"I love you means I see you"...that was just beautiful :) I have Sun square Chiron and I've started to realise more and more that what really makes me feel alive is inspiring other people and also being inspired by others. I just have to figure it out how to get there to have more of this in my life, on a regular basis...I feel really strongly drawn towards healing, but my current job and life circumstances and background are anything but that. Though I strongly feel that I will come to a point where I will just say stop this, I don't want to be at war with my heart's desires anymore...
Maybe without knowing you're probably an example of 'courage' for the people who are close to you. Forgot to mention that in the video that courage is also important with Sun/Cheiron.
Incredible! I have Sun conj Chiron in 5th House and do EXACTLY what you said we should do - I assist people to transform their vision to reality through posiitve thinking and vision boards. Sagittarius Rising and Moon also - exactly what you said - the explorer! Thank you...
Thank you so much for your insight! I am a male with my sun within 2 degrees of conjunt Chiron, and i never understood what it meant until now. you pretty much identified me perfectly. Having this aspect is not easy, but i think with the right mindset it can be very rewarding. staying true to yourself and trusting your intuition is key- try not to others take advantage of your gifts of empathy, and be more open with people. It's a neverending journey and i'm still learning more and more about myself everyday, and its what you do with that knowledge that will determine your happiness on this plain. thanks again for your insight ! GREY WEATHERS
Wow so interesting,. I have Fifth House Capricorn Sun conjunct Chiron. I wanted to be an interior designer since I was 14 years old. I have an eye for design and color. I sent away for information on schools but my Mom said that was out of the question and I had to go to work. I had 7 siblings. My other two sisters went to college they were younger than me. I found out my Mom herself wanted to be a designer but did not have the opportunity. There was a jealousy there. I never understood. She supported my sisters. I will say my father and I had a strained relationship caused by my Mom. I have The Sun and Chiron trine my ninth house Jupiter. I do very well in supporting others but felt for a long time that I was not good enough, invisible. So this does explain so much to me. I have healed at a much older age, I no longer talk to many siblings. They would ridicule me because I was not like them. I found so much self love and they were never loving to begin with. Takers not givers. Mare
This makes alot of sense I have sun chiron conj in 7th House. The healing is a major theme for us. We tend to be very harsh on ourselves alot of times on the inside. However doing the work on finding out is very worth it
Veerle, I so appreciate your videos. You always have such great insight! This weekend, 10/28/19, we had a new moon at 4 degrees Scorpio, which was conjunct my progressed Chiron, so I did a search to see what astrologers had to say about Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron. Your discussion of healing on many levels really spoke to me. I am working on healing at many levels, as well, nutritional, bodywork, and psychological. The sharing of your personal history with your lineage was spot on. I am also working on my family relationships, current, and past, as part of my healing process. We can learn so much by listening to each other's stories! Thank you so much!
I am a Sag Chiron Conjuct Midhaven (orb 5•59') I am a wounded healer and I used my pain to heal others thru my foundation helping orphans and single mothers thru empowerment.
Thank you so much for this video, it was the story of my life lol, Uranus is aspecting Mercury Rx right now and i woke up thinking about my self esteem issues, and i found your video! I'm Sun conjunct Chiron in Gemini, 1st house. Lots of love for you! x
I have this. I have sun connunct jupiter conjunct chiron all in cancer and all opposed to saturn in cap. In a way, pain is all I know but it has taught me so much about myself and others. I connect with the chiron story so much. I hope to be a positive influence in spite of everything
I have two planets near Chiron, one 6 degrees and the other 7 degrees apart in Leo. When I was a teen I was very confident and fierce and I noticed people gradually started attacking my ego and my pride completely unprovoked. I was called arrogant because I loved myself, and was told 'not' to have so much pride. Unfortunately I moved to a foreign country due to parents and was a minority and they absolutely ambushed my pride. Anytime I displayed confidence it's like the world took offense, I suppressed my confidence and in resentment I also attacked others who displayed confidence and got joy from breaking people apart as a form of revenge. In relationships I always manage to hurt the other person, most times without trying and my aspects aren't even that strong so I feel for those with closer aspects. I'm healing myself and staying single as I'm not going to hurt anyone anymore, especially all the women I've hurt in the past that truly did not deserve it.
