Sorry, but a scattershot and unimpressive lecture, meanders without any apparent destination or purpose. I first encountered this material from Prof. Jack Barbash, UWisc./Madison shortly after the invention of the printing press. One of our readers at that time was "Toil and Trouble: A History of American Labor" by Thomas R.. Brooks. It is a short, pithy, story-driven and highly accessible introduction to American labor history, with all of its many struggles, up to basically the UAW's Battle of the Overpass, and it is a book I can recommend highly, I still have my dog-eared copy all these years later. You need a couple of more cups of that coffee, come off the nod and do some thinking about how best to present yourself along with your material. Tighten up. We wouldn't want you giving Florida's educational system a bad reputation.
Informative, but you really need to work on production. Bring your notes
Sorry, but a scattershot and unimpressive lecture, meanders without any apparent destination or purpose. I first encountered this material from Prof. Jack Barbash, UWisc./Madison shortly after the invention of the printing press. One of our readers at that time was "Toil and Trouble: A History of American Labor" by Thomas R.. Brooks. It is a short, pithy, story-driven and highly accessible introduction to American labor history, with all of its many struggles, up to basically the UAW's Battle of the Overpass, and it is a book I can recommend highly, I still have my dog-eared copy all these years later. You need a couple of more cups of that coffee, come off the nod and do some thinking about how best to present yourself along with your material. Tighten up. We wouldn't want you giving Florida's educational system a bad reputation.