Jenis-Jenis Penghutang
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- I know times are tough, and maybe you are unable to repay someone/ financial institutions. But hey, the keyword here is “Bincang”. Talk to them.
We Malaysians are “kenang jasa” punya orang. Now susah, we get help, but when we get better, we pay what is due. Baru respect, bro.
Alternatively, reach out to AKPK for assistance, but do not request for loan lah, because they are not “ah longs”.
Keep it real okay guys? Berbelanja ikut kemampuan. Kalau tak mampu bayar, jangan pinjam. Kalau pinjam, jangan lupa bayar balik!
Begin your journey with AKPK. Visit to send in your enquiries or requests, and AKPK will get in touch with you.
#douglaslim #akpk #agensikaunselingdanpengurusankredit Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK)
Abu Hurairah berkata, Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Jiwa seorang Mukmin itu tergantung kerana hutangnya hinggalah hutangnya dilangsaikan.” (Riwayat at-Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan al-Baihaqi)
A wise man said... Don't lend money. If you must, then don't expect it returned.
and also, dont make promises u cant keep. thats what borrowers always do when they borrow
Bagus betul video ni.. terutama Bab ending tu.. nasihat kpd yg berhutang kpd org lain.. support Douglas Lim Channel..👍
Hahaha, good acting, funny video and good message too. As a last resort, can consider this too.
"Ong Tak Chai, thank you for calling. Can lend me $500, ah? Why? So that I can pay you back the $500 I owe you loh!" Hahaha
I have to give props to Douglas Lim 👏 cuz it’s pretty spot on..I too have financial issue but I’ve dealt with it without asking help from others but certain other ppl keep asking me money when they’re in trouble only but bila dah senang aku jadi invisible to them…eh mcm la aku ni bank atm 🤣
He is not being racist but speaks the truth. I rather watch this dude than entertain extremist
I must share this video every single day for all my fellow hutang friends
Everytime my friend come asking to borrow, I would say "What a coincidence, I was looking for someone to lend me money also. If you know anyone, let me know ok?" No headache thinking of getting back borrowed money.
Genius 🤣
lmfao, i did that too 😂
Usually I just "give" without expecting anything back. U see, ppl will not ask for hutang if they're not in trouble. Just make sure they hv valid reason to borrow cukup. Do not expect anything in return and you'll lead a more cheerful life.
Good remark
Seorang yg lari dari hutang sehingga sanggup terputus hubungan dgn kawan,anda baru sahaja kehilangan seorang kawan yg berada disisi anda saat kesusahan..persahabatan tu lebih mahal dari,good luck for your future lah..
Thank you Douglas. Unpacked bags.
reminds me that I needed to pay off my utilities.. sigh.
Itulah sebab saya tak suka bagi duit hutang kepada kawan. Kalau ada duit, bagije, tak payah hutang. kalau takde, atau taknak bagi, kataje tak boleh bagi atau takde.
Btul. Amaun paling cantik rm50. Bgtau sedekah, ade ni je, bye
At first I thought it was your friends who owes you money :)
I for one agree, borrowing money's from friends/relatives who trust you and help when you're broke/in trouble should be return as an appreciation. Earn their trust!
Betul...bincang...cuma penyakit org kt ni suka hidup bermewah sehingga menyebabkan sendiri menjadi susah sampai berhutang....(dari satu sudut)..dan sepattnya hutang boleh dilangsaikan sekalipun bayaran ansuran..hutang pun satu keperluan dlm hidup ..but jgn jadikan hidup terbiasa dgn berhutang sehingga x dibayar...