Sorry for your pain. I have bad chiron aspects too, i have it touching my ascendant so ppl can literally see that i have a wounded sense of self/ego......any time i have abit of pride life finds a way to take it away. It's like im not allowed any pride like others, so i get you.
I have 10 degree conjunct so not tight but i highly relate! At one point just existing was super painful and required courage i didnt want anyone to look at me. Quite hard to be in the world when you feel that way. Started healing 8 years ago and its a massive part of my life now and while i still have struggles i have improved massively. It is possible
I don't know if you ever look at Human Design, but in my Human Design chart, I have Chiron conjunct Sun (less than 1 deg Orb, or to put in HD terms, same gate and line). With this placement landing in the 1st house of my natal chart conjunct the ascendant - perhaps it means healing is needed on my father's side of the family. He was gone most of my upbringing. He was an alcoholic/drug addict who physically abused my mom (and many people that I don't know). There was suffering due to his presence and suffering due to his absence. Before he died, he kept saying "I'm sorry", over and over and over and over....like a record with a damaged groove that the needle catches on. His father also abandoned his family. Perhaps if my work clearly contributes to the healing of others, it would help heal the bloodline.
Right you are!!!!I had a distant relative( 2nd cousin from LATVIA!!!!0) contact me this month. My Grandparents fled from the Russian takeover. His grandfather stayed. Facinating , I have a natal chiron sextile sun and my new second cousin is a sweet pisces sun conjunct Chiron. MY boyfriend is moon conjunct Chiron. He's a book of wounds. I just want to talk about me. My past two years I have had chiron cross my descendant back and forth opposing my natal pluto conjunct ascendant. I was physically attacked by two different animals . The punctures were both to a leg already compromised by a sports injury as a girl (Saturn opposed natal saturn). This month we have this square and starting from the new moon of pisces with chiron there My leg started hurting again.!I am healing it with elevation and castor oil packs and watching you. Tai Chi is another form of healing many levels at once I practice when I can walk.. I've been doing that since I was hit by a car in 1993. I have a mars square to that natal pluto virgo rising. I think anything that any transit touching on those angles sets off some physical injury or accident for me to survive and heal up. I guess I pass along nuggets of what worked on whatever issue I healed from, so I do consider myself a healer. My natal sun is in the ninth. chiron seventh. I'm going to be approaching the return soon. I'll let you know if someone can benefit by the heads up..Thank you for spending time on this subject- It's my focus
Hello Veerle, I really appreciate your videos. It very insightful and you have a great understanding of your vocation and have a brilliant way of relating the information which so helpful. Thank you for this :-D Sun conjt Chiron interestingly enough has only now come to my attention, and what you said is spot on in my life story in its regards. For me, yes my father has issues and mother but then who doesn't? lol However its been the lives I have lived before is my sore spot. I have been fearful of success and the "spotlight" being "known" for anything that attracts the public. Since I was a little girl I have been told by random people that I am a healer, seer... and I am aware of my abilities for the most part... but now the message from spirit is I am a "wise woman". This makes me feel very uneasy and since the message has come through I have been resisting to be of any healing help to anyone! lol CHRIST... what is WISDOM??? lol Well I am wise enough to question it anyway! lol Of course there are other factors involved like not being believed by others when I tell them something or being "attacked" when I say something that they don't want to know. And yet and still they ask me anyway. It is a painful/ hurtful process. I have the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Chiron in Pisces 3rd house. Chiron late degree conjunct my Sun in Aries... which also contain Saturn, North Node and Mars late degree. My sun is also trine Neptune but Neptune is square to my Moon and Jupiter... and conjunct to Uranus AND opposition to MC lol Not to mention CHIRON is trine Neptune and in opposition to Pluto and Uranus... while Neptune is sextile to Pluto and Uranus, they both square my AC which Sagittarius!. Honestly... I just keep wondering what is life asking of me... maybe