if you have to have a event just for girls, then you need to be home making lunch for kids. Guys dont need special events to talk tech, but moms do. Apple was started in a garage by 2 guys, not girls at some whiny fest whining that mommy hillary and kamal lost to a game show host. Your not as good at tech as guys, so stop and go home vs waste some guys money on this daycare for guy wanna bes
The star of the meeting is "Leya Thomas" from inVentiy Health/Janssen Pharmaceuticals
12:26 Woman in purple dress: what a beautiful smile!! Imajine having that facing you every day..
4:28 🔥🔥🔥
I like your styled views on this subject super good.
its packed
if you have to have a event just for girls, then you need to be home making lunch for kids.
Guys dont need special events to talk tech, but moms do. Apple was started in a garage by 2 guys, not girls at some whiny fest whining that mommy hillary and kamal lost to a game show host. Your not as good at tech as guys, so stop and go home vs waste some guys money on this daycare for guy wanna bes