Hi Douglas, I so needed to laugh. Just unbelievable how cruel some ppl I met can be. So thanks for making this video albeit with a serious message but still your expressions made me laugh like never :)
Kadangkala penghutang yang tak mau bayar duit akan menjauhi diri malahan ada yang memutuskan persahabatan dengan pemiutang. Akhirnya, yang kasihan ialah pemiutang yang kehilangan wang dan persahabatan. Pemiutang juga rasa dikhianati dan tidak dihargai atas budi baiknya
I owe my landlord 5 months rent due to covid. Gov said give moratorium. My landlord said she don't have. Been paying full rental with throughout lock down time,some months failed. Early of the month paid 1 month,1 week later she ask management cut water without notice. Called her up and ask why and i have small kids and covid no water is hard, she said she cannot tahan anymore. She will only ask management unlock water once i pay her all. Water locked 1 week already. Thanks Douglas for making me smile.
kak gov ngn bank boleh la moratorium. sewa pada rakyat marhaen mana ada moratorium, mungkin sewa akak duit belanja makan anak beranak dia juga
@@nadiahabdrazak6852 betul ckp anda, kami yg sewa rumah malang. Ada juga kawan punya tuan rumah bagus, suruh byr sewa setengah saja.
Saya ada kawan mintak pinjam wang. Altogether 4K dr thn 2008 hgga 2011. Dia dah byr 1.5K so balance 2.5K. Saya cdgkan byr sebulan RM100, dlm 2 thn 1 bln selesai. Itupun dia tak mampu bayar. Yg kelakarnya (mgkn sedih) dia boleh pergi Turki dan Korea . Ada pulak duit. 🙁😢😡🤬
Mmg bnyk CB kawan lintah ni.
Fatimah Mat Zain.. duit berhutang Tu lah agaknya pi melancong Turki dan Korea..
Why don't u confront (menghadapi) yr friend n ask her straight to her face, how is it that she cannot pay u back the money but can afford to travel to Turkey n Korea. If she can't give u a good answer, then she is not a good friend. I will advise u to forget abt her n the money. Karma will get her in the end.
@@valerietan2850 I live in Kedah while she is staying in Selangor. I just pray Allah the Almighty give me strength to face this kind of problem. I've known her for 31 years already. Let her deal it in her own way because whether she likes it or not, she has to pay the money back to me.
So true of many borrowers...sigh
Ada satu lagi jenis.. kita tuntut dia marah kita balik.. hmmm
This guy cracks me up each and every time. Every damn time.
Sangat sakit hati bila kawan rapat nak pinjam duit - kita bagi, walaupun kita sendiri kesempitan - bagi sebab dia "janji" nak bayar balik "minggu depan". So bila minggu depan tu dah sampai, call, dia jawab. Alhamdulillah dia bayar, tapi bukan semua. Ada baki lagi, dia kata dia akan bayar "bulan depan". Dah lebih dua tahun dah "bulan depan" tu. Nak kata dia jenis sengkek, bawak BMW... Sampai sekarang dia 'hilang'. Kat socmed pun dah takde apa² update status. Kawan² lain pun x tau dia hidup lagi ke atau tidak. Nak call dia sampai kita yg bagi hutang ni dah segan dan malas nak call sebab bila call tak dijawab. Pasrah je lah.
Same la kite,jenuh dh jumpa,mntk bgai rase mcm diri jdi pengemis je...pndai2 la dia tnggung mlas nk kisah dh
jangan halalkn je
Hahaha so true 🤣
“Dan jika orang yang berhutang itu sedang mengalami kesempitan hidup, maka berilah tempoh sehingga ia lapang hidupnya dan (sebaliknya) bahawa kamu sedekahkan hutang itu (kepadanya) adalah lebih baik untuk kamu, kalau kamu mengetahui (pahalanya yang besar yang kamu akan dapati kelak).”
(Al-Quran, Surah al-Baqarah: 280)
tapi makan sedap post kat facebook...
No 3 I salute you lah braderr......
Menjadi you punya ala2 India slang
Good job...!!!