I have to much fog in my brain to see it! lol what is the point of having abilities if you are going to be ridicule for it or not believed( this is mostly from family members mind you... not other people as a rule)... and sometimes I get confused myself and I don't know what I am at! lol WHERE IS THE BLISS in all of this... or at least a BREAK! lol Gee wiz :-D I am 46 yrs now and so tired of it and I would rather just have a enough money to buy myself a house somewhere in the country side with a big beautiful garden... live there in peace and paint and write poetry for the rest of my life undisturbed! lol :-D I think Uranus transit is making me feel rather pissed off about the whole thing lol I feel nervous just talking about it, Ah what to do.... any word of help or guidance would be much appreciated it :-D Thank you once again for your generous help and insight into the matter... you are brilliant. Love and blessing to you and your loved ones, Angela XOX
Angela J The fear and the not knowing what to do with your essence is very recognisable. Just be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself about the confusion and the not knowing how to deal with yourself and maybe you'll be able to let go of the worry and therefore let in of the joy in life. Thank you for sharing your some of your story
I have this in Cancer, in the 8th house. My parents weren't ready/didn't want kids. Self-parenting has been a focus in my life since my 20's.. when faced with a choice or a difficult situation, I ask myself what I would want for a child or loved one, and there's the answer. I try to recognize the child in others as well.
Thank you for these words. Remember, too, that the wounded healer can only help heal others to their level of health. To heal fully, one needs to change their light architecture back to the original blueprint. of course now, this person is not drawn to help heal others because they healed themselves.
Thank you! I have Chiron conjunct my Pisces stellium of Mercury, Sun, Moon and Mars and I'm noticing in the charts of the loved ones who have transitioned that transiting Chiron and transiting Sun are conjunct or transiting Chiron conjuncts my natal Sun on the day they transitioned.
Half black half Jewish (half the Jewish family died in Poland during the war). It’s so disturbing when ppl tell me to look at my ancestors’ placements, I feel this weird resentment and abandonment, maybe like being an orphan!
You are not orphelin, you have a huge legacy... And remember, to be a whole jew, you just need a Jew mom ;) Drake has a similar background, Craig David too ! Best wishes
Can you make a video explaining the specific meaning for the different signs of sun conjunct Chiron ? I’m a leo and my sun is in 13.25 degrees and Chiron conjunct it in 13.20 degrees !
i have sun conjuct chiron, pluto conjuct chiron, and mercury conjuct chiron. in other words, i have sun, pluto, and chiron all in sagittarius (11th house). what do all of these together mean?
Thanks so much for your video. I have natal sun and moon conjunct in Taurus (all within 3.5 degrees) and I’ve felt it all my life. Doesn’t help that if squares my Leonine ascendant and Jupiter. LOL
Hi, thanks for your vid. I have sun conjunct chiron, and chiron is opposite Uranus and square Saturn and I can assure you there's a lot of pain here! ;-)
what do you think of Pluto opposite chiron (in the 4th house) in synastry? I advised her to consult her parents, because she was -so negatively- a narcissist..
Thank you Veerle, it was such a help for me. I´m researching my natal chart to ground and balance myself during my midlife transitions I´m passing through (I´m 42) step by step for past couple of years and now I finally reached with my research to Chiron. I have my sun and Chiron and sun and Mercury conjunct in 10th house- so it´s a stellium as I just read from somewhere, though I do not know it´s meaning yet. I focused for a long time on mu north node and meditated on it- which is in 4th with my moon and outer planets- my natal chart is an hourglass chart cause most placements are in 4th and 10th. But what you said about this placement, really made a lot of sense to me. I´ve been hurt a lot and my whole life is in ruins right now after my long career ended suddenly couple of years ago.. and I´ve been through a lot to reinvent myself. Looks like I´ve reached the end of this road finally :). Hugs from Estonia.
Hi Veerle, thank you for the beautiful video. I could relate to many of the things you said. What do you think about Sun trine Chiron? I have Sun in Sagittarius in the 12th house trine Chiron in Leo in the 8th, forming sort of a weird mutual reception if you count Sagittarius as Chiron's sign.
