice written English. Try social isolation. You will not believe how good it can be.
@@indridcold8433Going weeks without any human interaction seems dangerous to me. Something bad might happen to you and no one would notice for weeks maybe even months... Even though people can suck sometimes, I generally think people need each other, and we should compromise to some extent on some things. Maybe find people who suck/annoy you the least lol. But that's just my opinion
Thank you for this video! Learning to live on your own is one of the best lessons learned. I learned to be my own best friend as well as learn that it's OK to be bored. I did notice, I wanted to find a lot of distractions. I truly can appreciate how it is now I'm living together with my husband.
That’s a good point. I live with one other person but we have very different schedules so don’t see all that much of each other, very rarely would spend the day together but are sometimes in the house together on completely separate floors doing our own thing. I totally prefer this to being completely alone because it scares me to have no one else around and I can get quite paranoid. I think last time I was at home all evening from the early afternoon with just the pets and I ended up locking myself in the small bathroom toilet because it felt just safer to have only a locked door and no windows. It just feels safer to have a trusted companion in the house with me and I won’t go to bed without them having returned to the house, no matter how late that may be. Regardless, the alone time is nice because I don’t really care too much about what the pets think about my music taste and dancing😂
I am scared one side i love my family the other side i can't connect with them and they're toxic for me i wanna move so bad but am scared to end up feeling lonely and not able to handle such life but the current environment is no good either what should i do ? @janicecrose376
I lived alone for about 12 years total. I loved it. The house stays the way you left it, and you can shut out the world, when you need to. Best way to learn who YOU are.
@@invalidaccount6147 It took figuring out what I liked and didn't like and what my interests were without someone dictating to me what they wanted me to do. Nothing more gratifying than making your own way and becoming what you aspire to be.
@@errolm8313 I live alone and I dread the time when it's gonna be the time to live with somebody else. did you felt that too that you were going to have to stop enjoying your alone time to have someone with you constantly? was it difficult to say goodbye to living alone for the sake of starting a family?
@@drcanoro you know it's bittersweet. I miss the peace that I had when I was alone. I also miss the freedom that I had. I was only accountable for me, I only had me to worry about. I did what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted. But when I was alone I often worried about dying alone or falling gravely ill and having no one there to care for me or assist me (like I'd I were having a heart attack). But I do miss it, too be honest. But having someone there has its benefits too (sort of) - like I can enjoy life with her and share experiences with her. But we're incompatible in alot of ways and don't really enjoy alot if the same things.... I guess in a way this exposed me to new experiences that I otherwise wouldn't have taken part of. I guess there's pros and cons for both
@@drcanoro but she does let me take a few hours to myself every now and again when I ask for it. I love to travel alone and well..... That's still a work in progress bc we now have a kid.
You can't be late, you can't disappoint, you can't not participate, you can't allow anyone else's hate, you can't blame anything on others and they can't do it to you. What's not to love about taking care of you?
Just passed my 3rd month living alone and finally everything is starting to get better. My mental health, self care routine, direction in life and finances. It's such a beautiful experience. It is rough though. Proceed with caution. If you're not stable upstairs then maybe just maybe think about it
I have been living alone for a year, I think I am happier and a couple of people that know me say I act and look happier. I do miss having someone to talk to every once in a while, I am almost twice the age of the ones I work with and I don't really fit in with them so I just stay by myself at work. at times yeah I'm lonely but I do have a couple of cats and a neighbors dog that stays with me ( don't feel sorry for me) they are good companion but still miss having someone else to talk to, at least they are glad to see me and don't complain or back talk to me😆. Just hang in there and make the best of life.👍
Living alone did not work for me. I frequently had bouts of paranoia, including thinking my house was getting broken into, fearing a medical emergency and nobody would be around, or making a mistake that would put me in danger that nobody else would fix. It also amplified feelings of loneliness I already had, making them far worse. Living alone doesn't work for everyone.
This video is SPOT-ON!. I've been living by myself for going on almost 4 years now. And it's Awesome! No one to answer to, No kids hollering screaming running around. No unnecessary commotions to deal with. Just you and the silence all around you! I do feel much Calmer living alone! And if I want company, I just go hang out with someone. I don't need someone constantly living with me, nagging about my lifestyle and nit picking. I feel so at ease living alone! I can't go back to living with anyone.
@@Fer-fy8dx Thank you. I'm glad I could provide some insight. I'd rather live alone in peace. I tend to find it helps me quite a bit. As I've lived with people for so long. It's Inevitable. You're going to irritate each other, at some point. But some people put up with it. Such as in Marriages. Which I'm not saying is a bad thing. I just want to live a stress free life, outside of my job. In which I made it a point early in life, not to have kids. I wasn't cut out for the Family Life. After seeing from other's experiences. But, that's just my choice. And I do not regret it. At All. I'm Happy and Content! I hope you can make it on your own soon!
@@curlyhairdudeify Not true, some men can feel lonely too. And there is plenty of self-suficient, autonomous and independent women who do not need someone around.
I dreamt of this every, where I almost got close to getting alone I got a herniated disc... I live in constant pain and I can't lift more than 5kg alone.
You have no idea on what you are wishing... Enjoy your life while you live with other people, living alone is nothing close to what this video shows. Some days will get bad, really bad.
@@sillafeafea7766 I know the process of getting there will be hard, but I'm willing to risk it for the feeling of having my own place in where I call home. A place where I feel comfort in and will always have the things I need the most.
I'm an introvert and self-reliant, so I never had the beginning problems. I was immediately happy to be alone. My wallet wasn't happy, but it just felt like, FINALLY!! Some peace and quiet
Yeah. And cleaning whenever I wish, cooking whatever I want, etc. Not having to listen to anything I don't want to, except pigeons on the roof which I really hate, lol. I do feel lonely from time to time, because no GF at the time, but the overwhelming majority of time, living alone is pure bliss. I think even when I find a new GF, I will be very reluctant to move to her or let her move in with me.
Nah, 30% family/yourself (if quality time spend with family, its actually hearty for yourself too) 5% other being 15% games! 🐈 50% work! Life is wholesome bliss.. ^Living Alone = Life engulfed with neurosis!
@@Uns4rmLhr that's a one toxic take on living alone. If living with someone is good for you it doesn't make living alone horrible for all people. Good for you, stick to your business
Might say something about our choices re other people, yes? But people can change over time, too... including us. And some are very good about hiding their toxicity too, until they feel they can get away with it.
@@matthew8153you don’t wait for that time to come, you make it. Good things don’t generally just happen. You got to find the joy in it. Cook your favorite meal, do something you enjoy, change things up. Maybe try something you’ve wanted to do, but couldn’t when you were living with other people. It was much easier for me to find the joy in it because I was counting down the days until I moved out of my parent’s house. For an entire month straight, I woke up with a giant smile and would practically dance around my bedroom because I was so happy to live alone
Don’t forget the things they don’t tell you about living alone are some of the best things to find out on your own. This is my first time living alone and I’m only just 2.5 months in. I learned so much about myself just in such a little timespan. If you are single with no kids, LIVE ALONE and give yourself time to figure out what you like and what you don’t. It’s worth it! It can get boring but IT’S WORTH IT!!!!
How do I deal with the constant fight or flight I get when I think about living by myself? It feels like due to that feeling, I won't be able to persist with it.
@@gunnervin you might feel like that when you first move in but that feeling goes away quickly. You’ll adapt to living alone and if you ever feel too lonely, just get out the house and meet up with friends or loved ones.
I lived alone for more than 1.5years now and not even a single day of boredom. I always have office work to do and on weekends or holidays I have lot of things to do at home and watch. I only interact with people when I want to and sometimes I ride my bike or car and go to places and I have lot of people that I can have a conversation with who are business owners in my town. I meet friends sometimes but I got no time. Living alone is the best thing in this world.
"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone." - RobinWilliams
Nah, it’s being sentenced to a lifetime of loneliness after losing a soulmate.
@@kaydens6964 facts
This one hits deep.
Hits hard
Over 60 years ago, my mom told me a person has to be able to live alone without being lonely before they look for a mate. Good sound advise even today.
If you want a mate....pay the rent for the weekend.
I🙂 already have two mates, ME🤠, and MYSELF😎. We don't need anyone else to ruin our lives. ME🤠, MYSELF😎, and I🙂; we make a great team together!!
How’s that working out?
@@watitduful It's working out terrific! It's Heaven on Earth!
So the only time you should look for a mate is when they have nothing to offer you? Why would you look at all if they'll never be of value to you?
As an adult, I've lived with family, lived with roommates, been married, and lived alone. The best by far is living alone. I've never found it lonely. I've found it freeing.
We enter this world alone and leave it alone.
It can be both. Freeing and lonely aren't mutually exclusive things.
I agree, had over 9 roommates in a 7 year period. It’s been two months now. Still hard sometimes, but think of all the crap I put up with.
It's all about how do you treat yourself 🤝🏻
@@josiane2005 als die 2005 in je naam iets betekent, ben jij nog niet eens meerderjarig. In dat geval maak je je druk over dingen die je nog niet hebt meegemaakt.
Uit ervaring met meerdere situaties bij zowel mezelf als anderen heb ik een wijze raad voor je: zoek iemand van het andere geslacht die jou aanvult en die jij aanvult, ga pas samenleven wanneer je bent getrouwd, erken dat verliefdheid een gevoel is en dat liefde veel verder gaat dan dat (maar ook iets is waar je in moet investeren).
Iedereen in mijn omgeving die naar bovenstaande leeft, is daar gelukkiger mee dan degenen die andere routes kozen.
Mensen die beweren liever alleen te zijn, vormen de uitzondering. Die mensen hebben dikwijls of een trauma, of een mentale stoornis zoals autisme, waardoor ze meer moeite hebben om met iemand samen te leven. Voor die minderheid is het inderdaad (in elk geval op korte termijn) beter om alleen te zijn.