Omg , nice acting lor...Ong Tak Chai...tunnel....oh tunnel 😆😆😆
Moral of the story hor, jangan kasi hutang lor 😉 Cash is King! So No Money No Honey or buddy2 lah 🤭
Bijan lah no. 😁
@@beautifuldream108 👍🏻ok lah you win 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Correction : Cash is King mah! No Money No Bijan lah. This also Uncle need to tell you meh, Ah Boy Ah Boy 🤪
I've been giving money away my whole life, whenever someone ask for help I will never avoid, the so called loan also need not pay back however bad my situation turns out later. ''When we help, don't expect any favor in return''. Times are already bad when that person ask for help, how could one chase for payment if borrower is in shitty times? Of course, if sudah hutang don't avoid lah......and then.....often if not always those excuses had been used over and over throughout generations.
You have a good heart sir 👍
Betul sungguh sangat. Says ada seorang kawan sudah kenal Dua puluh tahun. Bila mahu pinjam ,apa-apa jaminan pun beri.
Tetapi bila suruh bayar, apa-apa alasan pun ada.
Sampai Sekarang pun tidak bayar....Lagi tipu ...
Sakit hatiku tengok kawan menjadi duit Mata
Thanks Douglas.
drama kehidupan realiti yg terjadi di malaysia ini.
good job bro.
Wahhhhh DL. First time see you so serious one ohh.....good la.....👍👍
unfortunately remind me of my old family members who have 'selective memory' whenever I confront them with their lies and backstabs.
dah serik bagi hutang. sampai sy tersentak jap "kalau I bagi hutang, kena terima hakikat duit itu tak akan kembali" Maka dengan anjakan paradigma ini, sy tak akan pinjamkan lagi
Nice one lah Douglassssss
1:54 why this scene reminds of ah jib "as far as I'm concerned" 😂
true… so many sohai know how to borrow, but need to beg them to return
Thank you Douglas!
very good advice
Semoga Allah beri taufiq dan hidayah kepada Douglas Lim 🙏😊
1st one chinese, 2nd one Malay, 3rd one Indian, keluarga Malaysia😂
East Malaysian di mana? 🙃
@@KYWong no sabahan and no sarawakian, the 'keluarga malaysia' aren't complete.
Cina if pinjam will be in tens of thousands.
@@annemariw3169 exactly lor. Rhetoric from politicians, species of which you would probably not to be trusted to guard your rights with. I understand the pain of my fellow East Malaysian brethrens.
Thanks..nak forward kat member
Good one👍
I still ada hutang dgn ptptn, hopefully by next year I can settle it ^^
This video is also for those who pinjam duit PTPTN tp mati mati pn cakap itu duit kerajaan bagi free. 😂
Orang yg hutang dgn kita tapi kita pulak rasa mcm ah long bila nak mintak balik, kita pulak yg rasa malu nak mintak hutang tu haha
Good videos. Only problem is when those that are owing you huge money are elders from your own church and their family. Then it gets super messy....
PSA la pulak brader ,power2
Zaman Sekarang yang Menghutang Lebih garang Daripada yang kasih Hutang 🗿
Wah seh another PSA by AKPK & Douglas Lim
Another awesome episode 👍
Klu ada saudara atau kawan lama takda jumpa,tiba x2 muncul dtg belanja minum.. mesti mo awas,pinjam duit tak bayar punya..
Be Yet Wiser
Your face expression is the best!~ LOL
hutang ni dibawa mati. jgn igt mati x payah bayar.
dlm Islam.. di akhirat nanti, kalau kita tak bayar balik hutang org.. kita akan dipaksa bayar balik dengan amalan dan kebaikan kita. sekiranya kebaikan itu habis, maka dosa si pemberi hutang plk akan diambil dan diletakkan pd si penghutang yg xnk bayar.
jgn igt kt dunia lepas, kt sana takkan lepas jgk.
Dia call kata nak duit terdesak sbb nak bayar duit motor. Minggu depan tu dia update kat instastory pergi krabi dgn member lain...🤦 Aku ni nak pi belah utara pon kumpul duit 6bulan baru pegi...
Hahahha... I help you, you help me, hahaha
My own uncle never paid back and hiding away. Still will hunt him down to get back it.