Veerle, would you count Sun opposite Chiron with a wide 9 degree orb? (Sun in Libra in 1st, Chiron in Aries in 7th). Also, do you look at asteroids like Eros and Psyche?
Erin Liu Yes, the opposition is strong as well, though the orb of 9 degree is already wide. Yes, sometimes I look at asteroids and mention them in my monthly horoscopes, only when they make important conjunctions.
Veerle, i am fascinated with Chiron but i am still trying to understand it thoroughly and see how it actually manifests. What do you think of this in synastry: Sun conj. NN/Pluto (1st) and Chiron conj. SN (7th)?
Wtf. My father has sun conjuct chiron in the first house and his father had left his family years ago and noone knows his family. What a destiny is this. My father died in his young ages and my grandfather died in my baby times. What a destiny is this. It is very sad and unfair. It makes me so sad right now...
In my synastry chart my partner's ascendant opposite my Chiron, what does it mean and how it affects my relationship with him ? Is it a hard negative aspects ? If so how to deal with it.
I have sun and chiron conjuct 2,50 orb in 12th house they are also in declination sun parallel chiron at 0;04 degrees what does this mean!? THANKYOU :)
+Karissa Mariiee My dad lost his mom a few years before I was born. That affected him a lot. Him and I have the same moon...we clash, but he always tells me when we argue that it feels like he's arguing with his mom....that I'm "her reincarnated." I also look like her.
I Like You Veerle, you are real. Your hair is red....The Kingdom of God Is like a woman who mixed three meaasure of grain until the whole mix was levened. What do I mean by that? I am Irish blooded and my blood speaks to me and so does everyone esles....I think. The Vikings came down to the emerald Isles and sowed thier seed in the tribes of Ephraim and Manassah.Three measure...Dan Ehriam and Manassah. Anyway if ya have got some spare time. Do a chart on ME! Born in Newcastle NSW Australia 2307....3rd of Feb 1963. Time about 3 in the morning. Cheers Craig.
I have My chiron conjuct My Sun in 11th house Leo. Oppositing My Saturn in 5th house. Squaring My moon in 8th house and squaring My Pluto in 3rd house. It has really been a ride down into the rabbit Hole of My ancestors and My spiritual gifts of being a witch.. it is not an easy ride but i am så thankful for this video it gives me so much knowledge and understanding of My self and My spiritual Path as a healer and leader 💚💚💚 thank you!
"I love you means I see you"...that was just beautiful :)
I have Sun square Chiron and I've started to realise more and more that what really makes me feel alive is inspiring other people and also being inspired by others. I just have to figure it out how to get there to have more of this in my life, on a regular basis...I feel really strongly drawn towards healing, but my current job and life circumstances and background are anything but that. Though I strongly feel that I will come to a point where I will just say stop this, I don't want to be at war with my heart's desires anymore...
Absolutely, we can only help as far as the level we're at. Someone said to me once that the clients we attract are just the ones we are ready for.
“I love you means I see you”
:-) ❤️
Maybe without knowing you're probably an example of 'courage' for the people who are close to you. Forgot to mention that in the video that courage is also important with Sun/Cheiron.
I'm a Leo sun, with almost all personal planets in leo, and in chiron. I think people don't see Leo's love to help people.
Incredible! I have Sun conj Chiron in 5th House and do EXACTLY what you said we should do - I assist people to transform their vision to reality through posiitve thinking and vision boards. Sagittarius Rising and Moon also - exactly what you said - the explorer! Thank you...
Thank you, this was truly a great interpretation of this placement! I have the Sun and Chiron in Scorpio.
same :))) hi friend
Thank you so much for your insight! I am a male with my sun within 2 degrees of conjunt Chiron, and i never understood what it meant until now. you pretty much identified me perfectly. Having this aspect is not easy, but i think with the right mindset it can be very rewarding. staying true to yourself and trusting your intuition is key- try not to others take advantage of your gifts of empathy, and be more open with people. It's a neverending journey and i'm still learning more and more about myself everyday, and its what you do with that knowledge that will determine your happiness on this plain. thanks again for your insight !