I'm 43, and I have always lived alone since I left my parental home at 18. I just want to say to all youngsters out there that it's OK living on your own. It's true that you get used to it. It's such a special kind of freedom! ❤
What if you want to live alone, but can't because your family depends on you. Not only financially but let's say when it is needed to go to the grocery store, do the cleaning and other chores. My family can do this on their own but it would be more time-, energy-consuming, less comfortable, in brief harder. I love my family but our relationships got toxic over the last 4 years and I wish I could live alone for at least a year
@@arsenzharassov7397 sometimes letting them do it the less efficient way/ less comfortable way is fine. Do they need to be perfect at it? No, because you're not either. Some of your obligations seem self-imposed. Talk to them, work with them, do whatever you need to do to ensure you get your own space too. Communicate your needs and desires. And most importantly, don't forget how blessed you are to have family to take care of and a home to live in.
@fengariii Thank you. I agree with you. And there are plenty of people, families whose lives are much more challenging. It's just frustrating that not everyone can leave their parental house without affecting them(emotionally, financially etc.). In my case, we are a single-parent family. If my parents were still together, I am sure things would be different.
I'm 80 and have been alone, but not lonely, for the majority of my life. I'm VERY happy and don't have to please ANYone but myself.
@@jerrycallender9352 Sounds lovely :-)
Had to learn all this. My tips:
- cook for the week and keep it stored in separate containers. You'll only have to heat it up when you get home.
- learn to fix things in your home yourself. It will put your focus on something good and improve your self-esteem long term
- find friends that can go to the pub/cafe with you after work at least once a week. I know it's difficult to make friends, but it's a skill we all have to learn 😢
- start enjoying music again. Start following new releases from artists/styles you like. A home with music playing is not so lonely anymore
- enjoy all the good parts
And get creative! Write that novel. Paint that painting. Learn a craft. You've got the space & time for it.
Cool. I've been thinking of trying that out for a while now (cooking for the week).
Thank you
@@dms-f16tbh i wanna make a manga that becomes an anime, only problem i don't live in japan for it to become a Manga... And ain't that financially well
1. No. Better buy groceries for half a week but plan to cook something different every day or every second day. Eating same stuff all the time will get boring quickly. There is too many recipes to try and improve. Food 3-7 days old or even next day is not as tasty as freshly made one with fresh ingredients.
2. You can't learn how to fix something if it's not broken. You will learn once you break things or things break on their own with time. You can't focus on that and learning that in theory when it can occur in two years is useless as you can forget how to do it and won't use it in practice.
3. You can make friends in many places, best look for group online and try to join some events that are suitable for newcomers. I never liked drinking coffee, specially going out just to do that so I bet I am not the only one.
4. Or just listen to music you listened to 10 or 20 years ago. There are so many artists and music online that you won't be able to listen to everything even if you spend life on it anyway.
The biggest problem with living alone is that it's not affordable for most people
I have never lived with anybody in my life, save my parents when I was a child. It was hard at first, but not tremendously until I got my current job. I even work completely alone and go weeks without seeing humans, save on television. It is not bad, like doctors say.
@bobsacamano7653 Well, biggest problem with living is that it's not affordable for most people to take medical care, education, eat, have their hair cut and get things what they want. If I say these things does not sounds weird to you? Life does not give you everything, things need to be achieved. It's not a problem, it's a challenge. Your needs has value and you have to provide the cost.
That's exactly the opposite, when you are alone you have no family or children to feed. That means you can enjoy all your money on your self.
Living on my own is the best thing to happen to me; I woke up smiling for MONTHS. MONTHS. No stress, no compromise, no having to worry about others….no yelling, no fighting, no belittling….it’s awesome.
I had mixed feelings at first because managing my own finances was hard, pulling myself out of bed was a struggle, etc. But at some point even when I was alone doing nothing in my own dorm I felt calmer than when I did nothing living in my parents’ house. Even when the house was quiet I had this feeling that someone would be mad out of nowhere. Even when everything is calm I hated that there was practically no boundaries set on opening doors. My mom randomly barging in gave me anxiety. Living alone did wonders for my mental health.
I'm not giving it up for nothing. It's noisy enough listening to other people's mess. I can just focus on me. And realize that it's actually ok. I'm watching divorced women find their freedom within themselves and are so happy. Very inspiring in today's climate to chill with ones own self without stress or worry. Feels really awesome. More should try it. Maybe one day it'll be trendy to be emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Until this I'll just do it alone for now. Peaceful either way🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿💕💖♥️💚
@@Enoxificatti Yeah man. I still live alone but I go to parties and do university stuff. It’s great.
Living alone may be great, but only if you're healthy. Imagine living alone, and then you break a leg and can't walk for half a year. Or imagine living alone, and then you have a sudden heart attack and no one is there to help you. Yes, if you're 20-30 years old then living alone may seem fine. But if you're older then there's a chance that you will not only live alone but also die alone, in your own piss and shit, and nobody will be there for you at that moment. Though, for some people this may be a fair trade.
@@Redistributable if rather this be my outcome than be around people trying to abuse me to make themselves happy.
I just can't comprehend why so many people are afraid of lonelyness, I've been a loner my whole life and I enjoy it so much, even when I decide to socialize a little, I am always eager to get to my little hiding spot at the end of the day.
So am I - only thing I struggle with is when something breaks or needs maintenance and you don't know who to turn to, how much it costs and who will rip you off or just make you feel uncomfortable in your house. That's is the only thing that terrifies me about living alone.
@@mollytabitha8851 That's where You Tube comes in handy!
And then you get into an accident that puts you on a wheelchair for life... and suddenly all the perks coming from living alone disappear.
I'm 30+, lonely all my life. I feel comfortable living alone the way an alcoholic feels comfortable downing another bottle. Doesn't change the fact that when sobriety kicks back in, it kicks hard. I feel absolutely terrified thinking about what my life will turn into within the next two to three decades. That's the reason I keep myself occupied at all times. Cleaning, gaming, lifting weights, cooking, working-anything will do as long as it keeps me distracted.
@@yarpen26 You're too attached to your body. That will only cause suffering in the long run. Learn to detach and enjoy life. Life is temporary. We all end up in the same place sooner or later.. so what's the point in living your life in fear for the short time you have here? Just forget about it and enjoy your life for what it is, to the extent that you can.
I was diagnosed with diabetes 8 years ago, and for the first year after that I felt as you do. I was terrified of being alone, of potentially ending up in a coma or ending up immobilized somehow and stuck like that for a long time before someone could find me. My family didn't visit much and the only contact I had was through my phone. I was miserable and trying to distract myself with anything i could. I even dreaded going back to my own apartment in the evening and sometimes I'd leave the door open at night "just in case" something "happened" to me.
My own fear made me go through hell when I could have lived relaxed and at peace.
It all changed when I realized that I'm just feeding my own suffering in what is just a temporary life. I'm not going to live forever in this body no matter what I do. It will eventually decay and die. So what's the point of struggling and fearing for the future?? Is a life where you just sit and cower in fear even worth living? Let go and live with confidence. Stop thinking about the next 2-3 decades.. not even tomorrow is certain. Enjoy the only time where you can do anything: the present. Stop selling it off in exchange for silly worries about the future.
I wish someone told me all this when I was freaking out over my diagnosis. It would have made that first year living with my condition a lot less stressful.
There are a lot of people who go crazy when being alone. Thats why many went nuts during lockdown and still carry the scars. I am a loner myself, I wouldnt mind a partner, but am ok with myself and the cats.
I love living alone. No drama is the main reason. It's a freedom ,to get to know yourself , be yourself,and love yourself. It's actually priceless.
I would agree. Doing what I want whenever I want. Living with someone is definitely NOT worth it. Learn that "no man can live without a woman" (Oh , And gays don't exist ?) is just propaganda and you'll enjoy it like heck !
Living alone is ok. The only problem you have anyone to help you fix things. I lived at home till I was 30. I never had any privacy and couldn't do things I wanted to do. My mother had problem with me staying up late. When I didn't have a tv to watch I would stay up from 11:00pm to about 4:00am reading. My mother would holler "turn out the light , shelly ". She would be asleep pm the couch. It was the only time could get any time to myself.
She would murmur it out half asleep again. She did it mostly to be annoying. Now I can stay up no matter what. It's been 35 years. I wished things had been different so I could have had more than this , but I go out and associate without being questioned, and having to argue about things when I come home.
When people do it needlessly that is what creates friction and they don't get along.
With me I'm happy with my animals and tv , washer. 😉
@@kokodjamba6657 I know not everyone wants to be alone. If that is not good you should have not be alone. Now do I am not totally alone have friends that live around me. We're not too associates unless we are outside and talk a little. I try not to disturb the other tenanates.
I am not against anyone wanting company.
@@kokodjamba6657 I am 69 and happy and content.
Yeah can't wait to move out one day
Someone once said being alone is dangerous because once you see how peaceful and quiet it is you’ll never wanna talk/deal with anyone again.
That's a good thing, that means no drama and BS.
@@josiahjacinto4156 fr
It’s kind of the opposite too though. Once you reclaim your personal time you have more energy for being around and dealing with other people.
@@josiahjacinto4156if you think talking to someone/ dealing with them only causes drama and bs then which ppl were you around 💀
Yet you wrote a comment here
Just take care of 2 things:
- Don't leave the stove on.
- Don't forget the keys.
Yes. You can't allow yourself to be dipsy-doodle if you live alone ...otherwise you could get in bother rather fast. Try to make backup plans for certain eventualities (leaving a spare key with somebody you trust is a good one.) But then keep your wits about you. However, it's a good idea to develop that skill anyway; it's not fair to dump dipsy behaviour on the person you live with either.
I left the gas stove on twice the same day 😮
Once heating up oil in a frying pan for breakfast , then in the evening boiling cloves in water to make tea .
Both times , I was distracted by something on utube or my tablet .
Thankfully , both times I remembered in time to save a mini catastrophe , that may have turned into a major one .
