Listen to me, Barry. Breathe. Breathe. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. Feel the ground, your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward, and the lightning - Barry, feel the lightning. Feel its power. It's electricity pumping through your veins, crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body, like a shock. You're no longer you now. You're part of something greater. You're a part of a speed-force. It's yours. Now do it. Run Barry Run
Hey Guys Welcome BAck to ANother MINECRAFT ROBLOX VIDEO. Today I will be playing lets play the piano by a black kid. WOW copyrighted another guys video man ur yt channel sucks lemme file reports to take it down.
Listen to me, Barry. Breathe. Breathe. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. Feel the ground, your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward, and the lightning - Barry, feel the lightning. Feel its power. It's electricity pumping through your veins, crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body, like a shock. You're no longer you now. You're part of something greater. You're a part of a speed-force. It's yours. Now do it. Run Barry Run
A fan i see
No hablo inglés pero entendí lo que dice B).
This quote is from the trickster episode
Wow just wow that’s awesome
The lights on your keyboard look like reverse flash's eyes
A keyboard Cisco would make
So old frog guy
Bro thx you are so good bro!
Thanks sooooo much you help me preform in school I sub and like
Tysm I can play it now I free liked
MA - 09ZZ 833210 Fallingbrook MS no dreaming dip sherlock
Is that a light up Casio keyboard cuz I have the same
U move likw the flash wow
Loved it
I think it would’ve sounded better if you slowed down a little, but still sounds awesome
Wait someone else did the same videos
do green arrow
I didn't know
Agent Epsilon great vid I have to try this also apparently u stole this vid🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔and I dont believe that
How could he steal it if he says "agent epsilon here"
Slow tutorial
Bro That isnt good try it with both hands
This isn’t even it-
What the heck
ok and? He just made it different and he didn’t say it was a real theme.
Hey Guys Welcome BAck to ANother MINECRAFT ROBLOX VIDEO. Today I will be playing lets play the piano by a black kid. WOW copyrighted another guys video man ur yt channel sucks lemme file reports to take it down.
Randy S. I actually didn't know.
I filmed this on my phone I swear. I actually had know clue
Really? Black kid!
hEy GUyS it’s RanDy hERe. No one likes u bro
Check your resources
can i file you for playing roblox and minecraft?