Wow so interesting,. I have Fifth House Capricorn Sun conjunct Chiron. I wanted to be an interior designer since I was 14 years old. I have an eye for design and color. I sent away for information on schools but my Mom said that was out of the question and I had to go to work. I had 7 siblings. My other two sisters went to college they were younger than me. I found out my Mom herself wanted to be a designer but did not have the opportunity. There was a jealousy there. I never understood. She supported my sisters. I will say my father and I had a strained relationship caused by my Mom. I have The Sun and Chiron trine my ninth house Jupiter. I do very well in supporting others but felt for a long time that I was not good enough, invisible. So this does explain so much to me. I have healed at a much older age, I no longer talk to many siblings. They would ridicule me because I was not like them. I found so much self love and they were never loving to begin with. Takers not givers. Mare
This makes alot of sense I have sun chiron conj in 7th House. The healing is a major theme for us. We tend to be very harsh on ourselves alot of times on the inside. However doing the work on finding out is very worth it
I have this too!
This is phenomenal!!! Thanks a million!!!
This is so frustrating!!
The video only plays up until minute 11:51
Veerle, I so appreciate your videos. You always have such great insight! This weekend, 10/28/19, we had a new moon at 4 degrees Scorpio, which was conjunct my progressed Chiron, so I did a search to see what astrologers had to say about Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron.
Your discussion of healing on many levels really spoke to me. I am working on healing at many levels, as well, nutritional, bodywork, and psychological. The sharing of your personal history with your lineage was spot on. I am also working on my family relationships, current, and past, as part of my healing process. We can learn so much by listening to each other's stories! Thank you so much!
😭😂 this is me! my parents act heartbroken that I went to art school instead of engineering or architecture
Same here 🤣🤣
im glad that you made that decision
WOW this explains my father issues SO much
And mom 🙃😭🥺 it’s going to be alright
And WOW have I been looking at my ancestors and clearing generational patterns
WOW I literally started school for photography and my dad SAID to me it can’t make money 😂😂
I am a Sag Chiron Conjuct Midhaven (orb 5•59') I am a wounded healer and I used my pain to heal others thru my foundation helping orphans and single mothers thru empowerment.
Thank you so much for this video, it was the story of my life lol, Uranus is aspecting Mercury Rx right now and i woke up thinking about my self esteem issues, and i found your video! I'm Sun conjunct Chiron in Gemini, 1st house. Lots of love for you! x
Ismael Silva I'm glad it was helpful!
I have this. I have sun connunct jupiter conjunct chiron all in cancer and all opposed to saturn in cap. In a way, pain is all I know but it has taught me so much about myself and others. I connect with the chiron story so much. I hope to be a positive influence in spite of everything
I have two planets near Chiron, one 6 degrees and the other 7 degrees apart in Leo. When I was a teen I was very confident and fierce and I noticed people gradually started attacking my ego and my pride completely unprovoked. I was called arrogant because I loved myself, and was told 'not' to have so much pride. Unfortunately I moved to a foreign country due to parents and was a minority and they absolutely ambushed my pride. Anytime I displayed confidence it's like the world took offense, I suppressed my confidence and in resentment I also attacked others who displayed confidence and got joy from breaking people apart as a form of revenge. In relationships I always manage to hurt the other person, most times without trying and my aspects aren't even that strong so I feel for those with closer aspects. I'm healing myself and staying single as I'm not going to hurt anyone anymore, especially all the women I've hurt in the past that truly did not deserve it.
Sorry for your pain. I have bad chiron aspects too, i have it touching my ascendant so ppl can literally see that i have a wounded sense of self/ego......any time i have abit of pride life finds a way to take it away. It's like im not allowed any pride like others, so i get you.
I have 10 degree conjunct so not tight but i highly relate! At one point just existing was super painful and required courage i didnt want anyone to look at me. Quite hard to be in the world when you feel that way. Started healing 8 years ago and its a massive part of my life now and while i still have struggles i have improved massively. It is possible
I don't know if you ever look at Human Design, but in my Human Design chart, I have Chiron conjunct Sun (less than 1 deg Orb, or to put in HD terms, same gate and line). With this placement landing in the 1st house of my natal chart conjunct the ascendant - perhaps it means healing is needed on my father's side of the family.