Douglas the best
Bila guna ayat hutang walaupun seringit orang akan semula jadi berat membayar.
Douglas, tolong buat video drama2 byr hutang ptptn lak
Haha padu..
3:33 my heart very tissue 🤣🤣🤣
A lot out there have no money to pay back loan but have money to go on holiday, dine at fine restaurants , shopping… karma will get back on these people!!
Douglas. Why one of your hand's finger nails are long, the other one is clean cut? Just curious
Hoping for you to do a sketch abt cik... Timah !! And Lhdn tax repayment. 🤭😄
Im looking for a bank which can prform 2things....give me a loan n then leave me alone!!!
Dislik tu suke berhutanglah tuu tapi tak mau bayar en en en ennnnnn
Yang best tu dia ingat pulak orang lain Tak bayar hutang dia... Siap keluar Hadith perihal Tak bayar hutang dalam status whatapps... Tapi hutang Kita dia boleh cakap... "Aku nak pinjam duit 500... Tapi Tak janji bila boleh bayar"... macam ni punya manusia pun ada...
You haven't met the 4th and 5th type yet?
4th type-sudah hilang diri, call no answer, change number liao. Find him not at home, move liao also never inform.
5th type-berlagak gangster. "Woi, where are you? Last week you borrow me rmxxx but you promise me you can borrow rmxxxx mah, where are the money now? Don't ask me return 1st, borrow the amount you promise last time! What?! NO? Fxxx! I am dying Fxxx! You don't help me I die I gonna drag you die 2gether with me!"
hahahahaahahahhaahhahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA the last bugger was spot on!!! lmao man
Kasihan Ong Tak Chai...
Friendship cannot be measured with money. Help and forget, if it came back take it as a bonus. Money is just a resources, some had more some had less some never had enough. Sharing is caring
Geng bas sekolah… hahaaa
Miow panggil...
lepas pinjam tapi tak bayar mmg musibat perangai. downpayment honda ada pulak. bayar bulanan ada pulak duit. mmg jangan harap la aku nak bagi pinjam walau 1sen pun lepas nih.
Kerana itu dalam islam bayar hutang itu wajib
Aku suka dengar china/India fasih berbahasa melayu 👍
Tanya Tony Fernandes Airasia. Hutang duit tapi nak bayar hanya 0.5% balik.
Strange people can borrow money for personal or family issues but have no problem spending their own money on other social activities like drinking and enjoying themself. Advise is never to lend any money. Max also few hundred and consider it lost.
No 3 tu mmg real pernah terjadi. Duduk depan bank hujan 🤣
Lebih baik/untung putus sahabat sebelum beri pinjam daripada putus sahabat selepas bagi pinjam.
I permiutang yang sedih
Hutang2 sy janji sy bayar
Never lend to avoid all kinds of mental stress
Ada hutang tak nak bayar mcm mana tu
geng bas sekolah hahaha
Itu kitten yg kena catnap apa cite skrg?
Hutang Cukai Terkejut dapat surat LHDN Tak Tahu saya dh hutang byk tu nnti sya suruh lawyer kawtim la 👋👋bye2 mkn angin dulu 😎😗
Pilihan watak sesuai dgn jenis2 penghutang 😅
Spot on depiction of the lying and dramatic borrower. No one can beat that race....
Have anyone tried bincang with PTPTN counter staff when you hutang bayar for 6 months ?
Just think of how we got our money. Generally it’s hard earned blood and sweat money and we lend out to people and never get the return. Is it fair to ourself. Tell the borrower no money and avoid them as far as possible. I know it’s easier say than do. Just be careful when we make friends.
🤣 this is good hahahaha.. you make my day
Ada org tu relex je hutang billion2 dekat Negara , siap boleh pergi ke Singapore lagi
ha ha ,I also ada kawan like that ,but mcm they all pandai to make me need to pay for them ,ha ha
Bincang? Haha...bila pinjam sedap, bila nak pulang duit kena marah pula 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
lupa tu utama
4:08 funniest moment