That's definitely one drawback of living alone . 🤔
You can report sick if you leave the keys home 😅
Well I’m married and my spouse has left the stove on and left the wallet and his keys in the car a few times.
-Don't forget to put on some clothes before going outside (optional)
Silence is gold. Peace and quiet is priceless.
Being alone and being lonely are 2 entirely different things.
@@Irfaanrasheed0310 just because ur alone doesn’t necessarily mean ur lonely
@@Irfaanrasheed0310 ever take a shit? thats alone not lonely
I always preach this. Being alone can be so beautiful.
and being lonely is pure aids
After a couple of toxic relationships I’ve found out that living alone is ideal for me. No nagging, no headaches, no drama, no financial strain
Exactly! Especially the no nagging part lol
🙏ya. Live and let live🙏
I can imagine that being true for many people. Who knows, that might be my fate eventually, even though we make our own. Although I would’ve thought in many cases financially, you would be better off living with other people. Housemates being just one of them.
I wish you luck in finding the right spouse, I also agree about the nagging part lol.
Living alone is WONDERFUL. I've been living alone for 10 years now and I can't imagine ever living with others again. It's so relaxing and quiet. No noise no drama.
What a luxury , happy life
Can't wait, hopefully in 4 months I'll be there too, buying first home, been housesharing and dealing with housemates for far too long now.
Thanks, it gives me hope
I definitely enjoy my own space and can even sometimes go a whole day without saying anything verbally, but I also worry eventually what kind of person I might become, if I don’t spend my life with other people outside of work, let alone a partner or lover to live with. There’s the difference I guess between how you feel in the moment, and how you believe you will feel in the future and how you look back on your past. I feel in many ways, it’s almost like ticking something of a bucket list to make sure you’ve at least lived with people once, rather than not having done so at all. Kind of like love. That’s where I am right now.
We are all different people though, and if it works for some people not to live with others ever again, then that is entirely their choice in the long run.
i've been living alone for almost 25 years. it was difficult at first because i was used to living in a house with family, but as time passed, the freedom to do as i pleased, and go where i wanted to go really grew on me. i've met many people between then and now. some made a lasting impression in my life that i can never forget. sometimes i wonder if i missed out by never marrying, but when i see the struggle others go through because they chose the wrong person to be with, it makes me glad i stayed single all my nearly 51 years of life. living alone may not work for everyone, but it has for me, and i wish the best of luck for all the next generation of young people who choose to do as many of us have done. greetings to everyone from san antonio texas 💚 💚 💚
Honestly it’s a privilege not having to talk constantly. Silence has no price.
Yes. I can literally read a whole book the entire day and be happy, zero interactions is bliss
Especially if it's someone with single minded interest that is in no way comparable to your wide range of interests
In today's economy the privilege is being able to afford living alone
Don't exaggerate. @@SemekiIzuio
Actually, for me it’s the privilege TO constantly talk. I talk to myself all the time, and now I can do it without disturbing anyone or leaking secrets
Living alone has its pros and cons, but it's also a chance for personal growth and self-discovery. Embrace this chapter of your life and make the most of it!
Love this advice ❤
So true
It's likely the final chapter for a good deal of humans' lives.
I've spent my early twenties learning fighting games. They are so fun, made me learned to accept defeats and learn from it, no regret.
I have lived alone since the end of November 2004. I do not think I will ever cohabitate with anybody ever again. The freedom, independence, self-reliance, resourcefulness, and free time, is incredible! I have had no friends since the 8th of August at 18:34. There was a short four month adjustment period. But, I doubt I will ever be social again. The benefits of being social do not come close to the vast amounts of negatives that come along with being social. As for social isolation, the benefits are enormous and the negatives are actually very little. One does not know true freedom and peace until you live alone. If you have no friends nor acquaintances, that freedom and peace becomes near magical!
As a student who lived alone for 3 months by now, I can tell it's the best thing ever. Nobody who tells you what to do, nobody who's making noise, no arguments... just a peaceful life. I love it
I have lived alone for 6 yrs. I'm 18😔
me too, I've lived alone for 8 years and i definitively wanna be like this all my life
I'll start living alone from today
I hate people in my space because they suck the life out of you. You don't know who they are and never will.
Living alone helped me get peace and quiet from years of abuse. Not having to hear people argue yell and scream at each other has been nice .
Now I can focus on setting some goals and taking care of important things in life . Still have a ways to go but finally getting to restart
It’s quiet, it’s clean, no fight, no noise, your space your rules.
Yes especially the clean part
Until you realize it's your choice and your decision. Sure you have friends, a family to sometimes talk to, but when its absolute solitude with no interaction, it does become a mental problem
@@Mark3nd want some interaction, go out and enjoy your friends. You don’t have to be a lone to have mental problems, so many now living with their families that already have that.
@@Mark3nd Tell me you're an extrovert without telling me you're an extrovert 🙄
I luv ❤️ it.....
It's much more difficult living with others than living alone. I love it!
Rightly so, as Schopanhauer put it "A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free"
After living alone for years, I can honestly say that living with someone else would be difficult after all this time. I like to go places without answering to someone and just be free.
I know.. I miss it a lot lately!!
Of course its so much better living alone than living with toxic people
There are times I wish I had someone to share my life with, but there are a lot more times when I am glad I am alone.
Same here
So im not crazy 😂
the same for me
@@ForGlory1who knows, I guess you’re the best judge of that, but living alone doesn’t exempt you from being crazy 🤷🏽♀️
Living alone has never been boring for me. Even when I have people around, I still want my space from time to time.
This video is soo true. I miss living by myself, I felt calmer, happier and had the freedom to do whatever i wanted, which lead to my productivity and creativity improving. Now that I'm back at my parents house (due to family matters), I don't feel free and dont enjoy staying with others as much. Funny things is that I'm less productive , creative and not as happy compared to when I lived alone.
Very true! I’m back to living w my mom and siblings for a bit and if I wanna read a book I can’t it’s almost never quiet or if I feel like crying I can’t cry without my mom asking what’s wrong lol (which isn’t a bad thing) point is I miss living alone it was just me and my dog and I have my solitude can’t wait till I have my own place again.
What happened to stop living alone
agree with you 100% on productivity.
I agree, i can’t do so much stuff around others than I’d do alone, and besides that I dunno why, but when I’m around others full time, I get extremely lonely, but when I’m alone I feel complete...
You're cool
I'm pretty introverted and honestly. There's nothing better than living alone. What they don't tell you is how quiet everything is. I love how I can control the energy and vibe of my place.
So true. There is this quote from Jane Erye I really love: "I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself."
Now that my husband is in a 6” x 6” x 8” box on the hearth, things are much quieter, and the cats are happier because they don’t get stepped on as much. He was 6’ 8 3/4” tall. He did most of the cooking after my rheumatoid arthritis got really bad. It got better, but he still cooked. I don’t cook, because I hate cleaning up the mess that results. I have to ask a friend when some chore needs a ladder, though.
@@sophierobinson2738 are you really happier with your husband dead he took care of you from what you say
@@coryburns9161 I no longer have someone much larger and stronger than I am having seizures and being a totally different, abusive person for up to 2 weeks after. No medications helped, and he wouldn't take them after a while, anyway. I lost my precious kitty that suffered wobbly cat syndrome because he put him outside and he vanished. (I suspect a neighbor shot him.) I told him over and over that Puff could not go outside, that he was not able to run from a threat. I don't have to change the bedding every other day or week because he had seizures and didn't come out of it to get to the bathroom. It's nice to just change them because it's time. I don't have to clean up urine off the floor because he thought the corner, the fireplace, the sofa, was the bathroom. Yes, he took care of me a good bit of the time. But, I think my RA was much worse because of my constant worry for him--he also drank at times, and once when drunk, he broke the foot board of our 4-poster bed because he grabbed the post when he was falling and the foot board split in half. He pulled a corner shelf of knick-knacks over on himself, twice. He had a seizure at the top of the 15 steps to our front door and rolled down them. He laid his face open on the cement steps in the back when he had a seizure. He had a seizure at church and it frightened the children there (good teaching moment, though). The constant worry did not help me at all. I'm more peaceful, if not exactly happier. There are things that I read or see that make me think "Mike would really like that". But, I'm no longer in constant, full-body pain from stress, either.
I can only speak for myself. In my early 20's, I had a hard time living alone. Always felt I should be married and start a family. I struggled to find a wife, I felt rejected by many, I was in a bad place mentally. Alcohol abuse, loneliness does not mix. I hit a low point. Some years later, I cleaned up, realizing what was happening to me was making me strong. Never been married to this day, now soon to be 47 years old. I grew to appreciate being on my own, a lone wolf. Got to keep busy, chase success to build wealth, find a hobby. I avoid laying around at home. I pump weights at the gym, I work on restoring my 1985 Chevy Camaro Z/28 I just bought recently. Love working on old classic cars. You have to enjoy your own company. I'm very happy with my life.
you'll be my age soon.
I have a 1985 Corvette, my profile picture. But 29 years atm.
It’s great to hear that you’ve been doing well for yourself since then. As a 24-year-old man who most likely won’t ever have a wife and kids unless life leads me to a woman who’d be willing to be with a man like myself, I feel more comfortable knowing that people like yourself are out there and living happily. As an introvert, I’ve never really had an issue with being alone most of the time, and I certainly believe that the lone wolf mentality is such a strong attribute to have. I aspire to be like you when I get to that age, and knowing that it’s possible to make it on your own is all the motivation I need to do it myself. From one lone wolf to another, I thank you for this!
@@brock_decoy70 no problem. I appreciate your words. Thank you. Stay strong in this crazy world.
This video couldn’t have hit my screen any better than now…been living alone for more than 9 months now in a different fast paced city away from home. Truth be told, it’s been quite challenging…even lonely some days while other days like mentioned in this video…have danced to music like there’s no tomorrow…thank you for this video, it’s given me solace in this this rather tough and confusing time :)
The perfect life is based on:
1- Enjoying your work.