He was gone most of my upbringing. He was an alcoholic/drug addict who physically abused my mom (and many people that I don't know). There was suffering due to his presence and suffering due to his absence. Before he died, he kept saying "I'm sorry", over and over and over and over....like a record with a damaged groove that the needle catches on. His father also abandoned his family.
Perhaps if my work clearly contributes to the healing of others, it would help heal the bloodline.
Thanks for sharing about human design, i never knew about this at all
Right you are!!!!I had a distant relative( 2nd cousin from LATVIA!!!!0) contact me this month. My Grandparents fled from the Russian takeover. His grandfather stayed. Facinating , I have a natal chiron sextile sun and my new second cousin is a sweet pisces sun conjunct Chiron. MY boyfriend is moon conjunct Chiron. He's a book of wounds. I just want to talk about me.
My past two years I have had chiron cross my descendant back and forth opposing my natal pluto conjunct ascendant. I was physically attacked by two different animals . The punctures were both to a leg already compromised by a sports injury as a girl (Saturn opposed natal saturn). This month we have this square and starting from the new moon of pisces with chiron there My leg started hurting again.!I am healing it with elevation and castor oil packs and watching you. Tai Chi is another form of healing many levels at once I practice when I can walk.. I've been doing that since I was hit by a car in 1993. I have a mars square to that natal pluto virgo rising. I think anything that any transit touching on those angles sets off some physical injury or accident for me to survive and heal up. I guess I pass along nuggets of what worked on whatever issue I healed from, so I do consider myself a healer. My natal sun is in the ninth. chiron seventh. I'm going to be approaching the return soon. I'll let you know if someone can benefit by the heads up..Thank you for spending time on this subject- It's my focus
I have sun conjunct chiron in the 8th house in Sagittarius this makes so much sense to me.
sun conjunct Chiron in sag, sixth house...this is spot on
Hello Veerle, I really appreciate your videos. It very insightful and you have a great understanding of your vocation and have a brilliant way of relating the information which so helpful. Thank you for this :-D Sun conjt Chiron interestingly enough has only now come to my attention, and what you said is spot on in my life story in its regards. For me, yes my father has issues and mother but then who doesn't? lol However its been the lives I have lived before is my sore spot. I have been fearful of success and the "spotlight" being "known" for anything that attracts the public. Since I was a little girl I have been told by random people that I am a healer, seer... and I am aware of my abilities for the most part... but now the message from spirit is I am a "wise woman". This makes me feel very uneasy and since the message has come through I have been resisting to be of any healing help to anyone! lol CHRIST... what is WISDOM??? lol Well I am wise enough to question it anyway! lol
Of course there are other factors involved like not being believed by others when I tell them something or being "attacked" when I say something that they don't want to know. And yet and still they ask me anyway. It is a painful/ hurtful process. I have the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Chiron in Pisces 3rd house. Chiron late degree conjunct my Sun in Aries... which also contain Saturn, North Node and Mars late degree. My sun is also trine Neptune but Neptune is square to my Moon and Jupiter... and conjunct to Uranus AND opposition to MC lol Not to mention CHIRON is trine Neptune and in opposition to Pluto and Uranus... while Neptune is sextile to Pluto and Uranus, they both square my AC which Sagittarius!. Honestly... I just keep wondering what is life asking of me... maybe I have to much fog in my brain to see it! lol what is the point of having abilities if you are going to be ridicule for it or not believed( this is mostly from family members mind you... not other people as a rule)... and sometimes I get confused myself and I don't know what I am at! lol
WHERE IS THE BLISS in all of this... or at least a BREAK! lol Gee wiz :-D
I am 46 yrs now and so tired of it and I would rather just have a enough money to buy myself a house somewhere in the country side with a big beautiful garden... live there in peace and paint and write poetry for the rest of my life undisturbed! lol :-D I think Uranus transit is making me feel rather pissed off about the whole thing lol I feel nervous just talking about it, Ah what to do.... any word of help or guidance would be much appreciated it :-D
Thank you once again for your generous help and insight into the matter... you are brilliant. Love and blessing to you and your loved ones,
Angela XOX
Angela J The fear and the not knowing what to do with your essence is very recognisable. Just be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself about the confusion and the not knowing how to deal with yourself and maybe you'll be able to let go of the worry and therefore let in of the joy in life. Thank you for sharing your some of your story
So beautiful... it really touched myself your reading, your vision of this important aspect I have. Thank you so much for that! Hugs from Brazil♥️🌷
Who! That was REALLY helpful Veerle!!Thankx again!!
