and trained from teen years WHY? RICH KID! no hate i am saying to all, be good to your kids and they too can end up here like ray. it's always rich kids that really make it like cobus even but again no drama i think its great! IT TAKES MASSIVE CASH TO MAKE IT THIS BIG! EXPENSIVE GEAR STUDIO TO WORK IN ETC.!
With the benefit of 10 more years of internet and social media since your 'comments', I hope everyone is now well aware that Ray grew up fairly poor on a farm in nowhereville, Pennsylvania. His parents still have the coffee cans that made his original kit.
Hey Ray you are the man really sincere and true
Ray is the Best!
the best drummer ever
and trained from teen years WHY? RICH KID! no hate i am saying to all, be good to your kids and they too can end up here like ray. it's always rich kids that really make it like cobus even but again no drama i think its great! IT TAKES MASSIVE CASH TO MAKE IT THIS BIG! EXPENSIVE GEAR STUDIO TO WORK IN ETC.!
With the benefit of 10 more years of internet and social media since your 'comments', I hope everyone is now well aware that Ray grew up fairly poor on a farm in nowhereville, Pennsylvania. His parents still have the coffee cans that made his original kit.
korn asked me to learn 6 songs, i learned 33! WHY? BECAUSE YOU HAVE MONEY, A STUDIO ,TIME AND AWESOME GEAR! COME ON NOW!
Not always man. Nirvana were freaking poor before they made it...