2- Having enough money.
3- Living a life you enjoy.
4- Sharing part of what you are and have with the people you chose to.
I hope to get there some day
@@tiffanykim2773 u will if u try your hardest wish u all the best
"having enough money" you say this so nonchalant as if its on the same playing field as forcing yourself to exercise. We live in a disgusting world where money is valued more than human life and simply "having money" is not that easy. Sometimes impossible.
Loneliness only happens when you spend your alone time wishing you were with other people.
That's the truth
Exactly I see it as a win. I’ll hangout with friends and family but it’s always nice to come home to your own space it’s freedom
@@ryans413 yeess freedom!
How anyone can be alone with God in the same room really makes no sense to me. ❤
@@gracealexandre3381 Even so, I still miss people and experience bitter loneliness. But I know God has as well. Even experiencing my own hurts acknowledging someone else is out there, who knows me, I have never felt utterly and completely alone. I'm thankful for that because things could be a lot different coming from a different perspective.
I love living alone. I can't imagine having someone in my space anymore. It's so relaxing.
It's comments like this that reinforce that I am NOT selfish no longer being a service dog to others.
I'm only responsible to my God Almighty, my fur ball canine and me.
As I write this there is peace and tranquility all around me; I am free to be me without infringements.
@@mikejohn0088 you said it better than I. ❤
The feeling is just building up. We are humans after all.
Same, bro. I don't ever want a roommate. Single occupancy people unite!
@@mikejohn0088 you sound like you've had an abusive relationship, an abusive childhood, trouble in maintaining your boundaries, or a combination of the above.
You don't need to let that decide your current life. Good people exist.
I love my little apartment it's so peaceful on my own and I have company when I decide, I eat the food I want when I want and watch my own tv in bed, since living on my own for the first time I've found inner peace
Living alone is awsome. No drama and knowing everything is done in your own time. Spread out in the bed. Eat whatever i choose. No needing to worry about getting in the bathroom. House always clean. The list goes on
That Entire Part! FACTS! 💯🪬🕉️🙏🏾
100 %🌼🌿 happiness comes from within yourself
- After finishing long toxic relationship -
True freedom is real independence no worries about anything but taking care of everything yourself. Just be your own person no-one to hold you back from being the person that you really want to be. No pressure to be something you are not comfortable with;☯️🧘🏻♀️👍🏻☺️ The purest form of hakuna matata. Sure there'll be challenges and obstacles but at least you decide how to conquer the everyday. You learn who you really are by yourself no strings attached to stunt your growth as a fully free person.🙆🏻♀️
You don't have to worry about having to cook for someone all day and doing things for everyone else but yourself. You're less stressed and could enjoy the peace and quiet. You can keep your place nice and neat because you don't have to worry about someone always messing it up.
@hadassah-rcy88 true that 💯
Being alone is a blessing, this is how you build character. The amount of BS you consume in the name of friendship, relationships, and society is something that destroys your true self. Stay alone, you will know the meaning of life. This is my 22nd year of being alone, but not lonely.
I was in a toxic relationship for years, finally divorced and now I am enjoying all the perks highlighted here in the video 🙋🏻♀️
I feel so free🥰 and can spend more time with family and friends 😍
I can practice self care and put myself first ❤️
You are never alone unless you don't allow the Spirit to be within your soul. Open and ask for Him to enter and allow Him in!
I really love this perspective of being alone. Never thought this way. Kudos
"Don't Ask" Agree.
Living alone is not lonely, it’s freedom and independency. You feel like a grown adult
But, ur alone!! It's not healthy
I know that all too well.
I have been healthier than ever since I started living alone, the more people contact you have the more likely it is that you will get sick. I used to get sick every winter from being around people at work. If you have a good relationship that's great for you, but there are too many people that are married and miserable, not for me, I'm happy alone.
@@MiloMilo-z7tif that’s the case then it’s much better being unhealthy than wasting your time on fake narcissistic people who use you for their entertainment play thing.
@@MiloMilo-z7t being dependent on others too much is unhealthy too.
I was never good at sharing a home with others. on my own I can freely follow my ridged autistic routines and organization w/o anyone interrupting or changing things up all the time.
also when you live alone you're completely free to say your thoughts out loud, argue with yourself about whatever struggle you have and if one thing has helped me become more decisive than it's hearing my thoughts in spoken words. it hits different when you say your ideas out loud. makes you able to think more clearly about them than when they're in a vacuum inside your head
also, yes. I became my own handy person and learned to be completely independent. including able to mentally stabilize myself on my own
Living alone is a blessing especially if you have ever lived with worrisome and annoying people before gaining the freedom to be yourself.
Agree,living with my parents was so stressfull because of my father,the day I started living alone were the most peacefull days of my life.
My second wife was a narcisstic abuser. We have a beautiful boy, we divorced but i can see him anytime. I live alone since and its a blessing. Never want to live with anyone again except my kid.
My worst regret was moving back in with family
Now I feel drained 😢 and sad all the time. Can’t even have a lone moment, no peace, when your silent it becomes a problem. Living alone is the best way to grow and figure out who you really are
So true!
I know exactly the feeling, I'm going through same right now. No privacy. You can't even be yourself, but must live as per their rules. It's like that when God made you different from your family members. We are literally the black sheep!
But God knows how I like who I am. Though it hurts, really bad, but I'm glad, He made me differently. 😊 Wish you strength and courage each day. And always Trust in God, no matter what ❤
100% living with family geta draining
After 5 years of living abroad I came back to my motherland and live with my family for some time untill my contract ends. I know it is just temporarily situation which ends in 2 months from now. After that I am off to go as I really want to live by myself and have my own life and routine.
I feel sorry for people that can't be alone and have to always be around someone else. I m fine being alone and will never change.
True, I think they're an extrovert, they're always surrounded by a lot of friends, noise, and family. But for an introvert, it'll be easy to live alone, it may be hard sometimes but introverts can cope with loneliness coz they used to it.
i never live alone ...and wondering how it feels like and if i can survive being one
@@justsomeone6099 I absolutely despise noise, especially just from people who are loud. Do extroverts like that?
@@mysteryuser7062 I think they are unable to consume life without having noise in it - guess they are afraid of what they will find if the noise of social stress goes away.
I think it's all down to what you want. I lived alone for years before I met my now wife and I absolutely loved it. Now however I have my wife, little boy and little girl and cannot imagine a house without the laughing and playing, thankfully I've enjoyed both sides of life and really appreciate where I am now. Whatever makes you happy, everyone have a fantastic Christmas. Alone or with friends and/or family. All of the very best 💙
Lucky you
Best wishes ❤
As the child of a narcissistic mother who never respected my privacy, kept judging/criticizing everything I did and demanding my attention whenever she felt like it - living alone was the first time I felt completely safe in my own home and was able to actually relax.
Oh i can relate to this. Except both my parents are narcissists and I'm still stuck with them 😢
@@HailZodYou're not the only one who's stuck. I feel your pain. Do you have a plan? A way out?
Well done, keep going
My mother would go through my room looking for anything hidden, even my trash bin.
True. Find ur own way bro. Cheers
I feel bad for the people who have never gotten to live alone, at least for a few months. You learn a lot about yourself doing it. Your habits, your hobbies, how you fill up your space. Everyone deserves the opportunity to peacefully nest and truly take that introspective dive.
I'm 17 but i desparately want to live alone because i geting third to live with so many people i always wanted to live alone 🤍
@@master_cave I hope you will be able to. I choose to believe the opportunity will present itself right when you need it
@@DyxoXinoro thank you so much for console___but if you don't mind can you give me some tips for living alone if you don't mind then
@@master_cave most of the advice I would give is already in the above video, but there's a couple things I wish it touched on more: moving pains, and loneliness. When you first move into a new space, things will feel unfamiliar at first. And living in an unfamiliar space can have detrimental effects to your mood. Though once you start nesting and making it your own, that feeling does start going away. And with loneliness, you can either do what I did and embrace it to try and turn the whole ordeal into somethinv meditative, or look for excuses to leave the house. But you will have to look for them. Work, groceries, and other adult responsibilities may be the only reasons to leave the house some days, and spending too much time at home isn't good for you, so looking for excuses to leave the house becomes a skill you have to develop over time like cooking, cleaning, and repair. But how much time around the house is too much, and how much you'll resist excuses to leave, is different for everyone. So there will be some trial and error in figuring out what the right balance is for you.
I am so sick of living alone. But it's better than living with the wrong person!
As someone who migrated to a big city for employment, I absolutely enjoyed the time I lived alone. And it is so addictive. From the household chores, to maintaining a diet, doing free hand exercises, playing video games, sleeping at will..overall I was independent! Every person at one point in life should experience this. You become aware of your being instead of just existing.. I regret that I did not travel solo in the weekends. Like I mentioned, I loved being indoors. :)
Gonna do it in a month. I needed to hear that, thank you.
I live alone now and I've never been "existing not living" that much
I hate it
Experiencing it right now in university and it feels really good to be alone but too much loneliness sucks and at one point I feel desperate to meet someone and talk
This. 109% this. It is amazingly freeing and I’m shocked how few people actually get to experience it.
You moved into a big city?! Wow! Kudos to you. I did downtown Chicago; lasted 1 year. Couldn't take the hustle, bustle and NOISE! Ironically the people on the street would interact with me; here in Smallville USA. People almost never return my hi... Social niceties! Of course it is in the south.
As a man in my 40s, divorced, no kids, not many friends. Living alone sucks. Living alone in my 20s was great, now, not so much. I can see if you have a satisfying social circle, living alone might be great, but being alone most or all of the time is not good for most people.
This is what's not being talked about more often, Im in my late 20's and growing up I always thought living alone would be great and Im sure will be! But only in your 20's and early 30's. No one talks about what happens after that, what happens when you continue this path alone. Humans are meant to socialize, one or another, doesnt have to be an extroverted energy but the thought of having someone to communicate is important.