I have this in Cancer, in the 8th house. My parents weren't ready/didn't want kids. Self-parenting has been a focus in my life since my 20's.. when faced with a choice or a difficult situation, I ask myself what I would want for a child or loved one, and there's the answer. I try to recognize the child in others as well.
Thank you for these words. Remember, too, that the wounded healer can only help heal others to their level of health. To heal fully, one needs to change their light architecture back to the original blueprint. of course now, this person is not drawn to help heal others because they healed themselves.
Thank you! I have Chiron conjunct my Pisces stellium of Mercury, Sun, Moon and Mars and I'm noticing in the charts of the loved ones who have transitioned that transiting Chiron and transiting Sun are conjunct or transiting Chiron conjuncts my natal Sun on the day they transitioned.
Half black half Jewish (half the Jewish family died in Poland during the war). It’s so disturbing when ppl tell me to look at my ancestors’ placements, I feel this weird resentment and abandonment, maybe like being an orphan!
You are not orphelin, you have a huge legacy... And remember, to be a whole jew, you just need a Jew mom ;)
Drake has a similar background, Craig David too ! Best wishes
Thank you so much for this video! It was all spot on and very helpful!
Glad it came at the right time.
Thank you, Julie!
Can you make a video explaining the specific meaning for the different signs of sun conjunct Chiron ? I’m a leo and my sun is in 13.25 degrees and Chiron conjunct it in 13.20 degrees !
I'm a Leo and my sun is conjunct Chiron at 0 degrees Leo in my 4th house
Sun conjunct chiron in Capricorn.
Could you ever do Chiron conjunct ascendant?
How about conjunct the North Node?
Wow... I'm still absorbing. I'm late Sag conj Chiron -- spinal cord injuries affecting right leg/side and unmanageable pain...
I have sun conjuncted Chiron in Cap and 4H
Interesting. Quincunx of sun and chiron... Curious what would be different,switch on and off, on and off light.
i have sun conjuct chiron, pluto conjuct chiron, and mercury conjuct chiron. in other words, i have sun, pluto, and chiron all in sagittarius (11th house). what do all of these together mean?
Thanks so much for your video. I have natal sun and moon conjunct in Taurus (all within 3.5 degrees) and I’ve felt it all my life. Doesn’t help that if squares my Leonine ascendant and Jupiter. LOL
Hi, thanks for your vid. I have sun conjunct chiron, and chiron is opposite Uranus and square Saturn and I can assure you there's a lot of pain here! ;-)
what do you think of Pluto opposite chiron (in the 4th house) in synastry?
I advised her to consult her parents, because she was -so negatively- a narcissist..
Do u know how this plays out in synastry with family
I have this placement in Leo with Jupiter in Leo , very close to mc in cancer , opposite moon Saturn in Aquarius
Thank you Veerle, it was such a help for me. I´m researching my natal chart to ground and balance myself during my midlife transitions I´m passing through (I´m 42) step by step for past couple of years and now I finally reached with my research to Chiron. I have my sun and Chiron and sun and Mercury conjunct in 10th house- so it´s a stellium as I just read from somewhere, though I do not know it´s meaning yet. I focused for a long time on mu north node and meditated on it- which is in 4th with my moon and outer planets- my natal chart is an hourglass chart cause most placements are in 4th and 10th. But what you said about this placement, really made a lot of sense to me. I´ve been hurt a lot and my whole life is in ruins right now after my long career ended suddenly couple of years ago.. and I´ve been through a lot to reinvent myself. Looks like I´ve reached the end of this road finally :). Hugs from Estonia.
