Hey, Conducting student from Berlin here, please excuse my bad english as it is not my native language. I would advise you to calm down sometime, just think about what you imagine when you hear the word spring. Do you imagine constant action or is it a quiet spring morning sometime where the birds are just waking up? You have 16th notes running through the entire piece practically the entire time, which makes it a bit tireing to listen to your piece and also makes it hard to descern different parts or movements. As for your harmonic writing its pretty good, feel free to use more false endings but all of that stuff is completely up to the composer, which would be you. Thats artistic freedom, which means that you have to decide how to write your piece. Cheers
Hey, Conducting student from Berlin here, please excuse my bad english as it is not my native language.
I would advise you to calm down sometime, just think about what you imagine when you hear the word spring. Do you imagine constant action or is it a quiet spring morning sometime where the birds are just waking up? You have 16th notes running through the entire piece practically the entire time, which makes it a bit tireing to listen to your piece and also makes it hard to descern different parts or movements.
As for your harmonic writing its pretty good, feel free to use more false endings but all of that stuff is completely up to the composer, which would be you. Thats artistic freedom, which means that you have to decide how to write your piece.