I can understand that if you're an extrovert (or missiing your kids regardless), but for introverts, forced socialization all day at work and then at home would be incredibly draining with not opportunity to recuperate. I'll take a few friends over an unrelentingly nagging wife anytime.
@@mattn9349 exactly, you just said it: "a few friends".. but what happens when you even have no friends?? being 100% alone, with no friends, family or a partner, simply sucks. We humans are not evolved to be in complete isolation, we're pack animals, we're social beings, no matter if you have 2 friends or 200.. we need people. No wonder most elders who live very lonely are always grumpy. And there are lots of studies that show that have a lonely life is very bad for your health. Not only mental, but physical. Some studies have shown that being very lonely is as bad as smoking 3 packs of cigarrettes a day. Lonely people die early, have more diseases, commits suic!d3 more often. Being an introvert is not the same as being lonely, but most people confuse those things. Its ok to be introvert.. being lonely isn't
@@carlgonzalez3337 There's also the fact they can end up alone BECAUSE they were grumpy even before being old.
@@mattn9349 You can find someone that matches your life style. So you can be intimate and open without feeling like your significant other is a mosquito of some sort. If you chose to be a parent then that's your duty as a father to be there for your kids. I don't think anyone can truly live without "time alone", that just sounds unrealistic & unhealthy.
This is not being alone, this is being independent
As someone with social anxiety, living alone was the best decision. It’s like I finally started living
I'm the same way
I can't wait for it
I'm sorry
Once you realize just how deeply anxiety impacts, hinders, and damages you, anything that alleviates it will bring such relief. Unfortunately, anything that irritates the anxiety is going to become more noticeable once you start figuring out how to find peace.
That will only make it worse though. Especially when you get out. But I dont really know what that is so meh.
This entire video sounds like pure heaven. Peace, quiet, no forced conversations. For introverts and people who enjoy alone time, living alone is the most beautiful thing on earth.
And for extraverts it's hell
fuck introvert people
Yes, until there's a spider! 😱😨🕷🕸
@@mollytabitha8851 You will learn to kill the spider or catch and throw it away. 😊
I've lived with a few roommates and on my own. I had some bad roommates and some good ones, but in either case, I was always happier living on my own. Just feels more freeing. Same goes for traveling to places
I love living alone. I clean the bathroom and days later, it's still clean. No matter how bad a day I have, my home is always a peaceful refuge. I leave a lamp and the classical radio station on when I leave, so when I come home, I walk into a nice warm inviting home. Doesn't hurt to have a little furry friend too.
So true. Dishes take maybe 10 minutes. I do have a dog, so have to sweep more often. But bathroom stays mostly clean.
Have been living alone since me and my kids father broke UP 9 years ago, and is soo peaceful drama free, and I love IT, I talk to myself anytime anyhow and I walk naked almost everyday, lol is soo peaceful and really overwhelming, I won’t trade that for anything else,
Been living alone for 2 years now. At first it was tough as I was a very lazy person. Slowly I learnt to cook, do the laundry and keep the house clean. Now I really enjoy my time at home.
You turned from astro boy to astro man 🌌🚀👽
Who did that stuff before for you?
@@machida58 me
I’m happy for you Astro, keep up. I’m moving out soon too and I’m excited.
@@Myphor2003 All the very best 👍
I love, love, love living alone! I left my husband at age 25 and am still living alone at age 73. There was no "learning" to live alone; it was everything I wanted. Sure, I had to do everything, make every decision, but that was the best part - my decision, my repair, my mowed lawn, my furniture, my job, my income, my freedom. It's been a satisfying life, even if challenging.
You'll die alone 😔
@@shadowtail4063 Is that supposed to be a bad thing? It's you who are afraid of anything alone, not me.
Had neighbors who died alone. One in the bathtub another hung herself. It took a week to find either of them because no one checked on them. The smell caused a wellfare check from the police. If you have animals they'll start to eat your corpse.
@@shadowtail4063 If I'm dead I won't care. I've determined that living alone is worth the trade off of vulnerability for peace and freedom. My grandmother lived alone in her house after her husband died, as many, many widows do, until she was 89 years old when I took her in until she died. I was 28 years old and it was not easy to do, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
i just don't feel like marrying anyone now, will i regret it later ?
This really depends on the mindset and situation you're in.
First time i lived alone, i was at the rock bottom of my mental health. I was incredibly lonely, never spoke for months on end and had a messed up sleep and eating schedule.
Today is the third year i live alone, and i'm doing great. I take myself out to visit museums alone, eat out alone and when i dont feel like going out i just stay at home and recharge, an i'm content like that.
It's because my situations were different.
Nice to hear you’re doing great now, how old were when you moved out?
Its my first year of living alone, felt struggle sometime, but hope i can find the right mindset
Great you are doing fine….Now you need a job if you don’t already have one.
@@Myphor2003 the first time i did, i was 18-19. I am now 23 soon to be 24 !
@@brent1387 i'm gonna pretend this wasn't sarcastic
I love this video. The comments comfort me. I didn't know there were so many people who enjoyed being alone as much as I do.
The peace you experience is priceless!!
I'm 38, single my whole life, and I've been living alone since age 24. I must say even when I was living with my family I've always enjoyed being alone. When I was a kid, my teachers would ask my parents if I was okay and why I didn't socialize with other kids. Now that I'm an adult I socialize when I have to, but the time I'm happiest is when I'm alone. There's so much to create and learn. Living alone is not boring, it's just not for everyone. I guess the bottom line is you do what makes you happy while helping others along the way.
Right lol!
I have the same tendency to want to be alone even as a child. I find most people not interesting.
❤ your story, thank you
Socializing with other humans tends to drain me, unless that person is of a high vibration. So I'm best on my own. I don't have to worry about pleasing others or take on their traumas or expose them to my traumas.
This video is so healing. Lost both of my parents and when I lost my best friend aka my mom, life was so tough at the beginning. I had no sibling so home was the last place I want to be in. But now I’m loving it so much , I’m taking charge of my life and destiny. Learning to cook on my own, fixing things alone and enjoy the quietness at home. Of course there are times when I wish I have someone to talk to before going to bed, I learnt that we can’t have best of both worlds. I’ve learnt to speak up, ask for strangers help like how to pick a broccoli, an elderly grandma taught me how (blessed) etc. 😊 I now live with my 1.5yo dog and can’t be more grateful for her presence. I truly believe that people whom are okay to live alone are tougher individuals. Less reliant or expectations of others. I do get envious of my peers whom still have their parents to rely on such as fixing broken stuff or furniture, or always having a piping hot or cooked meal on the table waiting for them after work. Then again, I reminded myself that I’m learning independence at a younger age (Asian kid) so things may turn out better for me when I’m older after being forced to toughen up at a younger age. But a word of advice, please speak up and ask for help when needed. Helplessness kills. And you’ll be surprised how many genuine people are willing to help. You are not alone. ❤
well said.. 🥰
Wonderful advice Priscilla. Best wishes.
@@eddiegalon3714 best wishes to you too 😊
@@aquahyper 💕💕
me too. although i lost my mom when i was 30, i was always her little girl when she was around. we were best friends and i'm an introvert and refuse/can't really connect with other people. she was the best cook and i blame her for ruining my diet every time LOL. we enjoyed each other's presence the most. watching tv together, go for a night drive, shopping, and when the electricity's gone, i would play the guitar and she would sing the songs. i miss her so damn much. at first i was struggling to exist. but im learning everyday how to exist without her. being busy with work and games make it livable. btw i dont have siblings too so i know how lonely you feel. i miss her and sometimes i would talk to myself about our memories together because only me and her knew them. and nobody else care to listen anyway. and it became a comfort to me as though i was talking to her like always.
As a 46-year-old introvert, I can confirm that living alone can be addictive. However, I get the feeling that not having someone else around to...well...challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone in various ways may be holding me back in terms of personal growth. Over the last 10 years or so, I've been trying to "get out more" and "get involved" with other people more, to get closer to a happy medium. I am, still, very much an introvert who needs a lot of alone time to fully recharge, though. There are always tradeoffs.
What do u do for living btw? If u don't mind me asking....
Amen to that and Congratulations on challenging yourself.
Well I'm an extrovert and I don't like living alone at all. I miss having a boyfriend around or husband around someone to talk to watch a movie with talk to and sometimes it's just very lonely. I have to be around people.
I've gone to all of those singles get-togethers and they're not fun unless you're in your twenties or thirties.
We will never stop being introverts and need some alone time to recharge, but it's okay. It doesn't stop you to appreciate meeting your friends or family and have good moments with them. That's what living and travelling abroad solo taught me, I still made great encounters while appreciating more being only with myself.
I feel the same way. I have lived alone for about a year and a few months now. It’s so easy to stay out from social things, but it’s because I’ve never gotten the relief like this before. It’s so nice and relaxing. But you can’t really change how you’re made. I still go out with friends and family things as much as I can. I try and have 1-2 days a month as my “recharge” days where all I do is sit at home and not leave the house. For me, it works very well. I can get out, but still have time for myself too
Someone told me "Peace is expensive." It's true. When I live with others, I mostly experience drama, chaos, violence, and noise. When I live alone, I experience freedom, peace, quietness, joy, etc. I love living alone. ❤❤
Living alone was the greatest thing that ever happened to me
Im so sick of living with people who doesnt even try to understand me
I set out a boy to return a man..what an adventure
Me too.
Lucky you that's my dream
@@jenni446 Yes indeed and People who got nothing to do with you! It is a waste of time! Sadly it happened to me many times.
Living with yourself makes you or breaks you
I think its breaking me. I hope i get to a point where i feel 5he second half of this video
When the video says at the end. One day you need to learn to live by yourself. Does she mean you eventually need to literally live by yourself or does she mean eventually you need to learn how to handle your own responsibilities without having to constantly ask other people for help?