Hi Veerle, thank you for the beautiful video. I could relate to many of the things you said. What do you think about Sun trine Chiron?
I have Sun in Sagittarius in the 12th house trine Chiron in Leo in the 8th, forming sort of a weird mutual reception if you count Sagittarius as Chiron's sign.
I have Chiron conjunct sun and Chiron conjunct Pluto! I also have sun conjunct pluto please help haha beautiful message by the way!
Veerle, would you count Sun opposite Chiron with a wide 9 degree orb? (Sun in Libra in 1st, Chiron in Aries in 7th). Also, do you look at asteroids like Eros and Psyche?
Erin Liu Yes, the opposition is strong as well, though the orb of 9 degree is already wide. Yes, sometimes I look at asteroids and mention them in my monthly horoscopes, only when they make important conjunctions.
So same goes for synastry....important conjunctions with asteroids? which is your favourite asteroid (or most important in your opinion)?
Veerle, i am fascinated with Chiron but i am still trying to understand it thoroughly and see how it actually manifests. What do you think of this in synastry: Sun conj. NN/Pluto (1st) and Chiron conj. SN (7th)?
But what about if you have Saturn/Chiron togheter in the same Point?
i also have sun in capricorn conjunct chiron 🥺
Sun 0 degrees in Libra conjunct Chiron. What are your thoughts on this?
Hello veerle, i wondered if you would do Pluto conjunct chiron. thank you
Wtf. My father has sun conjuct chiron in the first house and his father had left his family years ago and noone knows his family. What a destiny is this. My father died in his young ages and my grandfather died in my baby times. What a destiny is this. It is very sad and unfair. It makes me so sad right now...
chiron with ascendant?
does this apply to sun opposite chiron?
Sun mercury Chiron ( I believe south node too) conjunct cancer 5th house
In my synastry chart my partner's ascendant opposite my Chiron, what does it mean and how it affects my relationship with him ? Is it a hard negative aspects ? If so how to deal with it.
I have sun and chiron conjuct 2,50 orb in 12th house they are also in declination sun parallel chiron at 0;04 degrees what does this mean!? THANKYOU :)
Interesting enough I have Virgo Sun and Mercury 6th degree 0 orb conjunct Chiron 29th degree Leo in 8th house.
What if its intercepted in aries the 1st house
Sun conjunct Chiron 1 degree orb in 11th house Cancer :/
Sun in Cancer conjunct Chiron...in 12th house....
+Karissa Mariiee My dad lost his mom a few years before I was born. That affected him a lot. Him and I have the same moon...we clash, but he always tells me when we argue that it feels like he's arguing with his mom....that I'm "her reincarnated." I also look like her.
I have lilith, chiron, mercury conjunct sun in Gemini. I'm a hot mess lol
OMG I have Sun conj. Jupiter and Chiron in 9th house:Cancer opp. Saturn
Sun conjunct chiron cancer 1st house
I Like You Veerle, you are real.
Your hair is red....The Kingdom of God Is like a woman who mixed three meaasure of grain until the whole mix was levened.
What do I mean by that?
I am Irish blooded and my blood speaks to me and so does everyone esles....I think.
The Vikings came down to the emerald Isles and sowed thier seed in the tribes of Ephraim and Manassah.Three measure...Dan Ehriam and Manassah.
Anyway if ya have got some spare time.
Do a chart on ME!
Born in Newcastle NSW Australia 2307....3rd of Feb 1963. Time about 3 in the morning.
I have My chiron conjuct My Sun in 11th house Leo. Oppositing My Saturn in 5th house. Squaring My moon in 8th house and squaring My Pluto in 3rd house.
It has really been a ride down into the rabbit Hole of My ancestors and My spiritual gifts of being a witch.. it is not an easy ride but i am så thankful for this video it gives me so much knowledge and understanding of My self and My spiritual Path as a healer and leader 💚💚💚 thank you!