Hey! As the SQ in huge part is a subjective experience, there is no good way to measure it between series vs parallel. Except maybe THD measurement at the same SPL. But from what I heard listening to some music, the series connection seemed to be a bit sharper and faster, though the difference was very little. I would argue the driver itself and the amplifier quality plays much bigger role in getting best SQ
10:09 any knowledgde about this topic i gathered from my father, a goddamn wizard with electronics, yet also didnt see anything about it on the internet, its always just "wire low for more power", instead i did what you did, two series subs into parallel, giving me 2 ohms final at my amp, seems to work fine for years for me, even setting gain by ears, which is wrong but all of my gear survived all the beating i gave it, i aint got no money for anything more than just be careful i guess? greets from balkan
I have long asked if there is a difference in wiring two dual 1 ohm subwoofers to a final 1 ohm load of first series then parallel or first parallel then series. Everyone says there is no difference, so your claim that its better to first do series then parallel answers that but your explanation is not very conclusive. Likewise your claim that wiring in parallel "cuts" the voice coil length in half and subsequently requires greater power to push the remainder of the coil because of the reduction in BL I am also not completely understanding. I just recently watched the Barevids live stream where he said that the most efficient and resilient Taramps if you had to choose between a 2 ohm vs 1 ohm vs 0.5 ohm all same rms output would be to go with the 0.5 ohm. His perspective was focusing on the amplifier while your is on the subwoofer, so its interesting to see the two opposing view points.
After some quick and dirty modeling in falstad.com it seems, I confirmed my statement about first connecting individual woofer voice coils in series and then separate drivers in parallel. For two woofer setup when wiring VC in paralel, driver in series, each driver is seeing double the current at the same produced power. When wiring VC in series, drivers parallel, individual driver current is halved. In both scenarios amplifier is seeing 2ohm load and does not care either way (I'm glossing over the fact that speaker circuits also have reactive components, which could also impact the operation of amplifiers, but it is outside my skillset). So ideally to get the most bang for your buck and protect your gear, one should select drivers so that when connecting all the coils in series and drivers in parallel or series (depends on the result of individual driver impeadances), the amplifier would see it's lowest nominal ohm load to produce the highest power
And in regards to BL reduction - the motor strength (BL) is a measure of how strong the magnetic field within the voice coil gap (B) multiplied by the length of voice coil that is active in the magnetic field, key being ''the length of voice coil''. When connecting separate voice coils in parallel, you halve the winding length and thus halve the BL product. From experience, most manufacturers in driver tech sheets provide BL value for coils connected in series
Patiesībā interesants un diezgan neskarts temats. Būtu labi, ja turpinātu testu ar lielākam jaudām, lai varētu redzēt kas tālāk notiks. Bet nu ja padomā loģiski, tad viss jau visas atbildes mums dzīvē ir priekšā - augstsprieguma līnijas, mājas elektroinstalācija un tt. ne pa velti tur izmanto lielākus spriegumus, lai mazinātu jaudas zudumus siltuma formā.
Jap,vienīgais, kas silda vadus ir ampēri. Par lielākas jaudas testiem - var mēģināt bet domāju ka rezultāti būs līdzīgi. + biki bail tagad vasaras karstumā laist cauri spolei 50hz sīnusu ar 1kw jaudu :D Šis temats man liekas īpaši interesants jo esmu aizrāvies ar bandpass tipa kastēm, kur loadings notiek plašā frekvenču diapazonā kas vēl jo vairāk ierobežo ekskursiju, pasliktinot dzesēšanas apstākļus spolei
I am sharing this video👍
Thanks for the video, very interesting, what's the difference in sq between parallel vs series
Hey! As the SQ in huge part is a subjective experience, there is no good way to measure it between series vs parallel. Except maybe THD measurement at the same SPL. But from what I heard listening to some music, the series connection seemed to be a bit sharper and faster, though the difference was very little. I would argue the driver itself and the amplifier quality plays much bigger role in getting best SQ
@@KarlisZalitis thanks for the info bro
10:09 any knowledgde about this topic i gathered from my father, a goddamn wizard with electronics, yet also didnt see anything about it on the internet, its always just "wire low for more power", instead i did what you did, two series subs into parallel, giving me 2 ohms final at my amp, seems to work fine for years for me, even setting gain by ears, which is wrong but all of my gear survived all the beating i gave it, i aint got no money for anything more than just be careful i guess? greets from balkan
I have long asked if there is a difference in wiring two dual 1 ohm subwoofers to a final 1 ohm load of first series then parallel or first parallel then series. Everyone says there is no difference, so your claim that its better to first do series then parallel answers that but your explanation is not very conclusive. Likewise your claim that wiring in parallel "cuts" the voice coil length in half and subsequently requires greater power to push the remainder of the coil because of the reduction in BL I am also not completely understanding. I just recently watched the Barevids live stream where he said that the most efficient and resilient Taramps if you had to choose between a 2 ohm vs 1 ohm vs 0.5 ohm all same rms output would be to go with the 0.5 ohm. His perspective was focusing on the amplifier while your is on the subwoofer, so its interesting to see the two opposing view points.
After some quick and dirty modeling in falstad.com it seems, I confirmed my statement about first connecting individual woofer voice coils in series and then separate drivers in parallel. For two woofer setup when wiring VC in paralel, driver in series, each driver is seeing double the current at the same produced power. When wiring VC in series, drivers parallel, individual driver current is halved. In both scenarios amplifier is seeing 2ohm load and does not care either way (I'm glossing over the fact that speaker circuits also have reactive components, which could also impact the operation of amplifiers, but it is outside my skillset). So ideally to get the most bang for your buck and protect your gear, one should select drivers so that when connecting all the coils in series and drivers in parallel or series (depends on the result of individual driver impeadances), the amplifier would see it's lowest nominal ohm load to produce the highest power
And in regards to BL reduction - the motor strength (BL) is a measure of how strong the magnetic field within the voice coil gap (B) multiplied by the length of voice coil that is active in the magnetic field, key being ''the length of voice coil''. When connecting separate voice coils in parallel, you halve the winding length and thus halve the BL product. From experience, most manufacturers in driver tech sheets provide BL value for coils connected in series
Patiesībā interesants un diezgan neskarts temats. Būtu labi, ja turpinātu testu ar lielākam jaudām, lai varētu redzēt kas tālāk notiks.
Bet nu ja padomā loģiski, tad viss jau visas atbildes mums dzīvē ir priekšā - augstsprieguma līnijas, mājas elektroinstalācija un tt. ne pa velti tur izmanto lielākus spriegumus, lai mazinātu jaudas zudumus siltuma formā.
Jap,vienīgais, kas silda vadus ir ampēri. Par lielākas jaudas testiem - var mēģināt bet domāju ka rezultāti būs līdzīgi. + biki bail tagad vasaras karstumā laist cauri spolei 50hz sīnusu ar 1kw jaudu :D
Šis temats man liekas īpaši interesants jo esmu aizrāvies ar bandpass tipa kastēm, kur loadings notiek plašā frekvenču diapazonā kas vēl jo vairāk ierobežo ekskursiju, pasliktinot dzesēšanas apstākļus spolei
just buy korean amps
What brand could you recommend?