@@zk527 I think it depends on people whether you move out on your own you must learn to live alone or a job requires you to relocate and live out of the bounds of your social circle and setting or even if you have roomates they will move on eventually thus you are left alone even with a spouse or partner if you seperate or one of them dies you must face the void and live alone most likely though unless you die earlier in your home alone most will probably not end up alone as facilities tend to take the elderly and put them in nursing homes etc or family does it or the government once they decide you are incapable of making decisions and will be crammed with a bunch of nurses and strangers you don't know so most likely unless there are other factoring circumstances many of us may not die vicinity wise at least alone maybe in spirit but majority of the time someone will be watching and waiting to collect the body once the final breath is drawn if not eventually someone will uncover you and remember for a short moment you were alive and move on and forget you so that they may live before the inevitable promise of death comes for them to.
It depends on personality more than anything else. Some people are just ill-adapted to the ‘demands’ of independent living whoever they are but people high in extraversion (as sturdy as they might otherwise be) have a hard time being by themselves and trying to enjoy their own company without getting bored because they actively-draw energy from the people around them and often think there’s something inherently-wrong with people who actually choose to ride solo. That’s their loss.
I've lived alone most of my life. The hardest part has been when a family member has died and I didn't get the emotional support of a significant other. People think I can cope with anything because I have lived on my own so much but sometimes it's really hard.
We are with u mate, im sorry for ur lose 🙏
Been there, done that.
I know it is *hug*
Yes or when you have a serious illness
Being alone is not for everyone, but for those whom it is, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world 😊
I’m married and with a kid. Used to live alone in my little house. I honestly like either way. Living alone is great. Living with a good person is great. But it sucks living with a bad person. I’ve experienced all three in my life.
They say if you're running, you're running away from something or running towards something. Living alone is walking.
OP 100% agree
Agreed its torture living with a bad / negative person. Yikes.
I live alone but I am not lonely. I am sociable and make friends easily. I sometimes have people over when I want to. I like having fun with other people and then going back home to have peace and quiet.
@@antonboludo8886 key phrase 'when I want to'. That's what I like too amongst other things. Nice.
I live alone, I am not lonely.
A huge part of the problem with the people of today is the need to have others that validate your existence.
Only when you can validate your own existence without the necessity of others, then you can truly begin to appreciate the things you do with others.
This 💯💯💯💯 people that post their lives on Facebook just to get a reaction from people
some have BFF but sometimes everyone need Me Time...
Sex? Escorts.
Everything else, love yourself first.
@@teravolt6113 sex is meant solely for the act of procreation only . Today people use it like a credit card and/or a drug ! Escorts? This reinforces my last statement that sex , or the possibility there of , is used like a credit card ! Cant afford life ? shack up with some one who can afford it and lie about how one feels to get what they want . This the basis for all relationships today . You will never see a destitute homless man walk down the aisle with a super model...Unless its a fictional hollywood flop by brendan fraiser ! For this reason we can deduce that "love" is an control word "..But I thought you loved me".."if you love me you will...." or my favorite " see how much He/she loves me , look at that price tag!" . "nothing says i love you like a deboers diamond" ..Lol stay single and keep your home your sanctuary! Stop trying to validate our existence by someone elses reproductive organs. Todaysmating rituals are concrete evidence we have not progressed past neanderthalic instinct since most folk spend their day pondering their landing strategy! Those whom require future employee /Consumer standards have created a false persona of the procreation process and as such humanity feeds the corporate regime with future production slaves and increased profit margins . stop popping out organic farm equipment and the world loses power over you !
these are some big words
I love living alone, no messes that aren't mine, no one eating my food, no menial small talk, not caring about accidentally waking someone up 🥰
That’s sad you need a wife a family that is the only thing that will bring true happiness
@@ZUCCCC333 happiness comes from within all I need is hoes 💀
@@ZUCCCC333True happiness comes from within. You cannot be truly happy with others if you are not first happy with yourself and who you are ❤
@@ZUCCCC333no, YOU need all that. Stop projecting on other peoples happiness in solitude.
Just say you dont like your own company and stop trying to project that on others.
Living alone has given me more Me Time and focus on my life and learn to love myself before loving others.
To be honest, I think that loving oneself is overrated.
Ever since I was a little kid, I knew I hated living with other people regardless of my relation to them. It took me a while to get my own place without any family members or roommates and it's been everything I've ever wanted! Initially, I was worried that living alone for an extended period of time would drive me literally insane but it's done the exact opposite. After seven years of independent living, I feel like I'm in the best shape mentally and physically that I've ever been in in my entire life. I know this kind of life is not for everyone, but it's worked spectacularly for me. The phrase "living your best life" is a little overused these days but I think it perfectly sums up my life right now!
A+ brother. You discovered yourself without others cluttering the vision.
Oh how I wish for my own place... It's been more than two years since I started really dreaming about it, but my problem is all the money I make I spend on my look, cuz I love to change my appearance often and also for traveling, so when I get back, I just have to start working again..:D I need to get a grip.
Yes, absolutely!! I'm still waiting for living alone because i need to have better control of my life, without no one else trying to control what i'm doing in my own house. But i still think that as such a social person i wouldn't want to just stay alone in the house. Think i might need a pet to keep the company with me😅
Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. They that believeth and are baptized (with the Holy Spirit) shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be damned. Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness.
*God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE;* the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! *For these three are one.*
As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him.
Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.
Another truth many have been deceived of:
When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE!
Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals!
The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil.
I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God.
Open your heart to God, repent of your sins (he will forgive you), and let him direct your path. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart, lest you walk with the devil and follow him to hell.
OMG I totally love living alone. I am a divorced woman, and I find it so liberating to come home to tranquility. You can do what you want. You don't have to answer to anyone. I have lived with roommates in the past, and some of them were so obnoxious. It's sad for those who are lonely and co-dependent, but for those of us who are happy and independent, living solo is a blessing.
I don't live alone but I still do as I please. I wear earplugs and ignore everything around me if I want to be alone.
Works great and I don't have to pay full price on bills. Yip.
@@j.khuster2024 you have to grow up and live alone some time soon
@@Itsblueeeeee you gonna pay my excess amount on my bills and rent? Because living alone is very costly unless you have two full time jobs and my life ain't about working.
So donate to me and I'll live alone ✌️
@@j.khuster2024 you’re going to rely on someone else for life because of bills get a better job
@@j.khuster2024 get yo life in order
Living together with people you can't stand anymore, is hell and worse than loneliness. When you live together with other people, and you are doing something for yourself, focusing on yourself, these people might even call you egocentric and a bad person. People judge you, only for caring about yourself and your own balance, and mental health. Finally being alone can be such a relief.
I'm actually living like this, since I've started my diet to get my health better my parents specially have taken it personally, every time that I decline every food that they offer to me they get pissed off even tho they know that I'm having health issues. It's the same every time that I decide to put my mental health first or even my pet's health. It definitely keeps getting harder to live like this, specially when you're working on your discipline and you live with people that doesn't have it.
I found that to be true at around 11-12 years of marriage.
Thought that I married the love of my life but she grew down a different path. Religion became most important vs most everything. She became critical of so mny things & people while with me but put on a show with others. So grateful for every day now that I'm single. It is beyond priceless. To everyone, find your happiness, it may be breaking old rules of having to be with someone and enjoying yourself with more solitude. Go get it!
Never met my real parents, lived in an orphanage, grew up on it until i was 17 and joined the marines, now 19 years old i live alone in an apartment. To me living alone was the standard of my life
Been alone for 4 years and i have to say, it's the best experience ever. Just going on walks and just chating with yourself is just so peaceful.
Your tough! God bless!
I lived on my own through 7 years of college in a different city.
What dreads me the most about living alone is not "loneliness" but its when you get sick. I get sick often (fever, stomach issue, cold, atshma) and waking up weak, alone, with 39°c fever in the middle of the night is pure torture.
There are times when I thought "tonight I will die, alone, right here, right now, because of this damn fever". Having no one to take care of you when sick is a nightmare.
Live alone, yes, go and have those freedom, but don't forget to have emrgency contact (a family or friend) you can count on 24H.
I have a fear of choking. It did not really manifest itself like a phobia, I think, before, but I always lived with someone so far, never being alone for more than a few days.
And... In those days, such fears did start to take a bit of a toll. I was very careful and conscious when I ate and drank, I double-checked if every window and door were properly locked, etc.
Also, I am pretty strict about playful things such as tickling or even just hugging when I eat or drink. Let me swallow everything and stop, then we can be close and goof around. Because I genuinely am afraid that I will choke on something.
And yes, when I am sick, I tend to rely on others for help, and ready to do so for them if they are sick, because it feels fair and a right thing to do.
But when I am alone and sick - yes, this is horrible. So far I was never so sick that I would die if somebody would not help me. But I am afraid if such day would come and I won't be able to call the emergency services or open the door for them.
If I need to be alone, I can say so and stay with my PC/laptop/smartphone in my room. It is fine. Not all of my interests align with the interests of people I live with or friends with.
But that is totally different from being completely alone in a home and knowing noone comes from work at the evening or something.
Getting sick alone is terrible. Keep a bottle of sugary drink next to your bed. If you are sick, you cannot get out of bed and eat for several hours, you may begin hypoglycemia. This is a dangerous condition when your blood glucose levels drop dramatically. If you have a fever, glucose in your body is consumed especially quickly. It is enough to take a couple of sips of a sweet drink every hour. Also talk about hypoglycemia prevention with your doctor if you have diabetes.
Be careful and read the information on the bottle. If it is a sweet drink, but without sugar, it will not prevent hypoglycemia and may improve the condition.
@@drakewarrior1013 Если у тебя боязнь задохнуться, попроси у терапевта в поликлинике направление в аллерго-респераторный центр к пульманологу. Тебе нужно сдать анализы. Может быть твой страх имеет основание - у тебя аллергия или астма. От этого существуют лекарства. И купи домой маленький кислородный баллон с маской и оксипульсометр, чтобы проверять на сколько твоя кровь насыщена кислородом. Либо носи смарт часы с функцией проверки крови на насыщение кислородом. Вместо того, чтобы бояться, лучше своими глазами в цифрах видеть, что с тобой всё в порядке, тебе ничего не угрожает организм полон кислорода. Даже если тебе реально станет плохо, можно надеть кислородную маску и у тебя будет несколько минут, чтобы позвонить в больницу или родным, либо друзьям, соседям.
@@UserUser-in6ig спасибо за советы. Я предполагаю, что это от нескольких случаев в детстве, когда рвота попадала мне в нос и я около минуты в худшем случае ощущал, что не могу сделать вдох, и не мог об этом сказать никак. Каким-то образом я в тех случаях откашлялся всё же. Но страх остался.
@@drakewarrior1013 Это было давно, зачем на этой неприятности зацикливаться? Смерть от рвоты - относительно редкое явление и чаще случается у малышей или у стариков в маразме, либо у конченых пьяниц. Я в университете когда учился видел статистику. Вы же к этим категориям не относитесь?
Если боитесь внезапной рвоты, купите метаклопромид в таблетках или уколах и держите дома в аптечке. Это недорого. Если чувствуете, что поступает, примите препарат, он быстро подавляет рвоту, тормозя рвотный центр в голове. Но вообще, с таким вопросом лучше у невролога проконсультироваться и у гастроэнтеролога. Не бойтесь по врачам пройтись, больно не сделают. Сейчас с этим просто: запишитесь, обследуетесь, если не нравится лечение или боитесь процедуру - пишете отказ и до свидания. Никто сейчас насильно лечить не будет.
Living alone is not horrifying or depressing, it depends how you use your time when you are alone, how your time goes.
Is the cat in your profile picture holding a remote control or a knife? I can’t tell
@Fuzzy Alba No, it's vape pen
@@djoni4858 Thanks for the clarification
@@fuzzyalba5419 ?
@@obscurelyvague I was curious ok?
Spot on. Started living on my own without any roommates a couple months ago. The first two months were difficult. At times I even questioned my sanity. But I can feel the shift happening. I’m starting to take better care of my self and I’m beginning to realize how awesome this is.
You aren’t insane I allot of people deal with that, you GOT THIS!
Damn, cant't believe you lived by yourself Pancho after running around with a gang all your life
@@Alexroa50 Kind of have too after attacking the US. Can’t trust nobody anymore, amigo.
It'll get better, trust me.. when I started living with roommates I was always drained, every decision had to be democratic and there wasn't much freedom to choose. There were times that I couldn't even express my emotions because they were around and my space was always being invaded but I since I started living alone it's been quite peaceful... Emotions and thoughts were free flying in a house with no one else, every decision was autonomous and I didn't have to wait on someone else's opinion, Even better I started slowly putting my life together.. when you're with people, putting you life together is a must so you don't bother someone else, but alone putting your life together is an actual decision being made coz it's what you want to fight for instead of what someone else wants
Well, goodluck at your place I'm sure by now you are enjoying it alot
My the best roommates is a bottle of vodka. 🍸🍾 I never be alone and now I know how to talk with reporters on TV set. 📺😵
I am living alone for the first time at the age of 38. It really is an experience I think everyone should go through. I feel like I'm more in touch with myself than I ever have been. More at peace.
You touch yourself more than ever? 😂
This is so true lol. I'm currently 23 and moved three hours away from home and started living alone last year. I learned a lot about myself for sure. Despite some of the super rough spots I've traveled through in my life since moving alone, at least I know I'm not crazy and just genuinely had a severe disorder affecting my life this whole time (was diagnosed w/ bipolar II). But realizing these things has created immense benefits, and I'm thankful to have been able to find these answers so early in life.
Living alone is also quite peaceful, so long as your neighbors don't try to start crap lol. I live in a one bedroom one bathroom apartment a lot of my neighbors are just random single people around my age... you'd think we'd all socialize or something, but nah. Sadly that hasn't happened lmao, and some of the people here are just as heavily avoidant of other people as me HAHAHA
Was about to agree but do dogs and cats count as still living alone? 😅 Cause then technically I have never lived alone and never will. Could never live without a furry roommate.
Also 38 and living alone for the first time. Getting used to it slowly.
True. I think everyone should go on vacation by themselves too. Extremely relaxing.
I'm an introvert, and living alone feels like heaven to me. And this has greatly affected my relationship with my friends and family. I've only been in two relationships and they did not last long because no matter how I force myself, I always prefer to be alone as this keeps me more productive. My hobbies and interests kept on piling up over the years that I have no time for relationships or even small talks. I am now 37 and have no plans of settling down as I'm happy with where I'm at. Sadly, most people don't understand this, my family even thinks something is wrong with me, to the point that they started questioning my sexuality. They can't fully comprehend that there are people out there that don't live with the norm and go with the flow, they can't accept the idea that it's possible to be contented and happy being alone...hence I'm starting to think that those people just wanna drag me down to their norm because misery loves company, that they want me to taste the kind of misery they are experiencing...
Would be similar for me
Anyone who is outside societal 'norms' will usually be a big question mark for the majority, who fit nicely into the prescribed/programmed box. As a woman who chose not to have kids and worked in unconventional occupations, I feel you. Been married and divorced many years ago, had my share of relationships (non live-in), and have been living solo many years. Stay strong, live a life that works for you, and try not to let those others and their bewilderment get to you. They simply don't understand, and probably never will.
I 100% agree with you. I have lived alone for almost 25 years after losing my loving partner of 17 years
I love my freedom and privacy. There is no drama and conflicts with roommates. Don't let anyone tell you
that you should have someone there, taking up your space and time. Enjoy your freedom.
You described my situation 😞
@@classicleslie6914 I do talk with others, most especially at work, I know when to turn it off and on...but outside the workplace that's when I prefer to isolate myself, I can socialize with somebody if we share the same interest, I can be the most talkative guy if we have the same passion for something. But if we're just gonna talk about nonsense and everyday stuff, then that's when I lose interest...like I said, I got a lot of hobbies like playing and producing music, drawing, creative writing, coding and so on. Considering 8 hours will be spent at my job, then 2 hours in freelancing, I'd only have little time to fulfill all of them, so socializing is really out of equation...and nope, I never feel lonely when I'm alone, it's totally the opposite, I feel happiness and satisfaction cuz that means I have the chance and freedom to do what I love to do
I've lived alone before and it was enjoyable, but some difficult times nobody tells you about: being sick or injured
Living alone is essential to grow yourself and it beats living with people who make your life worse. But living with people who love you and whom you love is infinitely better both psychologically and physically.
If you have them. You never know ........until you know.
Having people in your life who love and support you is good for you.
But is it necessary to live with them?
@@renzo6490 yes because human are social creatures ( ultimately ) exception don’t make a rule
@@renzo6490I feel you. I have people I love and who love and support me back. But I don’t ever want to live with them. Familiarity does breed contempt after all.
@@renzo6490 That depends on who are the people who love and support you. If that's your best mate who has a wife (or husband) and/or kids I wouldn't advice you to move in. But if you're in a long term happy relationship moving in is infinite joy and the next natural step in your development as a human being. Living with someone assuming your relationship is good will not only make you more relaxed and relieve you of some of the burdens (you'd share responsibilities) but also shapes your social skills, deepens your empathy and even helps your negotiation skills like nothing can because you both have to adapt to each other, to compromise, to negotiate daily, to understand each other, to communicate efficiently even when you're mad at each other. It's an effort that has tons of benefits in the end.
Living with low vibrational people or energetically mismatched people is wayyyyy worse than living alone. I’m living this now. Other people’s energy can be vampirism. I think there is a grieving process of letting go of dependency on others.
Facts it’s the adjusting to life by yourself tho … but I agree can definitely share energy with the wrong people
100% other peoples energy can suck the effing LIFE out of you. I just moved out of a house with absolute narcissist energy draining monsters and got out of a toxic relationship. I’m realizing the “grieving process” of letting go of dependency on others… I’m 23 and have NEVER been alone before and it’s quite terrifying. 2 days in and I’m a nervous wreck everyday!😅
Yes it's so much worse. I know it for a fact. I can't wait to live by myself :(
this is so true i wanna move out as soon as possible
I agree, my roommates are trash. I thought being trapped with my family sucked, but this is piss.
It’s okay to live alone but it’s not okay to be lonely.
Why isn’t it okay to be lonely? There’s nothing I can do about it.
Disagree it’s not okay it shows your weak
@@UhKimbozeyeah there is something you can do about it... Go out, do something you've never done before, join a club, do a new hobby, join a gym. There's a lot of stuff you can do to overcome loneliness.
Being lonely is nothing but a signal that you are doing everything correctly to keep yourself safe, healthy, and self-reliant. Being social has far more negatives than positives. I have had nobody in my life since 8 August 2000 at 18:34. I do not even have coworkers on my shift nor acquaintances. I go weeks without seeing humans, save on television. My life is nearly magical because of all I have gained by just forgetting the false indoctrination that humans must be social to be happy and successful. I am both happy and successful and have no resemblance to any social existence at all. This semi-anonymous TH-cam rant is the closest thing I have to being social and it is just a video sharing site that invites comments. I use it to practice written English. Try social isolation. You will not believe how good it can be.
@@indridcold8433Going weeks without any human interaction seems dangerous to me. Something bad might happen to you and no one would notice for weeks maybe even months... Even though people can suck sometimes, I generally think people need each other, and we should compromise to some extent on some things. Maybe find people who suck/annoy you the least lol. But that's just my opinion
Thank you for this video! Learning to live on your own is one of the best lessons learned. I learned to be my own best friend as well as learn that it's OK to be bored. I did notice, I wanted to find a lot of distractions. I truly can appreciate how it is now I'm living together with my husband.
Having an animal companion makes a huge difference! I had daily conversations with my cat all the time, with us talking purely in “Meows”
Totally agree!💯
That’s a good point. I live with one other person but we have very different schedules so don’t see all that much of each other, very rarely would spend the day together but are sometimes in the house together on completely separate floors doing our own thing. I totally prefer this to being completely alone because it scares me to have no one else around and I can get quite paranoid. I think last time I was at home all evening from the early afternoon with just the pets and I ended up locking myself in the small bathroom toilet because it felt just safer to have only a locked door and no windows. It just feels safer to have a trusted companion in the house with me and I won’t go to bed without them having returned to the house, no matter how late that may be. Regardless, the alone time is nice because I don’t really care too much about what the pets think about my music taste and dancing😂
3:56 😸
Hahaha I am doing the same we developed our meow language
Can I just say that it's better to be alone than to live with people who stress you out.
Been there done that.
Living alone is really a Blessing!
I am scared one side i love my family the other side i can't connect with them and they're toxic for me i wanna move so bad but am scared to end up feeling lonely and not able to handle such life but the current environment is no good either what should i do ? @janicecrose376
I lived alone for about 12 years total. I loved it. The house stays the way you left it, and you can shut out the world, when you need to. Best way to learn who YOU are.
Ma'am please do me a favour.
Around how much time it was required for you to find YOURSELF.
Have you heard of the #ConsciousPlanet movement before? You might like it 🌸
@@invalidaccount6147 It took figuring out what I liked and didn't like and what my interests were without someone dictating to me what they wanted me to do. Nothing more gratifying than making your own way and becoming what you aspire to be.
@@patriotgirl4865 thanks ma'am but I was asking about how many years it took you to find yourself.
You didn’t just help me-you made me feel seen, heard, and cared for. Thank you🎉🎉🎉
I lived alone for years before getting married..... I freaking loved it. Sure I had my moments but loved the tidiness, the peace, and the freedom
@@filly3594 "until one knows one's self".... That there, my friend, is the key.
@@errolm8313 I live alone and I dread the time when it's gonna be the time to live with somebody else. did you felt that too that you were going to have to stop enjoying your alone time to have someone with you constantly? was it difficult to say goodbye to living alone for the sake of starting a family?
@@drcanoro you know it's bittersweet. I miss the peace that I had when I was alone. I also miss the freedom that I had. I was only accountable for me, I only had me to worry about. I did what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted. But when I was alone I often worried about dying alone or falling gravely ill and having no one there to care for me or assist me (like I'd I were having a heart attack).
But I do miss it, too be honest.
But having someone there has its benefits too (sort of) - like I can enjoy life with her and share experiences with her. But we're incompatible in alot of ways and don't really enjoy alot if the same things.... I guess in a way this exposed me to new experiences that I otherwise wouldn't have taken part of. I guess there's pros and cons for both
@@drcanoro but she does let me take a few hours to myself every now and again when I ask for it. I love to travel alone and well..... That's still a work in progress bc we now have a kid.
You can't be late, you can't disappoint, you can't not participate, you can't allow anyone else's hate, you can't blame anything on others and they can't do it to you.
What's not to love about taking care of you?
When I was living with my family it's the loneliest I have ever felt. Now that I've been living alone I feel so much better and enjoy my own company.
Just passed my 3rd month living alone and finally everything is starting to get better. My mental health, self care routine, direction in life and finances. It's such a beautiful experience. It is rough though. Proceed with caution. If you're not stable upstairs then maybe just maybe think about it
I have been living alone for a year, I think I am happier and a couple of people that know me say I act and look happier. I do miss having someone to talk to every once in a while, I am almost twice the age of the ones I work with and I don't really fit in with them so I just stay by myself at work. at times yeah I'm lonely but I do have a couple of cats and a neighbors dog that stays with me ( don't feel sorry for me) they are good companion but still miss having someone else to talk to, at least they are glad to see me and don't complain or back talk to me😆. Just hang in there and make the best of life.👍
@@jeffharper7579 :)
😊 thanks
Living alone did not work for me. I frequently had bouts of paranoia, including thinking my house was getting broken into, fearing a medical emergency and nobody would be around, or making a mistake that would put me in danger that nobody else would fix. It also amplified feelings of loneliness I already had, making them far worse. Living alone doesn't work for everyone.
Living alone is amazing so long as nothing truly bad or depressing happens.
That’s what I fear the most.
I feel it all bottling up in my chest when the topic comes up in my head. I want to eventually say goodbye to everyone and find my own path.
My extroverted self couldn’t
This video is SPOT-ON!. I've been living by myself for going on almost 4 years now. And it's Awesome! No one to answer to, No kids hollering screaming running around. No unnecessary commotions to deal with. Just you and the silence all around you! I do feel much Calmer living alone! And if I want company, I just go hang out with someone. I don't need someone constantly living with me, nagging about my lifestyle and nit picking. I feel so at ease living alone! I can't go back to living with anyone.
I’m so glad to read this! I have thinking about living alone for a while. I totally relate with what you’re saying.
@@Fer-fy8dx Thank you. I'm glad I could provide some insight. I'd rather live alone in peace. I tend to find it helps me quite a bit. As I've lived with people for so long. It's Inevitable. You're going to irritate each other, at some point. But some people put up with it. Such as in Marriages. Which I'm not saying is a bad thing. I just want to live a stress free life, outside of my job. In which I made it a point early in life, not to have kids. I wasn't cut out for the Family Life. After seeing from other's experiences. But, that's just my choice. And I do not regret it. At All. I'm Happy and Content! I hope you can make it on your own soon!
Yeap, loneliness is only a problem that women face...
@@curlyhairdudeify Not true, some men can feel lonely too.
And there is plenty of self-suficient, autonomous and independent women who do not need someone around.
This. This is what I dream about everyday, and someday I hope I'll find myself as happy as this little animated girl :)
I dreamt of this every, where I almost got close to getting alone I got a herniated disc... I live in constant pain and I can't lift more than 5kg alone.
Me too
You and me both
You have no idea on what you are wishing... Enjoy your life while you live with other people, living alone is nothing close to what this video shows. Some days will get bad, really bad.
@@sillafeafea7766 I know the process of getting there will be hard, but I'm willing to risk it for the feeling of having my own place in where I call home. A place where I feel comfort in and will always have the things I need the most.
I'm an introvert and self-reliant, so I never had the beginning problems. I was immediately happy to be alone. My wallet wasn't happy, but it just felt like, FINALLY!! Some peace and quiet
It's a blessing! No drama, clean home, no one to resent or argue with 😜👍
Yeah. And cleaning whenever I wish, cooking whatever I want, etc. Not having to listen to anything I don't want to, except pigeons on the roof which I really hate, lol.
I do feel lonely from time to time, because no GF at the time, but the overwhelming majority of time, living alone is pure bliss. I think even when I find a new GF, I will be very reluctant to move to her or let her move in with me.
"What did I do to make you upset?' NO more.
Living alone turned out to be the biggest blessing of my life!! you have no idea how much potential you have!
As long as you have enough money, living alone is a bliss
Nah, 30% family/yourself (if quality time spend with family, its actually hearty for yourself too)
5% other being 15% games! 🐈
50% work! Life is wholesome bliss..
^Living Alone = Life engulfed with neurosis!
@@Uns4rmLhr that's a one toxic take on living alone. If living with someone is good for you it doesn't make living alone horrible for all people. Good for you, stick to your business
@HelloThere-cz9ti I'm sorry foh being stick to your business! 🙂
But it's habitual i wish your well being Amen.
@Uns4rmLhr it's funny how you seem to be a religious person but still toxic about how other people live.
@HelloThere-cz9ti Two people met you born!
If that's toxic yea I'm wrong. 😉
Living alone is truly my favorite thing ever. I genuinely enjoy my own company so much. ❤ i love seeing others that feel the same way here!
As a middle aged living alone again is pure Awesome 👍 and No more gaslighting and manipulation !! It's Great 😊
Might say something about our choices re other people, yes? But people can change over time, too... including us. And some are very good about hiding their toxicity too, until they feel they can get away with it.
And you don't have to run it by someone if you fancy a new sofa !!
@@junemcquaide9726 😂 no doubt
I wish I had somebody who could gaslight & manipulate me.
@@johnphelps7519 People are shit.
I love it how the movie went from the fears people can have from living alone to the positive side of it.
Three years and still waiting for that positive side to come.
@@matthew8153 Maybe just waiting isn't the answer.
@@matthew8153you don’t wait for that time to come, you make it. Good things don’t generally just happen. You got to find the joy in it. Cook your favorite meal, do something you enjoy, change things up. Maybe try something you’ve wanted to do, but couldn’t when you were living with other people.
It was much easier for me to find the joy in it because I was counting down the days until I moved out of my parent’s house. For an entire month straight, I woke up with a giant smile and would practically dance around my bedroom because I was so happy to live alone
Don’t forget the things they don’t tell you about living alone are some of the best things to find out on your own. This is my first time living alone and I’m only just 2.5 months in. I learned so much about myself just in such a little timespan. If you are single with no kids, LIVE ALONE and give yourself time to figure out what you like and what you don’t. It’s worth it! It can get boring but IT’S WORTH IT!!!!
How do I deal with the constant fight or flight I get when I think about living by myself? It feels like due to that feeling, I won't be able to persist with it.
@@gunnervin you might feel like that when you first move in but that feeling goes away quickly. You’ll adapt to living alone and if you ever feel too lonely, just get out the house and meet up with friends or loved ones.
I lived alone for more than 1.5years now and not even a single day of boredom. I always have office work to do and on weekends or holidays I have lot of things to do at home and watch. I only interact with people when I want to and sometimes I ride my bike or car and go to places and I have lot of people that I can have a conversation with who are business owners in my town. I meet friends sometimes but I got no time. Living alone is the best thing in this world.
@@sunilkumar-iq2oqI am so glad to read this. I will be living alone for the first time in 16 years from Monday and I am so scared 😢